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death. About 100 insects are suscept-

Production and use of ible to baculoviruses. Certain baculo-
viruses produce granulosis disease. In
biological pest control general, the mass production of many
of the insect viruses involves incu-
bation of infected insects, and har-
agents vesting of diseased larvae or adult
insects. The subsequent purification
of the viral preparation is time
George G. K h a c h a t o u r i a n s consuming and labor-intensive, the
expense of which is added to the cost
Biological pest control agents are gaining prominence for the control of
of viral insecticide production in-
insect pests in agriculture and forestry. The shift from chemical control creasing the production costs 4-5-
has been due to environmental concerns and recent innovations in fold. The obstacles to commercial
biotechnology. Production and use of biological insect control agents is production and use are numerous 8
the challenge of the future for pest management. and include: (1) the development of
efficient processes for large scale
Biological pest control agents are have an interesting ecological specifi- production; (2) marketability of the
gaining in prominence for the control city and unique location within the products especially where the select-
of insect pests in agriculture and biological world. For example, the ive host ranges are required; (3) de-
forestry 1-3. The growth of interest in insect viruses which are members of velopment of procedures for schedul-
biological pest control agents occur- the family Baculoviridae (BV) are ing and monitoring of field appli-
red in part because of public responsible for diseases of insects and cations; and (4) stabilization of the
awareness of the dangers of in- mites 6 and do not contain structural product under field conditions, e.g.
discriminate use of chemical pesti- or biochemical similarities to viruses sunlight and dessiccation.
cides, especially after the publication of the vertebrates or higher plants. A
of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, in substantial portion of the bacteria and Bacteria
1962. Additionally, research pub- fungi are facultative pathogens of Many bacteria cause disease and
lished in the last two decades on the insects affecting the host by a number death in insects. Four groups have
relationship between pesticides and of mechanisms such as invasion of been recognized based on their
mutation, cancer, human disease, tissues and/or production of toxins. pathogenicity to insects: (1) obligate
damage to wildlife, and toxicity to The bacteria can be divided into three pathogens (e.g. Bacillus popilliae, B.
plants has pointed towards a shift ecological types: (1) those which larvae); (2) crystalliferous spore-
away from chemical control of pests. reproduce within the susceptible host forming bacilli (e.g.B. thuringiensis);
In the last decade developments in system; (2) those which do not (3) facultative pathogens (e.g.
biotechnology are generating interest reproduce, necessitating repeat appli- B. sphaericus, Pseudomonas aerugin-
and the means necessary for displace- cation; and (3) those of either type (1) osa, Achromobacter spp.); and (4)
ment of synthetic chemical insecti- or (2), depending on the circum- potential pathogens (e.g. Serratia
cides which currently dominate the stances 7. Because of these unique marcescens) 9.
marketplace 4'5. Various estimates properties a number of these micro- The best example of bacterial
indicate that biological pest control organisms have been commercially insecticides and one that has been
agents, which currently represent 1% produced and are replacing existing investigated for almost 80 years is that
of the annual $10 × 10 9 worldwide chemical pesticides. of the members of the genus Bacillus.
market for insecticides will increase Four species are considered as
to become 10% or more by the end of Production and use ofbioinsecticides primary insecticides: B. thuringien-
the decade. The potential for wide- Viruses sis, B. popilliae, B. moritai and
spread use of biological pest control There are about 650 viruses that B. sphaericus. The greatest commer-
agents~ is timely because of their have been isolated from insects. cially used species are B. thuringien-
relative host specificity and ecologic- About 540 were obtained from sis which is cultured & vitro, and
ally non-disruptive nature. lepidopteran, 90 from hymenopteran B. popilliae, which is grown in rive
Biological pest control agents are and 20 from orthopteran, coleopteran on the Japanese beetle (Popilliae
naturally occurring organisms, in- and dipteran insects. During the japonica). B. thuringiensis produces
cluding viruses, bacteria, fungi, 1970s the first commercial viral entomocidal toxins, ~- and [5-exotox-
protozoa and nematodes. Viruses pesticide was registered. Since then ins and 6-endotoxin. The latter, also
the potential of these agents has been called insecticidal crystal protein
G. G. KhachatouriansisattheDepartment realized (Table 1) and tremendous use (ICP); is synthesized during sporu-
of Applied Microbiology and Food of viruses such as baculoviruses, has lation, and accounts for the commer-
Science, and Bioinsecticide Laboratory, been made for control of insect cial value of B. thuringiensis as a
College of Agriculture, University of populations a. Insect virus infections biological pest control agent 4. Oral
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, S7N OWO of susceptible larvae result in patho- administration of ICP to lepidopteran
Canada, logical symptoms and, ultimately, larvae causes cellular damage to the
(~ 1986, Elsevier Science Publishers 13.V., Amsterdam 0166- 9430/86/$02.00

