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The Mallard

Issue 367 June 2022

Time to Celebrate 70 years!


Don’t miss the many events organised for our Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Above you can see what is planned at the Village Hall. Lots of fun for all ages.
See page 2 for details about the programme for lighting the beacon on the green.
Even more events are included on other pages. Let’s all join in and celebrate!
Also read on page 3 about Jim Woodbridge’s contribution at the Coronation.
Mallard News Parish Council Plan for Lighting of the Beacon
This parish magazine is
Thursday June 2nd, at 9.45pm, on the green
published every month for the (9.40 A Brun will play the bugle, 9.45 the beacon will be lit)
residents of Great and Little
The Beacon is one of thousands being lit in the UK and the
Massingham with the support of
the Great Massingham Parish Commonwealth, and forms part of the official programme an-
Council, the Parochial Churchnounced by Buckingham Palace for the Jubilee Weekend.
Council and Massingham
Village Hall Trustees. The Beacon will be lit on the village green and it will be one of over 2,022 lit by charities, communities and faith groups all
e-mail: over the UK.
In addition, beacons will be lit in all fifty-four Commonwealth
Editor: Bev. Randall.
6 Abbeyfields capitals and the Principal Beacon lighting will take place in a
Great Massingham special ceremony at Buckingham Palace on Thursday evening.
01485 520 899 This will take the form of a lighting installation with
Website : Contact the The Queen’s Green Canopy ‘Tree of Trees’ sculpture and
Editor - Details above.
projections onto the front façade of Buckingham Palace.
Deadline for An innovative new way of taking part in the beacon lighting
the next issue reflecting the Royal Family’s interest in environmental causes.
17th June Timeline for Lighting the Beacon
• At 2pm hundreds of town criers and 50 Pearly Kings and
In this issue Queens will announce a specially written Proclamation
heralding the lighting of the beacons later that day.
• VMVH Jubilee Events • At 9.35pm local time across the UK and Commonwealth,
• Lighting the Beacon traditional and Northumbrian pipers and pipe bands will
• Jim at the Coronation play Diu Regnare, a unique tune specially written for the
• Village Yard Sale occasion by Piper Major, Stuart Liddell, the world’s lead-
• Trefoil Guild ing piper.
• Toadwatch Report • At 9.40pm buglers linked to local beacon lightings across
• Parish Council the UK and the capital cities of the Commonwealth will
• War Child UK Walk officially announce the lighting of the beacons with a spe-
• Biodiversity Project cially written bugle call, entitled Majesty. Councillor A
• Classic Cars Event Brun will play the bugle.
• In the Barn Event
• Then at 9.45pm exactly, local time and to coincide with the
• Mobile Library
lighting of the beacons, community choirs across all na-
tions will sing Song for the Commonwealth, which has
• Hat Competition been written and composed by Lucy Keily, from Australia
• Biodiversity AGM and Vincent Atueyi Chinemelu from Nigeria.
• Historical Society
• Westacre Theatre Please note that during the evening of Thursday 2 nd June and
• From the Rector prior to lighting the beacon, live music will be available in The
• Concert Thanks Dabbling Duck between 5 pm and 7 pm with live music to con-
• Church Services tinue on the green from around 7 pm. (See page 8)
• Craft and Chat The Fish and Chip van will also be available on the village
green throughout the evening.
• Yoga Classes
• Film Night
• Coronation Club Great Massingham Primary school
• Post Box Topper The winners of the April Draw 2022
• Gert & Daisy Quiz 1st prize – Karen Wadham
• Jubilee Film Matinee 2nd prize – Joanne Lee
• Dates for your Diary 3rd prize – Sarah Gibbs
Would you believe it? ….. Great Massingham Resident, Jim Woodbridge,
took part in the Coronation in June, 1953

