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Grade Level : Grade 7

Date : April 18, 2022
Quarter : Fourth
Subject Teacher : Ms. Justine Amor C. Sanchez

I. Title: Jesus Dies and Brings Salvation to the World

II. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

1. explain the immensity of Christ’s love for His people;

2. respond positively to the love that Jesus shared for His people; and
3. say prayerfully the Creed “I believe in Jesus Christ…He suffered, died, and was

III. Materials/References
1. Book - Reference: Aviles, A.F., & Diaz, J. M., (2016). SIGNS OF THE TIMES
“Jesus, God’s Beloved Son” (Mark 1:11). REX Book Store.
2. Laptop
3. Canva
4. Poll Everywhere
5. YouTube
6. Wooclap
7. Google Form

IV. Lesson Development

A. Engage
● “This is who I am, this is who I am not”

Technology Integration: Poll Everywhere


Direction: The teacher will present 5 different pictures. The students will choose 👍
(like emoji) if the picture depicts his/her self and 👎 (dislike emoji) if not via Poll
Processing Questions:
1. Based on the given pictures, which of them best describe your way(s) to show love?
2. Why do you choose that way to show love from others?
3. How is it important to show love especially for those people you valued?
B. Explore

Technology Integration: YouTube


Direction: The teacher will present a short video clip. After watching the video,
the students will answer the questions that follow.

Processing Questions:
1. What is the video all about?
2. Describe the main character in the video.
3. What are his ways to show love and care from others?
4. If you were the man in the video, would you do the same?
5. In what way you are going to show your love and care from others?

C. Explain
Jesus Dies and Brings Salvation to the World

What led Jesus to the cross?

 Jesus questioned the status quo. Jesus was very critical against the hypocrisy,
legalism, abuses, oppression, and He exposed the hypocrisy of many of religious
and political leaders. Due to this courage and bravery of Jesus, many of the
leaders planned to get rid of Him.
- Legalism - the act of putting law above the Gospel
- Hypocrisy - pretending to have a virtuous character

Who were the religious and political leaders involved in plotting the death of

1. Annas - the first high priest of the newly formed Roman province of Judea in
AD 6.
In the life of Jesus, Annas appeared in the Gospels and played as a high priest
during Jesus' trial in the Sanhedrin.

2. Caiaphas - Joseph Caiaphas was the high priest of Jerusalem who, according
to Biblical accounts, sent Jesus to Pilate for His execution. Others argue that
Caiaphas saw Jesus as a threat to the existing religious order. He might have
believed that if Jesus wasn't restrained or even executed that the Romans might
end their relative tolerance of Jewish institutions.

3. Sanhedrin - Sanhedrin is best known for their part in the series of mock trials
that resulted in the crucifixion of Jesus. The Sanhedrin began with an informal
examination of Jesus before Annas. There the decision was made to turn Jesus
over the Roman authorities to be tried and crucified.

4. Pontius Pilate -Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea from AD 26-
36. He was most known for his involvement in condemning Jesus to death on a
cross. Pilate sought a compromise. Pilate authorized both the flogging and
crucifixion of Jesus.

What is the significance of the Cross?

 In a secular sense, the cross was the means of the most painful and degrading
 But for us Christians, the Cross of Christ is the symbol of salvation.
 The Cross is the symbol not only of Christ's saving power, but also of our true
selves. For it is the exemplar for all time of Jesus' great "Paradox," recorded in all
four Gospels: "Whoever would preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his
life for my sake and that of the Gospel will save it.”

How did Jesus view His suffering and death?

 Jesus' passion and death not just some incidental historical event of Jews and
Romans, but the saving act of God in Jesus' free self-sacrifice.
- Jesus himself clearly understood his Passion and Death as his mission from the
Father, interpreted in the light of the Old Testament prophets.
 Jesus saw his Passion and Death as redemptive, his ultimate service in the
- It was he who sacrificed himself for us, to redeem us from all unrighteousness
and to cleanse for himself a people of his own, eager to do what is right" (Titus
 Far from being a negative, depressing reality, the suffering and death of Christ
help us to grasp fully, with all the holy ones, the breadth and length and height
and depth of Christ's love, and experience this love which surpasses all
knowledge* (Ephesians 3:18-9).

How are Jesus' passion and death "redemptive"?

 That His Passion and Death are “redemptive” is shown by Christ most clearly in
His Last Supper.
- Matthew's account of Christ's institution of the Eucharist explicitly asserts its
redemptive value: This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, to be poured out
in behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28).
- Christ is the New Paschal Lamb, sacrificed to redeem the people (John 19:36;
1:29, 36).
 ”Christ died for our sins" (1 Corinthians 15:3), then, means two things.
1. Jesus died because of our human sinfulness.
2. He died to show us, and empower us, to overcome sin and its effects in our
broken world. Jesus is our Redeemer.

What is the essence of the New Testament theology of Salvation in Christ?

