Cave Ants

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CAVE ANTS °« Degp ise ths wre i cob of cave ants Slese creatures never see the ight. When they de, ty aft ext Ty rt dng that rb offen the sare...” —Baroness of Blood, pg. 57 Fine Vermin Hit Dice: 1/8 d8 (1 hp) Initiative: +2 (Dex) Speed: 20 fi. AC: 18 (48 size) Attacks: None Damage: None Face/Reach: 1/12 ft. by 1/12 ft./0.8. Special Attacks: Secret Drug, Dig Special Qualities: Vermin Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0 Abilities: Str, Dex 10, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Skills: Hide +15 jimate/Terrain: Underground Organization: Colony (20-100) Challenge Rating: 1/8 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 1/4 d8 HD (Fine) Originally found in mountainous caves in the barony of Kislova, cave ants have since been found in caverns beneath a number of realms. These creatures are ffensive, but are capable of producing a by-product ‘that many mages, alchemists, and doctors are interested Cave ants are small ants with vibrant green, translucent bodies and large blind white eyes. The cave ants have no sting and their mouths are useless for biting. The ants live by harvesting molds and other inoflensive growths from eave walls. Cave ants fill one of the lowest niches in the underground ecosystem. Cave ants live only in lightless, sandy-floored underground chambers. Colonies tunnel under the sand and construct small cities with their cement-like spittle. ‘The most useful aspect of cave ants is that when they are exposed to light of any kind, the ants panic, secreting large amounts of psychotropic chemicals into the sand around them. This sand, when ground with the bodies of a few cave ants, creates a powerful psychoactive chemical called “battle wind,’ once used by the Obour family on the battlefield, which acts as an altered form of the confusion spell with the results as seen on the table below. 1d10 Behaviour 1 Wander about babbling for I round 2-3. Stare at hallucinatory lights, colors, and sounds for | round 4-9 Attack nearest creature for | round 10 Sit and weep for I round This effect is completely chemical and is not affected by dispel magic or similar effects. Itis possible that eave ants could be used to produce magic items with similar effects. Civil authorities in Darkon, Dementlicu and Nova Vaasa have recently been attempting to halt the trade in a new drug called ‘green sand," that is believed to be derived from ‘battle wind.” Combat Cave ants have no means of attack. They are merely inoffensive creatures that produce an unusual by- product. If attacked, they will take one of two actions, Seerete Drug: When panicked, either by attack or by light, cave ants will secrete the psychoactive chemical that is the primary ingredient of “battle wind’ and “green sand,’ This has no effect on characters attempting to combat cave ants, Dig: Cave ants may attempt to escape by digging into the sand in which they may their home. Cave ants can travel at their full movement rate in any direction through sand.

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