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Level: Basic
Skill: English Conversation
Conducted by: Amy

“Aduh kok belajar tenses rumit ya, tapi cinta aku sama kamu gak serumit belajar tenses kok.” 😜

- Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous

- Gunakan Simple Present Tense untuk kegiatan yang berulang.
- Gunakan Present Continuous Tense untuk kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung.
- Pakai ‘-ed’ di belakang kata kerja untuk ceritakan sesuatu di masa lampau. Atau kalau dia
‘irregular verb’, gunakan bentuk masa lampau yang sesuai dengan kata tersebut (contoh: do
menjadi did)

More details in Amy’s video!

These sentences have mistakes. Re-write them correctly.
Kalimat-kalimat ini punya kesalahan. Tulis ulang kalimat-kalimat ini dengan benar.

Submit your answer in the ‘discussion group’ with this format:

Kirim jawabanmu ke ‘discussion group’ dengan format ini:

1. She was always happy when she was found something new.
2. He is good at telling stories, but now he was not so good.
3. At the moment they was listening to music.
4. The other day, he spends his time reading a novel.
5. I is exchanging my dollars for yen.
6. When nobody is here, I sang really loudly.
7. I eat a sock a moment ago because people on the internet told me to.
8. He slow down near the school zone.
9. She is wants to take the dogs for a walk.
10. The doctor take care of many patients, it is so busy.

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