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MARCH 27, 2022




Change is the only constant thing in this world; with the use of advance technology nowadays, the usual

way of purchasing goods and services is also constantly innovating for the betterment. T. Kavitha (2017) defines

online shopping as a form of electronic commerce where by consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller

over the internet without an intermediary service. In addition to that, Na Li and Ping Zhang (2002) also expound

the idea of online shopping as the process of purchasing products or services via internet where by consumers

could just search, click, and check out instead of physically visit a certain store, look for a product, or comparing

prices as they can do these now online.

Throughout the years, online shopping has been a game-changer for people all over the world as fast

growing world-wide multi-billion-dollar business not just benefit to this but also those consumers who are seeking

for highly diverse way of purchasing effortlessly. Thus, e-commerce changed the way the world does business.

Now the average online shopping and purchase intention rates among online shoppers also vary strongly by

product categorization― electronics, apparels, essentials and etcetera. Online shopping has been shown to provide

more satisfaction to modern consumers seeking convenience and speed (Yu and Wu, 2007)

Furthermore, people switch to online shopping because of the security it offers and conveniency it provides

that physical markets could offer less. Pugh (2018) states that online shopping is like a savior for people who hate

stepping on a crowded place as this new scheme gives stress-free process of purchasing goods and services.

Of course, choosing the best shopping site depends on the wide range availability of the products same goes with

the promotions and deals offered as a marketing strategy of every online shopping site. Along with providing the

comprehensive range of products, online shopping websites offer a lower price for them as well. She also added

that one of the bests deals could ever get is the free delivery which may sometimes surprisingly is offered

throughout the world.

Moreover, because of the exponential growth of e-commerce, it also affects the traditional perception of

consumers which are driven by information formed by the online environment wherein apprises the people what to

choose or where to buy stuffs that will guarantee them a satisfaction as a costumer and at the same time, as a

consumer. The process of making decision depends on the factors that influences them to avail a certain service of

an online shopping site. According to traditional consumer decision model, Consumer purchase decision typically

starts with need awareness, then information search, alternative evaluations, deciding to purchase and finally, post-

purchasing behavior

In terms of seeking information about a specific product, people seek for banner ads or online promotion as

these advertisements may attract customers’ attention and stimulate their interest in particular product. Before

consumers decide to purchase, they will need additional information to help them sort things out through online

channels, e.g.,online catalogs, websites, or search engines (Laudon and Traver, 2009).

However, some consumers still feel unsecured to buy online. For instance, lack of trust and ability to

recognize seem to be the major reasons that impedes consumers to buy online. Also, consumers need to examine

products as well as requires a profound knowledge within the sites and products in it. Thus, this justifies that

consumers’ behavior relies on factors that influences them to shop online.

There are many factors that influence consumers’ behavior to purchase goods and services online and one

of them is the social factor which was determined to be most influencial factor for consumers behavior. According

to Kotler (in Gould, 1979: 42), in order to determine the demand for products, the most important social influences

impacting on such product demands should be determined. It is required for the marketers to consider the impact of

social influence, which includes i. reference groups and even the ii. Social roles and status. Knowledge of

consumer behavior can provide useful input to marketing strategies like advertising and promoting

. The study of consumer purchase behavior, provides information about consumer and his/her consumption patterns

(Nesai, 2009) in addition, studying consumer behavior also includes the study of what, how, and why people are

buying (Khajeh Nasiri, 1387). According to Solomon (1999), with the aim of satisfying needs and desires of people

and different groups, consumer behavior examines the process affecting the selection, purchase and use of

products, services, ideas and experiences (Ismailpour &

Ghafarieashtiyani, 2002). Although, recognizing the social factors that influence online shopping behavior

might not be easy, marketers must consider their customers’ request, intake and buying behavior (Kotler, 2009).

Determining the factors affecting customers’ buying decisions is one of the issues that marketers are trying to

identify in order to understand the interests and demands of their customers and address them.

Prachi Juneja (2019) expound the importance of social influence to consumers buying behaviors as we all live in a

society where in opinions of every each individual belongs to the class matters to adhere to the laws nad

regulations of the society. human beings are social animals. Everyone tend to communication and social with the

members of society to discuss issues and various ideas to comprehend a better solution in the future. These societal

factors classified as i. Reference groups, and ii. Roles/ Status impact. In many ways, consumer behavior is a subtle

phenomenon and serves control for purchasing online.

