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Innovation Day 2022

This year’s CIJE Innovation Day is a unique opportunity for CIJE innovators to pitch their
capstones to fellow CIJE innovators.
The pitch is a short oral presentation that describes the benefits and features of an innovation.
Each pitch should be 1-3 minutes in length. Pitch details and resources below.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your CIJE mentor.
What’s a Pitch?
All team members in attendance should be on stage during the pitch. Each pitch will be
evaluated by the audience based on two main criteria: Content and Presentation.
Describe the Problem

• Define the problem and who it affects.

• Who is it for? (Market/user demographics and size)
• Use empathy (a contextual story of the problem, connection to real world)
• What evidence do you have? (Survey, observation, interviews)
Describe the Design/Solution

• What is your product’s name?

• Propose the innovation (the solution) to include:
▪ Benefits (problems solved) and
▪ Features (how it solves through hardware and software design)
• Convince the viewer that this product is useful, needed, and can work. (why do they
need this?)
• Demonstrate that the innovation works
Existing Solutions

• What products solve the same problem?

• How is this innovation different from the existing solution
Team and Process

• Who is on the Team and their Roles

• Challenges encountered along the way
Next steps/lesson learned

• What are your possible next steps to further develop the product?

• Complies with the 1 - 3-minute time limit

• Uses visual aids including the product itself to enhance clarity of message
• Hooks the viewer:
o Creativity/Wow Factor
o Energy level
o Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm
o Be real and personal, tell a story
o Interesting/Emotive
o Demonstrate a personal connection to the innovation
• Easy to follow: make sure you can be heard

Great example:
The Pitch: CIJE presentation about how to make a video pitch
Video Pitch section of (new) PoE

1. For the project pitches, will there be a computer connected to the projector that they can
use with a USB? There will be a computer, projected onto a screen in the front of the room.
The project’s website URL submitted with the final project submission will be available for
the presentation. Each room will also have HDMI and USB-C connections available as well.
2. Will students have internet access during their pitches to show their websites on the
screen? Yes; however, always have a backup plan in case the internet becomes unstable
3. It can be hard to demo small prototypes before an audience of 30 people. Will there be a
camera set up so that students can project their prototype demo live on the big screen?
No, students can display images from their website.
4. Should students bring their actual capstone project? Yes
5. Are pitch decks mandatory? No
6. Where will students store their capstone project while they are at the entertainment
venue? Tables will be set up as the “parking lot” to house the projects.
7. When can students use the complimentary amusement park tickets. The tickets are only
good for Innovation Day. (Monday, May 23, 2022)
8. Can students visit presentation rooms to observe other project presentations? No, there is
no room for additional people in the presentation rooms. During break time, students may
visit the amusement park and/or purchase a snack or lunch at the Kosher food venues in the
9. Will there be gendered designated areas for those schools that would require that? Yes,
there are several girls only and boys only designated presentation rooms.
10. Who will supervise students in the park and the mall? School staff are responsible for
supervising their students in the park and in the mall.

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