Baekho Stated That He Didn't Want To Run by Himself To A Destination. He Emphasized Words Like Long Time' and Together' Multiple Times

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Esquire November Issue - At His Destination: The distance between “Human

Kang Dong Ho” and “NU’EST’s Baekho,” as said by Baekho

Baekho stated that he didn’t want to run by himself to a destination. He emphasized words
like ‘long time’ and ‘together’ multiple times.

Q. You met with Esquire earlier this year.

That’s right! We met in Paris, France. That was the first time I was in Paris, a place I’d only seen
in photos, so Esquire has remained as a very good memory in my head since then.

Q. That was your first time in Paris?

Yes. All of the other members had been there before, but I wasn’t able to go with them because
I wasn’t feeling well around that time. That’s why I had a stronger desire to go there, and I was
able to go thanks to Esquire. haha.

Q. So many things have changed in less than a year. How have you been since then?
After visiting Paris, we released a mini album, promoted, and did lots of different things. If I
were to choose something that’s changed, I would say it’s how the main stages of our
promotions are online now. When we stood on stage at music shows, I felt the empty space left
by LOΛEs so much. It was such a big change that I’m still trying to get used to it. It’s not easy.

Q. Musicians are also part of a profession who have been heavily affected by COVID-19. Even
though you’re able to meet with fans online, it must still be very different from meeting them
in person.
I really like performing. There’s this atmosphere you can only experience at a concert venue,
and that becomes such a big source of motivation for me. Not having a space to get that kind of
motivation anymore is something I’m struggling with a bit. But I’m still trying to stay positive.
It’s a relief that we’re at least able to hold online performances. Being online has its own pros
as well. LOΛEs can see us whenever and wherever they want. And I’m able to show more
variety in what I do. Thinking about that makes me feel grateful that I’m at least able to meet
with LOΛEs in such a way.

Q. We’re curious to know if your day-to-day life has changed since COVID-19.
I don’t think I’ve gone through any big changes. Although my center of gravity has moved

Q. It’s way past 10 p.m. KST right now, but seeing your eyes, you don’t seem to be a ‘morning
Haha, that’s right. Compared to regular office workers, my lifestyle is much more nocturnal. I
usually get work done in the early hours of the morning, so there are many times when I fall
asleep around the same time that others are heading out for work. I get up quite late, too. I’m
totally fine right now. (laughter)

Q. We heard you used to do kendo. You got up to 3-dan in kendo?

I think learning kendo has been so helpful to me. Right around our debut, there was a video we
filmed. It was a video to show the various charms that each member of NU’EST had, and I did
kendo in my part. Thanks to that, I was able to form a defined character from my debut.

Q. While talking about learning kendo on SBS’s “Law of the Jungle,” you mentioned that your
arm circumference is 42cm, and in tvn’s “CashBack” recently, it was revealed that your thigh
circumference is 25 inches. Doesn’t that put you on a professional athlete level? (laughter)
I think I do get a lot of attention for things like that. (laughter) It’s been over two years since I
started weight training. During that time, no matter what I had scheduled, I worked out every
day. I work hard at it because it’s fun and it’s cool watching my body transform. Whenever I
saw something that was lacking, I felt the urge to fix that, too. I’d never had a plan to ‘create a
body like a professional athlete,’ but I guess I ended up with one because I worked at it

Q. What do you think about nicknames like ‘Sexy Bandit’ that you’ve gained thanks to your
physical attributes?
I like them. Those nicknames were created for me by LOΛEs, and there’s something really
amazing about them. They don’t miss even the smallest or most minor things about me, and
create nicknames based on that. Each and every one of those nicknames are so precious to me,
and I’m grateful that they take such an interest in me.

