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A Detailed Lesson Plan

English VI
Using Explicit Instruction

I. Objectives
1. Compare nouns using comparative and superlative forms of regular
adjectives. (ENG6-IIb-5.5.1)
2. Write sentences using comparative and superlative forms of regular
adjectives. (ENG6-IIB-5.2.1)


II. Subject Matter

A. Lesson: Using the Comparative and Superlative Forms of Regular

B. References: English for You and Me 6 (Language Textbook), pp. 128-132

Curriculum Guide, p. 129

C. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, flashcards, stick puppets, activity


III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
- prayer
- checking of attendance
- setting classroom rules

1. Drill
Read the following words.

thick hard
brave thick
wise brave
slow wise
witty slow
nice witty
polite nice
kind polite
fast kind

2. Review
What is Adjective?
Adjective is a word used to describe nouns
and pronouns.
Give examples of adjective.
pretty, smart, soft, small, tall, short, etc.

3. Motivation
I have here stick puppets of three girls. They are Myra, Jen,
and Lani. Now, observe the lengths of their hair.

Myra Jen Lani

Whose hair is longer, Myra’s or Jen’s?

Jen’s hair is longer than Myra’s.
Who has the longest hair?
Lani has the longest hair among the three

So we have compared the hair length of the three girls. And

the adjectives we used in comparing are longer and longest.
What forms of adjective are these words?
Comparative and Superlative Forms of
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Today, we are going to learn about Using Comparative and
Superlative Forms of Regular Adjectives.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to learn how to

compare nouns using comparative and superlative forms of
regular adjectives. And how to write sentences using
comparative and superlative forms of regular adjectives.

2. Teaching/Modeling
Kindly listen as I read to you a dialogue entitled “The Egg
The Big Pie
Noli: I hope Mother comes soon. She will bring home
something for us.
Eric: I know what it will be – a big pie.
Noli: Here comes Mother.
Eric: Mother, what do you have for us?
Mother: A big pie. Here, go to the kitchen and divide it
between the two of you.
Noli: I’m bigger. I should be the one to divide it.
Eric: But you always get the larger piece.
Noli: I’m older than you. I need a larger piece.
Mother: Give me the pie. I’m going to divide it.

What did Mother bring home to the boys?

A big pie
Who wanted to divide the pie?
Why did Noli want to divide the pie?
Because he is bigger than Eric
Who is older, Noli or Eric?
Why did mother decide to let herself divide the pie?
So that the two boys will have equal share
of the pie.
Values Integration
At home, if your parents will bring you food, it is important
to share it equally with your siblings to avoid jealousy.
Likewise here in school, if you have food more than
enough for yourself, don’t forget to share it with your

Let’s go back to the dialogue that I have read to you earlier.

Here are sentences found in the dialogue.
Noli is older than Eric.
Noli is bigger than Eric.
In the sentences, Noli and Eric are being compared. The
adjectives used to compare Noli and Eric are older and
bigger. Older and bigger are in the comparative form.

Regular Adjectives are adjectives which form their

comparative and superlative forms by adding –er and –est.

Comparative Adjectives are adjectives that compare two

nouns. The comparative form of regular adjective is formed
by adding –er to the adjectives, e.g., long + er = longer.

Superlative Adjectives are adjectives that compare more

than two nouns. The superlative form of regular adjectives
is formed by adding –est to the adjectives, e.g., long+ est =

Other examples:

Positive Comparative Superlative

high higher highest
wise wiser wisest
short shorter shortest

Here are some things to remember in using comparative

and superlative adjectives:

1. The comparative forms of adjective are always

followed by than.

Noli is taller than Eric.
Bikes are cheaper than cars.

2. The superlative forms of adjective are always

preceded by the.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the
My mom is the kindest person I know.

Now, I am going to compare a bicycle to a motorcycle

using the adjective slow and fast.

1. A bicycle is slower than a motorcycle.

The adjective is slow, we added –er and than to make it

comparative. It becomes slower than.
2. A motorcycle is faster than a bicycle.

The adjective is fast, we added –er and than to make it

comparative. It becomes faster than.

These examples are comparative adjectives.

Now, I am going to compare three vehicles- a bicycle, a

motorcycle, and a car using the adjective slow and fast.

1. The bicycle is the slowest of the three vehicles.

The adjective is slow, we added –est and it is preceded by

the. It becomes the slowest.

