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hoUr s PHYSICS XI (Subjective) 1

Chapter 1


|Learning Objectives|
i. Understand what is Physics?
2. Understand that all physical quantities consist of a numerical magnit
3- Recall the base quantities and their units.
4- Describe and use base, supplementary and derived units.
5 - Understand and use the scientific notation.
6. Use the standard prefixes and their symbols to in -
sub multiples or multiples to both
base and derived units.
7 . Understand and use the conventions for indicating units.
8. Understand the distinction between systematic errors and random errors.
9 - Understand and use the significant figures

between precision and accuracy.

10 . Understand the distinction
In a derived quantity by simple addition of actual, fractional or percentage
ii- Assess the uncertainty
, number of significant figures and units on all
12. Quote answers with correct scientific notation
numerical and prac * cal w ;rk .
homogeneity of physical equations.
Use dim. ' ;iona » ' to check

*4 *
_ rm.
ie in simple cases
using dimensions
i i 1 I
Physics Physical
Notation Prefixes
Conventions for
indicating Units
Prcctt% or
and accuracy
1 o

• Importance of
Random Rrror &

Base Units Derived Units

Dimension of
Physical quantity ^

Checking the Derivation

homogeneity of of possible formula
physical equation O

i J I la
-L J
* S(.hobr ’ * PHYSICS XI fSi» bJ« < tivi j 3

I A m
» f >
< ha , -
always wanted to observe, think and reason about the world around For Your Information
Science is the knowledge
h rri Man tried to find ways to organic the disorder in the observed facts about
the natural phenomena and material things in orderly manner which results for of logical reasoning.
the single discipline of toi*n< <>, railed natural philosophy
Q j How ran we classify the study of nature ?

Areas of Physics
Classification of the Study of Nature Heat & Therma ynamics

The study of nature may be clarified into two branches: Electromagnets

1. Biological Science
The science of living things is called Biological science. Hydrodynamics
2. Physical Science General relativity
The science of non-living things is called Physical science Quantum mechanics
Atomic physics
Q,2 What it physics ? Molecular physics
n.Mv,4 Nuclear physics
Physics Solid-state physics
Physics the branch of science concerned with the properties of SKF' '' n
' Particle physics
matter and Super conductivity
energy and the relationships between them.
In other words, physics is basically the study of how objects behave.
Physics is an important and the basic part of physicaIl science.
It is the experimental science. Interdisciplinary Areas
of Physics
0,3 Describe the main frontiers of fundamental science . •Astrophysics
• B»opnys»cs
• Chemical Physics
• Engineering Physics
• Geophysics
Main Frontiers of Fundamental Science • Medical Pnysics
• Physical Oceanograpn>
There are three mam frontiers c ! fundarm ntal s ence
1) The world of extremely larg e . universe
2) The world of the ext <. efy sma . . e particles such as electrons, protons,
neutrons, meson' 'ndo> «v
3) The world of . lidr' ed things ( from molecule at one extreme to the
Earth 3t th ® othe It i tne world of complex matter
04 Dev H * som. new branches of physics. Also describe the role of
Pbytfcs developing technology.

Bf »r . ,s
^ .
&V the T of HT century many physicists started believing that every thin
' ^ &*f - " has beeo discovered However, about the beginning of the 20
'*' Corrpixer chips are made trom
irrwt " * w e / per . mental farrs revealed that the laws formulated by •vUws ot vw metakoxJ stacon
' vest .gators nv- ed modification a senconduaor
C hapter I [M 4Murem ntl
4 * Si holm * n I’llYHICK
^ MuhJi' Hvi )
l( i'

( i ) NIK lent Phyilf * ;; ;h

,.T ,
.. - * ^ “*• •*
/i Ml 1 . < nllml MM , h I h\ «
1 hi’ hi am Iml phyvli whli h
% Jr ih
< wllh ah null rn
„, r M - md
' v ^ lly intluifri « tfrellcuUr hunch of N lam •or phyil,,
( ) i* «itkl<! rhy »ic %
*he hi mu h
lull «*<»<!» |Mt »Vl l n mum H| '

""" •
1 phyih whU 1 ’ I * i »m
i» i
hml leu k i i »in|ni% t» cl h i . > IIIMI pm 11» I*
( i) MelatlvUtlc Mo * h§nl< *

il |U | - will )

Ihr ultlnuitr funiltlr % of whlih

^ ’ 7" '

' 0

f lub ' ' ritalnhin Inti HO,I 0 11 |0,

. ,. , ,." 101« . Hi CM ,,,, „,,, ,, „„„yM„
, ‘ ' "
" . a|m
, ), Ulna apprChuhlhK thdl ol Hwhl If. .
Urn pionume I « nun IH'gljglblp llurnbti I 11 mi Hr , m l #) -. rpSlo’9 III,' pUma < |, 1 nlly Hflin llv h Hi ,1 il oi . . ,
. , I ilddln wllh volt " , "
the hi am h of | » I » VV ‘ b u |ii
, ,
- „
al iiMitniniie il flalrls I’luMim , ll pr «tort» ha pr «i|t»iUcUJl ll « ur > llk »?H,„„, ,f l|cb, 'f h , n'"I .fm -, .111 1 I * » ,» fi%|iln( ml ,1 ,ll II it , M 4lr <
, "

. . '|iuniU Klrunyly m

.- , * - .„ -
i .died iVhillvhth mm liflhli % " , (

* " * i' ' ' (

„** - t of


uniim Ilk * K «s !«« hew iWlfrlt >b»M • -i deflnll voliiiiin IIMIQII Bp d In
, ,, , * *
,( f l n, {ii ll fldltl 11 limy filml Mm, linn MI, I <n ftlrimaiil , l„* , n and iluul lo laytrs
. * unllk , undtt th« Influ nc
( 4) Solid Statu Phyllis
MUKMIM'J bviil 'jllvnamlu IMIIOJ Magnate) flul l < lynm lM „ . „* . , „ -. r l yil ,, maM 0llr % I Ilm 1,1.11,, I, „
, ommun |)I VIM it
„.- , „
. ..
„„, 1
f phyilu whirl Ituitl»« th« ilyrtoirtlu „

Ihd branch » » phyklis whlih I* * «^n* ^rnorl wllh the structure and properties of nln tilt ally » ofidn* tlntf Ihiltl* l Minp|u » „1 »U( li Hulth l»filnd« rilliimat, llnulil motaU, m l «1 w lor , Iht word nn gn io hytfrudyimmki

k 10II1K h 1 alhul Stub’ physli *.
Oth# r broncho of bhy ^ lc *.
(MMD ) I ilorlvad from in» «lu „ ,i„
„ „
, , . .k
- . . „,
, ,

MW!11# tlml nmHiiutk lioldh « nn huh mr - Mi . In l vli||c nfidu ( IVP fluid, whli h • irotr l o on th» fluid, and Uo r.ha|* iho
.. , ,
„ ,
lloUl, « <l hydro m« Aitl R liquid, « id ,lyn«micMTu, irtg mov mtnt rh« ld«a of
„ ,

* „ . ,nl,
for Yum lllfulllhlliun lli’liI lit,nil II I ,<l« i Mtiwn » *, M » » p | hb ,m iihyfth - li In Hie ‘
Ihr , Jhtl Inv .
.linly n| |ilir nnn limy m , in n ,|ui „lly In ilm uitlvnriu ll h » fiinrl,„MprU d pan
. .
. . * .
I'hynli \ 1 % nunl funclfliiionldl * » f . 01 iclencd ). irul pfdVldt» » othfi hr .im:h « v of
i,| dm itiuily ( i|,‘mil only In Uiitloi • o, Iml ulm U, pint Hi cl mvoiy day 111«,
" I ’ pmmi
. lull 'll
' *ill l aittlliiK ilm milvtol -

It t lit , IIIm ill" 1 | "Mill n n| MimiiUiMludilunn « id WwolliPi •uiitilllcws . 11 h iml,|UP hum ulluti llnlil’, ,,( « dinpliys|r *. whlih sUidy ilmlUii
, , , •
fei IPHC v knit prlruiplg) and lunddmunul law \ Ihb tivml «p|) lnH of phyMml arul
» hnrin . ., .
|ii tiit »ii, In 11 ml |i 1, nhy’ i • mill / . miv-ivuifinniiU Iron high » tll M ndn mi keh and ’inn o, lofl
, , .
., .
other field # dvrr lllrlh to n» W hi ,m, hos
l ‘ "
• ,: um.'ilhllllUv h I - ' - I " m m 'ii *, In whlili iln- niaiitu ImlirtVttH III", 0 Mulct wlllmui Vlgcunlly ml. will Infinite thniTinl , nudu, ilvliy Ilm
* . ' , . .

