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EXECUTED Medium-size Undead Hit Dice: 3d12 (19 hp) Damage: As per death weapon Face/Reach: 5 fi. by 5 f./3 Special Qualities Tum resistance +2, undead ‘ort +1, Ref +1, Will +3 abies Se 16, 10,00, , Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10 Skills: Intuit Direction +5 Listen +5, Mave Silently + 5, Spot +5, Exotic We Proficiency, ‘Climate/ Terrain: Any ‘Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: | ‘Treasure: None Alignment: Always chaotic Advancement Range: 3-5 HD (Mediunt-size) »xecuted are those who have faced the gallows, the headsman’s axe, the pike, or countless other means of cxccution only to and lust for vengeance that they feel in their last moments. ‘These brutalized corpses appear as they did after their execution: headless, impaled, or strangled, but always reflecting the means of their extinction In their hatred for the living they return to repay the favor, justly or unjustly, upon not only their executioners, but the entire world that ended their lives. ‘To aid them in their unholy crusades they employee the same methods that their slayers did. Most often, executed will drag behind them the same stained noases or axes that ended their lives, but other weapons are possibilities. Those who died through torture ambush their victims and drag them back to their lair where foul devices await to claim more lives. Combat Executed will attack any sentient creature, their hatred for the living knowing no bounds. They do gravitate magistrates. ‘Though bloodthirsty, they are intelligent enough to avoid dangerous situations that may deny them their revenge. They attack with and are proficient uscrs off the weapons and tools that directly caused their own death, commonly a headsman’s axe or noose. ‘Death Weapon: Executed using a headsman's axe should be treated as using as great axe (Id12 damage). ‘An impaling spike is used asa lang spear (1d8 damage). Use of a noose should be considered a grappling attack at a ~2 penalty. If the executed and maintains a grapple the noose is closed and the victim is treated as if drowning. Each round following, a victim may attempt to escape with an Escape Artist check (DC 18), or by trying to break the grapple at a2 penalty. Undead: Executed are immune to mind- influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. They are not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain or death from massive damage.

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