Computer Studies PI s17

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‘Subject: Computer Studies-I ‘TIME ALLOWED: 3 bi PAPER: A (Introduction to IT and Computer Programming) _MAX. MARKS: 70 "NOTE: Question! n Fartland QuestoorS i ‘of the remaining THREE questions in Part-l and Part-I For objective type questions (Question#| and Question), you do not need to write the question stalemenis. You are oly required to wrt the part number (g 12,3, et.) and your selected answer lener (eg, A ot B or C or D)agunst it Cutting andlor overwriting shoud be avoided. You must [rovide answers tothe question inthe sequence (rom It 1) (Introduction to Information Techné O41 (Boalt part in this question) as) 1. The process of reading instruction fom memory is ale: (Fetch (B) Translate ———(©) ecole DBeecue 2. BIOS stands for (A)Basis Input Ouput System (Binary input Ouput System CE) BascToput OF System (D)Allorte given x {isthe ability of device to “ump” diretyto the requested data. (AySequenialnccess(B)Random acess (C) Quick access (D) All ofthe given 4. -Acomputer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called wan (AVinterpeter(B) Simulator (C) Compiler (D) Commander s resides in active memory and replicates itself over a network to infect computers: (ATime bom () Worm (©) Melissa views (D) Macro view. 6. Secondary memory of compute is socalled es (A)Main memory (B) Volatile memory (C) Cache memnory _(D) Ailiary memory 7. Incolor monitors, each pine is made of __ dot. Ml @2 ©3 4 4, The ollowing Keyboard has a design that reduces the chance of wrist injuries (A) Wireless Keyboard (© Cordless Keyboard (8) Gaming Keyboard (©) Ergonomic Keyboard 9. Light pen an joystick ae (A)Alsoritn —(B) Input devices (C) Output devices _ (D)Porals 10. Which ofthe following are the functions of an operating system? (A) Allocates resources (© Moxitrs activites (B)Manages disk and files (D) Allof the given 1, sever translates the doin name ot stociated IP adress, (ADNS @FP OP O)Dilw 12. The process of uansfring ils frm computer onthe Interetto your computer is calle (AUpleading —(B)PTP — (C) Downloading (D) JPEG 13, A modem is conected (A)atetephone line (Bakeyboard (Chainer (D) a monitor 14. A computer connected to a network i aed (au (B) Bridge (C)Router (D) Node Primary key of relation consisting of two or more attributes is called (A)Large key —(B) Multi key (C) Composite key (D) Strong key (082; riety explain the following: an 2) Mticore processor ') Global Positioning System (GPS) 6) Data and adress buses @) Virwal realy 1) Network protocat ‘QF 3: What is hard disk? Describe working, storage mechanism and performance characteristics of ‘ard cick in deal. do) on; #10) ') Define IP adres, domainname, DNS sever, web browser and wor. o 1) Discuss the major function of operating system. o ell (Com amin Marks: 35 (US (Doll parts inthis question) ay 1, Whatis the vale of integer variable x ater the statement x =2°3+8 is executed? Ho OB © M256 2 Let A= 15 and B=20, then the expresion (A> 10) OR NOT(B=20) evaluates to___ (AyTrue (B) Fase 3. In Views Basic, the declaration of variables is dove by _keyword. Wim B)dim —(C)defie (Dy declare 4. Code window consists of a(n) _ box and a procedure ist bo. (Apobjest event (Cool (Dy message s variables retains or preserves valve even when a procedure ends (A)suic ——(B)Dynamie, (©) Vial (D) Currency 6. SDI stands for (a)Simmple Doounent Interface (C) Single Document Interface {B)Sample Document terface (D) Simple Document Internal 7. Imeommand buon, _propety is used to change the abel vale for any content (Aymame ———_B) font (Chcaption —(D) height 4, In Visa Besie,__ fle consist of complete coding and form design (Adproject (8) form (Cyclase (D) module 9. statement is wed to change the contol to specified location without any coniton. (A)goto @) select (Welwit O)vwtile 10 Inalist bor, Faneton i seo inset item to the is (Aad — adden —(Cadeount)—_D) adda) 0 conto is used to provide an identifiable grouping for other contol (AyFrame Label (Ost box. (©) Command baton 2 ray canbe resized at any time. (aauto (By nteger (©) Maltimensional (0) Dynamic , method is used to delete items fom alist box. (A)Remove ——(B) Clear (ORemoveitem —_(D) Delete 14. Which ofthe following character is a string conestenstion operator? wr we Ox Oe 15. Label control's AutoSize property is set to True by deft (ayTrue @) Fase ‘QEE: Write a VB 6 program that aks the user o enter the daa of as many phone cll asthe user ‘wants. Each data etry of phone cll consis of eal ype ad eall duration in minates. The eal type ean citer be ‘ON-NET' of “OFF-NET". The tariff of ‘ON-NET call is 12 Rs. per minute and the tariff of ‘OFF-NET’ cll is 2 Rs, per minue. Your program shoul compute the ttl cling cot and aller tha 16% sales tax should be eed in tw oben the total payable amount bythe consumer,(10) (0 7; Write a VB 6 progam that requests che lengths of tre line segments as inputs and tells ‘winter the lines can form triangle. Three lines cn form a riangle ifthe length ofthe longest ine fs less than the sum of the lengths of eter two lines. (10) (04 8. Write a VB 6 program that receives 10 integers and store them in an aay. Write a procedure [aDuplicae that determines whether a certain element is duplicated / repeated inthe aay. (10) Sample fun 22 ior 17 20 -12 65 36 39 78 -22 90 90 ooreur ‘The Array contains duplicate elenents Sample Rin 2+ 17 20 -12 5 36 39 78 -32 90 22 ourror ‘The Array does not contain duplicate elesente

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