- Table I
Viruses in commercial and experimental production a
Virus Target Product Manufacturer/Country
Heliothis NPV Heliothiszea Elcar Zoecan (Sandoz) Corp./USA
(corn earworm)
Heliothis virescens Biotrol-VHZ Nutrile Products Inc./USA
(tobacco budworm)
Lymantria dispar N PV Lymantria dispar Gypchek US Forest Service
(gypsy moth) Virin-ENSh USSR
Neodiprion sertifer N PV Neodiprion sertifer Virin-Diprion USSR
(European pine sawfly) NPV Kemira Oy Co./Finland
Orgyia pseudotsugata N PV Orgyia pseudotsugata Biocontrol-1 US Forest Service
(Douglas fir tussock moth)
Dendrolimus spectabilis Dendrolimus spectabilis CPV Japan
CPV (pine caterpillar)
aAdapted from Refs 2 and 6.

gut epithelium and cessation of turers for Bacillus products world- insect populations 13'14. For the com-
feeding. With sub-lethal doses an wide are shown in Table 2. mercial production of these fungi,
acute phase followed by recovery ingredients, concentrations, quantity
occurs 1°. Larger doses cause patho- Fungi and quality of the fermentation
logical changes resulting in larval There are several entomopatho- methods used are virtually identical
death 11'12. The commercial produc- genic and saprophytic fungi which to those required for the synthesis of
tion, targeted hosts and manufac- have been used for the control of either fungalbiomass or metabolites 15

Table 2
Commercial Bacillus products a
Species Serotype/variety C o m m e r c i a l name Target Manufacturer/Country
Bacillus moritai -- Lavillus M Diptera Sumitomo Chemical Co./
Bacillus popilliae -- Doom, Japidemic Coleopteran Fairfax Biological Lab./
larvae USA
Milky spore disease Reuter Laboratory, Inc./
Bacillus thuringiensis H3(HD-1)/Kurtsaki Dipel Numerous Abbott Laboratories/USA
(B. thuringiensis H3(HD-1)/Kurtsaki Thuricide Lepidoptera Sandoz-Wander, Inc./
5-endotoxin + USA
spores) Certan Zoecan (Sandoz) Corp./
-- Bactur Thompson-Hayward
Chemical Co.
H-1 thuringiensis Bactospeine Roger Bellon/France
H3(HD-1 )/Kurtsaki Plantibac Procida France
H-3(HD-1 )Kurtsaki BugTime Biochem. Products/
H-3(HD-1 )Kurtsaki Sporeine LIBEC/France
H-3(HD-1 )/Kurtsaki Biospor Farbwerbe Hoechst/
West Germany
H-1/thuringiensis Bathurin ChemapoI-Biokrma/
H-I(HD-1 )/ Baktukal Serum zavod
H4/dendrolimus Dendrobacillin Glavmikrobioprom/USSR
H-5/galleriae Entobacterin-3 Glavmikrobioprom/USSR
H-1/insectus Insektin Glavmikrobioprom/USSR
Bacillus thuringiensis Hl/thuringiensis Biotoksybacillin Agricultural
(B. thuringiensis Microbiology/USSR
exotoxin) -- Eksotokin Glavmikrobioprom/USSR
-- Toxobaktedn Glavmikrobioprom/USSR
Bacillus thuringiensis israelenis H-14 Bactmos, Vectobac Culex spp. Biochem Products/France
Teknar Aedes spp. Zoecan (Sandoz) Corp./
Anopheles USA
aAdapted from Refs 2, 3 and 4.

