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The prevention of cruelty to animals ammendment bill 2022

An act further to ammend the prevention of cruelty to animals act 1960. Be it

enacted by parliament in the sixty eighth year of republic of India as follows

Preferatory note:-

Statemnt of objects and reasons: To give impact of 42nd Constitutional

amendment which adds additional article 51a(g) It shall be the duty of every
citizen of India(g) to protect and improve the natural environment including
forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures;

Present law is very week because of very less punishment. This defeats the
purpose of the act. Hence to strengthen the law giving stringent provision of
punishment towards cruelty to animals, this amendment

The animal transport rules are violated and transported with cruel transport
practices. In case of cattle transport in addition to cruelty sentiments of people
are also hurts which causes communal violence. This can be controlled only by
imposing heavy punishment.

Also to raise the fine amount in order to make up the exalted value of Rupee

Hence the bill.

The prevention of cruelty to animals amendment bill 2022

1)Short title: This act may be called the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
amendment Act 2022

2) Amendment of section 11 of act 59 of 1960 In the prevention of cruelty

act 1960 (act 59 of 1960) In pargraph after Subsection 1 of section 11
clause (o) of principle act The words ‘ in the case of a first offence, with fine
which may extent to fifty rupees, and, in the case of a second or subsequent offence
committed within three years of the previous offence, with fine which may extend to one
hundred rupees, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or
with both.’ after the words ‘he shall be punishable’ are replaced by “In the
case of a first offence ,with imprisonment for a term which may be extended to 5 years
and fine which may extend to Rs one lakh for cruelty to each animal. In the case of
second and subsequent offence ,with rigorous imprisonment of minimum three years
which may extend to five years and with fine of minimum of Rs one lakh and which may
extend to Rs three lakh for cruelty to each animal.
3) Amendment of section 20 of principle act: the words two hundred are
replaced by twenty thousand
4) Amendment to section 26(g) of principle act : the word five hundred is
replaced by fifty thousand
5) Section 28 of principle act omitted
6) Amendment of section 29 of principle act (5) the word ‘Rs one hundred’ is
replaced by ‘Rs fifty thousand’
7) Addition of section 34 of principle act After subsection 34 following sections
shall be added
34(a )Animals seized under section 34 shall not be given interium custody to accused or
owner of animal till the final disposal of the case. Animals so seized may be handed
over to pinjarapoles or animal shelters or in case no arrangements can be made, animals
shall be handed over to animal husbandry department. The District Magistrate of such
district shall make arrangements to give funds to take care such animals , every month
without delay till the final disposal of the suit.
34(b) the vehicle used to transport animals contradicting the provisions of this Act or
rule under this Act shall be seized. Interim custody of such vehicle shall not be given
either to accused or owner of the vehicle. After conviction shall be forfeited to State
Government. And may be handed over to Pinjarpole or Goshala
8) Addition of new section 34© offence under this act is non bailable and offence by
violating rules under this is cognizable.

9) Amendment of section 38(3) of principle act the words with fine which may
extend to one hundred rupees, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three
months, or with both. Are replaced by “In case of a first offence, with imprisonment for a
term which may be extended to 5 years and fine which may extend to Rs fifty thousand
for cruelty to each animal. In the case of second and subsequent offence , with rigorous
imprisonment of minimum three years which may extend to five years and with
minimum of Rs fifty thousand which may extend to Rs one lakh for cruelty to each

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