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Classified Area Pump Installations

Installation of fire pumps in electrically classified locations is sometimes

required when limited spacing or a nonclassified area is not available at a
chemical or hydrocarbon installation.
This is particularly true for some offshore installations where no other
alternative might be available in retrofit installations, or where economic tra-
deoffs for space-weight occurs during the design of the structural platform
because of overall commercial viability of the project. Originally, the demand
for classified firewater pump installations was requested from oil companies
which were finding the construction of a purge-pressurized enclosure costly
and inconvenient, as well as imposing a weight implication. They were also
dissatisfied with the complicated ducting necessary for obtaining “safe” air
and venting the exhaust to a safe area. These arrangements necessarily inter-
fered with the layout of other equipment on the installation.
There may also be a risk philosophy adopted for a facility that,
although recognizes the normal limits of area classification by electrical
codes, desires to extend these limits to considerable distances because of
the nature of the facility, the risks involved, and the desire to ensure fire
pump operability in undue circumstances. Although technically these
pumps are located in normally nonclassified areas, they are thought of as
being able to operate in classified conditions (i.e., vapor releases) when
suitably modified. In this fashion, they may increase the safety margins for
the facility. Only a portion of the facility firewater pumping capacity is
allowed to be installed in these circumstances and normally only when
300% pumping capacity is required (i.e., commonly 200% in nonclassified
environments, 100% or less in classified environments).
Because of the hazardous environment a pump faces in these locations,
they are more liable to failure unless special precautions are taken (failure
can range from explosions effects to the system from the vapor in the
areas igniting, overspeed failure from ingestion of vapors, or possibly
internal explosion of the driver itself from the ingestion of vapors). In
fact, some insurers recommend against the installation of a firewater
pump in a classified area. A fire pump also provides numerous ignition

Fire Pump Arrangements at Industrial Facilities © 2017 Elsevier Inc.

DOI: All rights reserved. 161
162 Fire Pump Arrangements at Industrial Facilities

sources for combustible or flammable vapors that must be protected

against before a fire pump is allow to operate in a classified area. Both
electrical motors and diesel engine drivers pose ignition hazards that
should be recognized and catered for. Management must be advised of
and acknowledge these risks before the provision of a firewater pump in
these areas is allowed.
The most common approach is to construct a firewater pump assembly
in a self-contained enclosure (with suitable fire and explosion resistant bar-
riers) for which the interior is a safe area, but is placed within the classified
area. Air is drawn into the enclosure from a nonclassified area to maintain
the nonclassified status with appropriate vapor transmission controls for
personnel entrances (i.e., airlocks). This allows for the provision of an
ordinary firewater pump in a classified area without any modification and
less probability of failure. This option carries with it the extra cost, weight,
and space for the enclosure and additional services to support it. The alter-
native to this approach is to construct the firewater pumping system (spe-
cifically, its drivers and controllers) to meet the classified area
requirements. In some cases, both the enclosure and classified pump con-
struction are provided to meet reliability concerns and provide a higher
level of protection against accidental ignition from the pumping system.


Diesel engines contain some inherent ignition hazards. These igni-
tion hazards can be classified into two general areas—primary and second-
ary hazards as identified below. Further information is provided to
eliminate or reduce these hazards later in this chapter.


These hazards can be expected during normal operation of a diesel
engine, which has not been modified to operate in a classified area.
Suitable controls and preventive measures can be provided to reduce the
hazard of these primary ignition hazards for diesel engines.
Classified Area Pump Installations 163

Primary ignition hazards are generally considered the following:

• Engine surface and exhaust gas temperatures.
• Discharge of sparks from the engine exhaust system.
• Overspeeding of the engine.
• Discharge of sparks from engine electrical equipment.
• Flashback through engine air intake system.
• Static electricity discharge.
• Flame transmission through engine decompression ports.


These secondary ignition hazards may be expected as a result of engine
or equipment malfunctions but have a lower probability of occurring.
Secondary ignition hazards are generally considered the following:
• Discharge of sparks from engine mechanical causes.
• Overheating due to cooling water or lubrication oil failure.
• Excessive engine vibration.
• Explosion in engine intake or exhaust systems.
• Explosion in engine crankcase.

Although there is a general consensus within the industry that hot
surfaces are of concern where combustible vapors are released, because
they may be an ignition source, there is not a clear position for the limits
of hot surfaces that should be used. NFPA has recognized the hazard but
has not provided further guidance or regulation in the matter. API RP
14C, Recommended Practice for Analysis, Design, Installation and Testing of Basic
Surface Safety Systems for Offshore Production Platforms, and the UK Institute
of Petroleum (IP), Area Classification Code for Petroleum Installations, recom-
mends that a limit of 250 C (482 F) be used. It is felt this limit is primarily
required to restrict engine temperatures below the ignition temperatures of
the more commonly encountered flammable gases or vapors. API PSD
2216, Ignition Risk of Hot Surfaces in Open Air, however recommends that
164 Fire Pump Arrangements at Industrial Facilities

“ignition by a hot surface should not be assumed unless the surface temper-
ature is at least 200 C (392 F) above the normally accepted minimum igni-
tion temperature.” There is some evidence to state smaller surfaces are of
lesser concern than larger surfaces that are of the same elevated tempera-
ture. The US Mineral Management Service has recorded several incidents
in the Gulf of Mexico where vapors were ignited as a result of contact
with the exhaust systems of diesel engines.
The surfaces that may of concern for firewater pumps are the exhaust
manifold, mufflers, exhaust piping, and exhaust gases from diesel engines.
Whatever limit is chosen for the surface temperate it should be under
maximum torque conditions of the operation of the engine. The engine
itself should be sited or arranged to have free movement of air over its
exposed surfaces.


