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The Types of Commands Found in The Novel entitled “The Little Prince”

Dewa Ayu Febry Hendrayani (2101541102), Kadek Icha Sesilia (2101541106), and
Putra Danan Jaya (2101541108)


1.1 Research Background

In communication, commands cannot be left by the people. People often employ
commands to get someone to do something. In some occasions, commands are very important to
be employed, for instance: when a boss commands his employee to do the task or the father
commands his son to buy something. We can also attempt to get people to sit down, for instance,
by suggesting or inviting them to do so, or by ordering or commanding them to sit down.
In English grammar, the use of commands has several rules based on the type that can be
applied in a sentence. Therefore, through the analysis of the novel entitled "The Little Prince"
which was analyzed by our group, we can find out what types of commands and rules are applied
in command sentences that are found in the novels that have been analyzed.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on the background of this research, the statement of problem of this research is
formulated in the following questions:

1. What are commands?

2. What types of commands can be found in the novel "The Little Prince"?

3. What are the rules for writing each type of command?

1.3 Aims of The Research

Based on the research problem, the purpose of the study are:

1. To know the meaning of commands.

2. To find out how many types of commands are found in the novel "The Little Prince".

3. To know the writing rules of each type of command.

1.4 Research Method

Referring to the problems that already formulated, there are four components of the
research method, namely: data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and
technique of analyzing data.
a. Data Source

The source of data in this research was taken from the novel entitled “The Little Prince”
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, which was first published in French on 6 April 1943 by Reynal &
Hitchcock. This novel tells a story of a child, the little prince, who travels the universe gaining
wisdom. The whole novel was used as the data source from chapter 1 to chapter 27 consisting of
65 pages. It was chosen as the data source because it’s the good novel that easy to read and many
commands could be found here.

b. Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data in this research were collected and selected using the documentation method
through several steps. First, the data were taken by reading the novel entitled “The Little Prince”
by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Second, the sentence or clauses that found in this novel which
were in the form of commands were noted according to their types.

c. Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The data in this research were analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method in which
all the data collected were classified and put in different tables according to the appropriate
categories. The analysis of this research was based on the theory of commands proposed by
Randolph Quirk and friends in the book entitled “A University Grammar of English” (1973).

d. Method and Technique of Presenting The Result of Data Analysis

This research used the descriptive qualitative method in presenting the data. It means that
the data were presented descriptively based on the theory by explaining and describing it in
words or sentences through some steps as follows: first, the collected data were divided in tables
based on each type of commands. Some examples of commands then were taken to be analyzed
and explained in results and discussion section.


An imperative sentence gives a command. It usually ends with a period, but it may also
end with an exclamation point (!). Commands ask or tell people to do something. Command in
this sense can also encompass requests, warnings, and invitations. These sentences just need to
ask or tell someone to do something.
There are 5 (five) kinds of commands. Below, the explanation and analysis of commands
that found in the novel.

a. Commands without a subject

Commands without subject is a command sentence to perform an action and there is no
subject in the command without subject. In addition, in the command without subject there is
also an imperative finite verb which contains only the verb and base from of verb without
endings for number or tense. Below, the analysis of commands without a subject that found
in the novel entitled “The Little Prince”.
The Number of Data Data Chapter & Page

1 “Oh, come! come!” Chapter 5, Page 12

2 “Watch out for the baobabs!” Chapter 5, Page 14

3 “Come, now!” Chapter 10, Page 24

4 “Yawn again!” Chapter 10, Page 24

5 “Hum! Hum!” Chapter 10, Page 24

The sentences in the data above is entered into command without subject because the
sentence does not have a subject, only a verb and is included in the imperative finite verb.

b. Commands with a subject

The imperative sentence does not state a subject but has a subject 'you' which makes
sense because when giving a command we are talking to someone. That someone is the
subject, which is the second person pronoun 'you'. The existence of the subject 'you' in the
command sentence with the subject is to further clarify the command sentence. But this type
of imperative is usually rebuke, and often expresses intense irritation. Below, the analysis of
commands with a subject that found in the novel entitled “The Little Prince”.

