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Diploma in Hospital and Healthcare Management

SET 2 Exercise and Essay

Submission timeline: 1stDecember, 2021

1. Please write your answers in this document itself.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Submit/Upload your solved assessments in the learning management system.
4. Use font type: Times New Roman & size: 12 for writing your answers.

Course 1: Principles and Practices of Management

Exercise (Total: 10 marks)
1. Describe any 2 situations of hospital/healthcare setup where you will adapt/apply the
below listed styles of leadership. (5 marks)
 Autocratic or Authoritative style (2 situations)
 Democratic style (2 situations)
 Free Rein leadership(2 situations)

2. If there is conflict between patient and staff in your hospital on quality of services,
then how will you manage this situation? Enlist the strategies to avoid such situation
in future.(5 marks)
Course 2: Public Health & Healthcare Systems
Exercise (Total: 10 marks)
1. Being an immunization officer, plan COVID vaccination drive for population of age
45 years and above at PHC.

Course 3: Financial Management

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Short Answer Questions: (Total: 10 marks) Marks……
Answer the following questions: (5 marks each)
1. Explain in detail the functions and concepts of accounting.
2. Discuss the types of financial ratio? Describe leverage ratios in detail.

Course 4: Materials and Quality Management

Exercise (Total: 10 marks)
1. Prepare maintenance and repair plan for PET scan machine in a 400 bedded hospital.
Course 5:Hospital Planning and Management of Services
Exercise (Total: 15 marks)
1. Design a patient satisfaction survey questionnaire on your own to assess the services
of Gynaecology OPD of a multispecialty hospital. (5 marks)
(Min 10 questions to be included using Likert scale)

2. Being a hospital manager, how will you set up 50 bedded isolation ward in your
hospital? Enlist the Do’s and Don’t to be practiced related to COVID patient care.
(10 marks)
Essay writing (Total: 20 marks)
Write an essay in 300-400 words on following topics:
1. Disaster manual of a hospital
2. Role of Public Relations (PR) in hospitals
Course 6: Marketing in Healthcare & Stakeholders
Exercise (Total: 15 marks)
1. If you have to decide pricing of a drug which is used for treatment of lung cancer,
what factors you will consider? Then design a marketing strategy/plan for this
product. (10 marks)

2. Prepare the marketing plan for newly started imaging services in an existing hospital
to increase footfall. (5 marks)

Essay writing (Total: 20 marks)

Write an essay in 300-400 words on following topics:

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1. Patient centric approach in healthcare
2. Role of Marketsegmentation and differentiation in marketing

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