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Post-Conventional Morality

 Focused on the common good and universal moral principles.

 Person at this level makes judgment based on impartial universal principles
even when this lead to conflict with societal standards.
 Individuals now believed that some laws are unjust, that they must be
 There is the growing realization that individuals are separate entities from
the society.
 They may disobey rules that are inconsistent with their own beliefs and
 Individuals live by their own ethical principles.
5th Stage (Social Contract)
*behavior driven by balance of social order and individual rights.
*laws and rules are considered as social contracts for the good of the community
and equal protections of individual rights.

6th Stage (Universal Ethics)

*behavior is driven by internal moral principles.
*respect for universal principle: justice, dignity, equality.
*the moral decision is not just based on the laws and rules of the society, but on
one’s conscience.

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