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HỌC KỲ II NĂM HỌC 2021 – 2022

(Phần dành cho sinh viên/ học viên)

Bài thi học phần: Văn hóa Mỹ Số báo danh: 43………………………….

Mã số đề thi: ……03…………… Lớp: …K55N1………………………
Ngày thi: ……25/05/2022…Số trang: 04 Họ và tên: …Đào Bích Phượng……………

Điểm kết luận:

GV chấm thi 1: …….………………………......

GV chấm thi 2: …….………………………......

Bài làm

Câu 1: How is American people’s attitude towards business viewed in the US? Who are business heroes
in America? Who is more respected? Why?

Câu 2: How would you compare the education system of Vietnam and America? What are the value of
individual freedom being reflected through the two countries’ educational activities?

Bài làm

Câu 1:

Americans live as well as they do because people take risks and start businesses, and for no
other reason. All America’s wealth began at some point as a result of entrepreneurial activity. In this
essay, the American people’s attitude towards business viewed in the US will now be explored.

First of all, American people believe that competing in business reinforces other values. The
business institutions are at the heart of the American way of life. One reason for this is that Americans
view business as being more firmly based on the ideal of competition than most other institutions in
society. Since competition is seen as the major source of progress and prosperity by most Americans,
competitive business institutions have traditionally been respected. Competition is seen not only as a
value itself; it is also the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom,
equality of opportunity, and hard work are protected.

Besides, business is competitive, many Americans believe that it may be even more supportive
of freedom than government, even though government leaders are elected by the people and business
leaders are not.

Moreover, competition in business is also believed to strengthen the ideal of equality of

opportunity. Americans compare business competition to a race open to all, where success and status go

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to the swiftest person, regardless of social class. Business is therefore viewed as an expression of the
idea of equality of opportunity rather than the aristocratic idea of inherited privilege.

Americans are aware that business institutions often do not live up to the ideals of competition
and the support of freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work. Americans sometimes distrust the
motives of business people, believing that they are capable of putting profit before product safety or a
cleaner environment. Therefore, most Americans believe businesses need some government regulation,
although they may disagree on how much.

For American people, careers in business still offer the best opportunity for the ambitious
individual to become wealthy. Not only is business seen as the easiest way for individuals to become
rich, it is also seen as benefiting the entire nation. Through competition, more people gain wealth.

Because of the many beliefs that connect business to the wealth and the traditional values of the
United States, people who are successful in business have sometimes become heroes to the American
people. Entrepreneurs provide examples of traditional American values in their purest form for a
number of reasons. The first reason is that they succeed in building something great out of nothing.
They started with very little money or power and ended up as the heads of huge companies that earned
enormous fortunes.

The fact that these early entrepreneurs built great industries out of very little made them seem to
millions of Americans like the heroes of the early frontier days. The entrepreneur, like the earlier hero
of the frontier, was seen as a rugged individualist. Entrepreneurs often began as common people
themselves; without the aid of inherited social title or inherited money, they became "self-made"
millionaires. They were thus perfect examples of the American idea of equality of opportunity in action.

Through their history Americans have admired entrepreneurs who conduct their business and
their lives without taking orders from anyone above them. Americans have great respect for those who
can say, "I am my own boss." More than half of all American workers dream of one day having their
own businesses and being their own boss.

Today, many Americans are still willing to take the financial risk that is necessary to start their
own small business. Although half of new companies fail within the first few years, small businesses
still account for the majority of new jobs created in the modern American economy. These companies
and their entrepreneur leaders play an important role in the United States.

Câu 2:

The education system is very important for both Vietnam and America. It created for children's
future purpose. Compared to Vietnam, America's current system of education has a long tradition and
higher quality, while the education in Vietnam is borrowing from many different countries and poor
quality. However, both countries have some similarities and differences in their education system.

Firstly, both the U.S students and Vietnamese students have the same thing; they have to study a
total twelve years for basic education programs from grade one to grade twelve. Both schools have
midterm exams and final exams. For example, every 4-5 chapters they gave their students an exam,

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because they want to know the students, the students really understand the lesson or not. If the students
don't understand or they still have mistaken, their teacher can explain for them. And then after the final
exam, the teacher wants to know what's the next level fit for them.

In addition, both countries want to give their students the best education. To accomplish best
education practices both countries provide more computers and projectors in every class. Schools in
both countries have different teacher for each subjects.

Beside some similarities, they also have some differences such as the education structure and the
quality of education. The first thing that is different is the structure of the education system. In Vietnam,
the structure is 5-4-3; five years of elementary school (grades 1-5), followed by four years of secondary
school (grades 6-9), and three years of high school (grades 10-12). Higher education programs last
between two and six years. In the United States, the structure is 5-3-4.

Moreover, in Vietnamese schooling system, multiple choice questions are not so common, in
order to achieve a good score, examinees require to learn-by-heart an entire content of lectures. This is
worth pointing out that students need to give all their time for learning, they don’t have sufficient time
to participate in few social activities otherwise take part-time jobs.

On the other hand, American education system permits students to explain their opinion as well
as questions freely. So, comparing with the Vietnamese education system it is easier for them to identify
the problems. In contrast to Vietnamese school, the connection between a teacher and a student in the
American school is fairly friendly that students are more confident while they need to explain their
feedback and create a conversation with lecturers.

Finally, the other difference in Vietnamese schools along with American schools are individual
freedoms. In the America, schools are actually easy for the students. They do not hold several
regulations that make students uncomfortable. American students should be allowed to choose the
course they take. They can choose whatever classes they want to study for a semester provided that they
will get all credits to graduate.

In contrast, Vietnamese parents want their kids trained to be a model student. Consequently,
there are several regulations that the scholars must put to death. Many students feel this atmosphere is
really problematic. And they do not hold too much liberty in school. For example, students have to wear
uniforms. Boys wear black pants and a white shirt, and they must tuck their shirt into their pants before
going to school. Girls wear long dresses (ao dai). They can not dye their hair or paint their nails. For this
reason, many students feel this environment is very hard, and they do not have too much freedom in
school. In Vietnam, students can't decide the subject to study. All schools have the same standard level
for each grade that students must follow.

In conclusion, the education system is very importance to every country. One country that wants
to progress quickly must have a good education system. Today, most people agree that America has the
best education system in the world that makes students flexible and interested in their studies. It would
be better if all schools in Vietnam change the education system to be like the United State.

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