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STEM 1215

A. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Use a separate sheet of paper for
your answers.
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. C

B. Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct but if it’s FALSE, write the
correct answer.
2. FALSE - can be
3. FALSE - Quijano de Manila
5. FALSE - The president has involvement

Directions: Enumerate 5 national artists per areas of speciation. Write their names on the
table below.

Art Forms Artists

Music ● Antonio J. Molina

● Jovita Fuentes
● Antonino R. Buenaventura
● Lucrecia R. Kasilag
● Lucio D. San Pedro
Dance ● Francisca R. Aquino
● Leonor O. Goquingco
● Lucrecia R. Urtula
● Ramon Obusan
● Alice Reyes

Theater ● Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero

● Daisy H. Avellana
● Severino Montano
● Amelia Lapeña Bonifacio
● Honorata “Atang” dela Rama

Film ● Lamberto V. Avellana

● Manuel Conde
● Gerardo de Leon
● Lino Brocka
● Ishmael Bernál

Literature ● Amado V. Hernandez

● Jose Garcia Villa
● Nick Joaquin
● Carlos P. Romulo
● Francisco Arcellana

Architecture ● Juan F. Nakpil

● Pablo S. Antonio
● Leandro V. Locsin
● Jose Maria V. Zaragoza
● Ramon Valera

Visual Arts ● Fernando C. Amorsolo

● Carlos “Botong” V. Francisco
● Guillermo E. Tolentino
● Napoleon V. Abueva
● Victorio C. Edades
Direction: From the artist you enumerated above, choose three artists per area of
specialization and list down one major work per artist.

Artist Major Work


● Antonio J. Molina Hatinggabi

● Jovita Fuentes Kundiman ng Luha

● Antonino R. Buenaventura Pandanggo sa Ilaw


● Francisca R. Aquino Research on folk dances

● Leonor O. Goquingco “Filipinescas: Philippine Life, Legend and


● Lucrecia R. Urtula Singkil, a Bayanihan signature number

based on a Maranao epic poem


● Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero Half an Hour in a Convent

● Daisy H. Avellana Barangay Theatre Guild in 1939

● Severino Montano Arena Theater


● Gerardo de Leon “Ang Maestra”

● Lino Brocka “Santiago” (1970),

● Ishmael Bernál “Pahiram ng Isang Umaga” (1989)


● Carlos P. Romulo The United (novel)

● Jose Garcia Villa “Have Come, Am Here” (poem)

