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Game is suitable for:- Scouts


Playing Time Equipment
 A football
 Something to make goals

Game Description

From 10 to 30 From Tallest to Shortest number the Scouts off into 2 Teams.
The two teams go to opposite sides of the room and create a goal for themselves
Number of using chairs, or boxes. The teams line up tallest to smallest, and are all give
Players individual numbers, 1234567 for one team and 1234567 to the other team, thus
ensuring fair pairing off. The teams stand in their goal, as if they were all the
keeper with their arms linked.
From 4 to 50 A ball is then placed in the middle of the room and a number is shouted. That
number scout runs from the team towards the ball and has to score like in
Played As
football in the opposite’s goal. The scouts left in the goal have to defend the
goal with their feet only, there are not allowed from the goal. If the ball goes
over the scouts in the goal, it’s a no goal. The ball has to go between the two
A TEAM chairs below scout height. If either scout who has been called is seems to be
unlikely to score, another number is shouted and those two numbered scouts
Suitable have to come and help their existing team mate. As many numbers can be called
Location during and at the begging of the game. When a goal is scored all scouts return
to their teams in the goals, and the game is started again.

The Scouts in the goal have to remain linked at all times, if they break the link
(Apart from when a scout leaves due to the calling of their number), a penalty is
rewarded to the opposite team. The original players are only allowed in goal
during a penalty; if you are called out when the penalty takes place you have to
stand behind the penalty taker.

The game can last as long as wanted.

Game submitted by Phil Mort, Scout Leader, 4th Wrexham

Game is suitable for:- Scouts

Mowgli’s Card Game

Playing Time Equipment
 Square pieces of card 14-150 (depending upon number of players)
 3 Leaders/helper

Game Description
There are two teams A and B.
From 15 to 30
Minutes You need to start off by valuing the cards, starting off with low value points for the
top cards and then higher values for the bottom cards, also you have a ‘Mowgli
Number of trick card’ which is worth 15 points and is placed any where in the pack.
Leader one sets off with all the cards, then team A must find Leader one and get a
card off him, this card must then be taken to Leader two who then keeps it, then
Team A get another card and so on. Team B must try and stop Team A getting their
From 14 to 50 cards to Leader two by tagging them, or by a bit of force, dependent upon ages,
once team B have the card team A can not get the card back. Team B must then
Played As
take the card to Leader three who keeps it, to make the game harder all the leaders
are constantly moving about so the teams find it difficult to find the Leaders.

A TEAM The game finishes when the whistle blows.

Suitable Some Rules:-

Location No un-necessary violence

Only Leader one can give out cards

No guarding the leaders

The team collecting cards off Leader one cannot take cards off of the other team.

Cards can not be counted if handed in after the whistle.

Only one card to be in any person’s hand at one time.

Teams (and Leaders!) must keep to the set boundaries

Game submitted by Andrew Bushman, ASL, 2nd Ampthill and Woburn

Game is suitable for:- Scouts

Murder Ball 2
Playing Time Equipment
 Two light balls (volley ball or vinyl ball)

Game Description

Divide into two teams based on height. Draw a line down centre of hall. One
From 05 to 15 team on each side of line.
One ball is given to each team.
Number of
Players The ball is thrown (below head height) toward other team. Team members go
‘out’ when hit by a ball which has NOT bounced, or when the ball they threw is
caught before bouncing once.
From 10 to 36 No hiding behind obstacles around hall is permitted.
Played As




Game submitted by Andrew McCoy, Assistant Scout Leader, 1st Waverley Scouts, Mt Waverley, Australia
Game is suitable for:- Scouts

Murder Ball
Playing Time Equipment
 Medicine ball or similar
 2 door mats

Game Description

From 05 to 20 Divide troop into two teams and the ball is placed in the middle of the pitch.
Minutes Each team to get the medicine ball onto the opponent teams mat at either end of
the pitch. The rules are, there are "no" rules but look out for undue rough play.
Number of
Players It may be best to set sensible ground rules before play commences;

No jumping on top of a player already on the ground,

From 4 to 36 No neck holds,
Played As
No running tackles etc




Game submitted by Barry Clark, Scout Leader, Modbury West Scout Troop, Ardtornish District, South
Game is suitable for:- Scouts

Playing Time Equipment
 none

Game Description
1. Everyone sits in a circle, and covers their eyes and the Leader chooses a
murderer (unknown to the others) by tapping that person on the head.
From 05 to 30
Minutes 2. Everyone uncovers their eyes and the murderer may kill anybody in the
group by winking at them. (No one but the murderer can wink).
Number of
Players 3. If a person receives a wink he must count 5 and fall forward and say aaahh!
(he is dead and cannot participate for the rest of the game ),

4. If a person spots another person winking at someone he may accuse that

From 5 to 50 person of being the murderer.
Played As
5. To accuse a murderer, a person must raise his hand and wait until he is asked
to speak. He may then accuse the person who winked, by saying " I
think................... is the murderer.
6. After the accusation has been made, the accuser must have someone to back
Suitable up his accusation. If not, the accuser must die.
Location (If there is no-one to back-up the accuser the suspect does not have to say
whether he is the murderer or not.)