© Mili- lkiiu will, I • 1,ml" Ill n it |l,|,il l, will Mow urn nnlmlUihly, ami >ibu will Im „
. . ,m< - i uni( > t!iaiuiu HnouijhuMl Ih&ll
Itatwurria | ,’K n Hy dm ‘ .

ifluidity n ih Hii Hunlnv fl« > w mfi ullmr rNttii, Imlirtvlitiii ub» i voil In lli|iild helium „

Mole of Phy «k % In lechnolOKV -

1 ipnippraUifpi near absolute / am ( * C, o
• l-'hyik * « 1 %, » pluy. an Important role In the development of technology
to •• ‘>,,*| i )
4 f« / , mill ( U w
" . |H !y m* »a In,Ilm fill
" )’ . llunlri ' . "
Imlirtvluiu ul elm Itoiin In d IU| III nudu, HUH *,nlld
„ .. . .
•juui idi ' dlyUV. It " alrrt /lidl rplhtmu i? nl lutaclly mm Wlilil, m < t \ In U'! i ,ln inaterhiK l,elnw , chdi.icimlMlc i,'mppr itur«i
and angloiroilnH.
- , . ' " ,

Ml| » Miiulnci ' lly •> | , . ,liPi (fkiy ,oni,i, nhsnrvBil In ‘ .
overnl nirldh, and rnramlc 1 mleriaU When lhoi« rndtprlflK me cooltd m lonipriatUro»
• „
• , u and iruhnoloKV are a vital force for change in the outlook ol 10» SB ‘ '


oluu .. - ( o deRK K « Mn- , -• ,

degiewi .
( ulftluti) to tlquhl nlUogan timip«r iiurpi ( 11 K, mi, C), their pUnii il .
mankind A/dUMir
V' O< V« M*I
1 f lilrtiu'

* '
limps, With .1 lump down to / cm.
^ /

whlili »l«u trk al rashtauce Is zero I*- i«lled ( lie rrlttr al lcniper»Ui»e ( ( , ) end vnrle* wllh the Individual matoii*! lor . .
,U’* I hr HMinmMtiim
, -
• the Information motfla and the fa ^ t munm « »l communication * have
brought all parti « »! tin- world in close enntac 1 wllh one anothur
^ . *u,
CM ,
* *» »

fHfUtiiel 1 " iir -

>rrltlirtl lemptudiure -. .,i «L rtdiloved hy 1 oollOB
. niHlorlaU wllh
mulertub luiV« Hu uli-i tiltel 1 tnUttince, meenlng elm iroiv can imvel Himuid lliiun Ireuly, lhoy < ,m 1 any Ur'Ke aniuunt * nl rlettrU il current
, ,
fill long pe luds ,f II nr without losing runny a,* heat . Superconducting loop ol wlm have been shown to tarty electrical currents fur
olthu liquid helium or liquid nltrugan
. .
.IltK 4U%r thr m

livenh In one part of the world Immediately reverh»*rate round the globe 10 * $W ,
( ..
si’Vi i il yom • wllh tin me c n , . ililu- luss ltd , pinpedy has Inlplli allnns In oUsclil al |iuWi*i trwnsrnlsfilun, II tiansmlsslon
, ,* lines , an he made of
till aI slur ,,|{ e dftvli CS .
UdMy *
» Wrs > ir t» living the age of Information technology . iii|in 1 ondui Hi ip , I ainli and h >
' 1«
It is til Inmi\ h LI| phyvlts which Involves the betuivlur and pmperile * ol Unlit, Including Its Interaoloris with mallei and
• the computer networks are product * of (. trips developed from the basic 10» m
* '
* r " or deled Optics usually descrlbtl the behavior ol visible ultraviolet , and Infrared light
construction Instrumentsof that use It ,

Ideas of phytic * Ihe ( hips are made of silicon Silicon can be obtained , fluids , especially Incompressible fluids , In motion it Is concerned
Qrder for m. ,golludiof iftmi dynamics
ttvdlfillvilioikl " Ih I am Ii of sclent that deals with the of ,

, .
with ( ho me hmdi il properties of fluids inll that how
" It . quickly 0 object tan imvel In 0 Hold ( aemple a person swimming In water .
from tand dhl nu n , . , weak
. sandi astle the
the Into action , intriaiuuu
UcatVMhlKmalvm U 1» ne I f the four fundarnmUel ) > Inlerectlons In nature The other throe strong
It It up tO Ul whether we make 1 of a ( ompuler out of It . and gravitation I lectromegnellsm 1» the force that causes the * Interaction between electrically charged panicles , the areas In which ihK

dJpqptiyilil ( he hifliK I , ill physici r oou' fiiml wllh Urn physli id and , hmoli nl properties, origin, am
'* solution of Ih hu.ila ioi f 1 ,
happi.Mis me . II 1 I I - , .. .
, , , , , ,. , ,
AHI - iI I - l Is I I tmnuKnnthm Is I , " | KHIMM. lor |
" m Hi ally ., 11 H „ - ph . - mmu - n ., encountered In dally Ilf . W 1\
* ,
. , "

Individual molecules In matte

« » ,, ol lie laws of l * f » yv i s I e forces between
liUgf&dJit II,e bifloch nl phyih s whir h deals will the s lerdlfl study of biologic al prot •
1 1
' ' the PHCeptlon of gravity . Ordinary matter
I In iromagiielltiTl Is also Ihd force whuh holds electrons
takes Its form «
s a result
of inter
Inilde atoms , which a , .* the building blocks of mo
I chulor etlpO In toils, stre » se » m ,d .Ooln . In cbeletal and muse uhu nlror lures ,

I , Include! tht Itudy of 4 .

This governs il , pro( MW Involved in chemistry, which nlsr from IntiMactions . between the HI I , .„ui KMMM


l .
. , , ,
IntarirtlOili of air with moving fd ) *i u , sur h ai planes, and of Ihn elf Is of
Lywt fh» omch of physl » wldi l d * nls will l r hi lmvlo ol Ih luntnlai ,
Aeilrdvoarnik! Tfin hranth of physics whirl , deals with the study of the movement of *lr and other
, ,
ll «
nlln lv
U ,
» u« h
of .
*• b !li

widest so
. " "
» ^^ ^ Wh
it . ? physical quantities?
art Discuss its different types and way to
' ) <
' maasura tha bast quantltlai.
spaifrorn nl physics —
, , , , , , ,
thyikMl CilimflWV ff « brefrf I III 11 - rnlvlr y that ic i on eined will the physic a ! stro tore of r hemli al urn mU , the mn , unit nl enefl
th * y have, the way they react writ , other romponmls , „,d Ihr bonds that hold Iheli atoms t ogrllmr
< |iO
" ,
Mwliat ULUIUlMIMiU I b ft , , ,, , . „
Muriy nl irh / sl ol loniHrlt . d pliy - l > 1 / i n u t t t n wllhln ihr o , , npoclelly the motion * «! 9 (
* " PhV
- * r 1 min

Physical Quantities
. .. . . .
proper ru . nl u i Pun water s
. ,
MlJn il Lh / iUi If Is Ih* appllf ,(lor of phytic t lo medkln* It gmarally » one or » , s phytlr s as applied to mndfrel end redlolhnrepy
(onfollU II / » .* • / A .. . 'W » , lu > th h p of th r h, It ,* , , All thou quantities In - .
of uuhlrh
terms af laUU
which law * pnys ! can be described aru called
of DhvilC

magnruf foldt>> fl / narnlr . hi M ,e I mil , a , whottt and ul
. romporn „t puts, the I wtlV Inlemal IlfUtfure, CdfnpOlltlori
* , , j , .
plty U t » l qUdntlllf '..
th* gpiipminn of . .
vtilrunlsm and > • , forn ion, tr r» t / rirolf t • >l ry » 1« Inrlorling snow end lie wl fl6P u ’‘ 1 1 . *
p(fv ^ Types of Phyilcal Qugntltlil
* .* * .
«1moH» t , ro, I0004pt m, rn g/ ,eto »ph« rr and o>lar rrrestrlal rti idoM, and analogous problem etfeOClfted Hh the mod
* ^ " Phyilul quantities dtd divided Into
Darlvad Quantities
Chapter 1 [Measurements]
Scholar s PHYSICS - \1 (Subjective) 7

