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| ae reenter a ereukeoze yuary, 2006 = COTOPAXI VOLCANO Fourth Conferenc: EMR ONT ra cetne nTeM ETC Ky Cities on Volcanoes TAVCEI Quito-Ecuador 2006 PeTire eee COUT Instituto Geofisico Escuela Politécnica Nacional Index Fieldtrip to Cotopaxi 3 Purpose ofthe Tip 3 Oualine of the Tip 3 The route Quito-Cotopaxt 3 Cotopaxi Volcano 7 Physiography 7 History and Hazards 7 Geological Studes of Cotopaxi 8 Brief Synthesis of un Cotopaxi's Eruptive History Late Holocene Andesitic 12 Activity of Cotopaxi References 18 Excursion COV4 Field Excursion Stops 20 Leaders Patricia A. Mothes, MinardL. Hall, Hugo Yepe, Patricio Ramén, Pablo San or cake Gui Vinie cues 20 I.L. Le Penne, Alexandta Alvarado, Gotki Ruiz, Daniel Andrade, Silvana Hida der Garcia, Alcinoe Calahorrana, LP. Eisen Stop 2: Quebrada Agualongo 22 Organizer Stop 3: North Limpiopungo 25 Instituto Geofisico Stop 4: Picnic Lunch, Tambopaxi 26 Escuela Politécnica Nacional Hosteria and. Quito-Bcuador ‘Acclimatization Center Stop 5: Sangolqui Town 28 Stop 6: Barrio La Betania~ 2 ‘mini-reunion with members —- ‘Casa Cotopaxi roureowes Stop 7: Quarry-Right Margin-Rio 29 seroxat Piea-Betania Design and Layout: SOHO Design Lact Gindare Printing Global Grapes ‘The design and printing ofthis guide is thanks to the support of the LR LA 14 To acquaint vistors with the physical environment of the InterAndean valley between Quito and the area around Cotopaxi volcano. 2,/To give an overview Of the hazards that this volcano poses to populations and economic activities in the surrounding region. On a macro seal, we will observe tremendous relief and differ- ent morphologies, of which Cotopaxi vol- cano and the surrounding valleys will be the key points. On a micro-scale we will observe volcanic deposits of tephra fallout, lavas, pyroclastic flows, and lahars, the later serving as the surface of many now- inhabited areas. During our trip attention will be given tothe social impact and land- scape alteration that these volcanic phe- nomena may provoke during future erup- tive processes of Cotopai ee UU) ‘Today's trip will take us from Quito to the base of Cotopaxi voleano—on its northern flank. We will reach an elevation of 3800 meters elevation. There are 7 stops planned, including an hour-long lunch/pienic stop at the Hosterfa ‘Tambopaxi situated at the base of the vol cano's northern flank, We will return to Quito at around 6 pm, Meer From the departure site of Hote! Quito we hhead southeast, via the Avenida Oriental dropping down off the Quito Tectonic Bench which is bounded on the west by the Pichincha Voleanic Massif and to the East Fieldtrip to Cotopaxi Volcano and the Surrounding Valleys by the InterAndean Valley (Fig. 1 & 2). Passing through the toll station of the Quito-Chillos Valley auropista we will pass outstanding faulted outcrops of the CCangagua, layers of indurated reworked distal ash which formed under the cold regime of the Pleistocene glaciation and covers the InterAndean valley from the northern border with Colombia to south ‘of Riobamba. The Chillos valle is before us, its headwaters on Cotopaxi, Pasochoa, Sincholagua, Ruminahui, Ninahuilea, Corazon, Ilinizas and Chacana voleanoes. Once a breadbasket for Quito this valley has transformed into an important suburb in the last 20 years and has an annual growth rate of > 59%, Atthe valle bottom, in the community of San Rafael, we will drive along the left margin of the north- ward flowing Rio Pita, the main stream borne on Cotopaxi’s N and NE flanks and likely to carry future lahars, as it has inthe past. Once we cross the bridge over the Rio San Pedro we will drive through the high risk zone from lahars —which is 1-2 km wide, until passing by the Escuela Politécnica del Ejercto (ESPE) (Fig, 3). Passing ESPE we cross over a ridge and come to a trafic circle with @ humming- bird sitting on eggs (colibre) made by the ‘well-known local artist, the former Endara Crow. Soon we are again crossing aver a lahar channel, that of the Rio Santa Clara and on the outskirts of Selva Alegre town, ‘To the tight isa sports complex excavated ut of Holocene lahar deposits, ‘The Rio Santa Clara’ water drain from the northern sector of Pasochoa volcano. However its channel les in case proxiini- ty toa tight bend on the Rio Pita where runups of past high-discharge lahars (40,000 m/sec) caused about 15% of the peak discharge to spill into this auxiliary channel. Leaving behind the Iahar chan- nels coming off of Cotopaxi we continue ‘over a rise, where on the right we have a superb view of the Pichincha massif, the highest point being thet of Guagua Pichincha, the active center. Passing ‘through agricultural ands and the com- munities of Amaguafia and Tambillo (where we join the PanAmerican highvsay) wwe are in the distal depositional zone of pyroclastic flows erupted by Ninahuilea volcano (young Atacazo) in the last 2400 yrs. Further south on the PanAmerican we [pass Machachi, a major dairying and agri- cultural center and the seat of Mejia coun- ty, built upon tephra fallout, lahar deposits and alluvial fans. It is surrounded by the extinct volcanic centers of Pasochos, Ruminahui, and Corazon, and to the south, the llinizas, which had eruptions in the last ~25,000 years (Fig. 2 & 7), Passing through another toll booth, we begin a gradual ascent into the paramos- high windswept grasslands. Tephra out- ‘crops, all from Cotopaxi eruptions in the last 10,000 years, form obvious stratum and drape the’ far outer slopes of Ruminahui volcano (on our left). Specifically, the thick white tephra layers that we observe on either side ofthe road are ash fallout layers of explosive thyolitic ‘eruptions (the “F” series) that occurred between 10,000-6,000 yBP and are capped by a thick black organic-rich paramo soil of 1-2 m thickness. Mining of the thickest superficial andesitic tephra layer (1.5 m thick), the °X" pumice, dating from about 900 yBP, is