Narrative Report On Participating in Workplace Communication

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After reading and understanding the course, I learned that communication

ensures the operation of the workplace and it is the quality of communication that can
significantly affect the results of work. Improving communication can be done by
choosing the use of signs or symbols common to the participants of the communication
process, which is not always just the language, but also pictures, gestures, etc.,
resulting from the company’s common culture and experience. Gestures or pictures can
be used to better explain the message to the employee. Successful communication is
well thought out and purposefully presented because quality communication is the basis
for the success of work. I realized also that quality communication in the workplace can
eliminate unnecessary problems and promote better performance. The ability to
communicate effectively in the workplace can increase overall productivity and create a
strong team. If employees consult with each other and consider the views of others,
they will be interested in cooperating more and finding the best solution together. By
creating good communication, managers can better understand the talents and skills of
their employees, then give clear instructions to the people who are best suited to the
task, thus increasing the overall effectiveness of each project. Data has shown that
employees with functioning communication networks in a work-from-home setting are
more productive, have greater work-life balance, and have overall better mental health.
Proper workplace communication increases productivity and creativity, and there are
multiple reasons why a comprehensive communications management plan should be a
part of corporate and business strategy.
Effective communication is critical in getting the job done, as well as building a
sense of trust and increasing productivity. Workers may have different cultures and
backgrounds and can be used to different norms. To strengthen employee cooperation
and avoid missed deadlines or activity that could affect the company negatively,
effective communication is crucial. Ineffective communication leads to communication
gaps, which causes confusion, wastes time, and reduces productivity. Managers and
lower-level employees must be able to interact clearly and effectively with each other
through verbal communication and non-verbal communication to achieve specific
business goals. Effective communication with clients also plays a vital role in the
development of an organization and the success of any business. When
communicating, nonverbal communication must also be taken into consideration. How a
person delivers a message has a large impact. Another important aspect in effective
workplace communication is taking into consideration the different backgrounds of
employees. "While diversity enriches the environment, it can also cause communication
barriers. “Difficulties arise when a coworker's cultural background leads him or her to
think differently than another. It is for this reason that knowing about intercultural
communication at work and learning how to treat others without offending them can
bring several benefits to the company.

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