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Alyce Goff

INSTRUCTIONS: Please type your proposal using the following format:

Proposal: [title of the project]

Reaching out to young people who struggle with disordered eating.

Step 1: Problem/Need Statement

What is the problem that needs to be solved or needs to be filled in the community you seek to impact with your 20% project?

Only 20% of people with an eating disorder get the treatment that they need. Also the stigma around eating disorders, it makes it
hard for people to get what they need.

Step 2- Identify Your Why: Why is it important that you address the problem/need you described above?
Eating disorders have the highest death rate of all psychiatric illnesses and over 12 times that is seen in people without eating
disorders. With the stigma of the ED being that only young, white, girls have it. It make others that don't fit the description feel like
they don't need help. BIPCOC are less likely to be diagnos with an eating disorder or get treatment.
Step 3- What’s your vision?: What will the world look like when your ‘why’ becomes reality? How will it be different? What is
the change you wish to create through your action project? (Other questions to consider: What impact do you want to make on your
“audience”? How do you want people to see the world, or think about your topic as a result of your project?)
I hope that i can change the percent of people who gets treatment.

Step 4: Mission/Product- What is the actual product you will show this spring that will enable you to achieve your VISION? This project
may be made of atoms or bits, but you must have something to show. I’m not interested in seeing a bunch of great ideas at the end of the year. I
want to see things. Please provide as much detail as possible. If needed, you can include a photo of a sketch of your project

A podcast/blog. I want to first work on a blog, because it would be hard to find people who are willing to share their stories. In the
blog I would share factual information about ED and to provide contact information so people have easy access to professionals
and support groups. The podcast would be where I would interview people with ED about their journey through ED. Who feel alone.
Also, I want to raise money to donate to the HEAL project, which helps people with ED to pay for their treatment. with this objective,
I hope they raise the 20% higher so a higher percentage of people get the help that they need.

Step 5: Audience / Clients / Users

Explain who will benefit from your project. How will you be able to access them for an empathy interview?

The audience would be people who are dealing with ED by themselves and are not able to access treatment. I would try to find
people by asking on social media if anyone would be interested in talking with me about their journey. I want to respect people’s
privacy in talking about this. I could also try to find people in Durango, but I’m not sure how I would do that yet.

Step 6: Timeline
What is your monthly timeline for this project? I want to see a list of goals and deliverables (what you will have completed) with
deadlines. You may find that the timeline needs adjustment during the course of the semester, which may be fine. Check in with me if
that’s the case.

Milestones/ Date: Ways to Demonstrate/Evidence: Completed

Deliverables: ? Yes or

Project Proposal Deadline 1/28 Project Proposal Submitted to Ashley

2/9 Find the best website creator to use; reach out to professionals to check my
resources (to make sure that I’m sharing accurate information)

Elevator Pitches Begin 2/16 Have my pitch ready to present

3/2 Blog should be halfway or almost done at this point. Start looking for more info
on how to create a podcast. Put blast out on social media to find potential

4/6 Have 5 people interviewed. Blog should be done. Reach out to professionals to
review my blog.

5/4 Finalizing any mistakes. Have some podcast development happening (will
continue working on this following this project)

Final Presentation at 5/19 Everything needs to be polished by this date!

All-School Exhibition
Step 7: Reality Check: Materials and Budget
I am looking for moonshots here, but even moonshots need budgets. What equipment are you going to need? What other capital
expenditures do you anticipate, and how will you meet them?

1st: Give a summary of the materials you’ll need and why you’ll need them

I have a mic and computer that would work with it. I need more research about how much it costs for my chosen website. My dad
might have speakers I can use.

2nd: If you have any costs, include a detailed breakdown here→

Item Needed Quantity Total Price

Website 1 ?

Speakers 2 ?

Step 8: Additional Research

This is a great time to learn more about your issue and potential solutions. You will need to read 2 books and 2 articles for this project.
Include the following in your proposal: What books and articles will enrich your 20% project and why? Include a brief summary of the
books and articles, what are they about. Additional resources are encouraged, but not required.

Title and Url Link Summary

Resource #1

Need to find
Resource #2

Need to find

Step 9: Mentor!
While it is not REQUIRED to have a mentor, it is strongly encouraged as an adult mentor with expertise related to your project will be super helpful!
If you do find a mentor, the minimum requirement for contact is 2x throughout the semester. 1st contact after you’ve finished your proposal to get
feedback on your project proposal and suggestions for moving forward. 2nd contact would be the beginning to middle of April to get feedback on
the work you’ve done so far. You might also invite them to your final presentation in May.

Who in our community (or in the world?) might be a good mentor for your project? Think about adults you know personally OR
organizations/individuals who have expertise in your area of study. Write down the names and contact information for 2-3 potential
mentors. I recommend chatting with your parents (and Ashley!) to get ideas as well as using google! :)

Name and title Organization or Profession including Contact info (email and phone #)
website if relevant

Example: Jennifer Stucka Rainbow Youth Alliance Phone #: ____

Youth counselor and non-profit Executive Email address: ______

Erin is helping me find someone!

Step 10: Conclusion

Wrap it up. Why are you fired up about this project? Inspire us to support you, and give us a great reason to approve your project.
People don’t talk about this enough. Some people fantasize about this or sexualize it, and don’t know the true dangers of eating
disorders. I think that people are at risk for developing eating disorders with social media, because they develop unrealistic
standards of what the body should be. I think people should always talk to a professional instead of getting advice from the media,
because even if someone in the media has been through eating disorders, it’s not always what you should do in that situation.

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