carried out ‘extensively, eaving an irregular topography in places (Fig. ). The pumice is used for fabricating cinder building blocks, all made in an artesanal fshion by families, provid ing employment for many and an indis pensable element for construction. In the last 30 years vast pine plantations have been planted in the coarse ashy soil, espe- cially where the pumice has been extracted, sere koa) (On the plateau centr is the Inner Montane ara Atlantic ocean, Our view southisard is of the Latacunga Valley, and if eas, perhaps we can Chimborazo the smoking “Tungurahua volcanoes inthe distance. fn the valley bottom runs the main channel of the CCutuchi river, borne on Cotopasi volcano and which has often curred labars to the ‘Amazon basin (Fig. 5). Growing of broccoli and flowers fo export along with ingare some ofthe most important econom- icactivtes in the valley bottoms and are cat- ge divide for the Amazon basin- and icy farm- 760000 720900 ene 760000 Fare i: DEM of tn suburbs and Cotopsx vokano, ried out on extensive holdings (haciendas) ‘which are vulnerable to future lahars, On the valley margins, and away ftom the Iahar threat, as well as the availability of abundant irrigation water, and holdings tend to be smaller and less productive, due to the over- all porous, coarse and ashy nature ofthe soil The climate i primarily dry, being in a rel tive rain shadow of Cotopaxi’s massif. Presently newly installed spray irrigation sys- tems, using water from a major canal that transports wate ftom the far eastern side of CCotopaxi volcano, are helping small farmers 000 _grow perennial plots of alfa, which assures them a permanent food supply for small n= mals and afew milk cows. ‘We tur off the PanAmerican onto a di road which will take us toward the Cotopaxi National Park entrance and the outcrops we will be observing. If the weather is lear we may havea view of the volcano’s west side. It is nearly bare of snow and ice, having suffered a continual retreat ofits glaciers on this lank,especial- ly inthe last 20 years (Fig. 6) Figure 2: Map ofthe route ofthis tip erenreoe) Figure 5: The Latacungn Valley and Cotopais high haraed lobar zones ‘0 5,000 10,000 20,000 Neters a Cotopaxi Volcano Physiography Cotopaxi volcano is one of the largest and highest active voleanoes in the world. Itis located 60 km south of Quito, capital of the Republic of Ecuador. It is a principal volcanic center of the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes (NVZ), and results from the subduction of the 12-20 Ma old [Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate. Ecuadorian volcanism is probably accentuated by the subduction of the Camegie Ridge, which has been downgo- ing from at least 2, but maybe 8 Ma (Pennington, 1981 and Gutscher et al, 1999 and Spikings, tal, 2007) Cotopaxi is one of the principal volcanoes of the eastern Cordillera, the mountain chain that forms the eastern border of the InterAndean Valley of Ecuador. In Ecuador, Plio-Quaternary volcanism is distributed along three rows: the volcanic front of the Western Cordillera, the main arc in the Eastern Cordillera and the back- arc region in the eastern foothill (Fig. 7). From Cotopaxi's glacier-covered flanks, water flows northward and then westward to the Pacific Ocean, as well as southwest- ward and then eastward to join the ‘Amazon river. It is surrounded by the cetinct volcanoes Ruminahui, Sincho- agua, Pasochoa, and the potentially active CChalupas caldera (Fig. 7). The voleano is considered very dangerous, du to its fre- quent eruptive activity, with eruptive cycles of VEL 3 events occurring approx imately every 100-150 years and the ten- dency to generate large debris flows, (Fig 5 & 8) (Miller tal, 1978), Cotopaxi isa young stratovolcano, 5897 m high, with a very symmetrical cone, whose flanks have slopes of 30 to 35 degrees, The surrounding topography is between 3000 and 4000 m in elevation. Its basal diameter is approximately 22 km. The large crater on the surnmit measures about 800 m (N= 5) and 650 m (E-W) in diameter (Hiradecka etal, 1974). A tephra cone fils the crater, which in turn harbors a smaller tater that has been the active crater dur- ing historic eruptions. Ithas vertical sides, diameter of 250 m, and a depth of 122 m. Numerous fumaroles are found in the crater and in other areas of the summit and outer upper sides ofthe summit From its summit, glaciers ~14 km? in area IRD, 2004) extend doven to 4600 min ele- vation on its eastern side, but only down to 5000 m on the other sides. On the south- cast side the glacial streams feed the ‘Tambo and Tamboyacu rivers that later form the Napo river. From the northern and eastern slopes glacial waters form the Pita river which flows northward to the populated Chillos Valley (Fig. 8). The north lank glaciers are 4.7 km? in area and have a total volume of about .25 km’, ‘Towards the west, southwest, and south ‘melt waters form the Cutuchi river, which travels southward and passes beside the cities of Latacunga and Salcedo, before heading eastward to the Amazon basin (Fig. 5). Both the glaciers and their melt waters are carving deep gullies into the sides of the cone. Cotopaxi’s flanks are covered by thick sequences of volcanic material, comprised mainly of voleanic blocks, bombs, and tephra. Young lava flows are seen on almost all sides of the cone, down to an clevation of about 3800 m, Over the lower flanks of the cone and around the cone’s entire base the deposits of the debris flows of the 1877 eruption (Wolf, 1878) and other historic eruptions are widely dstr- tuted, These form an enormous berren area, profusely covered by blocks of rock, especially at Limpiopungo, along the Rio Pita, and also around the western foot of the volcano, Cotopaxi has been continuously moni- tored since 1977 by the Instituto Geofisica ‘of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional in Quito. It's present day telemetered moni- toring network