Vivisection and Resurrection

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Everything in this book other than the covers, the title page, the contents page, the illustrations, “Deepwood Publishing,” the
Deepwood Publishing logo, character and place names, is designated Open Game Content.

Published by Deepwood Publishing

CIPHER VINDICATOR ........................... 80
CONCENTER.......................................... 83
CONSTRUCTED SERGEANT .............. 86
INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 4 CURSE CARVER .................................... 89
NECROS..................................................... 5
FORGESOULED GUARDIAN ............... 93
GRAFTS ...................................................... 5
HAPHAZARD ........................................... 97
RACES .............................................................................7 RUNECHANTER ................................... 105
BONCYFF .................................................. 7 TANDDA ELITE ..................................... 110
CASGLWYR ............................................ 10 TOKUNNIR STONECRAFTER ........... 114
GOLLWYD ............................................... 12 UNWAVERING WARDEN .................... 118
HEGNI ...................................................... 14
MAGIC ......................................................................... 123
AGE, HEIGHT, WEIGHT ......................... 16
CLERIC SPELLS .................................. 123
CLASSES ....................................................................... 18 DRUID SPELLS..................................... 123
THE CLASSES........................................ 18 SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS ......... 123
NECROMANCER ................................... 18 SPELL DESCRIPTIONS ...................... 123
OVERLORD ............................................ 25 NEW ARMOR & SHIELD SPECIAL
VIVISECTOR ........................................... 31 ABILITIES............................................... 125
CHARACTER OPTIONS.................................................. 36 ARMORS ................................................ 126
SKILLS ..................................................... 36 SHIELDS ................................................ 127
FEAT CATEGORIES .............................. 36 NEW WEAPON SPECIAL ABILITIES 127
FEAT DESCRIPTIONS .......................... 37 WEAPONS............................................. 131
ALTERNATE CLASS FEATURES ........ 46 RINGS AND AMULETS ........................ 131
DWARVEN FOCUS .... Error! Bookmark WONDROUS ITEMS ............................ 132
not defined. MONSTERS ................................................................. 135
RUNES ........................................................................... 51 RUNIC SUBTYPE .................................. 135
RUNECARVING BASICS ...................... 51 ANCESTRAL WARRIOR...................... 135
CARVING RUNES .................................. 52 CONSTRUCTED .................................. 136
RUNECARVING TERMS........................ 52 DEEPBORN ........................................... 139
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER ............... 53 RUNETOUCHED .................................. 140
RUNES AND SPELLS ............................ 53 RUNIC ARTILLERY............................... 143
RUNES ..................................................... 53 STONE GUARDIAN .............................. 143
RUNE DESCRIPTIONS ......................... 55 WOLVEN................................................ 145
PRESTIGE CLASSES ..................................................... 70 APPENDIX A ............................................................... 146
ATHAGHOEL LORESPEAKER ............ 70 RUNESMITH .......................................... 146
AWAKENED ............................................ 73
BLOOD-SPIKED FURY .......................... 76

Necromantic magic is a secretive form of magic, known
only to those who reside in the hidden darkness of
Marleath. Born of the overweening ambition of Lledrith,
it is a magic about one thing and one thing only: power.
Tasala gnawed on meat, the sour taste overcome by the fear of
Those who possess necromancy wish to have power
starvation, the knowledge that the next meal was a day or more
away. He and his soldiers had fought today, and lost, again, over all others, even unto Drancedigaeth, god of life and
forced back further across the plains. The generals had thought death. Each step on the path the necromancer walks is to
they could hold the undead cohorts here, for the rotting soldiers ensure that they accrue more power to themselves,
moved slowly and disjointedly, the necromancers who kept whether that be in the form of the undead who act as
them mobile unable to control the whole army at once. So, their unwilling servitors, or in more overt forms of
raiding parties had been sent out, Tasala among them, to power, often applied directly to the flesh and soul of an
harass the supplies coming for the living leaders of the dead opponent. Given the knowledge of necromancy by a
army. direct revelation from Lledrith himself, necromancers
are well aware what world they step into, having been
They had failed. The supply trains were not wagons and mules, steeped in it from the very moment of their creation.
but long strings of undead soldiers marching to join their Whatever their ultimate desire, all necromancers grow
brethren at the front, carrying supplies with them on crude up surrounded by the flesh and mind-altering infusion
carts. Once attacked, they dropped the supplies and pulled out
of necromantic energy that spills directly forth from
weapons, winning the battle by weight of numbers. The deep
Lledrith. It is that above all else that shapes their world
raiders dwindled, eventually forced to flee by hunting groups
of undead or caught, wiped out, and turned into fresh troops
for the enemy. Necromancy is built upon a five-part order that sees the
world divided into the way in which power is applied.
Harassing attacks on the main army had served no better.
Power can be applied to bone, as a curse, to flesh, as
Through long experience, the living knew that ruining the
disease and poison, or to a creature’s spirit. Which of the
head or chest of an undead destroyed the store of magical
five is superior to the others is one of many long-running
energy that kept it powered. The first two raids had gone well
enough, only a few men lost to infrequent resistance, and large arguments amongst the denizens of Marleath, and has
numbers of the undead smashed by bullets from the slings and led to a great deal of bloodshed over the years. Each
crossbows the cavalry now carried. necromantic class or ability ties itself to one or more of
these five ideals, from those that sculpt flesh and bone to
After those first two, the dead had come back with their own their whim to those who call upon flesh bone and spirit
counter: rotting corpses of swift animals. Horses, deer, even to act as commanded to the more diabolically-minded
birds were seen among the undead ranks. Those large enough who like to see their opponents suffer under the lashes
carried riders with bows and arrows or javelins, matching of curses and poisons.
cavalry to cavalry. All of the animals had their front legs and
forward torso studded with spikes, crushed glass, or blades. For Vivisection and Resurrection, the classes and necros
Those carrying no rider simply picked a living cavalryman and presented herein focus on the destruction and
ran into him, impaling man and mount. These wounds didn't reanimation of living creatures, turning them into
kill unless the dead had gotten lucky, but they crippled, corpses to be raided for parts or resurrected to act as
removing anyone hit from the field of battle for months, maybe servitors. The necromancer is the most balanced of these,
forever. if such a thing can be said, tied to none of the five orders
and willing to use any of them as the need arises. The
Tasala's legion had been one of these raiding parties. They'd
overlord has bet his lot on his ability to command and
had a successful raid today, cutting a great swath through the
control the undead, acting as a general for a seething
flank of their enemy, but as they rode away a pack of those
mass of violence. Finally there is the vivisector, who has
devilbeasts, hidden in a thicket along the route home, had
never seen a creature that he won’t slay, and a limb that
swarmed into the cavalry, leaving almost a third of the raiding
force as casualties. After that debacle, his cavalry unit had only he won’t attach to himself. Warped beyond all measure
four of every ten men healthy for duty, barely enough for them by constant alterations in his physical form, he is a
to remain operational. It was a ratio that was sure to get worse. physical embodiment of necromancy, much as the others
are spiritual embodiments thereof.

Taken together, these classes allow for the pinnacle of the suppurating eyes of a wheep, and the ruthless slam
necromantic magic to be achieved, capable of destroying of a bone golem.
whole kingdoms with their subtle and destructive
magics. And with each adventure undertaken, new
power and new orders of necromantic magic accrue to
the practitioners, until first Marleath and then Arhosa
quivers at each step taken by these titans of necromancy.
Central to the concept behind this book is the idea that
Be it as friend or foe, necromantic magic brings a new
you can use as much or as little of it as you want to in
take on an old friend, designed especially for Arhosa.
your game. Much of the material can be used by
Like Stone and Symbol, this book presents a new system characters from existing classes, although necromantic
of magic. The heart of this system is the creation of magic does perform best when utilized by a specialist
necros and the installation of grafts, the rules for which character.
will presented in full in Chapters 4 and 5.
A player who is very excited about necromantic magic
might choose a new race from Chapter 1, one of the
necromantic classes from Chapter 2, and feats from the
Necros are the individual magical outputs that the new feats presented in Chapter 3. His character can
necromancer wields, whether those necros embody the employ necros drawn from Chapter 4 and wield magic
order of bone, curses, flesh, poison, or spirit. Created items from Chapter 7. When he’s ready, he might adopt
from one of the five essential orders of necromantic a prestige class from Chapter 6. For such a player, this
magic, they can last in time from the merest of instants book can almost replace the Arhosa Campaign Setting - in
as they burrow in a foe’s soul, to a week’s passing, much the same way that Stone and Symbol can for a
imbued with a long-lasting resilience by both the will of runecarving character. Others might prefer to simply
the necromancer and the might of Lledrith. Each wielder dabble in necromantic magic. A player can choose to be
of necromantic magic has a close association with one or an arcanist from the Arhosa Campaign Setting, then
two orders of necros, known as veins, and it is upon that choose feats and prestige classes from Chapters 3 & 6 to
choice that much of their power rests. enhance his character. He can make extensive use of the
items in Chapter 7, even if he can’t unlock all the
As a source of energy, there is no limit to the potential of potential of those items. A player who wants his
necros, for they draw power from the spite and anger of character to dabble in necromantic magic can use this
Lledrith against the malicious nature of Drancedigaeth, book as an additional resource at the table, without
and that is a pool no mortal will ever empty. Talented having necromantic magic dominate the character’s
users of necromantic magic will use such a limitless capabilities.
supply of energy to drive their own rise to greatness, and
to see all others fallen before them. Only to rise again as A campaign might introduce necromantic magic in tiny
servants. fragments: a single villain with a necromantic class from
Chapter 2, an encounter with members of a new race
from Chapter 1 or monsters from Chapter 8, or a strange
item from Chapter 7 that holds the promise of more
Grafts are the other form of power available to abilities than it immediately reveals - if a character can
necromantic classes. Stolen from the living or created learn the dark secrets of necromancy. The player
from the flesh of the undead, grafts allow for the characters might explore an underground ruin strangely
manipulation of flesh and form in ways previously carved with necromantic symbols, learning new
undreamed of. But at a price, for each graft is imbued capabilities themselves as they progress through the
with necromantic magic that extracts a price for the ruins and uncover their secrets. Like Relak in the
power that it grants. Vivisectors, as those who wield and vignette at the start of this introduction, the PCs in your
utilize grafts are called, are more than willing to pay the campaign might stumble upon undead soldiers that
price, for they know the strength that can be theirs if they utilizes this strange magic, and choose whether to learn
have the wings of a rotten angel, the tongue of a mohrg, it, or judge the users of it. Whatever options you choose,

you’ll find necromantic magic injecting a unique flavor
and never-before-seen effects into your campaign.
Whether you’re as new to the game as necromancers and
Hegni or you’ve been playing since psionics made their
first appearance, we trust that the arrival of necromantic
magic will spark your imagination and give new life to
your campaigns and adventures to come.

prowess. They forgo much in the way of physical
capabilities in order to power their necromancy.

Hegni are the first and best of the necromancers,

descedents of those to whom Lledrith first revealed the
majesty of his dark gift. Today, they are so imbued with
necromantic energy that at all times they dwell partly in
Lledrith’s realm.
In the world of Arhosa, necromantic magic and
associated abilities are the exclusive province of The character’s race determines some of his or her
Marleath, and of those who reside in the grim depths of qualities. Table 1–1: Racial Ability Adjustments, shows
that underground realm. At best distant offshoots from ability score adjustments, favored class, and starting
races that once dwelled on the surface, the races who languages for each of the new races described in this
people Marleath are so twisted by necromantic magic as chapter.
to be all but unique by comparison to those who reside
in the sunlit realms of Arhosa. Some, even, are
completely artificial, crafted exclusively for the
enjoyment of the progenitor race. The Boncyff are a secluded race, little seen in the world
of Arhosa in a great many years. They are the
Four of these races are detailed in this chapter. descendants of the Ghoel, whose land lies buried
(Additional necromantic creatures appear in Chapter 7.) beneath a lava sea, but they retain little of their ancestors
ways, having been forced into such barbarism over the
Boncyff are a strange outgrowth of experimentation, the
intervening years that they forgot their faith and their
only successful melding of undeath with a soul. Built to
culture, and for a long age subsisted as small
be warriors, they are the servants and product of the
communities of workers, nestled amidst quiet lands little
seen by outsiders. The Boncyff did rediscover their belief
Casglwyr spend their time in research and modification, in focus and faith in recent times, and now each of them
becoming ever more twisted as they warp their bodies chooses an overarching goal, the success of which will
over and over again. make their life meaningful. Accomplishing it means they
can die happy. Fail to achieve their goals, and they
Gollwyd are charismatic to the extreme, and use their
become shattered wraiths, their lives proven beyond a
forceful personalities to drive their necromantic
shadow of doubt to be meaningless.

Table 1–1: Racial Ability Adjustments

Race Ability Adjustments Favored Class Languages

Boncyff +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma Champion Marletan
Casglwyr +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma Vivisector Marletan
Gollwyd -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma Overlord Marletan
Hegni -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Necromancer Marletan

BONCYFF RACIAL TRAITS charred skin, supposedly a permanent reminder of their

The Boncyff stand 4 ½ to 5 feet tall, with big muscular ancestors' trip through lava.
limbs and a strong build. They weigh on average 200 lbs.
• Subtypes: Boncyff are undead with the living
Generally, they are quite hirsute, and often have many
undead subtype.
bangles and other decorations tucked into the tangled
o A Boncyff derives its Hit Dice, base attack
mess of their hair. Those items that are most important
bonus progression, saving throws, and skill
are generally hidden away, in areas that no cursory
points from the class it selects.
examination would find. They have a dark, almost
o Unlike other undead, a Boncyff has a
Constitution score.

o Unlike other undead, a Boncyff does not class features, such as the 8 hours necessary
have low-light vision or darkvision. for an arcanist to recover his spellpoints.
o Unlike other undead, a Boncyff is not • +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma:
immune to mind-affecting spells and Boncyff are tough and resistant to many of the
abilities. world's perils, though they are not the brightest
o Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, minds, nor the most personable.
disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects • Medium: As Medium creatures, Boncyff have no
that cause the sickened condition, and special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
energy drain. • Boncyff base land speed is 30 feet. Boncyff can move
o A Boncyff cannot heal damage naturally. at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy
o Unlike other undead, Boncyff are subject to armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load
critical hits, nonlethal damage, stunning, (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in
ability damage, ability drain, and death such situations).
effects or necromancy effects. • Hardened Flesh: Boncyff are created in such a way
o As living undead, Boncyff can be affected by that their skin is more resistant to damage, and bone
spells that target living creatures as well as plates cover sensitive areas. Boncyff gain a +2 bonus
by those that target undead. Damage dealt to natural armor.
to a Boncyff can be healed by either positive • Lifebond (Su): Once per day, a Boncyff can choose a
energy or negative energy effects, and a specific living creature that is friendly to them as a
Boncyff is vulnerable to spells that full-round action, creating a special bond with that
specifically target and affect undead. creature. Whenever the chosen creature is within 60
However, effects that heal hit point damage feet, the Boncyff gains a +1 bonus on all saving
that do not specifically heal undead provide throws; double this bonus against fear effects and
only half their normal effect to a Boncyff. necromancy effects (such as necros and spells of the
Necromantic effects or magic that necromancy school of magic). If the chosen creature
specifically targets undead still heals a dies, the Boncyff loses these bonuses and takes a -2
Boncyff normally, and Boncyff react penalty on all saves for 24 hours. The Boncyff can
normally to the fast healing ability. choose to replace the chosen creature when he once
o A Boncyff responds slightly differently from again uses his lifebond ability. A Boncyff can only be
other living creatures when reduced to 0 hit subject to one lifebond at a time.
points. A Boncyff with 0 hit points is
• Automatic Languages: Marletan. Bonus Languages:
disabled, just like a living creature. He can
only take a single move action or standard
• Favored Class: Champion
action in each round, but strenuous activity
does not risk further injury. When his hit BONCYFF SOCIETY
points are less than 0 and greater than -10, a Boncyff are surface dwelling dwarves, but like their
Boncyff is inert. He is unconscious and relatives, tend to stick closely to the comfort of
helpless, and he cannot perform any actions. mountains and hills. Their society is driven by an
However, an inert Boncyff does not lose appreciation for the past, by the tales of the great deeds
additional hit points unless more damage is that belonged to their forefathers, and of the
dealt to him, as with a living creature that is understanding of the world. More than any other race,
stable. they believe that knowledge and language are the
o As a living undead, a Boncyff can be raised highest forms of creativity, especially poetry in the
or resurrected. ghazal style.
o A Boncyff does not need to eat, sleep, or
breathe, but he can still benefit from the Alignment: In many ways the Boncyff are completely
effects of consumable spells and magic unbothered by the normal conventions around
items such as potions. alignment. To them, neither Good nor Evil is the true
o Although living undead do not need to determining factor in the life of their people, but rather
sleep, a Boncyff must rest to recover certain upholding the traditions and lore that is such a key part

of their society. As such, jealousies and abuses are accomplish his focus or share his goals are treated with
entirely tolerated, as long as they can be said to be respect and considered good companions. There is little
duplicates of actions taken by the characters from the room for compromise, though, with those that disagree
sagas. So in that respect, the Boncyff are perhaps the with the Boncyff’s focus. If they hinder the Boncyff, they
most law-abiding society in Arhosa. Certainly, their are considered obstacles that must be removed.
populace leans heavily in that direction. Community is important to the Boncyff. Boncyff have a
very strong racial affinity. They rarely share their history
Lands: Despite the great strength of their lorespeakers,
with non–Boncyff; it can take years for a stranger to gain
and the depth of knowledge and libraries that they
enough trust to be admitted into an Boncyff family circle.
possess, the Boncyff are generally little more than small
Because of their remote location, they rarely interact
farming and working communities these days. They are
with the other races of Arhosa, and those few times they
on an upward trend, no doubt, but they are on the slow
do, they are usually mistaken for another race, most
climb to another period of greatness, and have many
cultures long since having forgotten the legends of
years to go before they reach their peak.
Settlements: Boncyff communities are much akin to
other farming societies, but with their own unique twist.
Boncyff characters follow their focus to the exclusion of
The buildings are hand-engraved stone, covered in the
all else. Classes such as fighter or cleric are relatively
geometric forms of the runic script. Each has its own
common choices, but most Boncyff choose runecarving
precious library of manuscripts and recorded traditions,
classes, due to their inherent ability with runes.
secreted away somewhere within. And every evening
there is a gathering, a combination of recital, training, Adventuring Boncyff: Boncyff adventure for different
and debate, where old myths are read aloud, passed on reasons. Sometimes it is simply the wanderlust of the
to the next generation, and new actions and happenings, young and the restless that sends them far afield. Many
both from within the Boncyff populace and without, are adventuring Boncyff travel Arhosa to complete their
debated for entry into the lore. focus, if they believe such a thing is necessary. Some
search for long-lost Ghoel lands and the treasures they
Power Groups: Within the Boncyff community, there are
contain, but more than anything for stories that are
only two groups who can be said to wield true power,
carried like precious treasures back to the lorespeakers.
and they are in many ways two sides of the same coin –
the lorespeakers and the runecarvers. Those who Character Development: Boncyff characters generally
promulgate the traditions also decide on the actions of center themselves upon their Dwarven Focus ability,
the community, and act as the government, while those and pick and choose abilities that will help them fulfill
talented in the way of runes are the military forces, and it.
a strong counterbalance. Should the two collectives ever
disagree, the rest of the Boncyff waits with bated breath Character Names: Boncyff names are generally Celtic in
for the resolution. nature, each one describing the Dwarven Focus of the
particular individual, and what his stated life’s goal is.
Beliefs: Boncyff communities are ruled by their elders;
Boncyff are particularly devoted to their community ROLEPLAYING AN BONCYFF
leader, the Urhnomous. Boncyff almost exclusively Boncyff have two stars that they follow throughout their
worship Amserwch, although the origins of the practice lives – their focus, and the oral traditions and history of
are long since lost. His worship is strange, for he does their people. Anything that impedes either of those is
not seem to provide the Boncyff with any magic, nor unacceptable, and anything that furthers them will be
does he particularly suit their modern habits. Those very pursued with the utmost vigor.
few scholars who have noticed this tend to mark it as a Personality: Boncyff prefer to occupy themselves with
habit of the Ghoel that has continued. They may well be meaningful tasks, and often approach these tasks with
correct. an intensity rarely seen in other races. As such, Boncyff
Relations: An Boncyff's relation with others is often a make excellent laborers, and take great pride in their
function of his focus. People that help the Boncyff accomplishments. However, their stubbornness can lead

to difficulties. Boncyff will sometimes fail to listen to point of society, Tokunnir did not like to spend their
reason, attempting to accomplish what are impossible resources on Casglwyr, preferring to trust in the mettle
tasks. Boncyff live for their focus. Boncyff that die while of their own people. But Tokunnir have never stopped
being unable to complete their focus return from the making Casglwyr, and from time to time a strange
dead as banshees to haunt their unfinished work. An owner of a Casglwyr will emancipate one or more of his
Boncyff also rarely divulges his focus to anyone. metal slaves, leaving the Casglwyr free to wander where
it might.
Behavior: Little given to excitement except when
storytelling or their focus is involved, Boncyff are CASGLWYR RACIAL TRAITS
generally dour and serious, unwilling to waste energy Casglwyr are usually seven feet tall, and weigh north of
on things that are meaningless to them. Only when their 350 lbs. Faces are usually more suggestions than
focus or their lore becomes involved does the mood anything else, merely a place to which their Tokunnir
change to one of frantic effort, trying to achieve their overseers can give orders, while the rest of their form is
goals in short order. hewn in a rough humanoid shape out of metal and stone,
but otherwise little has been done to it, aside from the
Language: Boncyff have a long and proud oral history.
necessary runic engravings. After all, why would one
They have an old written language, but this is mostly
want to focus on art and sculpture on something that is
used for writing histories. Boncyff will not teach their
merely a tool?
ancient language to outsiders, preferring to keep that
knowledge to themselves. The Boncyff language is deep • +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Casglwyr
and throaty, composed of many guttural sounds and have spent ages perfecting their necromantic
harsh exclamations. Most non-Boncyff get raw throats if grafting talents, at the expense of their sanity and
they try to speak Boncyff for more than a few hours. their self-knowledge.
• Medium: As Medium creatures, Casglwyr have no
special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
An adventure involving an Boncyff might involve
• Casglwyr base land speed is 30 feet.
uncovering the lost treasures of the Boncyff’s progenitor
• Grafted Form: Casglwyr may choose one undead
race, collecting a particularly telling piece of history, or
graft from the Minor Graft list, and gain the benefits
dealing with a runecarving Boncyff villain.
and penalties of that graft.
• An Boncyff takes the party on a search into • Flesh Heritor: Casglwyr start with one bonus
somewhere that he claims was once the home of the corpuscle available to them at character creation.
Ghoel. • Grotesque Countenance: With any creature who is
• A collection of Boncyff lorespeakers have heard of a not necromantic or undead, Casglwyr take a -4
unique and interesting story, but wish for more penalty on all charisma-based skill checks.
details. They pay the party to investigate. • Graft Familiarity: Casglwyr gain a +4 bonus to
• An Boncyff runecarver leads a party of his people to Knowledge checks to identify grafts and their
take over a town, throwing out the inhabitants while abilities, and may make such skill checks untrained.
claiming the land belonged to the Ghoel. They also receive a +2 bonus on all Heal checks
related to grafts.
• Automatic Languages: Marletan. Bonus Languages:
The Casglwyr are not a race, not by any normal sense of • Favored Class: Vivisector.
the word. Nor are they even alive, as much as that can be
determined. They are instead self-aware construct CASGLWYR SOCIETY
servants of the Tokunnir, built for a specific task, and There is really no such thing as Casglwyr society, as they
then often as not deactivated until such time as their are little more than animate servitors. No matter that
particular talents might be necessary again. This makes they are self-aware, they are ordered around by their
the number of Casglwyr who are awake at any given Tokunnir overlords and do only what they are told.
moment potentially minuscule, especially since the Those vanishingly few Casglwyr who are both free and
collapse of the Arhosan empire. Even then, at the high outside of Tokunnir society are too few to ever

congregate into any form of community, and instead Adventuring Casglwyr: Casglwyr adventurers tend to
wander alone. come in two forms - those who are on a mission with
their Tokunnir overlord, or those who have been
Alignment: Casglwyr are neutral, as they have so little
emancipated and wish to find a place in the world. The
self-determination the idea of making choices such as
former are little better than bound servants, doing as
Good or Evil is all but beyond them. Independent
they are beholden, while the latter search the world in an
Casglwyr follow the same pattern, but trend heavily
intensely personal way, hunting for something that
lawful and logical.
matters deeply to them.
Lands: Casglwyr have no lands whatsoever, and merely
Character Development: A Casglwyr’s Runescribed
reside where they are commanded.
rune allows them to start with a bonus to a number of
Settlements: Casglwyr are generally stored in stats, or a few unique abilities. The choice of rune will
warehouses, cupboards, basements, or other places by determine how he should specialize his early levels.
their Tokunnir overlords, where they are maintained at
Character Names: There are no names for Casglwyr,
a ready but idle state until such time as they are
merely appellations describing what they are. Military
commanded to activate and complete a task.
Casglwyr have a number engraved on their chest that
Power Groups: Tokunnir form the power groups of the serves as their reference, while servitor varieties either
Casglwyr, and it is their heavily regimented society, have that, or are referred to simply as “Digger”,
focused on the creation of art, sculpture, and runes, that “Builder”, and so on.
forms the societal rules within which Casglwyr operate.
But for individual Casglwyr, the commander to whom
Casglwyr are often passive, having initiative designed
they report is either a military officer, for the Casglwyr
out of them from the very start, and will usually wait
are used as the front line forces in the Tokunnir military,
until someone else has made a decision and then follow
or to their owner, who uses them for daily services or on
it. Only those created as sergeants in the armed forces or
an as-needed basis.
those who have been forced to fend for themselves will
Beliefs: Casglwyr do not have a religion, for in no place begin to develop more outgoing behavior, and even then
do they gather in enough numbers to have discussions they are still crippled by the mental handicaps of their
of philosophy and the world beyond. Indeed, such design.
applications are all but deliberately designed out of their
Personality: The personality of a Casglwyr is
construction. Warriors who question the next stage of
determined in large part by the rune permanently
life are simply less useful.
engraved into it. After all, when a concept such as
Relations: Casglwyr that are still under the control of the Strength or Stone is how one was brought to life, it does
Tokunnir have no relations, as such. They merely do rather overwhelm the rest of the personality. Otherwise,
what their owners command. Those who are Casglwyr are generally emotionless and robotic, built
emancipated or otherwise given freer rein tend to begin merely for a given task and focused upon that. Only
to develop their own thoughts, but such interactions are when they get out into a wider world, beyond their
so intensely personal that there is no way to describe narrow scope of tasks and duties and other Casglwyr, do
inter-race relations for the Casglwyr on a whole. they begin to develop personalities beyond what they
might have had before.
Casglwyr characters are mostly from the ranks of the Behavior: Dull as anything, Casglwyr most often simply
emancipated servitor branch of Casglwyr, as the military stand around, waiting for orders. Even those with a
versions tend to be used until they are destroyed. Classes more prominent role do not show much physical
such as fighter or warblade are common choices, but activity, merely waiting until the time to act.
most Casglwyr choose runecarving classes, due to their
Language: Programmed to speak at the moment of their
inherent ability with runes.
inception, some are also given the ability to speak
Common or a single other language if they are designed
for use with those other races.

CASGLWYR ADVENTURES canny ability for both deception and leadership
An adventure involving a Casglwyr might involve alike.
freeing a Casglwyr collective, tracking down an escaped • Medium: As Medium creatures, Gollwyd have no
Casglwyr, or fighting off assaults from a Casglwyr special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
military unit. • Gollwyd base land speed is 30 feet.
• Low-light vision: While Gollwyd cannot see in the
• An emancipated Casglwyr is returning to his dark as the undead can, they have enhanced vision
community, looking to guide as many Casglwyr to that allows them to see twice as far as a human in
freedom as possible. conditions of dim light.
• A Casglwyr has fled, and the party is tasked to track
• Unnatural Presence (Su): Animals, whether wild or
it down and return it to its Tokunnir owner.
domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a
• A surface town has come under assault by a unit of
Gollwyd at a distance of 30 feet. They will not
Casglwyr, and it is up to the party to defend the
willingly approach nearer than that and panic if
forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they
are within that range. The animal can make a Will
save (DC of 10 + ½ your HD + your charisma
Not much is known about the Gollwyd, and nothing at modifier) to resist the effect. Gollwyd cannot gain
all except by the Tokunnir and those who have the service of an animal companion (such as that
discovered some of the secrets of the Tokunnir. For the granted by the totem companion feat) unless the
Gollwyd come from the very depths of the earth, below creature has a type other than animal, such as
even the dwarven kingdoms, and vanish into those same through an alternate class feature or feat.
depths just as quickly. Thus, absolutely nothing is • Perverted Life: Due to their link to the negative
known about the makeup or culture of the Gollwyd, energy that powers Necromantic magic, Gollwyd
except by the Gollwyd themselves. take a -1 penalty per die of hit points healed by
positive energy effects (to a minimum of 1 hit point
Gollwyd are a hive society, driven by a rising heirarchy restored), such as most effects that heal hit point
of matriarchs who control subservient groupings of damage. However, they are healed by negative
females. Males are few and far between, serving only the energy at a rate of 1 hit point for every 3 points of
queens of the Gollwyd as breeding fodder. Because of damage they would otherwise take. This does not
the hive-like conditions through which the Gollwyd grant immunity to energy drain effects or death
thrive, there is almost nothing in the way of culture, art, effects.
technology, or otherwise. Indeed, the Gollwyd seem to • Leader's Charm (Su): Given their natural (and
spurn those very things, although that may be a result of unnatural) charisma, Gollwyd make excellent
their resistance to magic as much as anything else. leaders and can bolster their allies with their very
presence. Allies within 30 feet of the Gollwyd
GOLLWYD RACIAL TRAITS receive a +1 bonus on Fortitude, Reflex, or Will
Gollwyd are well-adapted to their underground saves. The Gollwyd can change which save receives
existence, and, indeed, would suffer away from it. They the bonus as a move action.
have an exquisite sense of smell, but are blind. Their • Wary: Gollwyd are naturally suspicious of creatures
limbs are thin and short; however, they are highly adept they come across. They gain a +2 racial bonus on
at moving underground and can move backward as fast Investigation checks, and take a -2 penalty on
as they can move forward. Their large, protruding teeth Diplomacy checks.
are used to dig and their lips are sealed just behind the • Automatic Languages: Marletan. Bonus Languages:
teeth, preventing soil from filling their mouths while None
digging. They have little hair and wrinkled pink or • Favored Class: Overlord.
yellowish skin, which lacks an insulating layer.
• -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma: Gollwyd are not the Unlike all the other races that populate the surface of
hardiest of the races, given their connection to the Arhosa, the Gollwyd are a eusocial race, a structure born
undead, but they more than make up for it with a out in the hierarchical nature of the Gollwyd, and the

way in which a small cadre of females controls the Beliefs: The individual colonies of Gollwyd worship the
outcome for each colony, while all others are nonfertile solitary queens who rule over them, but otherwise have
and ooperate in caring for the young and the success of no concept of religion as it is understood by the surface
the colony. Because of this unique structure, there is races. Given that all magic springs from the gods, and
almost never a disagreement amongst the Gollwyd, and that the Gollwyd are actively resistant to magic, it is
there is also never a question of who is in charge, for perhaps thought that they are not of the gods at all, but
power flows directly from the queen to the matriarchs to how can that be when the gods created everything?
the warriors and thence to the workers.
Relations: Simply put, there are none. When Tokunnir
Alignment: Gollwyd, by the nature of their very intrude into a Gollwyd domain, they are forcibly ejected
structured society, are almost always lawful, there being if possible. Otherwise, the behaviour or even existence of
no acceptance amongst their kind for individualism that other races in Arhosa is of no concern to the Gollwyd.
harms the race. On the good and evil spectrum, Gollwyd
are most often neutral, although certain colonies could GOLLWYD CHARACTERS
be called evil for their continual expansion, although it is Gollwyd characters can come from all ranks of Gollwyd
more a simple survival drive overcoming any society, as each has their own unique abilities to
competitors, no more evil than a wolfpack chasing away contribute to a party of adventurers. Because of their
other predators. inherent resistance to all things magical and
supernatural, Gollwyd almost always focus on classes
Lands: The deep darkness is the realm of the Gollwyd, that use nothing of that sort, such as the barbarian or
so far below the surface of the world that the Tokunnir warblade.
mines are often a good deal above the layers upon which
the Gollwyd live. Rulers of the very bottom layers of the Adventuring Gollwyd: Gollwyd generally don't
subterranean world, Gollwyd have more recently begun adventure, except when in a grouping controlled by a
to push upwards, as they completely control the furthest matriarch. Some Gollwyd have wandered away from
depths, and it is in this expansion that their colonies have their colony or become lost when unforeseen actions
begun to abut the dwarven kingdoms, and conflict occur, and it is through studying those few Gollwyd that
ensue. even the little that is known about them exists.

Settlements: Individual colonies are generally Character Development: Most Gollwyd choose a path
comprised of a long network of tunnels that acts as both for their characters from birth, taking one of the
ventilation system and defensive structure, deliberately Matriarch, Warrior, or Worker Breeding feats at first
designed to possess a large number of dead ends and be level in order to gain access to abilities and classes
confusing to anyone who cannot utilize the power of unique to those feats. Otherwise, they tend to take
scent the way that the Gollwyd can. Buried within the advantage of the Gollwyd’s ability to fight in darkness,
twisting multiplicity of tunnels is a series of farm and to fight in close formation with others, such as
caverns, dormitories, breeding rooms, and other sundry through the Swarmfighting feat.
structures, including rudimentary blacksmiths and other Character Names: Gollwyd do not use names in the
manufactoria. normal sense of the term, for within their society, each
Power Groups: Queens are the ultimate power in individual is known by their unique scent, and by the
Gollwyd society, with handpicked daughters granted role that they fulfill. Once those two aspects of an
positions of power as matriarchs, and given charge of individual are known, there is no need for another
various aspects of the individual queen’s colony. Unlike identifier.
some other eusocial societies, birth is everything – there ROLEPLAYING A GOLLWYD
is no movement up or down the social ladder. If a queen Because of the nature of their society, Gollwyd are used
dies, a matriarch fills the spot, but if a matriarch dies, a to working in a hierarchy, and how an individual acts is
warrior does not molt its skin and become a matriarch. entirely down to their place in that social structure.
Instead, the newly minted queen must spend the time Matriarchs know that they are the top of the heap, and
and effort to birth and raise a matriarch daughter to fill that there is only one greater. Warriors, on the other
the role.

hand, must follow orders and strictly defend the colony,
sacrificing themselves in order to achieve an overall
betterment of the Gollwyd. Workers, for their part, are Burrowed beneath the mountains of Cuallhome, the
subservient to all, having specialized their whole lives in Hegni are a race of dwarves who spend their lives
helping others reach their goals. underground, creating ever more elaborate vistas and
patterns out of the rocky tunnels that are their homeland.
Personality: The average Gollwyd is a worker animal,
They have raised the art of engraving stone and metal to
doing as the queen and colony needs, and selflessly
something well above the mere form of art that others
putting others above of itself. Free time does not
might consider it to be, for to the Hegni, it is a religion, a
particularly exist for these creatures, and so they tend
gift, and something that strengthens and protects not
not to develop much in way of humor. The conversation
only their cities, but also one another. These engravings
between various forms of worker Gollwyd revolves
and the associated power within them are why, when
around tasks that need completing, overarching goals,
the Empire of Arhosa fell and the lands above devolved
and other items generally to the benefit of all members
into fighting and internecine warfare, the Hegni
of the colony.
dwarves merely closed the gates to their homes, and
Behavior: Worker Gollwyd scurry hither and yon, stayed safe and secure, turning inward once more.
completing tasks assigned to them in between moments
of rest. Warrior Gollwyd guard the outskirts of the
Squat and wide, a Hegni is almost completely hairless,
colony or go on scouting missions to see in which
and shaves in order to remove the last few wisps that
direction it should expand, while Matriarchs are at the
have survived the race's long underground life. Hegni
center of it all, gathering information and issuing
are covered in tattoos, usually of geometric patterns. To
commands to ensure the smooth running of the colony.
those who can understand the Hegni written language,
Language: A language all their own, one involving scent these tattoos tell the life story of the bearer, growing
and touch much more than sound, separates the more elaborate as the Hegni ages. The greatest of the
Gollwyd from the cultures around them. While their Hegni, their master artisans, have tattoos so finely
hearing is quite good, and it is possible for a Gollwyd to etched that their entire skin is a whorling mass,
learn other languages, they so rarely have the need that untouched flesh barely visible beneath it.
they almost never do so.
• -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2
GOLLWYD ADVENTURES Charisma: Hegni are exceptionally bright with
An adventure involving Gollwyd might involve tracking strong minds and an imposing presence, despite
down a Gollwyd raiding party, trying to establish their drastically weakened bodies.
relations with a newly discovered Gollwyd colony, or • Medium: As Medium creatures, Athaghoel have no
helping a lost Gollwyd worker. special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Hegni base land speed is 30 feet.
• A community of Tokunnir has been having the • Darkvision: Hegni can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
bottom levels of their mines raided, and they are Darkvision is black and white only, but it is
unable to discover much more than that the otherwise like normal sight, and Hegni can function
attackers leave a black sludge when they depart. just fine with no light at all.
• By chance, a mining crew broke into a Gollwyd • Scorn Earth (Su): The ancestors of the Hegni
colony, but were able to slip away before being sacrificed part of their mortal connection to the
discovered. Is diplomacy an option? realm of the living for a greater connection to the
• A single Gollwyd worker has appeared on the spirits of the afterlife. The Hegni floats up to 1 foot
surface of Arhosa, lost, and unable to be spoken to. above the ground at all times, though they are
What does it want, and is there a way to help it incapable of exceeding that distance normally.
return to its home, or even discover what species it Instead of walking, they glide along, unconcerned
is? with the hard earth or difficult terrain. While they
remain within 1 foot of a flat surface of any solid or
liquid, the Hegni can take normal actions and make

normal attacks, and can move at their normal speed Lands: Hegni frequent underground caverns, delving
(they can even “run” at four times her normal deep into the earth in mines and catacombs and
speed). For all purposes, Hegni are treated as otherwise behaving in general like dwarves do.
walking rather than flying. Hegni are still subject to
the rules for overland movement, including those Settlements: Vast cities are the primary settlements of
for a forced march, and can still fall from a great the Hegni, with there being a few of them spread out
height if they are not within a foot of a suitable under the Cuallhome mountains of Arhosa, with a few
surface (they do not stop a foot from the ground; outposts spread further away. Those settlements are
after falling, the Hegni may stand up and resume generally closed to outsiders, and only precious few
floating as normal). know where the gates are to gain entrance into these
• Phantom Touch (Su): While Hegni are only partially hidden kingdoms.
incorporeal and thus interact normally with material Power Groups: With the Hegni, as with many dwarves,
objects, they are able to reach through a living it is the elders of their people that form the great core of
creature and drain the warmth and vitality from strength, although the various arms of the monarchies,
them. Hegni gain an incorporeal touch attack which merchant families, military, and runecarving institutions
deals 1d4 + their charisma modifier damage to living all vie in the traditional political manner.
creatures, and the target also becomes fatigued for 1
minute on a failed Fortitude save of DC 10 + ½ Beliefs: The Hegni dwarves have a strange relationship
character level + charisma modifier. Hegni use with religion, for they do not worship a deity so much as
dexterity in place of strength for attack rolls with a higher principle, a way of life, that is expressed
their phantom touch. Undead are immune to the through their admiration and aeons long focus on the art
damage and fatigue, and instead gain temporary hit of carving and engraving. That this talent bestows upon
points equal to the damage they would have taken. them gifts from a deity is almost beside the point of why
These temporary hit points do not stack. Hegni are the Hegni do as they do, and they regard others who
immune to the effects of phantom touch. have to go begging to the gods for some measure of
• Partial Incorporeality (Su): Hegni are often known as power as vain and childish.
'Living Ghosts' due to their limited opacity. This
quality also lends them some benefit in combat. Relations: The Hegni do not despise other races, but
Hegni impose a 5% miss chance on all weapon tend to regard them as unlearned, as children, people
attacks against them, similar to concealment, who do not understand the true worth of a life, and why
although this miss chance does not stack with any it is worth living. This does not stop them from trading
others. with them in a restricted manner, exchanging what the
• Automatic Languages: Marletan. Bonus Languages: Hegni consider scrap pieces of art made by apprentices
Any and the like for items of great value from the outside
• Favored Class: Necromancer. world.


Hegni are prototypical dwarves, living in vast Hegni characters are more likely to look towards internal
underground catacombs from which they have carved rewards than external, with their limited trust in
beautiful structures, engraving them with thousands outsiders. Classes such as fighter or warblade are
upon thousands of inscriptions and geometric artwork, common choices, although a great many Hegni either are
with the one exception that much of the general labor proficient in runecarving or dabble in the area.
and service for the city is done by Constructed, who can Adventuring Hegni: Adventurers are something of a
be seen moving from place to place under the orders of rarity for the Hegni, because it greatly restricts their
their overseers. ability to work upon or to see the great triumphs of the
Alignment: Like most dwarves, and especially those Hegni race, and they do not like being separated from
who focus upon runecarving, Hegni lean towards the what they truly are. But there are always those who seek
Lawful end of the spectrum, and are otherwise to educate the lesser peoples about the proper way of
somewhat neutral. life, and in order to do that they must venture beyond
the gates of their mountain homes. Others do so in order

to be gifted with strange and unusual tattoos, ones that and loyalty are considered the highest virtues in Hegni
would make them stand out in Hegni society as a unique life. Those who live less “responsible” existences, as the
individual, someone who should be reckoned with. Hegni might consider it, are subjects of continuing
bemusement to the ordered Hegni mind.
Character Development: Hegni are heavily focused
upon the benefits of runecarving, and it wise for a Language: The language of the Hegni is the language of
character to do the same, generally by taking one of the runes and of art, and they use that to communicate
three runecarving base classes and a number of almost more than they do words or gestures. This makes
runecarving feats. them extremely difficult for outsiders to understand at
first, as they simply do not recognize the nuances of
Character Names: Hegni names are generally as per
Hegni art.
normal for a dwarven people.
An adventure involving a Hegni might involve
Hegni are stolid, and convinced of the superiority of
retrieving a lost piece of art, guarding them on the way
their own people and culture. When Arhosa fell into ruin
to an epic event, or resolving a dispute between two
about them, they did not, and it is their art that is highly
prized for its expressiveness. Equally, the grand stories
written upon individuals bodies are to be highly • A Hegni community wishes to recover a piece of
rewarded, and any who cannot recall or countenance historic art that was stolen from it by raiders.
their own life’s efforts is to be looked down upon as a • An individual Hegni seeks to venture to the ends of
creature without a past. the earth in order to have a unique tattoo scored
across his body.
Personality: Generally quiet and reserved, the Hegni • Two of the Hegni communities have gotten into a
communicate as much through the use of their carvings dispute about the ancient laws governing mining
as they do through the use of any other medium, and so rights where their borders meet.
it is quite often that a Hegni can go for days or more
without saying more than a murmur of appreciation
over a particular work of great beauty. For a Hegni
contemplating making a great work, this period of The details of your character’s age, gender, height,
silence could last weeks or months. Frivolity is alien to a weight, and appearance are up to you. However, if you
Hegni, and they do not welcome practical jokers or prefer some rough guidelines in determining these
similar, regarding them as creatures wasting the time details, refer to the tables below
and talent that nature gifted to them.
Behavior: A society of people living in close contact with Your character’s age is determined by your choice of race
each other day in and day out must, by necessity, place and class, as summed up on Table 1–3: Random Starting
the needs of the group above the needs of the individual. Ages.
The rule of law becomes paramount in many ways, for
only in such a society can disputes be settled fairly and As your character ages, her physical ability scores
expectations kept reasonable. This cultural trait has change as described in the Player’s Handbook (Table 1–
become an ingrained habit for nearly all Hegni and is 4: Aging Effects).
considered a virtue among their people. He who holds HEIGHT AND WEIGHT
to his duty and obeys the law, even at great cost to Choose your character’s height and weight from the
himself, is hailed as a hero among his clan and held up ranges mentioned in the racial description, or roll
as an example to others. Honor, duty, bravery, stoicism, randomly on Table 1–5: Random Height and Weight.

Table 1–3: Random Starting Ages

Race Adulthood Simple Moderate Classes Complex Classes
Athaghoel 40 Years +3d6 +5d6 +7d6
Constructed - - - -
Tandda 10 Years +1d6 +2d6 +2d6
Tokunnir 40 Years +3d6 +5d6 +7d6

Table 1–4: Aging Effects

Race Middle Age Old Venerable Maximum Age

Athaghoel 125 196 278 +3d%
Constructed - - - -
Tandda 40 50 60 +1d10
Tokunnir 125 196 278 +3d%

Table 1–5: Random Height and Weight

Race Base Height Height Base Weight Weight Modifier

Athaghoel (male) 3’ 9” +2d4 130 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Athaghoel (female) 3’ 7” +2d4 110 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Constructed (n/a) 7’ 0” +1d12 350 lb. x(4d12) lb.
Tandda (male) 4’ 5” +1d6 140 lb. x(4d6) lb.
Tandda (female) 5’ 2” +1d8 170 lb. x(5d8) lb.
Tokunnir (male) 3’ 9” +2d4 130 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Tokunnir (female) 3’ 7” +2d4 110 lb. x(2d6) lb.

student of the legacy of their clan and people, but they
are also imbued with its driving locus embedded in their
soul. For necromancers, as the name suggests, are found
at birth to be marked by the language of the runes, and
to have one of the runes that their clan lives by engraved
on their soul.

Characters of any class can learn to use runes through
Necromancers are, quite literally, born, not made.
feats, races, prestige classes, and possibly other means.
Touched from birth by the spirit of their ancestors, they
The true masters of runic magic, however, are those who
have an inherent skill with runecarving that no formal
advance in one of the new classes presented in this
training could imbue. And with that inherent rune
chapter. By taking levels in these classes, characters learn
comes also a knowledge of the ancestors that is little
the art of runecarving and utilize the language of the
surpassed, even by the lorespeakers of the Athaghoel.
runes to advance themselves and their fellows in the
Thus it is that necromancer come by their talents almost
accidentally, and it is almost unheard of for a dwarf to
come to the realization later in life that they are gifted
with the knowledge of inherent runes.
The three runecarving classes, in the order they are
Abilities: Wisdom determines the difficulty of resisting
presented in this chapter, are as follows:
his runes, while the physical stats determine his
Runeborn: A heroic rune-touched warrior with an
capability as a warrior. Given that the necromancer is
inborn connection to that magic, he is also a student of
likely to be focused on runes devoted to strengthening
the ancestor traditions of the dwarven people.
himself, the physical statistics are the most critical.
Runecarver: Outright masters of the language of the
runes, he is the ultimate expression of runic magic. Races: Because of the source of their power,
Unlettered: A somewhat random rune user who quickly necromancers are rarely seen outside of the dwarven
dashes runes off here and there, but can generate realms. Within the dwarven kingdoms, they are, while
surprising power in his engravings. not common, regular enough in appearance that almost
every dwarf has either heard of or met one or more
necromancers. For the non-dwarven races, those who are
most concerned with ancestor worship and the history
“Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what
of their people are the civilizations most likely to see the
we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it a
birth of a necromancer.
thousandfold more hideous.”
– Ctrfa Vole, Hegni Necromancer Alignment: Because of the nature of their powers, and
the highly formalized structures of the dwarven people,
To many people’s eyes, necromancer are to the dwarves
especially the Athaghoel and Tokunnir from whom they
as paladins are to the humans – the embodiment of the
are most likely to arise, necromancers lean towards the
values that they hold uppermost in society. Whereas to
lawful end of the spectrum. There are, however, no
human society, law and good are the utmost principles,
restrictions on what alignment they can possess,
to the many dwarven clans who live in the deep, and
especially as necromancers can be born with any of the
especially to the Athaghoel, it is the dwarven history,
four cardinal alignments as their inherent rune.
especially ancestors, to whom that same form of
allegiance is owed. And it is in the necromancer that that Starting Gold: As wizard.
loyalty is most manifest, for not only is a necromancer a Starting Age: As wizard.

Table 2–1: The Necromancer Hit Dice: d4

Necros Grave
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Known Tokens
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Voices of the Dead, Crippled Visage 3 6

2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Vein Bound, Gravebond 5 12
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Blessings Upon the Necromancer 7 18
4 th +2 +1 +1 +4 Vein Bound, Dark Ritual 9 24
5 th +2 +1 +1 +4 Chill of Death, Whispers of the Dead 11 30
Vein Bound, Blessings Upon the
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Necromancer 13 36
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Taste of the Soul 15 42
8 th +4 +2 +2 +6 Vein Bound 17 48
9 th +4 +3 +3 +6 Blessings Upon the Necromancer 19 54
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Vein Bound, Amongst the Dark 21 60
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 Lessons of the Dead 22 66
Vein Bound, Blessings Upon the
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Necromancer 24 72
13 th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Lands of the Dead 25 78
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Vein Bound, Visions of Death 27 84
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Blessings Upon the Necromancer 28 90
16 th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Vein Bound 30 96
17 th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Death, Deliverance 31 102
Vein Bound, Blessings Upon the
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Necromancer 33 108
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Undying Power 34 114
20 th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Vein Bound 36 120
Class skills (2 + Int modifier per level, x4 at first level): Chirography (Int), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge
(Arcana, Architecture & Engineering, Religion) (Int), Mentalism (Int), Spellcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES Necromantic Companion: The Necromancer has a

The necromancer’s abilities revolve around two areas – single Necromantic companion that he gains at 1st level.
his connection to the ancestors, and his inherent rune.
Voices of the Dead (Su): A Necromancer can choose to
With the one, he is shielded by his people, and with the
give those spirits that he has utilized full voice to speak
other, he is the shield of his people. Together, they make
their pain and suffering, listening for clues in their
him a bastion against the things that call from the dark
chaotic speech. Make a Knowledge (Religion) check
places of the dwarven mines.
against a DC of 15 as a swift action. The Necromancer
All of the following are class features of the necromancer can treat any one class skill as if it had max ranks in it for
base class. 1 round.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Necromancers are Crippled Visage (Su): Being a Necromancer has many
proficient with all simple weapons and light armour, as strange complications, most of which are outgrowths of
well as all shields (except tower). Necromancers suffer the constant presence of negative energy warping the
spell failure in armour above light. mind and the soul. He gains a gaze attack that allows
him to either slow a living creature (DC 10 + ½ class level
Necromantic Magic: The Necromancer is the greatest of + Charisma modifier), or to bolster an undead creature,
all Necromantic casters, choosing to specialize in the granting it 1d4 negative energy damage on all its natural
magic to the exclusion of most other aspects. He gains 2 attacks. The duration of either effect is concentration,
Major Veins, and 2 Minor Veins, chosen from any of the minimum one round. It is a standard action to use.
five available. He gains bonus grave tokens equal to his
Intelligence modifier times his Necromancer level times Gravebond (Su): The bond between the living and dead
¼. was never stronger than in the person of the

Necromancer. In places of great spiritual energy, he At 18th level, he gains the ability to launch a bone spear
always found himself at home. If a Necromancer creates at a target as a swift action. Treat it as the bone spear
a necros while standing within the borders of a necros, except that it only affects the target.
graveyard, battlefield, or other area with large quantities
At 20th level, the Necromancer becomes the living
of the dead, treat it as if it was empowered. When he
embodiement of the vein that he represents, gaining the
leaves the area, the boost goes away. However, should
Bone Creature template, and the ability to create a single
he return to another place of power, the empowerment
bone necros of level 6 or lower at will, for no cost in grave
points. This still uses the necros's original creation time,
Vein Bound (Su): At 2nd level, the Necromancer however.
chooses one of his major veins to become his primary
vein. He then receives a number of benefits based on that
choice. At 2nd level, the Necromancer gains a +2 bonus on saves
against all spells and effects that would negatively affect
him, unless the spell deals only hit point damage.
At 2nd level, the Necromancer gains a +2 bonus to his
At 4th level, the Necromancer doubles the duration of all
natural armour.
curses that have a duration measured in rounds.
At 4th level, the Necromancer wraps himself in bone
At 6th level, he applies a minor curse to any creature that
armour, preventing the first 5 points of physical damage
strikes him in melee, forcing the creature to make a Will
he would otherwise take. This can absorb 5 physical
save against DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier
damage per class level per day.
or become confused for Int modifier rounds.
At 6th level, he ravishes any creature that strikes him in
At 8th level, he may choose to invert a curse of his
melee, dealing that creature 1d4 damage per two class
choosing, having it instead grant bonuses instead of
penalties to the targets. This only applies to those curses
At 8th level, the Necromancer begins to resist the effect of that grant numerical penalties.
critical hits, gaining light fortification.
At 10th level, undead under the command of the
At 10th level, he grows bony wings, giving a fly speed Necromancer gain the ability to create a single first level
equal to his land speed and a maneuverability of necros from the Vein of Curses at the Necromancer's
average. necromant level once per week.

At 12th level, he ossifies the flesh of any creature that At 12th level, the Necromancer can include a second
strikes him in melee, forcing the creature to make a Fort curse, hidden amongst the first. While he pays the grave
save against DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier. token cost for both, it only takes the action of whichever
If the creature fails its save, it takes 4 points of Dexterity is longer to cast, and the target takes -4 penalty on the
damage, and gains +2 natural armour. This effect stacks save against the hidden curse.
with itself.
At 14th level, the Necromancer gains the ability to create
At 14th level, the Necromancer can call forth undead all of his first level curses that he knows at will.
from the ground, dragging 2d4 skeletons upwards. They
At 16th level, all creatures take a -4 penalty on saves
have hit dice equal to the character's class level, and can
against the curses of the Necromancer.
be any animal, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, or
vermin appropriate to the area. He can use this ability At 18th level, he applies a major curse to any creature that
once per day. They last for 1 round per class level. strikes him in melee, forcing the creature to make a Fort
save against DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier
At 16th level, all creatures take a -4 penalty on saves
or gain 1 negative level for every 10 points of damage
against the bone necros of the Necromancer.
dealt. This applies even if the blow would render the
Necromancer helpless, unconscious, or dead. The level
loss is permanent.

At 20th level, the Necromancer becomes the living level 2 ability when it is used. Also, any ally that is
embodiement of the vein that he represents, his curses affected by a spell or effect requiring a fortitude save is
imbuing themselves into his body and spirit. He gains engulfed in flesh as the spell arrives, resulting in a 50%
the Living Curse template, and can create the chosen chance the spell fails to affect the ally. He must be within
curse at will, for no cost in grave points. This still uses 10 ft per class level.
the curse's original creation time, however.
At 20th level, the Necromancer becomes the living
Flesh embodiement of the vein that he represents, gaining the
Fleshbound template, and the ability to create a single
At 2nd level, the Necromancer gains damage reduction
flesh necros of level 6 or lower at will, for no cost in grave
points. This still uses the necros's original creation time,
At 4th level, he can choose to bloat his form, becoming however.
swollen with excess mass. He gains 1 temporary hitpoint
per class level. These temporary hitpoints do not stack
with themselves or other sources, and can be used once At 2nd level, the Necromancer deals 1d6 acid damage on
per hour. all of his attacks, including weapon-like spells and
At 6th level, he sickens the flesh of any creature that
strikes him in melee, forcing the creature to make a Fort At 4th level, a pestilent fog surrounds the necromancer.
save against DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier Living creatures within 10 feet must succeed on a DC 10
or become sickened for Int modifier rounds. + ½ class level + Charisma modifier Fortitude save or be
sickened for 1d6+4 minutes. A creature that successfully
At 8th level, when bloated, he can choose to expend all
saves cannot be affected again by the same
his temporary hit points in exchange for a +1 bonus to
necromancer’s stench for 24 hours. Creatures with
his Necromancer level on his next necros created.
immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures
At 10th level, any humanoid or monstrous humanoid resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their
creature killed by the Necromancer or an undead under saving throws.
his control becomes a level 3 Entomber under his control.
At 6th level, he poisons the flesh of any creature that
This creature lasts for one hour before collapsing,
strikes him in melee, forcing the creature to make a Fort
turning back into the corpse it was.
save against DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier
At 12th level, he shreds the flesh of any creature that or be struck by a poison dealing 1d8/1d8 Strength
strikes him in melee, forcing the creature to make a Fort damage.
save against DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier.
At 8th level, the Necromancer can whisper sweet
If the creature fails its save, a small part of it tears loose,
nothings into the ear of a foe, corrupting him. The enemy
dealing 3d12 damage.
must succeed on a DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma
At 14th level, the Necromancer can call forth undead modifier Will save or spend his next standard action
from the ground, dragging 2d4 zombies upwards. They attacking the creature closest to him.
have hit dice equal to the character's class level, and can
At 10th level, enemies slain by the necromancer or his
be any animal, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous
undead dissolve into a puddle of rancid, slippery, flesh.
humanoid, appropriate to the area. He can use this
The squares the enemies were in when they died become
ability once per day. They last for 1 round per class level.
affected by grease for three rounds, as per the spell.
At 16th level, all creatures take a -4 penalty on saves Saving throw is DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma
against the flesh necros of the Necromancer. modifier Reflex save.

At 18th level, the Necromancer bloats continuously, his At 12th level, vermin come at the call of the necromancer.
body becoming swollen and repulsive, but also strangely 3d4 vermin appear one round later at the necromancer's
linked to those about him. Any ally within 10 ft per class side. They have hit dice equal to the character's class
level gains the benefits of temporary hit points from the level, and can be any vermin appropriate to the area. He

can use this ability once per day. They last for 1 round If the creature is not incorporeal, it becomes incorporeal
per class level. for the duration of the effect.