Base Quantities ( t) Meter The distance traveled

( v) Temperature
physical quantities in terms of which other bv light in vacuum during a T kelvin K
The mini* number fifths
ptopkmlf nttes can be defined are called base quantities time of V 299.7924.58 second,
(h ) Kilogram It is defined ss the
( vi) Light intensity L candela cd 1
E«mD*es mass of 5 Platinum (.50%) and
Amount of substance
•re um (ioK) ailov cylinder, 3 g _ ( \ ii) n mole mol.
^'' zr' “ ass -
t “ c etc.
cm in diameter and 3.9 cm in
:e - ice =- -
; height kept at the ( 2) Supplementary Units
definitions are based on other physical quantities are International Bureau of The units which are neither base units nor derived units are called
Weights and Measures fn
cJied denied qi+ma&s * Prance. Th s mass standard was
supplementary units and are oftenly used for geometrical quantities. They are:
estah' shed in root . (0 Plane angle (ii) The solid angle

accelerator -norserr-m force etc.

(5i) Second The duration in
>£ cr Standard Definitions of Supplementary Units
which the outer most electron
Measurement of Base Quantities of the cesium. 133 atoms make (i) Radian
nea»^e e-: rase Quantities -ivoK'es two steps:
- .
9 2,631.770 vibrations. It is the plane angle between two radii of a circle which cut off on the
( v) Kelvin It is the fraction
* circumference an arc equal in length to the radius of the circle. It is shown in
Vi The dv>ce of the standard V 273.16 of the therimotfynam<
~- e c ^ccedufe temoer3ture of the triple point figure.
comcar - zrs quantity to ce measured with the
of water . (ii) Steradian /
Standard. (v) Ampere The unit of electric k
current is ampere. It is that
It is the solid angle (th ree dimensional angle ) subtended at the center of sphere
Properties o * an ce= Standard
constant - current which if by an area of surface equal to square the radius of the sphere. It is shown in
- - rea standard - as: , c prince al characteristics; maintained in two straight figure .
•s access: e ft is invariable. cars; s conductors of infinite
' '

0 length of regig c12 circular Physical Quantity SI Unit Symbol

~~ £ Tv.: -e: e“ e'3 ‘
cS - = £ often ncompatible and compromise has to be
cross-section and placed 3
“ ade between trem. - meter of length
( vi )Candela The unit of
. Plane angle
Solid angle
0,6 W is numatiora system of units? Discuss the units upon which it is -.
!u -: ous intervsrty is candela, it
bu?t up. is defined as the (urncr«oc :
intensity in the perpendicular (3 ) Derived Units
direction of surface of
1/60000 sc uere meter of a
The SI units for measuring all other physical quantities are derived from the base
black body 'adiator at the and supplementary units., such units are called derived units .
International System of Units solidification temperature of
Physical Quantity Unit Symbol In terms of base units
" ’ roC a - ntem3dor’ 2 con- - nee agreed on a platinum under standard
1 set of definitions and standard ' 2
atmospheric pres s c e
Force Newton N kg ms
to describe : e p- s cs quantities. The system that was established is called the

(vfi) Mole The mcle is the 2 " 2

system ntematiioral ( S l amount of substance of a Work Joule J Nm = kg m s
system which contains as many Js = kgmV ’

he system ntematjona is formed from three kinds of units:
elementary ert ties as there Power Watt W

("I Base un t ( 2)

Derived units ( 3) Supplementary units are atoms in 0.012 kg if carbon Pa Nm ~ = kg m s

(1) Base Units .
12. Or p mole of any substance
contains 6.022s * ion entities. C As
Charge Coulomb
Tra'& 3 re seven base units fior different physical quantities.
ength , ^ ass. t me, temperature, electric current, luminous intensity, amount of
' Q.7 Write down the conventions for indicating the units. What 3 re scientific
No . Physical Quantity
1 // -
Symbol of quantity
^SI Unit Symbol of unit
notation ? —
(» > Length l metre m
(ii) Mass
Conventions for Indicating the Units
M kilogram kg more particularly In writing
Use of SI units requires special care,
(m) Time . second s prefixes : .
) Electric Current
ampere A
Chapter 1 [ Monturomonti
Scholar ’ * PHYSICS XI Subjects#)
Full name of the unit does not being with » .
capital letter SI I SI FACTOR
' 9
Prolix Symbol JPowr) (Languago ) l The uncertainty Is usually described as an error in
even If named
after scientist O K , newton. •pet

,, Types of Errors
There are two major types of errors

UO The symbol of units after a scientist has Initial capital such l«fS T 10" trillion
as N for newton . G 10* billion .
1 Random error
( HI) The prefix should be* written before the unit without any
U U *»
m#Qi M 10' million 2. Systematic error

space, such as
kilo k 10' thoutsnd Random Error
htteto h 10' bmulroii Random error is said to take place when repeated measurements of the
1 x 10 ‘
m is written as imm . tloca da 10' Ion
quantity, gives different values under the same conditions.
Civ) A combination of base units Is written each with one space d cl
* d 10 tenth
apart .
coiUl c 10 ' hundredth N
mllll in 10 ' thouMndth It is due to some unknown reasons.

For example, newton meter Is written as Nm. micro l> 10 * millionth Reduction of random Error
( v) .
Compound prefixes are not allowed For example ippF nano n 10
’ billionth The ranuum error can be reduced by taking several readings of same quantity
may be written as ipF . pIco
10 "
10 "
and then taking their mean value .
( Vi) A number such as 5.0 * 104 cm may be expressed in alto a 10 " qulntllllonlh
Systematic Error L
Systematic error occurs when all the measurements of particular quantity are
scientific notation as
affected equally, these give consistent difference in the readings.
5.0 x 10* m. Causes
( vii) When a multiple of a base unit is raised to a power, the power applies 0
The systematic error may occur due to
to the whole multiple and not the base unit alone, Thus, (0 Zero error in measuring instrument
2 2 ( 2
1km =i( km) = 1 x io ‘m (ii) Poor calibration of instrument
(viii) Measurement In practical work should be recorded immediately in the most convenient unit , e . g., ( )
tion of
Systematic Error
on the measuring instruments
Micrometer screw gauges measurement in mm, and the mass of calorimeter in grams But . before
the SI base unit. Systematic error can be reduced by comparing the instrument with another
calculation for the result, all measurements must be converted to appropriate
instrument which Is known to be more accurate. Thus, systematic error Is

. JtA m
What is scientific notation? reduced by applying a correction factor to all the reading taken on an
Q.10 What are scientific figures? How can we estimate the number of
Scientific Notation significant figure In the physical measurement and explain the way to
Numbers are expressed in standard form culled scientific notation , w hich rounding off data .
employs power of ten.
W The internationally accepted practice is that there should be only one non zero
* digit left of decimal. Thus the number 1347 should be written as 1.347 x 103 and For Your Information Significant Figures
.0023 should be expressed as 2.3 x to"3 . Interval ( s)
In any measurement , the accurately known digits and the first doubtful digit are
Q.9 What are the sources of errors In the measurement of a physical
Ayfi of ihc universe
Ape of the earth
called significant figures OR . be reasonably
quantity ? What are the types of errors ? How can we reduce the error ( >ne year 32 x 10 ’ In other ,
words a significant figure is the one which is known to
K.6 XI 04
( >nc day
any measurement ?
^ Time between
normal heartbeats
Period of audible
H jc IQ

1X ’ 1 0
How to Increase the number of significant figures
We can Increase the number of significant figures in a measurement by
sound waves
Errors and Uncertainties improving the quality of our measuring instrument.
Period of typical 1 x 10 «
All physical measurements are uncertain and imprecise to some limit There are radio waves
Period of vibration
General Rules for deciding number of significant figures
three sources of errors of nn atom In u solid
I X 10 ” (1) Digits
sources of errors Period of visible 2 x IO ”

W All digits 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8,9 are significant.