Therefore, the study aims to determine the Social Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior of the

Grade-12 ABM students in Amacc Quezon City. Localizing the situation, the study will delve on students of

Amacc Quezon City, specifically from Grade-12 Accountancy and Business Management strand to identify their

perceptions in online shopping and their consequent online behavior.


Consumer behavior is very important to understand what influences the buying decisions of the consumers and

why does it so. (Nawal, 2019)

. The Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) will be the basis of the study; Social Cognitive Theory embodies Bandura’s

emphasis on social influence and on external and internal social reinforcement. Social Cognitive Theory considers

the unique way in which individuals acquire and maintain behavior, while also considering the social environment

in which individuals perform the behavior. The theory takes into account a person’s past experiences, which factor

into whether behavioral action will occur.


The study seeks to determine the social factors influencing online shopping behavior of the Grade-12

Accountancy and Business Management student in Amacc Quezon City for academic year 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study seeks for answer for set of questions.

1.) How many respondents are required for the study with the following variable?

1.1 Year level and track

1.2 Gender

1.3 Age

2.) What are the online shopping applications or sites frequently used?

3.) What are the social factors that affects the students’ online buying behavior?

3.1 Reference Groups

3.2 Social Roles and Status

4.) Is there any relation between consumer’s perceptions of risk and their online shopping behavior?

5.) How do the findings enable to utilized the study to know how the influence of social factors towards the online

buying behavior of the students?


There is no relationship between perceived risk and consumer’s online shopping behavior.


The study will provide insights on the social factors influencing online buying behavior and aims to benefit

the following:

Students may serve this study as basis in knowing if their behavior in online shopping is proper or not.

This would also help them to know the social factors that they may consider in online shopping and factors that

they should not.

Administrators and staffs can use this study as their reference in conducting programs and seminars

regarding online shopping's that would help not just Accountancy and Business Management students but all the

students enrolled in Amacc Quezon City.

Professors may use the data that will help them with their discussions. This would aid them with topics that

will help their students be responsible with their behavior towards online shopping.

Business Markets can provide a wholesome information regarding what factors urge whether students or

consumers online shopping behavior and use it as a referral knowledge in contribution for their marketing


Future Researchers may serve this as future reference of the researchers if they plan to make research

studies related or underlying the Accountancy and Business Management strand.

Therefore, the study would not only benefit Grade-12 Accountancy and Business Management students but also

the administrators and staffs, professors, and future researchers in Amacc Quezon City.


The study covers the current situation and perceptions of the students about online shopping and what are

the social factors affect them to switch into said practice. It focuses on delivering concrete data and information

about the ability of online shopping behavior to be a way to prepare for the students.

The study is restricted only among randomly selected fifty (50) female grade-12 Accountancy and Business

Management students in Amacc Quezon City during the school year 2019-2020.

Chapter 3


This chapter shows the research design, sampling technique, respondents, and research instruments and techniques.

Research Design

The study utilized the descriptive method. According to Calderon (2008) as cited by Alberto et al. (2011),
descriptive method describes data and characteristics about population or phenomenon being studied through
discussions, interpretation and analyzation of information and also insights.
This study used the descriptive survey method to determine the social factors influencing online buying
behavior of Grade-12 ABM students in Amacc Quezon City.

Sampling Technique

The researchers had used Judgment (or Purposive) sampling in the selection of respondents to be part of the study.
The respondents were Grade-12 level female Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) students as
according to Lauren Thomas of CNBC news (2018), a certain survey derived by First Insight says that the highest
total consumption of buying goods and services through internet (e-commerce) is most likely attained by women.
Therefore, the subject for this study were been restrictively female respondents only.

Respondents of the Study

The researcher selected the grade level to be focused on in which will choose fifty (50) randomly pick female
students to be surveyed. The chosen respondents of the study were exactly fifty (50) female Grade-12 students
under Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) strand from five (5) different sections. Each section will
have ten (10) female volunteers as the survey respondents.
The selected respondents are enrolled during academic year 2021-2022 in

Amacc quezon city a private educational institution located at Maxima street, Villa arca ave, Proj 8, Quezon City.

Data Gathering Instruments and Techniques

In order to expand the information in this study, the researchers had prepared survey questionnaires for the
respondents to answer and ascertain the accuracy of the questions to suit the problem that the researchers wanted to
answer. After the respondent answered the questionnaire or survey, elicited information were analyzed and
collected on a graph.
The Researcher had collected a percentage of respondents' corresponding answers to each question in the
questionnaire. Researcher had been carefully study and draw conclusions on the respondents' answers. In this way,
researchers had finally gaine students’ insights on social factors influencing online shopping behavior.