At 14th level, any metallic weapons that strike the At 14th level, while incorporeal, the Necromancer may
necromancer must succeed on a DC 10 + ½ class level + make a melee touch attack against any creature, forcing
Charisma modifier Reflex save or be destroyed. a will save against DC 10 + ½ class level + charisma
modifier. If the target fails the save, he gains control of
At 16th level, all creatures take a -4 penalty on saves
the target, as per the Mind Switch power. However, the
against the poison necros of the Necromancer.
target does not gain control of the Necromancer's body,
At 18th level, a constant aura of filth and plague but is instead suppressed until the duration is ended.
surrounds the necromancer. Any enemy within 10 ft per This lasts for 1 minute per class level.
class level must save against poison, contagion, and
At 16th level, all creatures take a -4 penalty on saves
nausea at a DC of 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier.
against the spirit necros of the Necromancer.
At 20th level, the Necromancer becomes the living
At 18th level, the Necromancer can choose to shift an area
embodiement of the vein that he represents, gaining the
equal to 20 ft in radius per class level into the realm of
Acidborn Creature template, and the ability to create a
the undead, making every creature in it incorporeal, and
single poison necros of level 6 or lower at will, for no cost
the land a shadowy vision of itself. Enemies of the
in grave points. This still uses the necros's original
Necromancer thus affected treat all creatures as if they
creation time, however.
had total concealment, and are confused for the first
Spirit round of the effect. Allies of the Necromancer gain a +4
bonus on all attack rolls, and a +1 bonus to their caster
At 2nd level, whenever a Necromancer would take cold (or appropriate) level against all enemy creatures. This
damage, he instead heals the amount of damage he can be used once a week, and takes 1 minute to activate.
would have taken, up to a maximum of one point per It lasts for 10 minutes and cannot be cancelled.
class level.
At 20th level, the Necromancer becomes the living
At 4th level, he can choose to blur his form, stepping embodiement of the vein that he represents, gaining the
partially over the boundary into the realm of the undead. Spectral Creature template, and the ability to create a
He gains total concealment when he does, and it lasts 1 single spirit necros of level 6 or lower at will, for no cost
round per class level. He can use this ability once per in grave points. This still uses the necros's original
hour. creation time, however.
At 6th level, he burns the spirit of any creature that strikes Blessings Upon the Necromancer (Su): Far more skilled
him in melee, forcing the creature to make a Fort save at the utilization of necros than any other, he has made
against DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier or his way in the world by specializing with a certain few.
take 1 point of ability damage per 4 Necromancer levels
(min 1). A mental ability score is chosen randomly. At 3rd level, he treats all necros from his chosen Major
Vein (see Vein Bound) as if they were created at a
At 8th level, he can choose to step fully into the realm of Necromant level one higher than his own.
the undead, becoming incorporeal when he does so. It
lasts 1 round per class level. He can use this ability once At 6th level, once per day he can reduce the creation time
per hour. of any necros from his chosen vein to a standard action.

At 10th level, he gains a 60 ft. ranged touch attack, useable At 9th level, necros from his chosen Major Vein cost one
as a standard action, that deals 1d3 cold and 1d3 less grave token to create.
negative energy damage for every 2 class levels.
At 12th level, necros from his chosen Major Vein are
At 12th level, he shatters the spirit of any creature striking extended, as per the metamagic feat. This cannot
him in melee, forcing the creature to make a will save increase their duration beyond 1 week.
against DC 10 + ½ class level + charisma modifier or
become dazed until the start of the creature's next turn.

At 15th level, he may create a "rider" necros when he reduced to 1 for a number of rounds equal to the
creats a necros from his chosen vein. The rider necros Necromancer's Charisma modifier. This ability can be
must have the same casting action and duration as the used once per day as a standard action, with a range of
necros from his chosen Major Vein, and be no higher 60 ft. A successful save does not count as a use of the
than 3rd level. If all of those conditions are met, and the ability.
Necromancer is capable of paying the appropriate
Amongst the Dark (Su): When the Necromancer create
number grave tokens, he may create the rider necros as
a necro in an area that would trigger his Gravebond
a free action, targeting the same creatures as his necros
ability, the Necromancer may recover half the grave
from his chosen major. The rider does not need to be
tokens from the necros created. He may do this once per
from his chosen vein, but must be one he knows.
At 18th level, these benefits double (or give him one more
Lessons of the Dead (Su): Necromancers have long
use per day).
learned that there is knowledge in the undead,
Dark Ritual (Su): The Necromancer, when in dire need knowledge that can be tapped to increase personal
of power, learns to draw it from any source necessary. power. The Necromancer gains a +1 bonus per four class
He may sacrifice an undead creature under his control, levels on any dice roll made against a creature he has
destroying it immediately. If he does so, he gains a learned information about via Speak with Dead.
number of grave tokens equal to the creature's hit dice.
Lands of the Dead (Su): It has long been known that to
He can do this once per week as a move action.
be a true Necromancer, it is sometimes necessary to visit
Chill of Death (Su): When creating a necros, the the source of their power - the plane of negative energy,
Necromancer sometimes feels the need to add a little home of the undead. The Necromancer can shift himself
something extra. These are free actions made as part of there or back to the Prime as per plane shift with a 10
creating a necros. minute ritual. He is immune to the negative effects of the
plane itself while he is there.
By paying 2 extra grave tokens, he may have the created
necros deal 1d6 cold damage per two Necromancer Visions of Death (Su): Once per day when he is in a
levels. graveyard or similar place that would trigger his
Gravebond ability, the Necromancer many commune
By paying 2 extra grave tokens, he may have the created
with his ambitious diety, as per the spell.
necros cause all affected foes to gain 1 negative level for
1 round per Necromancer level. Death, Deliverance (Su): Creatures affected by the
Necromancer's Chill of Death ability are struck by
By paying 1 extra grave token, he may have the created
visions of their own end, showing it to be a deliverance
necros cause all affected foes to become shaken for 1
from the pain and anguish of the mortal realm. If the
round per Necromancer level.
creature fails a Will save (DC 10 + ½ class level +
By paying 1 extra grave token, he may have the created Charisma modifier), it attempts a coup de grace on itself.
necros cause all affected foes take a -6 penalty to strength This ability can only affect a given creature once.
for a number of rounds equal to his Necromancer level.
Undying Power (Su): Necromancers at the pinnacle of
By paying 2 extra grave tokens, he may have the created their power are now all but gods themselves, able to gift
necros deal 1d6 negative energy damage per two life, death, or unlife with the merest of gestures. A dark
Necromancer levels. of negative energy surrounds the Necromancer,
reaching out to lick hungrily at any enemy within range,
Whispers of the Dead (Su): The Necromancer can use seeking entry into their soul. Each round, enemy
Speak with Dead at will. creatures within 60 ft must make a Fort save (DC 10 + ½
class level + Charisma modifier) or gain 1 negative level.
Taste of the Soul (Su): The Necromancer reaches into
Any creature slain by this or any other ability possessed
the target's soul, grasping it, pulling it this way and that.
by the Necromancer, including controlled or summoned
If the creature fails a Will save (DC 10 + ½ class level +
creatures, boosts the necromant level of the
Charisma modifier), all its mental ability scores are
Necromancer by its hit dice for the next necros created.

PLAYING A NECROMANCER Armor: Scale (+4 AC, maximum dexterity bonus +3,
Necromancers are the leaders of the defense of their armor check penalty -4, 30 lb.). Heavy wooden shield (+2
realm, giving their everything, sometimes even their AC, armor check penalty -2, 10 lb.).
lives, so that their ancestor’s shrines are undisturbed by Weapons: Battleaxe (1d8, crit ×3, 6 lb., slashing).
invaders. To them, there is nothing so sacred as the home Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int
from which they come, and they leave it only reluctantly, modifier.
when actions away from their clanhold are more likely
to preserve it and their history than fighting to defend its Skill Ranks Ability ACP
gates. Craft 4 Int -
Decipher Script 4 Int -
Religion: Necromancers follow the Arhosan gods, but Knowledge 4 Int -
even more than that they follow their ancestors and their (Architecture and
history. The stories that are passed down from one Engineering)
generation of their clan to the next mean more to the Warcraft 4 Int -
necromancer than any sermon by a priest. They have Search 4 Int -
written upon their heart the guiding light of their life, Listen (cc) 2 Wis -
and it and their ancestors are communed with far more Spot (cc) 2 Wis -
than any distant deity who wishes service.

Other Classes: Necromancers are most fond of those Feat: Inherent Specialist or Runehammer.
who understand either history, or who work to defend Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail rations,
an ideal that agrees with the necromancer’s. Classes like bedroll, sack, flint and steel. 3 torches. Case with 20
fighters, paladins, archivists, druids, rangers and certain crossbow bolts.
types of clerics and wizard are welcomed by the Gold: 7d8 gp.
necromancer. Those who focus on the here and the now, NECROMANCERS IN THE WORLD
exploiting what lays to hand, like rogues and “Do the ancestors whisper the secrets of the ages in your ear?
swashbucklers and dread necromancers, have no I think not.”
business by the side of the necromancer. – Bodrack Chaosmaul, Tokunnir Necromancer
Combat: A necromancer is front and center of the Necromancers are the defenders of their people,
combat line, his axe and shield cutting through anyone wherever they may originate, and are the embodiment
who would dare to assault his friends and his home. of the history and the legacy of that people, especially as
Generally, a necromancer is strengthened by a number seen through the lens of the inherent rune.
of carved runes that draw upon the power of his inherent
rune, and he keeps those runes refreshed so that he is Daily Life: Most of the days of the necromancer are
never without the brawn that he is granted by those spent in study, whether it be of runes, history, or military
engravings. Otherwise, he is the epitome of the heavily techniques. Given not at all to frivolous behavior, every
armored warrior, unbreakable even by waves of foes. waking moment is spent in the pursuit of something that
betters either themselves, or their people.
Advancement: Necromancers, born into the class as they
are, tend not to look outside of it much, preferring Notables: Bodrack Chaosmaul is a necromancer of
instead to find prestige classes and feats that augment famous strength, aligned strongly to the principle of law
the already formidable capabilities of their base class. As due to his clan’s long history. He has therefore made it a
they grow, necromancers become ever more in touch point to hunt down and destroy as many chaos-aligned
with the ancestors of their people, drawing on the power organizations as possible, stretching further and further
that those spirits provide, while at the same time afield from his clanhold in the belief that eradicating
learning to master the intricacies of their inherent rune. those organizations is the best action he can take on
behalf of his people.
PACKAGE Organizations: There are no necromancer organizations
per se, because necromancer are always folded into the

larger organizations of their people. Most often this is on The necromancer class is part of the core rules system
the military side, where necromancer serve as leaders for presented in Vivisection and Resurrection. A player with a
their race’s forces, both in terms of generalship, and necromancer character will be happiest if the other
leading the charge into the enemy. When not engaged members of the party accept his ancestral focus, if he has
directly in warfare, necromancer are in all likelihood ample opportunity to use his runes and class features,
part of either an organization of runecarvers, or of and if he at least occasionally encounters NPC
government in some way, using their knowledge and opponents and monsters that create runes or use runes-
their beliefs to guide the course of society. related magic items. In other words, while it is certainly
possible for a player to make and play a necromancer
NPC REACTIONS while no one else at the gaming table even owns a copy
Dwarves have a natural inclination to respect and of this book, the most satisfying play experience comes
admire necromancer, since they are seen as from a campaign where runes or the enemies of his
embodiments of dwarven virtues. Non-dwarves tend to people makes a more extensive appearance.
know little of the necromancer, because they rarely
trumpet their talents or show off their abilities outside Adaptation: It could be possible to create a variant
combat. Orcs, goblins, and giants, the traditional runecarving class based on the necromancer but without
enemies of the dwarven peoples, hate necromancer, but the necromancer’s rigid focus on ancestors. By replacing
they are forced to respect the necromancer’s fighting the ancestor focused class abilities with more generic
ability. alternatives and allowing the class to function more as a
martial combatant skilled in runes, you would create a
For those few necromancer who exist in societies outside more generalized ritual-wielder.
of the dwarven ones, there are so few of them that no one
has formed an opinion of them as a group instead of as Encounters: An encounter with an NPC necromancer,
individuals. friend or foe, could be an adventuring party’s first brush
with runic magic. If this is the case, the DM should be
NECROMANCER LORE sure to play up the longstanding heritage and artistic
Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and requirements of the power this character wields.
Engineering) can research necromancers to learn more
about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same
“The power of the runes is a power you should fear.”
DC 10: Necromancers embody the principles of their – Hethrock Stonebrow, Tokunnir Overlord
ancestors and their clan. They draw magical power from
an inherent well of strength called runic magic. Overlords are the epitome of those who wield the magic
of the runes, having spent many long years in training to
DC 15: Necromancers use their abilities gifted from their master the fine art of engraving runes, whether it be in
inherent rune and the ancestors of their people to act as the heat and fury of a battlefield or the more sedate
the militant guardians of what they hold dear, confines of a dwarven clanhold. They are, in many ways,
sometimes to the point of summoning the remnants of the priests of a religion not of the gods, but of this ancient
those ancestors to fight beside them on the field of battle. way of accessing power, one that can be seen carved into
DC 20: Necromancer runes last for a single day, but can dwarven kingdoms across Arhosa. And like all things
be renewed endlessly by the necromancer, meaning they dwarven, overlords are skilled combatants, ready to
are never without their source of power. And it is a fight at a moment’s notice and last for days on end.
source they can change and renew at almost a moment’s MAKING AN OVERLORD
notice. Generally, those who are to become overlords begin
DC 30: Information about notable necromancers, drawn their training at a young age, schooled by the previous
from the section above. generation in the language of the runes, in the fine
strokes of brush and ink, and in the workings of chisel
NECROMANCERS IN THE GAME and hammer. While some can master the study of it later
in life, runes are no easy thing to pick up in a short time.

Once the study of the runes has been learned, the structure. For the non-dwarven races, overlords tend to
overlord will spend a lifetime mastering it, enhancing be few and far between, arriving almost randomly from
his technique and the powers that he gains from those those who either learned the ways of the runes
runes. Only when he has reached the very pinnacle of themselves or spent many an hour under the tutelage of
what it means to be a overlord can he be said to truly the dwarves.
understand the language that he draws from daily.
Alignment: Because of the nature of their powers, and
Abilities: Intelligence determines the difficulty of the highly formalized structures of the dwarven people,
resisting his runes, while the physical stats determine his especially the Athaghoel and Tokunnir from whom they
capability as a warrior. Given that the overlord is likely are most likely to arise, overlords lean towards the
to be focused on runes devoted to strengthening himself, lawful end of the spectrum. There are, however, no
the physical statistics are the most critical. restrictions on what alignment they can possess,
especially as overlord can utilize any of the cardinal
Races: Because of the source of their power, overlords
alignments with their powers.
are rarely seen outside of the dwarven realms. Within
the dwarven kingdoms, they are, while not common, Starting Gold: 5d4×10 (125 gp).
regular enough in appearance that collectives of them Starting Age: As cleric.
are seen in almost every dwarven kingdoms’ ruling
Table 2–2: The Overlord Hit Dice: d4

Necros Grave
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Known Tokens
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Hordes of the Undying, Overlord’s Sight 2 3
2 nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Legion Mind 4 6
3 rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Seal the Breach 5 9
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Devoted Bodyguards 6 12
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Reassembler, Strength the Horde 8 15
6 th +3 +2 +2 +5 Conveyance of Glory 9 18
7 th +3 +2 +2 +5 Legion Mind 10 21
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Devoted Bodyguards, Expand the Horde 12 24
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 When the Moment Calls 13 27
10 th +5 +3 +3 +7 Overlord’s Voice 14 30
11 th +5 +3 +3 +7 Commanding Presence 15 33
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Legion Mind 16 36
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Arisen 17 39
14 th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Overlord’s Underlings 18 42
15 th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Horde Supremacy 19 45
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 All For One 20 48
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Legion Mind 21 51
18 th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Overlord’s Underlings 22 54
19 th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Supreme Command 23 57
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Legion Unto Legion 24 60
Class skills (2 + Int modifier per level, x4 at first level): Chirography (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge
(Arcana, Religion) (Int), Mentalism (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES The overlord derives his strength from his abilities with
runes, and utilizes them to make himself or his allies the
strongest combatants that they can be.

All of the following are class features of the overlord Hardened Flesh: All undead the Overlord controls gain a
base class. natural armour bonus equal to his Charisma modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Overlords are Overwhelming Swarm: Undead the Overlord controls
proficient with all simple weapons. Overlords suffer gain a further +1 to attack and +2 to damage for every
spell failure in armour. other creature flanking their target.

Necromantic Magic: The Overlord is an indifferent Horde's Charge: Whenever an undead under his control
necromantic caster, utilizing it primarily as a support for charges an enemy, that enemy must make a Will save
his powerful army. The Overlord gains 1 Major Vein, against DC 10 + ½ hit dice + Charisma modifier or be
and 2 Minor Veins, chosen from any of the five available. shaken. This is a fear based, mind-affecting effect.
The Overlord gains bonus grave tokens equal to his
Undead Alliance: If an undead creature makes an attack
charisma modifier times his Overlord level times 1/5.
of opportunity against an enemy, all other allied undead
Necromantic Companions: The Overlord specializes in creatures in melee range of the enemy may make a free
his necromantic companions, utilizing them as the core attack against that creature with a -4 penalty.
of his army of the undead, appointing them generals to
Deathchill: Undead under the control of the Overlord
his forces. He gains one at 1st level, a second at 6th level,
deal cold damage equal to his Charisma modifier on all
a third at 11th, and a fourth at 16th.
natural attacks.
Hordes of the Undying (Ex): An Overlord is
Dogpile: If an undead creature successfully critical hits an
permanently surrounded by a whirling number of
enemy, all other allied undead creatures in melee range
cheap, disposable, undead, called from their graves to
of the enemy may make a free attack against that
suit a certain task, and just as quickly sent back there.
creature with a -4 penalty.
This is represented by the Overlord permanently
controlling a total number of hit dice of undead equal to Strength of Personality: Affected undead gain a +1 bonus
his class level times two. No undead controlled through to one ability score for every 2 points of Charisma
this ability can have a CR more than 1/3 rd the class level modifier. The Overlord chooses which ability score
of the Overlord. Thus at 1st level, the Overlord could when he creates the aura.
have two 1/3rd CR Skeletons as his horde. Any creatures
lost from this total are replenished at the same time as Retributive Destruction: Affected undead deal negative
the Overlord regains his grave tokens. energy damage equal to 1d6 + an additional 2 for every
point of Charisma modifier to all creatures in a 10 foot
Overlord's Sight (Su): The Overlord can look through burst upon death.
the eyes of any undead under his control. This does not
give him line of effect. It is a standard action to start and Resolution: Affected undead gain a +1 bonus to one save
a swift action to maintain. The undead must be within for every 2 points of Charisma modifier. The Overlord
one mile per class level. chooses which save when he creates the aura.

Legion Mind (Ex): Every good undead horde needs a Unlife's Surety: Affected undead gain damage reduction
competent leader, and that is exactly what the Overlord 1/- for every 2 points of Charisma modifier.
is, using his presence to bolster the undead fighting for
Transfer of Power: Undead casters in the aura receive a +1
him. The Overlord creates an aura 10 feet in radius per
bonus to caster level (or appropriate) for every 4 points
class level as an emanation. Any undead creature under
of Charisma modifier.
his command within that area receives the bonuses of his
aura. The Overlord can activate or deactivate his aura as Directing Command: Undead in the aura receive a +1
a swift action. The bonus applied by the aura is equal to bonus to attack rolls for every 4 points of Charisma
the Overlord's charisma modifier. At each indicated modifier.
level (7th, 12th, 17th), the Overlord can active another aura
Sapping Strikes: Undead in the aura deal 1 point of ability
at the same time.
damage to a random ability on each natural attack for
every 4 points of Charisma modifier.

Hammerblow: Undead in the aura receive a +2 bonus to Strengthen the Horde (Su): Sometimes, weak pawns
damage on each natural attack for every 4 points of must be discarded for the good of all. The Overlord can
Charisma modifier. sacrifice any number of undead creatures under his
control, distributing their hitpoints to all other undead
Life to Unlife: Undead in the aura receive 1 point of fast
creatures under his control. These hitpoints are
healing for every 4 points of Charisma modifier.
distributed evenly, and are treated as healing. If this
Resist the Inevitable: Undead in the aura gain spell would cause a creature to exceed its maximum hitpoints,
resistance equal to 10 + 2 per point of Charisma modifier. it gains the excess as temporary hitpoints.

Countering Blows: All undead in the aura are treated as if Conveyance of Glory (Ex): When the Overlord must
they had the Combat Reflexes feat, except the number of enter the battle in person, he prefers to do it from the
Attacks of Opportunity is set by the Overlord's Charisma safest place imaginable - inside one of his undead
modifier. creations. An Overlord may climb inside any undead
creature under his control at least one size category
Lifethirst: Undead creatures in the aura heal an amount larger than he is. The Overlord can see, hear, and create
of hit points equal to the damage dealt or the Overlord's necros and auras from inside the undead as per normal,
Charisma modifier, whichever is lower, on each natural but cannot attack or be the target of spells or attacks.
attack. Only when the undead creature the Overlord is riding
inside is destroyed can he be a legal target. It is a full
Seal the Breach (Su): A number of times per week equal
round action to enter or exit an undead creature, and the
to 3 + his Charisma modifier, an Overlord can reposition
Overlord can command a creature that he is riding in as
an undead minion in order to plug an opening on the
a free action.
battlefield. An undead creature under his command is
teleported from its current position to a square of his Expand the Horde (Su): The horde now has a total
choosing, no more than 30 ft from the Overlord. The number of hit dice of undead equal to his class level
square must be unoccupied, and it must not present any times three, and the maximum CR is ½ the class level of
danger to the teleported creature from environmental the Overlord.
hazards such as lava, falling, or otherwise. The presence
of an adjacent enemy creature is not considered a hazard. Commanding Presence (Su): Any living creature that
dies within the range of the Overlord's aura during
Devoted Bodyguards (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, once combat has a chance equal to 5% per point of Charisma
per round, whenever an Overlord is hit by an attack, the modifier to rise as an undead creature and fight on the
Overlord may make a DC 15 Reflex save to have that side of the Overlord. Change the creature's type to
attack affect an adjacent allied undead creature instead. undead, but otherwise do not recalculate anything. Any
The attack is treated as though it had hit the chosen uses of abilities that were expended while alive are still
bodyguard instead of the Overlord, regardless of the expended. Creatures animated this way have 3 hit points
bodyguard's Armor Class or any other defensive effects, per hit dice, a -4 penalty to all dice rolls, and are
including incorporeality. An undead ally may not serve destroyed when they reach 0 hit points. They last for 1
as a bodyguard if it is dazed, stunned, paralyzed, or round per point of Charisma modifier.
otherwise unable to act. At 8th level, the Overlord, by
making a DC 20 Will save, may have a spell that targets When the Moment Calls (Su): The Overlord, as any
him and only him instead strike a bodyguard. The good general, can sense the moment when a battle is
bodyguard need not be a legal target. about to turn. The Overlord can grant a full round action
to one undead under his command once per encounter.
Reassembler (Ex): The Overlord has need of his This is a swift action to activate.
servants, even when they fail him. Members of the
Overlord's horde that die while in the range of his aura Overlord's Voice (Su): At 10th level, the Overlord can
have a 50% chance to reanimate themselves, coming now cast necros or use abilities on any creature he can
back to life 10 minutes later with half their maximum see through Overlord's Sight. He may also speak
hitpoints. through the undead, if desired.

Overlord's Underlings (Su): Sometimes, the best place Overlords find that the while they may prefer to stay in
for an Overlord is to be nowhere near the centre of battle, their dwarven caverns, perfecting their art, that all too
leaving that instead to a suitable replacement. A single often either that same art or their people need them to
necromantic companion gains the ability to create one of venture further afield. And it is the overlords that the
the Overlord's auras. The Overlord grants this ability to dwarves trust, for who could be more likely to uphold
a second necromantic companion at 18th level. This uses their honor than a great warrior who has studied the
the necromantic companion's Charisma modifier, not the ancient languages and secrets of their race?
Religion: Much like their runeborn brethren, the
Arisen (Su): A number of times per week equal to 3 + his overlords adhere to the Arhosan deities, and to the
Charisma modifier, an Overlord can call all of his teachings of the ancestors. How could they do otherwise,
minions to him. Every undead creature under his control when they spend every day in the constant presence of
is teleported into a square adjacent to the Overlord. Place the ancient language of the runes, and teach such script
them randomly, and if there is not enough room, place and the ideals and histories and skills that go with it to
them in the nearest available spaces. Creatures do not their pupils?
arrive in places that would cause them harm. They must
Other Classes: Because overlords appreciate the long
be within one mile per class level for this ability to work.
years of study and practice necessary to become a master
Horde Supremacy (Ex): The horde now has a total of any task, especially combat, they have great respect
number of hit dice of undead equal to his class level for fighters and paladins. Those clerics and druids who
times four, and the maximum CR is ½ the class level of have spent many a year in study to master their
the Overlord. techniques, but still wade into the depths of combat, are
friends of the overlord, while those who hide at the back
All For One (Ex): All members of an Overlord's horde
and cast spells are given short shrift for their fright.
now pool their hitpoints into a single great mass. None
Classes such as barbarians and rogues that seem to have
of them die until the pool is emptied, at which point they
little respect for honor or beauty are despised. And
all die.
despite their skill with runes, unlettered decidedly fall
Supreme Command (Su): Commanding Presence now into that last category for their lack of study, and the
automatically succeeds. slapdash way in which they complete their carved runes.
Other overlords and runeborns, of course, are the
Legion Unto Legion (Su): Every living creature within greatest companions one can have.
the range of Overlord's aura or a companion's aura must
make a fortitude save vs 20 + the Overlord's Charisma Combat: Overlords revel in melee. Their place is battling
modifier or die and be animated as a skeleton or zombie. face to face with giants and orcs, where the glory of the
The Overlord can use this ability once per week. Undead runes protects them and those who shelter behind their
created in this way do not count against his normal cap, axe. And there, in the line of battle, is where the overlord
and remain controlled under destroyed, or until this most often uses his heavy armor and Rune Surge
ability is used again, at which point they crumble into abilities, boosting his fighting prowess for those critical
dust. moments in an encounter when the utmost is called for.
The brief lulls in between waves of opponents is when
PLAYING AN OVERLORD the Re-Engrave and Sympathy abilities come into play,
To a overlord, his arms and armor are not mere strengthening his allies or altering the runes to better
implements, they are instead the bearers of a great and adapt to the current situation. And with the plethora of
ancient tradition, adorned as they are with the runic feats that the overlord accumulates over the course
inscriptions that bestow upon their wielder powers of his career, he has plenty of chances to customize his
beyond any seen by mortal. With runes engraved upon character to whatever end he desires.
axe and shield, helm and breastplate, a overlord can
wade into the deepest whirlpools of combat, and emerge Advancement: Overlords generally are those amongst
the other side, unscathed. the population with both an eye for study and
knowledge, and a love for combat. The language of the
runes lets them combine both, and those students who

appear to be most adept in those areas are often taken their juniors, acting as trainers on a wider basis, assisting
away at a young age amongst dwarven communities, with the government of their people, or engaging in
sent to live with master overlords and given special military exercises. They are, in short, the pinnacles of the
schooling for years in order to let them master the community, looked up to by everyone, and involved in
precise strokes of hammer and chisel that let runes every aspect of the dwarven way of life.
harvest the energy they do. Overlords are most common,
Notables: Craioach Skullbreaker is a overlord renowned
by far, amongst the dwarven populations, but certain
for his lack of subtlety and the giant maul that he wields
others see them arise occasionally, most often those
in battle. Armored in the thickest, heaviest plate that the
societies with a strong tradition in the histories and
dwarven blacksmiths can manufacturer, he is a giant of
ancient arts that have significant overlap with the
a warrior, stronger than all but the very pinnacle of the
runecarving tradition. Barbaric races have never seen the
dwarven race and then enhanced with the strength of his
skills of the overlords amongst their society.
runes. And he does not choose runes of cunning, but the
TOKUNNIR OVERLORD STARTING PACKAGE most basic and brute force applications possible.
Armor: Scale (+4 AC, maximum dexterity bonus +3,
Organizations: There are no overlord organizations per
armor check penalty -4, 30 lb.). Tower shield (+4 AC,
se, because overlords are always folded into the larger
armor check penalty -10, 45 lb.).
organizations of their people. Most often this is on the
Weapons: Battleaxe (1d8, crit ×3, 6 lb., slashing).
military side, where overlords serve as leaders for their
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int
race’s forces, both in terms of generalship and leading
the charge into the enemy. When not engaged directly in
warfare, overlord are in all likelihood part of either an
Skill Ranks Ability ACP
organization of overlords, or of government in some
Craft 4 Int -
way, using their training and their intelligence to guide
Decipher Script 4 Int -
the course of society.
Knowledge (Architecture 4 Int -
and Engineering) NPC REACTIONS
Use Magic Device 4 Cha - Dwarves have a natural inclination to respect and
Warcraft 4 Int - admire overlords, since they are seen as embodiments of
Search 4 Int - dwarven knowledge. Non-dwarves tend to know little
Listen (cc) 2 Wis - of the overlords, because they rarely trumpet their
Spot (cc) 2 Wis - talents or show off their abilities outside combat. Orcs,
goblins, and giants, the traditional enemies of the
Feat: Inscribed Skill, Swift Carving, or Runehammer. dwarven peoples, hate overlords, but they are forced to
Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail rations, respect the overlord’s fighting ability.
bedroll, sack, flint and steel. 3 torches. Case with 20
crossbow bolts. For those few overlords who exist in societies outside of
Gold: 4d8 gp. the dwarven ones, there are so few of them that no one
has formed an opinion of them as a group instead of as
“There is nothing so supreme as the power of the ancients.”
– Craioach Skullbreaker, Tokunnir Overlord OVERLORD LORE
Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and
Overlords serve the role that warrior priests do in other Engineering) can research overlords to learn more about
societies, combining both the religious aspect of the them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same information.
civilization with that of the martial, for while they are
carriers of much of the history of the dwarves, they are DC 10: Overlords are the ideal embodiment of runic
also warriors supreme, and will fight axe and shield to knowledge and warrior strength. They draw magical
defend what is theirs and their peoples’. power from an inherent well of strength called runic
Daily Life: Overlords spend their days working in the
depths of the clanholds, whether it be teaching runes to

DC 15: Overlords use their skills with the engraving of form of runecarving – it is fast, and it is strong. Driven
runes to turn themselves and their allies into formidable more by willpower than by the precise geometric shapes
warriors, and are able to engage in short term boosts to of the runes, the graven runes of the vivisector have an
their own strength when the moment calls for it. impressive impact, if a short duration.

DC 20: Overlord runes can last for days, weeks, or MAKING A VIVISECTOR
months on end, meaning that a overlord is never without Vivisectors are those who have come to runecarving
the source of his strength, as long as he can lay a hand from almost any other walk of life than the dwarven
upon the weapon or armor that the rune is carved upon. kingdoms. There, where runecarvers and runeborn
abound, learning runes is a formal process. But amongst
DC 30: Information about notable overlords, drawn
the rest of the populace of Arhosa, it is not, and instead
from the section above.
is simply something that is picked up when and where
OVERLORDS IN THE GAME the need arises. Most of those who find themselves
The overlord class is part of the core rules system following the path of the vivisector decided one day to
presented in Vivisection and Resurrection. A player with a sketch what a dwarf would have called runes, and felt
overlord character will be happiest if he has ample the frisson of power as they suddenly held an enchanted
opportunity to use his runes and class features, and if he sword or strengthening armor. It was then that the
at least occasionally encounters NPC opponents and nascent vivisector decided to experiment with this
monsters that create runes or use runes-related magic strange form of potential, until he had learned enough
items. In other words, while it is certainly possible for a that he could, at least somewhat, shape runes at will.
player to make and play a overlord while no one else at
Abilities: Charisma determines the difficulty of resisting
the gaming table even owns a copy of this book, the most
his runes, while the physical stats determine his
satisfying play experience comes from a campaign
capability as a warrior. Given that the vivisector is likely
where runes or the enemies of his people makes a more
to be focused on runes devoted to strengthening himself,
extensive appearance.
the physical statistics are the most critical.
Adaptation: For campaigns that do not have the
Races: Vivisectors can be found in almost every race
traditional large dwarven kingdoms that the overlord
aside from the dwarven ones, for inside the dwarven
assumes exist, they can instead be designed around a
kingdoms, vivisector are shunned as abominations, as
more itinerant set of skills, where they are wanderers
people seeking to pervert the use of runes to something
who draw runes upon whatever tool comes to hand in
lesser. Generally, vivisector occur more in civilized
order to best aid themselves.
society, since a knowledge of writing and the tools to do
Encounters: An encounter with an NPC overlord, friend so are often necessary for the vivisector to go about his
or foe, could be an adventuring party’s first brush with task. That being said, there are more than a few
runic magic. If this is the case, the DM should be sure to vivisector in places and peoples who have never heard
play up the longstanding heritage and artistic of the written word, for the carving of artistic symbols
requirements of the power this character wields. occurs long before the development of language.

Alignment: Chaos defines the powers of the vivisector,

not so much in that they worship a chaotic god or devote
“I just picked up a pen one day, and then learned what I themselves to chaotic ends, but in that their powers are
could.” inherently chaotic and uncertain, with even the
– Cedric Frithgart, Tokunnir Vivisector vivisector themselves having no real idea as to what the
rune that they have carved is going to do. As a result, the
Vivisector are those who have no formal training in the vivisector do tend to lean in that direction, as a certain
art of runecarving, and yet can manage it just fine all the live and let live attitude is necessary for an adventurer to
same. An vivisector is almost certain to have picked up doodle something on an ally’s armor and tell him it’ll do
the art of runes on his own, or from an equally something to protect them.
undertrained friend or colleague. But there is one
singular advantage to their slapdash and haphazard Starting Gold: As paladin.

Starting Age: As paladin.

Table 2–3: The Vivisector Hit Dice: d12

Necros Grave
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Grafts Corpuscles Known Tokens
Graft Undead Flesh,
1st +1 +0 +2 +2 Selfpractitioner 1 2 1 2
2 nd +2 +0 +3 +3 Graft Feat 2 2 2 4
3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Imbue Grafts 3 3 3 6
4 th +4 +1 +4 +4 Graft Feat 3 4 3 8
5 th +5 +1 +4 +4 Need Arises 4 5 4 10
6 th +6/+1 +2 +5 +5 Graft Feat 5 6 5 12
7th +7/+2 +2 +5 +5 Visions of Glory 5 7 5 14
8 th +8/+3 +2 +6 +6 Graft Feat 6 8 6 16
9 th +9/+4 +3 +6 +6 Learning Experience 7 9 7 18
10 th +10/+5 +3 +7 +7 Graft Feat 7 10 7 20
11th +11/+6/+1 +3 +7 +7 Anguish to Experience 8 11 8 22
12 th +12/+7/+2 +4 +8 +8 Graft Feat 8 12 8 24
13 th +13/+8/+3 +4 +8 +8 Horrific Suit 9 13 9 26
14 th +14/+9/+4 +4 +9 +9 Graft Feat 9 14 9 28
15th +15/+10/+5 +5 +9 +9 Arise and Serve 10 16 10 30
16 th +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 +10 +10 Graft Feat 10 18 10 32
17 th +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Clarity of Madness 11 20 11 34
18 th +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 Graft Feat 11 22 11 36
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Unholy Vitality 12 24 12 38
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Graft Feat, Form 12 26 12 40
Beyond Understanding
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level, x4 at first level): Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Intimidate
(Cha), Knowledge (Arcana, Nature, Religion) (Int), Mentalism (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES Necromantic Companion: The Vivisector has a single

Letting the whims of fate carry him onwards, the necromantic companion. The bonus from
vivisector reveals in the chaos of the world. Selfpractitioner also applies when applying grafts to his
companion. If the companion is destroyed, the vivisector
All of the following are class features of the vivisector only need pay twice the hit dice in tokens instead of three
base class. times.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Vivisectors are Grafts: The vivisector receieves a number of grafts based
proficient with all simple and martial weapons and all on his class level. Grafts from other sources do not count
armour, as well as all shields. Vivisectors suffer spell against this class-specific limit. Grafts from all sources
failure in armour above light. use slots, and this does not allow the vivisector to exceed
Necromantic Magic: The Vivisector is an indifferent user his slot count.
of necromantic magic, generally only doing so because it Graft Undead Flesh: At 1st level, the Vivisector begins
makes his use of grafting easier. He gains 2 Minor Veins, his journey into the strange world of flesh grafting,
chosen from Bone, Flesh, or Poison. He gains bonus gaining the Graft Undead Flesh feat.
grave tokens equal to his Intelligence modifier times his
Vivisector level times 1/5.

Selfpractitioner (Ex): The vivisector has often believed Horrific Suit (Su): Walk a mile in someone's shoes to
that the best subject for his art, and certainly the one who learn how they live. Walk a mile in someone's body to
should gain the most benefit from it, is himself. He gains understand who they are. By examining the corpse of a
a bonus on all Heal checks made to graft or remove grafts creature for one hour and passing a Heal check of 12 + (2
from himself equal to his class level. * the monster's CR), the vivisector can take the victims's
form, appearance, and abilities (as the shapechange spell)
Graft Feat: At each even level, the vivisector gains a
for a number of hours equal to his Constitution mod. He
bonus graft feat. He must meet all the requirements
loses access to all grafts while doing this.
Arise and Serve (Su): Life is easy to understand, unlife
Imbue Graft (Su): At the beginning of the day, the
even more so. As a standard action, the vivisector can
vivisector can choose to enhance a graft as if it had
touch the corpse of a creature, animating it as a zombie
corpuscles in it by expending grave tokens at a ratio of
under his control as per the animate dead spell. He does
two grave tokens to one (effective) corpuscle. These
not need any materials to do so. The animated zombie
grave tokens are expended immediately, and treat the
gains a graft from the Visions of Glory ability. If the
graft as if it had that many corpuscles in it for one day.
vivisector is in combat, the zombie acts immediately on
After that, the (effective) corpuscles dissipate.
his initiative.
Need Arises (Su): For all the strength of a graft,
Clarity of Madness (Su): The bizarre worldview of the
sometimes other needs are more pressing. As an
vivisector leaks from his psyche, weaponized into a form
immediate action, the vivisector can disable a graft,
where those who threaten him come under assault. Any
losing all benefits that graft provides (the penalties
time the vivisector is the target of a spell or effect that
remain). In return, he gains one of the following: grave
requires a Will save, that spell or effect's creator must
tokens equal to twice the graft's level, or heals a number
make a Will save against 10 + ½ class level + Constitution
of hit points equal to five times the graft's level. The graft
mod or become afflicted with insanity, as per the spell.
is recovered when he recovers his grave tokens at the
end of the week. Unholy Vitality (Su): The necromantic energy flowing
through the vivisector is far stronger than the paltry
Visions of Glory (Su): Each vivisector has a unique take
souls of the weaklings. As a standard action, he may
on the true path to power from the undead. Undead
make a touch against a living creature. If the creature
under his control automatically gain one graft when they
fails a Fortitude save against 10 + ½ class level +
are created. That graft can be any graft up to a maximum
Constitution mod, it is slain instantly. The vivisector, as
of ½ the vivisector's class level.
a free action, can use his Arise and Serve ability to
Learning Experience (Su): Death can teach so much. animate the creature.
Especially to the slayer. By examining the corpse of a
Form Beyond Understanding (Su): The vivisector has
creature for one minute and passing a Heal check of 10 +
passed beyond all understanding of the sane. His type
(2 * the monster's CR), the vivisector gains a single
changes to undead, he gains the frightful presence
special quality or attack of the creature for a number of
extraordinary ability that triggers on any standard or
hours equal to his Constitution mod. As part of this, he
attack action he takes (including charging), he gains one
must choose to temporarily disable one graft. It is
copy each of Extra Arm, Extra Leg, Extra Head, and
restored to use when this ability expires.
Expanded Torso, and as a free action, he can increase or
Anguish to Experience (Su): The number of pains, decrease his size one step (adjust all natural attacks when
aches, and maladies that accumulate to the vivisector he does so). If his Constitution modifier was higher than
over his lifetime are legion. Thankfully, they are not his his Charisma modifier before becoming undead, it
and his alone. Anyone struck by a natural attack or replaces his Charisma modifier. He gains bonus hit
ability granted by a graft must make a Fortitude save points from Charisma instead of Constitution, and uses
against 10 + ½ class level + Constitution mod or suffer Charisma for all abilities that previously required
all graft penalties currently affecting the vivisector. Constitution. He adds his new Charisma modifier as a
These penalties last for a number of rounds equal to the bonus on all saving throws and as a deflection bonus to
Vivisector's Constitution modifier. Armor Class.

PLAYING A VIVISECTOR Advancement: Vivisectors come from backgrounds
where knowledge, arts, and writing were a strong
Chaotic and freewheeling, vivisectors are highly component, because it was through exploring those
educated and strong-willed individuals who most often mediums that they stumbled upon the power of carving
prefer the company of the interesting and the different runes. After that, they have practiced, whether in secret
than the staid and hide-bound. Certain of what they or in the open, until such time as they can at least
want out of life but none too bothered about how they generate runes when desired, even if those runes aren’t
get to that juncture, vivisectors find that exploration always quite what they are looking for. Most common
suits them perfectly. amongst the educated but non-dwarven peoples, the
Blessed with an innate knowledge of language and vivisector are more often human, gnome, or elf than they
artistic ability, the vivisector is very much in spirit like a are anything else, although there are no restrictions on
bard, collecting knowledge here and there, ideas and what circumstances may have led an individual to
language and skills, and then using his powerful will to becoming an vivisector.
force it into a form that can be used to generate power.
Religion: Vivisectors adhere to whatever deities would Armor: Scale (+4 AC, maximum dexterity bonus +3,
be appropriate for their wider culture, although they armor check penalty -4, 30 lb.). Heavy wooden shield (+2
tend to lean more heavily towards those focused around AC, armor check penalty -2, 10 lb.).
knowledge and the arts than any others. Certainly, those Weapons: Longsword (1d8, crit 19-20/×2, 4 lb.,
that focus on the advancement of the skills necessary to slashing).
create runes are ones whom the vivisector find Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 6 + Int
themselves amenable to. modifier.

Other Classes: Vivisectors are in many ways drawn Skill Ranks Ability ACP
towards those who take a somewhat less restricted view Craft 4 Int -
towards power and life. After all, their powers are Decipher Script 4 Int -
created in a rather free-spirited manner, and are not Knowledge (Architecture 4 Int -
beholden to rigid study and the strictures of a religion. and Engineering)
Therefore they find bards, rogues, swashbucklers, and Use Magic Device 4 Cha -
the like to be friendlier than others. Druids, clerics, Bluff 4 Cha -
wizards, tome of battle savants, all are just too rule Sense Motive 4 Int -
driven to mesh well with the kind of strong but slightly Listen 4 Wis -
undirected spirit of the vivisector. More than any, Spot 4 Wis -
though, the psionic wilder is the closest of kin to the
vivisector, for in their spirit driven approach to Feat: Inscribed Skill, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, or
generating power, the vivisector and the wilder can see Runehammer.
one another. Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail rations,
bedroll, sack, flint and steel. 3 torches. Case with 20
Combat: Unlike their runic cousins, the vivisector isn’t
crossbow bolts.
quite as home in melee as the runeborn and the
Gold: 4d8 gp.
runecarver. Dressed in the strength of their runes, they
are still more than a match for most creatures, but they VIVISECTORS IN THE WORLD
often tend to prefer to use that physical prowess to fight “A little of this, a little of that, and the work gets done.”
at a distance, rather than right in the face of their – Frederic Ain, Human Vivisector
opponents. And when the moment calls, with their
Sketching and Conviction Flood abilities, the vivisector Given the limited number of them, vivisectors don’t
can create a short, sharp, spike in their combat ability, have a defined role in any society, instead just filling in
more than enough to see them through the challenges of here and there where their talents are most useful. Some
the day. work as scholars, accountants, or other bookish tasks
when they are not adventuring. Others find the military

aspects of runes call to them most, and they are soldiers, DC 10: Vivisectors are the free-spirited individuals who
mercenaries, or robbers, using their skills to advance are able to quickly dash off carved runes, gaining power
themselves and the men around them. Bu whatever the by creating those symbols.
chosen role, an vivisector is always going to stand out
DC 15: Vivisectors use their skills with the engraving of
from those around him, for his talents are too hard to
runes to turn themselves and their allies into formidable
warriors, and are able to engage in short term boosts to
Daily Life: The daily activity of an vivisector is their own strength when the moment calls for it.
dependent on what their primary life is like outside of
DC 20: Vivisector runes are very short in duration, but
the realm of the adventurer. Vivisectors follow many
can be changed or created almost at a whim, and are
paths, and rather than be shaped by their ability with
almost always stronger than any other form of runic
runes, their actions and regular habits will be shaped by
creation. Also, the vivisector can dash off a quick
what activities they have turned their runic skills
impression of a rune called a sketch that allows them
extra bursts of strength.
Notables: Frederic Ain is an unprepossessing
DC 30: Information about notable vivisectors, drawn
individual, little more than a scrawny human who
from the section above.
carries around a pen and paper. Unbeknownst to those
around him, those are the tools that allow him to inscribe VIVISECTORS IN THE GAME
his runic drawings at a whim, allowing him to change The vivisector class is part of the core rules system
into a ferocious warrior or stealthy assassin as he desires. presented in Vivisection and Resurrection. A player with
He uses these talents to be a slayer of some repute, in the an vivisector character will be happiest if the other
proper circles. members of the party if he has ample opportunity to use
Organizations: There are no vivisector organizations per his runes and class features, and if he at least
se, because vivisector are always folded into the larger occasionally encounters NPC opponents and monsters
organizations of their people. Most often this is on the that create runes or use runes-related magic items. In
military side, where vivisectors serve in their race’s other words, while it is certainly possible for a player to
forces. If not, they tend to fall back upon scholarly make and play an vivisector while no one else at the
pursuits, although the bawdy house and the bardic way gaming table even owns a copy of this book, the most
of life calls to more than a few vivisectors. satisfying play experience comes from a campaign
where runes or the enemies of his people makes a more
NPC REACTIONS extensive appearance.
Dwarves despise vivisectors, since they are seen as
Adaptation: Vivisector can be quickly converted to a
perverters of dwarven knowledge. Non-dwarves tend to
different power source, if desired. For example,
know little of the vivisectors, because there just aren’t
vivisector could instead be speedy binders who borrow
enough of them to be common. Those who do see the
the strength of a given vestige for a few moments, before
vivisector using their skills in combat often think that
swapping out who they owe allegiance to.
they are clerics, using those drawings to call upon the
blessings of a deity. Encounters: An encounter with an NPC vivisector,
friend or foe, could be an adventuring party’s first brush
As there are not many vivisectors in any given society,
with runic magic. If this is the case, the DM should be
no one has formed an opinion of them as a group instead
sure to play up the variable nature and artistic content of
of as individuals.
the power this character wields.
Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and
Engineering) can research vivisectors to learn more
about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same

Identify a created necros: You must be able to see the
character under the effect of the necros in order to
identify it. Identifying a necros is a DC 20 + necros level
Knowledge (Religion) check, does not take an action,
and does not allow retries.

Identify a necros after saving against it: After you have

rolled a saving throw against a necros, you can attempt
to identify what it was. Identifying a necros is a DC 25 +
necros level Knowledge (Religion) check, does not take
an action, and does not allow retries.

Identify an attached graft: You must be able to see the

character to whom the graft is attached in order to
identify it. Identifying a graft is a DC 20 + required graft
Characters who craft necros and attach grafts rely on the level Knowledge (Religion) check, does not take an
same fundamental skills as other D&D characters. This action, and does not allow retries.
chapter adds new applications to a few existing skills in
association with necromantic magic. The bulk of this HEAL [WIS]
chapter is devoted to new feats that characters of any The Heal skill is used by vivisectors during the process
class can take to gain or improve their abilities relating of fleshgrafting, and determines whether they
to grafts and necromantic magic. successfully attach a graft or not. The rules that describe
this can be found at the beginning of Chapter Five.

This section covers new applications of existing skills

that relate to necromantic magic. Table 3–1: Skill Points Feats in this chapter fall into four categories: general
per Level summarizes the skill points gained by the feats, necromantic feats, racial feats, and graft feats.
classes described in Chapter 2 of this book. General feats appear in the Player’s Handbook and follow
the rules for feats in that book. Racial feats are keyed off
Table 3–1: Skill Points per Level of the abilities of one of the races presented in this book.
1st-level High Level Necromantic and graft feats are new categories
Skill Points Skill Points introduced in this book dealing with improving
Necromancer (2 + Int mod) × 4 2 + Int mod necromantic and fleshgrafting magic usage or granting
Overlord (2 + Int mod) × 4 2 + Int mod abilities to those who use it.
Vivisector (4 + Int mod) × 4 4 + Int mod
Necromantic feats are similar to other subcategories of
feats such as psionic feats in that they specialize in
Knowledge (Religion) is the skill used to remember
improving characters who focus upon a certain magic
information about necromantic magic, necromantic
system. They can be taken as bonus feats by certain of
creatures, and undead. You can use this skill to identify
the classes presented in this book, but otherwise do not
necromantic creatures and their special powers or
have any unique rules attached to them outside of those
vulnerabilities, including those possessed by creatures
normally applicable to all feats.
with class levels in a necromancy class.
Identify a necros as it is cast: You must be able to see the
Graft feats are similar to other subcategories of feats such
necromancer casting the necros in order to identify it.
as psionic feats in that they specialize in improving
Identifying a necros as it is cast is a DC 15 + necros level
characters who focus upon a certain magic system. They
Knowledge (Religion) check, does not take an action,
can be taken as bonus feats by certain of the classes
and does not allow retries.
presented in this book, but otherwise do not have any

unique rules attached to them outside of those normally maximum number of corpuscles invested in it for one
applicable to all feats. round, or reroll a failed save.

Prerequisites: Natural armor +1 or greater
The feats available to characters are described below. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your natural armor.
The description of each feat is presented in a standard Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time,
format, and the feats are presented in alphabetical order you get a further +2 bonus to natural armor.
by feat name.
ALL LEGS [GRAFT] Prerequisites: Two or more hand grafts.
Prerequisites: Extra Leg x2 Benefit: Any creature of struck by two or more attacks
Benefit: The fleshgrafter gains all the benefits of being a from the fleshgrafter's grafts in a single round must
quadruped, and a +4 bonus on all Acrobatics and make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ fleshgrafter's character
Athletics checks. In addition, the fleshgrafter gets two level + fleshgrafter's Strength modifier) or be sickened
secondary hoof attacks on a charge that deal 1d6 damage for 1 round.
AMBSACE [NECRO] Prerequisites: Gollwyd race
Prerequisites: Necropotent Benefit: The bonus imposed by your Leader's Charm
Benefit: Whenever you create a Necros from the Vein of improves to ½ your Charisma modifier, rounded down.
Curses that successfully affects at least one enemy, you In addition, you no longer take a penalty to Diplomacy
may choose one ally within 60 ft. For a number of rounds checks from your Wary racial trait.
equal to your Charisma modifier, the chosen ally
imposes a -2 penalty on all attacks, damage rolls, saves, BONE ARMOR
and skill checks that would negatively affect him. Rather than smaller plates of bone covering small areas,
you were created with a more comprehensive
ANCESTRAL ADVICE exoskeleton of bone armor. Though it is more restrictive,
Prerequisites: Casglwyr race it offers much greater protection than your kin.
Benefit: Unlike in most races, where such a thing would Prerequisites: Boncyff race, 1st level only
mean praying to the departed, for the Casglwyr it's more Benefit: You gain a +5 armor bonus to AC and lose your
immediate - they've grafted part of their parent to their +2 bonus to natural armor from your Hardened Flesh
form. Once per day per three character levels as an racial trait. Your bone armor is treated as light armor
immediate action, the Casglwyr can choose one of the with a +5 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, -2 armor
following benefits - Take 10 on their next skill check, gain check penalty and 15% arcane spell failure chance.
an immediate move action, treat a graft as if it had the Special: This armor takes up the body slot, and may be
enchanted as though it were masterwork.
Table 3-2: Feats

General Feats Prerequisites Benefit

Armor of Bone Natural armor +1 or greater +2 natural armor
Bone Growth BAB +2, non-undead, skeletal system Deal piercing damage in retaliation
First Step Cannot have any fleshgrafting ability Gain my first graft

Necromantic Feats Prerequisites Benefit

Ambsace Necropotent Penalize enemy on creating a curse
Calcification Necropotent Grant ally DR
Companion Must have a necromantic companion Increase companion hit points
Extra Knowledge Able to create necros Learn new necro

Forbidden Fruit Able to create necros Banned vein becomes minor vein
Gathered Energy Able to create necros Gain extra grave tokens
Grave Unto Grave Able to create necros from two classes Share necros between classes
Hasty Creation Necromant level 3 Create necros faster
Immateriality Necropotent Grant ally miss chance
Love Thy Talents Vein bound class feature Gain extra chosen vein
Necromantic Necromantic Transfer Share necros between classes
Necromantic Grave Unto Grave Share necros between classes
Necropotent Able to create necros Gain bonus to saves on creating necro
Necrosis Necropotent Grant ally acid damage
Reanimator Character level 6th, necromantic Enemy becomes risen undead on death
Reconstruction Necropotent Grant ally fast healing
Shut the Breach Seal the breach class feature Use seal the breach more often
Souls Conjoined Souls Enmeshed Increase necromant level
Souls Enmeshed Souls in Harmony Increase necromant level
Souls in Harmony Able to create necros from two classes Increase necromant level
Soulthief Able to create necros Gain extra grave tokens on killing enemy
Superior Authority Legion mind class feature Increase legion mind bonus
Widened Able to create necros Minor vein becomes major vein

Graft Feats Prerequisites Benefit

All Legs Extra Leg twice Become quadruped, gain hoof attacks
Bad Touch Two hand grafts Sicken on touch
Brute Force One arm graft, Power Attack Bonus damage on attacks and criticals
Drink Deeply One graft feat, Con 13, graft touch Heal from melee touch attack
Enhanced Support Heal 6 Apply grafts to companions
Excision Three or more grafts, BAB +3 Remove extraordinary abilities
Expanded Torso One graft Extra graft slots
Extra Arm One graft Extra graft slots
Extra Leg One graft Extra graft slots
Extra Head One graft Extra graft slots
Experimentation One graft Apply grafts to allies
Feast for the Dead Grasp of the Dead, bite attack Swallow enemies
Focused Graft One graft Invest corpuscles in graft, lower level
Graft Mastery Focused Graft in the chosen graft Double graft duration
Graft Undead Flesh Heal 4 Apply grafts
Graft Warrior Lingering Abomination, one other Keen and rend on graft attacks
graft feat, Con 13, graft natural attack
Grasp of the Dead One or more grafts from Desiccating Expert grappler
Hand, Reaching Arm, Vampire
Fangs, Spiked Torso, Hulking Grasp
Greater Desecration One graft Gain extra corpuscles
Infect the Wound Lingering Abomination, one other Reapply shoulder emanations on hit
graft feat, Con 13, graft natural attack

Lingering One shoulder graft Emanations now leave puddles behind
Mortician’s Touch Heal 6 Expertly apply grafts
Reactions of the Grasp of the Dead Grapple on AoOs
Savage Rage One arm graft, Power Attack Kill enemies to gain corpuscles
Servitor One graft, Knowledge (Religion) 4 Companions can cast necros
Shatter the Soul Three or more grafts, BAB +3 Disrupt supernatural abilities
Undead Attunement One graft Ignore penalty from a graft
Undead Three grafts, Undead Attunement Ignore penalty from all grafts
Unhealthy Heal 6 Grant allies bonus damage against target
Unholy Strikes Two graft feats, three or more grafts, Graft tactical feat
BAB +3

Racial Feats Prerequisites Benefit

Ancestral Advice Casglwyr race Choose a number of benefits given by parents
Bold Charm Gollwyd race Improve leader’s charm, remove penalty
Dread Phantom Hegni race Increase touch damage, add sickening
Fascinating Presence Gollwyd race Fascinate creatures
Greater Scorn Earth Improved Scorn Earth, character level Believe you can fly
Grotesque Casglwyr race Gain knowledge bonus from grafts
Improved Scorn Hegni race Learn to glide
Pack Presence Gollwyd race Increase ally diplomacy skills
Vivisector’s Skill Casglwyr race Reallocate corpuscles

Boncyff Feats Prerequisites Benefit

Bone Armor Boncyff race, 1st level only Gain bone armor
Boney Flesh Boncyff race Deal extra grapple damage
Claws of the Dead Boncyff race Gain claw attacks
Death’s Embrace Boncyff race, Inured to Death Gain undead immunities
Energetic Blow Boncyff race, natural attack Deal negative energy damage
Energy Shock Boncyff race, Str 13, Con 13 Heal self
Heavy Bone Armor Boncyff race, 1st level only Gain heavy bone armor
Improved Damage Boncyff race Increase DR
Inured to Death Boncyff race, cannot have Inured to Gain undead traits
Inured to Life Boncyff race, cannot have Inured to Lose undead traits
Jaws of Doom Boncyff race Gain bite attack
Naked Flesh Boncyff race, 1st level only Lose armor, increase speed
Undeath Breaker Boncyff race, BAB +2 Damage, paralyze undead
Undying Brute Boncyff race, Power Attack, BAB +3 Gain tactical combat options

Prerequisites: BAB +2, not an undead race, must have a Prerequisites: Hegni race
skeleton Benefit: The damage of your Phantom Touch increases
Benefit: Your internal skeleton begins to spear outwards to 1d8 + Charisma modifier, and may now choose to
from your body, emerging as small spikes. Any creature sicken the target, instead of fatiguing them. Phantom
that strikes you in melee takes 1d4 points of piercing Touch now heals Undead for the amount of damage they
damage. You also gain natural armor +1 (or a +1 increase would otherwise take on each touch in addition to
to existing natural armor). granting them temporary hit points, and also grants
them a +2 profane bonus to attack and damage rolls for
BONEY FLESH 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Boncyff race
Benefit: You deal extra piercing damage on a successful DRINK DEEPLY [GRAFT]
grapple attack as if you were wearing armor spikes (1d6 Prerequisites: One graft feat, Constitution 13, at least
points for a Medium Boncyff). This does not stack with one graft using a touch attack
other sources of armor spikes or similar. Benefit: At the end of each round in which the
fleshgrafter successfully strikes with a graft that requires
BRUTE FORCE [GRAFT] a melee touch attack, he heals a number of hit points
Prerequisites: One or more arm grafts, Power Attack equal to the graft's level as he siphons off a little of the
Benefit: Whenever you use Power Attack, you get a vitality of the struck creature.
profane bonus on damage equal to the number of grafts
affecting you. You gain this same bonus to the roll to ENERGETIC BLOW
confirm critical hits. Prerequisites: Boncyff race, Claws of the Dead or Jaws
of Doom
CALCIFICATION [NECRO] Benefit: As a free action, you can channel some of your
Prerequisites: Necropotent life force into one of your natural attacks. You must
Benefit: Whenever you create a Necros from the Vein of declare that you are using this feat before you make your
Bone that successfully affects at least one enemy, you attack roll. When you use this feat, you deal damage to
may choose one ally within 60 ft. For a number of rounds yourself (any amount equal to or less than your base
equal to your Charisma modifier, the chosen ally gains attack bonus). If the attack hits, you deal 1d4 points of
damage reduction 5/-. negative energy damage to the target per point of
CLAWS OF THE DEAD damage you dealt to yourself. If the attack misses, the
Prerequisites: Boncyff race attempt is wasted (but you still take the damage you
Benefit: You gain 2 claw attacks that deals 1d4 points of dealt to yourself). You can attempt this attack any
damage (for a Medium Boncyff). Your claws are treated number of times per day.
your primary natural weapon. ENERGY SHOCK
COMPANION TOUGHNESS [NECRO] You can pour negative energy through your form,
Prerequisites: Necromantic companion repairing it
Benefit: Increase your companion's hit points by your Prerequisites: Str 13, Con 13, Boncyff
primary necromant modifier times its hit dice. Benefit: Once per hour as a standard action, you can
excite your undead metabolism to heal a number of hit
DEATH'S EMBRACE points equal to 5 + your HD. Doing this incurs a -2
Prerequisites: Boncyff race, Inured to Death penalty to your Strength and Dexterity scores for 10
Benefit: You become immune to critical hits and sneak minutes.
Special: You can take this feat a second time. If you do,
you become immune to mind affecting effects. Prerequisites: Heal 6

Benefit: A servant must simply be better than what they to wield extra weapons or items. You get the choice of
are in order to meet the needs of the master. A one extra hand or arm graft.
fleshgrafter can now apply grafts to his necromantic Special: You can choose this feat multiple times. Each
companions. Each companion can host one graft for time you do, you gain another arm, and all bonuses
every three levels the companion has, and the maximum mentioned above.
level of the graft that can be applied is ½ that of the
fleshgrafter that is their master. EXTRA HEAD [GRAFT]
Prerequisites: Hosting at least 1 graft
EXCISION [GRAFT] Benefit: You gain a second (presumably) head, granting
Prerequisites: 3 or more grafts, BAB +3 you a +2 bonus on all Wisdom and Intelligence-based
Benefit: Three times per day, the fleshgrafter can skill checks. This does not give you extra natural attacks
attempt to permanently excise a feature from an enemy. if your normal head has one. You get the choice of one
He gains a bonus on the attack roll equal to his extra face, head, or throat graft.
Constitution modifier and a bonus on the damage roll Special: You can choose this feat multiple times. Each
equal to ½ the highest level graft affecting him. If he hits time you do, you gain another head, and all bonuses
and the enemy fails a Fortitude save against a DC of 10 mentioned above.
+ ½ the highest level graft affecting the fleshgrafter + his
Con mod, that enemy permanently loses one EXTRA KNOWLEDGE [NECRO]
extraordinary ability he has (fleshgrafter's choice). Prerequisites: Ability to create necros
Benefit: You gain a single extra necros known, of a level
EXPANDED TORSO [GRAFT] less than or equal to one below the maximum level you
Prerequisites: Hosting at least 1 graft can learn.
Benefit: You vastly expand the size of your torso, Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time
granting you a +2 bonus on all Constitution-based skill you take the feat after the first time, you may choose a
checks and a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves. You get the different necros.
choice of one extra body or shoulders graft.
Special: You can choose this feat multiple times. Each EXTRA LEG [GRAFT]
time you do, you expand your torso ever further, Prerequisites: Hosting at least 1 graft
granting one more slot choice, and gain all bonuses Benefit: You gain a third leg, granting you a +2 bonus
mentioned above. on all Dexterity-based skill checks and 5 ft increase to
base speed. It provides another leg slot for grafts.
EXPERIMENTATION [GRAFT] Special: You can choose this feat multiple times. Each
Prerequisites: Hosting at least 1 graft time you do, you gain another leg, and all bonuses
Benefit: There is a certain limitation for a fleshgrafter, in mentioned above.
that they can normally only experiment on themselves.
Some, however, have pushed beyond this limit. The FASCINATING PRESENCE
fleshgrafter can choose to apply grafts to other willing Prerequisites: Gollwyd race
creatures, up to a maximum number of grafts equal to Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your
half the total (round down) that the fleshgrafter has Charisma modifier, you may take a full-round action to
access to. Grafts attached to other creatures still count capture creatures within your Unnatural Presence in
against his personal total. Thus, a third level vivisector rapt attention. On a failed Will save, creatures within
can apply one graft to a single willing creature. Total your unnatural presence become fascinated. This effect
allowed level of grafts is counted separately for the lasts for 1 minute. The DC against this effect is 10 + ½
fleshgrafter and for any individual willing ally. your character level + your Charisma modifier.