(Ij Negligence or Inexperience of . person ,

light waves
HD Zeros may or not be significant.
Approximate Valuos of Some Rujes
( Hi)
faulty apparatus Time Interval
* (I)
^ jef 0S

A zero between two significant figures is Itself significant.

Inappropriate method or technlqUP.
Chapter 1 [ Measurements
10 Scholar s PHYSICS — XI (Subjective)
Interesting Information 11
left of significant figures are not significant .
(ii ) Zeros to the tMmm (kg)
10-» - In case (i) 72.1 have the smallest number of decimal places
• E!®ctron , thus the answer is
For example, O Proton rounded off to the same position which is 75.5m.
None of the zeros in 0.0046 or 02.59 is significant . 10 -» - Uranium atom
In case (ii) the number 4.10 has the smallest number of
decimal position ) decimal places and
( Note : these zeros are used only to locate 10-» - ] DNA mciocui* hence, the answer is rounded off to the same decimal positions which Is
be significant . then
(iii) Zeros to the right of significant figure may or may not
10 -1« - 9 Cell 8.13 m.
In decimal fraction , zeros to the right of significant figure are significant .
( iv ) 10- 10 Q.11 Describe the rules for rounding of data up to appropriate precision.
For example
All the zeros in 3.570 or 7.4000 are signifreant . However , in integers such as 8000
10« iBook
kg, the number of significant zeros is determined by the accuracy of the
Rounding Off Data
measuring instrument .
The non-significant figures should be deleted by using the following rules:
If the measuring scale has a least count of 1 kg then there are four 10
' 0
Oitonkor 1. If the first digit dropped is less than 5, the last digit retained should
significant figures written in scientific notation as 8.000 * 103 kg. 10« remain unchanged.
If the least count of the scale is 10 kg, then the number of significant 10 »
Moon Evorwt
* 2. If the first digit dropped is more than 5, the digit to be retained is
figures will be 3 written in scientific notation as 8.00 * 103 kg.
increased by one.

10» - Earth
If the least count of the scale is 100 kg, then the number of significant 3- If the digit to be dropped is 5, the previous digit which is to be retained is
figures will be 2 written in scientific notation as 8.0 x 103 kg. io»
increased by one, if it is odd and retained as such if it is even. For
If the least count of the scale is 1000 kg, then the number of significant Order of magnitude of some example the following numbers are rounded off to three significant
figures will be 1 written in scientific notation as 8 x 103 kg. figures as follows;
( v ) When the measurement is recorded in scientific notation or standard form, -
43 75 is rounded off as 43 - 8
the figures other than the powers of ten are significant figures. Do You Know ? 56.8546 is rounded off as 56.9
Mass can be thought of as a 73.650 is rounded off as 73 6 -
For example, form of energy In effect, the .
A measurement recorded as 8.70 x 10 kg has three significant figures.
mass is highly concentrated 64.350 is rounded off as 64.4
form of energy . Einstein' s Q.12 What do understand by the terms precision and accuracy?
( 2 ) Multiplication and division of Numbers .
famou equation
In multiplying or dividing number, keep a number of significant figures in the E= me means Wc use many devices to
product or quotient not more than that contained in the least accurate factor . ener gy = mass x (speed of measure physical
light)Y Precision quantities, such as
5.348 x 10 3.64 x 10*
= l.45768982 xl 03
According to this equution 1
kg mass is actually 9 * 1016 J . Precision means how close the measured values are to each other . length, time
temperature They ill

A precise measurement Is the one which has less absolute uncertainty. The
1.336 have some limit of
As the factor 3.64 x 104, the least accurate in the above calculation had three
significant figures, the answer should be written to three significant figures only .
If m lkg then » . precision of a measurement Is determined by the Instrument or device precision.
Energy me * lkg x ( 3 »
used Each device for
( 3) 0* ms ) * 9 x 1016 J
*1 *
The precision of a measurement depends upon the size of the unit you use to
Addition or Subtraction of Numbers measurement hat soma
make a measurement . The smaller the unit, the more precise the measurement least count The
In adding or subtracting number, the number of decimal places in the answer
The precision of a measurement describes the units you used to measure precision of the dev ,c«
should be equal to the smallest number of decimal places in any of the depends on m least
quantities being added or subtracted , something. count therefore* all
For example, you might describe your height ' as about 6 feet ’. That wou dn t 0«
devices have some limit
m this case , the number of significant figures is not Important, inches tall , that wou e of precis100.
very precise. If however you said that you were '74
it is the position of decimal that matters .
more precise .
For example Accuracy

.. . actual
Is the (true )
Suppose we w sh to add the following quantities e pr ssed in rr ters.
* Accuracy means how dose a measured value result
( ) to
72.1 00 2.7543 value.
th dHtennc b « w n
3 42
0 . QQ 3
4 The accuracy of a mtMurtfnrrt
and the accepted correct aniwtr
. Tha bigg ® f tha *
difference, the leal eccurata
im measurement is one which has Its
* fractional 0
75 523 h 1273 your measurement . An accurate
Chnptor 1 [ Mnnuuromontaj
Siliolut Vn PHYSICS
12 ^ I (Nuhjetiivc )

pen iwit iKi
1 llw .K u i i i ( y ol .

1unu*rt «ilnfy In tli .

il nu',isurii* nu'nl
i iniM ' mi ' lm ' iit
depends on t » » « • fr u uon.d or

# . 10 .', I 0.1 . in , ,
< nil ill p Irillllji ii '. i ) u . 1 hm
lllill/ f . 1 yin,
" iii ' i ) nijt

Vi ll W / id M T In p / < idu< *
. rod having smallest x, 26.8 I 0.1 c m " " ‘ "
When the objft t Is riMonled as 25.5 cm by using meteri ili« ' * fiiir * iunj/ c nt lohmrn ,

division In millimeter , it t.* the dlffeieme

of the
initial and
is taken as
I hi * difference x between them Is recorded as
x x, x,
All III' Clll llll ‘ III llllB IMMa
li iv l,
' i

made himi |u >l

The uncertainty In the lliuflo him i ol* »i i "
position *
i .died .ibsolule urn ertalnly equal to 10 I <m ICXI’LANAIJONi
double and ( > 6.8 I 0.1) ( lO. yjn
tO . OS ( m which is now
of the measuring . ,
Any t olmif i in l n produ «•»!
Absolute ufucitalnty , In effect , Is equal to I he least count
•16.3 1 0.2 cm i *
Iiy it Ulllillilr 1 i iiII11111ii11< >ii ui
instrument , lids is c ailed precision : In Case of Multiplication and Division V 1 . .
od M H ' I I III«I Mil' minim
I Wll toif III!-*i Will ll pioduic
Case ( I ) Percentage uncertainties are added. '
whin* lijdil, when mixed nr*
ertalnly ( least t onnt ) 10.1 cm 1 lin d il'i inm|)lrilK |||,H
Precision or absolute uiu Tor example ' ' ' 7
0.1 cm "' .
limn Ii h found IIMI
Fractional uncertainty 0.004 I be maximum possible value of resistance R of conductor yellow mid him*, or jm* cri mid
25.5 cm determined Irom the earn .
nts o difference V and resulting magenta, or ted mid peacock

