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(44791) remain faithful to the Greek Church; in Italy 116,482

features of predestination by his ``Universalismus hypotheticus.''

whether he was originally mentioned in the older surviving

of a number of small shot in a canvas covering tied up by rope.

which, subject to certain regulations, not only the

The laws which govern the designs of projectiles are not

The next important change in the history of the rifle

Kentucky and Maryland, in which public opinion was divided.

of note occurred in the West Indies. At home Howe relieved

up in connexion with the agricultural colleges. Several of the

which he explained by asserting that the wings he employed

signally defeated at Nezib by that of the rebel Egyptian

compound, when it is deposited as a white powder, which has

possible, and this forms a second important consideration

Cima dei Golas. . . . . . . . . 10,286 Mont Enchastraye . . . . . . . . .9,695

pontiff, he preached in the city of Genoa a sermon which

limits according as they are geologists, botanists or zoologists.

Church, with the exception of the Armenians who borrowed

x, canals of metapleura exposed by cutting; E, probe passing

some additional private property of his own. Other quotas

AINSWORTH, ROBERT (1660-1743), English schoolmaster and

and corresponded with many of the leading personages of the

ALTO-RELIEVO (Ital. for ``high relief''), the term applied

through which the greater part of the trade of Sweden is carried

and General B. F. Butler (August 28-29, 1861), and the

is found are for the most part those living in caves, and

work of considerable reputation on account of its theological

side that it was possible to obtain in the course of many years'

special articles on those structures. (For further details, see W.

continually more difficult to get to sea, or to keep the sea

is the dense forest zone of the Aruwimi district of the Congo

is 16,870), and from them to the south-west long spurs divide

the atmosphere can be exactly regulated. This form of treatment

had been already begun in 1613 (see DULWICH.) Alleyn was

of all shell of 4-in. calibre and upwards (also with all other

thousands of them secretly adhere to their original faith. In

emperor Hadrian, and others on their banishment from Italy in

earlier part of the Achaemenid period. The Aramaic alphabet

House, served to make him conspicuous before congress and the

Delphi, and not far from the Thessalian Larissa. During the

panoramic plan (1839), was among the fruits of a cruise which

most progressive and occidental of all the cities of North

circumstances was undeniable and glaring. It was impossible

to support the natives of the Fur Seal Islands. This policy

and public works), Bulgaria (commerce and agriculture), Denmark,

been infrequently invoked of late years, which rests upon the

and potash (Annales de chimie, xxii. 258). Soon after,

expenses of his elevation, Albert had borrowed a large sum of

M. Fiske (later Helen Hunt- Jackson, "H. H.") were born here.

which cold water is made to flow. These vessels, as well as

colour. On germination it gives rise to a row of cells in

March 1511, by Julius II. He was abbreviator under Leo X.,

{Jurassic N. Africa; E. Africa;

Crasleiten Pass (Vniolet Glen to thegrasleiten Glen), foot path. . . . . .8,521

As Commander Todd, in his report to the United States

marriage, order that the husband shall, to the satisfaction

He was succeeded as 2nd baron by his son, ARTHUR OLIVER

the branch BCD occurs at a percentage exactly corresponding

old Roman culture, she gave to that son's education a more

Few teachers ever held such sway as Abelard now did for a

consists chiefly of observations and discussions on idolatry,

the British army in 1855. It weighed 530 grs., and was made

330-443). The life by John Capgrave in his Legenda

and aim at safeguarding papal principles and claims. They are

90 and 318. A complete edition of Alecsandri's writings in

Habsburg, Lenzburg, Wildegg), and former monasteries (e.g.

is intersected by the Jumna, and is also watered by the Agra

rendering the city one of the most splendid in Asia. We

owner's risk, and if he desires protection he must obtain it by

quarter. It was a more peaceful process, since natural

a ridge giving shallower water, and a broken chain of a few

Villefosse, who has laid bare a beautiful temple of Jupiter,

As a symbol the letter is used in various connexions

salts, including halite, carnallite, kieserite, &c., found

forms a lateral discharge for surplus water from a river.

like copal and kauri, as well as by celluloid and even

about 30X 50 ft., surrounded by a thin wall of unbaked

finest in eastern Sicily, but rapidly suffering destruction

a lieutenant in 'Abd-el-Mumin el Kumi, another Berber, from

excellent work in the east, as also Wheeler and Forrest on the

as a distributing point for New England markets, as a lumber

in the cultivated class, came in with the beginning of the

shapes and sizes, weighing from 1/2 oz. to 100 or more

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