consists of 10 seismic, 4 permanent GPS (L1 & L2),? titmetersta- tions and permanent video camera and temperature data loggers on the summit. Periodic measurements are made with ‘COSPEC/DOAS, EDM, thermal camera (FLIR) and water sampling taken from ‘warm springs. LEAS hb AGU MULE te Uy Since the arrival ofthe Spanish conguista- dors in 1534, Cotopaxi volcano has had 5 principal eruptive cycles -- 1532-1534, 1742-44, 1766-68, 1853-54, and 1877-1880 with a total of about 14 important erup- tions (VET 3-4}, which produced both pumice and scoia tephra falls, lva flows, PyTochastc flows, and debris flows (ahars) (Table 1). These eruptions produced Tahars which severely affected the region around the volano, especialy the ishai- tants located along the floodplains ofthe CCatuchi, Pita, and Son Pedro rivers and their tributaries, and included the popula: tion centers of Lasso, Mulal6, Latacunga, and Salcedo tothe south, and Selva Alegre, Sangolqui, San Rafal, and Tumbaco tothe north, They caused significant damage to property and the farming and animal industry, precipitated economic and polti- cal crises, and resulted in the loss of burn lives, Tephra fallout abo had crippling impacts on the economic development of the region and lft a broad sector of the Population impoverished after mantling areas in 2 NW to SW swath with several ‘centimeters of coarse lpi (Fig 9). ill be considerabl dangerous volcanoes in the America, CUETeISris lof Cotopax have been vist Scientists and explo 3. studying Cotopaxi for several centuries. The ological and_petrological Jescriptions were made by LaCondamine Humboldt, Reiss, Sodiro, Whymper, bl, and Wolf (1878, 1904). More mod am studies of the volcano and its hazards radecka etal (1974), were cartied out by H ), Hall (1987), Hall and nat (1988, 1988b), Mothes (1992), ), Mothes etal (1998), 15, in press, and Hall etal. 2004b and 2008), Mothes eta 2004 ‘The history of Cotopaxi voleano involves six principal eruptive periods, begin with rhyolites ~0. andesitic activity (Fig. 11) 2003). ‘The p only the latest eruptive petiod of This fildtrip will be con cemed with the eruptive products and st 1000 Ma to the present Hall sent cone is the result of ‘4100 years their impacts dur gute 6 Cotopes west flank, Glacier retest in he past 20 years ha sig reduced the ares nd olumn ofthe laces on this nk perrantoez) trip COV4 Figure Cotopaisnorther drinage, passing ‘through the Chills Val, showing the high ez raha res + Cotopaxi’s eruptive begins around 0.5 Ma ago with rhyolitic magmatism; only during the past 4100 years has andesitic magma become important. +The Barrancas Rhyolite Series represents the eatiest recognized Cotopaxi activity, comprised of obsidian dikes and domes, extensive ash flows and tephra falls, dated at between 420 and 560 ka BP. + Following the Barrancas activity, a long period of erosion resulted inthe formatiof of a clastic fan with interbedded andesitic lavas from Morurcu and other vents. The thick lava and alluvial sequence observed slong the Rio Pita and down to Selva Algre ‘came from Cotopaxi, or pethaps from the pre-caldera Chalupas edifice, + During along repose of Cotopaxi estimat- cd at ~400 ka, wind-reworked deposits of, fine ash and glacial material of regional ori- gin (Cangahua Fm.) and the large Chalupas ash low (200 ka) were depesited in the area. + Starting at 13,200 yBP and continuing to 14100 yBP, Cotopaxi had six important chy= olitic episodes, a large flank collapse, and an immense lahar, represented by the F Series and the Colorado Canyon Episode, respectively. Minor andestic activity is associated with these episodes. +The last 4100 years have been character ized by andestic eruptions, with only a minor thyolitic contribution at 2100 yBP. + Historically eruption cyles roughly aver- age one per century, usually resulting in a VEI =3-4 eruption with pyroclastic flows that extend 6-12 km from the crater, regional tephra falls, short lava flows and long-distance, highly destructive labars. Fieldtrip COV4 Brief Synthesis of Cotopaxi’s Liat) Ca icela 1880 AD. 1877 1853 1854 1768 ijn a 1766 ra 3 1744 aol 4 3743 72] 3 1742 3 [2 | Yes [2 ops 4 assz-34 | 2 | 2 | Yes |2ams| a 34 AD ~900) a oo eas yer ‘ooo ye [2 | 2 ars 34 1160 yee | 1 [1 many 3-4 azo yer | 1 [a 2 gms | 1 4 3770 yer | 1 | 1 many [several | 4 1880 yer [1 [1 Zops| 1 |>4 qego- [1 | 4 many 4 2000 2000 ~| 1] a | ves |? a yer Tora [26 | 22 | >14 | 520] >7 times | times | times “Table I: Synthesis of eruptive aetivity of Cotopax volcano ceraneez! VCR ate Cole ta Pati N ae ele) sb a 78 30 7a 30° Figure 9: Simplified hazard map of Cotas showing ep flot distributions, based on histori ptr and the trace ofthe energy line (ren tren ne) of an avalanche souk the noth Hank claps Since the end of the Colorado Canyon Episode, 4100 years ago, Cotopaxi has experienced frequent andesitic eruptive activity. During this episode there have been approximately 18 eruptive cycles, amounting to atleast 43 eruptions of mod- rately large size (eg, VEI2 3). Each cycle is characterized by a similar eruptive pat- involving plinian = or pur falls, scoria ot pumice pyroclastic flows, blocky lava flows, and widespread det flows: many of these events are depicted in ig. 13. Two pyroxene andesites dominate the series and contain plagioclase >>> hypersthene >> av olivine. 