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Neoseeker : Guides : Hob Walkthrough and Guide : Third Armament


Third Armament

Go west from the save point until you hit a wall, then go north into the maze of purple goo. Soon your robot friend will appear from an elevator platform in the
ground, and will mark a new destination on your map. Follow him through the purple goo as he inspects the fallen robots hoping to find a replacement arm.

Eventually he will reach a dead end, and will sit down to rest.

There's a vine ladder that you can climb against the wall. Climb up the ladder and go to the other side of the wall, where the camera will change in somewhat
awkward manner. Find the vine ladder leading down on the other side of the wall.

There are 2 of those green sphere monsters with spears and shields. There's also a bomber up on a cliff to the south. As usual, it's not advisable to
start with the melee enemies. Run to the south and look for a platform you can jump to that will allow you to climb up to the bomber's position and take
him out first for x3.

Then you can jump punch down on one of the enemies to destroy their shield, making them easy to defeat. Each sphere enemy gives you x2, for a
total of x7.

Proceed to the west.

This area is full of Gremlins. There's at least one large gremlin that will give you x1 when you defeat him. There could be more. The rest are small
and medium gremlins. Continue fighting them until they stop coming. When all the gremlins in the area are defeated, sprites will populate the area.

In the northern most part of this area there's a stone ladder that will allow you to climb up onto a stone structure. Walk around the left side of the structure
from above and you can drop down to a place with a glowing blue ring underneath a tree. This is an elevator pad. Step on the elevator and it will take you
down underground.

You'll find a Save Checkpoint down here. To the right, you'll see a glowing blue ring. When you step on it, a metal block will spawn on the bottom level and
start moving left. There's another disk on the lower level. When the box moves into the correct position, that disk will light up blue. You'll have only a second
to step on the disk to trigger a mechanism that will push the block up onto the top floor.

You have to trigger the switch upstairs, then race down the stone ladder to the lower level and trigger that switch.

When you do it correctly, a box will be pushed to the upper level. Grab the box and push it to the left. When you get it to the center of a platform on the left,
the platform will raise up, taking the box up to the overworld, and you along with it.

Grab the box and pull it to the right. There's a hole in the wall of a stone platform to the northeast. It's glowing bright blue and is hard to miss. Plug the box
into the hole, which will create a staircase leading up to the top of the structure where you'll find a lever. Turn the lever counter-clockwise and it will level out
another large section of the map, creating a path leading northwest.

Head down the new path to the northwest.

At the end of that path is a dungeon. Press to enter the dungeon.

Third Armament Dungeon - Mag Traversal

Climb down the vine ladder to your south. This will put you right next to a Save Checkpoint.

When you step on the round platform on the far south side it will automatically lower you down to a the next level. Step onto
the platform to the east, and then from there to the platform to the south slightly lower down.

Here there is a rotating platform to the southwest that will move a walkway back and forth between the platform you're on and
another platform to the east. Step onto the rotating path when it reaches your side and ride it over to the east.

There's another Save Checkpoint here, but more importantly, the machine that will upgrade your arm to give
you the Magnetic Traversal ability.

Third Armament

Add grapple ability to glove

How to use Magnetic Traversal

When there is an object that you can use for traversal you will get a notification to hold L1 on your screen. If you hold L1, you will be pulled over to hang
from that object. If you release L1, you will drop down and let go.

If there are other objects that you can attach to in the area, simply point to those objects while continuing to hold L1 while attached to the first object.
When the next object lights up, press to release the current object and zip over to the next.

You can also jump or climb from a magnetic object. When holding L1 and attached to an object, press ↑ + to climb on top of the object if you're close
enough to the top, or ← or → + to jump in the indicated direction.

The first magnet anchor you can attach to is to the north. Walk to the north and you'll get the notification that you can use your magnetic traversal. Hold L1
and you'll zip across to the anchor point to the north.

Rather than letting go, press → + to jump up onto the red barrier on your right. From here, you can see another mag point across on
another platform to the right. Hold L1 to zip across to the right. Release L1 to drop onto the platform below. Run around to the right side of the
platform, where you will find a box that you can open for x10 - the only collectible in this dungeon.

The magnetic anchor on the other side will turn to face you, moving the red wall out of the way. Just hold L1 to zip back to the platform on the left.

Drop to the ground, then go left until the next anchor point lights up. Hold L1 to zip to the anchor point, then while continuing to hold L1, press ← + to zip
to the next anchor point, and ← + again to jump to the platform to the left.

The next anchor point is to the north. As you approach the north platform, hold L1 to grab the anchor, then while holding L1, press → + to zip to the next
anchor point, then → + again to zip to a third anchor point, then release L1 to drop to the platform below.

Head south, and you'll find the exit to the dungeon on the right.

As you exit the dungeon, there's a Flower Pod just to your east. Go pry it open for another Heart Piece.

Jump across the gap to the west.

Here you're introduced to a new type of switch. It is covered by a metal covering that can be pulled off with the Magnetic Glove. Simply hold L1 to pull off
the cover, revealing a switch that you can activate normally with .