I n 1952, Jim Woodbridge, at age 18, began three years of

National Service with the RAF Fighter Command Band. He
had been selected specially to join the Band because he was
skilled in the playing of brass musical instruments. (picture left)
Times were very different in 1952, Jim recalls. Britain was still
recovering from the Second World War (1939 to 1945) and life
was difficult for many.
King George VI had died, aged 56 years, at Sandringham, on
February 6th 1952 and was succeeded by his daughter, Princess
Elizabeth. Everyone was looking forward to a new ‘Elizabethan
Age’ and a brighter future.
In preparation for the Coronation Day, June 2 nd 1953, huge
stands had been erected along the route in London and shops
were stocked with special souvenirs such as special cardboard
periscopes to view the procession over the heads of people in
the crowds. This was an occasion to lift the spirits of the people.
Many, many thousands of people attended the parade in London.
For the many servicemen taking part, the preparation started weeks in advance. Jim’s
band was one of the many taking part. The troops were based in Kensington Gardens, in
tents, in not ideal conditions, especially as the weather was wet much of the time. Daily,
they pounded the streets of London in preparation. Two days before the parade, they
spent considerable time getting their uniforms and boots, in tip top condition but to no
avail! ...The day of the parade came and the weather was not good.
“How it rained! Our boots soon became caked in mud as we set off,” Jim
said. “We marched six abreast - four trombones in the centre front row and
a tuba either end. For the procession there were bands before us and bands
behind us, separated by lines of troops.”
Some way before Westminster Abbey Jim’s band turned off the parade into
a side road. They then counter marched in the side road to turn back facing
the passing parade.
He recalls, “I was now in the front left hand position and in the perfect place to see the
Coronation Coach approaching. It was now our duty to play the national Anthem as the
Queen passed. The timing was spot on!”
All those in the parade were awarded the Coronation medal, pictured left, Jim included,
of course. What an amazing thing to have done! Thank you Jim for sharing this with us.

Chrissie is planning the Yard Sale again this year but she really TREFOIL
would like some volunteers to help her with various tasks. GUILD
Gt Massingham Village Yard Sale.
Many thanks to all
Date this year - Sunday 21st August those who came
Make a note of the date in your diary and, if you can, and supported the
please come forward and volunteer to help and not
leave it all to Chrissie. Many hands make light work! Trefoil Guild
Please give Chrissie Warnes a call on Coffee Evening.
07771 643 416 or 01485 520 173. £200 was raised
The Macmillan Coffee Morning is on 30th September. for local, good
Same time, same place. More about this next month. causes.
Mallard News
Ptolemy McKinnon reports as leader of the Team…
Firstly, a huge thank you to all involved in Toad Patrols over the past two seasons since I
have been involved. This season has been mixed with toads lost during the bad weather
in February before toad patrol was expected to start. The weather turned mild early but
conditions were unsafe to undertake patrols, due to the strong winds which caused severe
tree damage. However, the season, overall, has been
At Weasenham Road, numbers were relatively similar to
last year with 7 toads saved, 3 toads lost, 2 smooth newts
saved, 2 smooth newts lost and 1 great crested newt
saved. In Little Massingham, Lily Pond saw a drop in
numbers but it is possible these toads might be utilising
Hall Farm Pond more, which is further along Church
Lane to the south-west. There were 284 toads saved and
only 11 toads lost on Lily Pond this year, compared to
437 toads saved and 33 lost in 2021.
It was disheartening before we started patrols this year to
see several dead toads on a lunchtime walk, following a
night of strong winds. This definitely triggered the Patrol
season to start and it worked very well.
There was a remarkable increase in toad numbers this
Toads encountered and year at Hall Farm. In total, 1832 toads were saved with
saved on this year's patrols. 140 lost. The totals for last year at Hall Farm were, 798
Photos by Tim Baldwin toads saved and 95 lost.
In conclusion, it is very promising to see so many toads
moving at Hall Farm which continues to be an important
site in Norfolk. Hopefully, next year sees success at Lily
Pond and Great Massingham but, no matter the trends,
thank you to all Toad Patrollers for their efforts, as many
more toads would be lost as road casualties if it were not
for the dedication and enthusiasm of those involved in
the patrols.
For anyone interested in helping with Massingham Toad-
watch next year, please do not hesitate to make contact
via the Toadwatch email,

