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(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,

Vol. 11, No. 10, October 2013

fMRI image Segmentation using conventional

methods versus Contextual Clustering
Suganthi D., and 2Purushothaman S.,
1 2
Suganthi D., Research Scholar, Dr.Purushothaman S,
Department of Computer Science, Professor, PET Engineering College, Vallioor, India-627117.
Mother Teresa Women’s University,
Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu, India-624101,

Abstract- Image segmentation plays a vital role in methods that exist to segment the brain. Conventional
medical imaging applications. Many image methods like sobel, canny, log, zerocross, and prewitt
segmentation methods have been proposed for the use pure image processing techniques that need
process of successive image analysis tasks in the last human interaction for accurate and reliable
decades. The paper has considered fMRI segmentation segmentation. Unsupervised methods, can segment
inspite of existing techniques to segment the fMRI the brain with high precision. For this reason,
unsupervised methods are preferred over
slices. In this paper an fmri image segmentation using
conventional methods. Many unsupervised methods
contextual clustering method is presented. Matlab
such as Fuzzy c-means, Finite Gaussian Mixture
software ‘regionprops’ function has been used as one of Model, Artificial Neural Networks, etc. are available.
the criteria to show performance of CC. The CC
segmentaion shows more segmented objects with least II. RELATED WORK
discontuinty within the objects in the fMRI image. Bueno et al. 2000, described an image-based
From the experimental results, it has been found that, method founded on mathematical morphology to
the Contextual clustering method shows a better facilitate the segmentation of cerebral structures on
segmentation when compared to other conventional 3D magnetic resonance images (MRIs). Jose et al,
segmentation methods. 2003, descried parametric image segmentation that
consists of finding a label field which defines a
Keywords: Contextual clustering; segmentation; fMRI partition of an image into a set of non overlapping
image. regions and the parameters of the models that
describe the variation of some property within each
I. INTRODUCTION region. A Bayesian formulation is presented, based
Image segmentation is the process of partitioning on the key idea of using a doubly stochastic prior
/ subdividing a digital image into multiple model for the label field, which allows one to find
meaningful regions or sets of pixels regions with exact optimal estimators for both this field and the
respect to a particular application. The segmentation model parameters by the minimization of a
is based on measurements taken from the image and differentiable function.
might be grey level, color, texture, depth or motion. Liu, 2006, presented a new level set based
The result of image segmentation is a set of segments solution for automatic medical image segmentation.
that collectively cover the entire image. All the pixels Wee et al, 2006, described accurate segmentation of
in region are similar with respect to some magnetic resonance (MR) images of the brain. They
characteristic or computed property, such as color, broadly divided current MR brain image
intensity, or texture. For any object in an image, there segmentation algorithms into three categories:
are many 'features' which are interesting points on the classification based, region-based, and contour-based.
object that can be extracted to provide a "feature"
They showed that by incorporating two key ideas into
description of the object. Image segmentation is done
the conventional fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm,
using various edge detection techniques such as
Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts, Canny, LoG, they are able to take into account the local spatial
context and compensate for the intensity non
MRI Segmentation provides great importance in uniformity (INU) artifact during the clustering
research and clinical applications. There are many process. Xiangrong et al, 2010, described clustering

ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 11, No. 10, October 2013

algorithms in tissue segmentation in MRI. The obtain the gradient magnitude of the image from the
authors proposed an approach to tissue segmentation original.
of 3D brain MRI using semi-supervised spectral Table 2. Sobel Mask
clustering. Yan Li and Zheru Chi, 2005, described
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as an advanced
medical imaging technique providing rich
information about the human soft tissue anatomy.
The goal of magnetic resonance (MR) image B. Prewitt Operator: The prewitt operator is an
segmentation is to accurately identify the principal approximate way to estimate the magnitude and
tissue structures in these image volumes. A new orientation of an edge. The convolution mask of
unsupervised MR image segmentation method based Prewitt operator is shown in Table 3.
on self-organizing feature map (SOFM) network has
Table 3. Prewitt Mask
been presented. Yongyue et al, 2001, stated that the
finite mixture (FM) model is the most commonly
used model for statistical segmentation of brain
magnetic resonance (MR) images because of its
simple mathematical form and the piecewise constant
nature of ideal brain MR images. They proposed a C. Roberts Operator: It performs 2-D spatial
hidden Markov random field (HMRF) model, which gradient measurement on an image. It highlights
is a stochastic process generated by a MRF whose regions of high spatial frequency which often
state sequence cannot be observed directly but which correspond to edges. The cross convolution mask is
can be indirectly estimated through observations. shown in Table 4
Zavaljevski et al, 2000 described MR brain Table 4 Roberts Mask
image segmentation into several tissue classes is of
significant interest to visualize and quantify
individual anatomical structures. Zhang, 2004 stated
that image segmentation plays a crucial role in many
medical imaging applications. They presented a novel D. Laplacian of Guassian (LoG) Operator: It is a
algorithm for fuzzy segmentation of magnetic second order derivative. The digital implementation
resonance imaging (MRI) data  of the Laplacian function is made using the mask
  given in Table 5.
III. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY Table 5Laplacian of Guassian (LoG) Operator
The Internet Brain Segmentation Repository
(IBSR) provides manually-guided expert
segmentation results along with magnetic resonance
brain image data. fMRI slice images have been
obtained from IBSR for use in this research work.
E. Canny Operator: It is a method to find edges
Table 1 presents two figures (full slice and cropped by isolating noise from the image without affecting
slice used for segmentation analysis). the features of the edges in the image and then
Table 1 fMRI slice applying the tendency to find the edges and the
critical value for threshold.
F. Contextual clustering
Image segmentation plays an important role in
image analysis and computer vision and it is
considered as one of the major obstruction in the
Region cropped used for
segmentation analysis
development of image processing technology.
Recently there has been considerable interest among
researchers in statistical clustering techniques in
Full slice image image segmentation was inspired by the methods of
statistical physics. These methods were developed to
A Sobel Operator: It performs 2-D spatial study the equilibrium properties of large, lattice
gradient measurement on an image and so based systems consisting of interacting components
emphasizes regions of high spatial frequency that as identical. In a clustering technique for image
correspond to edges. The convolution masks of Sobel segmentation, each pixel is associated with one of the
operator are as shown Table 2, which are used to finite number of categories to form disjoint regions.

ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 11, No. 10, October 2013

The contextual clustering based algorithms are

assumed to be drawn from standard normal
distribution. It segments a data into category 1 (ω0)
and category 2 (ω1).
The following are the steps adopted for
implementing the contextual clustering algorithm for
segmenting the fMRI slice image
(i) Define decision parameter Tcc (positive) and Fig. 1. Sample FMRI Fig. 2 Segmentation by
weight of neighborhood information β (positive). Let image ‘Sobel’ method
Nn be the total number of data in the neighborhood.
Let Zi be the data itself, i.
(ii) Classify data with zi>Tα to ω1 and data to ω0.
Store the classification to C0 and C1.
(iii) For each data i, count the number of data ui,
belonging to class ω1 in the neighborhood of data i.
Assume that the data outside the range belong to ω0.

(iv) Classify data with to ω1 Fig 3.Segmentation by’ Fig 4.Segmentation by’
and other data to ω0. Store the classification to Prewitt’ method Roberts’ method
variable C2.
(v) If C2 ≠C1 and C2 ≠ C0, copy C1 to C0, C2 to
C1 and return to step iii, otherwise stop and return to
The contextual clustering implementation is as
Step 1: Read a Pattern (fmri image feature).
Step 2: Sort the values of the pattern. Fig. 5 Segmentation by Fig 6.Segmentation by
Step 3: Find the Median of the Pattern Cm. ‘Log’ method Zero crossing method
Step 4: Find the number of values greater than
the Median Values, Um.
Step 5: Calculate CC using Cm + (beta/Tcc) * (Um
– (bs/2)).
Step 6: Assign CC as the segmented values.


Earlier researchers had used different metrics to Fig. 7 Segmentation by Fig. 8 Segmentation by
evaluate the segmentation accuracy. In this paper, we ‘Canny’ method Contextual clustering
have used ‘bwlabel’ and ‘Regionprops’ to evaluate
the accuracy of segmentation and it has been found
that CC segmentation is much better when compared
Table 2 Outptuts of ‘bwlabel’ function of ‘Matlab 2010’
to that of remaining segmentations mentioned in this
No Method Objects detected
Figure 1 shows fmri slice. Figures (2-8) show the
segmentation by ‘Sobel’, ‘Prewitt’, ‘Roberts’, ‘Log’, 1 Sobel 12
‘Zero crossing’, ‘Canny’, ‘CC’ methods. Except CC
method, in all other segmentation methods, the 2 Prewitt 11
number of objects are more and , there are some
3 Robertz 8
objects segmented are not clear. Matlab ‘bwlabel’
function has been used and the number objects for 4 Log 64
each method is shown in Table 6. In addition to
.bwlabel’, the ‘Regionprops’ command has been used 5 Zerocross 64
to find out correct number of segmented objects

ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 11, No. 10, October 2013

6 Canny 32 Suganthi D., is pursuing her PhD

from Mother Teresa Women’s
University, Kodikanal, India.
7 Contextual Clustering 24

The main purpose of proposing contextual Dr.S.Purushothaman completed his
clustering method is to improve segmentation of PhD from Indian Institute of
fMRI images. The supervised contextual clustering Technology Madras, India in 1995.
He has 133 publications to his credit.
extracts features from the fMRI slice that represents He has 19 years of teaching
information in a given window. The algorithm experience. Presently he is working
involves least computation in the segmentation of as Professor in PET Engineering
fMRI slice. The advantages of CC segmentation is college , India
that this method uses neighboring information and
assured segmentation of minimum one object of fmri
image is possible.

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ISSN 1947-5500

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