WORKSHEET 3. Text-Comp-Strat Match: Directions

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Text-Comp-Strat Match
Leader: Manapul, Kristine
Secretary: Mendova, Roselle Grace
Malubay, Mariel
Mante, Analyn
Masongsong, Angela
Mendoza, Louise
Santiago, Jorge
1. Consider the same grade level assigned to you in Worksheet 2.
2. Within the same grade level, choose a particular Week in a specific
Quarter.  List the reading and literature competencies in the week
you have chosen. 
3. Think of one literary text (poem, short story, drama or novel) that will help you teach
some (need not be all) of the reading and literature competencies in the week you have
4. Complete the table below.

Grade Level: 10 Quarter: 2 Week: 3

Text Title & Author: The Wife of Bath’s Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer

Considerations for Aside from the competencies to be addressed, what other

choosing the text: considerations did you have in choosing the text?
- Reading level of the grade 10 students
- Appropriateness of themes and content
- Alignment of text to Grade 10 content standard in
World Literature
- Connection of the text to the developmental stage of
the students
- Availability of the text online

Competencies STRATEGIES
List the reading and literature competencies that Explain how you will address the competencies
can be addressed through the text you have using the text you have chosen. Briefly describe
chosen. the activities your students will engage in to

Literature in the ESL Class MCPapango
realize the competencies.
Reading: Activity 1: Plot Diagram
● EN10RC-IIc-5.4: Present
Read and carefully examine all the text's
information using tables, graphs,
plot elements (exposition, conflict, rising
and maps
action, climax, falling action, and
resolution). From there, the students will
create a visual plot diagram indicating
these events by illustrating them on paper
or creating them online. This activity
allows the students to examine the events
in the text and helps to build literary
comprehension by organizing the story
into certain sections to deeply understand
the elements.

Activity 2: Character Map

After creating a plot diagram, students will

also answer a Character Map Worksheet.
In this worksheet, the students need to
analyze the characteristics of the main
character of the text, the Wife of Bath, by
describing her actions, thoughts, words,
appearance, problems she experienced,
and how she solved that conflict.
Students also need to provide textual
evidence that will support their answers.
Similar to what was stated in the chosen
competency, the objective of this activity
is to allow students to present, identify
and organize details about a particular
character from the text.
Literature: Let students read the excerpt below before
proceeding to the next activity to provide a
● EN10LT-IIc- 2.2: Explain how the
hint of the conflict in the story.
elements specific to a genre
contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection Excerpt from The Wife of Bath's Tale (Modern
● EN10LT-IIc- 2.2.1: Express Translated Ver.) - Direct textual evidence from
The Wife of Bath's Tale Page 7
appreciation for sensory images
“Take my hand and promise me,” the old

Literature in the ESL Class MCPapango
woman replied, “that if I tell you the answer
tonight, you’ll do whatever I ask of you when I
need it if it’s in your power.”

“Yes, I swear,” promised the knight.

“My lady, generally speaking, women want to

have power over their husbands and
boyfriends and to have the final say in all
matters. Even if you kill me, I know that this is
what you women want most. I am at your
mercy. Do with me what you will.”

There wasn’t a wife or widow or girl in the crowd

who could disagree with this answer, and
everyone believed that the knight had won the
right to live.

When the knight finished talking, the ugly old

woman stood up from where she’d been sitting in
the crowd and said, “My lady, have mercy!
Before you leave, please grant me a single
request. I am the one who gave this knight the
answer to your question, and he promised me
in return that he’d do anything I asked. Well, in
front of everyone gathered here today, I’d like
to ask you, sir knight, to marry me. I saved
your life, and you know you owe me.”

“Oh my God, no!” cried the knight. “I know I

promised that I’d do anything you asked, but,
for the love of God, please don’t ask me to
marry you. Take everything I own, but don’t
ask me this!”

Activity 3: Connect the Elements

In mind the character of the Wife of Bath,

the problems she encountered, and the
series of events that take place in the story,
students will be answering a new
worksheet. They will fill out a table with
three columns, with headers such as
conflict, type of conflict, and theme. The
conflict and theme must be well-connected
to each other and written in 1-2 sentences
Literature in the ESL Class MCPapango

After that, the teacher would ask further


a. How does learning about the character,

conflict, and plot of the story helped you
come up with its theme?
b. If the conflict of the story was changed,
do you think you will still come up with the
same theme? Why or why not?
c. How about if the actions, thoughts,
words, and appearance of the character
were changed, will the plot be the same?
Why or why not?

Activity 4: Does it make sense?

In the text "The Wife of Bath's Tale",

underline words/phrases in the text that
express the use of sensory images.
Determine whether it is visual, auditory,
olfactory, gustatory, or tactile. After
determining the sensory images used in the
text, explain how the use of these images
helped you understand the text more
effectively. Underline at least 5 from the

Literature in the ESL Class MCPapango

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