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the academy, pointed out that the dictionary would naturally

were entrusted with the organization of a police force for

praesertim circa sacrementa (Paris, 1512, 1516, 1518,

from the district to all parts of the world. This, though

by trouble in Africa which he had to settle in person.

study of Greek by Jews. He was famous as a collector of

Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis, and the Illinois Terminal

detail. Father and grandfather have both perished miserably;

occupied the northern part of Alberta district before the

John Most, the paper Freiheit, of which a few articles

Albaron (C). . . . . . . . . . 12,915 Pointe de Mean Martin

three-year-old wethers and older oxen that used to be common

of the northern Semitic alphabets. Even while long and

government. Something will be said a little later concerning

chlorine in Thorpe's Dictionary of applied Chemistry (3

matter as formed of ultimate atoms, each the nucleus or core

Soda-ash (as well as caustic soda) is sold by degrees of

Lange, Das Wesen der Kunst (1901) (Meth., Einf., Ill., Play).

Monte Civetta .. . . . . . . 10,564 Fermedathurm . . . . . . . . . . .9,407

daughter of Nereus (or Oceanus) and wife of Poseidon. She

export. Sugar, coffee, machinery, metal work of all kinds,

Indians began to grow restless, and the great Shawnee chief

coast. His plans in Albania were interrupted by the war against

ground for believing the word to have an Indian origin, and

Mountains. The last phase of vulcanicity took place along

Coutinho crossed the river, attacked the Makololo chiefs

in 1905 the district of Alberta was enlarged and the present

1890 as an illustration, this gave a surplus area in wheat of 11,264,478

fitting, or modifying, a thing to other uses, and so altering

use as an ordinary consonant, and not limited to a symbol for

Since aesthetic experience is brought about and its modes

9 and iii. 22 two trees are referred to, the fruit of both

remarkable fishes of the Old Red Sandstone of the north-east of

divided into five arrondissements--St Quentin and Vervins in the

"In passing upon the validity of legislation, attacked

is ordained that houses which within three years have been

Nesce) was the most considerable. The polygonal terrace

Bengal and Assam, and is bounded on the east by the Mishmi Hills

decomposition. Hence if the two names, secondary and storage

pronounced a glowing panegyric on the French Academy as a

the electrolyte had to be kept constant in composition lest

capital of L. 155,000. At Blairs, in Kincardineshire, five

1360 onwards, wherever their crimes were committed, subject

on the electromotive force is illustrated by fig. 12. A

Aulus Gellius xvii. 21; and article MACEDONIAN EMPIRE.

ruins of which still subsist. In 647 the Arabs penetrated

by the action of alkalies on sal-ammoniac. At a later period

for Sweden but for Great Britain, whose trade in the Baltic was

Shipping and Commerce.--The carrying trade between Algeria

designs made with thorns, the tattooing paint being a mixture

aesthetic experience, and (b) of the fuller and more complex

357, when their king Chonodomarius was taken prisoner. Early

who chose to approach him with complaints or petitions, he

conditions, the old Hellenic culture. This direction of

in the forms of meat and milk. For this reason these crops

AMANA, a township in Iowa county, Iowa, U.S.A., 19 m.

Different Degrees of Climatal Adaptation in Animals and

not run on as a continuous whole; this may occur either, in

the beginning of the 2nd millennium. After 2000 B.C. all

boats. The streets formerly consisted largely of mud

Braune (1892); the sixteen Geistliche Lieder by C. W. Stromberger

money that had been advanced for his theological studies, and

have to wait long for a theory if we were dependent on what

and an annual stipend of from L. 200 to L. 600. Besides the

Spaxton. A few years after the establishment of the ``Abode

&c., correspondingly greater. The desert regions yield

power of the provincial pashas, began to seek a pretext for

and met with a success almost unexampled in works of its

spiritually alike, in the brilliant personality of Jonathan

Imperiale des Sciences de St Petersbourg. The academy is

times, as is proved by the distribution of Melian obsidian

it joined the Via Postumia from Genua to Cremona. We must,

they belonged to Bokhara; but under the great amir Dost

and in the same year Capt. T. T. Behrens, of the Anglo-German

vol. of Russian ed. of Ritter's Asien (1877); Ledebour,

is the so-called Oratory of Phalaris, a shrine of the 2nd

N. of Rome on the Via Amerina (which approached it from the S.

to become ``hereticized'' by receiving the consolamentum, the

native cattle are an excellent stock on which to graft the

tropical groups of birds, only a few species extending into


1894 4662 30,678 7310 15,699

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