2. The car is the fastest of the three vehicles.

The adjective is fast, we added –est and it is preceded by

the. It becomes the fastest.

These examples are superlative adjectives.

Now, I have here list of adjectives and I am going to use

them in a sentence. (smarter, younger, and sweetest)

1. Karen is smarter than Ana.

2. Lino is younger than Ace.
3. Snow White is the fairest princess of them all.
4. The owl is the wisest animal among the three.

3. Guided Practice

Now, let’s have a board activity.

Direction: Underline the correct form of adjective inside

the parenthesis to complete the sentence.

1. Solomon is the (wiser, wisest) king of all. 1. Solomon is the (wiser, wisest) king of
2. Cakes are(sweeter, sweetest) than candies. all.
3. Ryan said, “Mathematics is the (harder, hardest) subject. 2. Cakes are (sweeter, sweetest) than
4. The Earth is (larger, largest) than the moon. candies.
5. Jupiter is the (bigger, biggest) planet in our solar system. 3. Ryan said, “Mathematics is the (harder,
hardest) subject.
4. The Earth is (larger, largest) than the
5. Jupiter is the (bigger, biggest) planet in
our solar system.

At this point, we will have a group activity. I am going to

divide you into three groups. Each group will be given a
task card.

But before we begin, let me ask you first the guidelines or

rules of a group activity. So what are the things you need to
remember when having a group activity?

1. Stay with your group mates throughout

the activity
2. Work cooperatively
3. Minimize your noise

Group 1 Activity:
Direction: Fill in the missing form of the adjectives.
Group 1 Answers
Positive Comparative Superlative Positive Comparative Superlative
1. wise 1. wise wiser wisest
2. cold 2. cold colder coldest
3. quick 3. quick quicker quickest
4. tall 4. tall taller tallest
5. deep 5. deep deeper deepest

Group 2 Activity:
Direction: Fill in the blanks using the adjectives in the
parentheses. Group 2 Answers:
1. Baguio is colder than Manila.
1. Baguio is _____ than Manila. (cold) 2. Grade Six pupils are older than Grade
2. Grade Six pupils are _____ than Grade One pupils. (old) One pupils.
3. The Grade Five room is the _____ of all rooms. (clean) 3. The Grade Five room is the cleanest of
4. The Pacific Ocean is _____ than the Arctic Ocean. all rooms.
(deep) 4. The Pacific Ocean is deeper than the
5. Noel got the _____ grade in the class. (high) Arctic Ocean.
5. Noel got the highest grade in the class.

Group 3 Activity:
Direction: Write sentences that compare the pictures found
in the boxes using the comparative and superlative forms of
adjectives. Group 3 Answers:
Box 1 :
1. The ruler is longer than the pencil.
2. The stick is the longest of the three.

Box 2:
1. The glass is smaller than the pitcher.
2. The cup is the smallest of the three.
(long) (small)

C. Generalization
What was our lesson today? Comparative and Superlative Forms of
Regular Adjectives
What is comparative adjective?
An adjective that compares two nouns.
How does a comparative adjective being formed?
By adding –er to the adjective
What is superlative adjective?
An adjective that compares more than two
How does a superlative adjective being formed?
By adding –est to the adjective

D. Application
I have here real objects. You are going to compare these
using comparative and superlative adjectives.
(Teacher will call pupils who will do the task)
1. The chocolate is sweeter than the candy.
1. chocolate, candy (sweet) 2. The book is thinner than the dictionary.
2. dictionary, book, and notebook (thin) The notebook is the thinnest of the three.
3. stone, cotton (light) 3. The cotton is lighter than the stone.
(Afterwards, the teacher will call volunteers to come in
front and let other pupils compare their height and length of
IV. Evaluation/Independent Practice
A. Direction: Fill in the blanks using the adjectives in the parentheses
1. April and May are the _____ months of the year. (hot)
2. My grandmother is ninety years old. She is the _____ woman in our barangay. (old)
3. An elephant is _____ than a dog. (big)
4. The sun is _____ than the moon. (bright)
5. The coconut tree is _____ than a banana. (tall)

B. Direction: Write sentences that compare the nouns found in the boxes.

1. 4.


2. 5.




V. Assignment
Direction: Write sentences using the following comparative and superlative adjectives. Do
this in your notebook.

1. fastest
2. wider
3. richer
4. smoothest
5. smallest

Prepared by:
Teacher 1 Applicant

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