by fermentation technology. Biotechnology and biological pest fold. There are important differences
T h e r e are several entomopatho- control agent production between ICPs and the plasmids which
genic fungi which do not growin vitro Biotechnology can affect industrial encode them vary depending on
or require very complex media. For production and cost effectiveness of the strain of B. thuringiensis from
example, Entomophthora gry]li is biological pest control agents. The which they are derived. Toxicity and
cultivated in vivo, using either field- cost of gross input for in vitro host range of the ICPs vary for these
collected diseased insects or healthy production of bacteria and fungi toxins 2°. These are two character-
insects infected in the laboratory 16. includes the use of media, energy istics which might be altered effect-
Fungal formulations currently being (both for culture growth and steriliz- ively by genetic manipulations. The
evaluated contain a mixture of fungal ation of the equipment), time and serological and molecular character-
mycelial fragments and conidia or labour. Biotechnological innovations istics of the ICPs from various isolates
blastospores. Active ingredients are will lead to improvements in the of B. thuringiensis have been ana-
formulated in a car~ier base which process technology 2. Cost of produc- lysed 17. The respective DNAs have
often is made of bentonite, kaolin tion could be reduced by using been sequenced 21 and cloned into
clay, or a mixture of various agri- cheaper fermentation media and E. coil and B. subti]is zz'23. In spite of
cultural by-products. Commercial shorter fermentation cycles. A great major accomplishments in molecular
products are formulated either as many biotechnological advances for studies the widespread use of this
wettable powders or as dust formu- the production of such insecticides insecticide is still very limited.
lations and to these, antioxidant and are aimed at genetic engineering of the The main method for the com-
UV-screening materials are added. insecticides or their toxins to develop mercial production of B. thuringien-
more potent and broader host range sis has been submerged batch
Nematodes and Protozoa toxigenic bacteria, exclude other fermentation. We are examining
Very few nematodes and protozoa toxins and metabolites from the continuous phase-production or con-
have been mass produced industri- preparation and maximize the par- tinuous culturing and harvesting of
ally or used as biological pest control ameters that govern fungal sporu- the ICP-containing culture material.
agents in large scale field trials (Table lation15.17. The end product from the batch
4). Nosema ]ocustae is an obligate Where insecticidal crystal protein fermentation process contains cells,
parasite and is cultured in the host (ICP) production is desired, research spores, extracellular enzymes and
insect, e.g. grasshoppers 2, necessitat- has been directed to the production proteins, other low molecular weight
ing extraction from ground whole of B. thuringiensis asporogenous material, and ICPs. These are har-
insects by filtration and centri- mutants ~8"~9, and hence an improved vested by high speed continuous flow
fugation, to arrive at a pure prepar- diversion of cell biomass to the centrifugation and acetone precipi-
ation. The major obstacle for com- production of the ICP. It can be tation into a thick paste containing all
mercialization has been production of estimated that such improvements of the sedimentable material. During
these organisms. would increase the productivity 3-5- formulation the paste is mixed with

-- Table 3
Entomopathogenic fungi in commercial and experimental production a
Fungus Target Product Manufacturer/Country
Beauveria bassiana Colorado potato beetle Boverin USSR
codling moth
European corn borer People's Republic of China
pine caterpillar
Culicinomyces clavisporus mosquito larvae EAO b USA
Hirsutella thompsonii citrus rust mite Mycar Abbott Laboratories/USA
Metarhizium anisopliae spittle bug Metaquinoc Brazil
sugarcane frog hopper
Nomuraea rileyi lepidopteran larvae EAO USA
Verticillium lecanii aphids Vertalec Tate and Lylein Ltd/UK
coffee green bug
greenhouse whitefly Mycotal Tate and Lylein Ltd/UK
thrips Thriptal Tate and Lylein Ltd/UK
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Northern Joint-vetch -- USA
Cercospora rodrnanfi water hyacinths EAO Abbott Laboratories/USA
Peniophora gigantea H. annosum of conifers tree -- Bio-Basic Ltd./UK
Trichoderma virdae apple canker disease -- --
aAdapted from Refs I and 29.
bEAO, experimental application only.
Marketed under tradenames Biocontrol ® , Biomax ® , Combio ® , Metabiol ® and Metapol ®.