Chapter 4


This chapter discusses the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done and
interpretation of findings from the fifty (50) survey questionnaires completed by fifty (50)
randomly picked female Grade-12 Accountancy and Business Management
respondents from the chosen five sections. The findings are presented in different graphic
organizers as a pedagogical tool to convey refined analyzation. The purpose of this study was to
identify the Social Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior of Grade-12 Accountancy and
Business Management Students in Amacc Quezon City.
The objectives of this chapter are to identify the following;

• Frequency of using internet and online shopping sites/applications

• Most frequently used/preferred online shopping sites/applications

• Knowledge of respondents about online shopping

• Reasons in purchasing/not purchasing through online prior to satisfaction in shopping online

• Social factors that influence students’ buying behavior in using online shopping

• The effectiveness of online shopping for roles of students

• Perception of respondent, modifying social factors urging them to use online shopping, and
advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.

A total of fifty (50) Grade-12 female Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) students
answered the survey questionnaires after approving the consent form indicating their willingness to
participate in the study, given by the researcher
The findings of the sampling are discussed by referring to the following aspects:


4.1.2 Respondents’ year and Grade level as of S.Y 2021-2022

Grade-12 Female Accountancy and Business Management Respondents

The total number of respondents was fifty (50), taken equally 10 female representatives from each
section from ABM 1, ABM 2, ABM 3, ABM 4, and ABM 5.

4.1.3 Respondents’ Age as of October 10, 2019

Table 4.1 Respondents’ Age


17 years old 27 54.00

18 years old 22 44.00

19 years old 1 2.00

TOTAL 50 100.00

The Grade-12 female student respondents’ ages ranged from 17 to 19, with the majority of
the population is aged 17 years old with 27 respondents (54%), followed by 18 years old with 22
respondents (44%), and 19 years old with an only 1 respondent

4.1.4 Total Number of Students Have Done Online Shopping





Figure 4.1 Number of Student Online Shoppers

Based on the survey illustrated in chart 4.1, 74% respondents answered YES while 26%
respondents answered NO. This describes that most of the respondent have done online shopping
before and these population of female respondents use internet to gather information about online
shopping and moreover, changes their behavior towards buying online.
4.1.5 Gathering Information about Online Shopping

Nowadays, information brought by the internet was found relevant due to confirmations of
the netizens involved in the social media environment. As stated by Nyxone (2017), online
shoppers are conducting extensive research online before ever purchasing goods or services as they
wished. Buyers are also making more direct purchases online and via their smartphone, as online
shopping makes the business much easier and faster.


Less than one hour



1-2 hours
2-3 hours
More than 4 hours

Figure 4.2 Daily Hour Usage of Internet

The pie chart 4.2 represents the proportion of the approximate total hours of using internet
everyday by fifty (50) respondents. It shows that 12% of respondents were using internet less than
one hour, 8% were using 1-2 hours, 14% were using 2-3 hours, while the largest number of
respondents using internet more than 4 hours got 66%.
In conclusion to that, most female respondents spend more than 4 hours of their time on the
internet every day and this implies the probability of getting information about online shopping
through internet as according to Frances Toner (2014), Internet entrepreneurs urge shoppers to buy
online because it offers all the benefits such as convenience, selection, and competitive prices.






Figure 4.3 Respondents Collecting Information from the Internet

The statement has been proven by the answers of respondents on one of the survey
questions which were asked, “Do you use internet to collect information regarding online
shopping?” Based on the total outcome, 68% of the respondents answered YES while 32% of the
student answered NO.
As according to the study entitled ‘The Internet and Consumer Choice’ by Horrigan (2008),
internet is a research tool in providing information that is important for online shoppers in making
purchase decisions. Hence, online shoppers gather information regarding a particular online shop
through internet itself that changes their behavior towards online shopping.

