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Event Rulebook for Inter-department culturals 2021-22

1. Photography
● This will be an individual event
● It will be held on a submission basis via Google forms.
● Participants must capture pictures that they find suitable to the theme given by
the judges and must explain the premise of the image captured.
● Plagiarism is highly prohibited
● The last day for entries will be on
● The judge’s decision will be final

2. Poster Making
● The team can comprise of an individual or a team of two
● It will be held on a submission basis
● The poster could be either Hand-sketched or Digital art designs
● Plagiarism is highly prohibited
● The last day for entries will be on
● The judge’s decision will be final

3. Meme Creation
● This will be an individual event
● It will be held on a submission basis via Google forms.
● Participants must create a visual meme of an image/Video/ hybrid suitable to the theme
given by the judges
● Plagiarism and vulgarity is highly prohibited
● The last day for entries will be on
● The judge’s decision will be final

4. Creative writing (English)

● This will be an individual event
● It shall be held offline at (Venue)
● The time allotted would be 20 minutes maximum
● The essay should be no more than ---- words
● The theme will be given on the spot
● Malpractice and Plagiarism is highly prohibited ● The judge’s decision will be final.

5. Creative writing (Tamil)

● This will be an individual event
● It shall be held offline at (Venue)
● The time allotted would be 20 minutes maximum
● The essay should be no more than ---- words
● The theme will be given 15 minutes prior to the event
● Malpractice and Plagiarism is highly prohibited
● The judge’s decision will be final.

6. Debate- English
● This event will be held online at (Venue)
● Participants - One team per class ( 2 participants in a team) ● The debate shall be
held in a single rebuttal format. ● Time duration- 10 mins preparation time
6 Minutes (3min per speaker) (Putting forward of structured argument)
2 Minutes (Rebuttal)
● Topic- On the discretion of judges and will be given on the spot
● Vulgarity, Obscene language and insensitive remarks on an individual/ gender/
community will lead to disqualification.
● The judge’s decision will be final

7. Potpourri
● This event will be held online
● Participants- Three Teams per class ( 2 members per team)
● Duration- 3 rounds with elimination on each round
● Participants are expected to be available throughout the event
● The three-round would be disclosed prior to the event ranging from Connexions, Dumb
charades, Spin a yarn etc.
● Cheating and malpractice if found may lead to immediate disqualification.

● Participants- Three entries per class (Individual event) ● Duration- 1 minute
3 minutes (Performance)
1 minute (Rebuttal)
● Characters given may be fictional/non-fictional personalities
● Names of the characters will be given on the spot
● Participants must put forward an actual argument, humorous comebacks and
spontaneous humour during the argument. ● Vulgarity may lead to
immediate disqualification ● The judge’s decision will be final.

● This will be a submission based event
● There will be no restriction on the number of entries per class.
● Participants can showcase their variant skills (Dance, Light music, Instrumental, Mimicry
and many more) under a given time frame.
● The winner will be decided based on the decision made by the judging panel
● The judges’ decision will be final
10. General Quiz
● Participants- Ten Teams Per class (2 individuals per team)
● Rounds- 3 rounds will be held on an elimination basis
● This event will be held in online/ Offline format
● Quizmaster is god
● Cheating, Googling or any sort of malpractice will lead to disqualification.

11. JAM- JUST A MINUTE/ Block and Tackle

● Partcipants- 10 entries per class (Indicidual event)
Round - 2 Rounds with elimination on each round
● Participants will be given a topic on spot by the judges
with no preparation time and must speak exactly or
below a minute
● The top 8 speakers will be qualified for the last round. ●
The judges’ decision will be final.

● Participants- Unlimited entries per class (Individual event)
● This will be a submission based event.
● Participants can enact on any respective theme of their
choice and must be recorded not more than 2 minutes.
● Vulgarity is found may lead to immediate disqualification. ●
The judges’ decision is final.


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