● Nick Joaquin The Woman Who Had Two Navels


● Juan F. Nakpil Rebuilt and enlarged the Quiapo Church in


● Pablo S. Antonio Far Eastern University Administration and

Science buildings

● Leandro V. Locsin Cultural Center of the Philippines

Visual Arts

● Fernando C. Amorsolo Planting Rice

● Carlos “Botong” V. Francisco Portrait of Purita

● Guillermo E. Tolentino The Bonifacio Monument

A. Much like in the last lesson, imagine yourself collaborating on your Creation Story
with a National Artist or National Artists in the various mediums—film, visual arts,
music, theater, dance, etc. What artworks or projects of the artist do you have in
mind? What are your reasons for selecting the artist? What do you like the most
about his/her works? How do you incorporate this artwork into your developing
version? Are you going to modify the work? Create another version of the art piece
you have selected?
1. How do works of National Artists alter one’s impression of place? How does
a location that features the works of one or several national artists affect the
way we value that place?
➢ In public parks, churches, schools, and some government and
corporate buildings around the metro, we see murals, paintings, and
sculptures that sometimes seem to serve as decorative pieces but are
actually commissioned works that commemorate important historical
events, celebrate the achievements of a noted Filipino, or expound on
a Filipino value. These public artworks are the collaborative efforts of
the art patrons and the artists representing the mission, vision or
services offered by the institution, an act of their social responsibility.
In fact, during the Marcos administration, former first lady Imelda
Marcos commissioned murals, collected paintings and sculptures that
can still be seen in hospitals, government buildings, and public parks.
These works of art represent the thrust of the state in promoting
Philippine arts and culture while keeping up with global art changes
of the time.
2. What other disciplines or forms do you think should be addressed by the
NAA? List them down and explain why you think these should be added.
➢ It recognizes excellence in the fields of music, dance, theater, visual
arts, literature, film and broadcast arts and architecture, or allied
arts. Because an artist should be great-enough to be considered as a
National Artist. He/she must work hard to achieve it, and it will all go
through the process.
3. With your group, think about a National Artist who you would like to work
with on an art project on. Research about the life and works of the artist that
the group selected.
➢ FERNANDO AMORSOLO, because he is a great artist.
➢ The Philippine artist Fernando Amorsolo (1892-1972) was a
portraitist and painter of rural landscapes. He is best known for his
craftsmanship and mastery in the use of light. Fernando Amorsolo
was born May 30, 1892, in the Paco district of Manila. At 13 he was
apprenticed to the noted Philippine artist Fabian de la Rosa, his
mother's first cousin. In 1909 Amorsolo enrolled at the Liceo de
Manila and then attended the fine-arts school at the University of the
Philippines, graduating in 1914. After working three years as a
commercial artist and part-time instructor at the university, he
studied at the Escuela de San Fernando in Madrid. For seven months
he sketched at the museums and on the streets of Madrid,
experimenting with the use of light and color. That winter he went to
New York and discovered the works of the postwar impressionists and
cubists, who became the major influence on his works. On his return
to Manila, he set up his own studio. During this period, Amorsolo
developed the use of light—actually, backlight—which is his greatest
contribution to Philippine painting. Characteristically, an Amorsolo
painting contains a glow against which the figures are outlined, and at
one point of the canvas there is generally a burst of light that
highlights the smallest detail. During the 1920s and 1930s Amorsolo's
output of paintings was prodigious. In 1939 his oil Afternoon Meal of
the Workers won first prize at the New York World's Fair. During
World War II Amorsolo continued to paint. The Philippine collector
Don Alfonso Ongpin commissioned him to execute a portrait in
absentia of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, which he did at great personal
risk. He also painted Japanese occupation soldiers and self-portraits.
His wartime paintings were exhibited at the Malacanang presidential
palace in 1948. After the war Amorsolo served as director of the
college of fine arts of the University of the Philippines, retiring in
1950. Married twice, he had 13 children, five of whom became
painters. Amorsolo was noted for his portraits. He made oils of all the
Philippine presidents, including the revolutionary leader Gen. Emilio
Aguinaldo, and other noted Philippine figures. He also painted many
wartime scenes, including Bataan, Corner of Hell, and One Casualty.
Amorsolo, who died in 1972, is said to have painted more than 10,000
pieces. He continued to paint even in his late 70s, despite arthritis in
his hands. Even his late works feature the classic Amorsolo tropical
sunlight. He said he hated "sad and gloomy" paintings, and he
executed only one painting in which rain appears.

B. Discuss the following:

a. What does it take to be a National Artist?
➢ The National Artist of the Philippines are based on a broad criterion,
as set forth by the Cultural Center of the Philippines and the National
Commission on Culture and the Arts:
1. Living artists who have been Filipino citizens for the last ten years
prior to nomination as well as those who have died after the
establishment of the award in 1972 but were Filipino citizens at the
time of their death;
2. Artists who have helped build a Filipino sense of nationhood
through the content and form of their works;
3. Artists who have distinguished themselves by pioneering in a mode
of creative expression or style, making an impact on succeeding
generations of artists;
4. Artists who have created a significant body of works and/or have
consistently displayed excellence in the practice of their art form,
enriching artistic expression or style; and
5. Artists who enjoy broad acceptance through prestigious national
and/or international recognition, awards in prestigious national
and/or international events, critical acclaim and/or reviews of their
works, and/or respect and esteem from peers within an artistic
Nominations are then submitted to the National Artist Secretariat that
is created by the National Artist Award Committee; experts from the
different art fields then sit on a First Deliberation to prepare the short
list of nominees. A Second Deliberation, which is a joint meeting of the
Commissioners of the NCCA and the Board of Trustees of the CCP,
decides on the final nominees. The list is then forwarded to the
President of the Philippines, who, by Presidential Proclamation,
proclaims the final nominees as members of the Order of National

b. What qualities should he or she possess?

➢ Persistence - it is the quality to continue doing something despite it
being difficult or opposed by other people. Every artist should be
persistent because they need to:
A. Learn new skills
B. Sustain art career
C. Improve/perfect their skills
D. Build a successful art career
➢ Patience - it is the quality to become calm in normal and stressful
situations. It brings out the personal traits of the artists, an artist is
either enthralled or disgusted with work. Patience even out those
highs and lows.
➢ Passion - it is the motivation of artists to create. It is the driving force
that keeps the artist making art even without a reason for it.
➢ Risk Taker - it is necessary to explore new subjects or themes that will
tackle a familiar subject in a different way.
➢ Discipline - it involves one of the basic things that needs to be done;
getting set up and preparing yourself to paint. Lack of discipline will
affect a lot of things and even consume most of the time.

Directions: With a partner (Parents, Siblings, friends, classmates etc…) think about how
you can represent an “ideal” artist. You may:
A. Create a drawing/painting/soft sculpture (using commercial clay, textiles, and
cotton, paper, etc.);
B. Make an avatar using a computer program or application (app); or
C. Perform a monologue/skit, create a poem
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. C

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