Percentage uncertainty
0 l t m 100 0 1
I) b . 1 urrent How T by using IK Is nd as follows; blue
i- olimif »
I In* appeal ail : td
25 5 cm 100 loo V colours h ii procni ol "
Case ( ii ) Mibiimilvr nuluro. lied glaix
0.8 /1 I O. OjjA
Another measurement taken
recoded as 0.45 cm . It has
by vernier calipers with least count as 00A
;e unceri for V B
jOO ®h ut 2%
nluiorbit »11 oilier culoun
isxceplmg Ilie it l 1 lue . blue . '

n wllllc inixiure ol green mid
0.01 cm 5.2 100 red. The coloim obtained
Precision or absolute uncertainty ( least count )
' age ftQinty for / SPJJ X
5 100 a about 6%
with paints nml inks result
finrn II subtractive pmi es
0.01cm 0.S4 100
Fractional uncertainty - 0.02 rtalnty in the value of resistance R when V is divided by I is 8% F8? Y8iir Information
0.45 cm
0.1cm 100 2.0 5.2 V ~
Percentage uncertainty *
lie result Is thus given as R = 6.19 V / A
0.45 cm 100 100 0.84 A
= 6.19 ohms with %age uncertainty of 8%
So the reading 25.5 cm taken by meter rule is although less precise but is more
because % uncertainty for V is 2 % and for I is 6% . So,
accurate having less percentage uncertainty or error .
Total uncertainty = 2% + 6 % = 8%
Whereas the reading 0.45cm taken relative, measurement which important . The
smaller a physical quantity , the more precise instrument should be used . Here Hence R = 6.2 ± 8% ohms | ATOMIC C LOC K
flic cesium atomic frequency
the measurement 0.45 cm demands that a more precise instrument , such as R = 6.2 ± 0.5 ohms [ 8% of 6.2 = 8/100 * 6.2 = 0.5 ] standard at the Nations!
micrometer screw gauge , with least count 0.001 cm , should have been used . These .
ire not decoration
glass bui ure ihe
In Case of Power Factor Institute of Standard and
Technology in Colorado
How can you assess the total uncertainty In the final result ? pieces ol
Q.13 Multiply the percentage uncertainty by that power . ( USA ), .ii Is the primary
curliest known exquisite standard for the unit of time
and sensitive For example
thermometers, built by the In the calculation of the volume of a sphere using V = 4/ 3 ( 7tr ) To meet the n*n1 for n K»-ncr .

Accadomiu del Cincmonto Jock

( 1057- 1(,(,7 ) in .Florence.
standard of i' w, '

Assessment of Total Uncertainty in the Final Result . % age uncertainty in V =3x% age uncertainty in radius r. has been developed. In this
Every measurement has a degree of uncertainty associated with it . They contained alcohol, When the uncertainty is multiplied by power factor, then it increases the the frequencies
some limes, coloured red associated with certain atomic
The uncertainty derives from the measuring device and from the skill of the for easier reading.
precision demand of measurement. If the radius of a small sphere is measure as
transitions can be measured
person doing the measuring. The total uncertainty in the final result can be 2.25cm by a vernier calipers with least count 0.01 cm. then the precisely. In l% 7 . the SI unit
found as follows recorded as r = 2.25 ± 0.01 cm of time, the SECOND, was
redefined by I Hh Ciencrnl
In Case of Addition and Subtraction Absolute uncertainty in r = Least count = ±0.01 cm Conference on Weights and
Absolute uncertainties are added O.Olcm 100
x— =^ using characteristic frequency
%age uncertainty in r 0.4%
For example 2.25cm 100 of cesium 135
According to this standard

The distance Y found by the difference between two separate position Total percentage uncertainty in V = 3 x 0.4 = 1- 2%


( id
The six
Thus volume

the result should

In Case of Average
Find deviation
The mean
readi ng of
Find the average


Then Average =

V = 47.7z 0.6 cm '



wire in mm are; 1.20, 1.22, 1.23

V = 4/ 3 ( nr )


= 1.21 mm














, 1.19, 1.22, 1.21.







1.20 + 1.22 + 1.23 + 1.19 + 1.22 + 1.21



The deviation of the readings, which are the differences with out regards to the
sign, between each reading and average values are 0.01, 0.01, 0.02 0.02 , 0.01,

diam eters of a
Chapter 1 [ Measuremp


* part m Mn \ &
Scholar '

( i )Speed

( iii )Force

As speed

( jj ) Acceleration


Uses of Dimensions
- XI ( Subjective)

As acceleration


Dimension of acceleration

Dimension of length
Dimension of speed = [ v ] = Dimension of time

l= [-

Tl f Tlin

forces mass x acceleration

[ F ] = [ M ] [ LT ]
[ F ] = [ MLT ]

r 2

Dimension of velocity
- ( a ) = Dimension of time

x dimension of acceleration
^ ' 1
For Your In fro motion

Dimensional variables
— > Force, velocity etc
Non - Dimensional van es
— > Plane angle, solid angl . etc
Dimensional constants
- g, G k etc
Non - Dimensional con « nts
— > Reflective index , dicla ic
constant etc

For Your Information

Dimensional analysis
deals with the physical
quantities in
qualitative meaning

called the dime nsion al analy sis; we can chec k
0.00 j Using the method of dimensions
• the correctness of a given form ula or an equa tion and can also deriv e it.
0.01+0.01+0.02 +0.02+0.01 +0.00 •
Mean of deviation = foo
6 \0T (i)Checking the homogeneity of the physical equation
we are to show that dime nsi '.

In order to check the correctness of an equa tion, Eacap«
= 0.01 mm ective of th »
of the quantities on both sides if the equa tion is the same , irresp
In Case of timing experiment 300
princ iple of homo gene ity of dime nsion s .
form of the formulas. This is calle d the
The uncertainty in the time period is found by dividing the least count of timing 700
( ii )Deriving the possible formula PMnduKjm
measurement instrument by the number of vibrations.
(M»gulpnrtq cko iowi
*. The success of this method for deriv ing a relati on for a phys ical quan tity depe nd ^ Tl id* (JiiVICO « nOf f

. «* I
For example o


on the correct guessing of various facto rs on whic h the phys ical quant

11 -irtuii -' *
* ehv .- :
The time of 30 vibrations of a simple pendulum recorded by a stop watch depends.
accurately up to one tenth of second is 54.65. Thus, the time period is given by
T = 54.6 / 30 = 1.82 s
Ix'iisi count
Uncertainty in time period -
Nuol vibrations
Thus, time period T is written as T = ( 1.82 ± 0.003)s

Q. 14 What do you understand by dimensions of physical quantities ? Lxplain

with examples . Also write its uses.

For Your Information

Dimensions of Physical Quantities I ho pull ill I | II;IIIIIIH >

I hi - ( I tin elisions of„ physical quantity represents nature of that physical || i \ r sill IU* illllli - |lMt H ‘> '
,, ,

W Oils ll » H|IU

.' I' llv III

. ,.
in inv nli in
,J,I bi i c phvslCt l
mipiilr '
Quantity teprt . nrited is by i , ciflc symbol with in square \ niii ilm maim 1 ium '
. ...

I ' hliulvk * niiiHiiinl
fcnackHs . ii ,
. C . ms . •I iu linn 11

r hw dimensions ot length . mass and hm . |l |, |M| and | I | respei lively

’ an ; i nit i

u > l> M I l k '

St holm W 1*1 1 Y HIC.H \ | ( Mulipu Ilv < )


Wm idcngll
. x ~ v /r
» - I7 A 1/n.

Fl 7
Unit Dlmcmloii ' l* » - |MI , |
PNytfecil tymb#) or Mlmin », - AV/ V IIOlii Hour

Formula IhiMliC nindnliu „ /i; 7

1' I* # - N |M 1.11 |
am |MI “ r ' l - i M i Focal length
w F
i .i
" !
(M I I '! - H I


l eugth 1 > Uivi ~ lipfnidlve N flout mint

ckKU> . speed
XecvkraiKm 4
> At

in/ s

|M l '
l | [M
|M"l \ | |l I |
Multiple Choice Questions
olULUC \ .3
|M"l T“| - n ’l Four possihh' answer,s to each statement are Riven below. Tick ( S) / lie correct answer:
IVlINlty -
p uv A kg< III
[ Ml . V | |M1 , | ’
F »1114 N = kgms * |MLT *|
Force 1. The main frontiers of fundamental sciences are
Pressure ¥ =K \ l* a N / m- [ Ml . 1 |
' (b ) Two
(a) One
Mom entu m , P * niv Ns "kgms
IMi .r 'i (c ) Three ( d) Four
Impu lse I »Ap 2. The bianch of physics which deals with the ultimate particles of which the matter is composed is
Torque, \> ork . i * IF Nm |M L- r *
called physics
Fncrgy W = Fd J = Nm - kgm \s *
( a) Plasma (b ) Nuclear
Po \> cr P = W /t W = J/s lMi / r'| (c ) Particle ( d) Solid state
radian none 3. Which one of the following is not a unit of energy ?
Angular 0
displacement (a) Kilowatt (b ) Erg
Angular to •AO / At rad/s rn (c) Joule (d ) Kilowatt hour
\ elocitv 4. Steradian is the unit of
rad /s’ in (a ) Plane angle (b ) Solid angle
Angular u = Au> / Al
(c ) Temperature (d ) Intensity of light
Angular L = mvr Js =kg m“ s 5. Which one of the following is a base quantity ?
(a ) Area (b ) Charge
Moment of 1 = mr *
Kg m TivuTl (c ) Current (d ) Force

inertia 6. If p is the momentum of an object of mass m, the expression has base units identical to
:/ :
( » r;n itational