_ Table 4
Entomopathogenic protozoa in experimental production a
Protozoa Target Remarks
Nosema Iocustae grasshoppers Peaceful Valiey Farm Supply/USA
Nosema pyrausta European corn borer
Nosema fumiferanae spruce budworm
Vairimorpha necatrix cabbage looper
corn earworm
tobacco budworm
aAdapted from various authors in Ref. 2.

various adjuvants, wetting agents, involved in biotechnology would Conclusions

and sticky material (stickers) and is want to aim at a market of $50 million The present advantages of bio-
spray-dried for final commercial or more 25. It is suggested that as a logical pest control agents are: (1)
packaging 24. The quality of the mater- result of this, bioinsecticides are not their high degree of specificity for pest
ial is determined using standardized likely to be developed for many low control; (2) little or no effect on non-
bioassays and/or monoclonal anti- volume applications. However, bio- targeted and beneficial insects and
body assays. insecticides may still sell signifi- man; (3) absence of insect resistance;
Production of fungi or their meta- cantly. The cost of research, develop- (4) absence of residue build-up in the
bolites offers the greatest prospects in ment and product safety analysis for a environment; and (5) potential im-
this area, especially when the tech- new chemical pesticide (i.e. $15 pact from biotechnologicat research
niques for genetic manipulation of million or more) means that equi- and development. However, bio-
antibiotic producers become readily valent work on bioinsecticides be- logical pest control agents have a
available. The major obstacles in the comes an attractive alternative (i.e. number of limitations: (1) of under
area of fungal bioinsecticides are the under $1 million). Additionally, the 100 known agents only 20 are EPA
genetic instability of the fungi, quantity of bacterial or viral insecti- registered; (2) killing time may be
identifying the mechanism of action cides needed for treating certain slow; (3) some are environmentally
of toxic material or secondary meta- agricultural acreages or forests may unstable although some can recycle;
bolites, and understanding the mole- be significantly lower (0.025-0.25 kg and (4) their production is expensive.
cular genetics of pathogenicity. Pro- ha -1) compared with that of chemical It is hoped that biotechnology and a
duction of metabolites toxic to non- insecticides. This must be related to responsible environmental outlook
targeted insects or the environment the costs and economics of produc- will help us change the limitations
could be reduced or prevented by tion. The cost of production of 10 and make biological pest control
genetic manipulation. litres of B. thuringiensis israelensis agents products for the agriculture of
For Micromonosporidiae (e.g. (BTi) culture using complex and today. For this, future research and
Nosema) and viruses, productivity defined liquid salts media is $7-12 development in the areas of identi-
could be increased substantially if in compared with $0.02-0.03 if pro- fication of new etiological agents of
vitro tissue culture systems were duced from by-products of industrial insect disease, and mechanism and
available. Some media for in vitro factories 26, Another example of cost- genetic basis of bioinsecticide-in-
cultivation of insect viruses need effective production data is from the duced insect disease are needed.
animal sera, which are expensive and study of Herflin eta]. 27. They showed It can be concluded that biotech-
may contain animal viruses. Use of that mosquito larvicidal strains of nology has a significant role in the
fermentation technology for culturing B. sphaericus 1593 and BTi H14 grow production and manufacturing of
insect cells and biotechnologically on commercial powders of soy biological pest control agents and
derived animal sera substitutes products, fish meal, dried milk pro- ultimately lowering the input costs of
should be of help here. Equally ducts, raw sewage, blood and serum agriculture. The challenge in this area
helpful would be the cloning of insect from animal, bone meal, chicken has not been fully met. However, it is
virus material into soil bacteria such parts, animal dung and agricultural anticipated that with many firms
as B. thuringiensis, or into plants. waste material, yielding sufficient producing or developing bioinsecti-
culturebiomass with toxic properties. cides there will be greater activity in
In the case of viral insecticides the the area. Ultimately the production of
The economics o f bioinsecticide successful adoption of any biological effective bioinsecticides in sufficient
production and use pest control agent technology would numbers will displace the synthetic
It has been suggested that the cost of be judged by the reduction of the chemical insecticides and the associ-
research development and obtaining production costs. Work at US Depart- ated ecological disadvantages.
US Environmental Protection Agency ment of Agriculture by Bell and
approval for a new bioinsecticide will Shapiro 28 has resulted in a doubling References
limit introduction of products with of the active life of Gypcheck (see 1 Papavizas, G.C. (ed) (1981). Bio-
potential markets of less than $10 Table 1) and a drop in the production logical Control in Crop Production,
million. In fact, most companies cost from $75 to $5 per hectare. Granada Publishing