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Mallard News Parish Council AGM and May Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting was held prior to the May Parish Council meeting, on the
9th May. A report on the annual activities of the Parish Council was received from the
Chair, Sue Nash, followed by a report on the annual activities of the Borough Council
from Councillor Jim Moriarty. Dr Mike Jackson, as Chair of the Neighbourhood Devel-
opment Plan Steering Group, provided a report on the annual progress of the NDP pro-
cess. The meeting agenda culminated with a period in which parishioners had an oppor-
tunity to question the Councillors present.
After 37 years serving the Parish Council, both as Councillor and
Chairman, Mr V. Cross was awarded a glass tankard to thank him for
his dedication, service and support to the parish of Great Massing-
ham. He accepted the tankard and thanked the Parish Council and the
parish as a whole. He also commented that it had been a real privilege
to serve the Parish Council and remarked on the sense of community
within Great Massingham.
The May Parish Council meeting followed, beginning at 7.30pm, with eight Parish Councillors in
attendance along with twelve members of the public and our Borough Councillor, Jim Moriarty.
The first item on the meeting agenda was the election of Chair and Vice-Chair. Council-
lor Peter James was voted to be Chair and Councillor Mark Eldridge to the position of
Vice-Chair. These positions are elected annually, so both Councillors will remain in
place until May 2023.
Casual Vacancy
David Speake, stepped down as a Parish Councillor at the April meeting. The Parish
Council thanked him for giving up his time and all that he had contributed during his
time on the Council.
The Local Election Rules 2006 require the Casual Vacancy to be advertised on the Notice
Board and Parish Council Website for a period of 14 days. If, within the 14 days of the date
of the notice a request, in writing, that an election should be held to fill the vacancy, signed
by ten local government electors of the Ward is given to the Proper Officer (BCKLWN), then
an election will need to be held. If no such request is received by the Proper Officer
(BCKLWN), the Parish Council will take the necessary steps to fill the vacancy by co-option.
The annual accounts for the year ending 31st March, were approved by the Parish Coun-
cil. The Internal Audit will be carried during May by Mr Roger Canwell and his audi-
tor’s report will be presented to Council at the June meeting. Also, at this point, the An-
nual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) will be reviewed by the Parish
Council and subsequently submitted to PKF Littlejohn LLP for external audit. The end
of year accounts are available on the Parish Council website
The next Parish Council meeting will be held in the Village Hall on 13th June, at 7.30pm.
Members of the public are very welcome to join the meeting with the opportunity to make
comments or ask questions during the first part of the meeting. To contact the Clerk,
Sarah Harvey you can telephone 01328 823391, email or
write to Byanoak, Leicester Road, South Creake, NR21 9PW.

Can you donate? Read about Edward’s Charity Walk below…….

Local resident, Edward Bridgeman and a friend will be walking the Coast to Coast Path
(about 180/190 miles) in August to raise sponsorship money and awareness of the
charity ‘War Child UK ‘ which helps child victims of war all over the world.
Please follow the Links:
Shop window

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In the Barn, Garden or as
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AND GARDEN For more information visit
Contact Su’en Miller
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11 Abbey Rd, Great Massingham.
King’s Lynn,
Or book via PE32 2EY 01485 520 827

32 Walcups Lane, Great Massingham, PE32 2HR


Biodiversity Project News
The very dry spring gave volunteers a chance to remove some of
the silt from the dyke near to the culvert that runs under Sandy
Lane. This is important in order to keep the water flowing freely in
wet periods and try to minimise times when the pond can overflow
onto the adjacent green.
Volunteers have also been dividing and planting more marginal
plants along the pond margin to combat erosion and damage
caused by the excessive population of ducks in the area. Despite
the generally dry weather, the wet and rough meadows beside the
pond are looking very lush at the moment with many plants in full
flower. The yellow flag iris look at
their best now, with red campion
still flowering and ground elder tak-
ing over as the cow parsley fades. Ground elder may be
the bane of many gardeners’ lives but the rounded flower
clusters en masse can make a fine display in the meadow
beside the green.
Beside the path on the north side of the pond, look out for
ragged robin with its shredded pink petals, a smaller rela-
tive of red campion. The meadow was slow to green up
during the dry spring but the first flowers of ox-eye daisies
and corn chamomile should be showing now before the display of flowers reaches its
peak next month. Tim Baldwin


Classic Cars
Super Cars
Classic Bikes

The Green, Great Massingham

Saturday 18th June - Midday to 4pm
Supporting Cancer Research UK,
June Mobile Library Visits
28th June & 26th July
from 12.35, as timetabled.

FOSPGM... The Plan of the Survey of Scotsman’s Pit
Jexx Plant of King’s Lynn recently completed a Bathymetric Survey of the Pit which
shows the current depths of water and silt. A copy of the survey report is below.
The figures in Black are the
depth of silt in metres, and the
figures in blue are the depth of
the water on top of the silt.

