Review Assessment Attempts: Lê, Minh

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17:59, 28/02/2022 MyOpenMath

Review Assessment Attempts

Lê, Minh

Matrices (cont.)

Started: 2/15/22, 2:12 pm

Last Changed: 2/16/22, 11:43 pm

Total time questions were on-screen: 236.3 minutes

Due Date: Thu 2/17/22, 3:50 pm

Score in Gradebook: 13.4/15

Grade is calculated on the best version of each question

Scored attempt. Score: 13.4/15.

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Question 1. Version 1*/1. Score: 1/1

− 28 29 − 15 3 −7 7 −5 1
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

− 27 13 6 − 18 ⎥

− 9 4 2 − 6 ⎥

Let  A = ⎢

B = ⎢


⎢ 0 1 31 4 ⎥ ⎢ 2 3 8 3 ⎥

⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
5 −2 24 − 33 1 −1 7 −8

Evaluate det(A − 3B).  

Answer: 336

Score: 1/1

Question 2. Version 1*/1. Score: 1/1 1/8
17:59, 28/02/2022 MyOpenMath

Doing the row operation 4r2 + r3 → r3  on a matrix A4 × 4 ,  this is equivalent to multiplying A by

the matrix

1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0
0 4 1 0

0 0 0 1

on the left.

Score: 0.5/0.5 0.5/0.5

Question 3. Version 2*/2. Score: 0.64/1

Let A be the point with coordinates (9, 2) in the coordinate system Oxy.  Rotating A of 105
degrees counterclockwise about the origin, we get the point B.  Find the coordinates of B.  

Answer: ( −4.26,8.17 )  

(  Input coordinates, e.g. (12.34, 0.57). )  


If we rotate a point A(xA , yB ) counterclockwise through an angle θ ∘  (degrees) then the obtained

point B(xB , yB ) can be determined by the equation

xB cos(θ) − sin(θ) xA
 [ ] = [ ] ⋅ [ ].  
yB sin(θ) cos(θ) yA

Score: 0.64/1
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Question 4. Version 1*/1. Score: 1/1

Let A be the point with coordinates (2.8, 2.6, 5.8) in the coordinate system Oxyz.  Rotating A of
125 degrees counterclockwise about the Oz -axis we get the point B Find the coordinates of B 2/8
17:59, 28/02/2022 MyOpenMath
125 degrees counterclockwise about the Oz  -axis, we get the point B.  Find the coordinates of B.  

Answer: ( −3.74,0.8,5.8 )  

(  Input coordinates, e.g. (12.34, − 0.57, 1.35). )  

Out[ ]=

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Score: 1/1

Question 5. Version 1*/1. Score: 0.8/1 3/8
17:59, 28/02/2022 MyOpenMath

In the following figure, determine the current I  that flows through the segment AB in the circuit,
and the current J  that flows through the segment BC  in the circuit.

32 V A 6Ω


19 V

1Ω J


I =   9.83 (A)  

J =   13  (A) 

Score: 0.3/0.5 0.5/0.5

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Question 6. Version 1*/1. Score: 1/1

The figure indicates the flow of traffic (in vehicles per hour) through a network of streets.



50 77

Assume that the flow from D to B is 1 and the flow from D to C is 74. Then 

The flow from A to B is 35

The flow from B to C is 36

Score: 0.5/0.5 0.5/0.5

Question 7. Version 1*/1. Score: 0.6/1 4/8
17:59, 28/02/2022 MyOpenMath

An economy composed of only two industries: coal and steel. Assume that for every day:

To produce one unit ($1 worth) of coal, the coal industry uses $0.15 worth of coal and $0.35
worth of steel.
To produce one unit ($1 worth) of steel, the steel industry uses $0.4 worth of coal and $0.3
worth of steel.
There is also an external demand of $25000 units of coal and $30000 units of steel every day.

Suppose that the total supply always equals the total demand. How much should each of the two
industries supply to meet this requirement every day?