The essence of the New Testament theology of salvation in Christ can be
sketched in four truths.
1. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world; there is no salvation apart from Jesus.
2. Through His sufferings and death He has won for us sinners "objective
redemption, that is, reconciled all with the Father.
3. He did this in loving obedience to His Father's will and love for us.
4. He calls us to personal interior repentance for our sins and a life of loving
service of others, that is, "subjective redemption.

Knowing how Christ died for humanity, we must also be able to "save” ourselves
from something that imprisons us. We need to follow the following principles.

1. Trust God. Many Filipinos really believe that God loves them, accepts them,
and cares for them. They truly trust that God will do something good for them
with their cooperation. To them, Christ reveals that God really is their "loving
Father who is truly compassionate (Luke 6:36).

2. Accept ourselves. Others lack self-confidence. Their poor self-image makes

them hesitant to reach out and share with others. They are afraid of whatever
others might say. Christ "saves" them by revealing their inner goodness. His life
and death prove how much they mean to God. In bringing them God's
forgiveness and acceptance, Christ radically grounds their new positive self-

3. Relate positively to others. Some Filipinos find it hard to get along with
others. They tend to hold grudges against anyone who hurt them. Christ
"liberates" them by calling to turn toward being a “man/woman-for-others" in self-
giving service. Through word and example, Christ taught that true happiness and
self-fulfillment come from forgiving others, and helping the poor and needy.

4. Control our basic drives toward riches, reputation, and power. To those
who seek happiness in riches, reputation, and power, Christ gave the example of
rejecting these temptations (Matthew 4:1-11) and urging simplicity of life
(Matthew 6). He called the poor "blessed" because they could more easily
recognize their dependence on God.

D. Expand
 The Nicene Creed

Technology Integration: Wooclap


Direction: The teacher and students will recite the Nicene Creed from the start.
They will pause for 20 seconds after reciting, “For our sake, He was crucified
under Pontius Pilate. He suffered death and was buried.”
Remember Jesus being mocked by the people, being scourged at the pillar,
carrying the cross under the heat of the sun, being nailed on the cross, and
hanging for hours, blood pouring down from his head, hands and feet. He was
thirsty and hungry. His skin was burning due to prolonged, direct exposure to

The students will remember the people who harm, hurt, betrayed and left them.
Like Jesus, the students will say to themselves, “Father forgive them for they
know not what they do!” Pause for 10 seconds then finish the prayer.

After that, the students will share what they felt or what insight came into their
mind via Wooclap.

E. Evaluate
 Technology Integration: Google Form

A. Multiple Choice

Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the best
answer from the given choices.

1. What led Jesus to the cross?

a. Jesus unselfish concern for others.
b. Jesus wants to express His love for people.
c. Jesus led to the cross to save all the people from punishment.
d. Jesus exposed the hypocrisy of many of religious and political

2. The following are the religious and political leaders involved in plotting the
death of Jesus except one.
a. Annas
b. Sanhedrin
c. Phinehas
d. Pontius Pilate

3. For us Christians, it is the symbol of salvation.

a. The Cross
b. The Bread
c. Wine
d. Blood

4. Jesus saw his Passion and Death as_________.

a. Compensate
b. Redemptive
c. Qualifying
d. Mitigating

5. The essence of the New Testament theology of salvation in Christ can be

sketched in ____ truths.
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

B. Essay

Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Answer in sentence

form, limit your answer from 2-5 sentences per question.

1. What lesson did you get about Jesus’ suffering and death? (2 points)
2. If you were in the situation of Jesus, are you also willing to die for the sake of
other people? Why? (3 points)

V. Assignment
 Complete the love action table!

Direction: The students will complete the table. They will write in the first column the
names of their family members, in the second column are the concrete actions that
they want to do with these people and in the last column they will attach a photo that
showed the action they do. The students will choose between handwritten or online
in doing the activity.

Submission is on April 20, 2022 (Wednesday) at 12:00 noon, in the Google Drive


CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Average Poor

5 4 3 2
Content Content is accurate Content is sufficient Content is good Content is
(60%) and expands on the and accurate. and related to the incomplete and
topic. Viewpoints Viewpoints and task. Viewpoints unrelated to the
and ideas are ideas are supported. and ideas are task. Viewpoints
insightful and well somehow and ideas are
supported. supported. missing,
inappropriate, and
Creativity (30%) The task is The task is unique, The task is The task is not
exceptionally detailed and detailed and detailed and
unique, detailed and interesting. interesting. somehow
interesting. interesting.
Organization Answer is clear, Writing is mostly Writing is slightly Writing is unclear
(10%) concise, and well clear, concise, and unclear and/or and disorganized.
organized with well organized with disorganized. Thoughts ramble
excellent good Thoughts are not and make little
sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph expressed in a sense.
construction. construction. logical manner.
Thoughts are Thoughts are
expressed in a expressed in a
coherent and logical coherent and logical
manner. manner.

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