Discussion Questions: Term 3, 2021

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Term 3, 2021

Organizational Behavior A
Week 6

Discussion Questions

1. Of the many motivational theories you’ve learned today, which one do you think is most effective for
you? Be detailed in your analysis.

Answer: I think as a student, the most effective theory for me is Goal Setting Theory. If I will
have a specific and clear goal, then I will plan, work hard and do things accordingly to achieve
that goal. It can inspire people to work hard to get their goal. Without having any goal and plan,
how can a person achieve anything. I believe that an individual should have specific and clear
goal which will inspire them to perform well. Goals should be realistic, I can’t set any imaginary
goal which is impossible to accomplish.

Goal setting theory always comes with a reward, I believe. If I set a goal, it means I want to
achieve something and to achieve that desired thing I will plan and try to work hard to achieve
that goal. When my planning and my hard work pays off, and I will accomplish my goal then
that will be my reward or achievement. And sometimes, some achievements can change the life
or become life time achievement.

2. In-class activity: What do people prefer in a job?

Overview: Understanding of job preferences would shed light on what aspects of a job might be
motivating for employees. This exercise allows you to think about different types of motivating
factors that are important in an organization.

Term 3, 2021

Motivating Factors Ranking

Good promotion prospects 6
Good relations with your supervisor/manager 3
Work you like doing 9
Good pay 2
A secure job 1
A job where you can use your initiative 7
Choice in your hours of work 14
The opportunity to use your abilities 8
Good fringe benefits 5
A lot of variety of work 15
Friendly people to work with 4
Convenient hours of work 13
Good physical conditions 11
Good Training provision 12
An easy workload 10
As an individual
1. Review the lists and rank them in terms of priority.
2. How will you select your job with your motivating factors?

Answer: I will select a job type which will be secure with a good pay. And I believe in
setting goals with benefits and rewards, like if an employee achieve the goal set by the
company, the company will give them a reward or praisal or accknowledgement. It will
motivate an employee to work hard and achieve the goal, it will ultimately be beneficial for
the company.

As a group
1. Compare your ranking and matching jobs with each member of your group. What similarities or
differences do you note?

Answer: Two of my teammates have similarities, but I have difirences with them. Both of
them wants a work they like doing, that’s their first priority. According to them, if they won’t
have the work they like, they won’t be able to perform well, favourite work type is most
important. And the least in the priority list is good physical condition, they don’t bother
about that.

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