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SHADOW UNICORN Lange Magical React, ‘HD: 6d10=24 (48 hp) Initiative: ~3 (Dexterity) Speed: 60 ACE I6 (size, +3 Dexeiy,~4 nama) ‘Altace: Horn “10 melee, 2 hooves 7} melee Damage: om 14124, ooves 105-2 Face Reach: $8 fy 10% 3% (10% withhom) ‘Special Qualities: Fea, set hooves, Samina hom, spel ike asi, nmuies Saver: Fort “7. Ref “6, Will“10 ‘Abilities: Ste 19, Dee 17, Coa 18, lat 12, Wis 18, Cha 0 Skil: Animal Empathy -8, owe (aati) 10, Tistea “10, Mave Sie 15, Eide “IS, Spot “iL Wildemess ove =9 ‘angled beard. Ale them have bloodshot eye, cloven hooves the colar of scorched ears and a black hom. ‘arving i length from two to thre fet They are fiercely teiterial, and stalk hee self forested tertones, hunting down any wespasses and especially other shadow uncom. Shadow uaicems ae omnivores, but prefer to eat sentient plans, which makes them enemies of ead ‘wears. Sometimes, dhoug an uneasy alliance will be ‘made between tees tv evil creatures Such pate saely last er long.| ‘The shadow wnicoon's powdered hom can be weed inthe creation of 266 applicauons of alchemists ie BOOK OF SACRIFICES: RAVENLOFT PEOPLE Each shadow unicom wil only tolerate the presence of anther ofthe opposite sex during the {pring mating seazoa After 2 session period of fourteen month, they always have mins, which are then taken away and raised by their moter until they reath adolecence.A shadow unicom wil ot recognize even 2 close relative, an will meccilessiy tack and ty toll any other member oft ow race ‘who mespasses on ts terry ‘When two shadow unicorns mst, approximately 0 ofall bie results inane tin beiaa a ve uncer (ee the Monrter Vemnal) Those exeorres are born the ‘same color oftheir dark counterparts, but ther hides ‘row ister unt they canact be mistaken for shadow ‘unicoens. When a tre unicorn survives and escapes his ‘vn famaly’s pursuit, the good masical beast wal gow ‘upto become a mortal enemy ofall shadow unicorns and dois best o revert he deadly effects ofa shadow ‘unicoen's presence inthe natural areas ofthe Realm of ‘Dread. The Vista belive tha one day, 2 te unicorn, ‘a dect descendant of Adar, wll enters forest and ‘learit ef allel, ubintelyconfrotiag his waitercus ‘ancestor COMBAT ‘The shadow uncom fights primarily with ts orm and shupened hooves, The brn is consideed a~2 magical piercing weapen, causing 3412-4 pots of damaze ina ‘charge arack (ih beast cannot sess hooves in the same attack) Silent Hooves (Ex): A shadow unicorn cn move in absolute silence at will. impose 2-6 circumstance penalty tis vietim's Listen check The gray oat of ‘hadow uncom allows the creature te become ffectively pwisible whenever tis covered in shadows. ‘Fear (Su): Athoush itean move in absolue silence, the shadow unicorn prefers to let itself be ‘head, fos the echo of his hooves dhundering in the shadows fills the hearts of all creatures with panic, ‘When the beast uses tis special attack it also wines 2 risking wai (2 standard aon) mth th effec of foar spell (DC 21), a fast by a Sb level sneer Flaming Horn (Su): Thsee times pes day the shadow unicem sable to produce dark crimson flames ‘that eaaulfits black hora asa fee action. These lames last or eight rounds ad cause an addtional 2c points of damage per hi With ths lamin born the shadow unicom ean eave a personal glyph of gloom on ate. “This gh wams shadow unicomns that they are crossing the momser'sternfory, and causes ama, ‘loom ro descend over anaea ina 160-yard ad emtered onthe tee. Within this eloomy ate, ral light never ses above the level of twist Ais spell temporaiy-removes this effect. and a2 spell provides a safe oass within the area. That ‘he unicom detects is presence and comes to investigate and remove—the offessive lit sot “The shadow nicom can carve maple vic 0 lager area and mari its tenory. The tees that such gph de within a year, and the beat must replace the tipi with ane one, dooms snot Inthia way, shadow uniornseatethe very sa destruction the good relatives fight against ‘Spell lke Abilities: Tze anes per day, totally engulfed by the shadows ofthe forest ash tabcots ean Anas an Stvlevel sorcerer “Immunities (Ex): Shadow unioens aimee all poisons, sleep. bold, charm and life-ffecting

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