The Friends of Scotsman’s Pit (FOSPGM) recommend the following:

1. Priority remains to continue with to monitoring and addressing the bank erosion.
More input may well be identified to the banks as we monitor but consideration will
also need to be given to allowing the plants to establish.
2. We recommend no desilting should be carried out until action one has progressed.
3. We continue our discussions and consider the possibility of a ‘mini dredge’ to allow
for a safety hole, in the event of weather extremes such as hot drought or cold freeze.
4. Several areas appear to be suitable for this. A particular area of interest lies at the grid
position 36m,120m where it appears it may be possible to use minimal heavy machin-
ery. As stated, this is for later discussion. Bob Bones for FOSPGM


2nd June, at 6pm
To celebrate the Platinum Jubilee we invite you
to create a fabulous hat! This is a family affair
and creations are open to 15 years and under.
Make your own version of a queen’s hat, bring it
along to the Dabbling Duck by 6pm and a winner
will be chosen in a hat line up.
Prizes are: 1st a £50 DD voucher
2nd a £30 DD voucher
3rd a £20 DD voucher
A member of the family must be wearing your hat.

Great Massingham Great Massingham
Biodiversity Project Historical Society
A very successful AGM was held in the
Annual General Meeting village hall with 16 members of the public
Friday June 24th attending. Thank you for supporting.
Jeanne Robinson was appointed Chair with
at 7.30pm Malcolm Tibble, Vice-Chair.
At the Village Hall Plans for the next two months are…..
All interested residents are • There will be a display of ‘Massingham
welcome to attend. Memories’ in the Church during the
The main purpose of the meeting is to week of the Jubilee celebrations.
receive the annual report & accounts • Our next meeting will be on Friday June
17th at 7.30pm, in the Village Hall.
together with an opportunity to learn Please come along to help at a directed
more about the Project and the sorting session. There will be old copies
Weasenham Road site. of the Mallard to organize and file, birth,
marriage and death certificates and lots
more. We will also show a Power point
of past village life.
• Friday July 15th guest speaker Phillip
West will give a talk about ‘Fakenham to
Wells: A retrospective view also taking
in Walsingham’. More next issue.

Please visit our website for much more information

on all these events and the latest news on new events
being added to the programme, and, of course, to
book online!
Here is a summary of ‘What’s on When in June’ …….
• Art at Westacre brings you IN THE PINK - Katie from Wild Oak Workshops with
two separate sessions to celebrate the amazing work done by Breast Cancer UK.
Wed. 1 June EITHER at 10 -12noon OR at 2 - 4pm for £60 incl materials
• Saturday 4 June at 11: 30am and 2: 30pm for £10 - The Wagon of Dreams with
puppetry and original music for ages 3+.
• Sunday 5 June from midday to 3pm - DixieMix Jazz Band Summer Picnic. £12
with under 10yrs free. Dogs welcome on a lead please.
• On the Studio Stage with West Acre Theatre Company KINDERTRANSPORT
Written by Dianne Samuels and directed by Matt grist. Thursday 9 and Friday 10
June at 7.30pm and Saturday 11 June, at 3pm, £16 adults and £10 under 16’s.
• On the Studio Screen: HOUSE OF GUCCI (15) (2021) Directed by Ridley Scott.
Wednesday 15 June at 2pm for £10.
• Art at Westacre brings you LIFE Theatre. Life drawing with a truly theatrical
twist, Sunday 19 June, 10am to 4pm for £40….. Also WATERCOLOUR
BARTHOLOMEW , Saturday 26 June from 10am to 4pm For £70 for the 2 days.
(Director at RSC & RADA) Fun and friendly day looking at some of the Bard’s best
loved plays, Saturday 25 June from 10.30am to 3.30pm for £50.
TEL: 01760 755 800
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Message for Parishioners from Reverend Judith