7830) Figure Ie Simplied “Zone 1 has the highest ¢ > iron oxides & e andesites have compositions 2% and K,O = 1.2-1.79%, Almost every eruptive cycle has been accompanied by pyroclastic flows that originated near the summit and whose {deposits ae forind on the sides of the cone and upon the depositional fans that sur asad map of pyochstic fos st Colopai is lower probaity tobe lected by pyroclastic fon round the cone, Most have runouts of 6-9 kkm from the crater. Three types of flows are recognized, scoria bomb flows that descended the nae- row canyons of the cone and flowed out conto the fans as narrow, finger-shaped flows having low levees. Their deposits consist mainly of eauliflower-head type bombs of dark, eddish- black, vuggy sco- ria, up to 1 m in diameter, The interior of the flowsis made up of scoria and andestic lithic clasts (~4096) ina matrix (~60%) of sand and gravel size fragments of the same material. The completely vesiculated ‘The most common are bombs suggest that this type of flow origi- nated as a density current that spilled out of the crater or asa low-level column col- lapse. Their unusually long runouts (6-12 kkm) suggest that they were partially u- idized, since simple gravitational flows descending Cotopaxi’s slopes should extend to only 4-6 km. In the 1877 erup- tion Wolf (1878) described the flows as sgenerated by “a dark foam-like cloud that boiled over the rim of the crater and descended all sides ofthe cone, much like a ppt of cooking rice boiling over” (Fig. 14)* ‘A second typeof flow the lithic cat and scoria fo. These are also widely distrbuted but have shorter runouts of only 4-6 km. Their brownish-black deposits are com- prised chiefly of angular clasts of juvenile andesite up to 10 cm in size, pus notable black scoria, ‘These were presumably gener- ated by citer the collapse of lava flow fronts high up on the cone or by Vulcanian explo- sions that blew through domes or conduit plugs of solidified magma. ‘The third, les common type, are rosy tan pumice flows, whose deposits are made up of kakicolored pumice bombs with red frothy interiors (up to 80%) and small gray to back andesite fragments (~5-1096) in an ash-rich matrix (20-80%). Chemically these flows are more siliceous than the scoria flows, with S102 = 60-62% and K20 1.7%. This type of event is invariably asso- ciated with widespread, 1-2 m thie, pumice lap fll beds. Their origin is attebuted to column collapse. (Fig. 15), Daring future «eruptive activity of Cotopax the Park ina- structure, the tourist facilites of the private sector and agricultural holdings are at sk from incandescent flows. Additionally, shepards and ther locks and wildlife are at riskif they are in close proximity to the cone or in channel bottoms within ~15 km dis- tance from the erater~ during flowage of pyroclastic lows — Lahar deposits are observed everywhere around the voleano and associated with almost every eruptive cycle. Higher on the cone the deposit has a high concentration of scoria clasts, attesting to their forma- tion. The deposits become progressively more dominant with distance from the cone, until they are the exclusive voleanic deposits along the floodplains that head on. the cone. Near the volcano they are dark. stay, clast-supported, well-packed brec- cias, usually 1-3 meters thick, which may include blocks up to 8 m in siz, although ‘more commonly the typical sub-angular class fill in the range of 2-20 em. Most clasts are gray to black, dense andesites, probably from the incorporation of fresh fragments of lava blocks- few scoria frag- ‘ments are observed. The matrix (20-4096) contains sit to sand-size particles of the same rock types. In other examples scoria clasts are abundant, ‘The description of the debris flows in the Latacunga valley, produced in the eruption ‘of 187, clearly demonstrate the power and velocity of these flows (Wolf, 1878; Sodiro, 1877). They inflicted widespread desteuc- tion in the Chillos and Latacunga valleys and out to the Amazon Basin (>170 km) and along the 326 km route of the Rio Pita-Esmeraldas tothe Pacific Ocean, Wolf tributed the widespread lahars to the instantaneous melting ofthe surface of the large glacial cap by pyroclastic flows. These deposits are described in detail by Mothes (1992) and Mothes etal, in press. It is not uncommon that lahars flowing down the tio Pita or Cutuchi had dis- ‘charges of ~ 40,000 m/s and cross sections with areas of 2000-3000 m2. Cotopaxi’s present glacial cap of ~14 km? and -0.7, ‘km? is still of sufficient area and volume, that if partially melted by future eruptive processes, could produce lahars similar to those of the 1877 event, which had a com. bined total volume for both the N and § drainages of ~200 x 10m. Nontheless, glacier loss on the high volcanoes in Ecuador is on the order of 50 linear 'metets{year (IRD, 2004; Bolivar Caceras pers. comm. 2005) and given this, tis like. ly that future lahars discharges and vol- ums will be conditioned by reduced gla- cier melt and have smaller discharges. Given the widespread ashfall trajectory, unconsolidated distally deposited ashes 10-30 km distance from the volcano may become reworked by precipitation and cause low-volume but intense secondary lahars. These could occur in areas not nor- ‘mally associated with lahar activity, such as CChaupi or on the NE slopes of Iliniza vol- «ano and potentially affect downstream water supplies, bridges and buildings. Frere een! Brief Synthesis of the Stratigraphic History of Cotopaxi Volcano “The present andesitic history of Cotopaxi volcano began about 4000 y8P and fas involved many tens of efupions characterized by puri and scotia tephra Lae falls seorl, thie and pumice pyrocaste flows, frequent and late debris ows, Holocene [hd many bioky ava flows, lf ef which have contributed tothe making of She ‘anaesine present large edfice Minot ryolit activity may have occured around 2100 esa Fistorie erupeons, averaging one par eantury, comprises significant porto this on-going andesite act. 44100 0 Tifocene lit acy hich ned phreato-magmanc expctons trough cent Fae eee eae eae eat ie sce k fou domes thyot becca flow, 3 mor pum ‘nly slarge seo lapse tthe orteae fan of Ctopes's cone. Th “tc eiggered the Cis Vale ahar a cohesive debris fw of gigantic Ginvon Eptode proportions. Erupted volumes were © kn 4500 ya Following 300-400 ka thou notable activity Cotopast eacvaed and i experienced series of ve vale episodes; caled the F Seven, that consists ryote ot pumicleous tephra Tall ash Hows dome colapse and debris Fos that took Sere sce between 1.3 and 