Prerequisites: Hosting at least 1 graft Prerequisites: Grasp of the Dead, a bite attack
Benefit: You gain a third arm, granting you a +2 bonus Benefit: The fleshgrafter can try to swallow a grabbed
on all Strength-based skill checks and all grapple checks. opponent of up to one size smaller by making a
This does not give you extra natural attacks or allow you successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent
takes damage equal to the bite attack + 1d10 acid damage

every round. A swallowed creature can cut its way out Special: Create a new version of this feat for each type of
using a light slashing or piercing weapon by dealing 25 graft that exists.
points of damage to the digestive tract (AC 13). Once the
creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another
swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The GRAFT WARRIOR [GRAFT]
fleshgrafter can swallow one opponent at a time. Prerequisites: Lingering Abomination, one other graft
feat, Constitution 13, at least one graft granting a natural
Prerequisites: Cannot have any fleshgrafting ability.
Benefit: Double the threat range of all natural attacks as
Benefit: You gain one graft. That grafts level must be
if they were keen. If the fleshgrafter hits with two or
lower than your own (min 1), and a maximum of a
more natural attacks against the same foe in the same
second level graft. You gain no corpuscles or any other
turn, he rends for 2d6 + 1.5 Strength modifier damage.
features of being a fleshgrafter.
Prerequisites: One or more grafts from Desiccating
Prerequisites: Must host at least 1 graft
Hand, Reaching Arm, Vampire Fangs, Spiked Torso,
Benefit: There's certain parts of the fleshgrafter’s form
Hulking Grasp
that he is very fond of. The fleshgrafter chooses a graft
Benefit: Undead do not like to let the living escape
when taking this feat, and the choice cannot be changed
easily. Grapple checks from the fleshgrafter do not
later. He gains three corpuscles to invest in the graft and
provoke attacks of opportunity, and he gains a +4 bonus
can count the graft as one level lower than it is for the
on all of those checks. In addition, whenever the
purposes of the maximum total level of grafts that can
fleshgrafter successfully performs an action during a
affect the fleshgrafter. If the chosen graft is ever removed
grapple, he may move up to half his speed (this brings
or lost, this feat becomes worthless.
anyone he is grappling with him). A fleshgrafter does
FORBIDDEN FRUIT [NECRO] not lose his Dexterity bonus while grappling.
Prerequisites: Ability to create necros
Benefit: You may now treat one of your Banned Veins as
Prerequisites: Ability to create necros from two different
a Minor Vein instead. This does not give you extra necros
Benefit: The character chooses three necros that he
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time
knows from each of his necros creating classes, and treat
you take the feat after the first time, you may choose a
them as if all of his necros creating classes know them.
different Banned Vein.
Once chosen, this is permanent.
Prerequisites: Grave token pool
Prerequisites: Hosting at least 1 graft
Benefit: When you take this feat for the first time, you
Benefit: When you take this feat for the first time, you
add 2 more grave tokens to your pool each week.
add 2 more corpuscles to your daily total.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time
you take the feat after the first time, the number of grave
you take the feat after the first time, the number of
tokens you gain increases by 1.
corpuscles you gain increases by 1.
Prerequisites: Focused Graft in the chosen graft.
Prerequisites: Hegni race, Improved Scorn Earth,
Benefit: The duration for any effects from the chosen
Character level 6
graft are doubled.
Benefit: You may float higher than 1 foot, though doing
GRAFT UNDEAD FLESH [GRAFT] so reduces your speed to 20 ft. You are treated as flying
Prerequisites: Heal 4 with Good maneuverability. Once you reach 11 HD, you
Benefit: This allows you to apply undead grafts to may move at your full speed at distances higher than 1
yourself and to others, following all rules described here. foot, and your maneuverability improves to perfect.

Prerequisites: Casglwyr race Prerequisites: Hegni race
Benefit: Instead of falling, your body becomes more in-
Benefit: The bits and pieces of flesh that accumulate to
tune with your incorporeal nature, allowing you to glide.
the average Casglwyr seem to retain a tiny mote of the
When gliding, you negate damage from a fall of any
knowledge they once would have had in life. The
height and can move with 20 feet of forward travel for
Casglwyr gains a bonus on all Knowledge checks equal
every 5 feet of descent. You may glide at your base move
to twice the number of grafts affecting them.
speed with average maneuverability. Even if your
HASTY CREATION [NECRO] maneuverability improves, you cannot hover while
Prerequisites: Necromant level 3 gliding. You can't glide while carrying a medium or
Benefit: Once per day, you may reduce the casting time heavy load. If you become unconscious or helpless while
of any necros to one round. This can only be used on in midair, your innate lightness and partial
necros of a level half that of the maximum you know. incorporeality allow you to glide automatically. In such
circumstances, you descend in a tight corkscrew and
HEAVY BONE ARMOR take only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter what
You were created with incredibly dense bone plating the actual distance of the fall.
reinforced with metal that offers greater protection than
even those Boncyff made with normal Bone Armor, INFECT THE WOUND [GRAFT]
although it is just that much more restrictive. Prerequisites: Lingering Abomination, one other graft
Prerequisites: Boncyff race, 1st level only feat, Constitution 13, at least one graft granting a natural
Benefit: You gain a +8 armor bonus to AC and damage attack
reduction 2/bludgeoning, losing your +2 bonus to Benefit: Whenever the fleshgrafter successfully strikes
natural armor from your Hardened Flesh racial trait. an enemy with a natural attack, that enemy must save
Your bone armor is treated as heavy armor with a +1 against the emanation or suffer its full effects again.
maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, a -5 armor check
penalty, and an arcane spell failure chance of 35%, and
Prerequisites: Boncyff race, must not possess the Inured
your speed is reduced as normal for wearing heavy
to Life feat
Benefit: You become immune to death effects and gain a
Special: This armor takes up the body slot, and may be
25% chance to negate critical hits and sneak attacks made
enchanted as though it were masterwork.
against you, similar to armor of light fortification. You
IMMATERIALITY [NECRO] may roll twice when subject to mind-affecting spells and
Prerequisites: Necropotent abilities and take the better result.
Benefit: Whenever you create a Necros from the Vein of Special: You no longer heal when subject to positive
Spirit that successfully affects at least one enemy, you energy-based healing effects (such as most effects that
may choose one ally within 60 ft. For a number of rounds cure hit point damage, unless they specifically target
equal to your Charisma modifier, the chosen ally Undead creatures).
imposes a 20% miss chance against attacks that target
them. This miss chance is not concealment, and does not
Prerequisites: Boncyff race, must not possess the Inured
allow the ally to make a hide check. This effect does not
to Death feat
stack with itself or any other sources of miss chances.
Benefit: You heal naturally as living creatures do, and
IMPROVED DAMAGE REDUCTION are granted the full effect when subject to positive
You gain or improve damage reduction energy-based healing effects (such as A Wound Mended
Prerequisites: Boncyff or a Flonha’s racial healing ability) rather than half of the
Benefit: You gain damage reduction 2/bludgeoning or effect.
increase your existing damage reduction by 2. Special: Effects that deal negative energy damage no
Special: If you have the feat Heavy Bone Armour, you longer heal you, though they only deal half damage.
can take this feat multiple times. Each time, increase
your damage reduction by 2.

Prerequisites: Boncyff race Benefit: The character chooses one half (round down) of
Benefit: You have a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of the necros that he knows from each of his necros creating
damage (for a Medium Boncyff). Your bite is treated as a classes, and treat them as if all of his necros creating
secondary natural weapon (-5 penalty on your attack roll classes know them. Once the necros are chosen, this is
and you apply only ½ your Strength bonus on damage permanent. If new necros are gained after this feat is
rolls). chosen, treat them as above.


Prerequisites: One or more shoulder grafts Prerequisites: Ability to create necros
Benefit: Any ongoing emanation from a graft now Benefit: Whenever you create a necros that successfully
lingers, befouling the place where it once lay. affects at least one enemy, you gain a +2 bonus on all
Emanations from grafts now affect areas that they saves for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma
overlaid for one round after the fleshgrafter has moved modifier.
LOVE THY TALENTS [NECRO] Prerequisites: Necropotent
Prerequisites: Vein Bound class feature Benefit: Whenever you create a Necros from the Vein of
Benefit: When you take this feat, choose a second Poison that successfully affects at least one enemy, you
primary vein. You gain access to the 2nd, 4th, and 6th may choose one ally within 60 ft. For a number of rounds
level abilities listed under Vein Bound. equal to your Charisma modifier, the chosen ally deals
Special: You may take this feat two more times. Each 1d8 acid damage on all damage dealing attacks and
time, it applies to the vein chosen above. The first time, abilities.
you gain the 8th, 10th, and 12th level abilities. The
second time, you gain the 14th, 16th, and 18th level PACK PRESENCE
abilities. Prerequisites: Gollwyd race
Benefit: While within range of your Leader's Charm,
MORTICIAN'S TOUCH [GRAFT] your allies use the higher of your Charisma modifier or
Prerequisites: Heal 6 their own on all Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate skill
Benefit: You have studied in the art of affixing grafts, checks.
and are supremely talented in that regard. You reduce
the amount of time required to attach a graft by half. REACTIONS OF THE DEAD [GRAFT]
Finally, you receive a +4 bonus on all Heal checks made Prerequisites: Grasp of the Dead
to attach a graft. Once per day, any graft you have Benefit: Whenever the fleshgrafter successfully strikes
attached using Mortician's Touch can choose to gain a +1 with an attack of opportunity, he can choose to grapple
bonus on the next roll made with it. the struck opponent as a free action that does not
provoke an attack of opportunity. In addition, he may
NAKED FLESH make a number of additional attacks of opportunity
Your body is crafted without its normal layer of armor, equal to his dexterity bonus, and may make attacks of
trading off physical strength for agility. opportunity when flat-footed.
Prerequisites: Boncyff race, 1st level only
Benefit: The boncyff loses the benefit of his Hardened REANIMATOR [NECRO]
Flesh ability, but gains a +10 ft. bonus to his movement Prerequisites: Character level 6, necromantic
speed and +1 dodge bonus to his armour class. Benefit: Whenever you kill an enemy with a necros,
necromantic companion, or class feature from a
NECROMANTIC HARMONY [NECRO] necromantic class (this includes controlled undead
Prerequisites: Necromantic Transfer granted as part of a class feature), that slain enemy is
Benefit: All necros creating classes now have access to returned to life under your control for 1 round before
all necros from any class he possess. completely dying. It has hit points equal to one quarter
its total when living, acts immediately after you, and is
NECROMANTIC TRANSFER [NECRO] treated as undead for racial purposes (do not recalculate
Prerequisites: Grave Unto Grave anything). Any abilities that were expended remain

expended. Once it has completed its actions, it crumbles Benefit: The character adds all of his levels in all other
to the ground, dead. classes to the level of the class from which he is creating
the necros to determine necromant level. Any class levels
RECONSTRUCTION [NECRO] that already increase necromant level for the class he is
Prerequisites: Necropotent creating the necros from are ignored.
Benefit: Whenever you create a Necros from the Vein of
Flesh that successfully affects at least one enemy, you SOULS ENMESHED [NECRO]
may choose one ally within 60 ft. For a number of rounds Prerequisites: Souls in Harmony
equal to your Charisma modifier, the chosen ally gains Benefit: The character adds ½ of his levels in all other
fast healing 5. classes to the level of the class from which he is creating
the necros to determine necromant level. Any class levels
SAVAGE RAGE [GRAFT] that already increase necromant level for the class from
Prerequisites: One or more arm grafts, Power Attack which he is creating the necros from are ignored.
Benefit: You may make a coup-de-grace against any
creature, including those immune to critical hits, as a SOULS IN HARMONY [NECRO]
standard action. This does not provoke an attack of Prerequisites: Ability to create necros from two different
opportunity. Creatures slain by this attack provide the classes.
fleshgrafter with a number of temporary corpuscles Benefit: The character can use grave tokens points from
equal to ½ the slain creature's hit dice. These can be all of his classes to pay for necros cast from any one class.
invested immediately, and last for one minute.
SERVITOR [GRAFT] Prerequisites: Grave token pool
Prerequisites: Hosting at least 1 graft, Knowledge Benefit: Each time you kill an enemy using a necros,
(Religion) 4 necromantic companion, or class ability from a
Benefit: Having others who can do work the fleshgrafter necromantic class, you regain one grave token. This
does not want to do can make for an easier division of cannot push you past your normal weekly maximum,
labor. Each day, each necromantic companion the and you can only regain a maximum number of points
fleshgrafter has can cast a single necros as if he was the equal to your primary necromantic ability modifier in a
fleshgrafter. This uses the fleshgrafter's necromant level, week.
grave token pool, feats, class features, and all other
Prerequisites: Legion Mind class feature
SHATTER THE SOUL [GRAFT] Benefit: You may treat your charisma modifier as 1
Prerequisites: 3 or more grafts, BAB +3 higher for the purposes of the Legion Mind class feature.
Benefit: The fleshgrafter is well aware of the mystical Special: You can take this feat multiple times.
connection between soul and body. And how to destroy
it. Any time you successfully strike an opponent, that UNDEAD ATTUNEMENT [GRAFT]
opponent must make a Fortitude save against a DC of 10 Prerequisites: Hosting at least 1 undead graft
+ ½ the highest level graft affecting the fleshgrafter + his Benefit: For a number of rounds equal to your
Con mod or be unable to use any supernatural ability for Constitution modifier, you can ignore the penalty from
one round. If an opponent successfully saves against this a single undead graft. These rounds do not need to be
ability, he cannot be disrupted again for one minute. used consecutively. The limit resets daily.


Prerequisites: Seal the Breach class feature Prerequisites: Hosting at least 3 undead grafts, Undead
Benefit: You may now use this ability once per Attunement
encounter. Benefit: For a number of rounds equal to your
Constitution modifier, you can ignore the penalty from
SOULS CONJOINED [NECRO] all undead grafts. These rounds do not need to be used
Prerequisites: Souls Enmeshed consecutively. The limit resets daily.

UNDEATH BREAKER then this bonus increases to 3d6. This lasts for the
Your knowledge of undead nature allows you to deal duration of the encounter. The fleshgrafter can use this
extra damage to or even cripple such foes. ability once per encounter upon a single creature.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +2, Boncyff
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against
Blade and graft in harmony.
creatures with the undead type (including living
Prerequisites: Two graft feats, 3 or more grafts, base
undead). If you roll a critical threat against an undead,
attack bonus +3.
you can forego the confirmation roll to make another
Benefit: You have melded your grafts into your combat
attack roll using the same modifier. If this second attack
style, and the blend offers you new options in combat.
also hits and deals at least 1 point of damage, the undead
Unbalanced Form: Whenever you take a full attack action,
must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your
one of those attacks may be a touch attack graft. You
character level + your Con modifier) or be rendered
must declare which attack will be the touch attack before
immobile and helpless for 1 round (as if it had been
you roll.
Vicious Riposte: Whenever you have the chance to take an
UNDYING BRUTE attack of opportunity, you may instead attack that
Your extensive training with two-handed weapons is creature with a touch attack graft. This still uses up your
revealed through brutally effective tactics. attack of opportunity for the round.
Prerequisites: Power Attack, Str 13, base attack bonus Acquired Reactions: Amongst your grafts, there is a swift
+3, Boncyff creature or two, and you gain a bonus against touch
Benefit: Undying Brute enables the use of three tactical attacks equal to the number of grafts affecting you.
Combat Momentum: If you deal damage to a foe with a
Prerequisites: Casglwyr race
charge attack made with a two-handed weapon and that
Benefit: There are little tips and tricks that accumulate
opponent then fails to hit you before your next turn, you
over the years, and Casglwyr have a great deal of racial
gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that opponent on
knowledge. Once per day per three character levels as an
your next turn.
action taking one minute, the Casglwyr can reallocate all
Dispatch the Fallen: If you successfully bull rush or
invested corpuscles as if it was the beginning of the day.
overrun a foe, any melee attack you make against that
foe with a two-handed weapon on your next turn gains WIDENED KNOWLEDGE [NECRO]
a +4 bonus on damage rolls. Prerequisites: Ability to create necros
Frenzied Attack: If you hit a foe with a two-handed Benefit: You may now treat one of your Minor Veins as
weapon at least once on two consecutive turns during a Major Vein instead. This does not give you extra necros
which you use the Power Attack feat (taking at least a -2 known.
penalty on attack rolls), you gain a +2 bonus on all attack Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time
rolls you make with that weapon against the same foe you take the feat after the first time, you may choose a
for the rest of the round. different Minor Vein.
Prerequisites: Heal 6
Benefit: A fleshgrafter knows the mannerisms of the Sometimes, characters don’t always follow the normal
flesh all too well, and even in unfamiliar form, he can paths available to them, preferring to follow a road
spot the ways in which it might move. By making a DC uniquely their own. Whether this is because of an
15 Heal check against a living creature within 60 feet to accident of birth or because they come from a dwarven
whom he has line of sight, the fleshgrafter can grant all clan with a different heritage than those around them,
allies who can hear him a bonus to weapon damage rolls that PC does not have a normal start in life.
made against the target creature equal to 1d6 points of
damage. If the fleshgrafter succeeds on his Heal check by This section provides alternative class features for
10 or more, then this bonus increases to 2d6. If the standard classes from Stone & Symbol and other sources.
fleshgrafter succeeds on his Heal check by 20 or more, Alternative class features replace class features found in

the original class description. If you have already Inspire Runes: A dwarven bard with 9 or more ranks in
reached or passed the level at which you can take the a Perform skill can use song or poetics to inspire the
feature, you can use the retraining option described in runecarving ability of his allies (including himself),
Player's Handbook II to gain an alternative class feature in bolstering their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally
place of a standard feature gained at that level. must be able to hear the dwarven bard sing. The effect
lasts for as long as the ally hears the dwarven bard sing
DWARVEN BARD and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a
Found primarily amongst the Athaghoel and the +1 morale bonus on runecarving level that affects all
Tokunnir, bards with a dwarven background are trained existing carved runes. At 9th level, and every three bard
in the oral style, using the vast memories of the dwarven levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (+2 at 9th, +3
people as the fertile ground for the stories that they spin. at 12th, +4 at 15th, and +5 at 18th). Inspire runes is a mind-
Class: Bard. affecting ability.


While the gods of the humans and the elves feel the need
Replaces: The Dwarven bard replaces his spellcasting to support their holiest of warriors, dwarven paladins
class ability with a new runecarving class ability. He can draw their powers from a different source than the
replaces his Fascinate, Suggestion, and Mass Suggestion holiest of holies.
abilities with Inspire Runes. Finally, he replaces his
Bardic Knowledge ability with Oral Tradition. Class: Paladin.

Benefit: At 1st level, the Dwarven ranger gains the Level: 1st.
abilities to carve runes and Oral Tradition. At 6th level he
Replaces: The Dwarven paladin replaces his spellcasting
gains Inspire Runes.
class ability with a new runecarving class ability. He also
Runecarving: Dwarven bard have nurtured their loses his ability to Remove Disease, and replaces it with
abilities with runes over many months and years of Blessings of the Ancient.
training, and have blended their knowledge of nature
Benefit: At 1st level, the Dwarven paladin gains the
with their knowledge of runes. They create carved runes
abilities to carve runes. At 6th level, he gains Blessings of
normally, as per the rules at the beginning of Chapter 4,
the Ancients.
with Charisma as their runecarving ability. The dwarven
bard begins play knowing two runes. He gains Runecarving: Dwarven paladins have nurtured their
knowledge of a new rune at these levels: 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, abilities with runes over many months and years of
8th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 20th . The dwarven training, and have blended their knowledge of nature
bard uses the runes active table of the unlettered. with their knowledge of runes. They create carved runes
normally, as per the rules at the beginning of Chapter 4,
Oral Tradition: A dwarven bard may make a special
with Wisdom as their runecarving ability. The dwarven
Oral Tradition check (d20 + ½ character level +
paladin begins play knowing two runes. He gains
Intelligence modifier) to see whether he knows some
knowledge of a new rune at every subsequent odd level
relevant information about an item, event, or locale. This
(3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th). He may not select
check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may
Pahuus, Kaom, Mortuum, Mita, Exhu, or Kiel as runes
give a hint about its general function. A dwarven bard
known. The dwarven paladin uses the runes active table
may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of
of the runeborn.
information is essentially random. If he has a Knowledge
skill that is related to or applicable to the information he Blessings of the Ancient: With the rude good health of
seeks, he receives a +1 bonus on the Oral Tradition check most dwarves, there is much less need for dwarven
for every 5 ranks he has in that Knowledge skill. The DM paladins to worry about disease, and so they have
determines the Difficulty Class of the check by referring turned their talents to other ends. Whenever a dwarven
to Table 1-2: Oral Tradition. This counts as bardic paladin is under the effect of a carved rune, he may
knowledge for all prerequisites. choose to project the benefits of that carved rune as an
aura 30 ft. in diameter centered on himself. Any carved

rune projected in this way has its runecarving level Enduring Rage: At 6th level, the duration of a runic
reduced by 4. If this makes the carved rune no longer berserker's rage changes to 6 rounds + 2 rounds per point
valid, the projection fails. He may project a single carved of Constitution modifier.
rune at 6th level, a second at 12th, and a third at 18th.
Permanent Rage: At 12th level, the duration of a runic
Allied creatures gain the benefits of the projected carved
berserker's rage changes to 3 minutes + 1 minute per
rune when they enter the area, and lose the benefits
point of Constitution modifier.
immediately when they exit the area.
Many dwarves who go out into the depths of the world
The tradition of the battlerager has a long and storied
and act as the tripwire of first warning for their
history in dwarven clans, with a number of military
kingdoms are rangers, but rangers of a primarily
units and families devoting themselves completely to the
dwarven tradition.
tradition, passing it down from father to son. It is hardly
surprising that some of those who do so would seek to Class: Ranger.
combine another great dwarven tradition, that of
runecarving, into their battlerage. Level: 1st.

Class: Runecarver. Replaces: The runic ranger replaces his spellcasting class
ability with a new runecarving class ability. He also loses
Level: 1st. his Animal Companion ability and gains Bounty of
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain
your normal runecarving ability, Enduring Lithography, Benefit: At 1st level, the runic ranger gains the abilities
and Permanent Lithography. to carve runes, and at 4th level, gains Bounty of Nature.
Benefit: The runecarver gains a number of benefits from Runecarving: Runic rangers have nurtured their abilities
selecting this ability. with runes over many months and years of training, and
have blended their knowledge of nature with their
Hit Dice: The runecarver’s hit dice are increased to d12.
knowledge of runes. They create carved runes normally,
Base Attack Bonus: The runecarver’s base attack bonus as per the rules at the beginning of Chapter 4, with
increases to +1 per level (as per barbarian). Wisdom as their runecarving ability. The dwarven
ranger begins play knowing two runes. He gains
Runecarving: Runic berserkers do not carve runes like a
knowledge of a new rune at every subsequent odd level
traditional runecarver. Rather, they channel them as part
(3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th). The runic ranger
of their rage and fury. When they enter a rage, they can
uses the runes active table of the runecarver.
carve up to their maximum number of runes active as
part of the action of entering a rage, receiving a bonus on Bounty of Nature: As somewhat solitary, or at least
the Craft check equal to the bonus to Strength the rage gruff, creatures, runic rangers spent many days roaming
grants them. When the rage ends, they lose the benefit of the wilderness alone, and have learned how to keep
their carved runes. themselves at least somewhat healthy at all times. From
4th level onwards, while under the effect of one or more
Rage: The runic berserker can rage, as per the barbarian
carved runes, they gain fast healing equal to 1 for each
ability of the same name, a number of times per day as
carved rune affecting them, but only at or below one-half
he can have runes active (so 1 at 1st, 2 at 4th, 3 at 8th, and
of their full normal hit points. They also heal any ability
so on). At 8th level, the benefits granted by rage increase
damage, drain, or burn at twice the natural rate while
by +2, and a further +2 at 14th and 20th, to a maximum of
under the effect of one or more carved runes.
+10. Unlike a normal barbarian's rage, the runic
berserker does not lose the ability to use his skills, items, RUNIC ROGUE
or any other ability as part of being in a rage. Within certain societies there are traditions of
runecarving, descended from thieves’ cants and other
hidden languages. Traditions of non-dwarven
runecarving were invented in those dens and iniquity,

and passed down from generation to generation inside Disrupting Strike: The defenses of an enemy are
certain guilds. sometimes ripe to be ripped aside. Once per day per two
class levels, the runic rogue can attempt to disrupt a
Class: Rogue.
single supernatural ability of a target. They must declare
Level: 1st. they are making a Disrupting Strike before attempting to
sneak attack the target, and the use is lost if the sneak
Replaces: The runic rogue replaces his trap sense class attack misses. If the sneak attack hits, the target must
ability with a new runecarving class ability. He also make a Will save against a DC of 10 + ½ class level + his
gains Disrupting Strike at 2nd level. Charisma modifier, or lose access to his supernatural
ability for one full round. The runic rogue chooses which
Benefit: At 1st level, the runic rogue gains the abilities to
supernatural ability as part of declaring his Disrupting
carve runes, and at 2nd level gains Disrupting Strike.
Strike. He may not use this ability more than once a
Runecarving: Unlike a traditional runecarver, a runic round.
rogue does not carve runes in the normal way. Instead,
he quickly sketches vague shapes that are meant to TWINBORN
represent a concept onto an object. But unlike the precise A very few of the runeborn are blessed with two runes
nature of a runecarver or runeborn, his shapes do not scored into their soul, rather than one. These runes
grasp and hold the magic firmly, conveying exactly what always have a connection to one another, usually very
he wants, leaving him somewhat at the mercy of fate. closely tied together, but such is not entirely surprising
Whenever a runic rogue attempts to carve a rune, he in the traditional world of the dwarves.
chooses the two runes he wishes use to create a carved Class: Runeborn.
rune, then rolls a 1d6 twice, taking the results from Table
2-4: Unlettered Rune Creation. For the two runes he was Level: 1st.
given as a result from Table 2-4, he then rolls another 1d6
Replaces: The Twinborn replaces his Runes Known
each to determine the rune effect, rerolling any 6s or rune
column with his Runes Active column (in effect, he loses
effects that are too high for his runecarving level. 1 is the
5 runes known over the course of the class).
First Symbol, 2 is the second Symbol, and so on. The
runic rogue’s method of creating a rune is much faster Benefit: At 1st level, the Twinborn selects a second
than normal, and takes only a full-round action, and a inherent rune. The second inherent rune can be one of
Craft check that is half the normal DC. However, runes two, based on his first inherent rune, as listed on Table
created by a runic rogue only last for one hour, instead 3-3: Twinborn below, and otherwise follows all rules that
of one day. A runic rogue's runecarving level is equal to apply to inherent runes.
his class level, and he uses Charisma as his primary
ability modifier. The runic rogue uses the runes active
table of the unlettered.

Table 3-3: Twinborn

Twinborn Rune Twinborn Rune

1st Inherent Rune Option #1 Option #2
Lujuus (Strength) Sterkur Terveys
Sterkur (Toughness) Linna Exhu
Kolo (Earth) Kivi Rauta
Linna (Fortress) Kolo Lujuus
Kunnon (Good) Ertaa Kaom
Pahuus (Evil) Kaom Ertaa
Ertaa (Law) Kunnon Pahuus
Kaom (Chaos) Pahuus Kunnon
Terveys (Health) Livet Sinn

Rauta (Steel) Risti Kolo
Kivi (Stone) Kolo Linna
Lage (Create) Sigu Xosha
Kiel (Negate) Mita Exhu
Rore (Move) Kaom Kerta
Livet (Life) Terveys Linna
Sinn (Mind) Tenkt Haamu
Tenkt (Thought) Sinn Haamu
Risti (Sharp) Rauta Lujuus
Haamu (Vision) Sinn Tenkt
Kerta (Time) Mortuum Kolo
Sigu (Shape) Lage Kiel
Mortuum (Death) Kerta Pahuus
Xosha (Fire) Lage Sigu
Mita (Weakness) Mortuum Kiel
Exhu (Hatred) Pahuus Mita
Ingan (Lore) Kerta Lage
Aum (Magic) Belxa Ithi
Belxa (Prayer) Aum Queta
Queta (Deep) Kolo Kivi
Ithi (Mechanism) Xosha Lage

under the protection of his carved runes forever, without
the periods of weakness and exhaustion that
characterize other magical types. This ongoing
durability is the core of the runecarver’s strength, and
allows him to endure through situations others would
find too terrible to try.

Runes are the known sources of power for a runecarving

class, and like spells, they possess common factors as
Runes are a long-lasting form of magic born from well. All runes and their effects are considered
trapping the magic imbued in the earth itself into supernatural abilities, and remain active upon the
structured forms designed and bound about by runecarver or the affected target until dismissed. Only
complicated and delicate runic designs, each one the runecarver can dismiss a carved rune, and he may do
representing a concept towards which a given carved so at any time as a full-round action, cancelling all
rune channels the energy bound within it. Those ongoing effects of the rune as part of that action.
concepts imbue powers related to themselves into the
Runecarving level is the measuring stick for the power
wielder of the arms and armor upon which runes are
of the runecarver, and in many ways corresponds to
most often carved.
caster level, although certainly not in all. Runecarving
Runes last for a set period of time, usually measured in level is generally determined from the total levels in
hours or days, but this can extend as characters gain runecarving classes that the character possess, although
levels, until the longest of the runes does not ever fail, certain modifiers may alter that. There are also classes
lasting as long as the carver of the rune desires. with alternate methods of rune creation, different than
those described below. Their method of determining
The power of runes grows by steps as the runecarver level will be described in the class. Regardless of method,
gains in experience, with carved runes strengthening
the runecarving level determines the duration and
every four levels of power that a given runecarver has.
strength of the effect, and is a universal constant,
In addition, as the runecarver adventures further down
whichever creation method is chosen.
the path of runic magic, he unlocks stronger powers
hidden within the runes, spreading the breadth of his A runecarver's knowledge and strength of spirit is not
abilities ever wider. unlimited, and the number of carved runes that he have
active in a given time period is restricted. A runecarver
Like all forms of magic, there are some restrictions upon can have a total number of carved runes active equal to
the carving of runes, for the process of engraving a rune
one, plus one for every four runecarving levels. Any time
into an appropriate surface requires intense focus and
he creates a carved rune which would take him above
willpower to ensure that the magic is bound in the right
the limit, he has the option of either cancelling an
way. Doing so requires a lengthy creation process, one existing carved rune, or letting the new carved rune fail.
that requires the most expert of hands to ensure that the
rune is carved in the exact form necessary. A runecarver is a dwarf of purpose, but even that
purpose cannot last indefinitely. All of his runes have a
Nor is the capacity of the runecarver to command the duration of one day. Certain rune combinations may
runes unlimited. While it does improve as his skill
have a number of uses inherent in them, and when those
grows, he will always find himself having to choose
uses are all expended and the duration of their effects
between keeping older runes and carving newer ones,
have been completed, the rune is considered to be
rather than simply covering himself in runes willy-nilly. dismissed. There are also classes with different rune
That being said, the runecarver is also not affected by the durations than those described here, but these are the
need to rest and study in order to recharge his magical defaults.
energies, and can carve a rune at any time and place the
mood takes him. This gives him the ability to remain

Finally, the DC of a save against a rune created effect is the appropriate object. The item must be worn or carried
10 + ½ total rune level + the runecarver's primary ability in hand to gain the benefits from it. Some few may have
modifier. The runecarver needs to have a primary ability uses that need to be activated by touching the rune, and
score equal to or greater than ten + ½ the rune effect level this is a free action. Only one carved rune may exist on
in order to carve it. an object at a time. Only one copy of a given rune effect
may be active on the same creature or item at the same

As with all forms of magical energy, there is also a cost

of time to be paid during the formation and creation of a
rune. For runes, given their inherently longer natures Some readers may find that they better understand the
than other forms of magic, this time cost can be rules described above when laid out more simply, and
considerable. A rune takes ten minutes to carve, so this addendum defines the terms for easy reference.
regardless of surface, unless otherwise specified or
Runecarving Level: The total level in all runecarving
classes, counting as one runecarving base class and any
During the carving of the runes, the runecarver lays prestige classes, feats, and other abilities that increase
down complicated and complex designs that help that.
control and guide the energy in the proper direction, and Rune: A collection of five rune effects, centered around a
to the correct effect. This is a difficult task, requiring the single theme.
merging of two or more runes into a single, seamless, Rune Effect: One of five effects on each rune. Two or more
whole. These runes need to be formed with a Craft check, of these effects are chosen when creating a carved or
and the DC for that check is 10 + the total carved rune graven rune. Each rune effect has a given level, shown in
level. If the check is failed, creation of the rune fails. parenthesis. This is also known as a Rune Symbol, in
which case the First Symbol is the lowest level effect, the
Each rune has five separate effects, each possessing a
Second Symbol the next highest, until the Fifth Symbol,
rune effect level, denoted by a number in parenthesis
which is the highest level effect.
next to the name of the effect. This is the minimum
Carved or Graven Rune: A rune that has been created by a
runecarving level necessary in order for that effect to be
runecarving class on an item, and possessing a number
used. Total carved rune level is determined by adding
of rune effects and a runecarving level.
up each of numbers next to the chosen effects, and then
Maximum Carved Runes Active: One, increasing by one at
subtracting 1. This subtraction allows runes to be used at
4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th.
first level. The total rune effect level cannot be greater
Every Four Levels: Where a rune says “for every four
than the runecarver’s runecarving level.
runecarving levels”, the benefits are gained/increased at
When carving a rune, a minimum of two separate effects runecarving levels 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, etc.
must be used in order for a carved rune to take effect. It Every Eight Levels: Where a rune says “for every eight
is impossible to create a functional carved rune that runecarving levels”, the benefits are gained/increased at
includes only one rune. There is no upper limit on the runecarving levels 1, 8, 16, 24, 32, etc.
number of runes effects that can be used to create a single Runecarving Time: 10 minutes.
effect, so if a player wished to use all twenty of his level Runecarving DC: Craft check of 10 + total carved rune
1 rune effects, it would be possible to do so. However, level.
each rune can only contribute one rune effect to the Total Carved Rune Level: The total value of all rune effects
overall carved rune that is being created. chosen for a single carved rune added together minus 1.
Minimum Rune Effect Level: The number given in
Runes are carved upon a single item. Unless stated parenthesis next to a rune effect, and the first level at
otherwise, they are always active, affecting either the which they can be used.
item they have been created upon, or the person Rune Duration: 1 day, unless defined otherwise. Please
wielding the item. It is sometimes possible for a carved note that if using the final effect of a rune, the rune ends
rune to have effects that target both the held item and the after the effect duration concludes, not when the final
person doing the holding. In this case, each effect targets effect is used.

Effect Duration: Defined in the rune effect of any rune that The only aspects of spellcasting that interacts with runic
has one. magic are spells or effects that detects magic (such as
Carved Rune Target: The item upon which a rune is detect magic). They will also detect information about
carved, unless the rules state otherwise at the end of its runes, including their number and strength (based on
creation. total carved rune level). Runes have no school, so a
Effect Target: The creature holding or wearing the item Spellcraft check grants no additional knowledge.
with the carved rune upon it, unless stated otherwise.
Stacking Effects: Two bonuses of the same type don’t
Difficulty Class: 10 + ½ total carved rune level + the
stack even if they come from different runes, or one from
runecarver's primary ability modifier.
a ritual and one from a spell. For example, the Lage rune
and Greater Magic Weapon both provide an enhancement
bonus to the player’s weapon, so the two enhancement
Craioach Skullbreaker is a 3rd-level Tokunnir runecarver. bonuses don’t stack; only the higher bonus applies.
As a 3rd-level runecarver, he can be under the effect of a
Different Bonus Types: The bonuses or penalties from two
single carved rune at a time, with a total carved rune
different runes, or a ritual and a spell, stack if the effects
level of 3.
are of different types. For example, the Shield spell
As he and his allies are about to head into sustained provides a +4 shield bonus to AC. A character under the
combat, Craioach spends the 10 minutes necessary to influence of a Shield spell and the First Symbol of Linna,
carve a rune combining the First Symbols of Sterkur, which provides an untyped bonus of +2 per four
Lujuus, Linna, and Livet into his shield, successfully runecarving levels, has a total bonus to AC of +6 from
passing the DC 13 Craft check. Shield plus that granted by Linna’s First Symbol, because
the two different bonus types stack. A bonus that isn’t
This gives Craioach a total benefit of +4 Strength, +12 named (just a “+2 bonus” rather than a “+2 enhancement
maximum hit points, +2 shield armor class, damage bonus”) stacks with any bonus.
reduction of 2/-, and 5 temporary hit points per round,
making him a brutal, if somewhat slow, combatant. Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths: In cases
where two or more similar or identical spell, power, or
Now under the effect of a single carved rune, when the rune effects are operating on the same character, but at
party encounters a mob of orcs later that day, Craioach different strengths, only the best one applies. For
happily wades in, taking hits that would have made his example, the Vampiric Touch spell and Livet’s First
allies crumble. Symbol both provide temporary hit points; a character
Twenty-four hours later, Craioach’s carved rune has run with both effects active would have only the higher
its daylong course, and he can choose a new rune to number of temporary hit points, negating the other
carve. He could have dismissed it earlier, but as the party effect. If two carved runes both apply the same effect and
camped in enemy territory, he left his carved rune active one of these carved runes is somehow negated, the other
on his shield. carved rune remains in effect (assuming it is still active).
Regardless, two of the same rune effect can’t be carved
so that they affect the same character simultaneously.

Runic magic does not resemble spellcasting, and does

not interact with magic the same way that more closely
tied systems such as psionics do. As a result, there is no FIRST SYMBOL RUNE EFFECTS
transparency between runic magic and traditional Aum – Gain spell resistance
spellcasting. Spell resistance does not function against Belxa – Gain granted power of a single domain
runes, and nor does dispelling or any other forms of Ertaa - +4 bonus to knowledge, spot, and search
magic disruption. Even dead magic zones will not affect Exhu – Gain favored enemy
runes, for a runecarver has bound the energy of the earth Haamu – Gain darkvision
itself into his runes, and magic and the weave are Ingan – Gain inspire confidence
unrelated concepts. Ithi – Can use class-restricted magic items

Kaom - +4 bonus to tumble, escape artist, disable device, Queta – Bonus on attack rolls when defending a
hide and sleight of hand community, cast personal cavern
Kerta - +4 insight bonus to attack rolls against any Rauta – Free sunder attempts
creature who has wounded an ally Risti – Doubled weapon threat range
Kiel - All enemies within 5 ft. per eight runecarving Rore – Gain burrow speed
levels take a -1 penalty to all dice rolls Sigu – Immunity to transmutation and shapechange
Kivi – Dazzle enemies, cast soften earth and stone Sinn – +2 to one mental stat
Kolo - +4 to balance and climb checks, immune to Sterkur – +2 to natural armor
overrun, trip, and can set vs a charge Tenkt – Become telepathic
Kunnon – Ward area, area provides bonuses to allies Terveys – Immunity to sickening, nauseating, poison,
Lage – Call arms and armor and disease
Linna – Armor class bonus, damage reduction Xosha – Limited flight
Livet - Temporary hit points every round
Mita – Take penalty now for benefits later Aum – Reflect spell
Mortuum – Attack and damage bonus against undead Belxa – Boost divine caster level
Pahuus – Ward area, area provides bonuses to allies Ertaa – Spell resistance against Chaos and Neutral
Queta – Ignore concealment, cast darkness Exhu – Pinpoint favored enemies
Rauta – Attack and damage bonus Haamu – See world as a map
Risti – Ignore damage reduction Ingan – Understand locale perfectly
Rore – Increased movement speed Ithi – Apply metamagic feats to spellcasting items
Sigu - +2 Constitution Kaom – Randomly retarget spells targeted at you
Sinn - +2 to all Intelligence based skill checks Kerta – +2 bonus on any one roll
Sterkur – Increase maximum hit points Kiel – Strength damage to those who hit you
Tenkt – Struck enemies must save or be dazed Kivi – Create stone pillars
Terveys – Heal ally Kolo – Immobilize struck foe
Xosha – Fire damage Kunnon – Spell resistance against Evil
Lage – Reallocate enhancement bonuses of an item
SECOND SYMBOL RUNE EFFECTS Linna – Cast wall of stone
Aum – Cast 1st level arcane spell Livet – Automatically heal self when low on hit points
Belxa – Cast 2nd level divine spell Lujuus – +6 bonus to strength checks, trips, bull rushes,
Ertaa - d20 becomes 11 overruns, and strength-based skills
Exhu – Damage reduction against favored enemy Mita – Gain bonus on next roll after failure
Haamu – Struck creatures must save or go blind Mortuum – Commune with ancestors
Ingan – Knowledge bonus, Knowledge Devotion feat Pahuus – Area damage and spell resistance reduction
Ithi – Use magic items as a swift action Queta – Cast spells with Darkness descriptor
Kaom – Add or subtract d6 from d20 rolls Rauta – Cast Blade Guardian
Kerta – Haste touched creature Risti – Weapon feats apply to all weapons, ignore
Kiel – Make check to negate a single attack surprise rounds
Kivi – Stone tell, bonus to Craft checks Rore – Teleport to marked location
Kolo – Climb speed, Survival bonus Sigu – Immunity to sneak attacks and critical hits,
Kunnon – Redirect attacks to target self transmute mud to rock/rock to mud
Lage – Fabricate Sinn – Cast Mental History or Lithic Embrace
Linna – Bonus to reach Sterkur – Reroll failed Fortitude saves
Livet – Immune to ability damage and drain Tenkt – Fascinate in area
Lujuus – Use larger weapons Terveys – Fast healing
Mita – Attacks deal Strength damage Xosha – Cast wall of fire
Mortuum – Immunity to negative energy effects, and
level drain
Pahuus – Attacks deal stat penalties Aum – Ignore 1st to 3rd level arcane spells

Belxa – Struck creatures must save or lose divine Kolo – Survive death, meld into stone
spellcasting Kunnon – Gain DR 15/evil, Good subtype, evil bane
Ertaa – Struck creature must save or be imprisoned Lage – Summon earth elemental or golem
Exhu – Spells cast by favored enemy rebound on caster Linna – Create fortress
Haamu – Invisibility, hiding, concealment and lying Livet – Double hit points, saves
impossible in area around runecarver Lujuus – Increase in size, strength, gain giant hammer
Ingan – Cast Knowledge Domain spells Mita – Area of effect 3d6 dexterity damage
Ithi – Item usage does not use charges Mortuum – Undead traits, touch attack save or die
Kaom – Ignore planar effects, dimension door Pahuus – Gain DR 15/good, Evil subtype, good bane
Kerta – Cast time stop Queta – Gain stone guardian cohort
Kiel – Successful attack dispels magic Rauta – Iron body
Kivi – Spike stones, damage reduction in area Risti – All attacks are critical hits
Kolo – Gain tremorsense Rore – Teleport to multiple locations at will
Kunnon – Attack bonus, half damage taken, heal ally Sigu – Struck targets affected by flesh to stone
Lage – Create any item Sinn – Immune to all mind-affecting, bonus to mental
Linna – Attacks can only do a max of 25% of target’s stats, touch attack dealing mental ability damage
health Sterkur – Damage reduction, auto-succeed on saves,
Livet – Raise dead, restoration ignore death until -75 hit points
Lujuus – Knock enemies prone on successful attack Tenkt – Become incorporeal, teleport as swift action
Mita – Destroy non-magical buildings Terveys – Return to life from death
Mortuum – Halve movement, base attack bonus, Xosha – Immunity to fire damage, fire retaliation, fireball
damage and damage reduction of struck creature as swift action
Pahuus – Gain claw/claw/bite, heal from natural
Queta – Gain deepborn template, underearth warrior
feat The runes available to characters are described below.
Rauta – Negate enemy attacks The description of each rune is presented in a standard
Risti – Struck enemy must save or die format, and the runes are presented in alphabetical order
Rore – Travel to Ethereal plane by rune name.
Sigu – Alter self AUM (MAGIC)
Sinn – Negate mind-affecting spells First Symbol (1): Dwarves have long had a difficult
Sterkur – Reroll failed Will saves relationship with the ways of magic, and some have
Tenkt – Deal Intelligence damage begun to reject them altogether. The rune’s target gains
Terveys – Cast spells from Healing subschool spell resistance of 8 + runecarving level. If combined
Xosha – Enhance magical items with an effect from the Mortuum rune, increase the spell
Aum – Learn high level wizard spells Second Symbol (3): There have been moments in the
Belxa – Learn high level cleric spells history of the dwarves where magic was a tool, one they
Ertaa – Gain DR 15/chaos, Lawful subtype, chaos bane found useful. The rune’s target gains the ability to cast a
Exhu – Save or die attacks against favored enemy single 1st level arcane spell, selected when the rune is
Haamu – True seeing, greater scrying created by the runecarver and drawn from the wizard
Ingan – Learn special qualities, vulnerabilities, and list, once every 5 rounds. He uses the runecarving level
resistances of all creatures of the rune’s carver as the caster level, and the
Ithi – Call expensive magical item runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s creator as the
Kaom – Gain DR 15/law, Chaotic subtype, law bane ability modifier for the spell. Every four runecarving
Kerta – Ignore, negate, effects levels, the rune’s target can choose one extra spell
Kiel – Creatures striking target gain negative levels known.
Kivi – Become construct, grow larger, gain damage

Third Symbol (7): Magic is something that is better Third Symbol (9): Runecarvers and priests have long
rejected, rather than relied upon. As an immediate been entwined in the religious and societal world of the
action, the rune’s target can make an attack roll at his dwarves, often complimenting one another. The rune’s
highest base attack bonus when targeted by a spell. His target increases his divine caster level by +1. It increases
attack roll is opposed by a caster level check from the by a further +1 for every four runecarving levels. When
spell's creator. If his attack roll is higher, the spell is combined with an effect from the Exhu rune, increase the
reflected at its creator. If combined with an effect from caster level by a further +2 against the chosen favored
the Ingan rune, he gains a +4 bonus on his attack roll. enemy.

Fourth Symbol (11): Long ago, a refusal of magic was Fourth Symbol (11): Shamans and spiritual guidance
infused within the nature of the dwarves. The rune’s can help sway the battle, be it for the dwarves or their
target ignores the effects of any arcane spell of 1st, 2nd, or foes. When the rune’s target strikes a divine caster, that
3rd level. For every four runecarving levels, increase the caster must make a Will save or lose their connection to
maximum spell level ignored by 1. their god for one round. This prevents them from casting
any divine spells or using any supernatural class abilities
Fifth Symbol (15): The use of the arcane is a tricky
granted by a divine casting class.
business, but there are times when even a dwarf must let
his longstanding prejudice step to the side. The rune’s Fifth Symbol (15): The ages of the dwarves have been
target learns 3 wizard spells each of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and marked by a depth of belief, a solidity of purpose, that
7th levels, and may cast each spell known once. He uses the runecarvers have long appreciated. The rune’s target
the runecarving level of the rune’s carver as the caster learns 3 cleric spells each of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th levels,
level, and the runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s and may cast each spell known once. He uses the
creator as the ability modifier for the spell. He must pay runecarving level of the rune’s carver as the caster level,
any material components or other costs of that spell. If and the runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s creator
he carves this rune effect more than once in a day, the as the ability modifier for the spell. He must pay any
runecarver or anyone else wielding the targeted item material components or other costs of that spell. If he
does not gain additional spells. carves this rune effect more than once in a day, the
runecarver or anyone else wielding the targeted item
BELXA (PRAYER) does not gain additional spells.
First Symbol (1): Devotion to the concepts of their gods
has long given the dwarves strength and purpose. The ERTAA (LAW)
rune’s target gains the granted power of a single domain, First Symbol (1): Above all other things, immune even
with cleric level equal to runecarving level. Every four to the vagaries of the good or the bad, is the law. It is a
runecarving levels, he gains another granted power. perfect measure, the exact meaning of all things, defining
When combined with an effect from the Aum rune, he and enfolding the universe. Creatures with this rune
gains the magic domain's granted power. affecting them can easily recognize the patterns of life,
and gains a +4 bonus to Knowledge, Spot, and Search
Second Symbol (5): Clerics are amongst those held in
checks for every four runecarving levels, minimum of
highest regard in dwarven culture, and while in that
+4. Combined with an effect from the Haamu rune,
they are rivals with the runecarvers, both sides
opponents flanking the target of the rune do not gain a
appreciate the care of the others. The rune’s target gains
bonus on their attack rolls instead of the +2 or any other
the ability to cast a single 2nd level divine spell, selected
bonus to attack rolls they would get.
when the rune is created by the runecarver and drawn
from the cleric list, once every 5 rounds. He uses the Second Symbol (3): Law smooths the passage of all
runecarving level of the rune’s carver as the caster level, things, forcing each into an easy and well-known
and the runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s creator pattern. Whenever the rune’s target would roll a d20,
as the ability modifier for the spell. Every four instead replace that roll with an 11.
runecarving levels, the rune’s target can choose one extra
Third Symbol (8): Shielded by the power of the law,
spell known.
there are few things that can affect such a creature, for to
do so would be to disrupt the natural order. The rune’s

target gains spell resistance equal to 13 + runecarving Increase the distance by 30 feet every four runecarving
level against all spells cast by a chaotic creature, and 10 levels. When combined with an effect from the Haamu
+ runecarving level against spells cast by a law-chaos rune, it allows him to see invisible and hidden creatures
neutral creature. It has no spell resistance against spells of the chosen type.
cast by a lawful creature.
Fourth Symbol (11): The highest mark of anger is to kill
Fourth Symbol (13): Those of the strongest power in law a foe with its own weapon. Choose a favored enemy (as
may bind a creature under the law, freezing them to the per the ranger). Whenever the rune’s target successfully
ground. Any creature struck by an item affected by the saves against a spell, spell-like, or supernatural ability
rune must make a Fortitude save or be imprisoned for one from a creature of that type, the effect rebounds and
round, as per the spell. This can only affect one creature strikes the casting creature. If the effect targets multiple
per round. When combined with an effect from the Kerta creatures, it affects those other than the rune’s target
rune, the imprisonment lasts for two rounds. normally.

Fifth Symbol (15): A stern and implacable creature, the Fifth Symbol (15): Only when the despised foe of the
target gains DR 15/chaos, the Lawful subtype, and any runecarving is a corpse beneath his boot does relief come
weapon or armor (including shields) he wields gains a at last. Choose a favored enemy (as per the ranger). The
+5 enhancement bonus and a +2d6 damage bonus first attack of each round is a Fortitude save or die
against chaotic creatures. against the chosen creature type. For each of the chosen
creature type killed in this way, the rune’s target gains a
EXHU (HATRED) +1 bonus to all rolls for one minute. This bonus stacks
First Symbol (1): Some of the more radical of the with itself.
runecarvers have focused their efforts on the destruction
of the ancient enemies of their people. Choose a favored HAAMU (VISION)
enemy (as per the ranger class feature). The rune’s target First Symbol (1): Those are blessed who can see, for
gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, otherwise all the world would be blind. Thus it is
and Survival checks when using these skills against incumbent upon the runecarver that sight always be
creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on possible. He gains darkvision out to 60 ft. When
weapon damage rolls against such creatures. This bonus combined with an effect from the Linna rune, the rune’s
increases by +2 every four runecarving levels. target is immune to blindness, and gains blindsight out
to 30 ft.
Second Symbol (4): A runecarver must learn not only to
kill an enemy, but also to survive their attacks. Choose a Second Symbol (3): Understanding vision means that
favored enemy (as per the ranger). The rune’s target sometimes those who can see should not. Any creature
gains damage reduction 2/- against creatures of this struck by the rune’s target must make a Fortitude save
type. The damage reduction increases by 2 every four or go blind for 1 round.
runecarving levels. If combined with an effect from the
Third Symbol (6): Stretching from point to point and
Mita rune, the bonus also applies on saving throws
peak to peak, a web of nodes spread themselves across
against spells and effects created by that creature type.
the world, a map of infinite possibility before the
Third Symbol (7): To kill a hated enemy, a vengeful runecarver. The rune’s target can see the world from a
dwarf must first know where they are. Choose a favored top-down view, with centers of population glowing
enemy (as per the ranger). The rune’s target can sense based upon their size. He also sees all man-made paths
the presence of creatures of this type within 30 feet, as between these population centers, including waterways
well as pinpoint their exact location (distance and with heavy travel. He may regain this view by
direction) relative to him. Normal barriers and concentrating as a standard action, and his personal
obstructions do not block this supernatural ability, location is marked upon the vision. He can see ten square
allowing the rune’s target to sense the presence and miles for every four runecarving levels.
location of creatures behind doors or walls, for example.
Fourth Symbol (9): To observe the world is to
This feat does not allow him to see an invisible or hidden
understand what is happening, and why. The rune’s
creature (although he can still discern its location).
target becomes surrounded by a 20 ft. radius zone of

truthfulness, in which invisibility, hiding, concealment cast a spell until his character level is equal to the cleric
and lying are impossible. If combined with an effect from level necessary to cast a given spell.
the Siga rune, all shapechanging or polymorph effects
Fifth Symbol (13): No longer is a runecarver happy to
are cancelled when they enter the area.
simply study the ancients. Now he wishes to write his
Fifth Symbol (13): The ability to see stretches forth in an name across history as greatly as they have. The rune’s
unending turmoil, a landscape always in focus. The target automatically learns any special qualities,
rune’s target gains the effects of true seeing, and the vulnerabilities, and resistances of all creatures within 30
ability to use greater scrying at will. He uses the feet per four runecarving levels have. Vulnerabilities
runecarving level of the rune’s carver as the caster level, include anything that causes more than the normal
and the runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s creator amount of damage (such as a creature with the cold
as the ability modifier for the spell. subtype having vulnerability to fire or a crystalline
creature's susceptibility to the shatter spell). Resistances
INGAN (LORE) include any effects that reduce or negate damage and
First Symbol (1): The songs told by the ancestors live on, immunities to particular attacks. This includes
inspiring those who hear them for generations more. The resistances and vulnerabilities granted by spell effects.
rune’s target can Inspire Confidence, as per a bard of his As a swift action, the rune’s target can choose to negate
level, twice per day. He gains two more uses per day for a single resistance of a single target creature for one
every four runecarving levels. When combined with an round. Only the rune’s target treats the resistance as if it
effect from the Xosha rune, Inspire Courage loses the was not there. His allies treat the targeted creature
standard morale bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls. normally.
Instead, it grants an extra 1d6 points of fire damage for
every point of morale bonus that the Inspire Courage ITHI (MECHANISM)
ability would normally add to the attack roll. First Symbol (1): The kingdoms of the dwarves are
famous for the magical items they create and use. The
Second Symbol (3): The ages of the world have written
rune’s target can use any class-restricted magic item as if
themselves into the stone of the dwarven home, and it is
they had levels in that class equal to runecarving level. If
by studying that stone that a dwarf can begin to
combined with an effect from the Aum rune, the rune’s
understand his history. He gains a +2 bonus per four
target gains a +3 bonus to Use Magic Device per four
runecarving levels to all Knowledge checks, and gains
runecarving levels.
the benefits of the Knowledge Devotion(Complete Champion
p60) feat. Second Symbol (3): The runecarver is entirely in touch
with the world of magical items, and uses them at will.
Third Symbol (6): The lore of other nations may not be
Once every five rounds, the rune’s target can activate a
as appealing to a runecarver as their own, but they
magical item in his possession as a swift action.
acknowledge the necessity of understanding those who
surround their lands. The rune’s target chooses a single Third Symbol (7): Some dwarves are so in touch with
kingdom or similar area, and can recall the complete the creations of their forefathers that those creations
history of the locale, including number and type of respond to their touch. The rune’s target can apply any
inhabitants, geography, and other salient details. In single metamagic feat with a spell slot cost of 1 per four
addition, treat any Knowledge (Local) check concerning runecarving levels as a free action as part of casting a
that particular area as if it had a +20 bonus on the roll. spell from a magical item.

