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Delegates WITH voting rights

Member Parties Delegation

1 ÖVP, Austria
CD&V, Belgium
Les Engagés, Belgium
GERB, Bulgaria
5 UDF, Bulgaria 6
6 DSB, Bulgaria 6
7 BCM, Bulgaria 4
8 DR, Cyprus 9
9 KDU-CSL, Czechia 7
10 TOP 09, Czechia 10
11 CDU, Germany 67
12 CSU, Germany 19
13 DKF, Denmark 6
14 KD, Denmark 4
15 ISAMAA, Estonia 5
16 PP, Spain 38
17 KD (SK), Finland 4
18 Kokoomus, Finland 11
19 Les Républicains, France 24
20 ND, Greece 23
21 HDZ, Croatia 13
22 KDNP, Hungary 6
23 FG, Ireland 19 Delegates WITH voting rights
24 UDC, Italy 4
25 FORZA IT, Italy 22 Associate Members Delegation
26 AP, Italy 4 1 Die Mitte, Switzerland 4
27 Pop per l'IT, Italy 4 2 VMRO-DPMNE, (N. Macedonia) 4
28 PATT, Italy 4 3 Høyre, Norway 4
29 SVP, Italy 6 4 DPA, Albania 0
30 TS/LKD, Lithuania 12 5 VMSZ, Serbia 4
31 CSV, Luxembourg 7 6 SNS, Serbia 4
32 UNITY, Latvia 9 7 BS, Montenegro 4
33 PN, Malta 7 EPP Groups + Assemblies Delegation
34 CDA, The Netherlands 17 1 Committee of the Regions 28
35 PO, Poland 39 2 Council of Europe 10
36 PSL, Poland 11 3 OSCE 7
37 PSD, Portugal 18 4 NATO 7
38 CDS-PP, Portugal 5 5 Union for Mediterranean 7
39 RMDSZ, Romania 7 6 EURONEST 6
40 PNL, Romania 31
41 PMP, Romania 6 Individual MEPs 2
42 KD, Sweden 7
43 MOD, Sweden 12 Associations Delegation
44 KDH, Slovakia 7 1 EPP Women 7
45 ALIANCIA, Slovakia 4 2 YEPP 6
46 SPOLU, Slovakia 6 3 EUCDW 7
47 NSI, Slovenia 6 4 SME EUROPE 6
48 SDS, Slovenia 7 5 EDS 7
49 SLS, Slovenia 6 6 ESU 7


Updated: 18 May 2022


Observer Member Parties Representatives

1 KrF, Norway 3
2 PDC, San Marino 3
3 HDZ BIH, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3
4 PDP, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3
5 SDA, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3
6 HDZ 1990, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3
7 UDAR, Ukraine 3
8 BATK, Ukraine 3
9 SAMOPOMICH, Ukraine 3
10 European Sol, Ukraine 3
11 LDK, Kosovo 3
12 PLDM, Moldova 3
13 PAS, Moldova 3
14 PPDA, Moldova 3
15 UCP, Belarus 3
16 BCD, Belarus 3
17 MFF, Belarus 3
18 UNM, Georgia 3
19 EG, Georgia 3
20 HHK, Armenia 3
21 HER.P, Armenia 3

EPP Partners
and Assoc. Entities Representatives
1 LFP, Lebanon 2
2 Kataeb, Lebanon 2
3 Istiqlal, Morocco 2
4 RNI, Morocco 2
5 RSI 2

Updated: 18 May 2022

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