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DIRECTION: Suppose you are the SK Chairman in your barangay and you have noticed that there is a
problem in waste segregation in your place, what should you do?
Complete the given outline to come up with a project proposal to address the problem. (Refer to the sample
project proposal in your module on page 17.)

I. Project Title:

“Operation B.K.T.K”

II. Project Proponents:

The SK Officials are in charge of this project. Along with the support of Barangay Officials.

III. Project Rationale:

This type of project

IV. Project Objective:

• To make a more
• To help teen agers free from stress and depression.
• To prevent possible suicide attempts of Young People.
• To raise funds and support on SK projects.

V. Project Description:

This project will be attained and carried through the help of Barangay Officials, SK Officials and the
Community. Anyone may ask assistance or report from “Cheerful Youths” for guidance and help them from
any of their problems possible. Specially emotional and mental problems. The SK Chairman then leads the
group in aiding the ones in need. The “Cheerful Youths” will then find a solution on the problem so that
possible depression may prevent.

VI. Project Duration:

• The said Project will be implemented starting on Monday, May 30, 2022.
• The “Cheerful Youths” will be available to contact 24/7 upon implementation.
• The Project will run expectedly until the next term of SK Election.

VII. Target Beneficiaries:

The Project was planned and be executed to aid in Preventing Depressions and Stress Among Teen
Agers. The funds to be raised will be spent on the things that will be needed such as consumables and
financial support for those who have nothing left. Also for Psychologist consultation fee for someone who
desperately needs an expert.

VIII. Propose Budget:

The anticipated amount of funds that would sustain Project “Cheerful Youths” for a whole month
to operate is around 5,000 pesos. Though the exact amount of expenses can not be determined for it is
dependable on how often someone will need “Cheerful Youths”.

IX. Monitoring and Evaluation:

The Project will be fully managed by the SK Officials and everyone from the same community are
encouraged to participate in order for it to be more effective. For the Happiness of One is The Joy of All.

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