Fourth Symbol (11): The gods of the dwarves have Fourth Symbol (11): Possessed of a gentle touch, there is
gifted the runecarver with the tools needed to a chance the creations of the ancients do not crumble
understand not only history, but also what is next to under his touch. Whenever the rune’s target activates an
come. As an action taking one minute, the rune’s target item, there is a 10% chance per four runecarving levels
can cast any spell from the Knowledge domain. He uses that it does not count as a use per day, charge, or other
the runecarving level of the rune’s carver as the caster (this means that if an item would be destroyed and this
level, and the runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s ability activates, it is not). When combined with an effect
creator as the ability modifier for the spell. He cannot from the Ingan rune, increase the chance by 20%.

Fifth Symbol (15): When a runecarver has a need, the he wields gains a +5 enhancement bonus and a +2d6
dwarven ancients respond. The rune’s target calls a damage bonus against lawful creatures.
single magical item with a cost of 10,000gp per four
runecarving levels. If this item leaves the rune’s target's KERTA (TIME)
possession, it disappears. At the end of the carved rune's First Symbol (1): To a dwarf, the most important
duration, all effects created from the item disappear, measure of life itself is their family, and its honor and
along with the item itself. It may not be an expendable place in the world, earned through aeons of hard work
item, or one with charges. and often brutal combat, against enemies both above and
below. To that end, a dwarf fights to protect not only
KAOM (CHAOS) himself, but his family legacy. Whenever an ally in the
First Symbol (1): Chaos is a wild and variable thing, same encounter is below half hit points, the rune’s target
never constant, never stable, always in flux. Its nature gets an insight bonus to attack rolls against any creature
makes it a difficult power to tame, but those who have who has wounded an ally of +4 for every four
succeed. Creatures with this rune affecting them can runecarving levels, minimum of +4. When combined
easily recognize the patterns of life, and gains a +4 bonus with an effect from the Sinn rune, any ally within 10 ft.
to Tumble, Escape Artist, Disable Device, Hide and per 4 runecarving levels gains the insight bonus to attack
Sleight of Hand checks for every four runecarving levels, rolls as well.
minimum of +4. Combined with an effect from the Tenkt
Second Symbol (4): While a dwarf is usually considered
rune, the target gains a +2 bonus to attack in any round
to be a creature of long history and little change, change
in which it succeeded at a Tumble check.
comes even to the dwarven world. The rune’s target
Second Symbol (4): Chaos infects all things, boosting or gains the ability to haste a single touched creature as a
infecting them as the case may be. Whenever the rune’s standard action. The haste lasts two rounds per four
target rolls a d20, roll a d6 and randomly add or subtract runecarving levels.
that from the result of the d20 roll. Any result greater
Third Symbol (6): Other creatures speak of the impact of
than 20 is treated as a natural 20. Any result less than 1
luck upon destiny, whereas the dwarven kind believes
is treated as a natural 1.
in hard work, and in finding the right moment or the
Third Symbol (9): Magic can be scattered, tossed to the right place from which to act. The rune’s target gets a +2
winds by the powers of chaos. When the rune’s target is bonus on a single roll per hour for every four
the target of a spell or ability (including by allies), roll a runecarving levels, minimum of +2. This is increased by
1d4. On a result of 1, the spell or ability acts normally. +2 if combined with an effect from the Kivi rune. The
On any other result, it targets one other legal target rune’s target can choose to apply the bonus to the chosen
within the spell's range, determined randomly. If there roll after it knows the result of that roll.
are no other legal targets, it affects the rune’s target.
Fourth Symbol (11): Quite at home with the concepts of
Fourth Symbol (11): Lost amidst swirling worlds and the long now, a runecarver finds them occasionally to be
twisting portals, the chaotic creature is at home amongst useful. The rune’s target can time stop as a full round
any plane, any world. The rune’s target takes no action. The duration of the ability is 1 round, plus 1 for
negative effects from any plane that he is on, and while every eight runecarving levels.
he is affected by the rune, he may cast dimension door
Fifth Symbol (14): The most skilled of the runecarvers,
every 1d4 rounds. If this is combined with an effect from
those who understood time and what it wrought, could
the Rore rune, he may cast plane shift every 1d4 hours.
simply set aside the concerns of the mortal world for a
He uses the runecarving level of the rune’s carver as the
moment. The rune’s target may choose to ignore any
caster level, and the runecarving ability modifier of the
attack or effect for two rounds. When the effect finally
rune’s creator as the ability modifier for the spell.
resolves, the rune’s target has a 5% chance for every four
Fifth Symbol (15): A random and unpredictable runecarving levels of completely negating that effect.
creature, the target gains DR 15/law, the chaotic When combined with an effect from the Livet rune,
subtype, and any weapon or armor (including shields) increase the chance of the effect being negated by 10%.

KIEL (NEGATE) Second Symbol (4): Stone can speak to the creator as it
First Symbol (1): Antithetical to creation, the very is being worked, allowing him to pull from it knowledge
opposite of what would normally be, there is little that and strength. As a full round action, the rune’s target
can be done for those touched by Kiel. All enemies may speak to stone, as per the stone tell spell. In addition,
within 5 ft. take a -1 penalty to all dice rolls, minimum of they receive a +4 bonus per four runecarving levels to
-1. Increase the area by 5 ft. and the penalty by -1 every any Craft check they make involving stone.
eight runecarving levels When combined with an effect
Third Symbol (8): Stone is often the core of the
from the Haamu rune, the affected area increases to 10
runecarver's art, for it, more than any other substance,
ft. per eight runecarving levels.
bears his mark. The rune’s target can create a pillar, as
Second Symbol (5): Motions made by foes simply per fingers of rock, as a standard action. When combined
disappear into the ether, their results gone as if nothing with an effect from the Lage rune, he may create two
ever happened. Once per round as an immediate action, pillars as a standard action. He uses the runecarving
the rune’s target may completely ignore the effects of one level of the rune’s carver as the caster level, and the
attack against him. He must succeed at a level check runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s creator as the
against the initiator of the attack. He receives a +4 bonus ability modifier for the spell.
on this check if this rune was combined with a rune effect
Fourth Symbol (10): The very presence of this rune can
from the Linna rune.
warp the stone around it, calling out to it to bend and
Third Symbol (7): A ward built of the very negation of curve and sharpen against their foes. Any enemy within
existence forms itself around those with the rune, 10 ft. per four runecarving levels of the rune’s target is
binding their souls against darkness. Any creature who affected as if by spike stones. Those allies in the area are
strikes the rune’s target in melee must make a Fortitude wrapped in a soft blanket of stone, absorbing the first 5
save or take one point of Strength damage. This stacks damage of any attack that strikes them, as the rock flows
with itself. to protect the rune target’s allies.

Fourth Symbol (13): Magic is nothing more than a Fifth Symbol (13): Few have achieved the mastery of
bound together creation of energy, and like any other Vivisection and Resurrection that the runecarver have,
created structure, it can be broken apart. On any and none have incorporated it into his being in such a
successful melee strike, the rune’s target may attempt to manner. The stone binds itself with the soul of the
dispel spells on the target. Make a dispel check with a runecarving, welding itself to his body and mind. The
bonus equal to the runecarving level of this rune. If runecarving gains low-light vision, darkvision out to 60
combined with an effect from the Rore rune, the affected feet, immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms,
spells may be transferred to the striking creature at that compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects),
creature's discretion, instead of being dispelled. immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning,
disease, death effects, and necromancy effects, not
Fifth Symbol (15): Shields of nothing bind and protect subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage,
the form of the marked. Any creature who strikes the ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain,
rune’s target in melee must make a Fortitude save or take immunity to any effect that requires a fortitude save
one negative level. This stacks with itself, and the level (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless),
loss is permanent. not at risk of death from massive damage. He retains his
KIVI (STONE) Constitution score, and can be raised and resurrected.
First Symbol (1): Art is found within the stone and the He also gains DR 10/adamantium and becomes immune
rock, the swirls of their crystal cores drawing designs to all spells that allow for spell resistance. His size
more complex than any living hand. Any enemy looking increases by 1 step (as per animal growth, ignoring the
at the rune’s target is dazzled, and the rune’s target can, damage reduction and bonus to saves), and he gains two
using a full round action, cause the terrain 10 ft. around slam attacks that deal 2d10 damage as a large creature.
him to be affected as if by soften earth and stone.

KOLO (EARTH) pressing the item the rune is carved upon into the
First Symbol (1): The grains of the earth bind themselves ground as a full round action, the rune’s target can ward
into the runecarver, providing him sturdiness and an area 20 ft. in radius from the place the item touched.
balance. The target gains a +4 to Balance and Climb Any evil creature attempting to pass over the marked
checks for every four runecarving levels, minimum of area must make a Will save or be stunned for 1 round,
+4. He also becomes immune to any attempt to overrun and take 1d6 holy damage per runecarving level. Any
or trip, and can set versus a charge as an immediate allies of the rune’s target standing within the warded
action. area gain the benefit of all other rune effects combined
with this rune effect. The marked area is affected for the
Second Symbol (2): Clambering about the rock is second remaining duration of the rune. The rune’s target can
nature to the runecarver, who gains a +4 bonus to have one warded area in existence at a time.
Survival checks when underground or upon rocky
terrain, such as hills and mountains, for every four Second Symbol (3): The target has learned how to
runecarving levels, minimum of +4. He also gains a sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the collective.
climb speed equal to his walking speed. The rune’s target may use an immediate action to
redirect an attack made against an adjacent ally so that it
Third Symbol (7): Each strike from the runecarver is made against him instead. The rune’s target must be
reaches out to grab at his foe, pinning them to the within reach of the attacker (if a melee attack) or within
ground. Whenever the rune’s target successfully strikes range of the attack (if a ranged attack) in order to use this
a foe and beats their AC by 4 or more, that foe is ability. The attack roll result remains the same, but it is
immobilized, and cannot move from his current location, against the rune’s target’s AC, rather than that of his ally.
including by magical means. The foe can attack and If the redirected attack hits him, he takes an extra 50%
perform all other actions normally. This only works damage from it.
against enemies who are standing upon earth, stone, or
other rocky, natural materials. This effect lasts for 1 Third Symbol (6): Holy radiance swirls around the
round. The foe must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or take target, protecting him against evil actions. The rune’s
two Constitution damage if combined with an effect target gains spell resistance equal to 15 + runecarving
from the Kivi rune. level against all spells cast by an evil creature. When
mixed with an effect from the rune Sterkur, if the spell
Fourth Symbol (9): The earth speaks to those who can resistance stops the spell, the spell instead rebounds
stand upon it and listen, and those touched by the upon the caster. This only works on spells that target just
runecarver can do so. The rune’s target gains the rune’s target.
tremorsense with a range of 20 ft. per four runecarving
levels. If this is combined with an effect from the Haamu Fourth Symbol (13): Those of the most noble spirit are
rune, he gains a +2 bonus to attack creatures that he can affected strongly by the Kunnon rune, their self
see with both his eyes and his tremorsense. improved and made resilient. Good creatures affected by
this rune gain a +4 bonus to Wisdom, and whenever they
Fifth Symbol (12): Enshrined in the bosom of the earth, are struck by a weapon, they only take half damage. In
the runecarver is welcomed into its warmth and addition, the struck creature heals an ally an amount
protection. He may cast meld into stone at will. If he is equal to the damage he just took. That ally must be
struck by an attack that would kill him, he may attempt within 30 ft. If this is combined with an effect from the
a Fortitude with a DC equal to the damage dealt. If he Terveys rune, the target may heal the ally twice the
succeeds, he instead melds into stone and takes no damage taken.
damage. If he cannot meld into stone, the attack affects
him normally. While he is melded into stone, he gains Fifth Symbol (15): A paragon of all things good, the
fast healing 5. target gains DR 15/evil, the good subtype, and any
weapon or armor (including shields) he wields gains a
KUNNON (GOOD) +5 enhancement bonus and a +2d6 damage bonus
First Symbol (1): Runes have long marked the against evil creatures in addition to its normal abilities.
boundaries of good and holy places, protecting them
from the incursions of those who should not be there. By

LAGE (CREATE) of their size. If the rune’s target does not move or only
First Symbol (1): A rune of many forms, Lage can create takes a 5 ft. step, his reach is increased by 5 ft. for that
a bounty of useful tools for the wielder. As a full round round. If created with more than 10 runecarving levels,
action, the rune’s target can call a single item, weapon, the reach increases by 10 ft.
or armor. Weapons and armor have a +1 enhancement
Third Symbol (7): By pressing the item the rune is
bonus for every eight runecarving levels. If the rune’s
carved upon into the ground as a standard action, the
target lets go of the item, it disappears. He cannot call
rune’s target can create a wall of stone, as per the spell.
one-use or charged items. He can have one item in
Caster level is equal to his runecarving level. If combined
existence for every four runecarving levels.
with an effect from the Rauta rune, this becomes a wall of
Second Symbol (5): Building items from earth and stone iron. He can use this ability once every 1d4 hours.
is easily within the purview of the runecarver. The rune’s
Fourth Symbol (9): Walls can eventually be broken, but
target can cast the fabricate spell as a ritual taking 1 hour
walls built in the right manner will resist the deciding
to perform, and it only ever affects 1 cubic foot per level
blow for far longer. If any strike, spell, or effect would
of material.
do more than 25% of the rune target's total health, the
Third Symbol (7): Bound within the spirit of creation is damage is reduced to 25% of his total health.
the ability to modify that which already exists. When the
Fifth Symbol (12): Runes drawn upon the ground call
rune is carved upon an item, the item possessor can
into being structures and homes, giving the runecarver a
reallocate all of the enhancement bonuses on the item to
fortress to defend. The structure has a square base of 120
any others that are of the same bonus strength. Once the
ft. per side, and is 25 ft. tall. The runecarver can choose
rune expires or has been dismissed, the item returns to
to arrange the interior in whatever manner he chooses.
its permanent properties.
All of the walls are made from stone (treat hardness and
Fourth Symbol (12): The rune’s target can create any thickness as per wall of stone). Any creature inside the
magical item as if he had the appropriate item creation fortress gains the benefits of all rune effects combined
feat, can cast the appropriate spells, and has a caster level with this rune effect. If this is combined with an effect
equal to his character level. He must still pay all gold and from the Kunnon, Pahuus, Ertaa, or Kaom runes, all
experience costs required, including those that would be creatures within the fortress gain the effects of protection
required by the spells necessary for the item creation. from the opposite alignment. The benefits are as per the
spell protection from evil.
Fifth Symbol (14): A creature of stone and earth appears
before the target of the rune, bound to him and to protect LIVET (LIFE)
him for the duration of the rune. The rune’s target First Symbol (1): Wrapped in the positive glow of life,
summons an elemental with the earth subtype or golem the rune shines forth the glory of the living. Every round,
made from metal or stone, and can be any creature that the rune’s target gains 5 temporary hit points per 4
meets the requirements and has a CR equal to the target's runecarving levels. At the beginning of the rune target’s
level -2 or lower. round, any existing temporary hit points dissipate, and
he garners a new total for that round.
First Symbol (1): Walls and castles can be written into Second Symbol (3): Built of the strength of the earth and
existence, carved from the bones of the earth. Any shield the solidity of the mountain, the core of life within
or armor upon which the rune is drawn has its armor becomes resilient and fierce. The rune’s target becomes
class increased by 2 for every four runecarving levels, immune to ability damage or drain. When combined
minimum of +2. When combined with an effect from the with an effect from the Kiel rune, any enemy who strikes
Sterkur rune, the rune’s target also gains damage the rune’s target in melee and attempts to deal ability
reduction of 2/-. This stacks with any other damage damage takes hit point damage equal to the ability
reduction he might have. damage he would have dealt.

Second Symbol (4): Fortresses are great, immobile Third Symbol (6): Inscribed over the heart, Livet marks
structures, who extend their power beyond all measure the center of the creature, the place where life is most
important. When reduced below 25% of his normal hit

points, the rune’s target can, once per encounter as a Fifth Symbol (14): Legends of the mountains breath
standard action, remove all negative status effects and their strength into the rune’s target, increasing him
heal himself to half his total hit points. When combined beyond all measure. He gains a +10 bonus to Strength
with an effect from the Rore rune, the rune’s target can (this is in addition to that granted by the size increase),
teleport himself to be adjacent to an ally within 100 ft. increases in size by one category (as per animal growth,
ignoring the damage reduction and bonus to saves), and
Fourth Symbol (9): Often confused with the good and
is granted a giant hammer that deals 6d6 damage as a
the pure, Livet is not of those things, but of life itself.
one-handed large weapon.
Once every five rounds, the rune’s target can touch an
ally and affect him with either the raise dead or restoration MITA (WEAKNESS)
spells. When combined with an effect from the Linna First Symbol (1): To appear weak is to invite attack, but
rune, the touched creature also gains a +2 bonus on saves sometimes that invitation is simply a trap. The rune’s
and damage reduction of 2/- per 4 runecarving levels. target can take up to a -2 penalty to any physical statistic
These bonuses last for one round. at will. For each hour spent this way, they gain a +2
bonus to the same statistic, lasting for one minute and
Fifth Symbol (14): Arching over every tenet is the
useable as a free action. They can store a maximum
sanctity of life itself, that without the life of the
number of hours equal to their normal (unmodified)
runecarver, the rune is a dead and lifeless creation,
Constitution modifier. For every four runecarving levels,
stripped of meaning and essence. While affected by this
the rune’s target can increase the penalty and bonus by
rune effect, the rune’s target doubles his normal hit point
2. When combined with an effect from the Terveys rune,
total, and doubles his saves against any spell that would
double the duration of the bonus.
cause him physical harm (hit point damage, ability
damage, or death). Second Symbol (3): Where others would seek to cripple
a runecarver, he finds it within himself to cripple them
first. On a successful melee attack, the rune’s target deals
First Symbol (1): Strength flows from the rune's design
1 point of Strength damage, Fortitude negates. When
out into the being wearing it. The rune’s target gets a +2
combined with an effect from the Kaom rune, he deals 1
bonus to Strength for every four runecarving levels,
point of Strength and Dexterity damage. This ability
minimum of +2. This is increased by +2 if combined with
damage stacks.
an effect from the Sterkur rune.
Third Symbol (8): Weakness can appear amongst those
Second Symbol (4): The grasp of the titan allows the
who seemed most able, most wise. But knowing your
rune’s target to wield weapons one size larger than the
own weakness beforehand can become a strength.
target normally could.
Whenever the rune’s target fails a saving throw or is hit
Third Symbol (7): Rolling boulders crash down upon by an attack, it gets a +1 bonus on the next roll it makes.
your foe, and the rune’s target gets a +6 bonus to This increases by +1 for every four runecarving levels. If
Strength checks, trips, bull rushes, overruns, and the rune’s target is hit by multiple attacks, spells, or
Strength-based skills for every four runecarving levels, effects before using a roll, he does not gain multiple
minimum of +6. This is increased by +6 if combined with bonuses.
an effect from the Kivi rune.
Fourth Symbol (11): Objects that have stood the test of
Fourth Symbol (10): The form of the giant crushes the time have, perhaps, not been tested in the right way.
puny beneath its feet. On the first attack of every round With a standard action, the rune’s target can touch a
by the rune’s target, the struck creature must make a single item, building, or stone structure (including
Reflex save or be knocked prone. For every four cavern walls and the like). Non-magical items or a 20 ft.
runecarving levels, this affects one additional attack per cube of the building or stone structure crumble into dust.
round. When combined with an effect from the Mita Magical objects get a Fortitude save to resist becoming
rune, enemy creatures adjacent to the struck creature dust.
must save with a +4 bonus or be knocked prone.
Fifth Symbol (15): Long has the expression existed “In
the land of the blind, the one-eyed dwarf is king”. And

so shall it be. Every 1d4 rounds, the rune’s target can damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity,
release a rippling wave of weakness as a standard action and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion
that affects a 60 ft. radius around him. Any creature in effects, and finally immunity to any effect that requires a
the area must make a Fortitude save or take 3d6 Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or
Dexterity damage. Any creature the rune’s target strikes is harmless).
in melee becomes exhausted.
MORTUUM (DEATH) First Symbol (1): Runes have long marked the
First Symbol (1): There are those known as the unquiet boundaries of dark and dread places, protecting them
dead, and it is incumbent upon the runecarver to return from the incursions of those who should not be there. By
them to their proper place in the order of things. The pressing the item the rune is carved upon into the
rune’s target gains a +1 bonus to attack and a +1d6 ground as a full round action, the rune’s target can ward
damage bonus for every four runecarving levels against an area 20 ft. in radius from the place the item touched.
undead creatures. Any good creature attempting to pass over the marked
area must make a Will save or be stunned for 1 round,
Second Symbol (5): When the dead walk the earth, they
and take 1d6 profane damage per runecarving level. Any
steal from the living that which they should not. The
allies of the rune’s target standing within the warded
rune’s target becomes immune to negative energy effects
area gain the benefit of all other rune effects combined
and level drain. When combined with an effect from the
with this rune effect. The marked area is affected for the
Lage rune, it grants immunity to death effects.
remaining duration of the rune. The rune’s target can
Third Symbol (7): The spirit realm of the dead contains have one warded area in existence at a time.
much that was once holy to the dwarves, and it is still
Second Symbol (3): Blending into the markings of other
held in a certain reverence today. The rune’s target may
runes, this rune curses anything that comes into contact
commune with his ancestors as a full round action, using
with it. Any creature struck by the item affected by the
the rune creator’s runecarving level as the caster level.
rune must make a Fortitude save or take a -6 penalty to
Fourth Symbol (10): The energy of death has infused an ability of the rune’s target’s choice. These penalties do
itself into the actions of the rune’s target, and he has not stack, and last for the duration of the encounter.
welcomed its presence. On a successful melee attack by
Third Symbol (6): Dark energy flows out from the rune,
the rune’s target, the struck creature must make a
blackening and cracking everything around it. All
Fortitude save or have its movement, base attack bonus,
creatures within 20 ft. of the rune’s target take a -5
damage and damage reduction reduced by half. When
penalty to their spell resistance, and 5 profane damage
combined with an effect from the Pahuus rune, the
each round they are in the area. This does not affect
struck creature also has its caster level reduced by half.
allied creatures. When mixed with an effect from the
These effects do not stack with themselves, and last for
rune Kiel, enemy creatures in the area must make a
one round.
Fortitude save or be shaken for 1 round.
Fifth Symbol (15): Fatalism is well known amongst the
Fourth Symbol (13): Those of the vilest spirit are affected
dwarves, but among the runecarvers, some have
strongly by the Pahuus rune, their ghastly self
perfected it into an art. The rune’s target becomes an
strengthened and made twisted. Evil creatures affected
avatar of death, shrouded in a grim darkness that
by this rune gain a +4 bonus to Strength, gain two claw
extends to its hands. The rune’s target may make a touch
attacks and a secondary bite attack, each dealing 1d8
attack as an attack action (it can be used for iterative
damage as a medium creature, and whenever they strike
attacks). The touched creatures must make a Fortitude
with a claw attack, they heal one half the damage dealt.
save or die. In addition, the rune’s target gains immunity
One foe within 30 ft. takes damage equal to one half of
to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions,
the damage dealt to the struck creature on each claw
phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), immunity to
attack. If this is combined with an effect from the Haamu
poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and
rune, the initial target of the claw attack must make a
death effects, immunity subject to critical hits, nonlethal
Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round on each
damage, ability drain, or energy drain, immune to
successful attack.

Fifth Symbol (15): A foul and horrible creature, the Fifth Symbol (14): From the depths of the Tokunnir
target gains DR 15/good, the evil subtype, and any warrens come creatures of unyielding stone, created by
weapon or armor (including shields) he wields gains a the runecarvers to assist the dwarves. The rune’s target
+5 enhancement bonus and a +2d6 damage bonus gains a stone guardian as a cohort. Advance the stone
against good creatures. guardian until its CR equals the rune target's -2.


First Symbol (1): The caverns of the dwarves run deep, First Symbol (1): Steel against steel, that is the way of the
and in those depths they have found many things. He warrior. The rune’s target gains a +1 bonus to attack and
ignores any concealment granted by illumination, a +3 bonus to damage for every four runecarving levels,
darkness, or shadows, including magical concealment with a minimum bonus of +1 attack and +3 damage. If
granted by Darkness descriptor or Shadow subschool this is combined with an effect from the Risti rune, the
spells. He gains the ability to cast darkness as a full-round wielded weapon has its critical range doubled, as per the
action, caster level equals runecarving level of the rune’s improved critical feat.
Second Symbol (3): Born out of the heart of the
Second Symbol (5): A dwarf's cave is his home, and one mountain, birthed in a pool of fire, steel is the life of all
of his most precious possessions. The rune’s target gains war. Whenever the rune’s target attempts a melee attack,
the ability to cast personal cavern at will. The spell’s caster he may also attempt a sunder against his opponent's
level equal to the runecarving levels of the rune’s creator. weapon that does not provoke any attacks of
In addition the rune’s target gains a +1 bonus to attack opportunity. If this is combined with an effect from the
rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks when Kiel rune, the rune’s target receives a +4 bonus per four
defending a building or community (village, town, city, runecarving levels on the sunder attempt.
etc.). These benefits increase by +1 per eight runecarving
Third Symbol (7): Out of the forging of steel comes a
levels. When combined with an effect from the Belxa
better warrior, one who has learned that to be most
rune, the rune’s target gains fast healing equal to the
dangerous, his techniques must be hidden. The target
benefits granted when defending a building or
gains the ability to cast blade guardian once per encounter
for every four runecarving levels. If combined with an
Third Symbol (8): Buried deep beneath the surface of the effect from the Ithi rune, the targeted weapon is treated
earth, the vast chasms of the dwarven kingdoms are as if it was made of a special material of the rune target's
permanently cloaked from daylight. As a full-round choice. He uses the runecarving level of the rune’s carver
action, the rune’s target can cast any spell with the as the caster level, and the runecarving ability modifier
Darkness descriptor. He uses the runecarving level of the of the rune’s creator as the ability modifier for the spell.
rune’s carver as the caster level, and the runecarving
Fourth Symbol (11): Razored steel slides out from the
ability modifier of the rune’s creator as the ability
scabbard, gleaming in the reddish glow. Each round, the
modifier for the spell. He cannot cast a spell until his
rune’s target may negate a single melee attack from a foe
character level is equal to the cleric or wizard level
that begins the attack in melee range of the rune’s target.
necessary to cast a given spell, choosing the higher level
That attack has no effect and is lost. If combined with an
if a spell appears on both lists. Any ability that adds the
effect from the Rore rune, the rune’s target may take a 5
Darkness descriptor to a spell does not allow the spell to
ft. step before determining whether he can disrupt the
be cast by this ability.
Fourth Symbol (10): The deep lands, beneath even the
Fifth Symbol (14): Steel sheathes the hero, wrapping
dwarven kingdoms, call out to the runecarver. The
him in its cold embrace. The rune’s target is affected by
rune’s target gains the deepborn template, the
the iron body spell, with a duration equal to the duration
Underearth Warrior feat, and the ability to cast stone
of the rune. His unarmed attacks are treated as if they are
rebirth (see Chapter 6) at will. He uses the runecarving
a longsword sized for the target, not a club. All other
level of the rune’s carver as the caster level, and the
aspects of the spell remain unchanged. He uses the
runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s creator as the
runecarving level of the rune’s carver as the caster level,
ability modifier for the spell.

and the runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s creator This is increased by +10 ft. if combined with an effect
as the ability modifier for the spell. from the Kerta rune.

RISTI (SHARP) Second Symbol (4): Within the grasp of the ground, the
First Symbol (1): A blade is never so sharp as upon its runecarver feels safe and at home, slipping between
first swing straight from the whetstone. On the first stone as easily as one would stride on air. The rune’s
attack of every round, the rune’s target ignore all target gains a burrowing speed equal to one-half his
damage reduction. For every four runecarving levels, he movement speed. If combined with an effect from the
ignores damage reduction on one additional attack per Kolo rune, the burrow speed increases to his full
round. When combined with an effect from the Rauta movement speed.
rune, the rune’s target gains a +4 bonus to confirm
Third Symbol (8): Rune calls to rune, the entwined
symbols making one greater, complete whole. By
Second Symbol (4): No craftsmanship is perfect, and marking one place with a rune, the rune’s target may
there is always that extra edge to be found. Double the return to that location with a standard action. Marking
critical threat range of any weapon being held by the the location takes 1 minute, and he may only have one
rune’s target. This does not stack with other abilities that location active at a time. He may only bring himself and
affect the critical threat range. any gear he is holding or wearing. This is a [teleport]
effect, and only works on the same plane. There is no
Third Symbol (7): Sharpness need not be only of the tool limit to distance on that plane.
being held, but also of the mind and body of the one
doing the wielding. Any feats that specifies a weapon Fourth Symbol (12): Sometimes, it is necessary to move
applies to any weapon the rune’s target wields. In in the depth of silence, hidden away from prying eyes
addition, the rune’s target acts normally during a and evil fiends. As a standard action, the rune’s target
surprise round, regardless of whether they were can step into, or out of, the Ethereal plane.
surprised. The rune’s target gets a +2 bonus to Initiative
Fifth Symbol (14): To step from rune to rune, each
checks for every four runecarving levels, minimum of
inscribed across distant locales and hidden fortresses, is
+2. Double this bonus if combined with an effect from
the highest gift of the Rore. The rune’s target may mark
the Rore rune.
a location with a rune in an action that takes 1 minute.
Fourth Symbol (10): The greatest axe men amongst the He may have one locale active per 4 runecarving levels.
dwarves can understand the outcome of a fight before He may only bring himself and any gear he is holding or
they have ever crossed blades with a creature. If the wearing. This is a [teleport] effect, and works across
rune’s target's first attack in an encounter lands, the planes, and at any distance. When combined with an
struck creature must make a Fortitude save or be effect from the Livet rune, he may bring one other
destroyed (this affects creatures immune to critical hits willing person per 4 runecarving levels.
and death effects, such as undead and constructs).
Fifth Symbol (13): To a veteran warrior, every successful First Symbol (1): A soundness of body flows from the
attack is a moment of opportunity. Whenever the rune’s rune out into the dwarf who has graven it up his shield.
target successfully strikes an opponent, treat that attack The rune’s target gets a +2 bonus to Constitution for
as a confirmed critical hit. If the struck creature is every four runecarving levels, minimum of +2. This is
immune to critical hits, its loses its defense against these increased by +2 if combined with an effect from the
attacks, and the attack counts as a critical hit. Terveys rune.

RORE (MOVE) Second Symbol (4): To be secure in one's skin is entirely

First Symbol (1): The earth upon the ground may speed the purview of the dwarf. The rune’s target becomes
the step of those who walk upon it, granting them a immune to any transmutation or shapechanging effect,
boon. The rune’s target increases his movement speed by and gains a +1 bonus to attack and a +1d6 damage bonus
5 ft. for every four runecarving levels, minimum of 5 ft. for every four runecarving levels against creatures who
are not in their natural form.

Third Symbol (8): Shaping the world requires persistent to Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma (chosen at the
effort, but it is by no means something that an rune’s creation) for every four runecarving levels,
appropriately trained Tokunnir would consider minimum of +2.
difficult. The rune’s target gains immunity to sneak
Third Symbol (8): The minds of the dwarves are full of
attacks and critical hits, and the rune’s target can, using
their history, drawing upon it as a source of strength. As
a full round action, cause the terrain 20 ft. around him to
a result, certain runecarvers have learned how to see
be affected as if by transmute mud to rock or transmute rock
other people's history. The rune’s target can cast mental
to mud. He uses the runecarving level of the rune’s carver
history or lithic embrace. He uses the runecarving level of
as the caster level, and the runecarving ability modifier
the rune’s carver as the caster level, and the runecarving
of the rune’s creator as the ability modifier for the spell.
ability modifier of the rune’s creator as the ability
When combined with an effect from the Kivi rune,
modifier for the spell.
double the radius affected.
Fourth Symbol (11): A rune of the mind is a strange
Fourth Symbol (12): Sometimes it is not the world whose
creation, drawn to create tricks upon the eyes and form
shape needs to change, but oneself. The rune’s target
altered images within the mind, a symbol of the mental
gains the ability to alter self into any animal, humanoid,
essence of the creator. Once per encounter as an
monstrous humanoid, or vermin as a full-round action.
immediate action, the rune’s target may negate a single
He uses the runecarving level of the rune’s carver as the
mind-affecting spell from a foe. He must first identify
caster level, and the runecarving ability modifier of the
that spell using Spellcraft or another means. That spell
rune’s creator as the ability modifier for the spell.
has no effect and is lost. If combined with an effect from
Fifth Symbol (14): Even the hardiest of those who would the Tenkt rune, the rune’s target may, instead, negate a
resist the dwarves have long ago learned that when a single spell that requires a Will save.
dwarf sets his mind to alter the world, one can merely
Fifth Symbol (13): The intellect towers upwards, a pillar
step aside. On each successful attack by the rune’s target,
of learning built upon a single marking, a rune drawn
the struck creature is, along with all its carried gear,
into the ground at the base of that tower. An ethereal
turned into a mindless, inert statue of stone. If the statue
tower forms around the rune’s target, granting him
is broken or damaged, the struck creature (if ever
immunity to all mind-affecting spells and effects,
returned to its original state) has similar damage or
increasing his Wisdom, Charisma, and Intelligence by +4
deformities. The creature is not dead, but it does not
and giving him a standard action attack that deals 1d2
seem to be alive either when viewed with spells such as
per 4 runecarving levels in ability damage to
deathwatch. Only creatures made of flesh are affected by
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Enemies get a Will
this ability. Stone to flesh will reverse this process.
save to resist.
First Symbol (1): The twisted writings and ancient
First Symbol (1): Life envelops the runecarver, and he is
carvings become clear in but a moment, wiping
easily able to withstand injuries that would kill a lesser
uncertainty from the eyes of the knowing. The rune’s
man. The rune’s target increases his maximum hit points
target gains a +2 to all Intelligence based skill checks for
by +6 for every four runecarving levels, minimum of +6.
every four runecarving levels, minimum of +2. When
This is increased by +6 if combined with an effect from
combined with an effect from the Haamu rune, the
the Lujuus rune.
rune’s target may take one minute to attempt to identify
an item, as per the spell. He uses the runecarving level of Second Symbol (3): Skin deep and lined from actions
the rune’s carver as the caster level, and the runecarving long ago, the rune’s target increases his natural armor
ability modifier of the rune’s creator as the ability class by +2 for every four runecarving levels, minimum
modifier for the spell. of +2. This is increased by +2 if combined with an effect
from the Kolo rune.
Second Symbol (2): Wrapped within the hallowed
caverns of long forgotten kingdoms, knowledge is built Third Symbol (6): Even the greatest of magics can be
from the earth and the sky, the bone of the mountain and shrugged off by a dwarf of strong character. Whenever
the blood of the river. The rune’s target gets a +2 bonus the rune’s target fails a save against a Fortitude effect, he

may immediately make a second save against that effect. ghost touch property. In addition, he gains the ability to
He must take the results of this second save. The rune’s teleport a distance up to his speed as a swift action, and
target gains a +2 bonus on this save if combined with an treats all spells, effects, abilities, and attacks that strike
effect from the Kolo rune. him as if they were only 50% real, as per shadow
Fourth Symbol (11): There is built around the heart of
every man a wall against the hatred of the world, and the TERVEYS (HEALTH)
actions of the evil and the cruel. Whenever the rune’s First Symbol (1): Every creature wishes to be strong and
target fails a save against a Will effect, he may healthy, but only a few can truly claim it. With a
immediately make a second save against that effect. He standard action, the rune’s target can touch an ally to
must take the results of this second save. The rune’s heal a total number of hit points equal to the rune’s
target gains a +2 bonus on this save if combined with an runecarving level. When combined with an effect from
effect from the Linna rune. the Livet rune, the healing touch also delivers a lesser
restoration spell.
Fifth Symbol (15): Heroic and unstoppable, the
runecarver trudges onwards, resistant to every attack Second Symbol (4): To be a strong and hearty man is a
thrown against him. The rune’s target gains 10/- damage noble goal. The rune’s target and all allies within 20 ft.
reduction, automatically succeeds against the first per four runecarving levels become immune to
Fortitude save required of him each round, can act freely sickening, nauseating, poison, and disease, including
down to -50 hit points, and only dies when he reaches - magical diseases.
75 hit points.
Third Symbol (7): Drawn upon an item, it can heal those
TENKT (THOUGHT) who wield it. The item affected by the rune grants the
First Symbol (1): It is a certainty among the dwarves that wielder fast healing equal to 1 per four runecarving
to win a fight, use an axe. But it is possible that there is a levels. Combined with an effect from the Ithi rune, this
better way, a simpler way. Any creature struck by an also grants the wielder the ability to use their healing
item affected by this rune effect must make a Will save spells upon constructs and objects.
or be dazed for one round. Increase the save DC by +2 if
Fourth Symbol (9): To protect life is a long and ancient
combined with an effect from the Sinn rune.
calling for the runecarvers, and although they are by no
Second Symbol (3): Sometimes, it is better to simply means as skilled as a priest, they have their moments. As
know one another, rather than to speak out loud. The a full-round action, the rune’s target can cast any spell
rune’s target gains telepathy with a range of 20 ft. for from the Healing subschool. He uses the runecarving
every four runecarving levels, minimum of 20 ft. level of the rune’s carver as the caster level, and the
runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s creator as the
Third Symbol (8): The swirling patterns and geometric
ability modifier for the spell. The rune’s target cannot
designs that are the hallmark of the dwarves can
cast a spell until his character level is equal to the cleric
entrance viewers, causing them to stare for hours. The
or wizard level necessary to cast a given spell. Any
target of the rune can, using a full round action, cause all
ability that adds the Healing subschool to a spell does
creatures within 20 ft. to become fascinated for two
not allow the spell to be cast by this ability.
rounds. Will negates. If combined with an effect from the
Kerta rune, increase the DC by +4. Fifth Symbol (14): Life is a great and precious thing, to
be protected and held dear. If the rune’s target dies while
Fourth Symbol (12): The ancient, the wise, know that to
affected by this rune, he returns to life in a designated
strike at the head of the beast is to cripple it. Any creature
sanctum, one week later. The sanctum is designated by
struck by an item affected by the rune takes 1d4
the runecarver while the rune is being carved. The rune’s
Intelligence damage for every four runecarving levels.
target returns to life with no loss of level or ability score,
Will save for half.
and fully healed.
Fifth Symbol (15): Sometimes, it is better to be a creature
of thought, rather than of true life. The rune’s target
becomes incorporeal, with all of his items gaining the

First Symbol (1): Fire has been a constant companion
and tool of the dwarves, responsible for many of their
greatest works. The rune’s target deals 1d6 fire damage
on each hit for every four runecarving levels, minimum
of 1d6. This is increased by 1d6 if combined with an
effect from the Kaom rune.

Second Symbol (5): The runecarver who is interested in

flame has seen that it spirals upwards, an offering to the
gods above, rather than below. A column of superheated
air lifts the rune’s target into the air. The rune’s target
can hover up to 10 feet above any solid or liquid surface.
The rune’s target gains a fly speed equal to his land
speed, with average maneuverability, but the rune’s
target must remain within 10 feet of the ground when he
flies. The rune’s target can move across shallow pits or
other such variations in terrain without losing altitude,
so long as his movement wouldn’t take him more than
10 feet above a solid or liquid surface. If he is ever more
than 10 feet above the ground (such as if the floor drops
out from under him or he moves over the edge of a tall
cliff), he falls to the ground.

Third Symbol (6): The rune’s target can create a wall of

fire, as per the spell. He uses the runecarving level of the
rune’s carver as the caster level, and the runecarving
ability modifier of the rune’s creator as the ability
modifier for the spell. If combined with an effect from
the Sigu rune, the rune’s target can choose to shape the
wall in any manner that he chooses, provided all parts
form one contiguous whole.

Fourth Symbol (9): The brand of the dwarven kingdoms

is the highest stamp of skill that can be placed upon an
item. For every four runecarving levels, the rune’s target
may add a single +1 enhancement special ability to any
weapon, armor, or shield. He cannot add any +2 or better
enhancements, regardless of runecarving level.

Fifth Symbol (12): The flames of the elemental depths

spill forth from their forbidden homes, covering the
rune’s target, but not burning him. The rune’s target
gains immunity to fire damage, and any creature that
strikes him in melee takes 20 fire damage in return. In
addition, he gains the ability to cast a fireball spell as a
swift action once per round. He uses the runecarving
level of the rune’s carver as the caster level, and the
runecarving ability modifier of the rune’s creator as the
ability modifier for the spell.

Haphazard: Some runes, any runes, are better than
nothing. The haphazard throws lots of ideas against the
wall and sees what happens.

Ironguard of the Tokunnir: The stalwart defenders of

the dwarven kingdoms, the Ironguard are focused on
fighting defensively in dark and tight places.

Runechanter: One of the spiritual leaders of the

dwarven armies, the runechanter blends bardic music
and leadership to strength his allies.
The standard classes in this book, along with feats for Tandda Elite: Offering multiple paths depending on
characters of other classes, provide a wealth of options which breed of Tandda enter the class, it allows superior
for characters who wish to explore the secrets of runic Tandda to grow even stronger, whether it be in
magic. For a character whose pursuit of those secrets leadership, combat, or support.
follows a specialized path, this chapter presents fourteen
prestige classes, each tied to a particular theme or aspect Tokunnir Stonecrafter: Enhancing both existing runes
of runic magic. and crafting magical items, the stonecrafter is the most
traditional of the Tokunnir.
Athaghoel Lorespeaker: Open only to the Athaghoel,
this class enhances their abilities with oral traditions and Unwavering Warden: The stubbornest of dwarves, an
dwarven focus. unwavering warden gains benefits the longer he uses a
particular choice of runes.
Awakened: Inherent runes are the central focus of the
runeborn, and this class lets them explore that to the
absolute fullest.
“The traditional way is the right way. That’s why it’s
Blood-Spiked Fury: The tradition of the dwarven traditional.”
battlerager is legendary in the halls of the mountain – Tuir Cyrmagh, Athaghoel Lorespeaker
kings. Masters of spiked shield and armor, they plunge
into battle with brutal charges and deadly shield bashes. The education of the Athaghoel people is considered a
sacred duty, and those who are considered
Cipher Vindicator: Sometimes, one rune is all a knowledgeable in Athaghoel history and legend - and
runecarver needs. A specialist in that single rune, the thought to possess above-average common sense - are
cipher vindicator expects to use it to resolve his every often called upon to take up the respected role of teacher
problem. in the community. While other cultures might see this as
Concenter: The tradition of dwarven focus is uppermost a job for young girls or old men, the dwarves see a
in the minds of those who take this class. lorespeaker as a protector of their cherished society. No
one in the Athaghoel community takes that position
Constructed Sergeant: Made for those Constructed built lightly. A lorespeaker is granted a special position in the
to be officers, it gives them auras with which to boost Athaghoel hierarchy – they are considered the final
their troops. authority on anything to do with the history of the
Athaghoel people. And if there’s something going on in
Curse Carver: By reversing the power of the runes, the
a dwarven city, you can count on the lorespeakers
curse carver applies them as penalties to enemies rather
knowing about it first. They’re uncommonly well
than bonuses to friends.
connected with each clan and stratum of Athaghoel
Forgesouled Guardian: Born with a construct’s heart, society.
the forgesouled guardian builds and maintains
constructs as cohorts.
Athaghoel lorespeakers come primarily from
runecarvers and runeborn, with there being little in the

way of alternative entrances. After all, in dwarven ranks of those being trained for the critical position of
society the world of runes and that of history are closely lorespeaker.
intertwined. Having shown a great interest in the oral
traditions of their people at a young age, Athaghoel who ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
are picked out for the path of the lorespeaker are trained Runecarving: 3rd level or better
in both the ways of runes and of their people, until they Skills: Any two Knowledge 6
have mastered both sufficiently to be allowed into the Race: Athaghoel
Table 5-1: The Athaghoel Lorespeaker Hit Dice: d10
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Runecarving
1 st +0 +0 +2 +2 Remembered Skill, Focused Tradition +1 Runecarving level
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Focus Feat, Dwarf Feat +1 Runecarving level
3 rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Lore Mastery, Runes of History +1 Runecarving level
Class skills (6 + Int modifier per level): Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery
(Int), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int),
Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)
(Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device
(Cha), Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES Focused Tradition (Ex): The benefits from your

As an Athaghoel lorespeaker, you focus your efforts on Dwarven Focus always apply to Oral Tradition checks.
using the oral tradition ability, and on gaining abilities
Focus Feat: The lorespeaker gains one feat that requires
and feats that support the legacy of the Athaghoel.
Dwarven Focus as a prerequisite.
All of the following are class features of the Athaghoel
Dwarf Feat: The lorespeaker gains one feat that requires
lorespeaker prestige class.
Dwarven or Athaghoel race as a prerequisite.
Runecarving: When a new lorespeaker level is attained,
Lore Mastery (Su): By making an Oral Tradition check
the character gains new runes known, runes active, and
of 10 + 2 * the level of the spell, the lorespeaker can cast
increases his runecarver level as if he had attained a level
a spell from the Knowledge or Oracle domains. He can
in any one runecarving class he belonged to before he
do this once per day, and does not get a retry if he fails
added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any
the check. This action takes one minute. He cannot cast a
other benefit a character of that class would have gained
spell until his character level is equal to the cleric level
(class features, bonus feats, and so on). This essentially
necessary to cast a given spell. He uses his runecarving
means that he adds the level of lorespeaker to the level
level as the caster level, and his runecarving ability
of whatever runecarving class the character had, then
modifier as the ability modifier for the spell
determines runes known, runes active, runecarver level,
and so on. Runes of History (Ex): The lorespeaker automatically
gains the Ingan rune. If he already knows it, he treats the
If a character had more than one runecarving class before
rune effects from that rune as if his runecarving level
he became a lorespeaker, he must decide to which class
was 4 higher.
he adds each level of lorespeaker for the purpose of
determining runes known, runes active, runecarver PLAYING AN ATHAGHOEL LORESPEAKER
level, etc. Lorespeakers are the core of Athaghoel society, and
everyone else in it, whether elder, warrior, priest, or
Remembered Skill (Ex): Once per hour, the lorespeaker
merchant, depends on the lorespeakers to carry forward
can make an Oral Tradition check in place of any skill
the traditions and the meaning of the Athaghoel. This
check. In addition, a lorespeaker can use an Oral
ensures that lorespeakers are in constant demand,
Tradition check in place of a Craft check when the Craft
whether to recite tales of the olden days, whether to
check directly relates to runes.
pronounce a judgment using the historical actions of the
great dwarves, or whether to venture further afield and

create and record new and remarkable actions that from the moment they enter into the training for their
impact the daily lives of the Athaghoel. task. What changes is whether they choose to accept it.
Some do, and become the elders of dwarven villages,
As lorespeakers grow in power and prominence, they
towns, and kingdoms, sitting on councils and
begin to take over important government functions
conducting the ruling of their cultures. Others believe
inside Athaghoel society, and tend to become less mobile
that instead of recounting existing stories, the true role
as the demands of state pile up, although there are
of the lorespeaker is to travel far and wide, finding new
always some who resist that temptation, and journey
tales to add to the pantheon. Either way, the life of a
forth into the wider world in search of more stories of
lorespeaker is never dull.
dwarven heroics to record.
Daily Life: For those Athaghoel lorespeakers who
Combat: Inside combat, a lorespeaker will act much like
remain at home, their daily activity tends to consist of
the runecarver or runeborn he was before entering the
council meetings, governance, practice with runes, and
prestige class. Armed and armored by the runes which
training of the next generation of lorespeakers, as well as
he engraves upon himself and his items, a lorespeaker is
the constant flow of dispute resolution. For those further
always a formidable combatant.
afield, well, they live the life of an adventuring dwarf in
The class features of a lorespeaker are designed for out all the glorious forms that can take.
of combat usage.
Notables: As befits a collection of individuals so
Advancement: Athaghoel lorespeakers are made, not dedicated to the preservation of stories, there are many
born. Rigorous practice with the art of runecarving and lorespeakers whose names echo down through the ages,
with memorization of the history and stories of their but of the most recent grouping, Moagh Helvyn stands
people is the locus of a lorespeaker values. Generally, out, for he has ventured far and wide, recording the
this is trained into the lorespeaker by those who hold the history of the Athaghoel as the Ghoel they once were.
title, whether it be in the formal manner of schooling or His journeys have taken him into forgotten ruins, deep
the informal processes of the open road. underground, and into lands populated by those hostile
to his intentions. But each time, he has emerged
As you attain higher levels, you should consider taking unscathed, and with new runes and new stories to tell.
additional feats that grant benefits to your runecarving,
especially if you have chosen to focus on a particular set Organization: Lorespeakers have both their own
of runes such as Ingan, Haamu, and Belxa. Feats from organizations, and are blended into the larger
the Runic subset will generally be the focus of your superstructure of Athaghoel society. Lorespeaker
character’s choices, along with those that boost your Oral organizations can be found in every major Athaghoel
Tradition. As with feats, gear choices should be focused settlement, dedicated to the ongoing preservation and
around making your runes more potent and ensuring recitation of knowledge, including runes, while beyond
strong access to them. that they serve in the government of the kingdoms in
which they were born.
Resources: Lorespeakers can call upon almost the entire
might of the Athaghoel civilization if the moment NPC Reactions: Athaghoel and other dwarven NPCs
demands it, but any great call for resources will be met regard lorespeakers most highly, for the role they play in
with resistance from other dwarves who do not see the society is considered critical to the dwarven mindset.
threat in the same way as the this particular lorespeaker Outside of the dwarven peoples, lorespeakers tend to be
does. That being said, in terms of more minimal requests, viewed either as nobles and elders, or, for those
few would dare refuse a reasonable ask by a lorespeaker. lorespeakers who wander the earth, as one would view
a bard or similar class.
“History is the making of a people.” ATHAGHOEL LORESPEAKER LORE
– Moagh Helvyn, Athaghoel Lorespeaker Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and
Engineering) can research Athaghoel lorespeakers to
As some of the leading members of Athaghoel society, learn more about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the
lorespeakers have their place in the world well defined same information.

DC 10: Athaghoel lorespeakers are the history keepers with runic magic. If this is the case, the DM should be
and storytellers of the Athaghoel people, and are often sure to play up the strange and mysterious nature of the
elders or judges in their society. power this character wields.

DC 15: Athaghoel lorespeakers are also skilled

runecarvers, and can wield the runes better than almost
any other. “I know my road, for it is arrow straight and flush with
DC 20: Athaghoel lorespeakers tend to specialize in
– Brogar Fimbursson, Tokunnir Awakened
runes that are less focused on combat, such as Ingan and
Haamu, but are often very well prepared due to To the awakened, the rune engraved upon his soul is the
foreknowledge of any given situation. They also have only way forward, the only thing that truly matters to
limited access to the magic of divination. him. But as he follows the path that he takes, he realizes
that it is not one rune, but rather a plethora of runes, each
DC 30: Information about notable Athaghoel
one unique and whole in its own right, and waiting to
lorespeakers, drawn from the section above.
spring forth into complete being. And as he does so, the
ATHAGHOEL LORESPEAKERS IN THE GAME rest of his runecarving falls by the wayside, discarded as
Introducing lorespeakers into your campaign is a the path of the inherent rune becomes the whole being
relatively easy task. NPC lorespeakers are easily and purpose of the awakened.
encountered as the rulers or at least nobles within
dwarven society. A lorespeaker can also be an effective
Awakened have chosen to follow a specific path: that of
member of an adventuring party. Even though his
the inherent rune. Inherent runes, by their very nature,
overall runecarving ability is not necessarily as strong as
are uniquely the province of the runeborn, and so all
someone who is more combat oriented, his ability to
awakened come from that path. Most of those that
divine the future and gather information should provide
choose the awakened path are Twinborn, having learned
a comforting level of foreknowledge to the party. Finally,
at an early age that more inherent runes are better. And
the various abilities available via Oral Tradition means
having already seen the benefits of having more than one
that there’s always something unusual up the
inherent rune, the nascent awakened follows that path to
lorespeaker’s sleeve.
its logical conclusion – that inherent runes are the only
Adaptation: By removing the restrictions on race and true path forward for him. Some practice and
culture that surrounds the Athaghoel lorespeaker, the experimentation later, and they have discovered the
class can be adapted to almost any culture or power road which will take them towards the world of inherent
source, as the class feature that grants the Ingan rune can runes.
be replaced with one that grants a similar Knowledge or
Lore type benefit.
Feats: Inherent Swiftness, Inherent Specialist
Encounters: An encounter with an NPC Athaghoel Skills: Knowledge (History) 9, Decipher Script 4,
lorespeaker, one who the party cannot determine is Knowledge (any) 4
friend or foe, could be an adventuring party’s first brush
Table 5-2: The Awakened Hit Dice: d12
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities
1st +1 +0 +2 +0 Inherent Rune, Focus Internal
2 nd +2 +0 +3 +0 Convergence of Desire
3 rd +3 +1 +3 +1 Runic Soul
4th +4 +1 +4 +1 Inherent Rune, Inherent Expert
5th +5 +1 +4 +1 Settled Being
6 th +6 +2 +5 +2 Runic Soul
7 th +7 +2 +5 +2 Inherent Rune, Fixation of Desire

8th +8 +2 +6 +2 Freedom of Choice
9th +9 +3 +6 +3 Runic Soul
10th +10 +3 +7 +3 Inherent Rune, Permanence of Desire
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery (Int), Knowledge (Architecture and
Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge
(Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES Inherent Expert (Ex): As a swift action, the awakened

You have awakened your soul, and into it has flowed the may grant the benefits of one carved rune utilizing an
magic of many runes. No longer just a specialist in a inherent rune to an ally within 5 ft. of the awakened. If
single aspect of runic magic, a multiplicity has been born the ally moves further away than 5 ft., the bonus is lost.
again within your spirit.
Settled Being (Su): An awakened is a dwarf of
All of the following are class features of the awakened permanent focus, written as it is into the magic that bore
prestige class. him forth. As part of a full attack action, he may use any
ability granted by an inherent rune as a swift action.
Inherent Rune (Ex): At 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th level, the
awakened gains another inherent rune, as per the Fixation of Desire (Su): Having learned to better hone
runeborn class feature. Any class feature that applies to his talents, when using his Convergence of Desire
an inherent rune applies to these extra runes as well. ability, the awakened increases the bonus granted to the
amount of the penalty. Thus, a 7th level awakened could
Focus Internal (Su): The awakened, possessing as they take a penalty of -2 to his runecarving level for two
do a special and unshakeable connection to the magic of different carved runes to increase his runecarving level
the rune, is supremely talented with those runes that are by 4 for a third carved rune. It is now a swift action to
written into its soul. When carving a rune using one or activate or cancel.
more of his inherent runes, the awakened adds his class
level to his runecarving level. Freedom of Choice (Su): Carving a rune using his
inherent runes is now an immediate action, and the
Convergence of Desire (Su): Perhaps the greatest awakened can choose to dismiss and create runes
moment in an awakened's life is when he realizes that he utilizing his inherent runes in response to enemy action,
can choose to hone in on a single rune, giving it a greater before he knows the result of any dice rolls.
portion of his soul. With a move action, an awakened can
voluntarily reduce his runecarving level for one or more Permanence of Desire (Su): Mastering his ability to
carved runes by a number up to half his class level. He choose what rune he focuses upon, the awakened may
may then apply half the total number of runecarving now use Convergence of Desire as a free action, and may
levels reduced as a bonus to his runecarving level for one choose to divide the bonus across as many carved runes
carved rune. For example, a 4th level awakened could as desired (none of those carved runes can have been
take a penalty of -2 to his runecarving level for two penalized by this ability).
different carved runes to increase his runecarving level
by 2 for a third carved rune. The benefit and penalty last
An awakened is defined by his love of inherent runes,
until the awakened takes another move action to cancel
and the unique sense of power and purpose that they
them. This ability (penalties and bonuses) only apply to
bring to him. Each time he understands the meaning of
carved runes using one or more inherent runes. If any of
a new inherent rune graven upon his soul, a new
the carved runes affected by this ability ends, so do all of
panoply of meaning and purpose opens up to him, as he
the benefits and penalties involving that carved rune.
is defined by the key tenets of those inherent runes. Or
Runic Soul (Su): At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, the awakened perhaps he defines the inherent runes that he will have
gains another active rune. These runes must involve one as he creates them. No one has ever truly studied an
or more of his inherent runes. awakened enough to understand which creates which.