TOur A LLPlatinum
Anniversary Celebrations this month commemorate
our beloved Queen’s long reign as both Monarch and Head of State: seventy
glorious years - the longest-ever reign in history.
Elizabeth was not quite 25 years old when she acceded to the throne. Her
father King George VI died suddenly at the age of 56 in February 1952, while Princess
Elizabeth and The Duke of Edinburgh were in Kenya, at the start of a tour of the Com-
monwealth so she left as a Princess and returned as Queen.
The coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II took 16 months to organise and it
took place at Westminster Abbey on 2nd June 1953, conducted by the Archbishop of
Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher.
Our great nation has often celebrated major Royal events with the creation of special
food items: from the time of Queen Victoria think Victoria Sponge, from 1953 think
Coronation Chicken and, now, for the hugely significant Platinum Jubilee think Plati-
num Pudding, a special trifle comprising lemon Swiss roll, orange jelly and amaretti
biscuits to echo the lemon posset dessert the Queen enjoyed on her honeymoon. The
Platinum Pudding was created by Jemma Melvin, the winner of a national competition
in conjunction with the Royal grocers Fortnum & Mason, which attracted 5000 entries!
Many special events are planned locally across our villages with Parish Councils, com-
munity groups and churches working together to celebrate, in many different ways, this
unique and joyful occasion.
As communities, we are drawn together across the generations to celebrate and give
thanks for the amazing life and service to us all of our wonderful Monarch, now so sad-
ly parted from her husband and lifetime consort Prince Philip, who so loved being in our
Royal County of Norfolk, at Sandringham House. The Platinum Jubilee has drawn us
together as communities for tea parties, treasure hunts, concerts, picnics, street parties,
lighting of beacons, new flagpoles -you name it, it is happening!
I’d like to conclude by sharing with you a special prayer for the Queen’s Platinum Jubi-
lee written by our bishop: The Rt. Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich. Thank you
all for the privilege of sharing with you this once-in-a-lifetime occasion.
With all blessings, Rev Judith x

Christ our King,

We come in gratitude for our Queen Thank you for her calm and constancy,
whose long, extraordinary reign her humour and humanity,
has deliberately mirrored your service her steadying words and unifying signs,
through a life of visible self-giving. her grace and strength and resilience.
As we thank you for Elizabeth Protect her, we pray, O Christ,
- our beloved Servant Queen - and enfold her with your enduring love
we acknowledge her tireless devotion for, prized above rubies in her crown,
to country and to Commonwealth, she is more precious to us
while rejoicing at the special place than platinum itself.
which Norfolk has in her heart. Amen

Unite for Ukraine, 22nd April Concert, Thanks

Thank you to everybody who helped and attended. We raised over £2000
for the DEC Ukrainian Disaster Appeal. Gold Stars all round. Bob Bones
Church Services June
Date Time Service Location
Wed. 1st June 9.00 am Holy Communion Harpley
Sunday 5 June 8.30 am Holy Communion Roydon
Pentecost 9.30 am Family Service Harpley
9.30 am Holy Communion Little Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Grimston
6.00 pm Evensong. Congham
On Sunday 5th June, our services will very much focus on the Queen, giving thanks for
her 70 years of service to this nation and the Commonwealth, so do come and join with
us as we celebrate a wonderful life of service and dedication.
Sunday 12th June 8.30 am Holy Communion Congham
9.30 am Lay-led Morning Prayer Little Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Gayton
10.30 am Holy Communion Great Massingham
Wed. 15th June 9.00 am Holy Communion Grimston
Sunday 19th June 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Harpley
9.30 am Family Holy Communion Great Massingham
10.30 am Morning Praise Grimston
Sunday 26th June 8.30 am Holy Communion East Walton
9.30 am Family Service Great Massingham
9.30 am Holy Communion Little Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Gayton
3.00 pm Celtic Service Gayton Thorpe
Sunday 3rd July 8.30 am Holy Communion Roydon
9.30 am Family Service Harpley
9.30 am Holy Communion Little Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Grimston
6.00 pm Evensong Congham
For more news please visit our benefice website at