The Number of Data Data Chapter & Page

6 You shall describe your planet to Chapter 15, Page 38


7 “You must keep your promise” Chapter 25, Page 56

8 “Now, you must work.” Chapter 25, Page 57

9 “You must return to your engine.” Chapter 25, Page 57

10 “You must be very patient.” Chapter 21, Page 49

The sentences in the data is commanding with the subject ‘you’. The form of the
sentence is very clear and characteristic with the second person pronoun ‘you’ as the subject.

c. Commands with let

Commands with let is the command that use first person imperatives which can be
formed by preposing the verb let, followed by a subject in (where relevant) the objective
case. Below, the analysis of commands with let that found in the novel entitled “The Little

The Number of Data Data Chapter & Page

11 “Let it grow wherever it might Chapter 5, Page 12

12 “Let us go look at a sunset now.” Chapter 6, Page 15

13 “Let go of a question.” Chapter 7, Page 16

14 “Let the tigers come with their Chapter 8, Page 20


15 “Let us look for a well.” Chapter 24, Page 53

These data are included in the category of command with let because in the sentence
the first-person imperatives that can be added by proposing the verb 'let' as been seen in the
sentence, and then followed by a subject in (where relevant) the objective case. Here, the
'let' as the signal command with let and it’s sound commanding.

d. Negative commands
Negative commands is an instruction to not to do something. This type of commands
marked with ‘do not’ or ‘don't’ before the verb that makes the negative imperative. The
negative command sentence structure is: do + not + verb + object. Below, the analysis of
negative commands that found in the novel entitled “The Little Prince”.

The Number of Data Data Chapter & Page

16 “Don’t linger like this.” Chapter 9, Page 23

17 “Do not go.” Chapter 10, Page 26

18 “Do not like to condemn anyone to Chapter 10, Page 27


19 “Do not waste your time on this extra Chapter 17, Page 41

20 “Do not come to see that.” Chapter 26, Page 60

These data are included in the category of negative commands because in the sentence
there is a phrase “don't” or “do not” which indicate that the sentence is negative and also the
sentence is commanding.

e. Persuasive imperative
Persuasive imperative is a category of command which created by the addition of do
(with a nuclear tone) before the main verb and this type of command is both commanding
and inviting and also can be used in urgent situations. Below, the analysis of persuasive
imperative that found in the novel entitled “The Little Prince” (only found 1 data in the

The Number of Data Data Chapter & Page

21 “Do me this kindness.” Chapter 11, Page 29

This data is included in the category of persuasive imperative because in the sentence
there is an addition 'do' before the main verb that indicates the sentence is included in
persuasive imperative and also the sentence is commanding.


Based on the analysis that has been done, there are 5 types of commands with 37 data that
can be found in the novel "The Little Prince", namely commands without a subject with 16 data
of findings (5 data in the analysis table and 11 other data in the appendices table), commands
with a subject with 7 data of findings (5 data in the analysis table and 2 other data in the
appendices table), commands with let with data of findings as much as 7 data (5 data in the
analysis table and 2 other data in the appendices table), negative commands with data of findings
as much as 6 data (5 data in the analysis table and 1 other data in the appendices table), and
persuasive imperative there is only an data of finding as much as 1 data in the novel. Each
command which found in this novel has its own writing rules as discussed in the results of the
analysis that we have made.


Anonym. 2022. What is an imperative sentence?. Grammar Revolution. (Accessed on 4 May

2022 from

Exupéry, A. 1943. The Little Prince. French; Reynal & Hitchcock.

Ford, J. 2020. How is imperative language persuasive?. AnswerToAll. (Accessed on 4 May
2022 from

Quirk, R., Sidney, G., Geoffrey, L., Jan, S. 1973. A University Grammar of English. England:
Longman Group Ltd.

Pag Types of
e Commands

4 "Draw me a sheep!"

5 "No. This sheep is already very sickly. Make me another."

23 "Don't linger like this. You have decided to go away. Now go!"

28 "Clap your hands, one against the other," the conceited man
now directed him.

37 "Oh, look! Here is an explorer!" he exclaimed to himself when he

saw the little prince coming.
45 "Come and play with me," proposed the little prince. without subject

47 "Go and look again at the roses. You will understand now that
yours is unique in all the world. Then come back to say goodbye
to me, and I will make you a present of a secret."

48 "Please−− tame me!" he said.

55 "Leave it to me," I said.

58 "Now go away," said the little prince.

64 Look up at the sky.

41 You should advise them, then, to make their own calculations.

Commands with
50 "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for subject
what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose..."

15 "I am very fond of sunsets. Come, let us go look at a sunset

now." Commands with
62 "Here it is. Let me go on by myself."

41 But do not waste your time on this extra task. Negative


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