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PTEPLUS Templates 高分模板
Speaking: Describe Image
• Numbers 数字模板 (单 / 多)
• Sections 方位模板(+颜色)
• Process 流程模板
Speaking: Retell Lecture
Listening: Summarize Spoken text
Writing: Summarize Written Text
Writing: Write Essay
• Template 1: support 1 side
• Template 2: discuss both sides
• Template 3: answer multiple parts
Speaking: Describe Image
1a. Single line / bar / pie / table
Structure: Speaking Template:
Title The graph shows information about [title]
Largest According to the graph, it’s clear to see that
最大值 The largest number can be found in [item]
Which is around [number]

Second largest According to the graph, it’s clear to see that

第二最大值 The second largest number can be found in [item]
Which is around [number]

Smallest According to the graph, it’s clear to see that

最小值 The smallest number can be found in
Which is around [number]

Conclusion: 总结 In conclusion, this is a useful graph;

• Comparison 对比 according to the graph, it’s clear to see that
• Trend 趋势 [item1] is larger than [item2] 或
the graph is increasing / decreasing / fluctuating /
Speaking: Describe Image
1b. Multiple line / bar / pie / table
Structure: Speaking Template:
Title The graph shows information about [title]
Largest According to the graph, it’s clear to see that
最大值 When we look at [which graph]
The largest number can be found in [item]
Which is around [number]

Second largest According to the graph, it’s clear to see that

第二最大值 When we look at [which graph]
The second largest number can be found in [item]
Which is around [number]

Smallest According to the graph, it’s clear to see that

最小值 When we look at [which graph]
The smallest number can be found in
Which is around [number]

Conclusion: In conclusion, this is a useful graph;

总结 According to the graph, it’s clear to see that
When we look at [which item]
[graph1] is larger than [graph2]
Speaking: Describe Image
2a. Sections – Pictures + text + colour
Structure: Speaking template:
Title The graph shows information about [title]
Left/right/… According to the graph, it’s clear to see that
方位 When we look at the (left/right/center/top/bottom)
We can see (item/color),
and we can see (item/color).

Left/right/… According to the graph, it’s clear to see that

方位 When we look at the (left/right/center/top/bottom)
We can see (item/color),
and we can see (item/color).

Left/right/… According to the graph, it’s clear to see that

方位 When we look at the (left/right/center/top/bottom)
We can see (item/color),
and we can see (item/color).

Conclusion In conclusion, this is a useful graph;

总结 (and we can see…)
Speaking: Describe Image
2a. Sections – Maps + colour
Structure: Speaking template:
Title The graph shows information about [title]
Left/right/… According to the graph, it’s clear to see
方位 When we look at the (section/country)
We can see some (colour)
Which means (item/text/number)

Left/right/… According to the graph, it’s clear to see

方位 When we look at the (section/country)
We can see some (colour)
Which means (item/text/number)

Left/right/… According to the graph, it’s clear to see

方位 When we look at the (section/country)
We can see some (colour)
Which means (item/text/number)

Conclusion In conclusion, this is useful map;

总结 (And we can see some (colour) the most)
Speaking: Describe Image
3. Process

Structure: Speaking template:

Title The graph shows information about [title]
First step According to the graph, it’s clear to see
第一步 the first step is called [text / item]
and the next step is called [text / item].

Next step According to the graph, it’s clear to see

下一步 the next step is called [text / item]
and the next step is called [text / item].

Next step According to the graph, it’s clear to see

下一步 the next step is called [text / item]
and the final step is called [text / item].

Conclusion In conclusion,
总结 This is a useful flow chart / process / cycle.

Some alternatives: adjust to suit you!

Template word Alternatives

Graph Picture, image
Largest Biggest, highest
Smallest Lowest
Number Figure, value
Left / right Left hand side, left side of the picture
Top / bottom Top part / top area / top section
Middle Centre
Step Stage, phase, part
Flow chart Process / cycle

Speaking: Retell Lecture

This lecture is mainly about ____________ (词/词组)

In the first part of the lecture, the speaker said (that) ____________ (词/词组)

After that, he/she also said (that) ____________ (词/词组)

In the second part of the lecture, the speaker said (that) ____________ (词/词组)

After that, he/she also said (that) ____________ (词/词组)

In conclusion, this lecture is mainly about ____________ (词/词组)

Listening: Summarize Spoken Text

This lecture mainly discussed (名词或者名词词组/ that+从句) __________[话题].

Firstly, the speaker emphasized (名词或者名词词组/ that+从句) __________[关键点1].

Secondly, the speaker illustrated (名词或者名词词组/ that+从句) _________ [关键点2].

After that, the speaker also mentioned (名词或者名词词组/ that+从句) __________ [关键点3].

Finally, the speaker highlighted (名词或者名词词组/ that+从句) ____________ [关键点4].

In conclusion, this lecture about __________ [话题] is very informative.

Writing: Summarize Written Text

While [Point 1 主谓宾], [Point 2 主谓宾], because [Point 3 主谓宾], and [Point 4 主谓宾], but

[Point 5 主谓宾], which means [Point 6 主谓宾], so [Point 7 主谓宾].