Supply of coal = 64835.16 (units)

Supply of steel = 75274.73 (units)

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Score: 0.3/0.5 0.3/0.5

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Had help available: Written Example

Question 8. Version 1*/1. Score: 1/1

A population of 1000 individuals has been infected with an infectious disease. 600 confirmed cases
are currently reported. Assume that during any week, there is a 60 % probability that an infected
individual will recover from the infection, and during that same week there is a 50 % probability that
an uninfected individual will become sick. 

1. After 1 week, how many infected cases will be present in the community?

Answer: 440

(Round it to an integer number.)

2. After 8 weeks, how many infected cases will be present in the community?

Answer: 455

(Round it to an integer number.)

Assume that the population size remains unchanged, and an individual can be infected multiple

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Score: 0.5/0.5 0.5/0.5

Had help available: Written Example

Question 9. Version 1*/1. Score: 1/1 5/8
17:59, 28/02/2022 MyOpenMath

Assume that at first you have 2$ and play a game by repeatedly tossing a fair coin (one as likely to
come up heads as tails). The following rule is applied for each toss: if a head comes up then you win
an additional $1; if a tail comes up then you lose $1; however if you reach $3 or $0 then the amount
of money you have remains unchanged from then for whatever heads or tails.

Suppose that you toss the coin 4 times. What is the probability of you losing all money after then?

Answer: 0.3125

`(` Input a number between `0` and `1.)` 

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Score: 1/1
Had help available: Written Example

Question 10. Version 3*/3. Score: 0.6/1

If a day is sunny then there is a 68 % chance that it will still be sunny the next day. On the other

if a day is not sunny (i.e. cloudy) then there is a 63 % chance that we will not enjoy a sunny day on
the next day.

1. What is the transition matrix if we set state 1 for "sunny" and state 2 for "cloudy"?


0.68 0.37
0.32 0.63

2. Assume that there is a 60 % chance of being sunny today. What is the probability of having a
sunny day on the day after tomorrow?

Answer: 0.54236

(Input a number between 0 and 1.)

Score: 0.3/0.5 0.3/0.5

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Question 11. Version 1*/1. Score: 1/1 6/8
17:59, 28/02/2022 MyOpenMath

The system

`{(x_{1} + 3 x_{2} -5 x_{3} + 3 x_{4} = 1),(-4 x_{1} + 2 x_{2} + 7 x_{3} - x_{4} = 2),(14 x_{1} -31 x_{3} +
9 x_{4} = -3):}` 

has no solution.

Score: 1/1

Question 12. Version 1*/1. Score: 0.8/1

Determine `m in RR` so that the system

`{(x_{1} - x_{2} + x_{3} + m x_{4} = 3),(x_{1} + x_{2} - x_{3} -2 x_{4} = 7),( x_{1} + 2 x_{2} + x_{3} -2
x_{4} = -2):}` 

has infinitely many solutions.

There is no such `m`.
For any `m in RR`.

Score: 0.8/1
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Question 13. Version 1*/1. Score: 1/1

Determine `m in RR` so that the system

`{(x_{1} - x_{2} + x_{3} -9 x_{4} = -5),(x_{1} + m x_{2} + 2 x_{3} -9 x_{4} = -2),( x_{1} -m x_{2} + m
x_{3} -9 x_{4} = -5):}` 

has no solution.

For any `m in RR`.

There is no such `m`.

Score: 1/1 7/8
17:59, 28/02/2022 MyOpenMath

Question 14. Version 1*/1. Score: 1/1

Given that `A_(4 xx 5)` is a matrix of rank 4. Consider the system

 `A * [[x_(1)],[x_(2)],[x_(3)],[x_(4)],[x_(5)]]=[[1],[1],[1],[1]]. ` 

Choose the correct statement:

The system has infinitely many solutions.

`(x_(1)=1,x_(2)=1,x_(3)=1,x_(4)=1,x_(5)=1)` is always a solution of the system.
The system has no solution.
The system has a unique solution.

Score: 1/1

Question 15. Version 1*/1. Score: 1/1

Given the system

 `A_(3 xx 3)*[[x],[y],[z]] = [[1],[2],[3]],` 

where `det(A) = -8,` and the second column of `A` is `[[2],[4],[6]].` 

What is the value of `z?` 

Answer: 0

Hint: Use Cramer's formula.

Score: 1/1

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