The key ability of this prestige class is the ability to create in their abilities and do not have the needs of other
and manipulate as many inherent runes as possible, and runecarvers. That being said, all dwarven organizations
the increasing strength of those runes. There is very little and cultures recognize awakened as supreme warriors,
aside from a pure focus on inherent runes. and would more than gladly provide patronage if you
choose to serve in their military.
Combat: Your role in combat is a very direct one, as it is
for most whose use runic magic, although as always, it AWAKENED IN THE WORLD
depends greatly on the choice of runes. Should the “I am Law, I am Strength, I am Stone, I am Good!”
inherent runes of the awakened be Aum, Belxa, Queta – Beldin Hammerhand, Dwarf Awakened
and others which allow the creation of spells or ranged
abilities, it is quite possible to build an awakened who The general view of an awakened is that of an elite
specializes in long range combat. However, most dwarven warrior, for without being able to see runes, as
awakened will instead employ the ability to crush their one would on a regular runecarver, there is no outward
foes in close and personal combat, fighting axe and sign that the awakened is anything more than the most
hammer against anyone who stands in their way. skilled of combatants. Some awakened like to keep it that
way, hiding their ability to use runic magic until such
Advancement: Having started your career as a time as it is absolutely critical they make a visible
runeborn, you know that you can infuse yourself with display. Others are less concerned with appearances,
enhanced and repeated uses of inherent runes, using all and simply fight in the best manner possible. In general,
the stacking benefits that you already have and however, they are seen and treated as fighters or
empowering them even further. You can also reshape warblades, not as runecarvers.
your carved runes at the drop of a hat, doing it in
response to the actions of your opponents and thus Daily Life: Awakened are warriors, much as any other
resisting whatever they might choose to throw your combatant is, and they spend their days in the usual
way. manner for men and women of that type.

As you attain higher awakened levels, you continue to Notables: Beldin Hammerhand is precisely what his
hone the inherent runes you began with your previous name suggests – famous for the use of clubbing blows.
class. You need neither formal training nor membership An expert awakened who has focused on the use of
in any organization to enhance your combat prowess by runes that enhance his durability and strength, he is
following the awakened’s path - you simply draw from renowned for his ability to clog narrow passages and
your personal essence to improve your inherent runes. stand against an onrushing tide of enemies.
Because of the personal nature of using inherent runes, Organization: Awakened have no formal organization,
the formal training required by other runecarvers simply each being unique unto themselves with the specific
does not apply to you. combination of inherent runes that are their birthright.
To maximize your effectiveness, choose feats that They do, however, find comfort in the presence of fellow
enhance your best abilities. Feats that boost the strength dwarves and runecarvers, who are most likely to be able
of your inherent runes and the abilities they provide can to understand the life choices that they have made. Thus,
dramatically improve your combat prowess. More basic awakened are embedded into the larger structures of the
combat feats, such as those in the Power Attack tree, also dwarven world, but without any special
complement your strengths. As far as skills go, try to acknowledgement of their abilities.
continue improving Warcraft throughout your career, as NPC Reactions: Generally, NPCs react towards
it provides benefits in combat to any allies you might be awakened as they would towards dwarven fighters of
fighting alongside. great repute. If the NPC dislikes characters of that sort,
Resources: There is no such thing as an order of they do not like awakened. Otherwise, awakened are
awakened, as becoming one is such a deep and personal generally regarded with the normal mixture of fear and
experience. Even the more standard runecarving and awe that deadly combatants are greeted with.
dwarven organizations do not really have any great AWAKENED LORE
purpose for you, as awakened are entirely self-contained

Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and of death. They are given to drinking, rowdy and
Engineering) can research awakened to learn more about boisterous singing, and drunken dancing. Blood-spiked
them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same information. furies command grudging, if fearful, respect within
dwarven society, where they are known to have coined
DC 10: Awakened are imbued with runes engraved
such philosophically complex dwarven maxims like
upon their soul, and are almost constantly under their
“head first” and “if it moves, kill it.” Most live short,
glorious lives.
DC 15: Awakened are specialists with their inherent
While enraged, a blood-spiked fury’s face becomes
runes, and collect multiple of them over the course of
distorted and twisted. His teeth grind together as spittle
their life. They can also carve them at almost a moment’s
flies from his mouth and dribbles down his beard. His
eyes enlarge, bulge, and become bloodshot. Charging
DC 20: Awakened are able to change their runes in into battle, he bellows forth his clan or holy war song,
reaction to their enemies, and are strengthened by the throwing his hammers and axes all the way, before
number of inherent runes they have carved at a given cleaving his foes with his mighty dwarven waraxe. In
time. short, he becomes almost unstoppable. Blood-spiked
furies are often covered from head to toe in body art,
DC 30: Information about notable awakened, drawn from tattoos to brands to runic scars. They prefer to wear
from the section above. spiked armor and wield spiked shields, sometimes
forgoing weapons entirely for more spiked gear.
Awakened, because they are self-contained, work in BECOMING A BLOOD-SPIKED FURY
almost any environment in which there is fighting, Blood-spiked furies are usually single classed
although they do prefer to be in campaigns in which runecarvers with the runic berserker alternate class
runecarving and the lore around it plays a significant feature before taking the prestige class, though
part. In terms of the role they play, they are almost barbarian/runecarvers or barbarian/runeborns are also
always seen as part of a larger martial traditional. common. Other multiclass combinations are almost
unheard of.
Adaptation: Given the specialized nature of the class, it
would need a complete reworking to be adapted to other The blood-spiked fury fills a particular niche in dwarf
types of material. society and culture. He is a fearless and impulsive
warrior, able to enter into an insane rampage. Blood-
Encounters: An awakened can be encountered alone or
spiked furies are ruthlessly used by dwarf generals for
at the head of a small band of dwarven fighters. The
their shock power against attacking armies. NPC blood-
encounter could focus on culture conflict if the PCs must
spiked furies often come from a familial clan made up
negotiate between an awakened representing her people
predominantly of blood-spiked furies. These clans often
and a diplomat or governor of a non-dwarven land or
form guilds or halls within dwarven society, though
colony. Build suspense in such a situation by stressing
these “guilds” are often more akin to a family or fraternal
that the characters are the last hope for peace between
order. Regardless, blood-spiked fury guilds are often
the two peoples, and that failure means war.
located on the fringes of dwarven society, kept out of
view and away from easily influenced dwarven
children, who often hear of the blood-spiked furies’
“DEATH TO EVERYTHING!” fearlessness but rarely their folly. While heroic battle is
– Malax Bloodaxe, Dwarven Blood-spiked Fury honored in dwarven society and blood-spiked furies
excel in this, more often than not they also epitomize
Dwarven blood-spiked furies are legendary berserker
lives wasted in stupid rage, something most dwarves
warriors who can enter a battle frenzy through ritualistic
realize they cannot afford in a world ruined by the
singing and runic magic. They are believed to have been
collapse of Arhosa.
touched by the god of battle, who taught them that if
they die in battle, they will return to the world stronger ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
than before as a just reward. Therefore, they have no fear Runecarving: 3rd level or better

Feats: Dwarven Furor, Blood-Spiked Charger

Table 5-3: The Blood-spiked Fury Hit Dice: d12

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Runecarving
1 st +1 +0 +2 +0 Soaked in Blood -
2 nd +2 +0 +3 +0 Greater Blood Frenzy +1 Runecarving level
3rd +3 +1 +3 +1 Charge of Fury +1 Runecarving level
4th +4 +1 +4 +1 Deathless Frenzy +1 Runecarving level
5 th +5 +1 +4 +1 Grasp of Spikes +1 Runecarving level
6 th +6 +2 +5 +2 Blood Rune +1 Runecarving level
7th +7 +2 +5 +2 Soul Spike Gear +1 Runecarving level
8th +8 +2 +6 +2 Supreme Blood Frenzy +1 Runecarving level
9 th +9 +3 +6 +3 Armor of Rage +1 Runecarving level
10 th+10 +3 +7 +3 Blood-spiked Fury +1 Runecarving level
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
Knowledge (Architecture and engineering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Warcraft

CLASS FEATURES Soaked in Blood (Ex): The blood-spiked fury has

As a blood-spiked fury, you depend heavily on your learned to improve upon the furious techniques he has
rage and your runes, and the new abilities you gain adopted. He adds twice the number of carved runes to
allowing those key features to work together more the damage bonus granted by Spiked Avalanche and can
effectively. Using your rage ability makes your runes use Spiked Rebuke on any attack that misses him (up to
better by giving them extra power and allowing you to his normal limit of attacks of opportunity). Finally, if he
carve more of them. You can also chain attacks together successfully hits with his Spiked Slam, he immediately
using your various spiked armor and shield requiring gains a free attack at his highest base attack bonus
abilities. against the struck creature. Treat this free attack as a
Spiked Avalanche.
All of the following are class features of the blood-spiked
fury prestige class. Greater Blood Frenzy (Ex): The benefits and penalties
from blood frenzy increase by 2, to +6 and -6.
Runecarving: When a new blood-spiked fury level is Alternately, if he rages, the bonuses to Strength and
attained (aside from 1st), the character gains new runes Constitution during his rage each increase to +6, and his
known, runes active, and increases his runecarver level morale bonus on Will saves increases to +3.
as if he had attained a level in any one runecarving class
he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He Charge of Fury (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a blood-spiked
does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of fury can charge in situations where others cannot. He
that class would have gained (class features, bonus feats, can charge over difficult terrain that normally slows
and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level movement or through allies blocking his path. This
of blood-spiked fury to the level of whatever ability enables him to charge across a cluttered
runecarving class the character had, then determines battlefield, leap down from a ledge, or jump across a
runes known, runes active, runecarver level, and so on. chasm to get to his target. Depending on the
circumstances, he may still need to make appropriate
If a character had more than one runecarving class before checks (such as Jump, Tumble, or Use Rope checks) to
he became a blood-spiked fury, he must decide to which successfully move over the terrain.
class he adds each level of blood-spiked fury for the
purpose of determining runes known, runes active, Deathless Frenzy (Ex): At 4th level and higher, a blood-
runecarver level, etc. spiked fury can scorn death and unconsciousness while
in a frenzy or rage. As long as his frenzy or rage

continues, he is not treated as disabled at 0 hit points, nor its way. By many standards, a blood-spiked fury barely
is he treated as dying at -1 to -9 hit points. Even if qualifies as sane, given the frothing mad rage into which
reduced to -10 hit points or less, he continues to fight they work themselves given any opportunity.
normally until his frenzy or rage ends. At that point, the
Combat: Fighting for a blood-spiked fury is second
effects of his wounds apply normally if they have not
nature, and for many of them is the only place that they
been healed. This ability does not prevent death from
feel truly comfortable and accepted. After all, there’s
massive damage or from spell effects such as slay living
very little use for an unhinged hothead anywhere else in
or disintegrate.
society, aside from in the melee of combat.
Grasp of Spikes (Ex): If the blood-spiked fury
Once a blood-spiked fury gets to combat, they do as their
successfully hits with either his spiked shield or spiked
name and abilities would suggest – charge the nearest
armor, he may start a grapple as a free action that does
foe. Many of their abilities hinge off of landing a charge,
not provoke an attack of opportunity. If he does, he
and those that don’t are centered around clubbing
automatically succeeds at the first grapple check, and
opponents with spiked shields. Therefore, feats that
receives a +8 bonus on all further grapple checks. Each
allow the blood-spiked fury to successfully land charges
round he is in the grapple, he gets one free attack each
and shield bashes are uppermost in desirability.
with his spiked armor and his spiked shield. These deal
extra damage equal to twice his Strength modifier. Always sure not to neglect the ability to use runes, for
they can boost the blood-spiked fury’s capabilities as
Blood Rune (Su): When he enters a blood frenzy or rage,
surely as a focus on combat feats can. After all, what
the blood-spiked fury creates a carved rune as a free
could be more dangerous than a blood-spiked fury who
action. This does not count against his normal active
can barrel aside a foe and then resist the strikes that fly
runes, and disappears as soon as his blood frenzy or rage
back at him?
Advancement: If you started your career as a runic
Soul Spike Gear (Ex): When the blood-spiked fury
berserker, you were always destined to become a blood-
carves a rune on his spiked armor or spiked shield, he
spiked fury, for it is the ultimate outcome of blending
increases the enhancement bonus of the affected item by
rage and runes. For those who started as a blend of
his runecarving level divided by 4, to a maximum of +5.
runecarver or runeborn and barbarian, you found a great
Supreme Blood Frenzy (Ex): The benefits and penalties need to merge the two disparate halves of your character
from blood frenzy increase by a further 2, to +8 and -8. together, and to become the deadliest of combatants.
Alternately, if he rages, the bonuses to Strength and
In either case, you now know the fire and the flame of
Constitution during his rage each increase to +8, and his
the blood-spiked fury, and how the roaring passion of a
morale bonus on Will saves increases to +4.
rage can power the advent of even more carved runes,
Armor of Rage: While in a blood frenzy or rage, the allowing you to drive your weapons ever deeper into the
blood-spiked fury gains damage reduction X/-, where X foe. You need neither formal training nor membership in
is the number of carved runes affecting him plus one half any organization to enhance your combat prowess by
his class level. following the blood-spiked fury’s path - you feel your
rage grow and your powers advance as your frenzy
Blood-Spiked Fury (Ex): As long as a blood-spiked fury
is under the effect of a carved rune, he gains the benefits
of his blood frenzy or rage ability, and all others that To maximize your effectiveness, choose feats that
depend on it. enhance your best abilities. Feats that boost the duration
and strength of your runes are always going to be useful.
PLAYING A BLOOD-SPIKED FURY More basic combat feats, such as those in the Power
As the name might suggest, there is little of subtlety in Attack tree or Shock Trooper, also complement your
the blood-spiked fury’s view of the world. Indeed, there strengths.
is little subtlety in any action that they might take. Every
question, every challenge, is met with a straight ahead Resources: Like many combatants, you can benefit
charge that bowls through anything that might stand in greatly from items that enhance your Strength and

Constitution. Magic boots or other items that increase Organization: In their most common role as soldiers,
your speed or grant you different forms of movement blood-spiked furies have access to the normal resources
can help you build on your strengths in a different way, of the dwarven kingdoms, being usually assigned arms
especially if they allow you to charge across terrain that and armor and weapons, as well as barracks housing and
would previously have been impossible. Magic items food. And while their rage and incivility may be
that help to boost your runes, and magic spiked armor accepted in battle, the military hierarchy has no desire
and spiked shields, are always going to be handy. whatsoever to deal with recalcitrants and uncontrollable
Finally, look for options that fill in the gaps that your soldiers.
class features and runes don’t.
Outside of the military, blood-spiked furies usually have
BLOOD-SPIKED FURIES IN THE WORLD only themselves to call upon, unless they have had the
“I’m going to kill you, and you, and you, and you.” luck to fall in with the church of a wargod that does not
– Vondan Carnageborn, Tokunnir Blood-spiked Fury mind wanton destruction.

Blood-spiked furies, more than anything else, are the NPC Reactions: The reactions of those around him to the
shock troops of the dwarven kingdoms, sent on blood-spiked fury vary greatly, because those who
expeditions to smash their way through the enemies of honor and respect the tradition of the blood-spiked fury
their liege. Their liege often has a goal of simply getting treat them with kindness, while those who find it little
the berserkers well away from his home, of course, and more than a cloak for bestial behavior will react
anything even sniffing of delicacy can never have blood- accordingly. The society in which he resides also plays a
spiked furies anywhere near it. great role, for those regions of the world that focus on
martial prowess tend to be more lenient towards one of
Outside of the formal military structures of the dwarven his talents.
lands, blood-spiked furies are most often found in
mercenary companies, or even as lone fighters, shunned BLOOD-SPIKED FURY LORE
for the uncontrolled actions they all too often undertake. Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and
Wherever they end up, blood-spiked furies are not much Engineering) can research blood-spiked furies to learn
welcome, simply too risky for a population to have more about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same
around long. Accepted as attack dogs, but little more, the information.
blood-spiked fury very often has few friends outside of
DC 10: Blood-spiked furies combine the world of combat
those who share his gifts.
with that of runic magic, and have, as their name
Daily Life: Blood-spiked furies most often find a role in suggests, a marked preference for spiked armor and
a military organization of some sort, having come from shields.
a martial background regardless of their starting career.
Whether this be a tribe, clan, band of outlaws, or as a DC 15: Blood-spiked furies are furious, rage-driven
combatants who charge into combat covered in runes
shock trooper, the blood-spiked fury is almost always
and assault their foes with vicious rending attacks.
going to end up in a place that lets him use his martial
prowess. They know little enough of the rest of life. DC 20: Blood-spiked furies enhance their weapons and
runes by entering a rage, and can become so furious that
Notables: Vondan Carnageborn was precisely what his
they are immune to even death as long as the rage
name would suggest – a runic berserker, born into a clan
continues. Eventually, they become consumed by a
of runic berserkers, who went on to become the greatest
blood-spiked fury in his clan’s history. He permanent state of fury.
singlehandedly stopped a raid by Tandda, throwing DC 30: Information about notable blood-spiked furies,
himself into their midst and striking about with his drawn from the section above.
spiked shields and armor until he was all but drowning
in their ichor and blood. Feted upon his return, he BLOOD-SPIKED FURIES IN THE GAME
continued to fight with reckless abandon, trusting in his The blood-spiked fury prestige class explores the natural
armor and runecarving prowess to turn away blows multiclass combination of runecarver or runeborn and
from his back. So far, they have. barbarians, letting the passion of the barbarian drive

their carved runes to greater heights of strength. Blood- A cipher vindicator has pledged herself to a single cause
spiked furies are a great way to introduce runic magic to – that espoused by the rune she has permanently bound
a game, as the class mechanics allow players who are herself to. She has sworn to promulgate and champion
otherwise savvy with martial combat to slowly come to the ideals and morals that that particular rune embodies,
grips with the runic magic system without having to and will let nothing and no one stand in the way of
stray too far from their comfort zone. seeing that done. As her relationship with her chosen
rune deepens, a cipher vindicator taps a well of abilities
The blood-spiked fury also makes for an excellent grim
unavailable to other runecarvers, becoming more than
NPC, in that someone covered in spikes, mindless with
she once was. Though she can carve runes using other
hatred in battle, and bathed in the blood of their enemies
options, she chooses not to because the connection she
can be seen as a truly horrible enemy to fight against, or
shares with her guiding symbol offers extensive powers.
can be viewed in a more nuanced light.
If you have a blood-spiked fury PC in your game, be sure
Any runecarving base class allows easy entrance to the
to provide plenty of combat encounters that let him and
cipher vindicator class, but because of the combined
his talents shine, preferably ones that let him charge into
martial and runecarving skill of the runeborn, they can
action and then grapple with the foe.
enter the class at an earlier stage than any other
Adaptation: The blood-spiked fury can be reworked so alternative, aside from the runic berserker alternate class
that his source of power is not runes, but rather some feature. The cipher vindicator focuses more on the
other source of magic. In which case his abilities specific alignment aspect of the game, allowing the new entrant
to runes should be switched over so that they draw from to devastate those creatures who fall opposite to the
and empower this new source of magic. alignment of the cipher vindicator. Thus, whomever the
entrant was before taking this class, afterwards he will
Encounters: A blood-spiked fury can be encountered certainly find the morals and strictures of his rune and
alone or at the head of a raiding party from his kingdom, alignment important to him.
for example. Given the nature of the blood-spiked fury,
the encounter is likely to descend into furious and brutal ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
martial combat. Runecarving: 3rd level or better
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Skills: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 6
ranks, Craft 6 ranks
“I am the bulwark of my people. While I stand, they shall never Feats: Focused Rune, Runehammer
– Isinothi Insala, Human Cipher Vindicator

Table 5-4: The Cipher Vindicator Hit Dice: d10

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Runecarving
1 st +1 +0 +2 +2 Cipher Bond, Aligned Runehammer +1 Runecarving level
2 nd +2 +0 +3 +3 Calligraphic Flare +1 Runecarving level
3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Spreading Cipher +1 Runecarving level
4th +4 +1 +4 +4 Call Them Forth +1 Runecarving level
5 th +5 +1 +4 +4 Spirit Shroud +1 Runecarving level
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Forgery (Int), Heal (Wis),
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int),
Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession
(Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES is opposite to his on either the good-evil or law-chaos
As a cipher vindicator, you gain an improved rapport axis, that strike is treated as if it came from a bane weapon
with your bonded rune. This deeper tie allows you to of the appropriate type.
enhance the power of runes carved with your chosen
Calligraphic Flare (Su): Once every five rounds, the
focus, and to boost your own combat prowess.
cipher vindicator can boost the runecarving level of a
All of the following are class features of the cipher single carved rune utilizing his bonded rune by 4. The
vindicator prestige class. boost lasts for one round. In addition, any runehammer
attempts he makes during this round do not count
Runecarving: When a new cipher vindicator level is against the once per hour limit.
attained, the character gains new runes known, runes
active, and increases his runecarver level as if he had Spreading Cipher (Su): The cipher vindicator can
attained a level in any one runecarving class he belonged choose to lead the way for his allies. If he successfully
to before he added the prestige class. He does not, strikes an enemy with a runehammer, all allies within 5
however, gain any other benefit a character of that class ft. per class level gain the benefits of a single carved rune
would have gained (class features, bonus feats, and so that uses the bonded rune. The benefits last for five
on). This essentially means that he adds the level of rounds. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack, even if
cipher vindicator to the level of whatever runecarving they apply different carved runes.
class the character had, then determines runes known,
Call Them Forth (Su): At 4th level, the cipher vindicator
runes active, runecarver level, and so on.
can draw upon the power of his bonded rune to augment
If a character had more than one runecarving class before his fighting abilities as a swift action. He gains a +4
he became a cipher vindicator, he must decide to which bonus to Constitution, a +4 bonus to his armor class, and
class he adds each level of cipher vindicator for the a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves for 1 round. In addition,
purpose of determining runes known, runes active, every enemy creature within 30 ft. must succeed at a Will
runecarver level, etc. save (10 + ½ character level + Intelligence modifier) or
use their next standard action to attack (this includes
Cipher Bond (Ex): Upon entering the class, a cipher casting spells, using abilities, and using items) the cipher
vindicator chooses a rune that he has the Focused Rune vindicator. Once he has used this ability, he cannot do so
feat for. From then on, he is permanently bound to that again for 5 rounds.
rune. If he is ever not under the effects of that rune, he
loses all class abilities granted by this class. If he is a Spirit Shroud (Ex): At 5th level, the cipher vindicator
runeborn or otherwise has an inherent rune, he must use becomes overcome with the power of the rune, and
one of his inherent runes as his bonded rune. permanently gains the effects of the First Symbol of his
bound rune. This does not count against his runecarving
Aligned Runehammer (Su): A cipher vindicator's limit. In addition, if the rune is an alignment rune, he
natural weapons as well as any weapons he wields are permanently gains the appropriate subtype. Finally, his
treated as aligned for the purpose of overcoming skin solidifies as the rune etches itself as a permanent
damage reduction. The alignment of his weapons tattoo into his body. He gains medium fortification, and
matches his own to as great a degree as possible. Thus, if damage reduction 10/adamantine.
he is lawful good, his weapons strike as both lawful-
aligned and good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming PLAYING A CIPHER VINDICATOR
damage reduction, but if he's neutral good, they strike You bear important responsibilities - to promote the
only as good-aligned. If he is neutral, his weapon strikes ideals of your chosen rune, and to protect others who
as one alignment component of his choice: chaotic, evil, share your morals. Dedicated to all those who share an
good, or lawful. He must make this choice upon entering alignment with you, and especially those who blend it
the prestige class and cannot thereafter change it. If his with precepts of your bonded rune, you often wander
bonded rune is an alignment rune (Kunnon, Pahuus, the world as a combination of protector and prophet,
Ertaa, or Kaom), his alignment is treated as that of the guarding those who need your protection, while at the
rune for that axis. In addition, when using a same time spreading the good word of what you believe
runehammer strike against a creature whose alignment is right and true.

Combat: Your bonded rune helps you in combat. The Resources: As someone who is inherently focused on an
various abilities that it can provide allows you to modify internal goal, and often somewhat alone in the world, an
your tactics depending on the opponents you face. In individual cipher vindicator has little in the way of
general, you prefer a straight up fight rather than a resources beyond what they carry with themselves. If
match based on subterfuge. You prefer to press forward they have been able to find a collective of like-minded
into the thick of enemies, swinging your weapon with a individuals, or have indeed become the leader of a kind
verve inspired by your ideals. Make sure you select of church based around the morals that they espouse,
effective combat feats, such as Power Attack, then their access to funds will be much stronger.
Shattermace, or Axethrower, to make the most of your
“There is nothing so much a guide of an individual as the
In addition to your combat prowess, the abilities weave of magic.”
bestowed upon you by your bonded rune provide you – Engelbert Fisxinack, Gnome Cipher Vindicator
with a good mix of combat options. Your tactics should
Cipher vindicators are what happens when the ideals
emphasize the specific powers to which you normally
and views of the world embodied in the magic of the
have access. As you attain higher levels in the prestige
runes becomes enmeshed with alignment. As a result,
class, your abilities also grant you bonuses to
cipher vindicators most often see their role as guiding
Constitution, Fortitude, and armor class, and allows you
others onto the right path and showing them the way
to focus the enemy’s attention on yourself while
forward. Sometimes, this can even include teaching the
boosting your allies at the same time.
rudiments of runecarving, so that others can feel the
When you gain the calligraphic flare ability, you can enlightenment of the bound rune. By no means does this
suddenly augment your combat prowess in much the mean that a cipher vindicator is entirely at home with the
same way as the barbarian can with his rage ability. idea of an unlettered, but they are far more willing than
Depending on the nature of the rune in question, it may a traditional runecarver to understand the benefits of
well allow access to new abilities for that one round, and being able to draw upon a chosen rune or at least a
so should be used at the opportune moment. closely related one.

Advancement: Because of the very personal nature of Daily Life: A cipher vindicator’s time is largely spent on
the prestige class, and the way it is driven by a bond to a the open road, although very often that includes long
single chosen rune, there is very little the outside world stops in towns and villages, preaching to the
can do to support a cipher vindicator, at least as far as uninformed. Eventually, the cipher vindicator will either
growing in their own abilities. Another cipher vindicator have done his work, and persuaded those villagers of the
of similar morals and outlook could certainly teach the proper means of living life, or they will have been run
newly minted entrant as to how to live their life, but out of town, sometimes with the assistance of local
given that cipher vindicators are few and far between clergy who find the message promulgated to be rather at
and not much for the strictures of organizations, there is odds with their own views of how the world should be
almost no hope of such an occurrence actually organized.
Notables: Perhaps appropriately, amongst the gnome
Advancing up the levels of the prestige class requires communities there is a rather famous and well-liked
little more than living life as the morals and goals the cipher vindicator by the name of Engelbert Fisxinack,
cipher vindicator’s rune demands, and practicing to who travels about from town to town, preaching on the
fully understand the limitless potential of the abilities on ways in which Aum can be used to guide a life forward.
offer. Like other martial characters, the cipher vindicator Given that the gnome in question is an unlettered, and
should spend her gold primarily to improve her somewhat prone to mishaps as all gnomes are, his shows
weapons and armor, though potions and oils are always are often attended as much for comedic value as the
useful. It is best not to neglect combat feats that can make underlying moral code, but despite his failings, he has
the cipher vindicator a powerful combatant when used amassed quite a following, and the areas through which
with the abilities of the bonded rune. he travels are remarkably free of any creature who

would fall on the opposite side of the alignment you have a cipher vindicator in your game, be sure to
spectrum from him. provide plenty of opportunities for her to express her
devotion and dedication to her bonded rune and its
Organization: Cipher vindicators have no organization,
particular moral code.
aside from any that they may have set up themselves as
part of their proselytizing efforts. Adaptation: The cipher vindicator can be reworked so
that he draws on another power source, and his abilities
NPC Reactions: In general people react to a cipher
boost the strength of that fount, rather than runes.
vindicator based entirely on how interested they are in
the proselytizing that he or she is currently engaged in. Encounters: When designing an encounter with a cipher
Outside of that arena, unless the cipher vindicator vindicator, decide first what her bonded rune is and how
wishes to appear otherwise, they seem to be nothing the morals of that will affect the situation. The next
more than the ordinary wandering warrior, although consideration is whether the cipher vindicator has been
they can certainly disabuse people of that notion with successful in terms of recruiting passionate followers of
their actions. their moral code, or whether they work alone. Only
when those factors have been decided upon should an
CIPHER VINDICATOR LORE encounter with a cipher vindicator be fully designed.
Characters with Knowledge (Arcana, Religion, or Runes)
can research cipher vindicators to learn more about
them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same information.
“I have but one goal in life.”
DC 10: The cipher vindicator is a warrior bonded to the – Kilathas Ironmind, Tokunnir Concenter
precepts of a single rune.
A concenter is one who has given themselves over
DC 15: Cipher vindicators are all but permanently under entirely to their dwarven focus, and has all but discarded
the effects of their bonded rune, and can enhance the the rest of life. Driven only by the goal that they hold in
powers of that rune at a moment’s notice. They also have mind, they will go to the utmost ends of the earth in
the ability to damage those of an opposite alignment to order to achieve it, for it is the only part of life that has
themselves. any meaning. Compared even to a normal dwarf with a
DC 20: The cipher vindicator can spread the benefits of focus, a concenter is an extremist, for he forgoes even the
his bonded rune to his allies, and can enter a state of basic necessities of life where they might impede his
protective combat wherein all enemies are forced to try pursuit of his goal. In some ways, a concenter becomes
and strike him, while his allies attack from safety. an amoral being, completely unconcerned with the
wider world, and using those around him only as tools
DC 30: Information about notable cipher vindicators, to get him closer to his goal.
drawn from the section above.
CIPHER VINDICATORS IN THE GAME Concenters are most often Athaghoel who have gone
How you introduce runic magic into your game best through a devastating shock, one that upended their
determines how to incorporate this prestige class into an entire view of the world and made everything that they
ongoing campaign. Because cipher vindicators are are doing seem worthless. Only by adopting a new and
generally loners and prophets, you could simply decide extreme position on the only worthwhile goal they can
that they have had a presence in your campaign all along conceive does the person recover who they are. Driven
as people thought to be wandering preachers. Players exclusively by a single burning focus that is the entire
who like the features of the runeborn class but prefer a center of their life and being, a concenter is often a
different entrance can turn to this class as an alternative. person on a quest for revenge, although by no means is
A PC cipher vindicator is at her best when paired with that the only reason that one might become a concenter.
another character or characters who can benefit strongly
from her protective abilities and can provide a foil for ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
her moral goals. The interaction between prophet and Skills: Concentration 6, Autohypnosis 3
sceptic creates excellent opportunities for roleplaying. If Special: Must have a dwarven focus

Table 5-5: The Concenter Hit Dice: d8
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Magic
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Singular Focus, Expanded Focus +1 Magic Level
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Recovering Mind, Necessary Skills +1 Magic Level
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Determination to Achieve, Visions of a Better Future +1 Magic Level
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Autohypnosis (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int),
Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (All) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (Int),
Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis)

CLASS FEATURES dazed, fatigued, nauseated, panicked, shaken, or

There is one overriding goal for the concenter’s life. Any stunned. He can make this check even if he would not
and everything else is simply dust in the wind, normally be able to (such as being stunned).
Necessary Skills (Ex): At 2nd level, once per day by
All of the following are class features of the concenter succeeding on a DC 30 Autohypnosis check, the
prestige class. concenter gains the ability to mimic a class feature
possessed by other characters. The ability must be
Magic: At each level, you gain class features and an available to a standard (base) character class at 3 rd level
increase in effective level as if you had also gained a level or lower, and must appear on the advancement table or
in a class to which you belonged before adding the in the text description for that class. This excludes any
prestige class level. The specific class features you gain ability that grants a companion (animal companion,
include spells per day, runecarving, maneuvers, familiars, etc.) and spellcasting or similar abilities
psionics, ritual-wielding, truenaming, mysteries, etc. (runecarving, ritual-wielding, binding, incarnum,
You do not, however, gain the benefit of your previous maneuvers, truenaming, shadowcasting, psionics, etc.).
class's Hit Dice, attack progression, skill points, or saving The concenter gains the benefit of that ability for one
throws, or any class features other than those that grant round. If the chosen ability has a stated duration (such
access to a magic system. If you had more than one class as rage), he gains the benefit for that duration. This
before becoming a concenter, you must decide to which cannot exceed one minute. If the benefits of the ability
class to add each level for the purpose of determining increase with class level, the concenter uses his character
class abilities. level as his level in the appropriate class. Make this check
Singular Focus (Ex): At each level in this class, the is an immediate action. The benefits of whatever ability
concenter increases the bonus granted by his dwarven is gained only apply on rolls or actions directly related
focus by +1. At 1st level, he takes a -1 penalty to all rolls to his focus.
that do not directly relate to his focus. In addition, if he Determination to Achieve (Ex): By now, a concenter has
ever accomplishes his focus in less than a month, he can dedicated his entire life to his focus, and stubbornly
no longer receive morale bonuses until such time as he ignores anything that would get in the way of that.
completes a focus that takes longer than a month. If he Should he ever roll a 1 on a task directly related to his
accomplishes his focus, he must wait at least three focus, he treats it as a natural 20 if he succeeds on a DC
months before choosing another one. 40 Autohypnosis check.
Expanded Focus (Ex): At 1st level, his dwarven focus Visions of a Better Future (Ex): Once per week, a
bonus applies to ability checks, initiative checks at 2 nd concenter receives brief visions of the goal of his focus.
level, and armor class at 3rd level. It still only works when Treat this as per the vision spell, except that the result is
directly related to his focus, however. always vague.
Recovering Mind (Ex): The concenter, while engaged in
a task directly related to his focus, can remove harmful
The single defining belief that you share with all other
conditions from himself as a move action by making a
concenters is that of the importance of a focus. People
DC 20 Autohypnosis check. If the check succeeds, he
like you have seen the wretchedness of a life without a
negates any one of the following conditions: cowering,

purpose, a life without meaning, and they have drawn a CONCENTERS IN THE WORLD
line in the sand. Never will they allow themselves to fall “Always forward. Forward. Always.”
into the emptiness of a wasted life, never will they go a – Lu’ka Correal, Elven Concenter
day without a clear and strong beacon of purpose calling
them onwards. Focused only on themselves and their own goals, a
concenter generally does not concern themselves with
To achieve that, the concenter has sharpened their mind the wider world around them, except as to how it might
to the point that it can simply ignore matters that would impact the goals they are currently pursuing. Usually
prevent them from reaching their goals. If he needs a loners, or at least living on the fringes of society, even
talent, he acquires it. If a spell would stop his progress, other dwarves sometimes regard the concenter’s
his mind says it does not. If the gods say he fails, he extreme focus on a single task to be beyond the pale.
laughs in their face. Nothing in the world is stronger Only adventurers, who sometimes act in a manner very
than the forceful mind and focus of a concenter. similar to the concenter, feel a vague kinship with the
driven being.
Combat: Concenters can come from almost any
background and any set of skills, and while they Daily Life: A concenter primarily spends their days in
definitely do add to that, the primary means by which a pursuit of one or more objectives aimed at hunting down
concenter will fight is through using the talents that he resources necessary for their focus, or in direct pursuit of
acquired in his prior life. However, his recovering mind their focus itself. Little else concerns them, although if
ability does allow him to simply ignore certain absolutely necessary a concenter will take time out from
conditions, and necessary skills allows him to copy their vocation in order to earn the funds necessary to
almost any ability that he desires for the length of a undertake the next step.
single encounter, giving the concenter the ability to
surprise their foes with previously unseen talents. Notables: Lu’ka Correal is, strangely, an elf of
remarkable purpose, who has dedicated themselves to
Advancement: No one can truly tell a concenter what to restoring a forest burnt down by the rage of a red
do, how to act. A concenter is completely internally dragon. She has determined that only when that forest is
focused, driven by the goal that they have chosen to returned to its fullest extent and the animals that once
orient their life towards and nothing else. No outside lived there have returned to repopulate it can her work
force can pressure them into doing such a thing, and be said to be done. But farmers and others have
none can pressure them into changing how they act, colonized the land where once the trees grew, and now
either. A concenter will concentrate their efforts as they they find themselves harassed by mysterious messages,
desire, and if they decide that they have achieved their offered bribes to leave, and if they refuse, sometimes
life’s goal and can die happy, then they will. If they need outright slain.
to learn more of a particular talent to chase down the
polestar of their life, then they will. Organization: There is no such thing as an organization
for concenters, and while individuals may have held
Resources: Realistically, concenters can only draw upon roles in societal groupings before, they almost never do
themselves, as the way in which their life spins around a once they step foot on this path.
single focal point makes things such as a job or a normal
role in society almost impossible for them to hold on to. NPC Reactions: If the NPC is able to determine that the
However, given the extreme levels of effort that goes into concenter is, indeed, a concenter, they are viewed with
a concenter’s planning, that could mean they have spent the kind of suspicion that one looks at a potentially crazy
years preparing for the moment in which they will dog, never knowing when it is going to snap. For those
launch themselves upon the sea of fate and journey to who are not able to determine such a thing, a concenter
their final destination, and are thus flush with all the is treated as a member of their prior career.
supplies that a concenter could ever desire. In the end, it CONCENTER LORE
depends upon the individual dwarf. Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and
Engineering) can research concenters to learn more
about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same

DC 10: The concenter orients their life around a single cross-purposes to whatever it is the party wishes to
goal, and pursues only that. achieve.

DC 15: Concenters can simply shrug off the impact of

fear and maladies in order to continue on their way, and
are extremely difficult to stop once they are on their “Follow me.”
chosen path. – Platoon Commander #27, Constructed Sergeant

DC 20: Concenters are able to channel almost any ability Constructed sergeants are Constructed warriors who
they can think of, should they desire. And they will were designed and built by their Tokunnir creators with
desire, for any ability that gets them one step closer to the purpose of leading lesser Constructed in battle,
their goal is all that they care about. serving as a step in the command structure between the
properly dwarven masters of the army and the
DC 30: Information about notable concenters, drawn
Constructed who serve as the shock troops and sappers.
from the section above.
Trained to lead those around them, Constructed
CONCENTERS IN THE GAME sergeants are built with an eye towards efficiency and
Most concenters who seek to enter the class do so at an survival, as they are quite a bit more expensive than their
early point in the game, deviating from the prior path lesser cousins.
they have chosen in order to gain a collection of abilities For that tiny proportion of Constructed sergeants who
that allow them to fully explore the world of their do not work directly for the Tokunnir military, their
dwarven focus. combat focus leaves them unsuitable for peacetime
If a character has chosen the path of the concenter, make pursuits, and most work now as mercenaries,
sure to work with them on the importance of their focus bodyguards, bounty hunters, or elite soldiers in the
and what it means to the character to pursue it, as well armies of various nations.
the burden that it will have on the party if the focus and
the campaign’s adventures are not aligned.
Constructed sergeants come primarily from fighters,
Adaptation: By replacing some of the abilities that call runecarvers, and runeborn, with there being little in the
specifically for a dwarven focus, the concenter class can way of alternative entrances. Most NPC sergeants will
be changed into a more flexible option that allows for merely be fighters who have been enhanced to command
characters with high mental strength to resist the the lower level versions around themselves, whereas PC
depredations of their foes while at the same time having variants will be those specially designed models built to
access to a wider range of abilities when desired. demonstrate true mastery of the art of Constructed
creation, and thus imbued with the spirit of the runes.
Encounters: A concenter will stop at nothing in order to
achieve their goals, and so if one of them decides that ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
what they need is the party out of the way, they will stop Base Attack Bonus: +3
at nothing to achieve that goal. Primarily, a concenter Skills: Warcraft 6, Spot 6
should be used as a recurring character, not necessarily Feat: Officer Material
a villain, who desires nothing more than a goal that is at Race: Constructed

Table 5-6: The Constructed Sergeant Hit Dice: d12

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Runecarving
1 st +1 +2 +2 +0 Commander Aura, Bonus Feat +1 Runecarving level
2 nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Commander Aura, Bonus Feat +1 Runecarving level
3 rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Ongoing Repair, Leader’s Presence +1 Runecarving level
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
Knowledge (all but Arcana, Religion, The Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int),
Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex), Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES runes the sergeant knows. Once made, this choice is
As a Constructed sergeant, you learn to lead those permanent.
around you into the thick of battle, and eventually to
protect them with the runes that animate you.
Your training as a Constructed sergeant sets you apart
All of the following are class features of the Constructed from all other Constructed. You have become a member
sergeant prestige class. of a brotherhood with a long and distinguished history
of service in the army of the Tokunnir. Although you
Runecarving: When a new sergeant level is attained, the
might no longer be a member of a standing army, you
character gains new runes known, runes active, and
remain a formidable warrior and consider yourself a
increases his runecarver level as if he had attained a level
in any one runecarving class he belonged to before he
added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any Unlike some Constructed, you hold your race’s martial
other benefit a character of that class would have gained past in high esteem, knowing that war is your true
(class features, bonus feats, and so on). This essentially calling. When the trumpets sound on the battlefield, you
means that he adds the level of sergeant to the level of are sure to be there, ready to lend your strength and even
whatever runecarving class the character had, then your life to the Tokunnir cause.
determines runes known, runes active, runecarver level,
Combat: Constructed sergeants rely on others for much
and so on.
of their martial might. Their abilities work far better if
If a character had more than one runecarving class before there are other combatants for them to lead, for that is,
he became a sergeant, he must decide to which class he after all, the purpose towards which Constructed
adds each level of sergeant for the purpose of sergeants were designed. Where possible, they want to
determining runes known, runes active, runecarver maneuver themselves so as to be able to cover as many
level, etc. allies as possible with the commander auras, and often
prefer to spend a fight using ranged weapons so that the
Commander Aura (Ex): At the 1st and 2nd level of the
optimal positioning does not affect their ability to assist
class, the Constructed sergeant gains another
their allies. In addition, heavy usage of the Warcraft skill
commander aura (Heroes of Battle, p75). They ignore
in combat is considered the mark of an expert sergeant.
any prerequisites and racial or type requirements of the
auras (auras apply to all allies within range who meet Advancement: To become a Constructed sergeant, you
any non-race/type requirements). must first show the Tokunnir that you are worthy and
have already taken your first steps on the path to
Bonus Feat: At the 1st and 2nd level of the class, the
command, primarily by your feat choices and
Constructed sergeant selects one Constructed, Warcraft,
investment in the Warcraft skill. Formidable combat
or Warforged feat for which he meets the prerequisites.
ability and a basic ability to guide others are the
Ongoing Repair (Ex): If the Constructed sergeant has the hallmarks of your preparedness. A Tokunnir blacksmith
Enhanced Self-Repair feat, he does not become staggered who sees these aspects of your character might then
when undergoing repair. Otherwise, he gains the benefit recommend you for enhancement to the level of
of that feat. sergeant.

Leader's Presence (Ex): The Constructed sergeant gains Enhancement often takes a few weeks of planning and
a +2 bonus to Initiative, and increases the benefits upgrades, with the smith and members of the Tokunnir
granted by his commander auras by his Charisma military testing your progress as they determine how
modifier (minimum +1 increase). This stacks with other well the changes are bonding with the already existing
bonuses to commander auras and applies to commander Constructed design. Once this enhancement is complete,
auras gained from any source. a Constructed sergeant does not need to return for
further upgrades. They are, after all, designed as living,
In addition, every ally within 30 ft. gains the benefit of a learning, machines.
single First Symbol rune effect at the constructed
sergeant’s runecarving level, chosen from amongst the Resources: Sergeants can expect aid from other
Constructed, designed as they are to be subservient to

officers, whether they are Tokunnir or Constructed in “Soldiers, exactly at three o'clock, the enemy is to be
nature. Also, Tokunnir themselves are often willing to crushed by your fierce charge, destroyed by your axes
offer assistance to a sergeant who requests it, provided and hammers. The honor of the Tokunnir must not be
the request is clear about the nature of the task and why stained. Soldiers! Heroes! The supreme command has
such assistance is necessary. After all, the Tokunnir erased our regiment from its records. Our regiment has
designed the Constructed to defend them, and the officer been sacrificed for the honor of the Fatherland.
type Constructed to have some initiative when doing so, Therefore, you no longer need to worry about your lives:
and no dwarf sees the point in designing a tool for a they no longer exist. So, forward to glory! For the King
certain task and then being unhappy when the tool does and the Fatherland! Long live the King, long live the
the task for which it is designed. Tokunnir!”

CONSTRUCTED SERGEANTS IN THE WORLD The desperate charge that followed, in which Elite #55
“Forward to glory! For the King and the Fatherland! Long live was destroyed, halted the onrushing Llethu army long
the King!” enough for the Tokunnir to organize lines of defense
– Elite #55, Constructed Sergeant further into the city, and eventually turn back the assault
upon their capital.
As designed and planned members of Tokunnir society,
sergeants have their place in the world well defined from Organization: Sergeants are deeply imbedded into the
the moment they are first decanted from their military of the Tokunnir, and have enough freedom
construction vessels. While they may not at first be within it that they can generally call upon the resources
destined for command, and instead it takes some time that it provides. Although any particularly important
for the Tokunnir to recognize their talents, Constructed decision does require the approval of an actual Tokunnir
who become sergeants are almost invariably headed dwarf. Sergeants may have some independence, but they
straight into the military, unlike their cousins who might are still built as servants to the Tokunnir.
be used as physical laborers or in other related tasks.
NPC Reactions: Constructed sergeants have a
And there they go through the expected usage of a
reputation as effective leaders, and moments such as the
military Constructed – they fight until their talents are
last charge of the 2nd battalion have ensured that while
recognized and they are selected for enhancement.
Constructed may be servants to the Tokunnir, they also
Daily Life: Training, repair, cleaning and preparation of have a great deal of respect from some segments of the
weapons occupies the life of those Constructed who population. Tokunnir in general understand that much
become sergeants. There is little else that they concern of their society was built upon or by the Constructed,
themselves with. although whether that engenders a liking for their
actions or a dislike for their necessity varies depending
Notables: Elite #55 is remembered in Tokunnir lore for
on the individual dwarf.
his dramatic order to his troops issued on the first day of
the defense of the Tokunnir capital against the Llethu. Outside of the Tokunnir realm, Constructed are
Elite #55 at the time commanded the 2nd battalion of the generally regarded as mute combatants, little more than
Constructed 3rd Regiment, which was defending animated objects who show some skill in combat. Few
positions at the confluence of two major entrance know the truth, that they are a species all their own, even
tunnels. In the early morning, Llethu troops attacked. if they do not have much independence. Except among
The Tokunnir position grew worse every minute the Tandda, who will go out of their way to destroy or
because of an incessant flow of Llethu reinforcements otherwise cripple Constructed sergeants when the
and a vast superiority in spellcasting, which the Tokunnir push into Tandda territory. The deep-dwellers
Constructed countered by employing close-quarter seem to have an innate understanding of how to cripple
tactics. The Constructed had their last stand in front of a the Tokunnir military, and use it wherever possible.
small pottery shop, from which the soldiers took shards
and strapped them to their armor as they prepared for CONSTRUCTED SERGEANT LORE
one last charge into a certain death. Preparing his Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and
already decimated troops for that last attack, Elite #55 Engineering) can research Constructed sergeants to
addressed them with these words:

learn more about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the which case the encounter will take on a decidedly
same information. different flavor.

DC 10: Constructed sergeants fill the role of junior officer

in the Tokunnir military and are designed to enhance the
combat capabilities of those around them. “Run all you want. Sooner or later, you’re nothing more than
another notch on my axe.”
DC 15: Constructed sergeants project commanding
– Skadmibella Kraggranite, Tokunnir Curse Carver
auras on those who are near to them, and can repair
themselves in the middle of combat, unlike normal A bandit king raids caravans on the road. An ogre
Constructed who become incapacitated if they attempt pillages farms to the north. An arcanist has kidnapped
that. the ruler’s son and hidden him somewhere in a marsh -
and the soldiers of the king cannot seem to stem the tide.
DC 20: A poorly known (or possibly well disguised)
The council of elders have only one choice - they call in
feature of Constructed sergeants is that some of them
a curse carver.
have access to runecarving, and can not only carve runes
upon themselves, but can also project the benefits of A curse carver tracks down wrongdoers and brings them
those runes to others around them, granting them to whatever justice awaits them. Low-level curse carvers
strength against the enemy. depend on their keen senses and careful training to hunt
their targets. As they gain experience, their obsessive
DC 30: Information about notable Constructed
determination gives them supernatural abilities that
sergeants, drawn from the section above.
make them nearly unstoppable.
CONSTRUCTED SERGEANTS IN THE GAME And sometimes, when they find their targets, the curse
Introducing sergeants into your campaign is a relatively carver is asked to make sure that he doesn’t return.
easy task. NPC sergeants are easily encountered as the Curse carvers fulfill the dwarven kingdom’s need for
soldiers within dwarven society. A sergeant can also be underhanded tactics, if that ever becomes necessary, and
an effective member of an adventuring party. His auras more than a few are really professional assassins who
assist everyone around them, and even though his train by tracking down much easier targets and
overall runecarving ability is not necessarily as strong as returning them.
someone who is more focused upon that task, his ability
to project runes across the battlefield allow him to None of this is to say that the curse carver is welcome in
provide an effective benefit to the whole party. Finally, Tokunnir, Athaghoel, or other dwarven society. No
his enhanced self-repair means that he is able to dwarf likes to associate themselves with something as
withstand blows that few others could. dishonorable as stabbing a ruler in the bathtub or
slipping poison into his cup. But sometimes the death of
Adaptation: By removing the restrictions on race that one does really spare the many.
surrounds the Constructed sergeant, the class can be
adapted as a leader class for almost any system, as long BECOMING A CURSE CARVER
as the final class abilities are updated to reflect that they Curse carvers come from several different backgrounds,
no longer apply exclusively to Constructed. A DM may whether it be the more traditional dwarven option of
also want to consider allowing the sergeant class to have runecarver or runeborn mixed with rogue, or from the
access to a limited form of the leadership feat, in order to less popular entrant of unlettered. Given the stigma
ensure that the commander auras have appropriate associated with the unlettered, someone who combines
targets. that talent with the curse carver career will find
themselves very unwelcome in dwarf society indeed.
Encounters: Most encounters with a Constructed
sergeant will be at the head of a military force that he is ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
leading and will involve a more straightforward Runecarving: 5th level or better
approach that most other options. That is, unless the Feats: Find the Foe, Inscribed Skill
Constructed has fled, or is on a diplomatic mission, in Skills: Survival 4, Bluff 4, Sense Motive 8

Table 5-7: The Curse Carver Hit Dice: d8
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Runecarving
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Runecurse, Earth Stride, Track -
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Spirit Shatter, Swift Tracker +1 Runecarving level
3 rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Circle of Anathema, Tenacious Pursuit +1 Runecarving level
4 th +3 +4 +1 +4 Spirit Shatter, Hunter’s Dedication +1 Runecarving level
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Extended Curse, Trackless Step +1 Runecarving level
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Spirit Shatter, Earth Stride +1 Runecarving level
7 th +5 +5 +2 +5 Mark of Opportunity, Regalia of Ease +1 Runecarving level
8 th +6 +6 +2 +6 Spirit Shatter, Track the Trackless +1 Runecarving level
9th +6 +6 +3 +6 Persistent Curse +1 Runecarving level
10th +7 +7 +3 +7 Spirit Shatter, Twinned Bane +1 Runecarving level
Class skills (6 + Int modifier per level): Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con),
Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge
(Architecture and engineering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak
Language (None), Swim (Str), Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha)

CLASS FEATURES level, except that all benefits the rune effect grants are
As a curse carver, you use your runecurse to cripple your treated as penalties (Damage reduction or energy
targets, and to follow them if they should escape. resistance adds that much to damage when struck), with
Generally, you like to focus all of your negative attention any non-numerical effects being ignored. The struck
on a single creature, letting the rest of the party deal with creature gets a Fortitude save vs 10 + damage dealt to
any others. resist the runecurse. If the creature fails, the runecurse
lasts for one hour. The curse carver cannot apply more
All of the following are class features of the curse carver than one runecurse to a single creature at a time. The
prestige class. chosen rune effect must be from a rune the curse carver
Runecarving: When a new curse carver level is attained knows (unlettered-based curse carvers are treated as
(aside from 1st), the character gains new runes known, knowing all runes).
runes active, and increases his runecarver level as if he Earth Stride (Su): A curse carver can move through scree
had attained a level in any one runecarving class he and dense rubble at her normal speed. She can also move
belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does up steep slopes and stairs at her normal speed. See pages
not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that 89-92 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for descriptions of
class would have gained (class features, bonus feats, and terrain types. Starting at 6th level, a curse carver is well
so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of acquainted with the dangers of mountainous terrain. She
curse carver to the level of whatever runecarving class can ignore DC modifiers on Balance, Move Silently, and
the character had, then determines runes known, runes Tumble checks derived from scree, light rubble, dense
active, runecarver level, and so on. rubble, steep slopes, or stairs (see page 89 of the
If a character had more than one runecarving class before Dungeon Master's Guide). She also does not need to
he became a curse carver, he must decide to which class make a DC 10 Balance check when running or charging
he adds each level of curse carver for the purpose of down a steep slope.
determining runes known, runes active, runecarver Track (Ex): The curse carver gains Track as a bonus feat.
level, etc.
Spirit Shatter (Su): Sometimes the curse carver would
Runecurse (Su): The curse carver's primary method of prefer not to have to fight up close against those it has
dealing with their foes is to carve a curse into them in the been sent to end. At each even level, it learns one spirit
form of a rune. He can choose to strike an opponent as a shatter, which takes a standard action to apply and has a
standard action. If he hits, he can apply a single rune range of 20 ft. per class level. The save DC is 10 + ½ class
effect with a level equal to or lower than his runecarving

level + Charisma modifier. He may only have a single against his enemies, afflicting them with his very
spirit shatter active at a time, and the duration of the presence. Any enemy within 30 ft. of the curse carver
curse is one hour, after which all penalties are lifted. takes a -1 penalty on all saves for every two carved runes
the curse carver is under the effects of.
Simple Failure: The affected target must make a Will save
or suffer a luck penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, Tenacious Pursuit (Ex): A curse carver who is tracking
ability checks, and skill checks equal to half the curse increases his own speed by 5 feet per carved rune
carver’s class level. affecting him. This bonus stacks with all other speed
Stumbling Curse: The affected target must make a
Fortitude save or become staggered and flatfooted. Hunter's Dedication (Ex): A curse carver adds his
Constitution bonus (if any) to Will saves made to resist
Chains of Despair: Overwhelming panic grips the
the special attacks, abilities, or spells of any creature he
creature, causing it to cower for the duration of the curse.
has runecursed.
Will negates.
Extended Curse (Su): The curse carver’s runecurse now
Stonecurse: A creature struck by this curse simply
lasts for four hours.
becomes stone. The target is turned to stone, as per flesh
to stone. Fortitude negates. Trackless Step (Ex): A curse carver cannot be tracked in
natural, rocky, or underground surroundings. See the
Magic Retarded: A being suffering under this malefaction
druid class feature, page 36 of the Player's Handbook.
is simply unable to use magic effectively. The affected
creature takes a penalty to their caster level equal to half Mark of Opportunity (Su): Those whom the curse
the curse carver’s class level. Will negates. carver has marked with a runecurse attract blows from
friend and foe alike. Whenever a runecursed creature
Crippling Anguish: The affected target must make a
takes an action that would draw an attack of
Fortitude save or become inflicted with wracking pain
opportunity, even from a creature allied to it, that
that cuts their movement, base attack bonus, damage
creature takes the attack of opportunity unless it
and damage reduction by half. Fortitude negates.
succeeds at a Will save of 10 + curse carver’s class level
Suppress Items: The affected target must watch all of his + Charisma modifier. Allies of the curse carver get 1 free
magical protections be stripped from him. Every magical attack of opportunity per round against the runecursed
item on his form is suppressed for the duration of the creature.
curse. Fortitude negates.
Regalia of Ease (Su): The curse carver finds it immensely
Inward Reflection: Any time the affected creature deals easier to track those it has marked with a curse, to the
damage to another creature, it immediately is struck by point where it now automatically succeeds on Survival
that one half that damage. Fortitude negates. checks to track any creature under the effect of a
Cripple: The affected creature immediately suffers 1d4
level drain. Fortitude negates. Track the Trackless (Su): A curse carver can track a
creature moving under the influence of pass without trace
Thou Shalt Not: The affected creature has no more will of or a similar effect, though he takes a -20 penalty on his
his own. He must make a DC 30 Concentration check to Survival checks when doing so.
take any action. Will negates.
Persistent Curse (Su): The curse carver’s runecurse now
Swift Tracker (Ex): A curse carver can move at his lasts for one day.
normal speed while following tracks. See the ranger class
feature, page 48 of the Player's Handbook. Twinned Bane (Su): When using the runecurse ability,
the curse carver may now apply two different rune
Circle of Anathema (Su): The curse carver, while effects with each runecurse.
considered a necessary evil by the dwarven elders, is
never held in the highest of regards. Being anathema to
most dwarves is something that he has turned back

PLAYING A CURSE CARVER that fill in the gaps that your class features and runes
As the talents of the curse carver would suggest, their don’t.
primary roles in life are to hunt down fleeing targets, and
to then deal with those targets in single combat. With a
“He thought flight was the answer. It never is.”
vast array of abilities that neuter their prey, the curse
– Yeldithas Adkas, Elven Curse Carver
carver never has to worry about having a fair fight, and
indeed never has any desire to have one. And if the Curse carvers are the tools of furthest outreach for their
target flees, well, the runecurse dotting their back will let overlords, often sent leagues away from their homes in
the curse carver follow wherever they go. order to track down some recalcitrant who has broken
the law in a way that demands answer. That also has the
Combat: Curse carvers are specialists in dealing with
side benefit of getting the curse carver out of the regular
single targets, usually by hitting them with a spirit
sight of the populace, where the bounty hunter would
shatter as the foe approaches, and then continuing to
remind the crowd that their ruler, however noble he
cripple the target with a runecurse in the first round of
might sound, kept a veritable assassin on staff for
melee combat. After the enemy has been significantly
degraded in this way, the curse carver will then hound
them throughout the fight, trusting in their runes to keep Daily Life: Most days, a curse carver will find
them safe from a weakened enemy. themselves on the road, hunting down some foolish
target or another. Sometimes the goal is to kill the target,
Advancement: If you started your career as a runecarver
sometimes to return with it, but that aside, the process of
or runeborn and rogue, you found a great need to merge
tracking does not change much. When they are at home,
the two disparate halves of your character together, and
curse carvers in the employ of lords and kings are
to become an expert stalker. For those who entered
usually used to root around the court gossip and
directly from the unlettered, well, it just seemed like a
discover who might be loyal and who might not,
good place to go.
bringing any who are not to their liege’s attention.
You need neither formal training nor membership in any
When not on duty, curse carvers spend their time
organization to enhance your tracking prowess by
drinking and carousing, washing away the stigma that
following the curse carver’s path – that you learn on the
surrounds them in a flurry of alcohol. Or, perhaps,
job. As for the runecarving half of the equation, learning
studying, preparing their talents so that they are always
better runes depends on whether your original
sharp, always learning new ways of finding their targets.
knowledge came through the formalized and rigorous
training of the runecarver and the runeborn, or the Notables: Yeldithas Adkas is attached to the court of an
willful inaccuracy of the unlettered. elven nobleman, serving as both advisor, and when the
need arises, as assassin. As befits a proper assassin, not
To maximize your effectiveness, choose feats that
much is known about Adkas’ exploits, except that the
enhance your best abilities. Feats that boost the duration
enemies of his noble have a habit of turning up rather
and strength of your runes are always going to be useful.
abruptly deceased, supposedly of their own volition.
Feats that allow you to remain hidden and attack from
Adkas, of course, denies ever having had anything to do
stealth are also going to be quite handy, such as Shadow
with the matter, and given that society at large does not
know about his unlettered abilities, they can’t see how
Resources: Like many characters, you can benefit greatly he could do what he is reputed to do without magic.
from items that enhance your Strength and Dexterity.
Organization: In their most common role as trackers and
Magic boots or other items that increase your speed or
assassins, curse carvers are attached to the legal
grant you the ability to hide and move silently quickly
structure of whatever barony, fiefdom, or principality
can help you build on your strengths in a different way,
they find themselves in, able to draw on that for power
especially if they allow you to set up ambushes almost at
and protection. There is no formal organization of curse
a whim. Magic items that help to boost your runes, and
carvers across societies, as they are too few in number to
options that you let you disable but not kill your targets,
stay properly organized, and many of them do not wish
are always going to be handy. Finally, look for options
to have the scope of their talents publicly known.

