TPNNN: Enu Exennrnatron

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(Please utrlte gour Exann Roll No.) ExqmRoll ito. fi:12-:.b.*.

e= 2 o\2-
ENU Tpnnn ExennrNATroN
Subject: Linux Enuironment

Nate: Attempt all questdons as directed. Internal choice is indicated

Q1 Explain briefly: - (5x5=25)

(a). Explain the use of f eLc, f btn,,i usr directory in LINUX.
16; How to identify default file permissions in Linux and what are the
ways to change these permissions in Linux.
(c) What are different modes of vi eciitor?
(d) Explain the usage of stic$r bit?
(e)'What is Zornbie proces6.? .(--
UNIT-I l.z\
Q.2 @) What are different redirection operators in Linux? Explain. (51
($f Cornpare "extZ", "ext3" and "ext4" {ile systerns. (7.5)
/, ,^
Q"3 (a) Explain the Lirrrx's relationship to Unix. (5)
{b) What are different
run Levels.
run levels in Linux? How to change r.r'ithin these
Q.4 {a) "Linux is the most secured operatiqg system." Discuss. (6) ,l dy
.{b} What is Inode in Linux? Differentia.te between Hard Link and Soft .',,'', , f
Link? *r ',W
(6.5) ),',,", 'N#
Q.5 (a) Explain different comrnands to create archives in Linux. (7.51 ' ,\'u
itl Write the steps to mount and unrnount a pen drive on Linux
rnachine. (51

Q6 (a) Explain the usage & options of following commands| {3x2=6}

1) taii
2) cut
3) diff
ib) What is sed? Expiain the different purpose of sed with exarnple. (6.5)
Q7 (a) Write she1l script to print greatest of three mrmbers entered b3r the
user. (7.5)
{b) Write a shelJ script to print table of a number given by the user. {5)

QB ',(a) \;Vhat is Process in Linux? Explain types of Processes in Linux?

, Explaiin the role of process descriptor in Linux. (7.51
{b) Explain diJferent process related commands with s5mtax? (5}

Q9 (a) What are different Linux algorithms? (6.51

{b) Write short notes on: {3x2=6}
(1) System calls


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