Q. Another nickname that stands out is ‘Princess.’

Oh, I once said in an interview that my dream was to become a princess, so LOΛEs made that
nickname for me. I had just said it in passing without putting much meaning to it, but it’s now
immortalized as a nickname. (laughter)

Q. It must have come from you joking around with the other members.
Yes. All of us were together, and we were talking about our dreams, it was a really bright and
fun atmosphere. As a joke, I said, “My dream was to become a princess.” Then again, why can’t
my dream be to become a princess, right? (laughter)

Q. Of course. (laughter) You tried on a lot of different outfits today, what kind of style do you
usually prefer?
I like comfortable clothes. When I buy clothes, I find it bothersome to have to try on clothes in
the fitting rooms. So, I just buy my clothes in big sizes. Usually, I don’t try clothes on and just
buy the biggest size they have.

Q. We were actually quite surprised to hear you say that you’ve worked out more than two
hours every day. You’re known to be someone who is hardworking, you must also be very
Between talent and effort, I think effort is more important. In my case, and the case of the
other members, we didn’t join the agency through an audition, we were scouted on the street.
But we put in the work and now we hold jobs where we sing and dance, right? I’ve personally
experienced what you can create if you never stop putting in the effort through such processes.
Of course, talent is needed as well, but I think effort plays a bigger role.

Q. Was your original plan to pursue music?

Not at all. I’d never thought about singing or dancing, much less creating my own music.

Q. You’ve produced entire albums, so it’s a surprise to hear that you hadn’t thought about
making music. What lead you to start producing music?
When we first made our debut, we received songs from great composers. We were singers who
were promoting songs we were given. But as time went on, I felt a growing desire. I wanted to
stand on stage with music that I created. That’s what got me to start producing music.

Q. When you’re creating music, where do you usually get your inspiration from?
Rather than getting inspiration from specific things, I personally tend to choose a topic and then
focus my attention on how to express that theme. For example, if I decide to create a love song,
I then choose more specific themes like whether it’s an unrequited love or a love that has just
started. Next is the most important thing, how to express that theme. I’ll try to listen to stories
from as many people as possible, and see things from various perspectives. In that process, I
think about what form of expression suits our group the most, and create the song from there.

Q. Are you looking for forms of expression that suit each member’s individual traits?
Basically. Because I create music with the members’ vocal styles in mind. This member has this
type of voice, so his voice would sound even more charming if he sang this part, those are the
things I focus on a lot.

Q. What is the song you had the most fun creating?

The most fun… It’s too difficult to choose just one. I have fun every time I work on an album.
But if I were to pick just one, I’d pick our most recent album. The process was fun, and I had fun
promoting as well. Or maybe that’s what stands out in my mind because it was fairly recent.

Q. Then, when did you struggle the most as a producer?

I don’t think I can really pinpoint a specific moment. But, there are times when I really feel like
I’ve lost it. There are times when I’m done making a song and we start recording, but the guide
doesn’t come out the way I’m expecting it to. When that happens, my brain really. (laughter)
There are times when that happens.

Q. Other than producing, is there anything else you want to pursue more in your career?
I think one of those things is participating in photo shoots like this. When I first started my
singing career, all I wanted to do was stand on stage and sing. But as time passed, I started
wanting to show different sides of myself. Photo shoots are another way for me to show even
more people different sides of myself. So, I’m always very happy when I get such opportunities.
Q. Another one of your charms is that you are the main vocalist of your team. We’re sure you
put in a lot of effort, but your innate talent as a vocalist must have played a large role as
I think I do have some talent (as a vocalist). The main vocalist usually sings the high notes, and
you’d need to have some talent to sing really high notes, right? But I believe that me being the
main vocalist was more to do with the effort I put in. There are many people who can sing high
notes. But something important a main vocalist has to do is find a way to express that in your
own way. I think I’m a mix of ‘a little bit of’ talent at singing high notes and ‘a lot of’ effort to
figure out how to express songs in my own way.

