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Online Book Recommendation System

School of Information & Technology-Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore

Prof . Malathy E


ABSTRACT authors, date of publishing, user id of the people,

The online recommendation system has become a book rating, the age and other details of the user. We
trend. Nowadays rather than going out and buying propose a similar recommendation system for a
items for themselves, reason being, online certain collection of books. The major task we had
recommendation provides an easier and quicker way was to clean the data being used. We have the data of
to buy items and transactions are also quick when it is a large number of books, users and the rating given to
done online. Recommended systems are powerful different books by different users. For all the users,
new technology and it helps users to find items which we have a unique id (User-ID) to identify them. Apart
they want to buy. A recommendation system is from that, we have their age, and the rating given by
broadly used to recommend products to the end users them to a book(s). Books are identified based on their
that are most appropriate. Online book selling ISBN number. Each book has its author's name as
Websites now-a-days is competing with each other by well as the publication that published the book, along
considering many attributes. A recommendation with its title and ISBN number. But, the data is dirty
system is one of the strongest tools to increase profits and has a lot of missing values. In the case of Users,
and retain buyers. The existing systems lead to nearly 27% do not have their age. In case of book
extraction of irrelevant information and lead to lack rating, around 62% of the total data has null values
of user satisfaction. This Book Recommendation for book ratings. Our first task was to clean the data,
System (BRS) based on combined features rating and fill in the appropriate values of all these missing
count ,using pearson correlation, Collaborative data. In this project first the user is asked to give their
Filtering Using k-Nearest Neighbors to produce age as input according to which book that has their
efficient and effective recommendation. rating greater than that of minimum book rating value
are recommended to the user. The minimum book
Keywords – recommendation, transactions, machine rating can either be set by the user or it can be
learning, (BRS), pearson correlation, k-Nearest, predicted by our prediction model for that particular
efficient and effective user, using his age as the feature. The customer can
use any of the above functionalities.
Using a recommendation system, a company can
recommend similar products to their users/customers, STATEMENT OF PROBLEM
which help the customer to buy/view products
according to his/her needs, and also helps the A recommendation system will help users who do not
company for determining what's best for their have enough individual knowledge to peruse through
customers. This results in bringing good profits for the different types of options offered by a website. It
the company. In this project we have used different will provide the users with information to assist them
data sets which contain details about different to make a decision as to which items to purchase. The
proposed work alters from the existing age as the feature. The customer can use any of the
recommendation systems since the existing ones only above functionalities.
consider one technique to recommend items to the LITERATURE SURVEY
users.They do not recommend items using two or
more techniques and are not a Hybrid
Recommendation System.The proposed system uses [1] Book Recommendation System Based on
combination of Collaborative Filtering and Combine Features of Content BasedFiltering,
Association Rule Mining. Collaborative Filtering is Collaborative Filtering and Association Rule
used to predict the ratings of a particular item by Mining.
calculating ratings given to similar items or ratings
given by similar users. Association Rule Mining is This paper presents a book recommendation system
used to extract different patterns and based on combined features of content filtering,
correlations between different items. Thus, the usage collaborative filtering and association rule mining. At
of both these techniques can help to control the data last the goal of the most recommendation system is to
sparsity problem and cold start problem in predict the buyer’s interest and recommend the books
recommendation systems. accordingly. This book 5 recommendation has
considered many parameters like content of the book
OBJECTIVE and quality of the book by doing collaborative
filtering of ratings by the other buyers.This
We proposed a recommendation system for a certain recommender system also uses an associative model
collection of books. The major task we had was to to give stronger recommendations. This system does
clean the data being used. We have the data of a large not have performance problems since it built the
number of books, users and the rating given to recommendations offline.
different books by different users. For all the users,
[2] Book Recommendation System using Data
we have a unique id (User-ID) to identify them. Apart
Mining for the University of Hong Kong
from that, we have their age, and the rating given by
them to a book(s). Books are identified based on their
ISBN number. Each book has its author's name as
This paper describes the theoretical design of a
well as the publication that published the book, along
Library Recommendation System, employing k-
with its title and ISBN number. But, the data is dirty
means clustering Data Mining algorithm, with subject
and has a lot of missing values. In the case of Users,
headings of borrowed items as the basis for
nearly 27% do not have their age. In case of book
generating pertinent recommendations. Sample data
rating, around 62% of the total data has null values
from the University of Hong Kong Libraries (HKUL)
for book ratings.
has been used in a Quantitative approach to study the
existing Library Information System, Innopac. Data
warehousing and Data Mining (k-means clustering)
techniques are discussed. The primary benefit of the
system is higher quality of academic research ensuing
Our first task was to clean the data, and fill in the
from better search results. Personalization improves
appropriate values of all these missing data. In this
individual effectiveness of learners and overall in
project first the user is asked to give their age as input
better utilizing library resources.
according to which book that has their rating greater
than that of minimum book rating value are [3] Book recommendation system using opinion
recommended to the user. The minimum book rating mining technique.
can either be set by the user or it can be predicted by
our prediction model for that particular user, using his
With the changing trends in technologies, and brisk algorithm. This paper introduces two methods for
growth in the Internet, daily life of an individual has improving the efficiency of algorithms, such as
also changed at a very fast pace. The impacts of these filtrating basic item sets, or ignoring the transaction
technologies are so diverse that it has affected almost records that are useless for frequent items generated.
every sphere of life. People start using applications of
the Internet in their daily life; they prefer online REQUIREMENTS
shopping for their needs more and more. For
academicians, researchers and students, purchasing Hardware requirements
the desired book from huge collections of books on
the Internet is very tedious work. In this paper, we  CPU : 2X 64bit 2.8 GHz 8.00 GTs/CPUs
presented a recommendation technique based on  RAM : 32GB
opinion mining to propose top ranked books on
 HDD 256GB
different disciplines of computer science. Based on
the need of the customers and the reviews collected
Software requirements
from them, we have categorized features for the
books. We analyze the features on the basis of several
 Anaconda server
characteristics that we have categorized and reviews
of the users
Operating system
[4] Book recommendation system based on
collaborative filtering and association rule mining  Windows 10
for college students.
Security requirements
Recommendation systems are tools in e-commerce
websites which help users to find the appropriate  Privileged access OR sudo capabilities
products. With the rapid development of internet  Open HTTP(S) port
technologies the number of online book selling  SELinux policy edit privileges (SELinux
websites has increased which enhanced the
does not have to be disabled for Anaconda
competition among them. This paper presents an
online book recommendation system for students Repository operation)
reading textbooks. The main motive of this paper is to  Optional: Ability to make iptables
develop the technique which recommends most modifications and SSL certificate
suitable books to the students according to their price
range and publisher's name. This is based on the
combined features of classification, user based
collaborative filtering and association rule mining. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE

[5] Book Recommendation Service by Improved

Association Rule Mining Algorithm

With the extensive application of database systems, a

mass-circulation historical data is accumulated in
university libraries. We applied data mining
technology for discovering useful knowledge in
circulation data analysis. There are some
shortcomings in mining association rules via Apriori
Fig 1.1: Proposed framework

Fig 1.4 Activity Diagram

 Login Module
 Sign -Up Module
 Home / Dashboard Module
 Explore Books Module
 Recommend Modules


1) Based on Correlation
Pearson correlation is the one most commonly used in
statistics. This measures the strength and direction of
Fig 1.2 UseCase Diagram a linear relationship between two variables We use
Pearsons’R correlation coefficient to measure the
linear correlation between two variables, in our case,
the ratings for two books.

2) Collaborative Filtering Using k-Nearest

KNN is a machine learning algorithm to find clusters
ofsimilar users based on common book ratings, and
make predictions using the average rating of top-k
Fig 1.3 Class Diagram nearest neighbor.
3) Collaborative Filtering Using Matrix IMPLEMENTATION
Matrix Factorization is simply a mathematical tool
for playing around with matrices. The Matrix
Factorization techniques are usually more effective,
because they allow usersto discoverthe latent (hidden)
features underlying the interactions between users
and items (books). We use singular values
decomposition (SVD)—one of the Matrix
Factorization models for
identifying latentfactors.


previously. To implement the “Online Book
Recommendation System” we have used Pearson
correlation coefficient and algorithms such as
Collaborative filtering using KNN and Collaborative
filtering using matrix factorization


1) Anand Shanker Tewari, Abhay Kumar, Asim

Gopal Barman,”Book Recommendation System
Based on Combine Features of Content Based
Filtering,Collaborative Filtering and Association
Rule Mining.”,IEEE,2014.

RESULTS 2) Pijitra Jomsri ,”Book Recommendation System

using Data Mining for the University of Hong
We have evaluated the maintainability,
Kong Libraries.”,IEEE,2012 .
efficiency ,interoperability, navigability, reliability of the
developed system by using different metrics. We also 3) Shahab Saquib Sohail,Jamshed Siddiqui, Rashid

calculated the size of the code. We even evaluated whether Ali,”Book recommendation system using opinion

the customers are satisfied and whether the customer miningtechnique.”,IEEE,2013.

requirements are met. And we came to a conclusion that the 4) Chih-Ming-Chen,”An intelligent mobile location-
system we developed has very minimal failure rate , requires aware book recommendation system that enhances
less storage space, is not complex, has less bugs hence it is problem-based learning in libraries.”,2011.21
efficient, it is highly maintainable i.e., it can be modified 5) Gowtham Mathew,“Research on Book
with ease without much difficulty in future and most Personalized Recommendation Method Based on
importantly most of the users are satisfied with the developed Collaborative Filtering Algorithm “, 2011.
system 6) Jipin-Swang,“Machine Learning based Efficient
Recommendation System for Book Selection
using User based Collaborative Filtering
Algorithm “,IEEE,2020.
Now-a-days rather than going out and buying items,
7) Manal Roa, ”Electronic Book Recommendation
everyone prefer to purchase things online as it is a quick
Method Based onGroup User Behavior
and much easier process .In the similar way, many people
buy books online. Therefore, we have developed an
“Online Book recommendation system” to suggest books
to the customers based on the customer purchase history.
In today’s world, Recommendation Systems are one of the
most advanced technologies in demand. In our project, we
suggest books to customers based on the ratings they give
to a book , what type of book genre they purchased
previously and which author’s book they purchased

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