Figure 4.4 Factors Influence Online Shopping Behavior

Based on the survey 72% said that review/ratings have a big impact to the customer because
of the ratings that online sites have make customers want to buy their product while 20% is social
media advertisements because one of the reason to make the consumers buy the product is if the
model of that product is famous or they are favorite artist that is why most of the customers being
persuade by the model of that product because the model is famous or their idols and it has a impact
to the customer. If customers enjoyed watching advertisements because the model was their idols or
a famous artist and because of that the product that they promote would be purchased by
consumers, and peers recommendation is having a lowest consider as factors in purchasing online
and it has 8%.
Subsequently, Kim (2010) provided evidence that privacy, security, trust, convenience,
enjoyment of online shopping company reputation and tactility are the factors that affect intention
to purchase online. Kim collectively called these as consumer factors, and it means that the
consumer need to feel enjoyment through advertisements and through social media to make them
buy the product through online and when the online sites have a security, the consumer will be fine
because the online sites is safe and if they have the trust of consumers their ratings will be good and
it makes their product will be purchased.






Social Media Influencers

Figure 4.5 Social Factors Influencing Online Buying Behavior

Based on the survey, 34% were influenced by their friends while there are 26% of the
respondents were influenced by their family in using online shopping. 6% were their classmates,
24% were their neighbors, and 10% were social media influencers.
This proves the statement of Elizabeth Thomson (2012) that children have long been
acknowledged as playing an important role within family purchasing decisions, with their ability to
directly and indirectly influence family purchasing. In addition to their role within the family,
children are seen as an important group of consumers in their own right due to their individual

purchasing power. Over recent years the use of the Internet by children has increased and they are
commonly portrayed as confident and able users of Internet technology. It is important to
understand how the Internet will be used by children as an additional shopping medium and to
explore the issues surrounding this use.
4.1.6 Experience in Online Shopping


0% 4% 0%


Carousell eBay

Figure 4.6 Types of Online Shopping Site/Application They Use

Knowing the online shopping sites that usually used by the respondents can help us identify
what are their insights and behavior they have in purchasing online. 37 out of 50 (74%) of the
respondents uses Shopee in purchasing online, while 22% or 11 respondents selected Lazada, 4%
select Carousell and 0% of the respondents select and eBay.

In conclusion to that, Shopee provides the easiest and accessible shopping sites followed by
Lazada, Carousell, OLX, and eBay, as according to the blog entitled Shopping Website Reviews
(2016) states that no matter what the online shopping website sells it must provide quality and
value, make shopping easy, deliver products on time and provide satisfaction to the customers.

Figure 4.7 Types of Online Shopping Site/Application They Use

Base on the survey, 34% of respondents bought product online because of the sales and
discount that was given by the said store, while 32% of them does online shopping cause by the low
prices of the product and 14% were encouraged to buy due to the free shipping/ delivery offered by
the store. 10% of the respondents does online shopping cause of more choices and varieties of
product then 8% buy online because of time convenience and the least percentage is 2% according
to their own opinion of respondents for online shopping.
Li and Zhang (2002) suggested that a consumer’s motivation to shop and the information
load on the Internet could influence evaluation of prices and explain why certain prices would be
more acceptable, comprised of privacy, security and trust, tine saving, ease of use, convenience and
enjoyment provided by shopping.
This implies that the changing of online shoppers’ behavior towards purchasing goods and
services is based on the benefits that online shopping sites/applications offer such as low price,
convenience, security, and etcetera.

Figure 4.8 Approximately Spent In Every Transaction Online

In figure 4.8, it shows how much usually online shoppers spend money in online shopping.
54% of consumers spend 250-500 pesos in every single transaction. This shows that this is most
commonly amount that that every consumer can afford.

And 32% some of consumer spend 100-200 pesos in every single transaction shows that this
is the most cheap amount of item that some of consumer wants. 600-1000 10% of consumers spend
it. And lastly more than 1000 pesos 4% of consumer spend and shows that some of consumer spend
that so much money in purchasing product in single transaction.
Therefore, it is proven that online shopping is much more cheap and affordable rather than
personally visiting physical/retail stores as the highest portion of the respondents spends 250-500
which is very budgetable for students to spend.





Figure 4.9 Considering Social Role in Online Shopping

Based on the survey illustrated in figure 4.9, by the answers of respondents that there are
56% who answered YES, which means that they are purchasing products that are suited for their
role in the society like for example, students buy clothes and supplies that are useful for their
everyday lives. However, there are 44% of respondents answered NO.
This infers that almost all the respondents or student online shoppers purchase products and
services according to their roles in society through online shopping sites. The particular commodity

that is extensively purchased by students is discussed on the next figure. This depicts that social
role is also important social factor to influence online shopping behavior.