(. '
» = Fr /ni|ni 2
Nm kg
(a) Energy (b ) Force
constant Velocity
- (c ) (d)
Acceleration g = \\ 7m m/ s 2
\ v r \ Power
the erro r in meas urem ent :
7. By increasing the number of observations In an expe rime nt,
due to gravity ( b ) Decr eases
(a) Increases
Time period r see |Tj
( d ) None of thes e
(c ) Remains same
Frequency, f = 1 /T Hz = cydes/sec rn l. How many significant zero s are ther e in 0.00 0501 0 ?
angular to 53
2 rcf (b) 4
(a) 3
(c )
(d ) 6
Coefficient of q « l'7(mn Ns/rn kg 111 s '
|M L T T | The erro r in the calc ulat ed valu e of its volu me Is:

Error In the measurement of radi us of sphe re Is 1
( b) 5 %
(a ) 7 »

Chapter 1 [Measurements Scholar’s PHYSICS - XI ( Subjective) 19


(c ) 3% *
( d ) 1%
an d % an d 3 % re sp ec tiv ely. Tfy
Short Questions of Exercise
th e me as ur em en t of ma ss an d sp ee d 2 #

10. The percentage er ro rs in

in the ca lcu lat ion of K.E. wi ll be Name the several repetitive phenomenon occurring in nature which serve as reasonable time
maximum err or Q.1.1
(b ) 5 % , 0, Lhr 2011)
( }\' , ,
] Lhr
(a) 1% standard? J jJ / ( Lhr 200 5 Bw p 200 6 -200 8 Mtn 200 9 201

( d) 11% en om en on tha t ea ts its elf aft er ce rta in int erv als of tim e is ca lle d rep etit ive ph enomenon ,
( c) 8% Ans. The ph rep

11. Ho w many significa nt ze ro s are the re in 5.0 0 x 10

? which can serve as reasonable time standard. .
(b ) 4 Examples:
( a) 3
(c ) 2
(d ) 6 (i) lattice vibrations in a crystal.
12. Zero error is the example of (ii) the rotation moon around the earth.
(3) Personal error (b ) Random error ( iii ) the rotation of Earth about its own axis.
(c ) Systematic error ( d) All of these ( iv ) sunrise and sunset .
Poor calibration is the example of ( v ) change of weathers. / fV p
13. of pe nd ulu m as tim e sta nd ard s?
(a ) Personal error (b) Random error Q.1.2 Gi ve the dra wb ac ks to us e the pe rio d
( Grw 2003 - 2008, Rw p 2005 , Mtn 200 6, Bw p 200 8, Lhr 200 9,Grw 2010-11)

( c) Systematic error ( d) None of these sim ple pe nd ulu m ca n be ex pre sse d as ;

Ans. As the time period of the
14 . has the dimensions of
T = 2R
rea so na ble tim e sla nd ere d du e to se ve ral rea so ns.
(a) velocity (b ) Acceleration but this tim e pe rio d ca n not se rve d as
> •
(c) Momentum ( d) None of these Reasons: wi th alt itu de . UL* sl
va rie s wit h an d g va rie s
time period of the simple pendulum
and its unit symbol is: (i ) su m m er )
15. The unit of energy is
of pe nd ulu m ma y ch an ge wi th tem pe rat ure (in win ter or
( ii ) The len gth
(a) Joule, j (b ) joule, J
ce, the kilo gra m an d mo le ?
( c) Joule, J (d) joule, j
Whv do we find it useful to have two units for the amount of substan 2006, Mir Pur 2009
Q13 (Mtn 2003, Mir Pur 200 6, D.G.Xh an
16. The dimension of light year are
( a) [LT ]1 (b ) [M°L°T] Ans. Reason: us e mole as the un it of am ou nt o
nu mb er of pa rtic les the n we
(c) [ ML r ]
2 2 (d ) [M°LT°] When we are
be ca
us e
ne d
of a su bs tan ce co nta

ins the eq ua l nu mb er of pa rtic les (i.e .

, NA = 6.0 22 -
substan ce
17. Which one of the following is not dimensionally correct equation
( a) E = me
(b ) vf = V| + at
1 23 ).
But in case when
Q.1.4 Three students measured
we are co
nc er
d qu
Lm att
^e we use the uni t kilogram.
^ a scale on which the minimum d v s on s 1 mm an
le wi th
... .
( c) S = vt
(d) s = ?t 2

recorded as (Grw 2008]

rd is co rre ct an d wh y .

m ( iii ) 0.2 14 m wh ich re co
( i ) 0.2145m (ii ) 0.21

18. The gravitational constant G has dimensions
[ M°L°T ] Ans. 0.214 is correct record.
(a ) [ML’Vj (b ) n t

So len gth ca

t mm or 0.0 01 m
(c) [ ML r ]
2 2
(d ) 1
[ M L T°] *

ThfTcorrect , be ca us e the lea st count of th e sc ale

;i: p
record is 0 214

19. Which of the following has the same dimensions as that of momentum
fa ) Force (b ) Energy Q ,, ;
us ed In co mp uta tio n ?

(c ) stress (d ) Impulse you ma ke re ga rd ing to ex pe rim en ta l data
20 . SI un it of lig ht year is Ans. Analogous statement:
( a) candela (b ) Meter us st at em en t is rea din g in ex pe rimen
Its analogo ra te as its lea st ac cu rat e
da ta is only as mu ch ac cu
(c) Second (d ) None of these "A re su lt of ex pe rim en ta l
ANSWERS data."

2. c .
3 a 4. b 5. c 6. 7. b 8. c 9. c 10. c

12. c 13. c 14. a I S. 16. d 17. c 18. a 19. 20. b ^

Chapter 1 [ Measurements]

Scholar’ s PHYSICS XI (Subjective ) 21
. of er ro rs is po ss ibl e in tin
1 6
t. Th
rne e pe
* period?
nu duuof sim rple pe
" nd ulu m is n as
^ ur ed by a sto p wa tch W ha t typ
Mi r Pu r 200 4 , Lh r 20 06 , Fs d *
;Solved Examples
Example 1.1 :|
Ans. Possible Errors
of po ss ibl e er ro rs : The length breadth and thickness of a sheet are 3.233 m , 2.105 m and 1.05 cm respectively. Calculate
There are two types err or ma y pre sen t or th e ca lib ra tio n is inc or re ct ).
Sto p wa tch may be fau lty ( ze ro the volume of the sheet correct upto the appropriate significant digits.
(i) Systema tic er ro r :
tim e to sta rt or sto p the sto pwatch \
of person of the(
(ii) Random err or : Ne gli ge nc e an d ine xp eri en ce Given Data:
for an ins tru me nt wh ile ran do m er ro r ch an ge s for ev er
Length of sheet y = t = 3.233m
r re m ain s fix ed
Note: Systematic erro
Breadth of sheet = b = 2.105m
an y inf or ma tio n on co ns tan t of pr op or tio na lity tha t ma Thickness of sheet = h = 1.05cm
y ap pe ars in
Q 1.7 Does a dimensional
an aly
in .
= 1.05 x 10 m 2 “

algebraic ex pre ss ion ?