NPC Reactions: Universally wary is how the curse well as memorable encounters with foes well suited to
carver is treated. No one likes an arm of the law that is be struck down by his runecurse.
effectively unregulated and free to choose what to do,
Adaptation: The easiest way to adapt this class to your
and given their propensity to change from idle banter to
own campaign is to tie curse carvers to one or more
furious action as their target comes into range, the rest of
organizations of superlative trackers. But you also might
society finds the curse carver quite unsettling.
introduce a more localized group of curse carvers - for
CURSE CARVER LORE example, a group of rangers and curse carvers sworn to
Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and serve a small barony far to the north; funds earned by
Engineering) can research curse carvers to learn more “the Brenmark Trackers” might be the major income of
about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same their tiny homeland.
Encounters: A curse carver is most likely to be found in
DC 10: Curse carvers are hunters and trackers, finding ambush, having tracked one or more members of the
enemies of the state on behalf of their rulers. party down for a crime they supposedly committed.
Usually the first warning anyone will have is when the
DC 15: Curse carvers are able to embed fearful curses spirit shatter strikes the intended target, followed
into their opponents by giving them the evil eye or shortly thereafter by the curse carver bursting from
carving them into their skin, and those curses last for so cover, intent on using his runecurse.
long that the target can never flee once marked.

DC 20: No one can be around a curse carver safely, for

they exude an aura of ill luck for anyone who approaches “I’d rather not travel with your band. I’ll stick with my
them, and they can track anyone to the ends of the earth, companions. They talk less and fight harder.”
always moving faster than the target. – Erka the Reborn, Dwarven Forgesouled Guardian
DC 30: Information about notable curse carvers, drawn Forgesouled guardians are quite literally made, not
from the section above. born. Built in the forges of the Tokunnir kingdoms, the
CURSE CARVERS IN THE GAME forgesouled guardians are most commonly those who
The curse carver prestige class primarily explores the build the Constructed that defend their people. But they
combination of rogue with a runecarving base class, are also a clue as to how the Constructed were first
blending the ability of the rogue to be stealthy with the designed – they were not animated constructs, but rather
single target killing ability that runes can offer. Curse a melding of the flesh and soul of a dwarf with the
carvers are a more advanced class to be playing, as highest levels of craftsmanship those dwarfish artificers
effective utilization of the runecurse requires expert could design.
knowledge of the various rune effects, and which one Rebuilt through the skills of the dwarven blacksmiths, a
would be most appropriate given the nature of the foe. forgesouled guardian becomes a clanking, metallic
They are also the only class that reverses the positive shield to construct and dwarf alike, and one talented
nature of the runes and apply them as penalties to foes, enough to design and build constructs for their own
making them unique in Vivisection and Resurrection. purposes.
The curse carver also makes for an excellent NPC, BECOMING A FORGESOULED GUARDIAN
hunting down the party in revenge for an alleged slight Forgesouled guardians are most often dwarven
against a lord, or if they have been mistaken for another runecarvers who were severely injured at an earlier age,
who earned such enmity. Given his ability to track and their missing flesh replaced with metallic grafts and iron
travel at speed, repeat encounters with the curse carver plating. No longer fully dwarven, but not yet purely a
are sure to worry the party. construct, they straddle the line between the two, using
If you have a curse carver PC in your game, be sure to the resilience of their mechanical parts as a bulwark for
provide plenty of options to use his tracking ability, as the dwarven population. And after having learned how
to repair themselves and to create Constructed,
forgesouled then take that one step further, building

vicious fighting constructs that can be deployed to ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
defend not only themselves but also the Tokunnir Runecarving: 5th level or better
kingdoms. Feats: Forgesouled, 2 Constructed or Warforged(Eberron
Campaign Setting) feats

Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 8, Craft 8, Knowledge

(Dungeoneering) 8

Table 5-8: The Forgesouled Guardian Hit Dice: d8

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Runecarving
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Construct Companion -
2 nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Construct Lore, Bonus Feat +1 Runecarving level
3 rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Construct Flank +1 Runecarving level
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Bonus Feat +1 Runecarving level
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Extra Construct Companion -
6 th +4 +2 +5 +5 Bonus Feat +1 Runecarving level
7 th +5 +2 +5 +5 Construct Tactics +1 Runecarving level
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Bonus Feat +1 Runecarving level
9th +6 +3 +6 +6 Construct Team-Up +1 Runecarving level
10 th +7 +3 +7 +7 Bonus Feat, Extra Construct Companion -
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery
(Int), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int),
Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)
(Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device
(Cha), Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES If a character had more than one runecarving class before
A forgesouled guardian forms an assemblage, with he became a forgesouled guardian, he must decide to
himself at the center and his mechanical subordinates as which class he adds each level of forgesouled guardian
the members. Through his tinkering and upgrades, these for the purpose of determining runes known, runes
constructs become stronger and tougher. Over time, the active, runecarver level, etc.
forgesouled guardian learns to optimize his fighting
Construct Companion (Ex): The forgesouled guardian
ability when battling alongside his newly built allies.
gains the service of a construct companion. He chooses
All of the following are class features of the forgesouled any single construct, with a Challenge Rating equal to
guardian prestige class. his level -3 or lower. Advance any construct that is lower
until its Challenge Rating is his level -3. The forgesouled
Runecarving: When a new forgesouled guardian level is guardian can command his companion as a swift action
attained (aside from 1st, 5th, and 10th), the character gains to take a specific act, but by default the construct will
new runes known, runes active, and increases his attack any hostile creature within 30 ft. of the
runecarver level as if he had attained a level in any one forgesouled guardian, and when not in combat will
runecarving class he belonged to before he added the follow at a 10 ft. distance. At each class level beyond the
prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other first, the construct advances until its Challenge Rating is
benefit a character of that class would have gained (class his level -3. A forgesouled guardian can repair his
features, bonus feats, and so on). This essentially means construct companions, restoring them to vitality,
that he adds the level of forgesouled guardian to the through the application of his crafting talent. For every
level of whatever runecarving class the character had, minute he spends repairing a construct, it regains 5 hit
then determines runes known, runes active, runecarver points. This cannot increase a construct companion's hit
level, and so on. point total above its normal amount. If the construct is

ever lost, he can craft a replacement costing 500 gold the forgesouled guardian" in those abilities now includes
pieces per hit dice, and taking one day per hit dice. his allies.

Construct Lore (Ex): At 2nd level, the forgesouled PLAYING A FORGESOULED GUARDIAN
guardian gain uncanny knowledge about all types of Sometimes you shun other dwarves, conscious of your
constructs, including their behavior, abilities, and strange appearance and ties to the Constructed servitors,
weaknesses. He can make a special construct lore check but you are always at ease among the hand-designed
to identify constructs or their special abilities or constructs that form your assemblage, talking to them
vulnerabilities. The check functions as a Knowledge regularly. You enjoy watching your construct allies in
check, except the construct lore check can identify any action, directing their movements to combine them into
construct. He gains a bonus on this check equal to his an efficient fighting unit. As the leader of your
forgesouled guardian level + his Intelligence modifier. assemblage, you revel in your victories and mourn those
He can attempt this check in addition to making the destroyed in your service. But as constructs, they can
relevant Knowledge check to learn about a creature. always be salvaged and rebuilt.

Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, and each even level after that, The smithy is your home. In fact, some forgesouled
the forgesouled guardian gains a bonus feat, chosen guardians never leave one when the rest of the dwarves
from the list of Warforged or Constructed feats. are forced back or move on. Rumors abound of entire
abandoned complexes having been taken over by the
Construct Flank (Ex): At 3rd level, the forgesouled
mightiest forgesouled and their countless constructs. In
guardian learns to better coordinate his attacks with his
these depths, lesser constructs are put to work mining
construct companion. When he forms a flank with a
the resources necessary to make the next generation of
companion, both the forgesouled guardian and the
their compatriots.
creature gain an additional +2 bonus on attack rolls and
damage rolls against the flanked opponent. Combat: You are the leader of an assemblage, and in
battle you seek to maximize the combination of your
Extra Construct Companion (Ex): At 5th level, the
abilities and those of your manufactured companions. If
forgesouled guardian gains a second construct
you specialize in ranged attacks, choose companions that
companion. At 10th level, he gains a third construct
have a high number of hit points and can hold back the
enemy. If you favor melee combat, pick mobile
Construct Tactics (Ex): Starting at 7th level, the companions that hit hard so that you can form deadly
forgesouled guardian and his construct companions flanks. Abilities that improve your companions’ fighting
make an excellent team. Through coordination and prowess are doubly useful. Carved runes that can
practice, the forgesouled guardian has learned to improve the expertise of your constructed allies make
optimize their combined efforts. When one of his your entire assemblage deadlier.
construct companions strikes an opponent with a melee
In most cases, a construct companion will not be able to
attack, the target provokes an attack of opportunity from
handle the toughest foes you face. For example, if you
the forgesouled guardian. With this ability, he can make
encounter a hill giant and a number of trolls, send your
an attack of opportunity against a particular target once
companion against the trolls - the giant might be able to
per round.
disable it with a single blow. Let your companion hold
In addition, the forgesouled guardian’s companions do back the trolls while the rest of your adventuring party
not grant cover against his enemies when he uses ranged battles the main threat.
attacks or spells.
While you see your construct companions as members
Construct Team-Up (Ex): When the forgesouled of your assemblage, do not neglect your fellow
guardian reachs 9th level, all the members of his adventurers. Your arbalester companion can provide
adventuring party (including his other construct covering fire against those seeking to flank the party,
companions) now gain the benefits of his Construct while your fang golem can act as a bodyguard for the
Flank and Construct Tactics abilities. Any references to " wizard.

Advancement: Craft is the most obvious skill choice, companions to defend themselves and their society
though Use Magic Device can be highly useful if you also against the depredations of those who inhabit the deep
craft magical items. An even distribution of Knowledge and the surface. From the depths, conflict with the
skills can keep you informed about any creature you Tandda are a primary use of their time, while any band
might face. If one of your companions can serve as a of raiders or pirates from the surface who seeks to
mount, spend a few skill points on Ride, and consider “borrow” the wealth of the subterranean world is more
taking Mounted Combat and the associated feats. likely than not to be ambushed by an assemblage of
Leadership is also an excellent choice, if your DM allows construct companions.
it. A Constructed cohort will deepen your bond with
Notables: Like most gnomes, Mocco Felfixer had an
your mechanical allies while bolstering your party’s
accident while working in his laboratory. Unlike most
gnomes, the accident was serious, and Felfixer was made
Resources: Inside the dwarven kingdoms, there are even shorter by it, given his legs were never seen again.
plenty who understand the desire to optimize the use of However, he was able to turn the disability into a
construct companions, although most do not like to see strength, and the mechanical body with which he
them used on such an even footing as the forgesouled replaced his lower extremities allows him to perform
guardian does. Those others respect the strengths of physical feats that a regular gnome could only dream of.
constructs, but do not trust them to avoid the mindless Recognizing the power of machinery for what it was,
rage that has overcome all too many golems. Felfixer then began to churn out a seemingly endless
stream of construct warriors, and upgrades for those
You have a kinship with blacksmiths and artificers,
warriors. Now the leader of a multitude, he might be the
particularly those who build unusual or unique
first person ever described as a gnome warlord.
machines of war. They might provide you with
resources or at least shelter when you come to town, Organization: Forgesouled guardians have no formal
though the smaller the community, the more questions organization of their own, but many are loosely
your mechanical allies will raise. It is best to leave your associated with local blacksmithing guilds. Not only are
more intelligent companions in the wilderness (with a forgesouled guardians valuable allies when exploring
prearranged rendezvous time) rather than risk bringing below ground, but they also train inexperienced
them into a city that will not tolerate their presence. adventurers by providing real constructs for use in
nonlethal battles. However, forgesouled guardians
FORGESOULED GUARDIANS IN THE WORLD usually remain outside the hierarchy of any guild, whose
“Born of iron and stone, and more loyal than any being born members both need and disdain them. The advantages
of flesh and blood.”
for forgesouled guardians are compensation (creating
– Mocco Felfixer, Gnome Forgesouled Guardian
constructs is expensive) and legitimacy, allowing
Forgesouled guardians usually dwell on the outskirts of themselves to be engaged in the defense of a settlement,
civilization, viewed with some level of disapproval as often as the first line of defense, as a way to prove the
wounded dwarves who let those wounds warp their efficacy of what they do.
worldview. Many are eccentric hermits, living with their
NPC Reactions: Most people see the constructs long
mechanical companions and shunning a world that does
before they notice the master, if they notice him at all. In
not understand the harmony such a relationship
civilized areas, the majority of residents wonder why
engenders. The constructs are warriors and helpers,
such openly military constructs would be wandering
aiding the forgesouled guardian with tasks both
unattended, and even when they see the forgesouled
mundane and military. The juxtaposition of spike-
guardian are somewhat skeptical of his ability to retain
covered constructs and the daily chores of subterranean
perfect command of such large and powerful
life can be unnerving, to say the least - just ask a gnome
who has seen a cadaver collector mining a silver vein.
In the subterranean wilderness regions outside of the
Daily Life: As the name might suggest, a forgesouled
dwarven caverns, NPC attitudes improve. Seasoned
guardian spends their days working on creating
adventurers are pleased to see a forgesouled guardian
constructs, or on using their armed and armored
and his constructs, once they realize that the forgesouled

and his remote forge are the outer breastwork of the previously considered playing a member of a bizarre
dwarven defense lines. race just for the fun of it, or maybe they obsess over the
details of every golem they face. This prestige class
FORGESOULED GUARDIAN LORE allows them to put different constructs through their
Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and paces and learn how the creatures handle combat. The
Engineering) can research forgesouled guardians to class might also appeal to strategists because it lets them
learn more about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the direct several combatants in battle and thus have more
same information. control over the tactical situation.
DC 10: Some adventurers would rather design and build Adaptation: Some campaigns might include
constructs than fight them. They call themselves organizations of forgesouled guardians that focus on one
“forgesouled guardians.” specific construct (or one group of constructs) to the
DC 15: Forgesouled guardians design, create, and utilize exclusion of others. For example, a forgesouled guardian
constructs. They keep to themselves, mostly, but you’ll guild might build ranged constructs to defend a
never find anyone who knows more about the ways of mountaintop city, adding arbalesters, fang golems,
the subterranean wilderness or constructs. They’re your effigies, and others to the city’s garrison. Such
best bet for firsthand knowledge about all kinds of forgesouled might call themselves “artillerists” instead.
golems or other mechanical creations. On the other hand, human forgesouled could design
packs of homunculi to serve during combat and
DC 20: Forgesouled guardians are wounded dwarves elsewhere. In both cases, consider replacing the
who have been reborn through the miracle of the forge, construct lore ability with other minor powers more
and now surround themselves with hand built suited to a narrow focus.
mechanical allies, fighting alongside them in near perfect
harmony. Encounters: Forgesouled guardians often consider
particular areas of subterranean wilderness their
DC 30: Information about notable forgesouled stomping grounds. If they catch wind of a group of PC
guardians, drawn from the section above. intruders, they might demand payment or some other
sign that the adventurers acknowledge their
sovereignty. Forgesouled guardians can be difficult to
It can be a challenge to add forgesouled guardians to a
handle, particularly since many of them dislike society’s
campaign, but no more of a challenge than adding a
rules, but turning one into an ally is a major coup. Few
character who has the Leadership feat. The presence of
know a region of the Underdark as well as a forgesouled
construct companions will complicate combat
guardian who calls it his home.
encounters, but the forgesouled guardian’s player
controls the creatures, so most of the burden will remain
with him. Furthermore, as the PCs attain higher levels,
they will gain more power than the construct “I got close enough.”
companions will, relegating some of the creatures to – Triad, Niwl Haphazard
noncombat functions.
Magic is one of the most capricious and unpredictable of
Cities are the bane of a forgesouled guardian; an urban all natural or supernatural forces in the universe.
adventure will likely deprive him of most of his class Attempts to codify runecarving through ancient
features, as it is somewhat difficult to justify strolling languages or prescribed and formulaic behaviors, are
around a city with multiple heavily armed golems in essentially pointless - or so haphazards believe. Instead,
tow. Nor does it lend itself to social interaction. Dungeon those who would truly master runic magic must
crawls, on the other hand, are his specialty, allowing him abandon precise control, but retain the will to ensure that
and his mechanical companions to explore the setting for power appears. Within this paradox lies the awesome
which they were created. power of the haphazard. The haphazard aspires to carve
runes without structure. By taking the risk of
Players who like outlandish characters will enjoy
substituting an element of randomness, she gives up the
playing a forgesouled guardian. Perhaps they
safe predictability of other runecarving classes. This risk

allows for the potential of power greater than other younger age. And so they accept the fate of the
runecarvers can hope for. Of course, she also risks the haphazard – to be able to create any and all runes, but
potential for less power, but what is being a haphazard with such randomness that having even a hint of what
if not risky? carved rune will result is beyond them. And yet, the path
of the haphazard is an easy way to power, for although
BECOMING A HAPHAZARD it offers none of the control, not even of the unlettered, it
Those who come late to the world of runic magic, does lay the complete power of runic magic at their feet
without the benefit of formal training, have little more – a power they embrace gladly.
than sheer will to rely upon in order to power their
carved runes. They simply do not have the time nor the ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
desire to spend the years in training that it takes to Feats: Mounting Concentration
master the art the way the runecarvers have, and they Skills: Concentration 8, Decipher Script 8
clearly do not have an inherent rune at all, or they would
have followed the path of the runeborn at a much

Table 5-9: The Haphazard Hit Dice: d8

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities
1 st +0 +2 +0 +2 Whatever Comes Forth
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 A Little More Force, Mind Leaps Ahead
3 rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Maybe Not That
4 th +3 +4 +1 +4 One Mind, One Thought
5 th +3 +4 +1 +4 A Lot More Force
Class skills (6 + Int modifier per level): Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con),
Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge
(Architecture and engineering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak
Language (None), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha)

CLASS FEATURES haphazard last only 10 minutes, and dismissing them is

The will to shape a rune, to force the magic into a form a free action. A haphazard’s runecarving level is equal to
that grants a boon, is all that you need. And you have it his class level * 4 or his character level, whichever is
in spades. Now, the ability to decide what boon you get? lower, he has runes active as detailed in Runecarving
That’s more than a little beyond you. Basics on page 44, and he uses Charisma as his primary
ability modifier. Where necessary, treat a haphazard as
All of the following are class features of the haphazard if he knows all runes for abilities or prerequisites that
prestige class. require knowledge of a particular rune. This replaces
Whatever Comes Forth (Ex): A haphazard is someone any previous runecarving method the haphazard had
who cares not at all about the history, the forms, the great before entering this class.
detail, that goes into carving a rune. Instead, they just A Little More Force (Ex): The haphazard can create two
quickly throw ideas at the wall in the hopes that one or different carved runes at a time as a standard action or
more of them sticks. When carving a rune, the one carved rune as a move action. He can only spend one
haphazard rolls a 1d30 twice, taking the results from action carving runes in any given round.
Table 5-10: Haphazard Rune Creation. For the two runes
he was given as a result from Table 5-10, he then rolls Mind Leaps Ahead (Ex): When using mounting
another 1d6 each to determine the rune effect, rerolling concentration, regardless of what round it is, if the
any 6s or rune effects that are too high for his haphazard’s Concentration check result is better than
runecarving level. 1 is the First Symbol, 2 is the Second DC 45, he gains a +3 bonus on the first three rolls made
Symbol, and so on. The haphazard's method of creating as part of his declared action. If his Concentration check
a rune is so quick it takes only a standard action, and passes DC 30 but not 45, he gains a +2 bonus on the first
does not need a Craft check. Runes created by a two rolls made as part of his declared action. If his

Concentration check passes DC 15 but not 30 or 45, he 25 Sigu (Shape)
gains a +1 bonus on the first roll made as part of his 26 Sinn (Mind)
declared action. This replaces the benefits granted by
27 Sterkur (Toughness)
mounting concentration.
28 Tenkt (Thought)
Maybe Not That (Ex): When creating a rune, the 29 Terveys (Health)
haphazard can choose to reroll each 1d30 once, if 30 Xosha (Fire)

One Mind, One Thought (Ex): As a swift action, the PLAYING A HAPHAZARD
haphazard may reduce his base Will save by up to its Haphazards are chaotic in history and in nature, each
total amount, and apply up to half the amount reduced one having followed its own unique path to enter into
as a bonus to the runecarving level of one carved rune he the world of runic magic. Perhaps this one was originally
has created. This lasts until the beginning of his next a wizard who thought to try the world of runic magic.
round. Or perhaps it was a warrior who had seen the carvings
upon the bodies of his foes and thought that they might
A Lot More Force (Ex): The haphazard can now create benefit him in combat. Either way, the haphazard is as
three different carved runes at a time as a standard chaotic in backstory as the character is in rune creation,
action, two carved runes as a move action, or one carved and thus giving guidelines is rather difficult.
rune as a swift action.
That being said, the runic part of the haphazard will
Table 5–10: Haphazard Rune Creation usually take a backseat to whatever path the character
began in, at least at first. The highly unreliable nature of
Dice Result Rune the haphazard’s rune creation means that it’s almost
1 Aum (Magic) always going to be used as a supporting power source
2 Belxa (Prayer) for whatever options the character originally had.
3 Ertaa (Law)
Combat: The haphazard’s role in combat is whatever it
4 Exhu (Hatred)
was prior to entering the prestige class, although the
5 Haamu (Vision) runes can be used to augment previous abilities. As runic
6 Ingan (Lore) magic is focused most commonly around physical
7 Ithi (Mechanism) combat and defensive enhancements, it’s best to use
8 Kaom (Chaos) carved runes to keep the haphazard safe while focusing
9 Kerta (Time) their other abilities on disabling the foe. Of course, the
10 Kiel (Negate) highly scattered nature of rune creation can change all of
11 Kivi (Stone) that in an instant.
12 Kolo (Earth) Advancement: The best part of being a haphazard is that
13 Kunnon (Good) while you may not know precisely what you’re getting a
14 Lage (Create) benefit to, you will always have a benefit to something.
15 Linna (Fortress) You can also reshape your carved runes at the drop of a
16 Livet (Life) hat, quickly shuffling through the options even during
combat to see if you can find something that best suits
17 Lujuus (Strength)
the situation you’re currently in.
18 Mita (Weakness)
19 Mortuum (Death) As you attain higher haphazard levels, you continue to
20 Pahuus (Evil) hone the runecarving you so recently embarked upon.
21 Queta (Deep) You need neither formal training nor membership in any
organization to enhance your combat prowess by
22 Rauta (Steel)
following the haphazard’s path - you simply understand
23 Risti (Sharp)
how to create more and stronger runes.
24 Rore (Move)

To maximize your effectiveness, choose feats that Organization: Haphazards have no formal organization,
enhance your best abilities. Feats that boost the strength each being unique unto themselves with the specific
of your runes and the abilities they provide can combination of runic magic and prior life. They do,
dramatically improve your combat prowess. Aside from however, find comfort in the presence of fellow
that, choose options that enhance the skills learned runecarvers, who are more likely to be able to
before becoming a haphazard. understand the life choices that they have made. Given
that haphazards are almost entirely outside of the
Resources: There is no such thing as an order of
dwarven realms that are the sole bastion of runic magic,
haphazards, as becoming one is such a personal
more often than not this means they are alone.
experience. And given that haphazards most often arrive
in parts of the world where runecarving is not a well NPC Reactions: Given the complete lack of knowledge
understood ability, those around them may not even of the general populace about the nature of the
recognize the powers for what they are, and instead look haphazard and the abilities with which they are gifted,
upon them as a kind of arcane or divine magic, just NPCs almost always react to them as if they were
created in a different way. Given all of this, a haphazard whatever they were before the advent of their runic
simply has to do with whatever group he can find that powers.
might support him.
HAPHAZARDS IN THE WORLD Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and
“It does not matter what happens, merely that something Engineering) can research haphazards to learn more
happens.” about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same
– Sophie Proudfoot, Halfling Haphazard information.

Haphazards are individuals who have been reborn into DC 10: Haphazards are newcomers to the world of runic
the world of runic magic, having happened across it magic, and while they can engrave runes quickly, they
while on campaign or adventure. Sometimes they are have extreme difficulty knowing what they will get.
scholars who have come across a text on runecarving or
merely on arcane formulae, and stumbled into the ways DC 15: While haphazards have no knowledge of what
in which the haphazard can create carved runes. The role runes they will carve, they are able to create more of
that each one plays in society at large is as different as them than other runecarvers of their level can.
the way that they came to the powers of the haphazard DC 20: By taking concentration away from defending
and defies easy definition. themselves, haphazards can create a surge in the power
Daily Life: In general, the life of the haphazard is that of of their runes, forcing one into the stratosphere in terms
whatever they were before joining the class. If they have of strength.
switched over to focusing entirely on runic magic, then DC 30: Information about notable haphazard, drawn
they usually spend their days working through the from the section above.
various combinations that might be useful to them,
although given how fleeting each individual carved rune HAPHAZARDS IN THE GAME
is, knowing that a given option will be available when Haphazards, because they are self-contained, work in
needed is entirely impossible. almost any environment, although they do prefer to be
in campaigns in which runecarving and the lore around
Notables: Renowned for a lucky and free-spirited it plays a significant part. In terms of the role they play,
approach to life, adventure, and combat, Sophie they can fulfill any that the game needs.
Proudfoot is a halfling of no home and a thousand
stories. Unconcerned about what trials the world will Adaptation: By swapping the runecarving method for
throw in her way, she wanders in the darkest of places, one that is a little closer to that used by the runecarver
knowing that somehow, some way, everything will turn and the runeborn, the class can be redesigned for a more
out alright. Given that she has vanquished liches, precise runecarving tradition.
dragons, and wizard of great repute, it’s likely she has
Encounters: Haphazards are almost always encountered
not only her talent, but a god on her side.
in a group of people, as they are highly social individuals

who revel in the chaos and the tumult of densely runeborn. Few other peoples even know of the
populated areas. And they are more than willing to Ironguard’s existence, and even less so that there are
throw curveballs at the individuals who seek to actually no restrictions on entry, provided one can pass
counteract them, so they are best played as ambushers the tests set for entrants. Because of this, the Ironguard
or skilled types for an encounter, able to win a war of is the one military organization inside Tokunnir society
words and then a war. that has an appreciable number of unlettered. While to
greybeards and lorespeakers, unlettered might be
unskilled hooligans bastardizing an ancient and noble
tradition, to the commanders of the Ironguard, they’re
“No Tandda has ever slipped past me. None ever will.” one more skilled soldier standing between the Tokunnir
– Heldin Strongbrow, Ironguard of the Tokunnir
and their enemies.
Where the forgesouled guardians are the inhabitants and
For unlettered, or anyone else, to be admitted to the
defenders of outer limits of the Tokunnir kingdoms and
Ironguard, requires a thorough demonstration of
the blood-spiked furies are the shock troops, the runecarving ability, combat prowess, and the ability to
Ironguard are the true military might of the dwarven fight in the rank and file alongside others. As well as a
people. Solid, dependable, and trained for years to fight
knowledge of the deep and dark places of the world
in the blackest depths of the underground world, they
where much of that fighting will take place. Few are
are the steadfast defenders of all that it means to be
capable of meeting all those requirements, and it is why
dwarven. With a skillset that allows even small numbers the Ironguard is the defensive elite of the Tokunnir,
of the Ironguard to clog tunnels, defend complexes, and
rather than whole of the military.
reliably seal the gateways to the Tokunnir caverns, no
invader has ever broken through their defenses, not ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
fully. It is because of the Ironguard that the Tokunnir Runecarving: 5th level or better
lands did not shatter with the rest of Arhosa when the Feats: Steadfast Bulwark, Phalanx Fighting
empire broke apart into anarchic infighting. Skills: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 8
Special: Must be admitted to the Ironguard
Runes: Must know the Queta rune
Almost all members of the Ironguard are Tokunnir,
Athaghoel, or otherwise dwarven runecarvers and

Table 5-11: The Ironguard of the Tokunnir Hit Dice: d10

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Runecarving
1 st +1 +0 +2 +2 Ironguard Soldier, Eyes in the Dark -
2nd +2 +0 +3 +3 Defender of the Clan +1 Runecarving level
3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Stubborn Mind, Stalwart Bastion +1 Runecarving level
4 th +4 +1 +4 +4 Undermountain Tactics, Shield Tactician +1 Runecarving level
5 th +5 +1 +4 +4 Channel the Dark +1 Runecarving level
6th +6 +2 +5 +5 Deepwarden +1 Runecarving level
7th +7 +2 +5 +5 Unending Fortress +1 Runecarving level
8 th +8 +2 +6 +6 Come at Me +1 Runecarving level
9 th +9 +3 +6 +6 Ironguard Elite +1 Runecarving level
10th +10 +3 +7 +7 Undermountain Cohort +1 Runecarving level
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (Architecture
and Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge
(Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (Int), Spot (Wis), Spellcraft (Int),
Use Magic Device (Cha), Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES Tokunnir may make a melee attack at his highest base
The greatest defensive fighters in all of Arhosa, the attack bonus against that creature.
Ironguard of the Tokunnir are the bulwark that defies
Stubborn Mind (Ex): An Ironguard of the Tokunnir has
incursion, whether it be raiders from above, or the
been trained to ignore the abilities of the things that
incessant conflicts with the Tandda below. Nothing
crawl in the deep. If an Ironguard of the Tokunnir is
short of an act of the gods can force an Ironguard who
affected by a mind-affecting or enchantment spell or
does wish to move to give ground.
effect and fails his saving throw, he can attempt it again
All of the following are class features of the Ironguard of 1 round later at the same DC. He gets only this one extra
the Tokunnir prestige class. chance to succeed on his saving throw.

Runecarving: When a new Ironguard level is attained Stalwart Bastion (Ex): When he is in an enclosed area or
(aside from 1st), the character gains new runes known, a shield wall, the Ironguard of the Tokunnir can become
runes active, and increases his runecarver level as if he a stalwart bastion of defense. In a narrow or a low space,
had attained a level in any one runecarving class he he gains DR 3/- (which stacks with existing DR), as well
belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does as a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus on damage
not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that rolls. A narrow space is an area no wider than 5 feet,
class would have gained (class features, bonus feats, and while a low area is shorter than the Ironguard of the
so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of Tokunnir, but at least half of his height. He cannot move
Ironguard to the level of whatever runecarving class the from the spot he is defending without losing the benefits
character had, then determines runes known, runes of this ability. The Ironguard of the Tokunnir ignores the
active, runecarver level, and so on. penalty for hampered melee when fighting in a narrow
or low space. In a space both narrow and low, the
If a character had more than one runecarving class before Ironguard of the Tokunnir functions as if only one of
he became an Ironguard, he must decide to which class those conditions applied. In addition, when fighting in a
he adds each level of Ironguard for the purpose of narrow or low space the Ironguard of the Tokunnir does
determining runes known, runes active, runecarver not lose his Dexterity bonus to armor class.
level, etc.
Undermountain Tactics (Ex): An Ironguard of the
Ironguard Soldier (Ex): An Ironguard of the Tokunnir Tokunnir gains Undermountain Tactics (Dungeonscape 46) as
gains Ironguard Soldier as a bonus feat. a bonus feat.
Eyes in the Dark (Ex): The caverns of the dwarves run Shield Tactician (Ex): Many hours in training with his
deep, and in that deepness the Ironguard must struggle. exotic shield and armor has given the Ironguard insight
The Ironguard of the Tokunnir gains darkvision 60 ft. if into how to best apply it in combat. When in a shield
he does not have it, or doubles its range if he does. He wall, he can use Fear No Arrow at will, and can use it
can see in magical darkness, and ignores any one additional time per round when not in a shield wall.
concealment granted by illumination, darkness, or Any movement taken via the Ironguard's Defender of
shadows, including magical concealment granted by the Clan and Formation Expert abilities does not count
Darkness descriptor or Shadow subschool spells. He against abilities that require him to stand still.
gains the ability to cast darkness as a full-round action
with a caster level equal to his runecarving level. Channel the Dark (Su): Buried deep beneath the surface
of the earth, the vast chasms of the dwarven kingdoms
Defender of the Clan (Ex): The sanctity and health of his are permanently cloaked from daylight, an ideal fighting
clan are of uttermost importance to an Ironguard of the environment for the Ironguard. As a full-round action,
Tokunnir, and he does his utmost to keep it safe. the Ironguard of the Tokunnir can cast any spell with the
Whenever an ally is struck by a melee attack, the Darkness descriptor. He uses his runecarving level as the
Ironguard of the Tokunnir can spend an immediate caster level, and his runecarving ability modifier as the
action to move up to his speed directly towards that ally. ability modifier for the spell. He cannot cast a spell until
If such movement would generate attacks of his character level is equal to the cleric or wizard level
opportunity, it does. If he ends the movement in range necessary to cast a given spell. Any ability that adds the
of the creature that struck his ally, the Ironguard of the

Darkness descriptor to a spell does not allow the spell to more than one dwarf has met the requirements, begun to
be cast by this ability. serve, and then realized that the weight of responsibility
the Ironguard carries is too heavy. For it is you, and you
Deepwarden (Ex): When using his Defender of the Clan
alone, who are considered responsible when enemies
ability, the Ironguard of the Tokunnir no longer
break through to the heartland. And where other
generates attacks of opportunity. In addition, he can now
dwarves might retreat, Ironguard only withdraw when
push his ally 5 ft. in any direction up arriving, and
every other dwarf is clear.
occupy a square that the ally was in. If he does so, he
becomes the target of the attack, not the ally. If the attack Ironguard also have little in the way of time for a normal
would miss due to the Ironguard’s armor class, it does life, for they must master the ways of the runes, the skills
so. In addition he gains a +1 bonus per three class levels of an expert combatant, and the knowledge of a
to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill lorespeaker, and maintain all three to a razor’s edge.
checks when defending a building or community Add to that effort the fact that most Ironguard are
(village, town, city, etc.). He gains fast healing equal to stationed not in any cavern-city, but at the narrow
the bonus granted, with the fast healing lasting for the passageways that defend the entrances to those great
duration of the encounter. hallmarks of civilization, and time amongst the civilian
population becomes a rarity, rather than a surety. And
Unending Fortress (Ex): Whenever the Ironguard is
yet, the Ironguard would have it no other way.
standing next to an ally or an object (a wall, doorway, or
similar), he and his adjacent allies are treated as being in Combat: Ironguard are the fortifications of whomever
a shield wall. He adds half his class level to the bonuses they fight with, be it other members of the Ironguard,
granted by Ironguard Soldier, Phalanx Fighting, lesser dwarven warriors, or people from the other races.
Undermountain Tactics, and Steadfast Bulwark. By preference, Ironguard take up a forward position,
using their abilities to defend choke points or narrow
Come at Me (Ex): Secure in his position, an Ironguard
passages, allowing allies to fire through them while
will always wait out his enemy. He can now use his Fear
preventing enemies from doing the same. Should the
No Arrow ability to deflect spells targeted directly at
terrain prove to be too open for the Ironguard’s normal
him, and gains the benefits of Improved Evasion and
narrow space tactics, they will form a shield wall,
Mettle on any other spell.
enmeshing those behind them in a defensive structure
Ironguard Elite (Ex): By now, the Ironguard has grown that can turn back even the most serious of threats.
so accustomed to fighting in the dark places and in a
Regardless of the source of the opposition, the Ironguard
shield wall that his actions are instinctual. When using
will always take up one position – front and center.
his Defender of the Clan or Pile On abilities, the
Ironguard makes a full attack instead of a single attack. Advancement: Ironguard primarily want to focus on
gaining abilities, be they via feats, magical items, skills,
Undermountain Cohort (Ex): The long years spent in the
or otherwise, that allow them to hit harder, and to take
depths of the world, fighting against the horrors of the
even less damage than they would otherwise.
deeps, have given the Ironguard some strange allies. He
Alternatively, they can focus on abilities that increase the
gains a stone guardian as a cohort. Advance the stone
combat effectiveness of those around them, acting as
guardian until its Challenge Rating equals the
commanders martialing the soldiers with whom they
Ironguard's character level -2.
fight. Either way, feats such as Power Attack or Dwarven
PLAYING AN IRONGUARD OF THE TOKUNNIR Shield Specialist are almost always welcome to the
As a member of the Ironguard, you are one of the most Ironguard.
respected and revered combatants inside all of the Resources: As members of one of the elite fighting forces
Tokunnir kingdoms. For you have shown that you can of the dwarven world, the Ironguard are replete with
master runes, combat, the darkness, and discipline, and almost any material they could desire, whether it be
have combined it all into a seamless whole that provides unique weaponry, armor, runecarving equipment, or
a mighty fortress against the onrushing evil of the world. otherwise. A member of the Ironguard need only
But it is also a burden not taken on lightly, and almost suggest that a certain item would allow him to more
never relinquished. Few Ironguard die in their beds, and

effectively defend the sanctity of the Tokunnir, and steady rhythm of one who is harvesting a crop of the
blacksmiths will come running to create just such an dead.
item for him. Of course, should an Ironguard cry wolf
Organization: Ironguard are the Tokunnir military in its
too many times or otherwise earn a poor reputation
ultimate form. Highly structured and hierarchical, the
amongst his people, his pool of kindly resources will dry
Ironguard expects that everyone will carry out their
up in remarkably quick time.
orders with perfect success, but also that if the orders are
IRONGUARD OF THE TOKUNNIR IN THE WORLD inappropriate for the situation on the ground when they
“Here I stand. Here I fight. Here I die.” arrive, that the individual Ironguard are to improvise
– Celda Vigo, Athaghoel Ironguard of the Tokunnir until the situation has been improved. Entrusted with a
freedom to think that is rare in military service, the
Ironguard spend their days in the military outposts that Ironguard utilize it very infrequently, having a great
surround the Tokunnir lands, especially in those depth of trust in their commanders and in their ability to
outposts that are at the greatest depths, or those that lead win out, whatever the odds.
to the surface world and the dangers that lurk there.
When not on station, they are most often on patrol, be it NPC Reactions: Tokunnir and dwarves, one and all,
guarding a mining expedition, overseeing the defense of look upon the Ironguard with the greatest admiration.
a trade caravan, or otherwise ensuring the stability of the Those members of other races who know the lore and
dwarven way of life. More than any other, Ironguard legacy of the Ironguard also grant them a great deal of
find themselves in the depths of the world defending respect, although sometimes tinged with frustration
Tokunnir expeditions against the still mostly unknown depending on whether their people have lost to the
foe that is the Tandda. The Tokunnir have been unable Ironguard or not.
to determine what it is that prompts the Tandda to
Enemies of the dwarves, for their part, despise the
attack, to retreat, or even to engage at all, but the one
Ironguard, treating members as targets to be
thing they are certain of is that the Tandda will appear,
assassinated, rocks to be avoided in combat, or as tools
and they will fight.
with which to dispose of unwanted allies. Tandda,
Daily Life: With little time for the social niceties that especially, dislike the Ironguard, given their impact on
even lesser members of the dwarven military might be fighting in the darkened tunnels, and tend to use their
able to engage in, Ironguard fight, train, eat, sleep, and burrowing and other abilities to flow around them,
fight some more. Only on the rare occasions they are rather than fight them directly.
furloughed back to the main population centers do they
truly have time away from their military duties, and
Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and
many Ironguard will actively refuse such time off,
Engineering) can research Ironguard of the Tokunnir to
feeling that it does a disservice to put weaker warriors in
their stead. learn more about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the
same information.
Notables: Celda Vigo was an Ironguard of the highest
DC 10: The stalwart defenders of the dwarven
order, one of the very few who reached the pinnacle of
the unit’s training. Able to casually laugh off an kingdoms, the Ironguard are the epitome of what it
means to be a dwarven combatant.
onslaught of goblins and orcs, nothing at all was able to
break through the defenses of Vigo, mightiest of the DC 15: Ironguard are experts in the art of fighting in
Tokunnir Ironguard. Unfortunately, it was she was who narrow, dark, spaces, and with allies beside them. When
was the first Ironguard to discover the existence of the combat joins, they form an impenetrable bulwark that
Tandda, and the mining expedition whose security she lets attacks founder upon it.
headed was overwhelmed and washed away. It was
only her persistence, defending the final tunnel out, that DC 20: Ironguard have the ability to use a small number
allowed a few stragglers to break free from the conflict of spells to bolster their defensive capabilities, and can
and flee upwards. She was last seen holding the tunnel, be disrupted if forced to move their location.
bloodied but unbowed, her weapon moving in the

DC 30: Information about notable Ironguard of the
Tokunnir, drawn from the section above.
“I was lost, yet through the fires of faith, I am remade anew!”
– Thirric Orcbreaker, Dwarven Runechanter
As stalwart melee fighters with a clearly defined role,
Ironguard are a class that can be handed to a junior The roar of battle, the screams of the dying, the howl of
player and still be used effectively. They also serve as an the warrior’s cry… these are all notes in the commands
ideal introduction into the use of runecarving as they do composed by the runechanter. His voice flows across the
not rely upon it the same way most other classes in this battlefield like a raging torrent, carrying friends with it
book do. in a tidal bore of passion and fury.

Wide open spaces are the bane of the Ironguard, for they Runechanters are the officers of the dwarven armies,
negate many of his abilities, especially those that require able to command and bolster large quantities of allies,
a lack of movement. That being said, he still has many keeping them resilient in the face of grave danger. Even
options that can utilized, even if the Ironguard is not at the undead have little terror for dwarves commanded by
his optimum performance. Dungeon crawls, on the other a runechanter, for they can all but eradicate the impact
hand, suit him down to the ground, and he will serve as of fear on the soldiers around them.
an admirable rearguard or vanguard for the party.
Adaptation: While currently somewhat narrowly Runecarvers and runeborn gain a level or two in bard to
focused on a particular dwarven subrace, the Ironguard qualify for this prestige class. Others, aside from
can be easily altered to be a defensively minded unlettered/bard combinations, cannot join, but they
combatant for any number of races or societies. Be sure respect the martial prowess of the runechanter and the
to replace those abilities that rely on runecarving or the way in which it can play the rhythm of a fight like a
underground with alternatives that are focused on the concert master.
appropriate area for the new theme.
NPC runechanters are usually leaders of combat
Encounters: Ironguard of the Tokunnir, outside of their commands, be it in the military or not. They function
military strongholds, are most often going to be best when surrounded by lesser allies, but can be
encountered leading expeditions into the depths of the encountered on their own as well.
Underdark or similar cavern worlds, although they also
serve as elite guards for dwarven surface expeditions. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
Runecarving: 5th level or better
Feats: Runic Warrior, Joyous Chant
Skills: Decipher Script 6, Knowledge (History) 8,
Diplomacy 4

Table 5-12: The Runechanter Hit Dice: d8

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Runecarving
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Warchant +1 Runecarving level
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Leader +1 Runecarving level
3 rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Rally Troops +1 Runecarving level
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Implacable Foe +1 Runecarving level
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Combine Warchants +1 Runecarving level
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Battleleader +1 Runecarving level
7 th +5 +2 +5 +5 Battle Standard +1 Runecarving level
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 +1 Runecarving level
9th +6 +3 +6 +6 Runeshield -
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Warleader +1 Runecarving level

Class skills (6 + Int modifier per level): Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con),
Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge
(Architecture and engineering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak
Language (None), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES Inspire Recklessness: A runechanter of 2nd level or higher

With little more than the sound of your own voice, you can use her warchant to inspire an often dangerous, but
can order the death of hundreds and stir the passion of very effective, ferocity in his allies within 60 feet. The
thousands. And yet more will follow you, hoping to one effect lasts for 5 rounds, plus one round per class level.
day become servants to your greater cause. Affected allies are inspired to recklessness, gaining the
ability to decrease their Armor Class by a number less
All of the following are class features of the runechanter than or equal to their base attack bonus and add the same
prestige class. number to their melee attack rolls as a morale bonus.
Runecarving: When a new runechanter level is attained Inspire Heroics: A runechanter of 4th level can use
(aside from 9th), the character gains new runes known, warchant to inspire tremendous heroism in two willing
runes active, and increases his runecarver level as if he allies within 60 feet, allowing those creatures to fight
had attained a level in any one runecarving class he bravely even against overwhelming odds. For every two
belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does levels the runechanter attains beyond 4th, he can inspire
not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that heroism in one additional creature, to a maximum of 5 at
class would have gained (class features, bonus feats, and 10th level. A creature so inspired gains a +4 morale bonus
so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws,
runechanter to the level of whatever runecarving class and a +4 dodge bonus to armor class. The effect lasts for
the character had, then determines runes known, runes 5 rounds, plus one round per class level. This is a mind-
active, runecarver level, and so on. affecting ability that counts as one daily use of warchant.
If a character had more than one runecarving class before Words of Fury: A runechanter of 6th level or higher can
he became a runechanter, he must decide to which class enrage her allies. This ability functions exactly like the
he adds each level of runechanter for the purpose of rage class feature of the barbarian on all willing allies
determining runes known, runes active, runecarver within 60 feet. The effect lasts for 5 rounds, plus one
level, etc. round per class level. It is a supernatural, mind-affecting
Warchant (Su): Once per day per runechanter level, a ability.
runechanter can use his chanting to produce magical Inspire Legion: An 8th level runechanter can unite her
effects on those around him (usually including himself, allies and make them fight better together. To be
if desired). Starting a warchant is a standard action. For affected, an ally must be within 60 feet of the runechanter
the purposes of prerequisites and abilities, warchant and must be able to hear the runechanter. Only allies
counts as bardic music. who meet these requirements at the beginning of the
Inspire Courage: A runechanter can use warchant to warchant are affected, and an ally whose hearing is
inspire courage in his allies, bolstering them against fear interrupted or who moves more than 60 feet away from
and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an the runechanter cannot rejoin the same warchant. The
ally must be within 60 feet of the runechanter and must effect lasts for 5 rounds, plus one round per class level.
be able to hear the runechanter. The effect lasts for 5 When the runechanter begins chanting, determine the
rounds, plus one round per class level. An affected ally best base attack bonus among all the affected characters.
receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against All affected characters use this base attack bonus or the
charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack runechanter's character level, whichever is higher, as
and weapon damage rolls. At 3rd level, and every odd their base attack bonus for the duration of the effect. All
runechanter level thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 affected characters gain a +2 competence bonus on
(+2 at 3rd, +3 at 5th, +4 at 7th, and +5 at 9th). Inspire courage damage rolls as well.
is a mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Resilience: A runechanter of 9th level can inspire an and is eligible to have runes carved upon it), they can
unbelievable resilience in his allies within 60 feet. The grant the effects of that rune to all allies who can see the
effect lasts for 5 rounds, plus one round per class level. standard. They can only have one battle standard at a
Affected allies are inspired to steadfast determination, time, and must hold it upright for it to remain in effect.
gaining a +4 bonus to Constitution, damage reduction If the standard falls or the runechanter ceases to hold it,
5/adamantine, and a +4 bonus on checks to resist being all creatures lose the effects of the rune carved into the
bull rushed or tripped. standard and the rune is dismissed. The carved rune
otherwise follows the rules for runecarving.
Leader (Ex): A runechanter is nothing without a
collection of followers that he can support and empower. Runeshield (Su): At 9th level, a runechanter can dismiss
He gains the Leadership feat, or, if he already has it, one a carved rune as a standard action to protect all allies
feat that requires the Leadership feat. His cohort must be within a radius of 60 feet. Each ally gains the benefit of
the same race that he is. the runeshield, which absorbs 10 points of damage per
class level for each ally. Once the runeshield absorbs that
Rally Troops (Ex): The runechanter’s presence is enough
much damage, it collapses. The damage can be from any
to grant any allies within 60 feet a second saving throw
source - weapons, spells, any energy type, and so on.
against fear and charm effects that they have already
Damage the ally would not take anyway (weapon
succumbed to. Even if they fail the second saving throw,
damage blocked by damage reduction, for example)
any fear effects are less severe: panicked characters are
does not count against the damage absorbed by the
only frightened, frightened characters are only shaken,
shield. He may use this ability once per day.
and shaken characters are unaffected.
Warleader (Ex): A runechanter who has reached his
Implacable Foe (Su): At 3rd level, a runechanter can use
apogee of skill has become a feared general, able to
his runic talents to keep allies fighting even after
command and inspire legions. The runechanter can lead
suffering mortal wounds. Allies within a 60 ft radius
three times as many followers as indicated for his
ignore the effects of being reduced to 0 or less hp.
Leadership score, and he gains a second cohort. In
However, any creature reduced to –20 hp dies
addition, when the runechanter uses the Coordinate
immediately. If a creature moves more than 60 feet from
Allies ability of the Warcraft skill, it applies to all allies
the runechanter, the normal effects of the damage apply
within 60 ft.
Combine Warchants (Su): A runechanter can combine
As a runechanter, you have many who look up to you.
two types of warchant to provide the benefits of both
As a result, you must always attempt to maintain that
(normal stacking rules for bonus types apply).
ideal. When you take action, you proceed swiftly and
Battleleader (Ex): Having already excelled in leading decisively. Even when you aren’t sure of yourself, it’s
soldiers into conflict, more flock to the runechanter’s important that others hold faith in your command. You
banner. The runechanter can lead twice as many give commands knowing that your voice, your strength,
followers as indicated for his Leadership score. In will allow them to be carried out, even if others think
addition, the runechanter can use the aid another action they are impossible. Your allies and soldiers are your
to assist all followers who are performing the same family, and you care for them as you would your
action in the current round and are within 60 ft. of the brothers or sisters. You trust them with your life, and
runechanter - for example, making an attack, making they trust you to spend their lives to the best result.
Hide or Move Silently checks, making Search checks,
Combat: Runechanters prefer to fight battle from a safe
and so forth. Assisting his followers is a move action for
place. Not too safe, for it would never do to shun a fight
the runechanter.
or to run from one, but a place where the runechanter
Battle Standard (Su): As one of the leaders of the can be seen and heard by all who fight at his side, a place
dwarven people, and some of their fiercest combatants, where his voice can carry uninterrupted over the conflict
runechanters are often called upon to lead their allies of the melee and lift up those who follow his commands
into battle. By carving a rune onto a battle standard (any and raise their abilities to such heights that their
object at least 5 ft. in length that can be held in one hand

opponents quiver in their boots at the very thought of Daily Life: Runechanters, despite the military nature of
fighting a runechanter-led force. their talents, spend most of their time focused on the
finer things in life, carousing and swapping stories with
As you advance, you can help your allies even more. You
friends and strangers, little caring about what the next
can help them stand in the face of fear and prevent the
day might bring. After all, they know that when war
morale of your allies from flagging. And your warchants
arises, all too many of the men who stride beside them
become ever more potent, until at last you become a
into combat will end up dead the next day, so it’s best to
trusted warleader, and an army flocks to your standard.
seize life as it arises.
Advancement: Serving as a runechanter requires the
Notables: Arcturus Wellvernon was one of the finest
will and dedication to see the task through, and to trust
runechanters to ever walk the shores of Arhosa, and
in your own judgement, and the gumption to lead others
today his battles against the encroaching Chral Kala are
into battle, knowing that some of them will fall by your
legendary for their masterful display of courage and
side, even as you strive to your utmost to make their
tactics. Time and again he would have timed the perfect
deaths meaningful.
flank attack or counter, and at its tip would be Arcturus,
As you gain levels in the class, you become ever more his polearm held high with the banner of his command
suited to the role of tactical commander while still fluttering from it, and in his other hand a sword, wielded
maintaining a high level of combat prowess. Choose with the skill only a grand master could accomplish.
feats appropriate to your style, but consider taking ones
Organization: Given the nature of their abilities,
that boost the carved runes applied to your allies
runechanters are most at home working with others who
through your battle standard.
tend to solve the problems in front of them through
Resources: The resources you gain from your combat. Runechanters have the skills to approach
organization depend on the kind of runechanter you are. problems in other ways, and certainly will attempt
Most are members of the military structure of the land diplomacy if they deem it appropriate, but while they
that they come from, but some form mercenary bands or are by no means as headlong as a blood-spiked fury,
otherwise fall in with more freelance groups. As a runechanters certainly find that a military answer
military man, you and your soldiers would have access resolves problems more firmly that one based on talking.
to all that your government can provide, while as a more
As a result, runechanters find themselves working inside
independent operative, you would need to fend for
structures that, even if not strictly military, have at least
yourself, and perhaps take jobs that are a little riskier in
some martial aspect to them. This can be anything from
order to ensure a steady supply of funds and resources.
the fighting forces of the local government to a
RUNECHANTERS IN THE WORLD mercenary company to commanding caravan guards or
“Follow my orders and we’ll have a celebratory ale in no time!” even leading a raiding party, although other
– Arcturus Wellvernon, Human Runechanter organizations that employ large numbers of combat-
oriented followers are also potential employers for the
In a war campaign, most runechanters the PCs meet will runechanter, such as churches, trading leagues, and so
be leaders of military units or mercenary companies, on.
charged with either defending against the PCs or
fighting alongside them. Those runechanters who fight Thus it is that the runechanter as a class can be found in
alongside them might assist the PCs when their goals are almost any occupation that allows them the opportunity
compatible, or the PCs might join the runechanter’s unit to fight with allies, although as with all things runic, they
for a time. are most likely to be found amongst the dwarven
peoples and in some formalized structure there.
Runechanters are few and far between outside of the
military or quasi-military systems, for their abilities NPC Reactions: A runechanter with high Charisma and
require large numbers of followers, and it is easiest to good social skills is ideally situated to influence NPCs.
gain that from inside of a powerful organization. Such characters typically have a starting attitude of
indifferent, usually because they have not yet connected
the face to the name. Soldiers or those who have

benefited from the runechanter’s actions will be more Having these extra combatants allows the DM an
aware of who he is and have a starting attitude of opportunity to create a side adventure for which the
friendly; those he has worked against could be players each create new PCs who are followers of the
unfriendly or even hostile. runechanter or his party members. These temporary PCs
might be sent on a mission that helps to further the
An NPC who shares a hierarchy with a runechanter
campaign’s story by providing background information
might sometimes work covertly against him, motivated
from a different perspective. The DM could also set up
by greed or petty jealousy. In such cases, the NPC
encounters where the followers must call upon the
typically refrains from physically confronting the
original PCs for aid. Conversely, the new PCs might be
runechanter but instead opposes his suggestions or
sent into a dungeon that the higher-level party has
speaks out against his actions in an attempt to
already cleaned out, to locate any treasure or secrets that
undermine the support he receives from their mutual
might have been overlooked.
The DM should provide a PC runechanter with soldiers
RUNECHANTER LORE and the time to manage them, but at the same time try
Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and not to bog down the entire party with one PC’s concerns.
Engineering) can research runechanters to learn more The runechanter should be able to bring along hirelings
about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same on adventures, but the rest of those he can call upon
information. should remain out of the spotlight unless the party is
DC 10: Runechanters are leaders of men, capable of leading the whole troop into battle.
dictating the course of a battle through the use of Adaptation: If the DM would rather not dramatically
powerful war chants. increase the size of the adventuring party by adding
DC 15: Runechanters use the power of their voice and cohorts and followers into the mix, he can allow a
the runes that they carve to bolster those who fight runechanter’s followers to exist without the character
alongside them, pushing their allies to courage and feats always being there. In such a case, the class could be
of combat that they could never achieve without the adapted by swapping in a couple of abilities that would
encouragement of the runechanter. help the party - for example, by removing the leader,
battle leader, and warleader abilities, and instead giving
DC 20: Runechanter, once they have achieved a high the runechanter more warchants or abilities such as
enough station, can swaddle their allies in thick shields battle standard.
of runic magic, enabling them to resist all but the direst
of punishments. In addition, once they have achieved Encounters: Thirric Orcbreaker is trying to win the favor
such a level of skill, they gather to themselves large of a Tokunnir noble in the hope that his force might be
quantities of fighting men to serve as a military force. hired on as mercenaries in a mighty war against the
goblinoids. He might rush to join a battle in which the
DC 30: Information about notable runechanters, drawn PCs are outnumbered, or perhaps they encounter him
from the section above. when he is in need of rescuing himself. He is
accompanied by his cohort Blackfist (a Constructed
sergeant) and a band of low-level followers mixed
Runechanters belong to no specific preexisting
between Athaghoel, Tokunnir, and Constructed.
organization, making this prestige class easy to add to an
ongoing campaign. Being a runechanter encourages the
PC and his party to collect a wide array of followers, be
it via summons, Leadership style feats, class abilities,
hirelings, the campaign itself, or otherwise. The presence
of these secondary characters will maximize the benefit
of the runechanter’s character abilities, while also
allowing the other players to not be overshadowed by
the multiplicity of tactical options that the runechanter
can provide.