Diesel engine exhaust gases vary with speed and load. High loads and
high speeds result in the highest temperatures. Generally, temperatures of
500 700 C (932 1293 F) are produced in the exhaust gases from diesel-
cycle engines at 100% load to 200 300 C (392 572 F) with no load.
Exhaust gases normally discharges at a temperature of around 420 C (788 F).
Many incidents have been recorded where the exhaust of a diesel
engine has ignited vapors from a leak. Several methods are used to pre-
vent the hazards of exhaust gases acting as an ignition source. They may
be directed to a location that is considered safe or water sprays may be
provided in the exhaust piping to lower their temperatures. Exhaust gases
should never be directed toward combustible construction.


Diesel engine exhaust systems often reach a surface temperature of
350 600 C (662 1112 F), which may be capable of igniting flammable
substances. The exhaust system of diesel engines required to operate in an
electrically classified area are, therefore, required to be modified so they
will not act as an ignition source.
Classified Area Pump Installations 165

The exhaust system can be modified so it is a dry insulated system

(double skinned—insulated) or a seawater-cooled/jacketed system to
keep the exhaust system surface temperature and that of exhaust gases
from the diesel engine itself below that required for ignition of released
combustible gases in the area.


On occasion sparks or flames can be emitted from the exhaust sys-
tems of internal combustion engines. To prevent the occurrence of these
for engines operating in a classified area, “spark arrestors” (cyclone or baf-
fle type) are fitted to the discharge of the exhaust system piping. Spark
arrestors should be certified by the manufacturer for the correct size and
proper arrangement. A test certificate should be provided indicating the
effectiveness of the spark arrestor.

Because of the diesel engine ignition compression cycle, if a flamma-
ble atmosphere is present, the engine may continue to run even when nor-
mal fuel supply is shut off. It is also commonly thought that if the supply of
both normal fuel and ingested fuel from accidental vapor releases is provided
to the air intake of a diesel it may possibly cause the engine to overspeed.
In practical application, it is extremely unlikely that a diesel engine will
overspeed due to the induction of flammable gases. This is because the
power demanded by the pump increases by the cube of the speed increase.
In addition, the inducted flammable vapor cannot add increased usable
calorific valve to the fuel unless it is introduced to the cylinders under
pressure and with increased amounts of oxygen to enable it to burn.
The most likely cause of an engine overspeed would be the failure of
the engine governor. This overspeed should be detected by the engine
speed sensing device, which should shut of the fuel supplies and activate
an inlet air shutoff valve as described below. These precautions are recom-
mended by NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary
Combustible Engines and Gas Turbines.
166 Fire Pump Arrangements at Industrial Facilities

A shutdown valve can be fitted in the air intake to automatically iso-

late incoming air to the engine air inlet port and stop the engine, if over-
speeding occurs and it is above a normal maximum governed speed. The
air inlet closure must provide sufficient shutoff of air intake to stop the
engine whether operating on normal fuel supplies or possibly due to
some ingested vapors. The device is fitted as close the air intake to the
engine as possible and is normally provided between the flame trap and
air intake filter. Additionally, a manual capability to provide rapid stop-
ping of the engine is fitted to the air intake shutdown valve.
The engine itself should be undamaged because of the overspeed shut-
down. Resetting of the air inlet damper would be required, prior to the
restart of the engine, following removal of the overspeed cause.


Air supplies to the engine should be drawn from a safe area. This is
to prevent to rich a fuel mixture entering the air intake and causing oxy-
gen starvation and to prevent ignition flashback to the classified area
through the air intake system. Gas detection should be installed at the air
inlet to alarm at a manned location. The detection system should alarm at
a low point and cause an engine shutdown at a high level (commonly
20% LEL for low level and 50% LEL for high level).
On occasion, a flashback can occur through the air intake system
from the combustion chambers. A flame trap is commonly provided of
the crimped, coil metal cartridge type to prevent the passage of flashback
to the outside. The flame trap should be easily reachable for inspection
and maintenance purposes.

All external parts, e.g., fan blades, drive belts, etc., which may con-
tact with other parts should be manufactured from nonsparking materials.
Additionally, all drive belts should be from anti-static materials and fire
Classified Area Pump Installations 167


All instrumentation and electrical devices selected for use and supplied
by vendors must be certified for use in the intended classified area. Equipment
that is not rated for such use should be isolated and shutdown upon the con-
firmed detection of combustible gases or vapors in the area; however, those
items required for pump operation should be suitably rated. All electrical equip-
ment should also be grounded or bonded to avoid the generation of sparks.
Since batteries can cause sparking, they should not be used for classified
area operations. Instead, air or hydraulic starting systems are provided. If
batteries are provided as the primary starting mechanism they should auto-
matically disconnected following the detection of flammable gas in the area.

Flame transmission to the atmosphere can occur if decompression
ports are provided on the engine. Therefore, decompression mechanisms
should not be provided.

Normal motors may spark during the course of their operation;
therefore, electrical motors must be certified to operate in a classified
area. The actual rating should be consistent with the worst ignition com-
modity the facility handles (i.e., lowest ignition temperature, vapors, or
fibers, etc.). They should also be adequately bonded or grounded.

Controllers for firewater pumps contain electrical devices that may
be an ignition hazard. They are commonly provided with a purging
mechanism to avoid the entrance to of flammable vapors to the panel or
the panel itself may be constructed of explosion proof design.

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