The Abortion Massacre

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This article was inspired by fellow USA.Life member Bill Prater.

My intent is to help
you understand just how large the number 60,069,971 is. I’ve tried to make the
numbers relevant and easier to comprehend.

Many of us, myself included, have problems relating to large numbers. Knowing that a million is
1000 times 1000 and that a billion is a 1000 millions helps a little but it’s still tough to get a grasp
on the size represented by such abstractions. To fully understand the depravity and treachery
of the Left one needs to understand the Democratic Party’s one true love, their unassailable
right to their “life sustaining” abortions.

Since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, in 1973, there have been
an estimated 60,069,971 abortions performed in the United States.
We can make several comparisons that may help understand just how large the number
60,000,000 really is. Knowing that having 60 million pennies in your possession means you
would have $600,000.00 doesn’t help much. Since, in this case, the number 60 million
represents the loss of human life it’s worth our time to relate that figure to something we can
more easily understand.

▪ 60 million days is equal to 164,384 years.

▪ 60 million seconds is equal to 114 years.
▪ 60 million ounces is equal to 3,750,000 pounds or 1,875 tons.
▪ 60 million equals the entire population of the Australian continent… multiplied by a factor
of 2.36. Yes, over double the number of men, women, and children in Australia.
▪ 60 million equals the entire population of Italy, Tanzania, or South Africa.
▪ 60 million equals almost 7 times the population of Israel.
▪ 60 million equals 12 times the population of Ireland.
▪ 60 million equals 21 times the population of Puerto Rico.

The following two statistics hit a little closer to home and are explained in detail in the
.pdf file available here.

❖ 60 million is the total population of the largest seventy-nine (79) cities

in the United States. This is illustrated in the YELLOW section of the .pdf.

❖ 60 million is the total population of twenty-six (26) states in the United

States. This is illustrated in the BLUE section of the .pdf.

The Left, the Democratic Party, wants you to believe that they want the country to stay in
lockdown until Hell’s been frozen over for at least six weeks. They insist their only concern is
saving lives and that they have no desire to destroy the country or the economy to make the
President look bad and to advance their goal of a Communist, totalitarian society. They would
never want to hurt anyone; saving lives is their only concern. Surely we already knew that,
didn’t we? Tell me you remember their heart-felt pleas for legislation that would allow them to
seize our firearms if it “saves just one child.”

What a complete crock of male bovine excrement. How stupid do they think we are? “Just one
child” my posterior. These are the ghouls that already have the blood of more than 60 million
children on their hands and are constantly asserting the need for more. When the country’s in
lockdown our monarch, Queen Gretchen the Last of the People’s Republic of Michiganistan,
made certain we understood that there would be absolutely no useless operations such as heart
stents, joint replacements, gall bladder surgeries or anything else so blatantly frivolous but every
woman of child bearing age would have unfettered access to, as she refers to it, “life sustaining”
abortions. “Life sustaining” executions… only a raving Leftist could spout such demonic drivel.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer on the issue of abortion

during lockdown: ‘It’s something that government should
not be getting in the middle of…’

Abortion will remain an “essential” service in Michigan because it

is “life sustaining,” according to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

When asked about states such as Texas that have put a hold on
abortions during the coronavirus pandemic, Whitmer declared that
comparing abortions to elective surgeries, as Texas has done, is

“We stopped elective surgeries here in Michigan,” she said.

“Some people have tried to say that that type of a procedure is
considered the same and that’s ridiculous. A woman’s
healthcare, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she
starts a family is not an election, it is a fundamental to her life.

It should be noted that Governor Whitmer’s talent for governance is exceeded only by her fashion sense.

A pdf copy of this article may be downloaded here.

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