Designing Accommodations For High Flyers-2

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9 MAY, 2022

► Ms Julia is a Literacy teacher.One morning,she stepped into a primary 3
class to teach Letter Writing.To her utmost surprise, about three learners
said,they know everything about the topic and there is nothing to
learn.This means the learners may have learnt about the topic else
where,though the extent they learnt may not be exactly known to Ms
Julia till she asks them certain questions ranging from types of letters to
features of letter writing.She says to one of them,’Oh! I see that some
nice friends have an idea about letter writing but we are going further
because…’ She tells them the various types and explains the
features,making them take note of the differences and similarities.By the
time this is done,those high flyer learners will come to terms that what
they know about letter writing is just a fragment of the entire topic. The
teacher also takes out extra time to explain to the particular child and
gives exercises on the topic.
Ese is just 4years old and is in nursery 2.She is very intelligent and
wants to know about everything.One day,she told her teacher,Ms
Annie, to explain the reason she is being taught other subjects
using English Language. Ese is told by her teacher that in
Nigeria,the official language is English and that is what we use in
communicing.However,she also explains that in some
countries,the official language is not English Language but since it
our second language here,it is generally accepted and this is the
reason she has been learning the English alphabets consisting of
vowels and consonants in her previous classes in order for her to
gain mastery of the language as she progresses in her learning
Objectives of Presentation
► Define who a high flyer is
► Identify qualities of high
► Recognise some negative
aspects of high flyers
► Identify ways of
accommodating high flyers
Who is a high flyer
A high flyer(learner) is a Qualities of High Flyers
child who is naturally
► High flyers are highly independent.
endowed with a high
► They have a good verbal ability.
degree of general
► They can process a lot of
ability or extra ordinary information at a time.
ability in an area of ► High flyers always want to know
knowledge. High flyers learn something new.
are also referred to as ► They have good memory retention.
gifted children.Often ► They possess a good sense of
times,they tend to be judgement.
ahead of their peers. ► High flyers are very imaginative
Using the STAR Tool
Recall the story on the Problem Statement slide
Personal Contribution on
Accommodation of High Flyers
► Offer them flexible teaching styles.The teaching and learning
here should cut across the three domains of learning;cognitive
domain(mental abilities),affective
domain(receiving,responding,valuing,organisation and
characterization)and psychomotor domain(physical or manual
skills that require practice)
► Give them more space to study on their own,give feedback
and share their findings with other learners.
► Encourage them to do collaborative learning.Under the
teacher’s guidance,group them with other students in the
classroom,make them team leaders as this will encourage
other learners to study more.
Review of TRC Content

► Apply emotional intelligence on them.

► Make them study without pressure but motivate them to study
► Appreciate them when they do well and always encourage them to
do better.
► Occupy them with extra exercise and supervise them.
► Assign responsibilities to them.
► Be their confidant. Let them see you are a model.
► Always be professional and always be in charge of your class.
► Do not undermine their personality.
Possible challenges and solutions
► A few high flyers can be intolerant of mistakes.A learner in the primary 4 missed a
letter in a spelling bee context while representing the entire class.This made the
class the opportunity of getting to the final stage.One of the highflyer in the
classroom,goes to that child and says, ‘You made us miss this opportunity!What a
shame!The addressed child is moved to premium tears because she is hurt.The
teacher quickly addresses the entire class and assures that of a better change
next time and that nobody should bully the other over the incident.By this
action,they are corrected in love are better.
► A reasonable number of them can challenge the teacher.When this
happens,employ emotional intelligience by separating the child from the act.
► Some high flyers are negative influencers.In the classroom,they tend to influence
the decision of others who may be undecided.
► High flyers easily get bored in the teaching/learning process because,they are
already familiar with the lesson.To checkmate this,the teacher should always be
steps ahead of them and create a special time for them to discuss further.Once
this is done,the high flyer will maintain the learning standard.
What makes a child
gifted and talented may REFERENCES
not always be good grades References should contain
in school,but a different title, name of authors, year
way of looking at the world of publication then retrieved
and learning. from

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