Q. You have the ‘Sexy Bandit’ nickname, and you have contrasting charms of looking like a
rapper but being the main vocalist with a beautiful voice. There are people who became your
fan because of that.
Haha. I think that’s a talent of mine. Looking like a rapper even though I don’t rap can be seen
as a talent I’m born with, right? (laughter) I think it’s fun that people see it as a contrasting

Q. Your new Japanese album has a song called “DRIVE” in it. We heard that it’s a song you
wrote a while ago, and you kept hold of it and finally released it.
Actually, I have a few songs we haven’t released yet. There are some that we chose to not
release, and there are some that we haven’t been able to release. Some didn’t really fit with
NU’EST’s music, while for others, it just wasn’t the right time. So, I keep hold of some while I
delete others. The songs we end up releasing later are ones that, even in the process of
creating them, I’m confident we can release when the right time comes. “DRIVE” is one of those

Q. Talking to you, we can feel your deep affection for NU’EST and the other members. You’re
a long-running idol, and you’re famous for having great teamwork.
It’s amazing. I can’t explain why, but it’s just fun and enjoyable when we’re together.

Q. What do you think is the secret to your closeness? (laughter)

The secret… (laughter) That’s a good question. What’s our secret? If I were to think of one
thing, I’d say it’s how we just accept each other’s differences. If another member acts a little
differently from me, I don’t think, 'Why is he like that?’ Instead, I just accept it and say, ‘That’s
just the way he is.’ Of course we’re different, we’re all human. So, we don’t try to make
ourselves understand each other. (laughter) But, could that really count as the secret?

Q. The teamwork between the members must have played a big role in how dramatic
NU’EST’s story is. You had the youngest average age when you debuted, and you’re the only
male idol group to score a music show win more than 7 years after your debut.
That’s right. That’s a record we set.

Q. What’s been the most memorable moment for you?

It’s difficult for me to choose just one moment and say, “This is the one.” The memory of
debuting is still so fresh in my mind, as well as when we got our first win. And the moment and
atmosphere of when our songs suddenly started to rise on the charts again are still clear in my

Q. It’s also interesting how the NU’EST members are all from different regions.
That’s right. I’m from Jeju, Minhyun and Ren are from Busan, and JR is from Gangneung,
Gangwon. Aron is from Los Angeles, USA.

Q. You’re all from areas bordering the ocean.

Oh? You’re right. That’s cool.

Q. There must have been incidents that occurred because you’re all from different places.
That’s right. Do you know this? I think it’s called “Sky~ Ground!,” the song where you flip your
palm up or down to pick teams. All of the members did that growing up, and the notes for the
song are the same, but each region has different words. They even do that in the USA. We tried
to decide on one way to do it at first, but that was a failure. (laughter)

Q. So for “Sky, Ground,” did you decide to just accept your differences instead of trying to
understand them? (laughter)
Yes. We just agreed to do whatever we each know. We came to the decision to all just say the
Jeju, Busan, Gangneung, and American version all at once. (laughter)

Q. You debuted at a young age, and it must have been hard to be away from your family.
When I first came to Seoul, it wasn’t that hard being away from my family. Actually, I personally
find it harder these days. There are times when I feel like I’ve gotten too used to being apart
from them. But when I go home to Jeju, my brother keeps dropping hints for me to hurry up
and return to Seoul. I think he’s a little scared of me. (laughter)

Q. You have a younger brother? (laughter)

Yes. We’re what you’d typically expect from brothers born a year apart. (laughter)

Q. People say that once you start working as a member of society, there’s a distance between
your real self and the character you play in society. What do you think is the distance
between human Kang Dong Ho and NU’EST member Baekho?
It’s both big and small. This job requires me to show as much of myself as possible, right? On
some days, Kang Dong Ho and Baekho are the same person. There are days like that when my
regular life and what I do for my career aren’t different, but there are times when Kang Dong
Ho is too lazy. (laughter) There are other times when I tell myself to work, and I end up working
for so long that I even surprise myself. Both the person who is working and the person who is
resting at home is me, right? I don’t think there’s a need to put distance between the two.

Source [Esquire]
Translated by @Melodia_Muse

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