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Control o f Pests and Plant Diseases, on Production, Selection, and Stan- 21 Schnepf, E. H., Wong, H.C. and
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L. A. Jr (1983) Science 219, 715-721 in Biological Control in Crop Produc- 791-799
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6 Payne, C. C. (1982) Parasitology 85, 16 Soper, R. S. and Ward, M. G. (1981) in 2893-2897
35-77 Biological Control in Crop Produc- 24 Couch, T. L. and Ignoffo, C. M. (1981)
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79-118 tural Research, pp. 161-180, Granada Plant Diseases, 1970-1980 (Burgess,
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[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

packaged and used either as a seed

Benefits of Rhizobium to dressing or incorporated into drills at
agriculture The contribution of Rhizobium
Properly managed, legumes can fix
all the nitrogen for their o w n needs
Janet I. Sprent and m a y enrich soil nitrogen for
associated or subsequent crops. Be-
Crops fixing nitrogen by means of endosymbiotic rhizobia are a major fore the mineral boom, the e c o n o m i e s
world source of protein and soil nitrogen. Interactions between the of N e w Zealand and Australia relied
bacteria and host plant are currently being unravelled. This will almost entirely on legume-based
enable current rhizobial biotechnology and developing plant agriculture, using introduced
biotechnology to be targetted towards more efficient nitrogen fixation legumes such as w h i t e clover (Tri-
and new nodulated, nitrogen fixing crops. f o l i u m repens), and subterranean
clover ( T r i f o l i u m subterraneum), re-
spectively, together with suitable
Nitrogen fixation research celebrates p r o d u c t i o n of these root nodules. rhizobia. Even at a fairly conservative
its centenary this year. In 1886 it was Inside the nodule, R h i z o b i u m re- estimate of 50 kg nitrogen fixed ha -1
first s h o w n c o n c l u s i v e l y that pea duces atmospheric nitrogen to am- year -1, the 108 ha of l e g u m e pasture in
plants grow better in nitrogen de- m o n i a w h i c h the host l e g u m e in- Australia w o u l d save $2.7 x 109 at
ficient soil if they have n o d u l e s on corporates into organic c o m p o u n d s 2. 1986 prices for nitrogen as urea. This
their plant roots I (Fig. 1). A bacter- Searches were soon u n d e r w a y for assumes that all of the fertilizer
ium, t h e n called B a c i l l u s radicicola strains of R h i z o b i u m to give i m p r o v e d nitrogen w o u l d be incorporated into
but n o w k n o w n as R h i z o b i u m nitrogen fixation and in 1895 a patent the plant, w h i c h it is not (see also
t e g u m & o s a r u m , was subsequently leading to the biotechnology of Table 1). The true value is more likely
isolated from and found to stimulate R h i z o b i u m i n o c u l a n t p r o d u c t i o n was to be at least $3.7 x 109. The central
taken out 3. Strains of rhizobia for use highlands of Brazil, covering about
w i t h particular legumes (e.g. clover, 2 x 108 ha, are nutrient poor but
]. I. Sprent is at the Department o f peas and lentils) were grown in bulk, because there is reasonable rainfall,
Biological Sciences, University o f added to a suitable carrier (sterile plant yields of grain legumes such as
Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, UK. ground peat being the most common), dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) a n d
~) 1986, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdarn 0166-9430/86/$02.00

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