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Unique Creatures of Thedas

In this section you'll find stats for unique creatures or bosses from the Dragon Age franchise that I
find interesting.


THE HURLOCK DRAGON TAMER (Dragon Age: Origins Awakening)

Threat Level: Moderate (Major if accompanied by his dragons; see below)
Boss Rank Hurlock Alpha: Epic Progression (Dexterity +3, Strength +2, Constitution +2,
Communication +1, Cunning +1, Perception +1, five extra focuses, Health +20, armor rating
+3, three extra talent degrees)
Communication: 3 (Animal Handling x2, Leadership); Constitution: 6 (Running, Stamina);
Cunning: 3; Dexterity: 6 (Bows, Brawling); Magic: 1; Perception: 3 (Smelling, Tracking);
Strength: 7 (Bludgeons, Heavy Blades, Intimidation, Might); Willpower: 3 (Courage,
Stunt Bonuses: Defensive Stance (1 sp when fighting with weapon and shield), Leg Crush (2
sp, see below), Mighty Blow (1 sp when fighting with two-handed weapon), Rally (3+ sp);
Talents: Animal Training (M), Armor Training (J), Two-Hander Style (J), Weapon and
Shield Style (J).
Rally: The hurlock dragon tamer can perform a special rally stunt for 3 SP (or more),
inspiring its minions such that all darkspawn within 10 yards who can see the alpha regain
lost Health equal to the alpha’s Communication plus the number of SP spent. The dragon
tamer's dragon minions also benefit from this effect.
Speed: 12 (16 without armor); Defense: 16; Armor: 10
Health: 90; Mana: --
Attacks: Leg-Crusher +9 (damage 2d6+13)
Equipment: Leg-Crusher (two handed maul), light plate.

Hurlock Dragon-Tamer is a Hurlock responsible for training Dragons for the Architect. It
can be found in the Silverite Mine, near the Dragon pens. The Dragon-Tamer broke the legs
of the Grey Warden Keenan and took his wedding ring. During the Last Wishes side-quest,
Keenan asks the Warden-Commander to kill the hurlock and retrieve the ring. (In your game,
the PCs can be the ones to find the battered Keenan and receive his last wish.)

Facing the dragon tamer at his territory also means facing at least one dragonling per
character in the party and a full grown drake (DA: Core, page 295). Notice that the Hurlock
Dragon Tamer has a master level in the Animal Training talent, thus his 'pets' should have
increased stats (Dexterity or Strength +1 and the Willpower (Morale) focus).

Victorious characters can loot the Leg-Crusher maul described below from the Dragon
Tamer (which can be sold for about 6 gold) and maybe a few dragon eggs that can be used by
an alchemist or mage or even as part of a potion to unlock the Reaver specialization.


This maul is badly unbalanced and difficult to swing but ideally suited for crippling

Weapon Type: White steel two-handed maul; Minimum Strength: 3; Talent Level Bonus:
No; Focus Benefit: No; Attack Bonus: No; Damage Bonus: +3; Other Benefits: The user
of this weapon can perform a special Leg Crush stunt for 2 stunt points. The target of this
attack loses half its Speed until he or she receives magical or mundane healing. A second use
of this stunt reduces the target's Speed to 0 until magical or mundane healing is applied.

THE GENLOCK NECROMANCER (Dragon Age: Origins Awakening)

Threat Level: Moderate (Major if accompanied by undead thralls; see "genlock necromancy"
Lieutenant Rank Genlock Emissary: Elite Progression (Magic +1, Strength +1, Willpower
+1, two extra focuses, Health +5, one extra talent degree)
Communication: 1; Constitution: 2 (Running); Cunning: 1 (Military Lore); Dexterity: 1
(Brawling, Staves); Magic: 5 (Arcane Lance, Entropy); Perception: 2 (Smelling); Strength:
4 (Heavy Blades, Intimidation); Willpower: 3 (Morale)
Magic Resistance: The genlock necromancer gains a +2 bonus on ability tests to resist the
effects of spells and other magical attacks.
Tactical Skirmish: The genlock necromancer can move another darkspawn under its
command 2 yards using a Skirmish stunt (in addition to being able to move itself or its target
as normal). This also applies to any corpses the necromancer has reanimated.
Genlock Necromancy: The genlock necromancer can use his unholy powers to cast a much
more powerful version of the spell Animate Dead (DA:Core, page 110). When the genlock
necromancer casts this spell the casting time is only one major action and it may spend 2
additional MP to reanimate one additional corpse of the same type. So, a genlock
necromancer may reanimate four skeletons spending only 18 MP. Optionally, the genlock
necromancer may reanimate one single undead spending 24 MP, but applying the epic
progression (DA:Core, page 270) to the creature. Killing the genlock necromancer
immediately destroys all undead risen by it.
Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman), Blood Magic (Journeyman), and Entropy Magic
Weapon Groups: Brawling, Heavy Blades, and Staves.
Speed: 6; Defense: 11; Armor: 4
Health: 65; Mana: 60
Attacks: Arcane lance +7 (damage 1d6+5), longsword +6 (damage 2d6+4), quarterstaff +3
(damage 1d6+5)
Spellpower: 15 (17 for Entropy)
Spells: Animate dead (special; see "genlock necromancy", above), affliction hex, blood
sacrifice, drain life, heal, lightning, vulnerability hex, weakness.
Equipment: Longsword, quarterstaff, and heavy leather armor.
The Genlock Necromancer is a darkspawn with magical powers, specializing in reanimating
corpses. It is the main antagonist in the DLC Return to Ostagar. Another necromancer is
encountered in the Silverite Mine in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. The genlock
necromancer has the power to rise very powerful undead very fast and quickly becomes the
major threat in a battlefield if left alone.