43 ka Minds andesite at aso ocurred, a8 $kown by sceasional sera fas or compesitonaly banded pumice curing stveral episodes - ~20ka ‘Along repose period followed, represented by the thick Lower and Upper ‘Cangahua angst (e5a) unite which are eolan-reworked fine-grained say tus, 3¢ ine ‘wells bythe enormous Chalupas ash lw unk (Chip) 200 ka) derived from the ‘Chatopas nearby Chalupas caldera, The two Cangahva unis form a regional martle over tis {he ndthern Eeusdovian Andes and were apparently derived om the reworking lof the voluminous ash flows ofthe Chalupas and Chacana caldera eruptions. ~300 ka? ‘An erosional period ensued, in which a detrital fan developed around the SW Deer ‘and W sides of the eatic, comprised of vleane brecras, conglomerates, Fan and inde, interbedded schists and 3 few pyrotsstic flow untes Andesite Ettusiee [2026220] own deriva from the Morurc satelite vet, aswell x from Cotopas el ereyory ~420 ka ESEPTT te hast cet lied wk eas Tee Barrancas [S3-+++] comprised of many biotite-bearing tephra falls, ash flows, dome growth and Bogie BESS] ciaeietel meme nee ages tors erty mo" see Sa tal eee ae nea ray postal ae nee eee = fmeils BESS) ethane Gita fa ana wy eee the Many BRSPBRES) Epi wd me an ab koe Sot dom Oe Ho 5 853ee] 8 560 ka “The Cotopaxi sequence ies unconformaby upon the Pestocene Latacunga Fr, {Tice setral package of conglomerates, sanstones, evorked voleaic ssh, “ind occasional ava flows, hat undies frost ofthe nterandean Vay Figure 1: Brie sats ofthe seatigraphic itor of Ctopsvoleano er keone! ‘Cotopaxi Voleano- Composite Stratigraphy-last 1000 yBP to Present Bae ur EC eee ea] See Hy See tr SEE APR otter Sp ed 98:40 Proriepapemn ty iar oreapani eames an dense porn a 176 ROT iver eee eee eeierecer) Soe epee ee me Pee eare amet erry See crtcenese Seat gma aes Mere a Aa ae SPER eo HH i Tova: Yanaeachs flow fcoria ap & bomb AF: Mixed magma casts debris om 1538 AD Soria lp AF PF mbvture w/carbonized plants at base Jollw/ inca artifacts of 1470-1234 AD Faas thea tsor 78580, 9004150 vB) Figure 12: Stratigraphic column of TerlEt eee ei En ava Flows Blocky lava flows have also been important events in many of the eruptive cycles. ‘Typically the flows are ” 1 km wide, have ‘eights of 5-40 m, are 4-8 km in length, and areadorned with jumbled blocks of ava. The catly ows (4100 ~ 2200 yBP) are common around the base of the cone, but the largest flow of the early cycles the San Agustin flo, descended about 17 km doven the W side of the cone and spread out laterally aver the lower slopes; it has an area of 42 km? and 2 volume of 1.3 kam’, These lavas are por- phytic andesites with a microcrystalline to ° gray/tan pumice lal AF w/ithic band near top- 980 8 vitreous prunes, ight to medim gay in color with os tone, Chemical they hve vues of SiO, = 57398 and KO ~ 12-15%. Tey carry paola > hyper thene > augte > iron odes, ofen grouped togetherinsmal geen and wit clots traces of olvine ar als observed During the intermediate cyles (1880 to 1195 ‘yBP) small flows descended both the W and E sides of the cone, but the largest flows went down the NW flanks and spread out upon the W end of Limpiopungo plain (Fig 13) ‘These are dark gray to black, porphyritic andesite (SiO, = 59-6096; K,0 = 1.4-1.5%) ‘that bear the same mineralogy as the preced- CCotopai's volcan’ composite statis: phy ofthe ast 1000 years ing fows. ‘Their total area and volume are ‘estimated at 13 km? and Q km’, ‘The latest cycles are characterized by simi- lar black lava flows, generally only 3-4 km Jong, that are found on the W, NW, N, NE, SE, and SW flanks, The largest lava flown, the Yanasacha flow, descended the NNW flank for 5.5 km during the 1532-1534 eruptions (Fig. 13). These historic lavas are dark gray to black, micro-porphyritic andesites (SiO, =36-61% KO = 1.3+1.4%) witha glassy matris. Small pla- sioclase » hypersthene @augite olivine iron oxides comprise the -10% micro phenocryst content. Fieldtrip COV4 7835) 7830) 7925 7820) res ews All of the eruptive eyles were by lpi fils, chat form 1 deposits composed of eit Tight beige puri brownish-black, slightly vuggy scoria, At times, both types of vesiculated clasts were deposited in close timely succession (eg. the 1200 yBP and the 1740's AD eruptions ‘Within the individual cycles other tepha all deposits often occur, but they tend to be finer-grained and thinner. —Tan-colored pumice lpi fll layers are more common in the eatly cycles ~1800 yBP both pumic found as discrete but associated beds, and the pumice has a darker tan color. Following the 17408 AD cycle, the lapll fll deposits carry both kaki-colored pumice and a dark brownish-black scora in the same fll unit, ‘The SiO, values are typically 59% for the companied 0 em thick However beginning pumice and 57% forthe scoria, Given the prevailing winds from the SE, the andesite tephra is mainly carried to the NW, and SW from the clearly the bes tephra sequences are locat. cd in that ditection (Fig, 9). Conversely, incomplete sequences occur to the N, E and S ofthe volcano, lcano, and On the south flank of RumiRabui volcano, a biotit-rich, white pumice lpilli fall layer with minor amounts of black ments is found. The mineralogy and cher istry of its pumice (SiO, = 739% K,0 = 2.804) correlates closely with that of the pumice of the late Colorado Canyo: flow. This event presumably corresponds lithic frag- to a small leakage from the rhyolitic ‘magma chamber about 2100 yBP. There is little doubt that future Cotopaxi tephra {alls will cause extraordinary havoc for the many thousands of families, small agricul turalsts and the export-oriented sector liv ing and operating inthe ash-fall trajectory. ‘There will also be serious inconveniences Fieldtrip COV4 to the aviation busin with: of electricity on a regional scale, drinking water supplies for certain communities, fodder for animals, ‘wide-spread roof collapses and closure of roads from falling trees due to excessive weight, fey Given