0% Accessories

Figure 4.10 Most Purchased Commodities Online

In figure 4.10, it indicates the commodities usually purchased online and based on the
survey that was gathered, there are 68% of the respondents usually purchased clothes online while
22% of them purchased accessories, 6% of the respondents usually purchased furniture and 4% of
them purchased gadgets.
This implies that buying clothes online has a good quality of product and makes customer
satisfaction with what they see on the internet and in person. As According to Chris Clever (2018),
in his blog entitled ‘Online Shopping vs. In-Store Shopping: Who Prefers Which and Why’, stated
that clothing is the number one selling e-commerce category overall with 20.3 billion dollars in




Figure 4.11 Encountering Problems in Online Shopping

In the figure 4.11, 58% of the respondents had encountered various technical problems during

their experiences in online shopping while 42% of the respondents may have not encountered such

difficulty. However, even though this large portion of online shoppers had encountered a previous

problem in buying through online, they still prefer this method of purchasing because as per Hong

Youl Ha’s (2002) findings, online shoppers rely on these two factors: other online shoppers

experience or reviews and also the relevance of the product purchase. Basically, information

processing associated with product performance plays a crucial role in reducing shoppers' perceived

risk in online transactions.

Figure 4.12 Online Shopping as New Mode of Purchasing

The figure 4.12 illustrates that 82% of the respondents considers―advise, rather, online
shopping as the newest form of purchasing goods and services in this generation as according to a
study by Lim. Y.J et al (2016), the convenience of online shopping is providing an emerging trend
among online shoppers, especially the Gen Y. That is why marketers focus on this generation area
because today’s generation consumers has the highest rate of online shoppers as online shopping
gives everyone what was all needed in daily lives.

Figure 4.13 Trepidation of Online Shopping

Based on the survey, 28% of the respondents were having a reason of Risk of Using
Debit/Credit card transaction, 26% of the respondents were having a Lacks of knowledge about
online shopping, 26% were having Risk of having Identity theft, 20% were picked the side of
Internet literacy while 0% for others.

Moreover, the researchers’ experienced on repeat online shoppers shows that consumer trust
is as important to online commerce as the widely accepted TAM useantecedents, perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use. (Gefen, et al., 2003).

In this section, the researchers used Likert Scale to elicit answers from the respondents in
order to come out with a conclusion regarding with the relationship of their perception towards
factors influencing their online shopping behavior and their experiences in using it.
4.2.1 Experience and Satisfactory in Online Shopping

The figure below shows the answer options given within the Likert Scale section in the
survey questionnaires in which must be answered by ticking the appropriate respond from Very
Poor to Excellent. In this part, respondents’ experiences were labeled according to the level of their
satisfaction in every situational statement given. The total frequency of respondents who answered
either each of one of the option are computed and hence converted into percentage to distinguish
the highest rate of response done by the respondents.



20 Good

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5

Figure 4.14 Satisfactory in Online Shopping

Question #1: Experience in online shopping

80% of the respondents (n=40) either had fair or good experience in online shopping.

Question #2: Purchasing goods/ services fits very well with my lifestyle

80% of the respondents (n=40) answered either fair or good with implies that the goods and
services they purchase through online, really fits with their lifestyle.
Question #3: Satisfaction with the information given about the product in the online shopping sites

80% of the respondents (n=40) rated either fair or good the satisfactory in products information
provided in online shopping sites.

Question #4: Safety given by the online shopping sites

76% of the respondents (n=38) rated either fair or good regarding the safety given by the online
shopping sites.
Question #5: Quality and price of goods and services in online shopping sites

76% of the respondents (n=38) rated either fair or good the quality and price of the goods and
services offered by the online shopping sites.
Therefore, 78.4% of the respondents had either fair or good experience of online shopping
through different online shopping sites/applications because of the benefits these selling platforms
offer such as discounts, low price products, and security and privacy which are accurately provided
in information they gathered. Also, products and services in online shopping are suited for every
lifestyle as it satisfies online shoppers.
4.2.2 Accordance in Utilization of Online Shopping

The figure below shows the answer options given within the Likert Scale section in the
survey questionnaires in which must be answered by ticking the appropriate respond from Strongly
Disagree to Strongly Agree. In this part, the benefits offered and adverse effects of online shopping
was indicated. The total frequency of respondents who answered either each of one of the option
are computed and hence converted into percentage to distinguish the highest rate of response done
by the respondents.