Notes 模板注意事项:
1. Extract sentences directly from the paragraph and insert into the above template – ensure that you are extracting a complete
sentence, no need for additional paraphrasing
从原文中摘抄重点内容句套入模板 – 确保是完整句子主谓宾, 在这前提下就不需要做任何其它改写,直接填入模板

2. Keep to the word count of 5-75 words - if your extracted sentence is too long, ensure to adjust accordingly
总字数 5-75 字,所以当摘抄的句子太啰嗦时,可以在自己能力范围内适当微调

3. The above template allows for insertion of 7 points, but this is not fixed; adjust according to the passage
摘抄的句子数量不固定, 模板所示的 7个 points数量仅为范例, 需看情况调整

4. The connectors in the template are not fixed;, you may choose to use them in any order, just ensure not to repeatedly use the
same connector throughout
模板的连接可随意挑选, 尽量不重复使用同一个连词持续连

5. SWT high frequency questions have an extremely high hit rate; but ensure to focus on the quality of your practice rather than
rely on pure memorization.
SWT高频机经命中率较高但最终强调: 在练习过程中需注重文章分析和理解
Writing: Write Essay Template 1
Template 1: Supporting 1 main side
第一段: 介绍话题和论点 Introduce the topic and your POV
1: The controversial topic with respect to whether [论题 Topic of debate] never fails to attract public attention.
2: While some people think that [第一方 View 1], on the other end of the spectrum, others hold the view that [第二方 View 2].
3: In my opinion, [观点句 Point of view] because / due to [核心论点1和2 reasons 1&2].
第二段:给出第一个支持论点 Give your first reason
1: First and foremost, it is evidently reasonable for one to think that [改写观点 POV] on account of [核心论点1 reason 1].
2a: Although the potential [负面negative/ 积极positive] impacts of [相关主题词], such as [支持例子], should be taken into
consideration, I still maintain that [相关主题词] has tremendously [harmed 危及了 / 丰富了enriched] people’s lives in various ways.
2: To be more specific, [解释 explanation].
3: For example, a recent article published in The Economist states, “[支持引文 supporting evidence].”
4: It is thus clearly shown that [论点1 reason 1].
第三段: 给出第二个支持论点 Give your second reason
1: Furthermore, [核心论点2 reason 2] also adds weight to my argument.
2: This is because [解释 explanation].
3: For instance, according to a recent study conducted by the University of Melbourne, [支持事实supporting evidence].
4: Without a doubt, this demonstrates that [论点2 reason 2].
第四段: 总结 Conclusion
1: In a nutshell, for the aforementioned [核心论点1和2 reasons 1&2], I wholeheartedly endorse that [观点 POV].
2: To address this issue, [相关机构 related institution] should make a concerted effort to [相关动作related action]. 12
Writing: Write Essay Template 2
Template 2: Discuss both sides
* 大部分和第一类模板一致, 主要调整的部分标紫色。Mostly aligned with template 1, with a few adjustments in purple.
第一段: 介绍话题和观点 Introduce the topic and your POV
1: The controversial topic with respect to whether [论题 Topic of debate] never fails to attract public attention.
2: While some people think that [第一方 View A], on the other end of the spectrum, others hold the view that [第二方 View B].
3: In my opinion, [观点句 Point of view], due to the following reasons.
第二段:给一方面的论点 Give reason for one side
1: First and foremost, it is evidently reasonable for one to think that [支持 View A的观点] on account of [A核心论点A’s reason].
2: To be more specific, [解释 explanation].
3: For example, a recent article published in The Economist states, “[支持引文 supporting evidence].”
4: It is thus clearly shown that [A 核心论点 A’s reason].
第三段: 给另一方面的论点 Give reason for the other side
1: However, [B 核心论点 B’s reason] cannot be ignored.
2: This is because [解释 explanation].
3: For instance, according to a recent study conducted by the University of Melbourne, [支持事实supporting evidence].
4: Without a doubt, this demonstrates that [B 论点 B’s reason].
第四段: 总结 Conclusion
1: In a nutshell, for the aforementioned reasons, I wholeheartedly endorse that [观点句 POV].
2: To address this issue, [相关机构 related institution] should make a concerted effort to [相关动作related action].
Writing: Write Essay Template 3
Template 3: When there are two parts to the topic
第一段: 介绍话题Pt.1和2:
1: The controversial topic with respect to whether [Pt.1论题 Topic of debate] never fails to attract public attention.
2: While some people think that [Pt.1第一方 View 1], on the other end of the spectrum, others hold the view that [Pt.1第二方 View 2].
3: In my opinion, [Pt.1观点句 Point of view], and / but [讨论Pt.2].
第二段: 回答Pt.1
1: First and foremost, it is evidently reasonable for one to think that [Pt.1观点 POV] on account of [Pt.1 核心论点Pt.1 reason].
2a: Although the potential [负面negative/ 积极positive] impacts of [相关主题词], such as [支持例子], should be taken into
consideration, I still maintain that [相关主题词] has tremendously [harmed 危及了 / 丰富了enriched] people’s lives in various ways.
2: To be more specific, [解释 explanation].
3: For example, a recent article published in The Economist states, “[支持引文 supporting evidence].”
4: It is thus clearly shown that [Pt.1 论点reason].
第三段: 回答Pt.2
1: In addition, / However, [Pt.2讨论].
2: This is because / This includes [Pt.2 解释 或 扩展explanation or expansion].
3: For instance, according to a recent study conducted by the University of Melbourne, [支持事实supporting evidence].
4: Without a doubt, this demonstrates that [论点2 reason 2].
第四段: Conclusion 总结 :
1: In a nutshell, for the aforementioned reasons, I wholeheartedly endorse that [Pt.1 观点句 POV].
2: To address this issue, [相关机构 related institution] should make a concerted effort to [相关动作related action]. 14

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