that Cotopaxi has such a high relief we believe that most ofthe gases associated with future eruptive activity will be carried aloft and hence dispersed. Nonetheless, some gases will low downslope and become con a the base of ridges where airflow may be restricted, the casein the Quito basin wher the Pichincha massif acted asa trap for SO, 3, and problems centrated in depressions as Ww such a8 w gases from Reventador volcano in Nov, 2002 ee it ofthe ure 142 The pyc tet of boiling over. Theodor WO Krumpop® (gsman)= broken heads sie the hen of Figute 5: Thefne-ch Ini probably product of poli lo eps elated othe" eu Ears ee Zanchetta, in 2004, Risk from lars in the northern valleys of Cotopaxi_ volcano (Peador): Natural Hazards V.33,p, 161-189, Almiidas En 1995, Fujs de lodo del volcin Cotopani: Revista Geogrifica No. 34, Inst tuto Geogrifico Militar, Quite, p. 153-162. ‘Barberi. E, Caruso, 2, Macedonio, G..and Rosi,_M,1992, Reconstruction and ‘numerical simulation of the lahar of the 1877 eruption of Cotopaxi, Ecuador: Acta Vuleanologica 2, p. 35-44, Barberi, E. 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(Fig. 16,17, 18) At this quarry we will ee several types of lahars, some which are his Bear in mind that while the historical kteature mentions torical age the occurrence of 12 distint lahar evens flowing down the Cutuchi river, the evidence in the field is scarcer, probably due to erosion of ‘underlying ahar deposits by aharsin transit, Atthis quarry we observe mostly coarse channel faces in the ~400 meter wide section. ‘Three ‘main lahar types re seen, represented by distinet types of deposit, Ce ees ene cnir) ers Reworked, stratined and wbedded oer ahar units tthe Catuchi quarry, west flank of Cotopxivleano Figure 16 Unit #1, the lowest unit, is comprised of lenticular lens cross bedded layers with abundant pumice which is semi-round: ced-- representing reworking of fallout tephra or pyroclastic flow deposits with juvenile class, rom upstream or on the cone. Some ff the layers are compacted and have abundant coarse sand interbedded with pulses of pumice. Vial" layers isa rouge-colored lahar deposit with abundant casts of <10 cm diam and encapsulated in a sandy matrix. This “mas- sive” unstratified layer may represent a well-mixed lahar which formed high on the cone as a result of rapid melting of ice/snow from pyroclastic flows. The stratified layering may be the finale of an eruptive phase —when there was excessive water in relation to the sediments--that did not form a major clast-rich lahar: Or i ‘may be the precursor to the overlying Unit #2. Nonetheless, Unit 1 mostly represents erosional activity perhaps by rainfall or glacier ‘meltwater, of preexisting. unconsolidated beds, which upon flowing downstream, clogged the drainage networks. It may have occurred ‘over a period of weeks or months. Reworked units will also likely form during future eruptive processes of Cotopaxi—when freshly fallen, unconsolidated ash layers impede water infiltration and intense precipitation facilitates formation of secondary “rain” lahas. This may occur weeks or months prior toa VEI 3-4 pyroclastic flow forming event that would form high discharge, massive lahars, as ‘observed in Units 2 and 3, The filing of main stream channels by suc ‘cessive aggradation by secondary “minor” lahars will leave less space in the channels forthe passage of major primary lahas thereby caus- ing broader inundation zones in populated/agricultural areas. Interspersed between “flu P Unit #2 is a massive, thick (4-8 m) clast-supported lahar deposit which has no obvious stratification within it, is polylithic, some clasts are very fesch, and has perhaps a 40% fine matrix which pro- vided a tight fabric to maintain the clasts in suspension. Clast molds are common, with many blocks encased ina silty layer which defines. ‘ach mold. Vesicles are also observed. The lahar almost certainly flowed as one single massive unit as a plug flow, with no distinct pulses, except for perhaps atthe base and top. It was highly destruc- tiv, probably very erosive at the base and would have traveled along distance. It is capped by a 4 cm thick layer of beige pumice lplli pumice which corresponds to the 1742 plnian eruption. ee Figure 17: Catuch quarey, west flank of Cotopsx volcano and lahar units 2 sand 3 wit the 174 pumice alin betwee Unit #3 isa beige, fines-rich cohesive matrix, 2-5 meters thick, ‘which supports large, semi-rounded singular monolithologc blocks 1-2 m diameter which rode on the top of the low. The origin ofits matrix may be a fines-rich, pyroclastic flow which, upon mixing with water incorporated blocks of lava flows—or blocks rounded by elacier, but very few other notable lithic or juvenile clasts of small cer dimensions. Overlying this unit, the 1877 har deposit is some- times seen, forming the uppermost layer, although mostly eroded away. The cst size ofthe 1877 lahar is generally < 10 em diameter and it hasa sandy matric. This suite of ahar deposits provides strong evidence ofthe variabil- ity of flows which can occur when great quantities of water mobilize unconsolidated voleanic debris, Except for the rin-induced second: ary lhars it is probably impossible to predict what will be the spe- cific outcome of glacier/debris interactions, as too many variables ate at play- from the generating of incandescent flows, glacier are affected, the timing, channel configurations and erosional re (ur drive continues ascending the lahar-ashfall and lava apron of Cotopaxi through grasslands, now partially converted to pine forests, Deer rabbits, foxes, puma and a variety of birdlife inhab- it this environment, er keOs iat Caled ce) 9 CLE ela Sequence of ashfall deposits and smal secondary laharss UTM- (07)7691(99)285; 8530m elev Secondary lahars are important ongoing phenomena at Cotopaxi They are provoked by the daily melting of glacier ice and snow and Periodic intense rainfalls which erode