Strongly Agree
15 Undecided
Strongly Disagree

Question Question Question Question Question Question Question
6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 4.15 Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping Question #6:

Online shopping is more convenient than visiting physical/retail stores

38% of the respondents (n=19) agreed and finds online shopping as more convenient to do rather
than personally visiting physical/retail stores. Whilst, 30% of the respondents (n=15) are undecided
whether if online shopping is convenient or not.
Question #7: Online shopping saves time

80% of the respondents (n=40) either strongly agree or agree that online shopping saves a lot of
time when it comes to purchasing goods and services.
Question #8: online shopping is risky

40% of the respondents (n=20) are undecided whether it is risky to do online shopping or not;
however, the other 34% of the respondents (n=17) agreed that it is really risky to make use of
online shopping.
Question #9: I purchase online because of the benefits they offer. (Discounts, sales, free shipping/delivery,

mode of payment, etcetera)

70% of the respondents (n=35) agreed that they often purchase goods and services through online
because of the benefits the online shopping sites offer such as discounts, sales, free
shipping/delivery, mode of payment, etcetera)
Question #10: Online shopping is more secured than traditional shopping

42% of the respondents (n=21) are undecided whether online shopping is more secured than the
tradition shopping where in people physically visit stores to purchase. Moreover, the other 24% of
the respondents (n=12) disagreed to the statement that doing online shopping is more secured than
the traditional shopping.
Question #11: Family, friends and peers play a big role when it comes to purchase decisions

80% of the respondents (n=40) either strongly agreed or agreed that reference groups such as
family, friends, and peers play a big role when it comes to purchase decision.
However, there are 32% of the respondents (n=16) are undecided with the statement.

Question #12: Social influencers such as Youtubers, models, and celebrities make big impact in shopping


80% of the respondents (n=40) either strongly agreed or agreed that social influencers such as
Youtubers, models, and celebrities make big impact when it comes to changing of online shopping
For those reasons, online shopping has been said much convenient and more preferable than
the traditional way of purchasing because of the factors that online shopping could provide; first,
the benefits such as low price range, discounts and sales, easy payment and delivery method; online
shopping also saves time and effort. Shoppers do not have to step into crowd just to purchase
products and services that are now available through online; and also the security these online
shopping sites/applications provide for every shopper. Some offers Cash on Delivery payment
method for those shoppers who cannot transact payment through various money remittances
because of prevalent of online shopping risks.
However, how much risks online shopping prevail, shoppers still consider it as more
convenient and superior because of the help of information gathered from different social factors
that influence shoppers’ online buying behavior. In this finding, approximately 80% of the
respondents either strongly agreed or agreed that reference groups such as family, friends, peers,
social media influencer like Youtubers, models and celebrities make a huge impact in influencing
purchasing decision and also, online shopping behavior.

4.2.2 Frequency of Use in Online Shopping

The figure below shows the answer options given within the Likert Scale section in the survey
questionnaires in which must be answered by ticking the appropriate respond from Never to Always. This
will distinguish the frequency of utilizing a certain matter in online shopping. The total frequency of
respondents who answered either each of one of the option are computed and hence converted into
percentage to distinguish the highest rate of response done by the respondents.




20 Always

Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Figure 4.16 Frequency of Online Shopping Utilization Question #13:

Uses online shopping websites on internet

70% of the respondents (n=35) uses online shopping websites on the internet SOMETIMES while 20% of
the respondents (n=10) ALWAYS use online shopping
websites on the internet.

Question #14: Uses online shopping applications on mobile

58% of the respondents (n=29) uses online shopping applications on mobile SOMETIMES while 28% of
the respondents (n=14) always doe use online shopping
applications using cellular mobiles.

Question #15: Does online shopping to save time and energy

52% of the respondents (n=26) ALWAYS does online shopping to conserve time and energy in contrary to
the traditional way of shopping.
Question #16: Consider social media advertisements

70% of the respondents (n=35) SOMETIMES considers social media advertisement before deciding to
purchase online while 22% of the respondents (n=11) said that they ALWAYS consider social media
Question #17: Urged to use online shopping sites by social media influencers, celebrities, Youtubers, and


60% of the respondents (n=30) is SOMETMES urged to do online shopping because of the influence of
such as social media influencer, celebrities, Youtubers, and models whom they looked up to.
Question #18: I advise everyone to use online shopping instead of the traditional way

70% of the respondents (n=35) may consider advising online shopping to everyone

SOMETIMES rather than doing the traditional way of purchasing.