(Federal 2003- 2005, Grw 2005 - 2008)
To Find :
pro vid e an y so rt of inf or m at ion ab ou t the va lue of co ns tan t of
Volume of the sheet = V = ?
l an aly sis do es no t
Ans. Dimensiona sis ca n pr ov ide the
, it ca n be de ter mi ne d by ex pe rim en t . Bu t dim en sio na l an aly Calculations:
pro po rtio na lity
dim en sio na l co ns tan ts lik e g ( gr av ita tio na l ac ce ler ati on ), G
Volume = (length ) x ( breadth) x (thickness)
informa tio n ab ou t the un its of the
gr av ita tio na l co ns tan t), k ( sp rin g co nstant ) etc. V= t xbxh
(universal 2 3
5 x 10 m

For ex am ple : Fo r tim e pe rio d of sim ple pe nd ulu m V = 3.233 x 2.105 x 1.0 ~2 3

T = 2n
V 7.14573825 x 10 m = of sig nif ica nt fig ure s eq ua l to thr ee. Th ere for e vo lum e
As the factor 1.05 cm has the minimum number
on ab ou t the constant 2 rc . rec ord ed up to 3 sig nif ica nt fig ure s.
where dim en sio na l an aly sis pro vid es no inf orm ati 2 3
an d de ns ity ? V = 7.1 5 x 10 m "

Q.1.8 What are the dimensions of pre ss ure

( Rwp 2003, Bwp 2004, Mtn 2004 - 2005, D.G Khan 2005, .
As the factor 1.05 cm has minimum number of signif
V = 7.1 5 m 3
ica nt fig ur es eq ua l to thr ee, the ref or e , vo lum e is
Grw 200 5 - 200 6 - 200 9, Fe der al 200 6, Lhr 200 9, Lhr 201 0 - 201 1)
recorded up to 3 sig nif ica nt fig ure s , he nc e ,
Ans. ( i ) Dimensions of pressure:
] [ma ] [ M ] ir ]
[ _ Example 1.2
The mass of a metal box measured by a lever balance is 2.2 kg . Tw o sil ve r co ins of ma sse
s 10
th e
= [ ML r ] al ss
1 2 w th e tot ma
(Pressure) = [P] = 7M = [a] = ( L* j d by a beam balance are ad de d to it . W ha t is no
and 10.02 g measure
co rre ct up to th e ap propriate precision?
(ii) Dimensions of density:
[m] (M) Gi ve n Da ta :
= mi = 2.2 kg
[ Density ] = [p] = [ ML ] Mass of the metal box
[ Lf M as s of fir st sil ve r co in = m = 10 .01 g = 0.0 10 01 kg
fre qu en cy '/' kn ow ing tha t [ X ] = [ L ], [ v ] = 2
.1.9 The wave length depends on speed V of wave and its •
Mass of second sil ve r co in = m 3 = 10 .02 g = 0.0 10 02 kg
( Mt n 2 >05 , Gr w 20 09 )
] and [ f] = [ T ]. Decide which one is correct (i) / = vA (ii) / = To Find :
l 1

Total mass of the box = m = ?

(i) For f = v> . 1
Ca lcu lat ion :
Dimensions of LH.S. = [ f ] = [T ] _ .. ( 1) •
To ta l ma ss when silver coins are added to box
Dimensions of R.H.S. = [vX] = [LT ][L] = [ CT ]
1 1
— ( 2) m = mi + m2 + m3
As from (1) and (2) m = 2.2 + 0.01001 + 0.01002
LH.S. 5= R .H.S. m = 2.22003 kg be on e de cim al pla ce
de cim al pl ac e , he nc e to ta l m as s sh ou ld to
So. the equation is not dimensionally correct. Since least precise is 2.2 kg, ha vin g on e
v wh ich is the appropriate precision. Thus
(ii) For f = r- Total mass = m = 2.2 kg
Cimensions of LH. S. =f = r!
[ ) [ 1
~( D the he lp of ve rni er ca lip ers of lea st
cy lin de r m ea su re d wi th
_ M = (LT ] The diameter and length of a metal vo lu m e V of the cy lin de r an d un ce rta int y in
Dimensions of R.H.S. cm . Ca lcu lat e th e
count 0.01 cm arc 1.22 cm and 5.35
~ "

W [L ]
.42 ) it.
= (T ]
From equations (1 ) and (2 Given Data:
ca lip er = 0.0 1 cm
LH.S . = R .H.S. Least count of vernier
So, tr e equation is dimensional ^ correct.
Chapter 1 [Measureme
Scholar’s PHYSICS - XI (Subjective) 23
Diameter of metal cylinder * d = 1.22 cm
length of metal cylinder = 5 35 cm i

To Find:
Volume of the cylinder * V » V
Uncertainly in the volume = ?
Absolute uncertainty in length
0.01 cm
0.01 tin 100
0 2%
As ' dimension ofL.H S . . ^dimensions .H.S.
% age uncertainty in length x
5.53 cm too So that equation is dimensionally Correa
0.01 cm a 100 or * Derive a relation for the timic
period of sample pendulum (Fjg. 1.2) using dimensional analysis.
Absolute uncertainty in diameter 100
1.22 cm
The various possible facton on which the lime period T may depend arc:
As volume V - ndU'
.< )
. - . »n U npth )
( liven Data:

(i) Ungihof the pendulum ( f ).
(ii) M wVllicb ,h (i»). A
Total uncertainly in volume 2(% age uncertainty in d * m 1
r 1 • t i w
(in) Angle 0 wtudi ihStfuc ) makes with the vertical,
- 2 (0.8%) f 0 2% *
- 1.8%
Putting these values in cqu ( 1 )
To Find:
( iv ) Aetderation doc to gravity (g).

KjcloUonJbr the tune penod of simple pendulurn T 7

/ / / / / // / / / / /

1 14 ^ ’
6 , .
Ji i • . oUint * ,
Calculation :
of the form,

4 US reUfcon for the time penod T will be
6 7509070 0I
T •
x f x t f x g* 0 \
( as 1.8% of 6.2509070 a
100 constant m * t 0‘ gd . (I)
1 Taking dimensions on both sides, we get
l bus

V •(6.2i 0.1) (cm)
Where 6.2 ( cm ) is calculated volume uni 0 I m . 1
. < > ; in i * As
S-e - -

Check the correctness of the relation v
, \*t
where % i
* he speed of Thus 0
So equation I becomes,
L - !
1 m
stretched string of tensiun F, length ( xml -
in Is > iu in b 1 c
(T) * constant (M) * |L ] (I L ) (FT V
Given Data: Comparing the dimensions on both sides
I .’quat ion m* im “
IM|° - (Ml*»
To Find:
To check the eoneelness of that equation -
IF ° It
I quoting powei
) b

c- 6*4
on both sides, we gel
-2d -1 or d
- 1
-- -
M d 0orb ~dorb ' -

uid 0 Fl Y iL -'
Substituting the value * of a
, c mid cqu
.( 1 )

constant x m° * f1 1*8 1
i i

I - constant K (J xg *

24 Chapter 1 [Measurements] Scho lar's PHYSICS - X I (Subjective ) 25

Or S= ct
or T = constant putting values, we get
g •
S= 3.0 X 10RX 3.153 6 X 10
The numerical value of the constant cannot be determined by dimensional analysis, however it can be S= 5
9.5 xl 0' m
found by experiments. 1.2 (a ) How many seconds are there in a
( b) How many nano seconds in r?
Find the dimensions and hence, the SI units of coefficient of viscosity' r\ in the relation of Stokes lav ( c) How many year in 1 second
for the drag forces F for a spherical object of radius r moving with velocity v given as F = 6 rcr|rv. Given Data :
Given Data: 1 year = 365 days
Stokes law F = 671 r|rv To find ;
Where F = drag force, ( a ) Seconds in 1 year 9

r = radius, ( b) Nano seconds in 1 9

(c ) Years in 1 second 9
And r\ = co-efficient of viscosity. UT y

To Find: Calcu lation s:

(a ) As 1 ye ; 365 days
(i ) Dimension of co-efficient of viscosity = ?
1 365 x 24 hours
(ii) SI unit of co efficient of viscosity = ?
1 year = 365 x 24 x 60 minutes
Calculations: 1 year = 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 sec
CO As F = 6 Tv Tjrv 1 year = 31536000 sec
6TI is a number having no dimension, so it is not taken in dimensional analysis. 1 year = 3.1536 x 107 sec
Thus As 1 year = 3.1536 x 107 sec
[F] = [1J1V] and 1 second = 109 nano second
IF ] So 1 year = 3.1536 x I 07 x 109 ns
or M = DIM 1 year = 3.1536 IO ns
x 16