and best bred amongst the workers. In other societies,
they would be called foremen, master craftsmen, or
“They were born to serve me. Why would I not spend them as blacksmiths, but for the Tandda, they are simply known
I see fit?” as elite workers. Whereas the matriarchs’ skills lie in the
– Nekpen Gbohunmi, Tandda Elite direction of command and the warriors in combat and
stealth, the skills of these exceptional workers lie in
The upper ranks of the Tandda matriarchy, the Tandda
making those around them better, ensuring that the
elite are those amongst the eusocial race’s population
skills of all Tandda are employed to their utmost.
who have been blessed with expert abilities in order to
ensure the continued success of the greater whole. BECOMING A TANDDA ELITE
Broken into three different specializations, the Tandda Tandda elite are born, not made. Bred from the very
elite have an in-bred need to fulfill the roles that they do, earliest stages of their lifecycle to fill a specific role,
and begin their path into their given duties almost from Tandda know the task they are to undertake from the
the moment of their conception. beginning of their awareness, and understand that the
collective health of the Tandda colony matters a great
First and greatest amongst these are the Tandda
deal more than the individual life or death of any given
matriarchs, the overlords of the entire Tandda society
Tandda. Because of this, each Tandda takes the
and those to whom all other Tandda owe their
appointed lifestyle and duties that were bred into them
allegiance. In return, the Tandda matriarchs are
by the matriarchs at the time of their conception.
responsible for the survival of their colony and the
continued success and propagation of the species, That does not mean that a Tandda cannot choose to
although individual worker or warrior drones are augment the role they have been chosen for with their
oftentimes sacrificed in pursuit of the greater good. own ideas and talents – far from it. While Tandda are
racially incapable of accessing supernatural power
Those who defend the matriarchs and the colonies are
sources, they are more than happy to utilize any other
next amongs the elite, the warriors and sentinels who
abilities that they are capable of acquiring. Some have
ensure that no enemy can ever approach a colony or a
even begun to utilize their own forms of the maneuvers
working party unawares. Bred to provide early warning
described in the Tome of Battle, although they are
and a first line of defense, they grow stronger and more
adjusted for use in the dark and narrow tunnels of the
dangerous when their colony is threatened. They are
Tandda homeland.
also skilled at creating extraordinary shields that allow
their lesser brethren to disappear back into the ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
blackened tunnels that are the Tandda’s home. Skills: Hide 6, Move Silently 6
Feat: Matriarch Breeding or Warrior Breeding or Worker
Finally, there are those who exist to support the highest
Breeding, one other feat requiring Tandda race
ranks of Tandda society, and those are the most skilled
Race: Tandda

Table 5-13: The Tandda Elite - Matriarch Hit Dice: d6

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Servitors, Bonus Feat
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Servitors, Bonus Feat
3 rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Servitors, Bonus Feat
Class skills (6 + Int modifier per level): Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Architecture and
engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis),
Use Magic Device (Cha), Warcraft (Int)

Table 5-14: The Tandda Elite - Warrior Hit Dice: d12
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Depth Senses, Shield the Weak
2 nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Negate the Sighted, Born of the Horde
3 rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Underearth Warrior, Defender of the Colony
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge
(Dungeoneering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim
(Str), Tumble (Dex), Warcraft (Int)

Table 5-15: The Tandda Elite - Worker Hit Dice: d10

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Support the Heirarchy, For the Greater Good
2 nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Others Before Self, One for All
3 rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Resilient Support, Murine Pile
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge
(Dungeoneering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim
(Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex)

CLASS FEATURES Shield the Weak (Ex): Tandda warriors are bred to protect
Being one of the ultimate expressions of the Tandda race the lesser Tandda workers and the Tandda matriarchs.
is the end goal of the Tandda elite, whether it is to Any Tandda within 10 ft. per class level gets damage
command, to battle, or to serve. All are equally reduction of 3/-. Also, all the squares that the Tandda
important to the survival of the colony. warrior threatens are treated as difficult terrain for his
All of the following are class features of the Tandda elite
prestige class. Born of the Horde (Ex): The Tandda warrior gains Born of
the Horde as a bonus feat. If he already has this feat,
Matriarch: You have been bred to rule over other choose another for which he meets the prerequisites.
Tandda, and to have them serve you. Not only do you
have lesser Tandda who respond to your call, but your Negate the Sighted (Ex): It is Tandda warriors who are the
birthright is the ability to command them to their very primary source of the Tandda's ability to suddenly
utmost. You use Table 5-13: Tandda Matriarch. disappear into the depths, but that only works if the foe
does not see the Tandda depart. By expending a use of
Servitors (Ex): At each class level, the Tandda matriarch Inky Murk from Warrior Breeding, the warrior can create
gains another cohort as described in the Matriarch a straight wall whose area is up to one 10-ft. square per
Breeding feat, to a maximum of 4 total cohorts at 3rd class level. The wall and affected terrain otherwise acts
level. as per the Inky Murk ability.
Bonus Feat (Ex): At each class level, the Tandda matriarch Underearth Warrior (Ex): The Tandda warrior gains
gains a bonus Warcraft feat. She must still meet all the Underearth Warrior as a bonus feat. If he already has this
prerequisites. feat, choose another for which he meets the
Warrior: Defense of the colony is the primary hallmark prerequisites.
of the Tandda warrior, and you are skilled in both Defender of the Colony (Ex): If a Tandda warrior has at
offensive and defenseive applications of Tandda least three other Tandda of equal or lower character level
capabilities. You use Table 5-14: Tandda Warrior. under attack within 30 ft., it enters a state of deadly
Depth Senses (Ex): Tandda warriors can feel the presence focus. During this state, all allied Tandda within 30 feet
of enemies in the depths. At 1st level they gain gain a bonus on saving throws equal to the Tandda
tremorsense with a range of 20 ft. It increases by 20 ft. warrior’s base saving throw for the appropriate type of
each level, reaching a maximum of 60 ft. at 3 rd level. save. The Tandda warrior gains +2 to Strength, +4 to

Constitution, a +2 resistance bonus on all saves, and a +4 foe before the start of his next turn. He gains an attack of
dodge bonus to AC. All of these benefits last until the opportunity only on the first successful attack.
encounter is over or the warrior is no longer defending
three or more Tandda. PLAYING A TANDDA ELITE
The Tandda and the superior members of their race
Worker: The role of the worker in Tandda society is not spend their days in the expansion of the Tandda
a glamorous one, subservient to warrior and matriarch homeland, buried deep beneath the mountains that the
alike, but it is a crucial one, for the workers are those who Tokunnir call home. Living as deep as the Tandda do,
feed, support, and nurture all other members of the there is little in the way of competition for the living
colony. Without them, the colony would die. You use quarters in the warm depths of the world, but as the
Table 5-15: Tandda Worker. colonies have come closer to the surface, forced to spread
further and further afield by the claimed territories of
Support the Heirarchy (Ex): Workers, even exceptional
existing matriarchs and queens, the Tandda have begun
ones, always employ their talents to assist those who are
to intrude upon the deepest of the Tokunnir mines, and
greater than they are. Allies within 30 ft. per class level
it is there that the Tandda elite have been called to
can add the Tandda worker's class level to their character
or class level for the purpose of determining DCs for
abilities that rely or character or class level. This does not It is there, in the short sharp conflicts between dwarf and
increase those allies’ spellcasting level, runecarving Tandda, that the Tandda elite are called upon most
level, or likewise, and only applies to extraordinary (Ex) strongly, and their goal of expanding the territory of the
abilities. Tandda race becomes most important. The outer
territories of the abyssal lands do not provide the same
For the Greater Good (Ex): The Tandda worker can aid
demands upon the Tandda elite, and are comfortably
another at a distance of up to 30 feet, and adds his class
conquered and pacified.
level to the bonus granted by aid another (a total of +3 at
1st level, to +5 at 3rd). Whatever the cause, as long as the Tandda race, and the
colony to which the elite is attached, continues to grow,
Others Before Self (Ex): The Tandda worker can grant one
the elite is happy.
ally within 30 feet the ability to take an immediate action
of a specified type out of turn. If he invokes this ability Combat: The three different castes of the Tandda elite
as a swift action, the ally can take a 5-foot step. If he each engage in combat in ways based on their special
invokes it as a move action, the ally can take a move talents, as befits the tasks that they have been assigned
action. If he invokes it as a standard action, the ally can by their queens.
take a standard action.
Matriarches, precious and fragile as they are, take upon
One for All (Ex): The Tandda worker can assist one themselves the roll of a commander from the back,
creature per class level whenever he uses the aid another sending their servitors, warriors, and workers forward
action. All creatures he is so aiding must be within 30 to utilize their swarmfighting technique against the foes
feet of him. who threaten the Tandda. Using their skills with
Warcraft, the matriarch remains close enough to apply
Resilient Support (Ex): When a Tandda worker uses aid
those benefits to their allies, but far enough back that she
another, he only has to spend a move action rather than
should be difficult to target in the winding tunnels of the
a standard action. He can use more than one aid another
subterranean world.
in a single round, but he cannot assist the same ally
multiple times. Sentinels, warriors that they are, charge forward and
take position on the front line of the conflict, utilizing
Murine Pile (Ex): If the Tandda worker uses aid another
their inky murk, born of the horde, and other abilities to
to grant an ally a bonus on his next attack roll against an
quickly overwhelm the foes before them, while at the
opponent both he and the worker threaten and the ally
same time keeping the allies around them protected. If
attacks and hits that enemy, the Tandda worker can
the fight ever becomes difficult or unpleasant for the
make an immediate attack of opportunity against that
Tandda as a whole, the sentinels utilize their abilities to
target. The worker gains this benefit if his ally hits the
fill the tunnels with a mass of black murk, coating the

surfaces with a slippery surface that blocks vision and bred. Ruling, in the case of the matriarch, very often
prevents the Tandda from being followed as they retreat means planning expansions, whether it is of the colony,
down previously planned tunnels. the tunnel system in which the colony lives, the territory
it holds, or the population itself. Warriors and sentinels
Finally, there is the elite of the Tandda workers, who
find themselves posted to the outskirts, constantly
tend to find themselves in the second line of the fighting,
patrolling and using their exquisite senses to determine
although sometimes in the first. Not as skilled at the
whether any threats approach, while workers, well, do
rough and tumble of battle as the sentinels, they still
as their name suggests.
have some talents in that direction, but they are best
when they use their abilities to support the sentinels, Notables: In another society, Bisoye Kechinyere would
ensuring that the Tandda around them do not miss on be the kind of combatant who was known across the
their attacks, and that their abilities are very difficult to land, feted by rulers and merchants alike for her daring,
resist. By improving the performance of all other Tandda skill in combat, and the dazzling flamboyance with
in the combat, the worker elite does his part for the which she fights. But this is the Tandda, and there she is
survival of the Tandda. one cog in a great machine, albeit one who is kept
healthy and happy by the matriarch, and one who is not
Resources: Tandda elite, as do all Tandda, have access to
deployed to the outer reaches of the colony, but is
all that their colony can supply. The greater question is
instead kept in reserve and utilized only on those critical
how will spending that largesse best benefit the colony,
missions where nothing less than complete success is
for there is no Tandda who would place herself above
acceptable. That, apparently, seems to be the best use of
the colony or the race as a whole. Because of this, the
her talents.
distribution of resources is highly utilitarian in nature,
with the greatest good for the greatest number of Tandda Organization: All of Tandda society is one great
being considered the true principle to follow, regardless organized whole, with goals, power, and belief all
of whether one is the lowest worker or even the queen of unified into a structure that flows upwards from
the colony herself. workers to warriors to matriarchs to queens, operating
as a single great biological machine whose only goal is
TANDDA ELITES IN THE WORLD greater propagation of the species. And while individual
“We are of the abyss. It is our home, and we revel in it.” Tandda queens may not agree with one another as to
– Bisoye Kechinyere, Tandda Elite how that is best carried out, internecine conflict is all but
The Tandda elite in all its various forms is the unheard of, for the collective success outweighs any
outstanding example of the collectivism and skill of the petty individual desires.
Tandda people, and how each aspect of the population NPC Reactions: For most of the population of Arhosa,
meshes together in order to work as a seamless whole. Tandda may as well not exist at all, for their homeland’s
The matriarch commands her servitors into battle, where location in the abyssal depths so far beneath the
they assist the sentinel and are in turn protected by it, mountains of the Tokunnir that even the dwarves barely
while the worker elite sees that all around her perform know them means that whole societies have never had a
at a level that they could not reach naturally. Together, single member who has seen a Tandda. Therefore, it is
this collective plan of action has taken the Tandda from all but impossible to know how they would react.
their humble beginnings as little more than one amongst
a number of subterranean races and pushed them to the For the Tokunnir, the only civilization with anything
heights that they now occupy, in command of the resembling regular contact with the Tandda, the reaction
abyssal depths and now in regular conflict with the is more often one of puzzlement than anything else.
Tokunnir. While the dwarven people certainly do not appreciate
the raids and border skirmishes that occur when Tandda
Daily Life: Tandda elite most often spend their lives colonies expand into dwarven mines, the Tandda have
doing exactly as they are designed to by the nature of not yet made themselves such a nuisance that the
their species – namely, matriarchs rule, sentinels defend, Tokunnir have come to regard them as a mortal enemy,
and workers farm, dig tunnels, tend the young, and the way they would a true threat to their existence. The
perform all of the myriad tasks for which they have been question at this point for the Tokunnir is more where do

the Tandda come from, and what is their goal. As well as replaced by a climb speed. Inky Murk could be replaced
if there is a means to open communication with the by a bioluminescence ability that blinds opponents for a
Tandda and engage in diplomacy instead of warfare. short while, and feats or skills that reference fighting in
the narrow spaces of a tunnel are replaced by those that
TANDDA ELITE LORE focus on their new environment.
Characters with Knowledge (Dungeoneering) can
research Tandda elites to learn more about them. Bardic Encounters: Tandda elite are most often met in raids in
knowledge reveals the same information. the depths of the Tokunnir mines, but their talents lend
themselves to any assault or raid that takes place in the
DC 10: Tandda elites are superior members of the darkest of night, preferably one that places the PCs in a
Tandda race. significant disadvantage in terms of vision.
DC 15: Tandda elites come in three tranches – matriarch,
sentinel, and worker elite.

DC 20: Elites each have their own unique talents, “Why would I fight when I can build something to fight for
depending on which type of elite they happen to be. me?”
– Kinvar Baldrike, Tokunnir Stonecrafter
DC 30: Information about notable Tandda elites, drawn
from the section above. Some of the greatest designers and builders the world
has ever seen, the Tokunnir stonecrafters are the
TANDDA ELITES IN THE GAME architects of the Constructed and a number of other
Tandda elite are going to be quite rare in any game world constructs, both lesser and greater. Able to turn their
that does not revolve around the underdark or other runecarving talents to the creation of almost any end,
subterranean settings, as their race does not appear on and blessed with the unique ability to imbue the very
the surface and is uniquely ill-suited for surface magic of the runes into the weapons and armor that they
dwelling. As a result, while they have had an impact on fabricate, stonecrafters are the apex of Tokunnir society.
the development of certain of the runecarving cultures,
the restrictions that keep them in a single area will often While others might depend upon the might of the blood-
make them unsuitable for a given campaign. spiked fury or the steadfast resolve of the Ironguard,
nothing means more to the ongoing survival of the
That being said, there is no mechanical restriction aside Tokunnir than the efforts of their stonecrafters. It is
from blindness that would prevent a Tandda elite from because of their hand that mechanical smiths work
operating on the surface, and their scent ability is tirelessly in forges, that vein extractors process and
deliberately powerful enough to overcome much of the deliver the iron, silver, and gold that the dwarven
lack of sight, so it is quite possible that there could be kingdoms thrive upon, and that units like the
colonies of nocturnal Tandda (see Adaptation, below) Constructed 3rd have their moment of glory in defense of
living on the surface and otherwise coming into conflict the fatherland.
with other species.
While their efforts might one day lead to a new society
In those games that Tandda elite do play a role, they will in which Constructed are equal partners, today they
primarily be acting on the command of their matriarch have saved the Tokunnir kingdoms from the collapse
or queen, although if that is handled properly, it can that hit all too many of the Arhosan populace, and for
allow the invidual Tandda a great deal of latitude in that, the rest of the Tokunnir will gladly support the
carrying out the tasks that they have been given. This is stonecrafters.
highly recommended to allow the player playing the
Tandda elite the freedom to enjoy their character. BECOMING A TOKUNNIR STONECRAFTER
Born almost entirely from Tokunnir runecarvers with an
Adaptation: The Tandda and Tandda elite can be interest in crafting, the stonecrafter is very much a
adapted to a number of other environments, such as product of the society in which it finds its roots. Even
nocturnal surface living, primarily by switching out runeborn, martial as they are in nature, are unlikely to
certain abilities. The focus on underground living means follow the path of the stonecrafter, for all too often it
that they currently come with burrow, which could be requires staying behind and living in the smithy or the

mines, supervising the extraction of materials or the have little business as members of their most treasured
ongoing creation of some new tool. Unlettered, despised sect.
as they are by many runecarvers for their perversion of
the art of runecarving, are almost never welcome in the ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
ranks of the stonecrafters, for although there is no formal Skills: Craft 6, Knowledge (Architecture and
organization and many stonecrafters are also Engineering) 6
forgesouled, still there is an unspoken agreement that Feat: Progenitor
those who cannot honor the traditions of the Tokunnir Race: Tokunnir

Table 5-16: The Tokunnir Stonecrafter Hit Dice: d10

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Runecarving
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Enhanced Runecarving, Metalcraft +1 Runecarving level
2 nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Enhanced Runecarving, Forgecraft +1 Runecarving level
3 rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Enhanced Runecarving, Runecraft +1 Runecarving level
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery
(Int), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int),
Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)
(Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device
(Cha), Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES Enhanced Runecarving (Ex): The stonecrafter can now

Crafting, and all that that entails, are the highest calling use his Enhanced Runecarving ability once, plus one
of the Tokunnir, and the stonecrafter is that epitome. extra use per class level (2 at 1st, 3 at 2nd, and 4 at 3rd).
Able to forge the living beings known as the
Metalcraft (Ex): A stonecrafter learns the great dwarven
Constructed, they are uniquely suited to creating
secrets of forging weapons and armor. A stonecrafter
construct allies.
receives Craft Construct and Craft Magic Arms and
All of the following are class features of the Tokunnir Armor as bonus feats, regardless of his caster level. Use
stonecrafter prestige class. the stonecrafter’s runecarving level as his effective caster
level for the purpose of creating magic arms and armor
Runecarving: When a new stonecrafter level is attained, or constructs. The stonecrafter is treated as automatically
the character gains new runes known, runes active, and knowing all spells required for an item or construct’s
increases his runecarver level as if he had attained a level creation.
in any one runecarving class he belonged to before he
added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any Forgecraft (Ex): The stonecrafter creates a mechanical
other benefit a character of that class would have gained smith to assist with his construction efforts. He does not
(class features, bonus feats, and so on). This essentially need to pay any gold or XP to gain this creature. In
means that he adds the level of stonecrafter to the level addition, the XP cost of any item or golem created with
of whatever runecarving class the character had, then the assistance of one or more mechanical smiths is
determines runes known, runes active, runecarver level, reduced by half. If the mechanical smith is destroyed, the
and so on. stonecrafter can create another one as described in the
creature entry.
If a character had more than one runecarving class before
he became a stonecrafter, he must decide to which class Runecraft (Ex): When crafting an item, a stonecrafter can
he adds each level of stonecrafter for the purpose of choose to imbue the weapon or armor he is crafting with
determining runes known, runes active, runecarver a single rune effect he knows. Treat the First Symbol as a
level, etc. +1 enhancement bonus, Second Symbol as +2, and so on.
The runecarving level of the effect is the runecarving
level of the stonecrafter at the time he creates the item.
This does not include any bonuses to runecarving level

whose durations are shorter than the total amount of on apprenticeship is not strictly necessary to learn the
time it takes to craft the item. His runecarving level must craft; stonecrafters can divine the secrets of the
be high enough that he can use the chosen Symbol in a fellowship independently through their own mastery of
carved rune. runecarving and smithcraft. However, experienced
stonecrafters place a great deal of importance on your
PLAYING A TOKUNNIR STONECRAFTER “genealogy” of apprenticeship. For example, if you
More than anything else, a Tokunnir stonecrafter is worked with Telzar, who worked with Adrulzul, who
focused on the creation of exquisite works of artifice that was the favored apprentice of the legendary master
assist either them or a paying customer in the ongoing Idrilzgar, other stonecrafters automatically recognize
acts they require. Whether this means that a stonecrafter you as a smith of some skill. Because earning the trust,
is designing and building Constructed for the military, confidence, and respect of your fellows is difficult
for himself, or creating other forms of construct, doing without the apprenticeship process, stonecrafters are
so is generally his primary goal in life. There are other, loath to forego that tradition.
equally skilled, stonecrafters who apply that same level
of talent and dedication to the creation of arms and Resources: As a stonecrafter, you are as skilled at
armor, most often imbued with the magic of the runes crafting weapons as a spellcaster who takes the Craft
themselves. Magic Arms and Armor feat. Thus, your best resource is
your ability to custom-design both your construct allies
Either way, it is the forge and the life that it entails that and the arms and armor you want to use. Because you
are the uppermost goal in the mind of the stonecrafter, can make such items for yourself, you have to pay only
and while they might adventure in order to learn new the cost to create rather than the market price of the
ways to improve their crafting, they are primarily desired item. For example, the market price for a +3
focused on crafting, rather than on adventure. longsword is 18,315 gp, but you can make one in nine
Combat: Tokunnir stonecrafters rely on the constructs days for only 9,315 gp, plus some experience points.
that they create for much of their martial might, although Make liberal use of this benefit by manufacturing the
they are by no means slouches in melee themselves, able best weapons and armor you can and using them with
to bring to bear the full might of the runes, plus the pride.
Tokunnir’s inherent ability to enhance runes above their Don’t be afraid to sell your weapon-making skill to your
normal power level, allowing him early access to adventuring companions either. If you make items for
abilities non-Tokunnir will not have for some levels yet. your friends, you can give them a 20% or 30% break on
Given the nature of the runes that a stonecrafter needs to the market price and still keep a comfortable profit for
know in order to create constructs, in combat they are yourself.
best served to focus on being a resilient front-line fighter,
able to withstand even the most violent opponent. TOKUNNIR STONECRAFTERS IN THE WORLD
“There’s nothing so great as the feeling of swinging a hammer
Advancement: Since stonecrafters are not that you’ve designed yourself. Except maybe watching your
numerous, they naturally keep their eyes open for other construct stove in a goblin’s head!”
dwarves who demonstrate the rare combination of – Kinxas Ferrbroch, Tokunnir Stonecrafter
talents necessary to learn the deepest secrets of the forge.
If you are a skilled weaponsmith or armorsmith who can The stonecrafter is an outstanding example of the
carve runes, the stonecrafters of your home stronghold dwarves’ legendary skill at fashioning weapons and
or native clan are likely to approach you at some point arms of power. Though dwarf clerics and wizards who
and offer you apprenticeship with one of the existing select the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat create magic
masters. items, the most distinctive and powerful dwarven
weapons are the handiwork of battlesmiths (see Races of
Once your training in the skills of the stonecrafter have Stone) or Tokunnir stonecrafters. And stonecrafters take
begun, you study alongside an experienced stonecrafter the dwarven ideal of creation and push it to the utmost
off and on for several months. Between adventures, you limit, having birthed a new race by their very own
make your way back to the clanhold and work beside hands.
your mentor, learning the details of his art. Such hands-

Over the course of time, a stonecrafter might create secrets of their personal style being stolen by a curious
dozens of magic items that can influence the course of or jealous rival. Stonecrafters are, however, tightly
the campaign. Not only can he bestow the priceless gift intertwined with the wider dwarven world, for they are
of a handmade weapon on a protégé, ally, or cohort, but the ones who continually create the arms, armor, and
his skill can form the basis for adventures. For example, construct servants in use by the military, merchants,
imagine the stonecrafter’s wrath when the priceless government, and otherwise.
Constructed that he forged at great expense to himself is
NPC Reactions: Dwarves hold Tokunnir stonecrafters in
very high regard indeed. Dwarves therefore begin with
Daily Life: Although a stonecrafter spends most of his a friendly attitude toward a known stonecrafter, though
time at his work, his adventuring career does not have to the duergar are a notable exception. Quick to resent the
end when he takes up the smith’s hammer and tongs. successes of others, the gray dwarves claim that the
Stonecrafters are keenly aware of the great works of the stonecrafter stole the secrets of the forge from their
past, and therefore eager to investigate any rumors or smithies long ago. For this reason, a stonecrafter who
hints of long-lost dwarf-realms, dwarven treasures now falls into the hands of the duergar can expect only a long,
in the hands of evil monsters, and secret lore hidden in slow death.
puzzles or riddles. Finally, the stonecrafter’s prowess
Battlesmiths and stonecrafters enjoy a friendly rivalry.
with runic magic makes him a natural champion of the
When such characters meet, they loudly and
Tokunnir. Therefore, he can be called to defend his
aggressively debate the virtues of each method for
people against threats ranging from orcs to dragons to
working metal over many tankards of ale. Crafters from
other lands, at least those who know of the talents of the
Many adventurers take up their perilous calling because battlesmiths and stonecrafters, almost always begin with
they have no other way to make money, but a a friendly or helpful attitude toward such a character.
stonecrafter’s skill allows him to live comfortably in a
The vast majority of non-dwarves have no idea that a
community of almost any size. Typically, he establishes
stonecrafters is more than a highly skilled dwarf crafter
a foundry, smithy, or ironworks in a clanhold or
or runecarver (depending on what the stonecrafter lets
Tokunnir kingdom and retires there to create when he is
slip about himself), so they hold no preconceptions
not otherwise engaged. And once they have done so,
about members of the class. Therefore, creatures inclined
most Tokunnir stonecrafters create several mechanical
to be friendly to Tokunnir tend to be friendly to a
smiths as their first actions upon their new forge, for
stonecrafter, and those inclined to be hostile to Tokunnir
these Constructed servitors can turn out fine work on
are hostile to him.
their own, meaning the stonecrafter’s smithy prospers
even when he is not at home. TOKUNNIR STONECRAFTER LORE
Notables: Kinxas Ferrbroch is exactly what you would Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and
expect from a high level Tokunnir stonecrafter – a Engineering) can research Tokunnir stonecrafters to
forgesouled who took up the mantle of the bellows and learn more about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the
tongs at the earliest age he could, and never looked back. same information.
Now, although he lives outside of any of the dwarfholds DC 10: Tokunnir stonecrafters are expert crafters, able to
proper, he could practically be said to be a king on par produce almost miraculous results from their forge by
with those who rule the lands about him, for Ferrbroch’s combining crafting and runecarving.
subterranean caverns are an industrial paradise as
Constructed create more of their brethren every day, DC 15: Tokunnir stonecrafters are able to engrave runes
mining the earth for the raw supplies and battling the into weapons as they create them, imbuing the wielder
Tandda who fear the encroaching mechanical beasts, led of those weapons with the traits that the rune possesses.
by a dwarf more runecraft than flesh. They can also do the same to Constructed that they
Organization: While there is an informal organization of
stonecrafters, most prefer to remain aloof from one DC 20: What stonecrafters prefer to keep hidden is that
another, because it is the easiest way to prevent the they are in some ways the absolute masters of

runecarving, and can call upon powers that other Such an encounter might involve the PCs trying to
runecarvers of the same level would not have access to. recover the treasure of a lost dwarven hold and finding
Generally, they save the reveal of this ability until an themselves in a race against a party of Tokunnir led by a
absolutely critical moment in battle. stonecrafter who can verify the origin of the treasure that
the Tokunnir find.
DC 30: Information about notable Tokunnir
stonecrafters, drawn from the section above.


“The trials that stand before me are mere trifles, brushed aside
Any time your players decide to commission a specific with no more than a thought!”
magic weapon or suit of magic armor, you have an – Áedh Cadeyrn, Athaghoel Unwavering Warden
excellent opportunity to introduce a Tokunnir
stonecrafter into the campaign - especially if the PCs While the Ironguard and forgesouled guardians are the
insist on obtaining the best work they can find. pinnacle of the military might of the Tokunnir, and
Stonecrafters are also likely to appear wherever dwarven blood-spiked furies are common to all dwarves, the
interests are at stake. For example, a stonecrafter NPC unwavering wardens are the military heart of the
might try to check the efforts of heroes who are seeking Athaghoel people. Born out of an application of the
a long-lost dwarven stronghold so that the secrets of the Athaghoel’s dwarven focus, the wardens desire nothing
dwarves stay buried. Or he could ally himself with the more than to defend the villages that comprise their
heroes to combat an evil that threatens both a dwarven civilization from any and all who would dare to despoil
realm and a nearby human one. them. And defend them they do, with a tenacity that
defies any who would see their lands as plunder. More
A stonecrafter is a “dwarf’s dwarf” - a physical than a few raiding parties or territory-minded outsiders
embodiment of much that is admirable in the race. Such have seen the small villages and towns of the Athaghoel
a character is can fill many roles through the use of his farmers as ripe for the taking. Few of them have survived
runes, although he would struggle to completely replace their meeting with the power of the wardens and the
a spellcaster. That said, he is good enough at combat to lorespeakers, and with a populace that regards
replace any of the martial classes, especially once his knowledge and runic magic as a birthright that every
constructs are taken into account. single individual should know.
Unlike other crafter classes, if you have a stonecrafter in
your party, you do not need to pace your campaign with
Unwavering wardens are most often Athaghoel
breaks for crafting. As long as he is able to return to his
runecarvers and runeborn, although any dwarven
forge from time to time and reactivate his mechanical
runecarver can learn the secrets of being an unwavering
smith constructs with new projects, he will be able to
warden by taking the focused life feat.
craft and adventure at the same time.
Unwavering wardens, despite being a noted part of the
Adaptation: Stonecrafters, despite their ties to the
Athaghoel military, are not a product of training, but
Tokunnir, are primarily a class based around crafting
rather one of focus and of diligence. Those who wish to
magical arms and armor and constructs using the
become unwavering wardens almost always have as
runecarving system. The Tokunnir specific abilities
their dwarven focus something along the lines of
could easily be removed and replaced with new ones,
“defend my village”, “defend my family”, “destroy the
perhaps borrowed from the battlesmith or the sand
orcish bandits that attack every summer” and so on. It is
shaper, that continue their focus on crafting.
that focus on a single military outcome day in and day
Encounters: The Tokunnir stonecrafter most often serves out that leads a dwarf down the path towards becoming
as an ally or associate of the player characters, but he is an unwavering warden.
first and foremost a servant of the Tokunnir. Should the
Once a dwarf has taken his first step into the world of
heroes’ interests ever cross those of the Tokunnir, he
the unwavering warden, he usually lets it be known to
does not hesitate to confront the PCs.
the other unwavering wardens in the area, because
although they are not a military unit in the normal sense,

they all know one another and agree to assist in times of ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
need. After all, defending someone else’s village today Runecarving: 5th level or better
may well mean a warden does not need to defend his Feats: Unwavering
own village tomorrow. And the more wardens there are Skills: Concentration 8, Craft 8, Knowledge
in a fight, the less likely any single warden is to fall from (Architecture and Engineering) 8
the influence of enemy attacks and magic. Special: Must have a Dwarven Focus

Table 5-17: The Unwavering Warden Hit Dice: d8

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Runecarving
1 st +0 +0 +2 +2 Unwavering Runecarving, Enduring Lithograph -
2 nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Strength in Uncertain Times +1 Runecarving level
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Stubbornness +1 Runecarving level
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Moment of Change +1 Runecarving level
5 th +3 +1 +4 +4 Permanent Lithograph, Steadfast Determination +1 Runecarving level
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Stubbornness +1 Runecarving level
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Mind of Mine Own +1 Runecarving level
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Obstinance +1 Runecarving level
9 th +6 +3 +6 +6 Stubbornness +1 Runecarving level
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Undying Devotion -
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery
(Int), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int),
Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)
(Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device
(Cha), Warcraft (Int)

CLASS FEATURES which class he adds each level of unwavering warden for
Unwavering wardens are the defenders of the the purpose of determining runes known, runes active,
Athaghoel, unswerving in their duties and completely runecarver level, etc.
resistant to the impact of any outside spell or effect that
Unwavering Runecarving (Ex): An unwavering warden
might attempt to sway them.
has made his choice of gods and powers, and sticks with
All of the following are class features of the unwavering them through thick and thin. For every day beyond the
warden prestige class. first, the runecarving level of a carved rune increases by
1, up to a maximum bonus of one third the unwavering
Runecarving: When a new unwavering warden level is warden's class level. At 4th level, he gains a bonus to
attained (aside from 1st and 10th), the character gains new mental (Int, Wis, Cha) skills equal to twice the maximum
runes known, runes active, and increases his runecarver bonus currently provided by Unwavering Runecarving.
level as if he had attained a level in any one runecarving At 7th level, he changes the bonus from his Dwarven
class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. Focus to twice the maximum bonus currently provided
He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character by Unwavering Runecarving, if it is greater.
of that class would have gained (class features, bonus
feats, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the Enduring Lithograph (Ex): The duration of carved runes
level of unwavering warden to the level of whatever created by the unwavering warden changes from 1 day
runecarving class the character had, then determines to 1 week.
runes known, runes active, runecarver level, and so on.
Strength in Uncertain Times (Ex): It is an unwavering
If a character had more than one runecarving class before warden's faith that sustains him through thick and thin,
he became an unwavering warden, he must decide to knowing that whatever the case, he will come out on top.
At the beginning of an encounter, he receives temporary

hit points equal to his class level times the number of aged. Any such penalties that he has already taken are
hostile creatures. Any remaining temporary hit points lost. He never dies from old age, although he can be
are lost at the end of the encounter. They do not stack killed by other means.
with any other source.
Stubbornness (Ex): Blows that would fell most creatures Most unwavering wardens are not travelers, for they
are obstacles, put into the path of the unwavering have taken an oath to defend something near and dear
warden to be overcome. Once per encounter, an to their heart, and they can only do that while they are in
unwavering warden can ignore all damage dealt by a that locale. This does not preclude a warden from
single attack. This does not allow him to ignore other deciding that a nearby enemy force should be attacked,
effects of that attack. He may do this an additional time of course – wardens are more than skilled enough to
per encounter at 6th and 9th level. realize that sometimes an offensive stance outweighs a
defensive one.
Moment of Change (Su): For all that the unwavering
warden puts his faith into a single choice, even he Those wardens who adventure usually do so for one of
recognizes that being adaptable is a necessary trait. By several reasons. They might believe that in order to keep
dismissing a carved rune currently receiving a bonus their homeland safe in perpetuity, they need to find an
from unwavering runecarving as a swift action, he ancient relic that creates a massive shield about their
receives a bonus to attack and damage rolls, armor class, lands. Or they may be focused on something other than
and movement speed equal to the bonus from the defense of their people. The warden class does not
unwavering runecarving. This lasts for one minute per require that defense be the focus, after all. At the base
class level. level, an unwavering warden is simply the most
stubborn dwarf around, using truly remarkable
Permanent Lithograph (Ex): The duration of carved
pigheadedness to ignore anything that gets between him
runes created by the Unwavering Warden changes from
and his goal.
1 week to permanent.
Combat: As one might expect from a stubborn dwarf,
Steadfast Determination (Ex): The unwavering warden
unwavering wardens like to get stuck in in the very
gains the Steadfast Determination feat. If he already has
depths of combat, planting themselves right up against
this feat, he chooses one other feat for which he meets
the line of the enemy and then ignoring or deflecting
the prerequisites.
every attack against them as the warden hews through
Mind of Mine Own (Ex): Little can sway the the foes that surround him. Given their abilities, very
unwavering warden from his chosen path, for even little can truly threaten an unwavering warden, and so
magic is reduced to all but nothing in his presence. Any they fight knowing that it will take an almighty effort
mind-affecting spell or effect that targets the unwavering from their foes to bring them down.
warden has its duration reduced to 5 rounds, unless its
Because of the nature of the unwavering warden’s
duration is already shorter. This does not affect the
runecarving ability, feats such as Focus Rune and others
duration for other creatures affected by the spell.
that rely on the unwavering warden using the same
Obstinance (Ex): The unwavering warden's runes day in and day out are the best options, in addition
Stubbornness ability now can be used to ignore any to ones that allow him to defend himself in melee such
attack, spell, ability or effect, including any secondary as Dwarven Shield Specialist and Phalanx Fighting.
effects that attack or ability might have.
Advancement: With most unwavering wardens being
Undying Devotion (Ex): Upon reaching his pinnacle of Athaghoel runecarvers and runeborn, the path to
devotion, an unwavering warden will let nothing shift entering the class is fairly obvious, although some
him from his guardianship. He gains a bonus to saves Athaghoel also learn the talents of the lorespeaker or
equal to the maximum bonus currently provided by his concenter on the way to becoming an unwavering
Unwavering Runecarving ability, and damage reduction warden, as the entry requirements of those classes
equal to twice that bonus. He also does not take penalties overlap a fair deal with that of the unwavering warden.
to his ability scores for aging and cannot be magically

Once you have become an unwavering warden, you enough that even the lorespeakers of his lands are
need only to continue to focus on your internal uncertain as to when he was actually born. What they do
stubbornness in order to continue to grow in stature. know is that time and again he has stood at the forefront
There is no need for formal training nor membership in of their forces and smashed enemies who have come
any organization, as your power merely grows the more against them, to the point that most nearby peoples who
that you focus your being around around what you most once tested the resolve of the community no longer do
desire. so, waiting for that interminable day when Drust
Morcant is not the unnamed king.
Resources: Like many combatants, you can benefit
greatly from items that enhance your Strength and Organization: Unwavering wardens, embedded as
Constitution. Magic armor that allows you to stay firmly deeply as they are into the Athaghoel communities
rooted to the spot that you are in certainly helps, as does where they live, usually have the ability to call upon
a good ranged weapon to take advantage of Steadfast those around them for assistance. Should a weapon or
Determination when an enemy is so rude as to not stand armor be broken in combat, the blacksmith will repair it
adjacent to you. Magic items that help to boost your for a minimal cost. Should he need some trifle, it usually
runes or assist with healing will always be useful. appears. But an unwavering warden is always careful
Finally, look for options that fill in the gaps that your never to overstep his boundaries, for his goal is defend
class features and runes don’t. those around him, not drive them into poverty
supporting him.
“Nothing harms my people until I fall. And I will never fall.” NPC Reactions: Dwarves who know what an
– Drust Morcant, Athaghoel Unwavering Warden unwavering warden is are more than happy to see one,
for they are the most trusted and faithful of all dwarves,
As the defenders of the Athaghoel people, unwavering never to shirk a fight or a duty. Those who do not know
wardens are feted and loved by their compatriots, and what an unwavering warden is see them first as
spend many days in consultation with the lorespeakers, runecarvers (if the warden makes such a thing
working their way through both the military history of apparent), or as a dwarven fighter, and react
the Athaghoel, as well as working their smiths to see if accordingly.
there is a better way to design arms, armor, war
machines, or the like. UNWAVERING WARDEN LORE
Characters with Knowledge (Architecture and
Those unwavering wardens who exist outside of the
Engineering) can research unwavering wardens to learn
Athaghoel lands are most often found adventuring, in
more about them. Bardic knowledge reveals the same
pursuit of whatever goal their focus takes them towards,
sometimes trying to go it alone, other times with a
collection of allies along for the ride. DC 10: Unwavering wardens are the stubbornnest of all
dwarves, and use runecarving to ensure that the
Daily Life: Unwavering wardens who are at home
stubbornness never wavers.
spend their days working primarily on whatever task
they have set for themselves via their focus, although DC 15: Unwavering wardens like to fight in the thick of
often enough they hold down secondary roles inside the combat and are almost impossible to wound, as they can
community that play to their knowledge and talents. simply ignore the effects of the most dangerous attacks
There is, of course, always a great deal of training in that they suffer.
regards to martial skill and runecarving.
DC 20: Unwavering wardens never vary the runes that
Those who are on the road lead the life of adventurers, they use, choosing to leave the same carved runes
going where the wind and their needs take them. engraved day after day, as the power of the runes builds
until it is almost unstoppable.
Notables: Drust Morcant is, as far as any member of his
Athaghoel community can tell, immortal. While DC 30: Information about notable unwavering wardens,
effectively the ruler of a valley full of villages, he has no drawn from the section above.
crown, no throne, and no title. But he is also old, old

The unwavering warden prestige class is an exploration
of runecarving combined with the legendary
intransigence of the dwarves through the use of the
dwarven focus mechanic and a collection of other
abilities. While the class does not place much demand on
the player, as most abilities are passive and runes are
changed out only very infrequently, it requires the
player to have understood five levels of runecarving to
arrive there, and so isn’t necessarily as beginner friendly
as some other options.

The unwavering warden is also a perfect NPC class,

because it gives mechanical backing to the ability of the
dwarves to simply wade through combats that would
otherwise stymie them, whether that be alongside the
PCs or against them.

If you have an unwavering warden PC in your game, be

sure to provide plenty of combat encounters that let him
and his talents shine, preferably ones that let him be the
target of most enemy attacks.

Adaptation: The unwavering warden does not need to

be limited to dwarven races only, and most of the
abilities, although not all, can be utilized by a someone
from another magic system. In which case simply swap
over the runecarving focused abilities for different ones
that reward the repeated employment of the same
abilities over and over.

Encounters: Unwavering wardens are most likely to be

encountered either defending a village under threat
from the PCs, or if their purposes run against the focus
of an adventuring unwavering warden.

Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One melee weapon
Runecarvers are not the only characters for whom this Duration: 1 round/level
book has material. Traditional spellcasters also gain a Saving Throw: None
number of spells, and the ability to create runic items Spell Resistance: No
that grow stronger under the combined influence of
When you cast this spell, you cause the target melee
traditional magic and runic magic. This chapter presents
weapon to hover and attack on its own, aiding a
arcane and divine spells for spellcasting classes from the
character you designate. The weapon must be either
Player’s Handbook, as well as magic items and artefacts
unattended (in which case you choose which creature it
primarily focused on those with a runecarving bent.
will fight for, so long as both creature and weapon are
within range) or in the possession of a willing ally who
benefits from the spell. A blade guardian attacks using
3rd LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS the initiative modifier and base attack bonus of the
Lithic Embrace – Gain knowledge of surrounding area creature it fights for, though it gains no other attack or
damage modifiers the creature might have (including
4th LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS those from Strength) and takes a -4 penalty on its attack
Stone Rebirth – Change stone from one type to another rolls if the creature it fights for doesn't have proficiency
with a weapon of its kind. The weapon moves with the
creature it fights for (and so can take the full attack action
if that creature does), staying within 5 feet at all times
and dropping to the ground if that creature is reduced to
Fingers of Rock – Create pillars of rock
0 or fewer hit points. Controlling the weapon requires no
Lithic Embrace – Gain knowledge of surrounding area
concentration, and the designated creature can fight
4th LEVEL DRUID SPELLS with another weapon at the same time. A blade guardian
Stone Rebirth – Change stone from one type to another prevents two opponents from flanking the creature it
Personal Cavern – Create extradimensional cavern fights for (though that creature can be flanked by
additional opponents).

nd Conjuration (Creation) [Earth]
Mental History – Understand the history of a given Level: Druid 3
location Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Blade Guardian – Animate a weapon to fight alongside Effect: One 5-ft.-diameter pillar of stone per round
target ally Duration: 1 round/2 levels (D)
Stone Rebirth – Change stone from one type to another Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No

Each round as a standard action, you conjure a pillar of

The new spells available to characters are described rock that bursts from a stone or earthen surface
below. The description of each spell is presented in a anywhere within the spell's range. Each pillar fills a 5-
standard format, and the spells are presented in foot square and grows to a height of 20 feet or until it hits
alphabetical order by spell name. a barrier such as a ceiling or wall. A Large or smaller

creature in a square where a pillar erupts must succeed Area: Spread with a radius of 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels,
on a Reflex save or be carried upward by the force of the centered on you
pillar. If a pillar is created in a room with a ceiling height Duration: Concentration, up to 10 min./level
of 20 feet or less, the rock slams into the ceiling, dealing Saving Throw: None
4d6 points of damage to any creature atop it. In a location Spell Resistance: No
with a ceiling height of more than 20 feet, a creature
You gain historical vision in a given location. Rooms,
carried up by a pillar must succeed on a DC 20 Balance
streets, tunnels, and other discrete locations accumulate
check or fall from the top of the pillar when it reaches its
psychic impressions left by powerful emotions
maximum height. On a failed check, the creature
experienced in a given area. These impressions offer you
plummets to the ground, taking 2d6 points of damage
a picture of the location’s past. The types of events most
from the fall. You can also cause a pillar to erupt from a
likely to leave psychic impressions are those that elicited
vertical surface, in which case any creatures in the
strong emotions: battles and betrayals, marriages and
pillar's path must succeed on their Reflex saves or take
murders, births and great pain, or any other event where
2d6 points of damage and be knocked prone. The pillar
one emotion dominates. Everyday occurrences leave no
created is permanent and has AC 3, hardness 8, and 900
residue for a spellcaster to detect. The vision of the event
hit points. A pillar can be climbed with a DC 20 Climb
is dreamlike and shadowy. You do not gain special
knowledge of those involved in the vision, though you
LITHIC EMBRACE might be able to read large banners or other writing if
Divination [Earth] they are in your language. Beginning with the most
Level: Cleric 3, Druid 3 recent significant event at a location and working
Components: V, S, DF backward in time, you can sense one distinct event for
Casting Time: 1 minute every 10 minutes you maintain concentration, if any
Range: Personal such events exist to be sensed. Your sensitivity extends
Target: You into the past a maximum number of years equal to 100 x
Duration: Instantaneous your caster level.

You become one with nature, attaining knowledge of the PERSONAL CAVERN
surrounding territory. Conjuration (Creation) [Earth]
Level: Druid 4
You instantly gain knowledge of as many as three facts
Components: V, S
from among the following subjects: the ground or
Casting Time: 1 standard action
terrain, minerals, bodies of water, people, general animal
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
population, burrowing or subterranean creatures, fungi.
Effect: Extradimensional cave, up to two 10-ft.
For example, you could determine the location of any cubes/level (S)
powerful earth subtype creatures, the location of all Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
major sources of safe drinking water, and the location of Saving Throw: None
any large veins of iron or copper. Spell Resistance: No

The spell is only effective in hills, mountains, or You conjure up an extradimensional cave that has a
underground (including mines). single entrance on the plane from which the spell was
cast. You can only cast this spell on a surface made of
The spell operates in a radius of one-half mile per level rock or some form of earth. The entry point looks like a
of the caster and to a depth of one-quarter mile per level. dark cave entrance that is 4 feet wide and 8 feet high.
Only those you designate can enter the cave, and the
portal is shut and made invisible behind you when you
enter. You can open it again from your side at will.
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Creatures entering the cave will find themselves in a
Components: V, S
dark, wet cavern. The place contains enough oxygen to
Casting Time: 1 minute
sustain as many creatures as can fit in the area for the
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

duration of the spell. Edible fungus grows along the Prerequisite: Anyone can use a suit of bludgeon breaking
walls, and condensation drips down one wall into a pool armor or shield.
of fresh, clean water that never seems to run dry. Activation: Holding or wearing the item is enough to
External conditions such as weather do not affect the activate it.
pleasant atmosphere of the cave, and nothing except the Effect: While wearing armor or carrying a shield that has
designated creatures can pass through the portal in this property, you gain damage reduction 5/slashing or
either direction. At the end of the spell's duration, all piercing.
within the cavern return to the spot where they entered Aura and Caster Level: Moderate abjuration; CL 9th.
the cave or else to the nearest open space, if that spot is Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
occupied. Items can be left inside the cavern, and the Linna rune.
retrieved by casting the spell again later. The cavern is Weight: As normal for armor or shield.
always the same cavern, and always just as it was left at Price: +2 bonus.
the end of the previous casting.
STONE REBIRTH A claw turning shield or suit of armor magically turns
Transmutation [Earth] away slashing weapons, such as claws and axes.
Level: Cleric 4, Druid 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Description: The armor or shield is thickened and
Components: V, S, DF
engraved with a defensive rune.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Prerequisite: Anyone can use a suit of claw turning armor
Range: Touch
or shield.
Target: Stone or stone objects touched, up to 10 cu. ft. +
Activation: Holding or wearing the item is enough to
10 cu. ft./level
activate it.
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: While wearing armor or carrying a shield that has
Saving Throw: None
this property, you gain damage reduction
Spell Resistance: No
5/bludgeoning or piercing.
You can change an existing piece of rock to another type Aura and Caster Level: Moderate abjuration; CL 9th.
of rock. For instance, you can make sandstone into Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
granite, substantially strengthening it. Precious and the Linna rune.
semiprecious gems cannot be manufactured with this Weight: As normal for armor or shield.
spell, and its effect does not change the monetary value Price: +2 bonus.
of the affected stone object.
A sense of immense authority radiates out from the
wearer of this armor.

Description: A suit of armor or shield that has this

Armor or shields with special abilities must have at least property is marked by clear stripes denoting the high
a +1 enhancement bonus. It is recommended that the DM rank of the wielder.
update other armor & shield special abilities such as Prerequisite: Anyone can use a general armor or shield
those from the Magic Item Compendium so that they Activation: Activating the armor or shield is as simple as
require runes to create. putting it on or wielding it.
Effect: While wearing general armor or carrying an
BLUDGEON BREAKING general shield, you gain a +5 competence bonus on
A bludgeon breaking shield or suit of armor magically Warcraft checks, and your commander auras increase
turns away bludgeoning weapons, such as maces and their bonus by +2.
slam attacks. Aura and Caster Level: Moderate transmutation; CL 8th.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
Description: The armor or shield is thickened and
the Kunnon, Sinn, or Tenkt rune.
engraved with a defensive rune.
Weight: As normal for armor or shield.
Price: +1 bonus.

OFFICER Prerequisite: Anyone can use a suit of spearstopping
This item looks particularly clean and bright - in fact, it armor or shield.
almost seems to shine with its own light. Activation: Holding or wearing the item is enough to
activate it.
Description: A suit of armor or shield that has this Effect: While wearing armor or carrying a shield that has
property always appears brilliant and gleaming, even in this property, you gain damage reduction 5/slashing or
filthy or squalid conditions, though it doesn’t shed any bludgeoning.
useful light. Attempts to paint over or obscure its finish Aura and Caster Level: Moderate abjuration; CL 9th.
do not diminish its brightness. Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
Prerequisite: Anyone can use an officer armor or shield the Linna rune.
Activation: Activating the armor or shield is as simple as Weight: As normal for armor or shield.
putting it on or wielding it. Price: +2 bonus.
Effect: While wearing officer armor or carrying an officer
shield, you gain a +2 competence bonus on Warcraft TEAMWORK
checks, and each ally within 30 feet of you (not including Armor and shields of this type automatically defend
yourself) gains a +1 morale bonus on Will saves. your allies.
Aura and Caster Level: Faint transmutation; CL 5th.
Description: A suit of armor or shield that has this
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
property always feels drawn towards any allies nearby.
the Kunnon, Sinn, or Tenkt rune.
Prerequisite: Anyone can use a teamwork armor or shield
Weight: As normal for armor or shield.
Activation: Activating the armor or shield is as simple as
Price: +2,000 gold pieces.
putting it on or wielding it.
RUNEBLESSED Effect: While wearing teamwork armor or carrying a
Runeblessed armors and shields are imbued with a teamwork shield, the benefit you grant from the aid
single runic effect. another action is increased by +2, and any ally standing
adjacent to you has their armor class increase by +1.
Description: The armor is filigreed with expensive runic Aura and Caster Level: Faint abjuration; CL 5th.
carvings that imply the power that the rune grants. Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
Prerequisite: Anyone can wear a suit of runeblessed the Kiel, Kivi, or Rore rune.
armor. Weight: As normal for armor or shield.
Activation: Activating the suit of armor is as simple as Price: +1 bonus.
putting it on.
Effect: Those who don the armor gain the benefit of a
single runic effect at the minimum runecarving level of
the rune effect, either the first effect (lesser), the second STRIKEBACK ARMOR
effect (normal), or the third effect (greater). Strikeback armor attacks any foes who would dare to
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate transmutation; CL 9th. strike the wearer.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
the rune whose benefit is imbued in the armor. Description: This armor of metal scales has axe blades
Weight: As normal for armor or shield. jutting from it here and there about the wearer’s body.
Price: +1 bonus (lesser), +3 bonus (normal), +5 bonus Prerequisite: Anyone can wear strikeback armor.
(greater). Activation: Activating the armor is an immediate or swift
SPEARSTOPPING Effect: This suit of armor functions as a +1 chain shirt.
A spearstopping shield or suit of armor magically turns When you activate it, one of the axe heads makes one
away piercing weapons, such as spears and most ranged melee attack (using your base attack bonus) against an
attacks. adjacent creature of your choice. The axe deals 1d8
points of slashing damage (no Str bonus on damage),
Description: The armor or shield is thickened and
and is treated as a magic weapon with an enhancement
engraved with a defensive rune.
bonus equal to the armor’s enhancement bonus to AC.
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate transmutation; CL 11th.

Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
the Rauta or Risti rune. the Linna rune.
Weight: As normal for chain shirt. Weight: As normal for a heavy shield.
Price: 12,250 gp; cost 6,000 gp (plus 250 gp for Price: 4,165 gp; cost 2,000 gp (plus cost of masterwork
masterwork chain shirt), 480 XP. heavy shield) + 160 XP.


Underearth armor lets the wearer fight better under the A negation aegis is a specially crafted shield designed to
ground. steal the life from opponents struck by it.

Description: At first glance, this suit of full plate looks Description: The center of a negation aegis is a carved
filthy and ill kept. On closer examination, you can see it mouth, fangs out, waiting to draw the energy from
is expertly crafted, and what appears to be dirt is actually anyone bitten by it.
the color of the metal itself. A black crystal shard is set Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a negation aegis.
horizontally into the front of the armor across the Activation: The shield is activated when it successfully
abdomen. Runes in the dwarven language mark its strikes an enemy on a shield bash.
greaves and gauntlets, and the aroma of fresh earth Effect: A negation aegs functions as a +1 light steel shield.
seems to emanate from the suit. When you use a shield bash attack with a negation aegis
Prerequisite: Anyone can wear underearth armor. to deal damage to a living creature, the target must
Activation: Activating the armor is a standard action. succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or gain one negative
Effect: A suit of underearth armor functions as +1 full level. A negation aegis can bestow one negative level per
plate. Once per day while wearing this armor, you can hour.
activate it to gain the benefits of the Underearth Warrior Aura and Caster Level: Strong necromancy; CL 12th.
feat and tremorsense out to 30 feet. Both effects last for Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
90 minutes. the Kiel, Mita, or Mortuum rune.
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate transmutation; CL 8th. Weight: As normal for a light shield.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know Price: 9,159 gp; cost 4,500 gp (plus cost of masterwork
the Kivi, Kolo, or Queta rune. light shield) + 360 XP.
Weight: As normal for full plate.
Price: 41,650 gp; cost 20,000 gp (plus 1,650 gp for
masterwork full plate), 1,600 XP.

