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Computer component is four

 Input devices
 Output devices
 Processing devices
 Storage devices
1 input devices
 keyboard is the most common and very popular
input devices which helps to input data to the
computer keyboard are of two sizes 84 kyes or
101/102 keys but now keyboard with 104 kyes or
108 key are also available for windows and internet
type keys
the keys include the letter keys (A-Z) and digit keys (0-9)
which generally give the same layout as that of type writers
number keypad
it is used to enter the numeric data or cursor movement
generally it consists of a set of 17 keys that are laid out in
the same configuration used by most adding machine and
function keys
the twelve function keys are present on the keyboard which
are arranged in row at the top of the keyboard each
function key ha has unique meaning is used for some
control keys
these keys provide cursor and screen control include four
directional arrow keys control keys also include home end
insert delete page up page down control (ctrl)alternate
(ALT) escape (ESC)
special purpose keys
keyboard also contains some special purpose keys such as
enter shift caps lock num lock spacebar tab and print
mouse is the most popular pointing device it is a very
famous cursor control devices having a small palm size box
with a round ball at is generally it has two buttons called the
left and the right buttons and a wheel is present between
the buttons
scanner is an input devices which works more like a photo
copy machine it is used when some information is available
on paper and it is to be transferred to the hard disk of the
computer for further manipulation
question no 2 output devices
graphic plotter
 monitor is commonly called a visual display unit
(VDU) are the main output devices of a computer
there are two kinds of viewing screen used for monitors
- cathode ray tube (CRT)
- Flat -panel display
The CRT display is made up of small picture elements
called pixels the smaller the pixels the better the image
clarity or resolution
Flat – panel display monitor is refers to a class of
video devices that have reduced volume weight and
power requirement in comparison to the CRT
Printers is an output devices which is used to
print information on paper
 There are two types of printers
 Impact printer

Impact printer print characters by striking them on the

ribbon which is then pressed on the paper

 Non impact printers the characters without using

the ribbon these printers print a complete page at a
time thus they are also called
 Question no 3 processing devices
Central processing unit (CPU) consitsts of the
following features

__ cpu is considered as the brain of the computer

__ cpu performs all types of data processing

__ it cintrols the operation of all parts of the


CPU itself has following three components

Memory or storage unit

Control unit

ALU(arithmetic logic unit )

Memory or storage this unit can store instruction

data and intermediate results

Control unit . this unit control the operations

of all parts of
The computer but doe s not carry out any
actual data processing operations
ALU(arithmetic logic unit ) this unit consists of
two subsection namely
Arithmetic section
Logic section
Arithmetic operation like addition subtraction
multiplication and division all complex
operation are done by making repetitive use
of the above operations
Logic section function of logic section to
perform logic operations such as comparing
selecting matching and merging of data

Question no 4 storage devices

Primary storage



Ram (random access memory ) is the internal memory of

the CPU for storing data program and program result it
is a read /right memory which store data unit the
machine is working

RAM is volatile I e data stored in it is lost when we switch

off the computer or if there is a power failure

RAM is of two types

--- static RAM (SRAM)

---- dynamic RAM (DRAM)

Static RAM the word static indicates that the memory

retains its contents as log as power is being supplied

Characteristic of static RAM

-Long life - large size

- No need to refresh
- Used as cache memory
Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
DRAM ulike SRAM must be continually refreshed in order to
maintain the data
Characteristics of Dynamic RAM
 Short data lifetime
 Need to be refreshed continuously
 Slower as compared to SRAM
 Used as RAM
 Smaller size
ROM stands for read only memory the memory the
from we can only read but cannot write on it the
information is stored permanently in such memories
during manufacture a ROM store such instruction that
are required to start a computer
Advantage of ROM
 Non volatile in nature
 Cannot be accidentally changed
 Cheaper than RAMS
 Easy to test
 Secondary storage
Hard disk is the hard disk is the main
and usually largest data storage device
in a computer
It can store anywhere from 160
gigabytes to 2 terabytes

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