Question #19: Uses the beneficial factors offered by the online shopping sites

76% of the respondents (n=38) SOMETIMES uses the beneficial factors offered by various online shopping
Question #20: Reviewing sites/apps. ratings before purchasing

60% of the respondents (n=30) ALWAYS review ratings of a certain online shopping site/application
before purchasing.
Substantially, 70% of the respondents use either online shopping websites or application to purchase
goods and services that are suitable according to their likings. These are all because of the abundant
influence of social factors such as reference groups and the role of every each shopper in the society. The
amplitude of the use of online shopping is hence, influenced by the social factors that were been mentioned
and as by far, proved that information such as opinions and perceptions provided by the members of society
affects the online shopping behavior. With the process of considering others’ opinion towards online
shopping, shoppers would be urged to use online shopping in the future. Thus, the study evince reference
groups such as family, friends, peers, and social media influencer together with the social roles of each
individual shoppers― these social factors influence online shopping behavior of Grade-12 Accountancy
and Business Management students in Amacc Quezon City.

Chapter 5



The objective of this study was to find out what are the social factors influencing online shopping behavior
of Grade-12 ABM students in Amacc quezon city and possibly, how the findings can be applied in the future to
improve the effectiveness of the customer retention aspect of the retailing business.
After conducting this study, certain results came to light. By the nature of the topic, several kinds of
literature, books, articles, ideas, theories, and existing previous researches of relating issues were reviewed in the
secondary research. A survey method was used for the primary research where some constructs were tested to find
out the degree to which they influence the buying decision of online shoppers and hence, their behaviors.
The researcher used the Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory, this theory posits that learning occurs in a
social context with a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the person, environment and behavior and it emphasis
on social influence and on external and internal reinforcement, study revealed, that online shopping is mostly
influenced by reference groups such as family; friends; peers; social media influencers and the social
role itself.

The research discovered that online shopping is getting popular among the young generation, especially
females whose ages are 17-19 years old. The most frequently visited online shopping application for the
respondents is Shopee as this company offers various variety of products suitable for any preferences and hence
serves high quality service and beneficiaries such as low price products, sales, and good payment methods.
The survey indicated that most of the female respondents spent more than four hours of their time using the
internet to collect information regarding online shopping. The study revealed that friends and family have a
significant role in respondent's purchasing decisions and involvement in using online shopping with their ability to
influence the respondents directly or indirectly. Online shopping has been said more convenient and preferable than
the traditional way of purchasing because of the factors that online shopping could provide: discounts, low price
products, security, privacy, reasonable price, and convenience. The best price factor is popular among students at
Amacc Quezon City because generally in online shops/stores prices are more cheap and affordable as against the
physical/retail stores. Shoppers preferred online shops that offer a great quality of products, ensure the security of
card transactions, deliver goods on time, offer sales, discounts and offer reasonable prices.

This proves the Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory which has stated that this considers the other way in
which shoppers acquire and maintain behavior, while also considering the social environment in which individuals
perform the behavior. Shoppers, hence, rely on other people’s past experience and opinion―rather―to collect such
necessary information regarding online shopping, all of which shape whether a shopper will engage in a specific
behavior and the reasons why a person engages in that behavior.

Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, here are several recommendations to be considered:

Recommendations based on the findings:

1. Students must consider gathering information from the other members of the society who have previous
experience and knowledge about online shopping before making an action.
2. Increase the capabilities to access further researches and reviews from different social resources like
reference groups about a certain shopping site/application before doing a compulsive buying.
3. Government must disclose legitimacy of a certain online shopping site/apllication publicly as an legal vouch
to lessen shoppers’ doubt.
4. Expand the variation of goods and services of online shopping sites as mostly shoppers prefer now the
online shopping method instead.
5. Online shopping sites and applications must not require too much of individual customer’s private
information to lessen risks; however, provide their utmost business verification to certify their legitimacy
and efficiency as a provider.

Recommendation for future researchers:

1. Future researchers might need to probe further study regarding other social factors that might
influence online shopping behavior of customers to extend supplementary information. In fact, future
researchers can explore more accurate theories and studies related to the study that could eventually
achieve its finest relevancy and hence, could be a mass provider of strong foundation for the next
2. A greater sample size for the next possible addition in the study could provide a broad but intricate
information and findings to sustain a much better developed research study.

Research Respondents: 50



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