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Ferdinand E. Marcos has done nothing good for the people of the
Philippines. Marcos negotiated to run for Vice President under Arsenio
Lacson's presidency on the condition that Lacson wouldn’t seek re-election
once their party won—a very questionable motive by Marcos. Lacson flatly
refused his proposition as he refused to be associated with Marcos, whom
he regards as a murderer.

According to a trial court, the shot that catapulted Marcos into

national prominence for the first time was fired on September 21, 1935,
when he shot to death re-elected Assemblyman Julio Nalundasan. The true
motivation for this was his desire to become a dictator. Judge Cruz
convicted Marcos guilty of murder and sentenced him to life in prison. He
took the bar tests and, despite or perhaps because of his imprisonment, he
topped the results and defended himself in court when he filed for an
appeal. Jose Laurel went to each member of the Supreme Court
individually and appealed in tears for the acquittal of little Ferdinand, and
he was successful.

If Imelda Marcos is the richest woman in the world today, it is

because Ferdinand Marcos is the biggest thief in the world today. Marcos'
greed was such that he pocketed the 300 million yen that the Japanese
government sent as a gift to the Philippines as reparation for the killing of
Filipino civilians. Marcos had made so many false claims about his military
exploits. There is no World War II report, document, essay, or book that
supports his claim. He runs a magazine and writes about his "heroic"
exploits. Marcos declared martial law based on an incident (the alleged
Enrile ambuscade) that had not yet occurred. 


Bribery, betrayal, brutality, and murder ruled the Marcos and Edralin
families' ancestors and served as templates for Ferdinand Marcos' thinking
and character, as the following events demonstrated. In fact, Ferdinand
was convicted as a murderer before the age of eighteen.


The Marcos family was so impoverished that he nearly did not

graduate from college because he could not take his final exams due to a
lack of tuition money. Imelda, on the other hand, is outspoken about the
fact that when she met and married Mr. Marcos, he was already wealthy
but did not go into detail about how her husband became so wealthy.
Lacson revealed that Marcos made additional money by smuggling arms,
but it was the import-control law that Marcos authored, pushed through
Congress, and duped President Quirino into signing into law. Marcos was
the lord tong collector for all large import licenses granted by the Central
Bank. He admitted being rich by uncovering Yamashita's treasure. If this is
true, Marcos has committed and continues to commit a crime. He has not
shared with the Philippine government half of the buried riches he
uncovered, as required by law.


 His legal presidency (1966 to 1972) and unconstitutional martial law

reign have brought about nothing but a confused policy built on a
quicksand of hypocrisy, double standards, plain lies, and corruption.
p. 194
 The death, or killing, of certain persons provided the solutions to most
of Marcos' problems. p. 199
 Ferdinand E. Marcos has done nothing right for the Filipino people. p.
 Marcos is just a  tinpot dictator whose lust for power knows no limit.
p. 195
 "Di puta gid, yawa. (Damn that s.o.b.) If that guy ever becomes
President, God save the  Philippines! p. 195
 The death, or killing, of certain persons, provided the solutions to
most of Marcos' problems. p. 199
 Marcos is a  sophisticated con man. p. 201
 We should not have a murderer in Malacanang. p. 201
 If Imelda Marcos is the richest woman in the world today, it is
because Ferdinand Marcos is the biggest thief in the world today. p.
 Marcos has a certain style of politics. It’s unique to him and I think
he’s the most successful practitioner of it. He may not know his
individuals but he knows the average  Filipino:  to what degree this
average Filipino can be scared, and what are the limits before he
becomes violent. Within these limits, he will apply any sort of artifice. I
think thus far he has succeeded. p. 214

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