June 6th and 20th
Thursday June16th
July 4th and 18th 7pm for 7.30pm
at 2pm, Village Hall Bar at the Village Hall, cost £5
Kenneth Branagh's unabashedly
Slow Flow YOGA Classes feelgood memoir of growing up
Helhoughton Village Hall in Belfast as the Troubles erupted
Wednesday Mornings in the late 1960s ……..
Contact Debbie Wingell If you need help getting to and from
to book a place. Film Night, call Denny on 07887 927691.
Call 07857 449 113 or email We'll do our best to help.
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Great Massingham
Village Hall and Bar
Opening Hours
Wednesday to Friday - 7pm to 11pm
Saturday 3.45pm to 11pm High quality fitted and free-standing
Sunday 12 noon to 6.30 pm furniture. Individually designed,
With some flexibility for special events
and occasions. All Welcome.
personally installed by experts from
Memberships Excellent facilities.
due from the Good beer, wines and our Great Massingham workshops.
1 April. spirits at competitive
The fee is £10 prices. Outdoor
per person for drinking area.
all adults over WiFi, Pool Table & CALL TODAY
eighteen. Sky on large screen. 01485 521888
Please come along and support.
Useful Numbers
Organisation Contact Phone No.
Allotment Association Gill Goold 0750 824 2223
Biodiversity Project Tim Baldwin 520 813
Borough Council James (Jim) Moriarty 07879 492400
Bell Ringing Dale Gagen 520 024
Bowls Club Peter Wadham 520 796
Church Contacts Revd Judith Pollard 01485 601 251
Community Car Scheme Office 520 823
Coronation Club Jill Whitmore 520 609
County Council Stuart Graham Dark 07450 679 355
Dabbling Duck Pub Mark Dobby 520 827
Doctors Massingham Surgery 520 521
The Film Night Arthur Allen 520 628
Fishing Warden Paul Smith & Ken Perry Sue Nash 07802 670 711
Guide Trefoil Guild Shirley Rae & Rita Gosling 520 259 & 520 730
Massingham Historical Society Jeanne Robinson 520 455
Neighbourhood Plan Mike Jackson 520 056
Parish Council Sue Nash (Chair) & Sarah Harvey (Clerk) Clerk 01328 823391
Pre-School Pip Grange 07807 185 746
Police Non-emergency 101
School Kirsten Stibbon 520 362
Tennis and Multi-Sports Club Clare Parker 520 469
Village Hall Hall & Bar & Debs Lambert 520 588
Village Stores and Deli Mark and Kerry Eldridge 520 272

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Floor Sanding & Re-Finishing. 01485 609223
Call Chris
Card, cheque and cash
Mobile 07894 791 723
Landline (01485) 521707 payments accepted
More Platinum Jubilee Celebration events to join in.
Coronation Club
The Coronation Club will be having a picnic on the village green on
Saturday June 4th from 2pm to 4pm. Anyone who wants to, please
come along and join us. Please bring your own picnic and something to
sit on. It will be lovely to meet people after the difficulties of the past
couple of years and to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Jill Whitmore
Great Massingham Craft and Chat
The Craft and Chat group are busy making a Post Box Topper to celebrate the
Jubilee. It will be put on the Post Box outside the Village Shop. You may
have seen the one on the Post Box outside Grimston shop and it is lovely.
Let’s hope ours is too!
If you use Facebook there is a group on there called ‘UK PostBox Topper and
more Group’ and you can see the marvellous toppers that people have made.
Maybe we will make it a regular thing? Sue Nash
Gert and Daisy Quiz
Gert and Daisy will be holding a Jubilee Quiz, at the Village Hall, on Saturday 4 th June,
at 7.30pm. Entry fee will be £2 per person and that will be given to the Village Hall.
We will also be having a Raffle and proceeds from that will be donated to the older and
younger people in the village i.e. the Coronation Club and the Ducklings Pre-School!
Any prizes for the Raffle would be gratefully received.
Please come along and support these causes and have a lovely evening.
Thought we’d better write this in English in case you ‘hant lernt Norfolk yit!!’
Gert and Daisy.
Jubilee Film Night Matinee
Norfolk Life in times gone by
Four short films: A Farmer’s Life, Boating on the
Broads, Country Pursuits, Traditional Crafts.
FREE entry followed by tea and cake. All welcome.
Village Hall, Thursday June 2nd at 3pm
If you need help getting to the hall, call Denny on 07887 927691
Some June 2022 ‘Dates at a Glance’
Date Event Time Place
2 June - Jubilee events - Community Lunch, Film Matinee, Beacon lighting, Live music.
3 June Jubilee Prize BINGO 7.30pm Village Hall
4 June - Coronation Club Tea on the Green, 2 - 4pm & Gert & Daisy Quiz, 7.30 pm at the Village Hall.
5 June - Village Hall Jubilee Events - Fun Day, Fancy Dress, BBQ, Live Music all at the Village Hall.
6,20 June Craft & Chat 2pm Village Hall Bar
13 June Parish Council Meeting 7.30 pm Village Hall
16 June Film Night 7.30 pm Village Hall
17 June Historical Society 7.30 pm Village Hall
18 June Classic Cars on the Green Midday to 4pm Village Green
24 June Biodiversity Group AGM 7.30 Village Hall

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