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12 Questions DATE  : 

1. Totalitarian governments frequently allow human rights abuses.  What is the adverb of

A abuses B frequently

C governments

2. There is always room for improvement in any system.  Adverb of time?

A always B system

C room

3. They often feel that the democratic system works better than any other that has been tried
before.  Adverbs of time?

A they, that B often, before

C feel,  has been, tried

4. Adverbs of time modify verbs and answer the question...

A in what way B where

C when and how often

5. Adverbs of place modify verbs and answer the question...

A where B when

C in what way
6. By 1886, the emperor looked outside for ideas to modernize Japan.  Adverb of place?

A outside B looked

C Japan

7. This technology spread out from the leaders to the people. Adverb of place?

A out B technology

C spread

8. Today, many Western nations look there for ways to improve their own economies. Adverb
of place?

A look B Western

C there

9. Adverbs of manner answer the question ...

A when B how and in what manner

C where

10. Until then, U.S. fans will watch hopefully as other countries dominate the game. Adverb of
manner? (ly)

A will watch B until then,

C hopefully

11. Someday, perhaps when the U.S. wins the World Cup, soccer will be taken seriously in this
country. Adverb of manner?

A taken B seriously

C soccer
12. Americans found out that it is a game that must be played intensely. Adverb of manner?

A intensely B Americans

C played

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