Assignment: 1: Discuss Different Problems of Adolescents and Strategies For Coping Up With These Problems

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Discuss different problems of Adolescents and strategies for

coping up with these problems.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescents as those people

between 10 and 19 years of age. The great majority of adolescents are, therefore,
included in the age-based definition of “child”, adopted by the Convention on the
Rights of the Child, as a person under the age of 18 years. 
But this defination is not always true because it is about humans and humans can
not be expected to follow such clear cut bondaries as there are people who
mature fast and there are who takes time it depends very much on environmental
factors for example in US after turning 18 most people leave their parents home
and start to fend for themselves but the same is not true for the people of
india .Hence it also depends on the culture of a particular place.
G. Stanly Hall an american psychologist - depicted the adolescent as oscillating
between activity and lethargy, exuberance and
apathy, euphoria and despondency, vanity and abasement, brashness and
bashfulness, childish selfishness and idealistic altruism, longing for authority and
rebellion against authority. 
Hence from the above statement we can say that adolescence is phase where a
person experiences a lot of different emotions and moods and have a sense of
uncertainity all the time.
. Adolescence can be broken into three stages: early adolescence, middle adolescence, and late
adolescence. Each stage has its own characteristics. Let's take a look at each stage in more detail

Early Adolescence  (Ages 10 to 13) - The first stage is early adolescence, which lasts
from 10 to 14 years. During this time, puberty normally begins. People in this
stage, become conscious of their fast changing bodies and begin to be concerned
about their appearance. Shyness, blushing, humility, and a higher desire for privacy
are all possibilities.
Early teenagers may believe they are unstoppable and begin to participate in
harmful habits such as smoking and drinking. Sexual curiosity is also prevalent
during this time, which is often shown through admiration for celebrities, teen
idols, and musicians. Friendships with close friends take precedence over familial
Middle Adolescence (Ages 14 to 17) - During middle adolescence, physical
changes from puberty continue. Many teenagers become interested in romantic
and sexual relationships at this age. As they strive for more independence, many
middle adolescents have more disagreements with their parents. In this period,
the brain continues to evolve and mature, but there are still numerous
distinctions between how a normal middle adolescent thinks and how an adult
Adolescents in their late years (18-21... and beyond!)
Late adolescents have reached full adult height and have completed their physical
development. By this time, they should have more impulse control and be able to
accurately assess risks and rewards. Teenagers approaching early adulthood have
a deeper sense of self-identity and are able to identify their own ideals. They may
become more future-oriented, making judgments based on their ambitions and
beliefs. Friendships and romantic relationships become more stable as a result of
these changes. They grow emotionally and physically estranged from their loved
ones. Many people, on the other hand, restore a "adult" relationship with their
parents, viewing them as a peer with whom they may seek advice and discuss
mature issues rather than an authority figure.
Since adolescence is a period of transition and uncertainity reason being the rapid
physical development, emotion changes hormonal changes ,changing idea about
the world,keeping up with the expections of society and need to establish their
own identity etc., all this at once becomes very confusing and uncomfortable
which makes them vulnerable to several problems such as-

Physical problems-
 Development of full breasts in girls can be awkward in the beginning. Girls may
start to feel conscious about their figure.
 Change of voice and appearance of facial hair in boys is perhaps the most
prominent change that takes place during adolescence.
 Acne is one of the major problems.
 Girls start their periods.
Acne is extremely common and should be addressed to minimize its impact on
Sexually transmitted diseases
Hormonal disorders (especially thyroid disorders)
Urinary tract infections
Problems with menstruation

Nutritional deficiency/health problems

Iron deficiency/anaemia
Increased iron demand
Loss of iron due to menstruation
Due to aneamia resistance to infection decreasesalso effect productivityand
cognitive development
Balanced diet proper knowledge about nutriotion
Fast food culture
Dietary experiments without properknowledge life keto, dieting., proteins for
bodybuildingvit d deficiency sunscreen less sun exposure
Poor bone mass
Obesity- can cause bp, diabetes pcos in girls lower self esteem coronary artery
disease screen time

Early pregnancy and child birth

Male nutrition
Unsafe abortions
Unmarried taboo social unacceptance mental burdenhealth of child at risk as well
School dropout

 Eating disorders,
 such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, most commonly
develop during adolescence and are more common among girls. Many
unhealthy behaviors that start during adolescence, such as consuming
a poor diet (see Obesity in Adolescents), smoking, substance use,
and violence, can lead to immediate health problems, long-term
disorders, or poor health later in life.
 psychotherepy

sexual reproductive health related problems

hiv and std
menstruation related problems
early pregnancy and child birth
Many adolescents do not routinely use effective methods of contraception, and
some of them become pregnant.
Injuries and accidents
 Motor vehicle crashes and other unintentional injuries
 Injuries resulting from interpersonal violence
 peer association –sometimes in streets gangs-In

 combination with the stresses and rebelliousness natural to

adolescence, contributed to rise of juvenile

 delinquency; in this conception, adolescence made every girl and a

boy a potential delinquent.

 Mental health problems,
 such as mood disorders , anxiety disorders , and thought disorders (such as schizophrenia )
as well as psychosocial disorders , may develop or first become apparent during
adolescence. Suicide  is a major cause of death for this age group

 authoritarian-style parenting – i s again a problem for

 problems related to cognitive sphere of life
emotional problems
 Agitation
 Gaining or losing weight
 Trouble with school work, including a drop in grades
 Signs of depression, such as persistent sadness/irritability
 Lack of motivation or losing interest in people or activities
 Sleeping too much or too little
 Low energy
 Destructive behaviors
 Substance abuse
 Expressing thoughts of hopelessness or not wanting to live
 Significant loss of interest in most activities
 Feeling of worthlessness
 Impairment in relationships with friends and family
 Sleep disturbance
 Suicidal thoughts
 Anxiety
 Insecurity

Social problems


Sexual activity

Drug abuse

Acedemic problems

Peer pressure
Youth culture

Social media
Unrealist goals

Explicit content

Social competence>cognitive competence

Moral dillemas

authoritarian-style parenting – i s again a problem for adolecents

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