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SRAT ‘Tiny Magical Beast Mit Dice: 1d10+1 (5 hp} initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) Speed: 10 fi. fly 60 ft (good) AC: 18 (42 size, +4 Dex, +2 natural) Attacks: Claws +1 melee Damage: Claws 144-1 Face/Reach: 2" ft by2 4/0 Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2 Abilities: Str 8, Dex 18, Com 12, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 11 Skills: Hide +13, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Spot +5 Feats: Weapon Finesse (claws) Climate/Terrain: Any temperate land Srats, also known as Croesian falcons, are strange magical companions, created by evil spelleasters to serve as thieves and spies. Though less powerful than a true familiar, a srat has sinister abilities that allow it to prey upon those its master envics and hates, slate blue and their beak and talons oily black. Their eyes glitter with malign intelligence. When attacking, a seat become wreathed in pearly phantom flames, ‘Though the process of creating srats is thought to have originated in Barovia or Gundarak, the secret has spread throughout the Core. It is relatively simple procedure, and one that often appeals to- evil spellcasters swollen with revenge or avarice, Some legends say that srats are heralds of a forgotten greed. They are utterly evil, though they ofien conceal their foul intentions well. Frequently, they fileh items from their master’s enemies and loved ones alike without orders to do so. ‘Srats cannot speak, but at their creation they gain the ability to understand one language known by their creator, Combat Sats rarely engage other creatures in battle, save when their masters explicitly onder them to do so. Such ‘occurrences are rare, however, as srals excel principally at theft and Wthreatened, a srat will unleash a flame bolt or two, then beat a hasty retreat. Flame Bolts (Su): Ouce every tice ruumds, a stat ‘can create a fiery bolt as the spell flame arrow cast by a Sih-level sorcerer. The Reflex save DC is 12, Rapacious Gaze (Su): Teleport an object in creature's possession, 60 feet, Will save (DC 10+ % rat's master’s HD). This ability summons an item ‘currently war or carried by the srat's opponeat into the hhands of the srat's master. The functions as if the object were affected by Drawmij's instant summons, and is similar to that spell east by a 15th-level sorcerer inall other respects, Whether o not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by ‘that srat's rapacious gaze ability for one day. Immunities (Su): A srat has fire immunity. Creating a Srat Requirements: To create a srat, a spellcaster must ‘use summon monster Fo summon a hawk at midnight ‘on.a moonless night. Hc must then cast flame arrow and resist elements on the hawk, the former functioning as if the hawk were a projectile weapon, The caster ‘must then feed the hawk a garnet worth at Icast 500 gp. ‘Immediately thereafter, the hawk transforms into a stat. {aint altcration magic. A spellcasicr can only ercaic or possess one srat companion at a time. A statis not 2 familiar, cohort, or follower, a spellcaster may have both a familiar and a srat companion at the same time. For all practical purposcs, a srat functions as an animal ‘companion, such as those gained through animal friendship. tis a special companion, however, and does ‘ot coun! against aspilcasier's HD limit for animal companions. Creating a stat is an evil act and requires a Gress check with 239% chance of fikuc.

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