The Risen Ogre

This ogre was the darkspawn which killed King Cailan during the Battle of Ostagar. During
the conflict it was slain by Duncan, the Warden-Commander of Ferelden's Grey Wardens. On
a later date, the Warden revisits Ostagar at a later stage of the Fifth Blight and the ogre is
revived by a genlock necromancer, only to be killed by the Warden and their companions.

Undead Ogre
Threat Level: Major
Boss Rank: Epic Progression (Strength +3, Constitution +2, Dexterity +2, Magic +1,
Perception +1, Willpower +1, Health +20, Armor +3, five extra focuses, three extra talent
Communication: 0; Constitution: 10 (Stamina x2); Cunning: -1; Dexterity: 3 (Throw x2);
Magic: 2; Perception: 3 (Smelling x2); Strength: 12 (Intimidation x2, Might x2);
Willpower: 4 (Courage, Morale)
Favored Stunts: Crush (3 SP), Lethal Blow (3 SP), and Stomp (2 SP).
Regeneration: The risen ogre can take a breather as a minor action, regaining 15 Health.
Crush: For 3 SP, the risen ogre can perform a special Crush stunt after an Smash attack. It
grabs the target and begins to squeeze, inflicting 1d6+12 penetrating damage. The risen ogre
can maintain the crush as a major action and inflict this damage each round, or hurl away a
grabbed target as a minor action, inflicting 1d6+12 penetrating damage, but (obviously)
letting go of the victim. To escape on their own, a victim must use a major action to make an
opposed Strength (Might) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) test vs. the ogre’s Strength (Might). An
adjacent ally can also perform a special 2 SP stunt to automatically free the victim.
Howling Madness: The energies reanimating the risen ogre quite obviously make it insane.
The risen ogre automatically passes any Willpower (Morale) test it is required to take.
Smash: The Ogre’s strength is so overwhelming that it can use Strength (Might) instead of
Dexterity (Brawling) for unarmed attacks.
Stomp: As a major action, an ogre can stomp the ground with great force and knock all
targets within 6 yards to the ground.
Tough Hide: Its undead hide empowered by magic gives the risen ogre an Armor Rating of
Speed: 12; Defense: 13; Armor: 10
Health: 100; Mana: --
Attacks: Smash +15 (damage 2d6+12), thrown rock +6 (damage 3d6+12)
Equipment: None

The Harvester (Origins DLC) – See PlatinumWarlock file

0 Communication
8 Constitution (Stamina)
0 Cunning
0 Dexterity
2 Magic
2 Perception
8 Strength
4 Willpower
Speed: 10
Health: 120
Defense: 10
Armor rating: 10

Weapon, Attack, damage

Fists +10 2D6+8
Reaper’s Cudgel +10 3D6+8
Throw +8 1D6+10
Special abilities
Favored Stunts: Reaper’s Cudgel (3 SP), Vile Disembowelment (2 SP), Lethal Blow (5 SP)
Reaper’s Cudgel: The Harvester detaches one of it’s many limbs, and strikes out in a broad
arc in front of it.
Bile Burst: The Harvesters Putrefying organs burst with a jet of corrosive bile, inflicts 1D6+4
penetrating damage to nearby enemies.
Vile Disembowelment: The Harvester throws writhing entrails from its belly and hurls them
outward, causing damage in the area targeted. The thrown entrails becomes a walking
corpse. The Harvester can only have 5 units worth of points. Arcane Horror/Revenant (Can
only have one in the field) is worth 2, and the other corpses 1.
Ground Slam: As a major action, the harvester smash the ground with great force and knock
all targets within 6 yards to the ground.


Varghest stats
I thought I'd share with fellow forums users a familiar creature form Dragon Age
Inquisition that I intend to unveil with my players - the Varghest. I studied the profiles for
bears and great lions, and added in some aspects from the wyvern. Watching some battles with
Varghests from the computer game on YouTube confirmed the different attacks it can make, and I
decided to make it a little fire resistant too. The 'Live Prey' quality was added for flavour reasons, as
indicated in its codex entry below.

Any feedback would be most welcome!

The varghest is now known to be a distant relative of wyverns and dragons, but in ancient times, it
was believed to be a spirit manifest in the world. Ciriane legend says that the varghest hunts those
who have committed great wrongs against their own kin, and when the creature finds its quarry, it
drags the guilty party to the gods for judgment. This is perhaps due to the beast's hunting habits:
varghest prefer to bring prey still living to their nests to feed their young.

—From A Study of the Southern Draconids by Frederic of Serault, published in the University of Orlais

Health: 65

Speed: 13
Defence: 13
Armour: 4 (treat as 1 higher vs flaming damage)

Com: -1
Con: 6 (Stamina)
Cun: -2
Dex: 3 (Bite)
Mag: 0
Per: 2 (Smelling)
Str: 5 (Might, Claws)
Wil: 2 (Courage)

Bite, Att Roll: +5, Damage 2d6+5
Claws, Att Roll: +7, Damage 2d6+5
Tail Lash, Att Roll: +5, Damage 1d6+5

Special Qualities

Slashing Claws: Following a successful bite attack, theVarghest can make an additional claw attack
against any adjacent creature for 2SP. Doubles on the claw attack do not generate stunts.

Tail Lash: As a special 2 SP stunt, a Varghest can make aTail Lash attack against any adjacent
opponent. Rolling doubles on this attackdoes not generate stunt points, but targets that are hit must
make a TN 15 STRENGTH (MIGHT) test or be knocked prone.

Scales: Varghest scales are tough and fire resistant, giving it an Armour Rating or 4, which is
increased to 5 against any flaming damage.

Live Prey: Varghests prefer to drag their prey alive to their nests to consume. They pull their killing
blows, as per page 52 of the core rulebook.

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