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Rule #1: A pronoun and its antecedent must agree. They should both be singular or both be plural.

singular Vincentram cleaned his room.

plural The children cleaned their rooms.

Rule #2: Even though some indefinite pronouns have plural meanings, treat them as grammatically singular.
singular Everyone in my Science class does his or her experiment.
plural All of the students in my Science class do their experiment.

Rule #3: Treat generic nouns as singular even though they might have a plural meaning. Be careful when you use a or
any, every, or each.
Every boy on the team must try his best if he wants his team to win.
The boys on the team must try their best if they want to win.

Rule #4: Treat collective nouns as singular unless the meaning is clearly plural.
singular The committee approved its request.
plural The committee put their signatures on the form.

Rule #5: Treat most compound antecedents connected by and as plural.

Joan and Jim moved to the mountains, where they built a cabin.
Caitlyn and Ej went to the supermarket to buy their grocery.

Rule #6: When a compound antecedent is connected by or or nor (or by either...or or neither...nor), make the pronoun
agree with the nearer antecedent.
Neither the dog nor the cats could find their way through the maze.
Either Jemima or Sheena will have her failing grade.

Rule #7: When no gender is specified use both a masculine and feminine pronoun.
Each of the students should prepare his or her own homework.
Each member of the team will compete to his or her respective category.

Rule #8: The indefinite pronouns all, any, more, most, none, and some may be singular or plural depending on how
they are used in a sentence.
Some of the cakes are arranged based on their colors.
Most of the papers were kept in their boxes.

Rule #9: The following indefinite pronouns are plural: both, few, many, and several
Both of the students prepared for their exam.
Few artists were left in their camp tents.

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