Putting the dimensions of F , r and v in R.H .S., we get 1 year = 3.1536 x 107 sec
~2 1
1MLT ] 1 second T year
In) = ’1 3.1536 x 10
MILT ] Or 1 second = 3.17 10 years
x '8

hi = [ML 'r ]
- 1
to be 15.3 cm and 12.80 cm , respec tively.
- 1 1 1.3 The length and width of rectangular plate are measured
(ii ) Thus Sf unit of co-efficient of viscosity is kg m s
Find the area of the plate.
Given Data :
Exercise Problems Length of rectangular plate - £ 15.3 cm -
Width of rectangular plate = W =12.80 cm
To find :
A light year b the distance light travels in one year How many meters are there? Area of rectangular plate =A=?
Given Data: Calculations:
Time * t = 1 year As Area = length * width
t “ 365 days A = £ xW
* 365 x 4 hours
t £ putting values, we get
= 15.3 x 12.802
t 365 x 24 x 60 minutes A
t 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 second , *
A = 195.84 ( cm2

t 31536000 sccor i Or A - 196 ( cm )

. 2.189 , 0.089, 11.8 and 5.32.
in kg upto approp riate precis ion
3.1536 x JO second 1.4 Add the following musses given
v c 3.0 y 10* /nj 1
Given Data:
Speed of light 2.189 kg
To find: 0.089kg
Distance S 7
( akufotion
mmmmm m A
Chapter 1 [
r’‘_ Eri- '

Scholar’ s PHYSICS - XI (Subjective ) 27
m 3 = 11.8kg
m 4 = 5.32 kg
To ftnd :
Add these masses up to appropriate precision
Uncertainty in time measurement
no. of vibrations 20
0.005 1
least count
0.005 .v —
Calculations: Percentage uncertainty in time 0.25%
Total mass = m = mi + m2 + m 3 + ITM 2 01
m = 2.189 +0.089+ 11.8 + 5.32 Total uncertainty in g = % uncertainty in Jen :c uncertainty in time period )
m = 19.398kg = 0.1 %+2x 0.25%
As in the given masses , 11.8kg is the mass of least precision, having one'decimal place, which is
tl = 0.1 % 10.5%
appropriate precision. = 0.6% 2
Hence Total mass = 19.4 kg So g = 9.76 cm with

1.5 Find the value of g and its uncertainly using T = 2n —g from the following (As 0.6% of 9.76 *

Measurements made during an experiment

Length of simple pendulum = t 100 cm
Time for 20 vibrations = t = 40.2 s
= 1.6

g = ( 9.76 ±
What are the dimensions and
.. \
^ is of gravitational constant G in the formula F = G

Given Data:
Length w as measured by a metre scale of accuracy upto 1 mm and time by stop watch of accurac m , m 1.
upto 0.1 s. Gravitational force = F -= G 2
Given Data: To find:
Length of simple pendulum = t = 100 cm = lm Dimension of G =?
Time for 20 vibration s = t = 42.2 s SI unit of G =?
I t 42.2 Calculation:
Time period = 2.01s
20 20 m, m 2
F= G
Least count of meter rod = 1 mm = 0.001 m
Least count of stop watch = 0.1s
To find:
Acceleration due to gravity = g = ? fTijITl -j
Calculations: _ (Dimensions of force ) xj Dimension of length )

As time period of simple pendulum is given by Dimension of G
( Dimension of ma .\s) x ( Dimension ol mass )

T = 2n fMLT lL ]
Squaring both sides , we get 3 2
ML! "

= [ tvrVT ]
Or g = 4*‘ -
{ T 72 As SI units of force, length anJ mass are Newton , meter and kilogram respectively . So
Putting values . we have Nm 2
4 x (3. l 4 ) 2 xl
SI units of G =
— 2
or Nm kg

( 201) 2
Show' that the expression v , - v » 0 is
1 is dimensionally correct, where vi is the velocity at / -0 , a1
velocity « ( ri 11 1
g = 9.76 ms 2
acceleration and Vfis the *

Calculation for uncertaintv: Given Data:

First equation of nation is v . = v -1- at
To show :
The equation v , - v , .
i-al is din eniioaally cart*** -
-rjilt u
X V'l /

28 Chapter 1 [Measurement
Scholar’s PHYSICS XI (Subjective)
Proof: [Mf = [[Mr*
Dimensions of L . H.S of the equation [vr ]=[LT ]

’ i
[i] = [r ‘]
' 3o

Dimension of R.H.S of the equation = [v +at] (
[ rr = [7T ‘
1 2

R.H.S = [v. ] +[a][t] Equation powers on bolh sides, we get

-1 2 a + b = 0 or a = -b. . .(2)
R.H.S = [LT ] + [LT ][T] "

R.H.S = [LT ]+ [LT ]
" 1 and -3a - b = 1 ...(3)
R.HS = 2[ LT ' ] and -2 b = -1 or b = L - ( 4 )

As 2 has no dimension being a number , so subslituting value of b in cqiRation ( 2) we get

R.H.S. = [LT ] 1
Thus R.H.S. = L.H.S 2
Hence the equation is dimensionally correct . Now pulling values of ‘a’ and ‘b’ in equation ( 1 ), wc get
1.8 The speed v of sound waves through a medium may be assumed to depend on ( a ) the density p i
the medium and ( b) its modulus of elasticity E which is the ratio of stress to slain . Deduce by ll v = constant
ant p 2E2

method of dimensions the formula for the speed of sound.

, i

Given Data:
Speed of sound depends on
Density of medium = p
Modulus of elasticity = E
v = constant

Show that the famous “ Einstein equation ” E = me is dimensionally consistent.
To find : 1.9
Formula for speed of sound v dimensionally Given Data :
Calculations: Einstein equation E - me 2

As speed of sound depends on the following factors To prove:

v cc p° and vec Eb Einstein equation E = me is dimensionally consistent
On combining , we get Calculations :
v oc p Eb
* As E = me
Where E is the energy in joules
Or v = constant p° Eb (1 ) 2 2
Dimensions of L.H.S of equation = E = ( ML! ] . ..0 )
Where wc have to Find the values of powers a and b .( I )
As the dimensions of
( As E = W = Fd ) - 2
Dimensions of R!LS of equation = me = [ M ][ LT )
Velocity = v = [ LT‘ ]
[ ML r ]
2 2 . . . (2)
mass of both sides ol equations arc same
Density = p = = [ ML ] 3
Since the dimensions
volume Thus L . H.S.= R. H .S.
Elastic modulus -= E *= stress
- [ML *T 2 ]
" Hence, the equation is
, dimensionally consistent or correct .
^radio , r with uniform
'v' d'clcrminc the
dimensions of stress =|ML ! ) 1 '

( Asslress -
1 0 Suppose , wc arc told dial the acceleration of a particlc ovvnt

speed v is proportional to some po* cr of r
powers of r and v ?
Data :

> 1

^ ^^

v say

Acceleration of a purticlc moving

Strain is dimension less , because it is rai io
Now, writing the dimensions of bolh sides equation ( 1 ) Radius of the circle • r
( LT ] * Constant [ML HML r2 ]
" 1 b

To find:
The uniform speed v
Or ILJfr )= |M * ]^
[ L 3
* in ki
powers of r and v i .c., n « ?, m ?
comparing the dimensions on both sides, /^ c get

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30 .
Chapter 1 [Measurers
; Scholar ' s PHYSICS - XI (Subjective) 31
( alculations:
As given
a * r" Chapter 2
a « vm
on combining wc get

a . r \'
a n

a = constant r" vm
writing the dimension of both sides, we gel
n m
ILT ] = Constant * [L] ,* [LT ] '
' 2
IL] T = Constant * [ L] [ T]
[ ] '
" m m '
ing Objectives
comparing the dimensions on both sides, wc get
n* m
[ L ]' = [ L ]
IT ]
= nr 1. Understand and use rectangular coordinate system.
Equation powers on both sides , wc get
2. Understand the idea of unit vector, null vector and position vector.
n + m *1 -( I ) . .
-m = -2 > 3- Represent a vector as two perpendicular components known as rectangular components
m =2 ... (2 )
4- Understand the rule of vector addition and extend It to add vectors using rectangular components .
putting value of m ’ in equation ( 1 ) , we g e t

n+ 2 = 1 5. Understand multiplication of vectors and solve problems .

Or n = -1 6. Define the moment of force or torque.
7. Appreciate the use of the torque due to a force.
understanding that when there is no resultant force and no resultant torque , a system Is In
Scholar’ s PHYSICS (Objective ) F.Sc. Part I 8 Show an
are available in market 9. Appreciate the applications of the principle of moments.
By the Same Authors 10. Apply the knowledge gained to solve problems on statics.
Conceptual M.C.Q’ s Answers with Hints, Past Papers,
Short Questions & MCQ’s

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