The switch will create a stairway up to a higher platform, where you'll find a stone ladder leading you back up to the level of the rest of the forest. Just to
your right, there's a Save Checkpoint and a Fast Travel point, which we will put to use now.

Before moving on, let's go back and do a little backtracking with your nifty new Magnetic Glove ability.

Use the Fast Travel Point and travel to the station near where you raised the tower, in the upper right corner of the map. Use the teleporter pad just to the
east of the Fast Travel Station, then go southwest back to the dungeon entrance.

Assuming you didn't use the cheat I listed earlier on your way through here, there's a Heart Piece in the bottom of this dungeon. Drop down to
the right and follow the path all the way to the east side of the dungeon. Go southeast as far as you can, then look to your west and you'll find
four Magnetic Anchor points on the wall.

Use the Anchor points to drop down into the pit by holding L1, then pressing ↓ + to grapple to a lower point on the wall. When you reach the lowest
point it's safe to let go.

Be ready, though as there are two Boomerang Axe Bugbears down here, along with several Gremlins. They can be quite challenging, and they have you
surrounded. You're in for a fight.

Each Bugbear gives you x3, for a total of x6. Climb up the stone ladder in the north and pry the Flower Pod open for a Heart Piece . Then use
the Magnetic Anchor points, which are east of the stone ladder, to climb back out of the pit.

Next, Fast Travel to the workshop, and make your way south to the area where the game first started. Going along the path where you followed your robot
friend at the beginning of the game, there's a grapple point along a building in the southeast section of the map.

You'll need to press → + to climb up onto the wall after you grapple. At the top, you'll find a sprite trapped in a cage. Attack the cage to free it.

You can see the Beetle in the distance. You can also see another Magnetic anchor point to the left that would take you there, but that's not a
good way to go. You'll get blown up by exploding deer if you go that way. Instead, go to the right on the tower you're on, climbing up to a higher
level, and walk across the top of the wall. Jump across a gap in the wall as it turns north, (notice the butterfly on the ground below you) then
follow the wall north and you'll slide down to a lower level.
At the bottom, prepare yourself. The area to the west is full of poisoned exploding deer. When you jump down into the area, you'll need to be ready to
sprint and teleport away from incoming deer to keep from being killed. If you'd come the other way you'd have landed hard after jumping in from the mag
point, and the landing would make it almost impossible to avoid death.

After you've cleared out all the exploding deer, make your way north to the beetle, where the Sprite will sing its song, exposing the bug. Impale it with
your sword to clear the toxin from the area.

There's also a butterfly left in the place where the beetle used to be. Pick it up before you leave.

Use the Mag Traversal Anchor in the south of the area to hop over the row of bushes. Now follow this trail to the east as far as you can go, and
then turn south. This will bring you behind the building where you saved the sprite, and you'll find yourself at the butterfly that you saw when
you were walking on the wall earlier.

Make your way to the area where you raised the forest.

Jump up on the south part of the T shaped platform just north of the position shown in the map. From there you can jump up to the left side of the T and
climb up to the top. Jump across to the small platform to the east, and from there to the larger wall further east. Move along the wall to the south. At the
south side of the wall, you can jump over a gap to a wall further south. You can barely see the next platform from the south end of the wall, but
it's there, and you can make the jump.
From here, climb up the pile of stone cylinders and use the teleporter pad at the top to teleport to the section with the giraffes. From here you
can easily reach the butterfly atop the wall, pictured in the map.

Next Fast Travel to The Conduit - the desert location with all the scorpions.

In the southeast corner of the desert, go up the ladder to the higher level of platform. This is the area where you fought the Wizard when you first came

There's a Magnetic Anchor on one of the walls. You have to climb up to the north most platform to access it. Use the Magnetic Traversal ability
(L1) to zip to the anchor point, then press ← + to zip to a second anchor point, and ↑ + to climb up on top of the wall.

Follow the curving wall around to the west. You'll have to jump over a gap along the way. There's a butterfly at the end. There's also a punch
button that you can use to create a ladder back down to the ground.

Now make your way to the northwest corner of the desert. Climb the ladder there up to the higher level and exit the desert going north. Continue north past
the save point. This will bring you to the area where you fought off a large group of Gremlins to return the area to the friendly Sprites.

From here, go east. There's a section to the north that's lower down. There's a raised circular platform in the middle. Jump to that platform, then jump
across to the larger round platform to the north. There was a bomber up here the first time you visited.

There's a Magnetic anchor to the north. Use it to climb up onto the cliff, then climb the Stone Ladder up to a higher area where you'll find a
fallen warrior. Salvage his sword for metal .

Find a Fast Travel Station and use it to return to the area where you got the Mag Traversal ability to begin the next section.

Last edited on Dec 8, 17 4:17pm

Seb Jul 12, 18 | reply /
0 thumbs! ^
I Cant move the switch box

burqawitz Jul 12, 18 | reply 0 thumbs! ^

I'm not sure which box you're having trouble with.


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