Weapons with special abilities must have at least a +1

FORTIFICATION PAVISE enhancement bonus. It is recommended that the DM
A fortification pavise is a specially crafted shield detailed update other weapon special abilities such as those from
with icons depicting barricades. the Magic Item Compendium so that they require runes to
Description: Fortification pavises are often made of
specially strengthened stone or iron. CONDUIT WEAPON
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a fortification pavise. A conduit weapon is designed to deliver touch attack
Activation: Activating the shield is a swift action runes as part of striking a foe.
command word.
Description: The illustrations show soul energy running
Effect: By speaking the command word, you can
towards the striking surface of the weapon.
transform this +1 heavy shield into a 5 ft. by 5 ft. vertical
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a conduit weapon.
wall of stone. The wall persists for 1 minute or until you
Activation: A free action made before the attack is
speak a second command word to return the shield to its
required to activate a conduit weapon.
normal condition. The wall of stone ability functions once
Effect: A conduit weapon allows the wielder to use a rune
per hour.
effect with a range of melee touch as part of an attack
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate conjuration; CL 8th.
action or full attack action. The rune effect is carried on

the first attack of the action. He must designate this Description: This weapon bears toothlike inscriptions
before he knows the result of any rolls. Any uses of the across its surface.
rune effect are deducted as normal. Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a foehunting weapon.
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate necromancy; CL 9th. Activation: No action is required to activate a foehunting
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know weapon.
Aum or Belxa rune. Effect: A foehunting weapon increases your attack bonus
Weight: As normal for weapon. by +1 and your bonus on weapon damage rolls by +4
Price: +1 bonus. against your favored enemies.
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate abjuration; CL 6th.
DARKSTRIKING WEAPON Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
A darkstriking weapon helps the wielder fight in the the Exhu or Mortuum rune.
deep places of the world. Weight: As normal for weapon.
Description: The form of a screeching bat’s head adorns Price: +1 bonus.
the end of this weapon, and images of wings and
fluttering nocturnal forms run along its length.
Built to terrify struck foes, it makes the battles in the
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a darkstriking weapon.
deepness short and brutal.
Activation: No action is required to activate a
darkstriking weapon. Description: Terrified faces are carved down the length of
Effect: A darkstriking weapon emits a susurrus of the weapon’s striking surface.
whispered notes (Listen DC 10). While wielding the Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a frightening weapon.
activated weapon, you gain blindsight out to 30 feet. This Activation: No action is required to activate a frightening
effect is negated by silence spells and effects. weapon.
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate divination; CL 6th. Effect: Whenever you score a critical hit with this
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know weapon, a wave of blackness washes over the target,
the Haamu, Kolo, or Queta rune. causing it to become shaken (no saving throw) for 5
Weight: As normal for weapon. rounds. This effect activates even if the creature struck is
Price: +2 bonus. not normally subject to extra damage from critical hits.
This effect doesn’t stack with itself or with any other fear
ENGRAVING WEAPON effects (it can’t render an already shaken creature
The world of runes is enhanced by the tools used to frightened, for example).
design them. Aura and Caster Level: Moderate necromancy; CL 11th.
Description: Graven geometric designs swim up and Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
down the length of the weapon. the Sinn, Tenkt, or Kaom rune.
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield an engraving weapon. Weight: As normal for weapon.
Activation: A swift action is required to activate an Price: +1 bonus.
engraving weapon.
Effect: When activated, an engraving weapon grants the
Sending foes flying is the purpose of a knockback
wielder a +1 bonus to runecarving level for a single
carved rune currently affecting him. This bonus lasts for
one round, and can be activated once per encounter. Description: This weapon is broader, thicker, and darker
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate transmutation; CL 10th. in color than a normal weapon of its type.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a knockback weapon.
the Ithi, Lage, or Sigu rune. Activation: A swift action is required to activate a
Weight: As normal for weapon. knockback weapon.
Price: +1 bonus. Effect: After a successful melee attack with a knockback
weapon, you can command the weapon to initiate a bull
FOEHUNTING WEAPON rush attempt against the target of the attack in addition
Designed to slay a single type of enemy, a foehunting to dealing its normal damage. This attempt does not
weapon assists the wielder in its hatred. provoke attacks of opportunity and is resolved using

your size, Strength, and other relevant characteristics. If cannot change the size category or special material of the
you wield a knockback weapon in two hands, you gain weapon.
a +4 bonus on the opposed Strength check. If successful, Aura and Caster Level: Moderate transmutation; CL 6th.
the bull rush pushes the affected creature back the Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
greatest possible distance allowed by the result of the the Ithi, Kerta, or Rauta rune.
opposed check, but you do not move along with the Weight: As normal for weapon.
target. Movement caused by this bull rush attempt Price: +1 bonus.
provokes attacks of opportunity from other creatures
normally, but you cannot make an attack of opportunity RUNE BANE WEAPON
against the affected creature. A rune bane weapon is designed to slay runecarvers and
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate evocation; CL 11th. runic creatures.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know Description: A weapon covered in dire predictions of
the Lujuus, Rore, or Sterkur rune. death for those who wield the ancient magic of the
Weight: As normal for weapon. dwarves.
Price: +3 bonus. Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a rune bane weapon.
Activation: No action is required to activate a rune bane
Penetrant bows have been redesigned to focus not on
Effect: Against any creatures who are wielders of runic
volume, but on devastating whole ranks of enemies.
magic or have the runic subtype, its effective
Description: Penetrant weapons have carved runes of enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal
impact near the bolt or arrowhead. enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 2d6 points of
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a penetrant weapon. damage against the foe. Bows, crossbows, and slings so
Activation: A standard action is required to fire a crafted bestow the rune bane quality upon their
penetrant weapon. ammunition.
Effect: When you make a ranged attack with a penetrant Aura and Caster Level: Moderate conjuration; CL 8th.
bow, you unleash a single, mighty attack that blasts Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon
through multiple opponents. This attack requires a monster I.
standard action, and your shot takes the form of a 60-foot Weight: As normal for weapon.
line. Make a separate attack roll against each creature in Price: +1 bonus.
the line. If struck, creatures along this line take damage
from your shot, including any applicable extra damage RUNECURSING WEAPON
(such as from a sneak attack or a flaming weapon). The magic of the runes is not always beneficial, if you
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate transmutation; CL 6th. know how to twist it.
Construction: Must be a bow or crossbow, Craft Magic Description: Broken runes cover the striking face of a
Arms and Armor, must know the Ithi, Lujuus, or Risti runecursing weapon.
rune. Prerequisite: Only a runecarver can gain the benefit of
Weight: As normal for weapon. using a runecursing weapon.
Price: +1 bonus. Activation: A swift action is required to activate a
runecursing weapon.
Effect: The wielder chooses to activate the weapon as a
A live thing in the wielder’s hands, a reshaping weapon
swift action before making an attack. If he hits, he can
can take any form that the wielder desires.
apply a single rune effect with a level equal to or lower
Description: Giving the nature of a reshaping weapon, it than his runecarving level, except that all benefits the
can look like anything. rune effect grants are treated as penalties (Damage
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a reshaping weapon. reduction or energy resistance adds that much to
Activation: A standard action is required to activate a damage when struck), with any non-numerical effects
reshaping weapon. being ignored. The struck creature gets a Fortitude save
Effect: When activated, a reshaping weapon changes vs 10 + damage dealt to resist the runecurse. If the
from any one melee weapon to another, although it creature fails, the runecurse lasts for one hour. The

wielder cannot apply more than one runecurse at a time. Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
A second application negates any existing runecurses the Haamu or Ingan rune.
(this does not affect the similar class feature). The chosen Weight: As normal for weapon.
rune effect must be from a rune the wielder knows. Price: +1 bonus.
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate necromancy; CL 11th.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know TRAPPING WEAPON
the Kiel, Mita, or Pahuus rune. Trapping weapons bind the enemy’s feet, preventing
Weight: As normal for weapon. them from moving.
Price: +3 bonus. Description: The head of these weapons is made of living
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a trapping weapon.
Savage fury weapons reward those who fight with
Activation: No action is required to activate a trapping
reckless abandon.
Description: Though tarnished and battered, this simple Effect: Whenever you score a critical hit with a trapping
weapon is incredibly durable, the scars of a hundred weapon against a creature standing on the ground, the
battles marring its surface. surface your target is standing on attempts to hold the
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a savage fury weapon. creature in place. For 1 round, the victim’s speed falls to
Activation: No action is required to activate a savage fury 5 feet and it takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and to AC.
weapon. Aura and Caster Level: Moderate transmutation; CL 10th.
Effect: Each time you strike an enemy and deal 10 or more Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
damage to it, you gain 5 temporary hit points from battle the Kivi, Kolo, or Rore rune.
lust. The temporary hit points do not stack with each Weight: As normal for weapon.
other, and last until the end of the encounter. You cannot Price: +1 bonus.
fight defensively or take the Total Defense action, and
each round must attack the nearest enemy creature if UNDYING WEAPON
able. As long as you attack, you live.
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate enchantment; CL 7th. Description: The weapon looks thirsty, as if it is waiting
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know to claw away the lifeforce from those around it.
the Exhu or Xosha rune. Prerequisite: Anyone can wield an undying weapon.
Weight: As normal for weapon. Activation: No action is required to activate an undying
Price: +1 bonus. weapon.
Effect: In any round that you strike an enemy and deal 10
or more damage to it, you are not treated as disabled at
Targeting weapons lead the enemy to strike against the
0 hit points, nor are you treated as dying at -1 to -9 hit
desired target.
points. Even if reduced to -10 hit points or less, you
Description: Shiny and bright, a targeting weapon leaves continue to fight normally until the end of a round in
a glowing outline on any wound it makes. which you have not struck an enemy for 10 or more
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a targeting weapon. damage. At that point, the effects of your wounds apply
Activation: A swift action is required to activate a normally if they have not been healed. This ability does
targeting weapon. not prevent death from massive damage or from spell
Effect: Once per round you can declare that a melee effects such as slay living or disintegrate.
attack you make against a flanked enemy is intended to Aura and Caster Level: Strong necromancy; CL 14th.
open the enemy's defenses. You must declare this Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
attempt before you roll your attack, and the attempt is the Livet, Sterkur, or Terveys rune.
wasted for the round if the attack misses. If the attack Weight: As normal for weapon.
hits, your allies who are flanking the target gain a +2 Price: +3 bonus.
morale bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against
that enemy until the start of your next turn.
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate divination; CL 9th.

Activation: No action is required to activate this weapon.
Effect: The wielder of the stonebreaker ignores all
DEEPKILLER hardness from earth and stone objects, or damage
Tandda have many enemies in the deep. It’s best to have resistance from creatures made from those materials.
a weapon that targets all of them. They also gain a burrow speed of 10 ft. It is otherwise a
+1 warhammer.
Description: This spear has an ornate bone head carved to Aura and Caster Level: Moderate transmutation; CL 11th.
resemble a skull with its mouth open in a scream. Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a deepkiller, but only the Kivi, Kolo, or Queta rune.
Tandda get the full benefit. Weight: As normal for warhammer.
Activation: No action is required to activate this weapon. Price: 5,312 gp; 2,500 gp (plus 312 gp for masterwork
Effect: In the hands of a non-Tandda, deepkiller functions warhammer), 200 XP.
as a +1 spear. In the hands of a Tandda, the weapon also
gains the bane property against dwarves, against TOKUNNIR CROSSBOW
creatures that have the earth or runic subtypes, and A Tokunnir crossbow is built so that the wielder never
against constructs primarily made of earth, stone, or needs worry about an enemy who closes with him.
Description: The front of this heavy crossbow is fitted
Aura and Caster Level: Strong necromancy; CL 16th.
with a pair of curved, sharp blades. The gap between
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
them is perfectly positioned to allow the unhindered
the Exhu or Mortuum rune.
passage of a crossbow bolt.
Weight: As normal for spear.
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a Tokunnir crossbow.
Price: 9,302 gp; 4,500 gp (plus 302 gp for masterwork
Activation: No action is required to activate this weapon.
spear), 360 XP.
Effect: This crossbow has an exceptionally strong stock,
RUNEDEATH which is shaped so that you can grip and swing it as a
The dwarves have many natural enemies, but it is the melee weapon. You can use a Tokunnir crossbow as
orcs who loath them most of all, and they have birthed a either a +1 heavy crossbow for ranged attacks, or as a +1
weapon to kill runecarvers. battleaxe for melee attacks.
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate evocation; CL 11th.
Description: This heavy mace’s blackened metal haft Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know
looks like a fleshless dwarven femur. Its head is shaped the Ithi or Rauta rune.
into a grotesque parody of runes, all shattered and bent. Weight: 12 lb.
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a runedeath. Price: 4,660 gp; 2,000 gp (plus 660 gp for masterwork
Activation: No action is required to activate this weapon. heavy crossbow and masterwork battleaxe), 80 XP.
Effect: The wielder of this +1 adamantine heavy mace
gains the benefits of the Runebreaker and Runebreaker,
Greater, feats if he meets the requirements.
Aura and Caster Level: Strong necromancy; CL 13th. Runecarvers and other wielders of runic magic favor the
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must know following magic rings and amulets.
the Exhu, Kiel, or Mita rune.
Weight: As normal for heavy mace.
Despite the name, this amulet is usually worn by attack
Price: 8,012 gp; 2,500 gp (plus 3,012 gp for adamantine
squads of dwarven infantry, as it allows them to strike
heavy mace), 200 XP.
with surprise.
Description: Carved with a dwarven pickaxe, this amulet
Dwarves get impatient with stone walls that just won’t
is beloved of its users.
get out of their way.
Prerequisite: Anyone can wear an amulet of
Description: Imagery of shockwaves run towards the disappearance.
striking surface of this warhammer. Activation: A standard action activates the amulet.
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a stonebreaker.

Effect: An amulet of disappearance has three charges that Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know the
renew each day at midday. Each time a charge is Belxa, Ertaa, or Ingan rune.
expended, the wearer gains the earth glide ability of the Weight: As normal for an amulet.
earth elemental for one minute. Price: 25,000 gp; cost 12,500 gp + 500 XP.
Aura and Caster Level: Strong transmutation; CL 13th.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know the Kivi, RING OF GREAT IMPACT
Kolo, or Rore rune. Built to benefit dwarves on the front line of combat, the
Weight: As normal for an amulet. ring of impact adds mass to the swing of an axe.
Price: 7,200 gp; cost 3,600 gp + 144 XP. Description: A fist surmounts the ring.
Prerequisite: Anyone can wear a ring of great impact.
Activation: The ring has to be worn to be active.
Knowing what not to carve can sometimes be as
Effect: Whenever the wearer successfully critical hits an
important as knowing what to carve.
opponent, that opponent is knocked back 5 ft. from the
Description: An amulet of forbearance is a blank gorget wearer.
of metal. Aura and Caster Level: Moderate conjuration; CL 7th.
Prerequisite: Only a runecarver can benefit from an Construction: Forge Ring, must know the Rore rune.
amulet of forbearance. Weight: As normal for a ring.
Activation: No action needed. Price: 3,000 gp; cost 1,500 gp + 60 XP.
Effect: An amulet of forbearance gives a benefit to a
runecarver who does not carve his full allotment of runes
active. For each potential carved rune that the
runecarver does not carve, increase the runecarving level The wondrous items presented here are worn by
for all of his carved runes by 1. Thus, if a 20 th level runecarvers as well as those who seek to guard
runecarver has only 2 runes carved, those runes have themselves from its effects.
their runecarving level increased by 4. ARMLET OF EMPTINESS
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate abjuration; CL 9th. Primarily worn around the upper arm of a Tandda, these
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know the armlets are designed to make their magical void ability
Ertaa, Kiel, or Mita rune. even more potent.
Weight: As normal for an amulet.
Price: 7,200 gp; cost 3,600 gp + 144 XP. Description: A stone or metal armlet, simply crafted.
Prerequisite: Must be Tandda.
AMULET OF THE ANCESTORS Activation: Active while worn.
Bound within the amulet of the ancestors is a way to Effect: While worn, the Tandda gains a +2 bonus on all
reach out to and speak with an ancestor spirit of the checks made as part of his Magical Void ability.
dwarven people, who will answer questions or come to Aura and Caster Level: Moderate abjuration; CL 12th.
the wielder’s aid to the best of its ability. Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know the Kiel
Description: A simple and plain amulet, engraved with or Mita rune.
many different runic symbols. Weight: 1 lb.
Prerequisite: Anyone can wear an amulet of the ancestors, Price: 7,200 gp; cost 3,600 gp + 144 XP.
but it has no effect unless the wielder is a dwarf. CONSTRUCTION FORGE
Activation: A standard action activates the amulet. Less a single item and more a whole room of tools,
Effect: Once per week, the wearer can call upon the spirit oddiments, furnaces, anvils, and the like, a construction
linked through the amulet to either answer questions for forge is what the Tokunnir have standardized on for the
them, or to come and fight by their side. If he asks the creation of the Constructed race, and so there are many
spirit questions, treat it as a commune spell with the of these forges scattered about the Tokunnir
wearer’s character level as his caster level. If he communities, although most are quite small and take
summons the spirit, an Ancestral Warrior appears to their time in turning out Constructed.
fight beside him for one round per character level.
Aura and Caster Level: Strong conjuration; CL 13th.

Description: A whole forge, sometimes up to 1000 sq ft or time to carve the rune by one minute, but cannot reduce
more, complete with overhead machinery designed for it below one minute.
moving partially-built Constructed through the various Aura and Caster Level: Faint transmutation; CL 5th.
stations. Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know the
Prerequisite: The user must have at least 6 ranks in the Aum, Belxa, or Lage rune.
Craft skill. Weight: 1 lb.
Activation: The item activates as part of creating a Price: 2,500 gp; cost 1,250 gp + 50 XP.
Effect: Using a construction forge to create a member of FACEMASK OF SCENT
the Constructed race means that the Constructed comes Derived from the talents of the wolven this facemask is
into being with the elite array, rather than the non-elite designed to help the wearer explore the world in more
array, for statistics. In addition, it also cuts the creation nuanced ways.
time and the cost of additional hit dice for a Constructed Description: A leather mask, shaped like a wolf’s face,
by half. that covers the nose and mouth.
Aura and Caster Level: Strong transmutation; CL 17th. Prerequisite: None to wear the mask.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know Ithi, Activation: Active while worn.
Lage, Linna, Rauta, and Risti runes. Effect: While worn, the mask grants the wearer the
Weight: 10 tonnes or more. enhanced scent special quality of the wolven.
Price: 100,000 gp; cost 50,000 gp + 2,000 XP. Aura and Caster Level: Moderate divination; CL 12th.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know the
Haamu or Ingan rune.
Designed to assist miners in determing where the veins
Weight: 1 lb.
of metal go, these glasses have become popular with
Price: 7,200 gp; cost 3,600 gp + 144 XP.
Tokunnir commanders for directing assaults.

Description: A pair of lenses carved from graven crystal, FINGER OF EARTH

held in place by bronze frames and leather straps. A portable spire of rock that can be activated or
Prerequisite: Anyone can wear the delver’s eyeglasses. deactivated and brought with the user, an inventive
Activation: Wearing the eyeglasses activates them. dwarf can think of many uses for such an item.
Effect: Wearing the glasses allows the user to see through Description: A small rod, carved of granite or another
up to 30 feet of earth, rock, or stone as if it was not there. hard stone.
This includes any form of worked stone, but does not Prerequisite: None to use the rod.
include metals, liquids, or non-earthen materials such as Activation: Activating or deactivating the rod takes a
wood. standard action.
Aura and Caster Level: Moderate divination; CL 11th. Effect: When activated, the rod becomes a pillar as
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know the described in the fingers of rock spell.
Haamu, Sinn, or Tenkt rune. Aura and Caster Level: Moderate conjuration; CL 12th.
Weight: 1 lb. Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know the Kivi,
Price: 25,000 gp; cost 12,500 gp + 500 XP. Kolo, or Linna rune.
Weight: 1 lb when unactivated.
Price: 7,200 gp; cost 3,600 gp + 144 XP.
One of many small items designed to help those engaged
in runic magic, this chisel is designed to guide the hand FORGEMASTER’S ANVIL
in carving runes. A massive anvil that is usually installed inside a forge
Description: A small hammer and chisel set. and never moved, it is built for the purpose of making
Prerequisite: Any runecarver can use engraver’s tools. dwarven item creation far easier to accomplish.
Activation: The tool must be used as part of the process Description: A massive anvil of mithral and steel, carved
of carving a rune. about with runes and blessings from Fasnachu,
Effect: The tool grants a +5 bonus on all Craft checks Challineb, and Hannhangnefedd.
made as part of carving a rune. In addition, it reduces the

Prerequisite: The user must have at least 10 ranks in the Price: 250 gp; cost 125 gp + 5 XP.
Craft skill, and must have made at least five weapons,
armors, or shields on the anvil before it activates. RUNE FLARE
Activation: The item activates as part of creating Used by many different runecarvers, a rune flare is akin
weapons, armor, or shields. to a barbarian’s rage, but bottled into a simple stone.
Effect: Whenever the forgemaster is using his anvil to Description: A stone engraved with Lujuus runes.
create a weapon, armor, or shield, the item gains an Prerequisite: Must be a runecarver.
additional special quality equal to or cheaper than a +1 Activation: A swift action activates a rune flare.
bonus. The forgemaster does not pay any additional Effect: The wielder increases the runecarving level of a
extra gold, XP, or time cost for this special ability. single carved rune by +4 for one round. At the end of
Aura and Caster Level: Strong transmutation; CL 17th. that round, the rune flare is destroyed.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know Ithi, Aura and Caster Level: Faint evocation; CL 5th.
Lage, Linna, Rauta, and Risti runes. Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know how to
Weight: 300 lb. carve runes.
Price: 100,000 gp; cost 50,000 gp + 2,000 XP. Weight: 1 lb.
Price: 250 gp; cost 125 gp + 5 XP.
Designed by the Athaghoel to assist their lorespeakers
with the recitation of oral history, this tool assists their
memory in that regard.

Description: Coming in many forms, a mnemonic is

always specific to the Athaghoel who uses it.
Prerequisite: Must have the Oral Tradition ability.
Activation: Used as part of an Oral Tradition check.
Effect: The mnemonic grants a +5 bonus on all Oral
Tradition checks. In addition, the item grants the user the
ability to use an Oral Tradition check in place of a
Knowledge check.
Aura and Caster Level: Faint divination; CL 5th.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, must know the
Ingan rune.
Weight: 1 lb.
Price: 2,500 gp; cost 1,250 gp + 50 XP.

Created by the Tandda, a murk bomb replicates the
effect of a warrior’s inky murk ability, allowing lesser
Tandda, or warriors who have expended their ability, to

Description: A vial full of a black, oily, liquid.

Prerequisite: None.
Activation: A move action to throw the vial.
Effect: Once thrown as a grenade-like weapon, the vial
breaks, filling the square and those adjacent to it with
inky murk, as per the warrior breeding feat. The Reflex
DC is 14, and the murk lasts for 5 rounds.
Aura and Caster Level: Faint conjuration; CL 5th.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item.
Weight: 1 lb.

Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+15
Attack: +1 greataxe +11 (1d12+10/x3)
Full Attack: +1 greataxe +11 (1d12+10/x3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Exhu
Special Qualities: Ancestral spirit, darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +5
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 8, Con 28, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 14
Skills: Climb +14, Intimidate +10, Jump –4, Knowledge
(history) +7, Knowledge (the planes) +7, Listen +9, Spot
+9, Warcraft +7
The influence of runic magic extends far beyond some Feats: Cleave, Power Attack
creatures’ ability to carve runes and bend the energy of Environment: Underground
the earth to their hand. The energy of runes has infused, Organization: Solitary
bonded with, or otherwise affected a wide variety of Challenge Rating: 6
creatures in ways both positive and negative. It has Alignment: Lawful Good
given rise to new forms of life, at least two of which are Advancement: 6–18 HD (Huge)
fully sentient. Level Adjustment: -

An ancestral warrior is the spirit of an ancient dwarf

hero brought back from the afterlife to serve by the will
Any creature with rune-based powers has the runic and magic of a dwarf cleric or runecarver. When
subtype. A runic creature can be born with the subtype summoned, an ancestral warrior takes up residence
or can gain it during its life. A creature meeting any one within a statue of a dwarf hero, animating it. As a result,
of the following criteria has the runic subtype. many mistake the stony creatures for constructs on first
encountering them. Ancestral warriors can speak and
• The creature has the ability to create runes,
understand Common, Dwarven, and Undercommon.
including characters who have levels in a
character class that grants them the ability to use COMBAT
runes. An ancestral warrior is called to aid its people in times
• The creature has one or more pre-existing runes of crisis. It defends dwarven halls with grim
(that is, runes that are automatically created on determination, and it does not retreat or give quarter. It
it without any effort on its part). fights until destroyed or until those dwarves it is
• The creature was created through the use of protecting are safe. Although of lawful good alignment,
runes. the ancestor does not distinguish between enemies on
Traits: Other than the fact that all runic creatures have at the basis of their moral philosophies. If its descendants
least one of the criteria listed above, runic creatures have are in danger, it attacks all who threaten them. It is not
no specific traits. The runic subtype serves to identify unintelligent, though, and the possessing spirit was
creatures that may be vulnerable to runes, spells, and usually a warrior in a previous life. It focuses on the most
effects targeting runic creatures. dangerous-looking combatant first and exploits its
Power Attack to maximize damage (taking its
opponent’s armor into consideration) to defeat it
quickly, turning on the next whenever possible. Despite
ANCESTRAL WARRIOR [RUNIC] its impressive damage reduction, it has no special
Large Outsider (Native) protection against spells, so it targets obvious
Hit Dice: 5d10+45 (67 hp) spellcasters as quickly as possible. It is unusual to
Initiative: -1 encounter more than one or two dwarf ancestors,
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) although in times of war the dwarves might call for
Armor Class: 26 (–1 size, –1 Dexterity, +18 natural), additional assistance. Usually an ancestor provides a
touch 8, flat-footed 26 bulwark in melee for a group of dwarf soldiers.

Ancestral Spirit (Su): Any dwarf within 30 feet of an Advancement: 13-24 HD (Huge); 25-48 HD
ancestral warrior gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls (Gargantuan)
and damage rolls. Level Adjustment: -

Exhu (Su): An ancestral warrior is permanently under Combat brutes are Constructed in only the most tenuous
the effects of the First and Third Symbol of the Exhu of sense. Created using the same techniques, they
rune, and treats his runecarving level for this purpose as otherwise lack most of the intelligence and skill that is
twice his hit dice. He applies these benefits against any imbued into a normal Constructed, and instead are
non-dwarven creature. focused entirely on slaughtering enemies in combat,
with little regard for anything else.

A Constructed is a member of a race of living construct Combat brutes are slow and unintelligent, but are
servitors, created by the Tokunnir to serve as general perfectly happy to counteract those traits by charging in
labor, military strength, and to engage in work that the and smashing whatever gets in their way.
regal dwarves do not wish to do themselves. Ranging in
Runescribed (Ex): Choose one rune for a combat brute,
types from a basic Constructed that can perform all tasks
following the rules for Runescribed as described under
to highly specialized versions that are designed for one
Constructed traits in their racial entry in Chapter One
use and one use only, the Constructed in their varied
forms are a common sight in the realm of the Tokunnir. Self-Repair (Ex): A Constructed can initiate a self-repair
mode. During this mode, he is blind, deaf, and immobile,
All Constructed have the traits described in their racial
but heals hit points equal to his constitution modifier
entry in Chapter One unless explicitly noted otherwise
each minute. He can heal up to one half his total hit
in the creature description.
points in a day. The blindness, deafness, and immobility
COMBAT BRUTE [RUNIC] can never be prevented or removed during Self-Repair.
Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 12d10+12 (78 hp)
A combat brute is made from a mixture of metal and
Initiative: -5
stone, and once sculpted, engraved all over with runes.
Speed: 50 ft. (6 squares)
The base materials cost 4,800 gp. Creating the body
Armor Class: 25 (-2 Size, -1 Dexterity, +18 armor), touch
requires a DC 40 Craft check.
7, flat-footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+26 A combat brute with more than 12 Hit Die can be
Attack: Axe +16 melee (2d8 + 9/x3) or maul +16 melee created, but each additional Hit Die adds 2,000 gp to the
(2d8 + 9/x3) cost to create.
Full Attack: Axe +16 melee (2d8 + 9/x3) or maul +16
melee (2d8 + 9/x3) Craft Construct, Exhu, Lujuus, Rauta, or Risti rune; Price
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. 9,600; Cost 4,800 gold pieces + 192 XP.
Special Attacks: Trample 2d6+13
Special Qualities: Constructed traits, damage reduction
Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 2d10+8 (19 hp)
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
Initiative: -4
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Skills: Jump +32
Armor Class: 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
Feats: Power Attack, Awesome Blow, Improved Bull
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+7
Rush, Cleave, Shattermace or Sweeping Axe (matches
Attack: Large greatclub +3 (2d8+3)
Full Attack: Large greatclub +3 (2d8+3)
Environment: Underground
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Organization: Solitary
Special Attacks: -
Challenge Rating: 6
Alignment: Neutral

Special Qualities: Constructed traits, powerful build, that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage
moderate fortification is instead rolled normally.
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -2
Runescribed (Ex): Choose one rune for a furnace-born,
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 4
following the rules for Runescribed as described under
Skills: Craft +5, Jump +7
Constructed traits in their racial entry in Chapter One
Feats: Power Attack
Environment: Underground Self-Repair (Ex): A Constructed can initiate a self-repair
Organization: Solitary mode. During this mode, he is blind, deaf, and immobile,
Challenge Rating: 1 but heals hit points equal to his constitution modifier
Alignment: Neutral each minute. He can heal up to one half his total hit
Advancement: 3–5 HD (Medium) points in a day. The blindness, deafness, and immobility
Level Adjustment: +0 can never be prevented or removed during Self-Repair.

Furnace-born are Constructed built for the front line of FURNACE-BORN AS CHARACTERS
combat, or to do the heaviest of lifting tasks in Furnace-born almost universally adopt the fighter class
construction, mining, or sometimes even to power on the rare occasions when they advance levels.
machinery. Their increased strength, unlike combat
brutes, is not paired with an almost complete lack of Furnace-born possess the following racial traits in
intelligence or personality, although they do tend addition to all the standard Constructed traits.
towards the taciturn and sullen, perhaps as a result of • +2 Strength, +6 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2
often being used as little more than intelligent mules. Intelligence, -4 Charisma: Created for their brute
COMBAT force capabilities, furnace-born are somewhat
lacking in personality. This replaces the standard
Most furnace-born are perfectly happy to wade into the
Constructed ability line.
middle of a fight, either because that was what they were
made to do, or because it gives them a reprieve from the • Racial Hit Dice: A furnace-born begins with two
levels of construct, which provide 2d10 Hit Dice, a
dullness of their day-to-day life, at least until they are
base attack bonus of +1, and base saving throw
bonuses of Fort +0, Ref +0, and Will +0. He still has
Furnace-born who are equipped for combat should be the Living Construct subtype.
given armor in addition to the equipped weapon. • Racial Skills: A furnace-born’s construct levels give
him skill points equal to 5 × (2 + Int modifier). A
Powerful Build (Ex): The physical stature of a furnace-
furnace-born’s class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
born lets him function in many ways as if he were one
Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search
size category larger. Whenever a furnace-born is subject
(Int), and Spot (Wis).
to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed
• Racial Feats: A furnace-born’s construct levels give
check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush
him one feat.
attempts, and trip attempts), the furnace-born is treated
• Moderate Fortification: When a critical hit or sneak
as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A
attack is scored on a furnace-born, there is a 75%
furnace-born is also considered to be one size larger
chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated
when determining whether a creature’s special attacks
and damage is instead rolled normally.
based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole)
• Powerful Build: The physical stature of a furnace-
can affect him. A furnace-born can use weapons
born lets him function in many ways as if he were
designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. one size category larger. Whenever a furnace-born is
However, his space and reach remain those of a creature subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for
of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack an opposed check (such as during grapple checks,
with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the furnace-
change the subject’s size category. born is treated as one size larger if doing so is
Moderate Fortification (Ex): When a critical hit or sneak advantageous to him. A furnace-born is also
attack is scored on a furnace-born, there is a 75% chance considered to be one size larger when determining

whether a creature’s special attacks based on size Mechanical smiths avoid combat wherever possible, but
(such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect if called upon, can fight with the hammers they use at
him. A furnace-born can use weapons designed for the forge day in and day out. They will, however, run
a creature one size larger without penalty. However, unless cornered.
his space and reach remain those of a creature of his
actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with Smithing (Ex): A mechanical smith can perform the
the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change daily tasks related to item creation on behalf of its
the subject’s size category. master. The master must meet all the prerequisites to
create the desired item normally, and pays the gold and
CONSTRUCTION XP cost himself. The only cost a mechanical smith can
A furnace-born is made from a mixture of metal and help with is time. The master spends 1 hour initiating the
stone, and once sculpted, engraved all over with runes. process and paying the XP cost to make the item. He may
The base materials cost 800 gp. Creating the body then leave, allowing the mechanical smith to carry the
requires a DC 25 Craft check. process through to completion.

A furnace-born with more than 2 Hit Die can be created, Runescribed (Ex): Choose one rune for a mechanical
but each additional Hit Die adds 2,000 gp to the cost to smith, following the rules for Runescribed as described
create. under Constructed traits in their racial entry in Chapter
Craft Construct, Linna, Lujuus, or Sterkur rune; Price
1,600; Cost 800 gold pieces + 32 XP. Self-Repair (Ex): A Constructed can initiate a self-repair
mode. During this mode, he is blind, deaf, and immobile,
MECHANICAL SMITH [RUNIC] but heals hit points equal to his constitution modifier
Medium Construct each minute. He can heal up to one half his total hit
Hit Dice: 1d10+1 (6 hp) points in a day. The blindness, deafness, and immobility
Initiative: -3 can never be prevented or removed during Self-Repair.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 11 (+1 Dexterity), touch 11, flat-footed 10 CONSTRUCTION
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+0 A mechanical smith is made from a mixture of metal and
Attack: Hammer +0 (1d8/x3) stone, and once sculpted, engraved all over with runes.
Full Attack: Hammer +0 (1d8/x3) The base materials cost 400 gp. Creating the body
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. requires a DC 20 Craft check.
Special Attacks: -
A mechanical smith with more than 1 Hit Die can be
Special Qualities: Constructed traits, smithing
created, but each additional Hit Die adds 2,000 gp to the
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will -2
cost to create.
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 6
Skills: Craft 7, Knowledge (any) 4 Craft Construct, Ithi, Lage, or Xosha rune; Price 800; Cost
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft) 400 gold pieces + 16 XP.
Environment: Underground
Organization: Solitary VEIN EXTRACTOR [RUNIC]
Challenge Rating: ½ Medium Construct
Alignment: Neutral Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
Advancement: 2–5 HD (Medium) Initiative: -4
Level Adjustment: - Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft.
Armor Class: 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
A mechanical smith is a Constructed built to serve as an Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+2
assistant in the forge, although many mechanical smiths Attack: Heavy Pick +2 (1d6/x4)
can carry out much of the process by themselves, should Full Attack: Heavy Pick +2 (1d6/x4)
their master let them. They do not adventure, working at Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
the smithy until they are decommissioned. Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Constructed traits, mining

Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will -2 Craft Construct, Kivi, Kolo, or Rauta rune; Price 800;
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 6 Cost 400 gold pieces + 16 XP.
Skills: Profession 7, Knowledge (any) 4
Feats: Skill Focus (Profession)
Environment: Underground
Organization: Solitary Deepborn are creatures birthed in the very deepest
Challenge Rating: ½ places of the the earth, different from normal versions of
Alignment: Neutral their species due to being imbued with some of the
Advancement: 2–5 HD (Medium) power that resides within the subterreanean landscape.
Level Adjustment: - Rare to appear, and seen even less than that, the actual
A vein extractor is a Constructed built to serve as a process of creating a deepborn is unknown, as they seem
miner, constantly digging and processing ore, until such to occur naturally and without the intervention of
time as the vein runs dry and they shut themselves outside magic. That being said, runecarvers have long
down. They do not adventure, working in the mines admired the benefits that are seemingly conferred upon
until they are decommissioned. the deepborn, and have been able to create a rune that
draws upon some of the deep magic that allows their
COMBAT birth to come about. The runecarving version of the
Vein extractors avoid combat wherever possible, but if template is strictly temporary, however.
called upon, can fight with the picks they use in the
mines day in and day out. They will, however, run SAMPLE DEEPBORN
unless cornered. This example uses a rhino as the base creature.

Mining (Ex): Vein extractors produce 50 lbs. of Deepborn Rhino

processed iron (not iron ore) in a day, provided that the Large Animal [Runic]
vein they are working is of good quality. Should the vein Hit Dice: 8d8+56 (92 hp)
they are working end, the vein extractor will shut down Initiative: -1
and remain in an inert state until activated by their Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 15 ft.
owner or attacked (at which point they will defend Armor Class: 26 (-1 size, +10 natural, +7 constitution),
themselves or flee). touch 16, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+18
Runescribed (Ex): Choose one rune for a vein extractor, Attack: Gore +13 melee (2d6+12)
following the rules for Runescribed as described under Full Attack: Gore +13 melee (2d6+12)
Constructed traits in their racial entry in Chapter One Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Powerful charge, leap out
Self-Repair (Ex): A Constructed can initiate a self-repair
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, deepvision,
mode. During this mode, he is blind, deaf, and immobile,
underearth defense, stone camouflage
but heals hit points equal to his constitution modifier
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +3
each minute. He can heal up to one half his total hit
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 8, Con 25, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 1
points in a day. The blindness, deafness, and immobility
Skills: Listen +14, Spot +3
can never be prevented or removed during Self-Repair.
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, and Improved Natural
CONSTRUCTION Attack (gore)
A vein extractor is made from a mixture of metal and Environment: Any
stone, and once sculpted, engraved all over with runes. Organization: Solitary
The base materials cost 400 gp. Creating the body Challenge Rating: 5
requires a DC 20 Craft check. Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 9-12 HD (Large); 13-24 HD (Huge)
A vein extractor with more than 1 Hit Die can be created, Level Adjustment: -
but each additional Hit Die adds 2,000 gp to the cost to
create. The rhinoceros is infamous for its bad temper and
willingness to charge intruders.

COMBAT Leap Out (Ex): A deepborn that attacks during a surprise
When it is harassed or annoyed, a rhinoceros lowers its round or against a flat-footed opponent gains a +1 bonus
head and charges. to attack rolls and deals 1d6 extra damage if the attack is
Powerful Charge (Ex): A rhinoceros deals 4d6+24 points
of damage when it makes a charge. Special Qualities: A deepborn creature retains all the
special qualities of the base creature and also gains the
Leap Out (Ex): A deepborn that attacks during a surprise following qualities.
round or against a flat-footed opponent gains a +1 bonus
to attack rolls and deals 1d6 extra damage if the attack is Deepvision (Ex): A deepborn gains darkvision if it does
succesful. not have it, or doubles its range if it does. It ignores any
concealment granted by illumination, darkness, or
Deepvision (Ex): A deepborn gains darkvision if it does shadows, including magical concealment granted by
not have it, or doubles its range if it does. It ignores any Darkness descriptor or Shadow subschool spells. It gains
concealment granted by illumination, darkness, or the ability to cast darkness as a full-round action, with
shadows, including magical concealment granted by caster level equal to hit dice or character level.
Darkness descriptor or Shadow subschool spells. It gains
the ability to cast darkness as a full-round action, with Underearth Defense (Ex): A deepborn adds its
caster level equal to hit dice or character level. Constitution bonus to AC instead of his Dexterity, if the
creature’s Constitution bonus is higher. The deepborn
Underearth Defense (Ex): A deepborn adds its loses this bonus to its Armor Class whenever it would
Constitution bonus to AC instead of his Dexterity, if the normally be denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. In such a
creature’s Constitution bonus is higher. The deepborn situation, the deepborn would still be considered flat-
loses this bonus to its Armor Class whenever it would footed.
normally be denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. In such a
situation, the deepborn would still be considered flat- Stone Camouflage (Ex): Deepborn have a +8 bonus to Hide
footed. when adjacent to a stone or rock surface.

Stone Camouflage (Ex): Deepborn have a +8 bonus to Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: +4
Hide when adjacent to a stone or rock surface. Con, –2 Dex, –2 Int, –2 Cha. No ability can be reduced
below 1 by these changes.
CREATING A DEEPBORN Organization: Any.
“Deepborn” is an acquired template that can be added Alignment: Any.
to any corporeal creature that is not a construct, undead, Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
outsider, or an elemental (referred to hereafter as the Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +1.
base creature). A deepborn creature uses all the base
creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature’s type remains the same, Blessed by the powers of runic magic in the womb,
but it gains the runic subtype. Size is unchanged. runetouched creatures are magically bred in order to be
Hit Dice: No change. more susceptible to the benefits of runecarving, as well
as to be of assistance to the dwarves that they fight
Speed: A deepborn gains a burrow speed equal to one alongside.
half the base creature’s highest speed. The base creature
loses its fly ability, if any. Runetouched creatures are most often created by the
Athaghoel dwarves, who, with their long tradition of
Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +3. knowledge and surface living, don’t have the same
access to impressive forges and metal veins as do their
Special Attacks: A deepborn creature retains all the
Tokunnir cousins.
special attacks of the base creature and also gains the
following attack. SAMPLE RUNETOUCHED
This example uses a wolven as the base creature.

Runetouched Wolven much like wolves, harrying and baiting their prey until
Large Magical Beast [Runic] it is too worn to fight.
Hit Dice: 4d10+12 (34 hp)
Initiative: +6 Trip (Ex): A wolven that hits with a bite attack can
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) attempt to trip its opponent (+11 check modifier) as a
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, free action without making a touch attack or provoking
flat-footed 12 an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+15 opponent cannot react to trip the wolven.
Attack: Bite +11 melee (2d6+10) Enhanced Scent (Ex): Wolven have some of the best
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (2d6+10) noses in the canine kingdom, and use them to unerringly
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. hunt down their prey. Wolven can detect approaching
Special Attacks: Trip, graven smash enemies and sniff out hidden foes within 60 feet. For
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, enhanced scent, strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, double
wolven telepathy, partner bond, runetouched, imbue the range. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or
rune, mettle troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2 Wolven can pinpoint the location of a scent when within
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10 30 ft. This otherwise functions as per the Scent ability.
Skills: Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +7, Survival +7*
Feats: TrackB, Pack TacticsB, Improved Initiative, Wolven Telepathy (Su): Wolven long ago, whether
Prodigious Nose through breeding or an accident of chance, learned how
Environment: Aboveground to communicate telepathically with the rest of their pack.
Organization: Solitary or pack (5-8) These days, that also includes their partner, should they
Challenge Rating: 4 have one. A wolven can communicate telepathically
Alignment: Neutral with any other wolven or their partner within 120 ft.
Advancement: 5–12 HD (Large); 13–18 HD (Huge) Language does not matter.
Level Adjustment: -
Partner Bond (Ex): A wolven will often choose to be
Wolven are an offshoot of dire wolves that grew more bonded with a single Athaghoel (or other race, but
intelligent over time, and also evolved the ability to primarily Athaghoel) partner. When bonded, the wolven
communicate telepathically with both themselves and and the partner can communicate via wolven telepathy,
with a chosen partner, although whether that is and know each other’s location and health (as per the
supposed to have come from runic magic or is entirely status spell) within 240 ft. Bonding is a process that takes
natural is a completely unknown phenomenon. a month of continual contact and communication
Regardless of its source, the ability of the wolven to between the wolven and the prospective partner. The
communicate telepathically has been a great boon to bond, however, is entirely voluntary on the wolven’s
certain Athaghoel communities, who have taken part, and mistreatment by the partner will result in the
advantage of that fact and paired with wolven packs in severing of the bond and the ostracization of the partner
their local area, each working to support the other. by all wolven.

Wolven grow as tall as 4 feet at the shoulder and weigh Skills: *A wolven also has a +4 racial bonus on Survival
more than 900 pounds. As a wolven ages, its muzzle checks when tracking by scent.
fades from brown to white.
Graven Smash (Ex): Runetouched creatures are born
Wolven understand Common and Dwarven and can with the ability to put the weight of the runes affecting
communicate telepathically, although they cannot speak them into their attacks. On the first attack of a round,
aloud except as wolves normally do. they gain a damage bonus equal to the number of carved
runes affecting them. If that attack hits for 10 or more
COMBAT damage, the runetouched creature may make a free
Bonded wolven are courageous and loyal, and they ably bullrush attempt that does not cause an Attack of
assist their partner in combat, especially through use of Opportunity to move that foe one square away from the
their pack tactics feat. In the wild, wolven packs hunt runetouched creature.

Runetouched (Su): One carved rune affecting the into their attacks. On the first attack of a round, they gain
runetouched that gains a bonus when combined with a damage bonus equal to the number of carved runes
another rune gains that the combined bonus regardless affecting them. If that attack hits for 10 or more damage,
of what other carved runes are affecting the the runetouched creature may make a free bullrush
runetouched. Only one rune effect can be improved by attempt that does not cause an Attack of Opportunity to
this ability at a time, and the runetouched can change move that foe one square away from the runetouched
their selection as a full-round action. creature.

Imbue Rune (Su): A runetouched can be imbued with Special Qualities: A runetouched creature retains all the
the strength of a single rune by a runecarver. By special qualities of the base creature and also gains the
spending one minute communing with a runetouched following qualities.
creature, a runecarver grants the runetouched creature
Runetouched (Su): One carved rune affecting the
the benefits of the first symbol of the chosen rune, with a
runetouched that gains a bonus when combined with
runecarving level equal to the hit dice of the
another rune gains that the combined bonus regardless
runetouched creature. A runetouched creature who has
of what other carved runes are affecting the
been imbued with a rune can spend one minute
runetouched. Only one rune effect can be improved by
communing with another runetouched creature to pass
this ability at a time, and the runetouched can change
on the imbued rune. A runetouched can only ever have
their selection as a full-round action.
one imbued rune at a time, and the total duration is one
hour per runecarving level of the original runecarver, Imbue Rune (Su): A runetouched can be imbued with the
starting from when the rune was first imbued. strength of a single rune by a runecarver. By spending
Subsequent imbuings do not reset the duration. This one minute communing with a runetouched creature, a
rune cannot be enhanced by runetouched, but does runecarver grants the runetouched creature the benefits
count towards their graven smash ability. of the first symbol of the chosen rune, with a runecarving
level equal to the hit dice of the runetouched creature. A
Mettle (Ex): A runetouched can resist magical and
runetouched creature who has been imbued with a rune
unusual attacks with great willpower or fortitude. If it
can spend one minute communing with another
makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an
runetouched creature to pass on the imbue rune. A
attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a
runetouched can only ever have one imbued rune at a
successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw
time, and the total duration is one hour per runecarving
entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), the runetouched
level of the original runecarver, starting from when the
instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or
rune was first imbued. Subsequent imbuings do not reset
sleeping runetouched does not gain the benefit of mettle.
the duration. This rune cannot be enhanced by
CREATING A RUNETOUCHED runetouched, but does count towards graven smash.
“Runetouched” is an acquired template that can be
Mettle (Ex): A runetouched can resist magical and
added to any corporeal creature that is not a construct,
unusual attacks with great willpower or fortitude. If it
undead, or an elemental (referred to hereafter as the base
makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an
creature). A runetouched creature uses all the base
attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a
creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here.
successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw
Size and Type: The creature’s type remains the same, entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), the runetouched
but it gains the runic subtype. Size is unchanged. instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or
sleeping runetouched does not gain the benefit of mettle.
Hit Dice: No change.
Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: +2
Special Attacks: A runetouched creature retains all the Int.
special attacks of the base creature and also gains the Organization: Any.
following attack. Alignment: Any.
Graven Smash (Ex): Runetouched creatures are born with Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
the ability to put the weight of the runes affecting them Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +1.

disease, death effects, and necromancy effects, cannot
heal damage on their own, but can be repaired, not
RUNIC ARTILLERY [RUNIC] subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage,
Large Construct ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain,
Hit Dice: 6d10+30 (63 hp) immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save
Initiative: -1 (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless),
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately
Armor Class: 18 (–1 size, -1 Dexterity, +5 armor, +5 destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less, and does
natural), touch 8, flat-footed 18 not eat, sleep, or breathe.
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+13
Self-Loading (Ex): Runic artillery can load itself as a
Attack: Slam +8 (1d8+7) or bolt +8 (3d8+3) or boulder +8
move action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Full Attack: Slam +8 (1d8+7) or bolt +8 (3d8+3) or Runic Ammunition (Su): A runic artillery applies the
boulder +8 (2d12+4) first effect of whichever rune it was created with to the
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. attacks it makes, using its hit dice as its runecarving
Special Attacks: Runic ammunition level, and its Strength modifier for its runecarving ability
Special Qualities: Construct traits, self-loading modifier. For Kiel’s First Effect, the area of effect is
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -3 centered in the square struck, and lasts for one round.
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 For Kivi, everyone in the area is dazzled for one round,
Skills: - and the ground is softened, as per soften earth and stone.
Feats: - For Tenkt, anyone struck by the runic artillery’s attack
Environment: Underground must save or be dazed for one round. For Xosha, they are
Organization: Solitary dealt additional fire damage. This ability also grants a +6
Challenge Rating: 4 bonus to ranged attack rolls.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 7–9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge) CONSTRUCTION
Level Adjustment: - A runic artillery peice is made from a mixture of metal,
wood, and stone, and once created, engraved with runes.
A runic artillery piece is a mindless construct The base materials cost 1,500 gp. Creating the body
empowered by runic magic to imbue some special requires a DC 20 Craft check.
features into the bolts or rocks that it fires or throws.
Shaped like a ballista or a catapult, the runic artillery A vein extractor with more than 1 Hit Die can be created,
merely fires at the optimum collection of creatures but each additional Hit Die adds 3,000 gp to the cost to
designated as enemies by the battery commander, or, if create.
none are designated, it attacks those attacking its allies. Craft Construct, Ithi, one of Kiel, Kivi, Tenkt, or Xosja
The benefit of their construct is that they utilize non- rune; Price 3,000; Cost 1,500 gold pieces + 60 XP.
magical ammunition and imbue it with a rune effect as
part of their firing process.

Runic artillery cannot speak. They understand Common,

Dwarven, and Undercommon.
Huge Construct
COMBAT Hit Dice: 16d10+40 (128 hp)
Runic do as they are commanded, and otherwise show Initiative: +0
little initiative. Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), burrow 10 ft.
Armor Class: 25 (–2 size, +2 Dexterity, +15 natural),
Construct Traits (Ex): A runic artillery possesses the touch 10, flat-footed 25
following traits: low-light vision, darkvision out to 60 Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+30
feet, immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, Attack: Adamantine +1 throwing returning maul +22
compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), melee (3d8+16/19-20/x3) or slam +20 melee (2d6+10) or
immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning,

+1 throwing returning maul +14 ranged (3d8+16/19- Blindsight (Ex): A stone guardian can ascertain all foes
20/x3) within 120 ft. as a sighted creature would. Beyond that
Full Attack: Adamantine +1 throwing returning maul range, all foes are treated as having total concealment.
+22/17/12 melee (3d8+16/19-20/x3) and bite +15 melee
Blindness Immunities (Ex): Because it is sightless, a
(2d8+5) or 2 slams +20 melee (2d6+10) and bite +15
stone guardian is immune to gaze attacks, visual effects,
melee (2d8+5) or +1 throwing returning maul +14 ranged
illusions, and other attacks that rely on sight.
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. Construct Traits (Ex): A stone guardian possesses the
Special Attacks: Maul, runecarving following traits: low-light vision, darkvision out to 60
Special Qualities: Blindsight 120 ft., blindness feet, immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms,
immunities, construct traits, damage reduction compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects),
10/adamantine, immunity to fire, repair, resistance to immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning,
cold 10 and electricity 10, tremorsense 60 ft. disease, death effects, and necromancy effects, cannot
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 heal damage on their own, but can be repaired, not
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 16 subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage,
Skills: Craft 19 ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain,
Feats: Cleave, Improved Critical (maul), Power Attack, immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save
Weapon Focus (maul), Shattermace (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless),
Environment: Underground not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately
Organization: Solitary destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less, and does
Challenge Rating: 13 not eat, sleep, or breathe.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 17–32 HD (Huge) Maul: When created by the dwarves, each stone
Level Adjustment: - guardian is equipped with a +1 adamantine maul sized
for them. While the stone guardian wields the maul, it
Stone guardians are crafted by the Tokunnir as giant has the throwing and returning special properties. If the
protectors of their greatest treasures, or sent as deadly maul is stolen, the stone guardian hunts for it tirelessly.
hunters to eviscerate those who have harmed or stolen If the maul is destroyed, its dwarven creators must make
from the Tokunnir. Related in some ways to the it a new one using 100 lbs. of adamantine.
Constructed, the stone guardian was never given the
spark of life that imbues their smaller cousins. Tremorsense (Ex): The stone guardian can automatically
sense the presence of anything within 60 ft. that is in
A stone guardian can burrow through solid stone with contact with the ground.
its iron-hard digging claws and rock-shredding maw. It
does not leave a usable tunnel, but instead leaves a Repair (Ex): By making a DC 30 Craft check, the stone
pulverized area of stone 15 ft. in diameter. Other guardian can heal 1d10 hit points. This is a standard
creatures that can’t burrow through rock can still burrow action.
through a stone guardian tunnel, and anyone willing to
Runecarving (Su): A stone guardian has a runecarving
dig can shovel enough rubble to make a passage.
level equal to its hit dice. It uses its Charisma as its
Stone guardians cannot speak. They understand runecarving ability modifier. It can have two carved
Common, Dwarven, and Undercommon. runes active at a time, and knows Kivi, Kolo, Lujuus, and
Sterkur as runes.
Stone guardians make good use of their tremorsense and CONSTRUCTION
burrowing abilities to approach potential enemies from Stone guardians can be built in a process taking 100 days,
all angles, often emerging from the rock in unexpected and repeatedly imbuing the body with runic engravings.
places. Assembly requires a DC 40 Craft check to succeed on all
100 days, and the runecarver doing the assembly must
know the Kivi, Kolo, Lujuus, and Sterkur runes or have
access to a runecarver who knows the runes that he does

not. The cost of constructing a stone guardian is 3,000 COMBAT
gold pieces per hit dice. Bonded wolven are courageous and loyal, and they ably
assist their partner in combat, especially through use of
their pack tactics feat. In the wild, wolven packs hunt
much like wolves, harrying and baiting their prey until
WOLVEN [RUNIC] it is too worn to fight.
Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 4d10+12 (34 hp) Trip (Ex): A wolven that hits with a bite attack can
Initiative: +6 attempt to trip its opponent (+11 check modifier) as a
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) free action without making a touch attack or provoking
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the
flat-footed 12 opponent cannot react to trip the wolven.
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+15
Enhanced Scent (Ex): Wolven have some of the best
Attack: Bite +11 melee (2d6+10)
noses in the canine kingdom, and use them to unerringly
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (2d6+10)
hunt down their prey. Wolven can detect approaching
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
enemies and sniff out hidden foes within 60 feet. For
Special Attacks: Trip
strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, double
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, enhanced scent,
the range. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or
wolven telepathy, partner bond
troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2
Wolven can pinpoint the location of a scent when within
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
30 ft. This otherwise functions as per the Scent ability.
Skills: Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +7, Survival +2*
Feats: TrackB, Pack TacticsB, Improved Initiative, Wolven Telepathy (Su): Wolven long ago, whether
Prodigious Nose through breeding or an accident of chance, learned how
Environment: Aboveground to communicate telepathically with the rest of their pack.
Organization: Solitary or pack (5-8) These days, that also includes their partner, should they
Challenge Rating: 3 have one. A wolven can communicate telepathically
Alignment: Neutral with any other wolven or their partner within 120 ft.
Advancement: 5–12 HD (Large); 13–18 HD (Huge) Language does not matter.
Level Adjustment: -
Partner Bond (Ex): A wolven will often choose to be
Wolven are an offshoot of dire wolves that grew more bonded with a single Athaghoel (or other race, but
intelligent over time, and also evolved the ability to primarily Athaghoel) partner. When bonded, the wolven
communicate telepathically with both themselves and and the partner can communicate via wolven telepathy,
with a chosen partner, although whether that is and know each other’s location and health (as per the
supposed to have come from runic magic or is entirely status spell) within 240 ft. Bonding is a process that takes
natural is a completely unknown phenomenon. a month of continual contact and communication
Regardless of its source, the ability of the wolven to between the wolven and the prospective partner. The
communicate telepathically has been a great boon to bond, however, is entirely voluntary on the wolven’s
certain Athaghoel communities, who have taken part, and mistreatment by the partner will result in the
advantage of that fact and paired with wolven packs in severing of the bond and the ostracization of the partner
their local area, each working to support the other. by all wolven.
Wolven grow as tall as 4 feet at the shoulder and weigh Skills: *A wolven also has a +4 racial bonus on Survival
more than 900 pounds. As a wolven ages, its muzzle checks when tracking by scent.
fades from brown to white.

Wolven understand Common and Dwarven and can

communicate telepathically, although they cannot speak
aloud except as wolves normally do.

Runesmiths come from all aspects of dwarven society.
Most apprentices seen running around the forges of a
Sometimes a dungeon master will want to create a fully- Tokunnir city are likely runesmiths in training, although
fledged society using runic magic, but without having there are so many different ways to acquire the basic
every single runecarving oriented member of that runecarving and blacksmithing talents that the
society having PC class levels. In order to facilitate that runesmith provide that almost any dwarf with some
level of societal design, the runesmith NPC class is talent could learn to be a runesmith.
provided to flesh out background NPCs. Abilities: Intelligence determines the difficulty of
resisting his runes as well as assisting with his crafting,
while the physical stats determine his capability as a
“The tools birthed from my hammer shield us as much as any
strong arm or stony wall.” Races: Because of the nature of their abilities, runesmiths
– Baldric Bellowshield, Tokunnir Runesmith are rarely seen outside of the dwarven realms, although
Runesmiths are the unloved but necessary craftsmen of that is merely a matter of training and not of restriction.
the dwarven world, creating the tools, weapons, armor, Alignment: Because of the highly formalized structures
and Constructed that other, more important, dwarves of the dwarven people, especially the Athaghoel and
wield in battle. Like all dwarves gifted with some ability Tokunnir from whom they are most likely to arise,
in battle, and having had a rudimentary training in the runesmiths lean towards the lawful end of the spectrum.
ways of runic magic, the runesmith can create the arms There are, however, no restrictions on what alignment
and armor that calls for the application of runes, but can they can possess.
in no way wield the runes the same way that a runeborn
or runecarver can. Starting Gold: As expert.
Starting Age: As expert.

Table 8–1: The Runesmith Hit Dice: d6

Runes Runes
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities Known Active
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Smithing 2 1
2 nd +1 +0 +3 +0 2 1
3rd +1 +1 +3 +1 2 1
4th +2 +1 +4 +1 2 1
5 th +2 +1 +4 +1 Metalcraft 3 1
6 th +3 +2 +5 +2 3 2
7th +3 +2 +5 +2 3 2
8th +4 +2 +6 +2 3 2
9 th +4 +3 +6 +3 4 2
10 th +5 +3 +7 +3 Feat 4 2
11th +5 +3 +7 +3 4 3
12th +6/+1 +4 +8 +4 4 3
13 th +6/+1 +4 +8 +4 5 3
14 th +7/+2 +4 +9 +4 5 3
15th +7/+2 +5 +9 +5 Feat 5 3
16th +8/+3 +5 +10 +5 5 4
17 th +8/+3 +5 +10 +5 6 4

18th +9/+4 +6 +11 +6 6 4
19th +9/+4 +6 +11 +6 6 4
20th +10/+5 +6 +12 +6 Feat 6 4
Class skills (2 + Int modifier per level, x4 at first level): Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge
(Architecture and Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge
(History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Profession

CLASS FEATURES runesmith class, including any feats gained that way,
Dedicated to supporting the rest of the dwarven race, the and gains those levels back in the runecarver class.
runesmith is by and large a blacksmith with a few
unique talents.

All of the following are class features of the runesmith

base class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Runesmiths are

proficient with all simple weapons, light, medium, and
heavy armors, as well as all shields (except tower and

Runecarving: Runesmiths have a basic ability with

runes, although it is by no means considered exception.
They create carved runes normally, as per the rules at the
beginning of Chapter 4, with Intelligence as their
runecarving ability.

The runesmith begins play knowing two runes. He gains

knowledge of a new rune as indicated on the table, and
can have one rune active for every 5 class levels. His
runecarving level is equal to his class level.

Smithing (Ex): A runesmith gains a bonus on all Craft

checks equal to one half his class level.

Metalcraft (Ex): A runesmith learns the great dwarven

secrets of forging weapons and armor. A runesmith
receives either Craft Construct or Craft Magic Arms and
Armor as a bonus feat, regardless of his caster level. Use
the runesmith’s runecarving level as his effective caster
level for the purpose of creating magic arms and armor
or constructs. The runesmith is treated as automatically
knowing all spells required for an item or construct’s

Feat (Ex): At 10th, 15th, and 20th level, the runesmith gains
a bonus feat chosen from the Runic or Item Creation

Advancement: If a runesmith subsequently gains a level

in the runecarver class, he loses all levels in the


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