Learning Information Sheet M.1.3: Quality Control: Concept, Significance and Techniques

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Learning Information Sheet M.1.

Quality Control: Concept, Significance and Techniques

Quality is the degree of excellence a product possesses with respect to design of product
and conformity with certain prescribed standards and specifications; so as to meet customer’s
expectations most satisfactorily.

“Quality is the degree to which a product conforms to specifications and workmanship

standards.” __ John D. Mclellan

Quality is a Subjective Concept

A product which one thinks ‘ as superior’ , may be rated as “inferior’ by some others.

Quality is a Relative Concept

It is a relative to the cost of the product i.e. quality is something which is consistent with
the price of the product.

Quality is a conditional concept;

i.e. the characteristic of quality has a meaning and relevance; only when it meets the
purpose for which it is bought by a buyer.

Quality is a dynamic;

i.e. the notion of quality changes with times. Products regarded in the past as possessing
excellent quality may be looked down upon as substandard, by people of modern times.

Steps in the process of quality control:

1. Establishing quality standards, in terms of size, design, durability, appearance etc., on

the basis of customers’ preference and cost production.
2. Selecting the manufacturing process; this permits output of the required
3. Developing measurement techniques; to ensure whether production conforms to set
specifications or not.
4. Monitoring product quality; which requires designing a system of periodical checks
of the end product to find out deviations from set standards of a quality; and locating
causes of such deviations.
5. Taking corrective action; to remove the causes of deviations
Significance of quality control

Quality control is significant for the following reasons:

(1) Cost Reduction and Profit Maximization:

Quality control helps in better utilization of productive resources; and in elimination of all sort of
wastes. Thus it leads to cost reduction and profit maximization for the enterprise.

(2) Increase in Operational Efficiency:

Quality control implies control over quality of raw-materials, performance of men and machines
etc. Thus it brings about more operational efficiency of the organization.

(3) Maximum Customer Satisfaction:

Quality control minimizes complaints from customers and results in maximum customer
satisfaction. It is quality that brings customers back for a second time, third time and so on. Thus
quality control leads to sales maximization; and consequently profit maximization.

(4) Good-Will and Image of the Enterprise:

Quality control builds goodwill of the enterprise in society. It makes for an image of the
enterprise in the eyes of the public, due to the quality products offered by the enterprise.

(5) Insurance Against Heavy Losses:

Quality control protects the manufacturer against heavy losses which may be caused due to
rejection of large quantity of sub-standard products.
(6) Promotes Employees’ Productivity:

Quality control inculcates a feeling of quality consciousness among employees; and promotes
their productivity.

(7) Morale of Employees:

Quality control heightens morale of employees; as they feel that they are working for an
enterprise producing goods of superior quality.

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