pre-existing, non-consoli- dated volcanoclastic materials, causing aggradation of the chan nel. Here at the Agualongo quebrada, inflling of the channel has become accentuated in the past 5 years, causing relocation of the road surface. Small check dams, installed in the past years have become infilled and no longer serve to trap secondary lhars. Ashflls ae also an important phenomena produced by Cotopaxi vl- ‘ano during mos ofits VEI >3 eruptions. The main asfilltrajcto- ry is tothe west-northwest, however there are exceptions and some important tephra layersare observed east of thecone. With ew excep tions, the thickest layers and largest class are found closest to the cone while with greater distance, layers are thinner and cast sizes smaller. Here at this outcrop of about 6 meter thickness, we see a sequence of airfalls representing the last 1500 years of eruptive activity. Higher up on the cone the thickness ofthe package becomes more than 9 meters and many smaller layers are observed, Layer“X"is a beige pumice lapili with maximum pumice size up to 25cm, Itisofandesitic composition and represents the largest erup- tion of Cotopaxi in the las 1000 years. At this site the layer’ thick- ness is about 2 meters. It has a wide distribution and more than 60 km to the west is still 12 cm thick in the town of Sigchos. Its total bulk volume is calculated at 0.80 km? (Fig 19). A future eruption ‘which produces similar layer will truly bea risk management chal lenge/nightmare. Ascending the sequence several reworked tephra ‘units are seen with some interspersed gravel-rich lahar deposits. The dacitic sandy, beige biotite-rich Quiloto fallout is also seen here and serves as an outstanding regional marker unit, Several 4C dates indicate the event occurring at ~800 yBP (Mothes & Hall, 1998). thin layers of lahar and seoria lap follow the later ones per taining to the mid 1500's eruptions. The historical era is most defined by the “MM” pumice(b) and scoria) layers of 0.40 km’ vol- ume (Fig 20) and the fine sandy ash layers capping them which per tain to 1768, 1854 and 1877 eruptions, (Fig. 21,22 & 23) 2.0 50 0 40° eo Ls 20} as ‘Acualsl--pooty developed disturbed, {har easts 10 em a, andy mati 7 AD? Laharw/ ++ sandy/sity main) Iie ats upto 2 m ca athe top. lahar 1742/4440 Pumice lol beige-ntite, vesicular; Mem em Mi 1742 AD har Masshe-clstsoppote, polite wth mainly ‘ray andesite casts, some rounded er rocks, & | Inmatrc of scora sands. Molds ost encare most dass or dumps of clasts ‘Nostratifeaton. Some blocks upto Im. issaa07 Reworked tephra layers; Some s-bedng Pulses lens of sem-roundes pumice w/sandy layers Laka w/ clasts, <10 cm dar, in sandy max, Compact sandy layers w/ lens of sem-rounded pumice = diferent pulses RW oF upslope volenacartce, Base of Section Drive to Limpiopungo Leaving Stop 2 we wind through the Quebrada—Mishahuaicu ‘where we see outerops in the canyon walls of scri-rich pyrolas- tic lowilahar deposits a well sa thick sequence of tephra layers. After passing by the small park museum we atived tothe western part ofa plain—that of Limpiopungo. While thousands of yeas ago thi was likely an active drainage it hasbeen filled inby tephra falls lahars and pyroclastic lows at faster rate then erosion can remove the voleanodastis. ‘The only outlet is the one we drive beside on the left. At the base of Ruminahui volcano a small body of water has naturally collected, Limpiopungo Lake, due to the insufficient drainage. ‘The Yanasacha lava flow (on the right) has effectively blocked lars from descending onto the plain onthe NW side ofthe cone 99700: 99600 9500: 99000 7300 7400—(7500—«7600—«7700~—~7800 Fieldtrip COv4 View of Yanasacha Lava Flow—on right; UTM- (07)814/(99)312; 3870m elev The Yanasacha flow descended the NNW flank fr 5.5 km, proba bly during the 1532-1534 eruptions (Fig. 17). These histori lavas are dark gray to black, micro-porphyritic andesites (SiO2 =56-61955 K2O = 1.3-1.4%) with a glassy matrix. Small plagio- clase 2 hypersthene @augite @olivine Siron oxides comprise the 10% micro-phenoeryst content. Typically all Cotopax lavas are “blocky” probably traveled on the order of hundreds of ‘metersday, do not extend further than the base of the cone and therefore are nota threat to human or most animal life (Fig. 13), ‘The effect of lava flows on the glaciers during future eruptions will ‘cause a slower melting and will cover over a more restricted area, ‘due to poor heat transfer, compared to the effects af widespread pyroclastic flows which are highly energetic and have a high heat, transferal tothe ice/snow, Figure 19: Lopach map showing the sccuraltion of the" pice fillout Field Excursion Stops °M" Pinan Isopach (em)- Cotopaxl Volcano, pe ee a Figure 20: sopach map showing the accmltion of the°M" teh fllost, Allyriquin V.aracaze syeus 29500 Apaieiees ome Maghachi e400 i: Se 2 “a aN A ee es 39300 v. el sta e7 Sigchos 39200 AN “esagan, * a rambo Sten 3" Hanes Morro V. Quilotoa ‘ane 39000 SE rioo 7300 740078007800 79007800 0 88008100 Figure 22: Main pumice and scoria pill fallout units at Q.Agualoage, west ak Cotopaxi Fieldtrip ©. Agualongo- West Flank V: Cotopaxl; UTM 07763) 99285, 3530 m ast 1500 y BP to Present Present sal Beare anoncr Rime tac pi AAD, ur 25 Backiene 1854 AD ‘ar pune an AF teed 1853 AD na? Sora an eicupa and ears snd 1768 A Tar pumice ap AP moths “1760 AD “we Bac scr ul A= 1749 AD; MS= 165, Mm 8.0 “tonic api AF=1742 AD; MP= 80, b= 32 Score up ws a ate R= Sal at ery cat RIS SEILAT nye exer ot Mom 65 cm raven aaa Edamame nabotasstane Sawer Quota ash = Soe Recreate eno Soe en Serres et sears! ears eae ae ecmacait ‘Ser rch PF probly < 1700 8 {ahar-ouge ler, seh 8 al compacta. PE Base of Section TCT ere Umer iris View of lahar routes; UTM- (07)8349/(99)32173, 3860m elev. From this location we have a superb view of Cotopaxis north flank, theglcies the north summit and the main canyons incising this sec- tor. The extinct volcanoes of Ruminahui (to the west), Sincholagua (Wo theeast) and Pasochoa (to the north) are readily viewed. ‘The fan at the base of Colorado Canyon displays blocs from lahar flows. Surfaces oflahars have different appearances. If they are part ‘of a channel facies, more blocks are present. While a lateral facies has fewer blocks. Many lahar-transported blocks are solitary due to ‘erosion of the finesrich matrix. The youngest lahar surfaces have fewer grasses and lichens while older surfaces have more loose lots resin AF (840250, 785250; 9002150 yO atte ne. Figure 23: Stratigraphic column at Agvalong, vest Mane Cotopa ‘SMe pS fe sh cet san) atbase: MS= 24. aL § lichens inflling small voids and the lithic clasts have more oftheir surfaces covered by lichens with a green splaying appenrance. We can see to the north, along the rio Salto, the dense boulder Fields left by past lahars. Further downstream the channels become more restricted in canyons incised in lavas, helping to maintain lahar velocity most of the 30 km distance to the Chillos Valley (San Rafael area). The Rio Pita channel is located ~ 5 km tothe east and joins with the Salto channel tothe north (Fig. 24). Given the relatively low gradient of the land surface, undoubtedly an important portion of lahar material will be deposited upon these near-cone depositional plains. Nonetheless, past discharges along the rio Salto were estimated to have been initially high (30,008 - 35,000 m’/s) and cross sectional areas were about 2000 ‘m but after flowing through nearly 9 km of wide and braided tM Soe demic) eS} channels, deposition was favored and peak flows dropped to about 10,000 m/s where the Salto joins with the Pita (Fig, 25) Cross-sectional areas forthe 1877 lahar of 2000 m? along the rio Pita channels are not uncommon; velocities may have been up to 20m/s (based on run-up calculations), and peak discharges with- in 20 km of the crater were on the order of 40,000 m/s. This value is comparable to those calculated for lahars produced by the erup- tion of Nevado del Ruiz voleano in November 1985, where peak discharges ranged from 32,000-48,000 m/s at 15-17 km distance from the crater (Pierson et al, 1990). During the Mount St Helens 18 May, 1980 eruption, peak discharges of the lahars in both the Pine Creck and Muddy drainages, within 3-8 km of the crate, varied from 25,000 - 65,000 m/s, and velocities were calew Tate to have been 26-40 5 (Pierson, 1985), Its notable that flow calculations for the ro Pita canyon, about 20 the crater, yielded similar discharges of about 40,000 m/s area (Fig 30). At 25 kn from the crate, the Pita flow combined with flow from the Salt, and dscharge increase to >50,000 m/s. Farther downstream, the flow be just before entering the now-populated zones, the lahar’s discharge ‘was sill between 15,000-20,000 m/s, Mothes etal, pres gan toattenuate, and Tambopaxi Hosteria and Acclimatization Center; UTM (07)845)(99)353.3785m elev his location provides outstanding views from ontop of nearby grassy bummocks ofthe northeast side of the cone, the other lahar channels ofthe rio Pita associated with the N-NE flank and views of pyroclastic flows of the 1877 eruption (Fig. 25 and Cover Photo). The hummocks were formed by a debris avalanche off of Cotopaxi’s north face about 4500 yBP. They cover most ofthe rio Pita margins, the lower lanks of Ruminahui and they ran up the south flank of Pasochoa volcano and the west flank of Sincholague volcano. The lahar transporting channels in front of us have been very erosive on the hummocks, explaining why so few ren this day, except in the higher plateau between the rios Pita and Salto, into The picnic lunch will be held on the Tambopaxi-Acclimatization Center, where many climbers become acclimated before ascending Cotopaxi. In addition to a light lunch and beverages, there are restroom facilities After lunch we will continue our tip northward, past the North Guard Station of CNP and descend into the Machachi Valley via a windy cobblestone road which will deliver us to the town of Machachi and then onto the PanAmerican Highway from where we retrace our route of the morning until arriving to the final, stops in the Chillos Valley The Chillos Valley We wil look at two important sites. First, i an overlook of the Santa Clara stream between Sangolqu and Selva Alegre. The other isa quarry along the rio Pita which clearly shows, the magnitude that past ahars have had and may have inthe future. ‘The quarry is located upstream of populated housing developments and synthesizes the risk management dilemma of lahars spreading ‘over urbanized areas. We will aso be joined by persona of the Quito Metropolitan District ~Chillos Valley Administration (San Raftel) and of Rumifiahui county's municipal government (Sangolqi) who ‘work on mitigation issues with the valleys population. igure 24 drainages. Phoo- IGEPN-BGR Aerial photograph of Cotopats north plain and the main reas 7e20 Tes 7930 7839 Figure 25: Geologic map showing the 1877 Field Excursion Stops Rio Sta, Clara Viewpoint —Tecnolégica Ruminahi ‘The town of Selva Alegre has some 2000 inhabitants. It is built ‘upon the debris flow deposits which have traveled dow the rio Sta (Clara after exceptionally large Cotopaxilahar-forming eruptions Both 1744 and 1877 lahas traveled down this secondary channel, ining discharges of ~10,000 ms before entering the plain before us which as subsequently been extensively quarried. As we can se from here the actual stream is small and seeming! | st a taer we + pumice ties= MP 2 em Source = Guagua Pichincha euption-- (ct. 27 1660 40. Nahar strated layers: reat sandy | pumice lens= overtank depos aha blow. | Luar clas supported, poithic wth manly gray Seite css, tome rounded rer ods mathe (tscora sane; Mots os arcase most ats “umpe of ces Cone tse sme ck ta Im Finer towards top. 1534 AD? 338 of Section Figure 28; Statigraphic column ofthe Beton quarry

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