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Directions: Read the Malolos Constitution and answer the questions below.

1. How does the Malolos Constitution define sovereignty?

According to the Malolos Constitution, Sovereignty resides exclusively in

the people.

2. How does the Malolos Constitution regard independence?

Title III Article 5 states that The State recognizes the freedom and equality
of all religions, as well as the separation of the Church and the State.

3. How should a republic exercise its power based on the Malolos Constitution?
The legislative power shall be exercised by  an Assembly of
Representatives of the nation . The Assembly shall be organized in the form and
under the conditions determined by the law which may be passed to that effect.

4. Why do you think the Malolos Constitution put so much emphasis on the
protection and promulgation of the rights of citizens?

Constitution is a very important instrument in a state.  It is the regulations

acknowledged by the people of a state to preserve and maintain peace and order
in the society. The Malolos Constitution created a Filipino state whose
government was "popular, representative and responsible"  with three distinct
branches -- the executive, the legislative and the judicial state will be in chaos.
The sovereign power of the state will deteriorate and the government will not be
able to function well.


A.Directions:In a a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions below in 3-5


1. What is a republic? Do you think it is the most appropriate form of government for
the Philippines? Explain your answer.

A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their
elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than
a monarch. I think that it is the most appropriate form of government for the Philippines
as it allows greater freedom and equality. In fact, our country is a democratic republic

2. What is democracy? What do you think is the disadvantage of adopting a democratic

governmentin the Philippine setting?

Democracy by definition is a system of government by the whole population or all

the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. One of the
disadvantages of democracy is that it is all about political competition and power play,
leaving no scope for morality.

3. How important is the constitution? Explain your answer.

It ensures that the state's power is dispersed between different bodies and
individuals, and that citizens' rights are upheld . A constitution provides the basis for
governance in a country, which is essential to making sure that everyone's interests
and needs are addressed.

B. Directions: Read and compare how the 1987 Constitution (present constitution) and
1973 Constitution define the power of the president as to declaring Martial Law. Then,
answer the questions below.

1. What are the important changes as to the provisions for the power of the
president to declare Martial Law?
Article VII, Section 1, of the 1987 Constitution vests executive power on the
President of the Philippines. The President is the Head of State and Head of
Government, and functions as the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of
the Philippines. Article VII, Section 18 of the 1987 Constitution empowers the
President of the Republic to declare martial law for a period not exceeding 60
days in cases of rebellion and invasion, when public safety requires it.

2. What is the relevance of such changes?

Because of the changes, presidents cannot easily declare Martial Law and
would need to go through a lot of process and should ensure that it is truly
needed to declare Martial Law.

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