7. A murderer is dead if he is accused correctly by two people.

8. If an accuser and a witness are wrong, they both must die.

9. The game ends when the murderer is caught.

a. The murderer may be chosen by the group, choosing a piece of paper from a
box. The one, who chooses the only piece of paper with a cross on it, is the
b. Choose two murderers.

Game submitted by Barry Clark ( Bazza ), Scout Leader, Ardtornish. South Australia
Game is suitable for:- Scouts Venture

No Man's Land
Playing Time Equipment
 None

Game Description

Split the Scouts into 2 teams.

From 05 to 20
Minutes Split the playing area into 5 zones so each team has a prison, their own area and
a No Mans Land between them and the other teams’ area.
Number of
Players The idea of the game is to capture all of the other team.

If anyone enters No Man's Land, he can be claimed by the opposing team (using
force if necessary) but the other team can oppose by holding their team-mate
From 4 to 36 back. This can continue until the whole of each team is pulling each other. If any
one is pulled in to the opposite team's zone, they are kept in the prison until they
Played As
are released by any member of their own team running into the opposite prison
and tagging them, (but both members can be caught at this point if they are too
The game ends if all of one team is captured.
Location This game is best played out of uniform in own clothes owing to its rough
nature. It is good for tiring out over-energetic Scouts, but they need to be
reminded to take care

Game submitted by Jon Winkle, S.P.L., 100th Chell Scout Group, Tunstall, Staffordshire
Cub Venture
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts

Nose Breaker
Playing Time Equipment
 None

Game Description

A favorite game with our Cubs at the moment is called Nose Breaker.
From 10 to 20
Minutes You need two teams, which sit on opposite sides of the hall. The players are
Number of
Players When their number is called the two players come out, on hands and toes, bodies
parallel to the floor.

The object is to sweep the hand of your opponent away so he/she collapses on
From 10 to 26 the floor.
Played As
Despite its name we have not had an accident yet but care is needed




Game submitted by 1st Morden Cub Scouts - Wandle District , Greater London South West
Cub Venture
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts

Noughts and Crosses Plus!

Playing Time Equipment
 9 Chairs

Game Description

As Noughts and Crosses, but in a tie break situation i.e. when both sides can win
From 05 to 20 by occupying the same chair, a question is asked on a free for all bases, and the
Minutes first correct answer gets to sit in the chair thus winning the game for their team.

Number of

From 10 to 40

Played As




Game submitted by Mick Bashford, Assistant Cub Scout Leader, 5th Tonbridge, Tonbridge District, Kent
Game is suitable for:- Scouts

Operation Codebuster
Playing Time Equipment
 Code Sequences located around the playing area
 CDs

Game Description
This is a Wide Game using CBs.

From 45 to 60 Each Patrol is given a sheet with the Rules of the Game as detailed below and a CB. Their challenge
Minutes is to find a number of Sequence Codes in the correct order and communicate them back to the base.
When all the codes have been received the Patrol returns to base and decipher the code.
Number of
Players The Code Sequences can be created to suit. An 8 character code will allow an 8 by 8 grid to be
created, the codes the Patrols find are drawn down the grid and when all the codes are put together
their will read left to right. The result should be a question for the Scouts to answer.

From 10 to 30 RULES OF THE GAME:

Hidden in 8 locations are 8 sets of code sequences. Intelligence sources have located 4 of these
Played As codes, the rest have not yet been located. You must locate these codes one by one, and in the correct
sequence. Intelligence agents have been unable to find out the correct sequence so this is also your
For example, if you are searching for the first code, and you find a code sequence located near the
camp fire circle, you must relay the code sequence back to BASE HQ over the radio using the
A TEAM PHONETIC ALPHABET. You will then be informed by BASE HQ if the sequence you have given
is the correct code for code1 or not. If it is not the correct code you must continue searching. Do not
Suitable forget where you have found previous code sequences!
If your code sequence is correct for the code you are looking for, BASE HQ will agree and write
down EXACTLY what sequence you relayed over the radio. The method of encryption used means
that one error will be accepted by BASE HQ per code sequence.
This is a timed exercise; the team must work together and must not split apart. Enemy field agents
may be operating in the area and will arrest anybody on their own and detain them until the exercise
is over.
Once all the code sequences have been found and relayed in the correct order, the team must return
to BASE HQ, and decipher the code.
WARNING! Enemy field agents may be operating in the area and could try to jam your
transmission. If this occurs, the whole team must return to BASE HQ to retune the radio. If radio
communications is lost, the whole team must return to BASE HQ.

Your call sign is FOX ONE. BASE ONE will not respond to any other call sign. If radio reception is
poor, it may be necessary to climb a tree to obtain better radio coverage. GOOD LUCK!

Game submitted by Nathan Hull, ASL, 1st Southgate, Crawley District, West Sussex

Game is suitable for:- Cub Scouts Venture

Scouts Scouts

Over the Rope

Playing Time Equipment
 Rope (or net for outdoors)
 One or more balls (soft if you value your windows)

Game Description

From 10 to 30 Split the players into two teams and send them to opposite ends of the hall.
Minutes Suspend a rope or net across the hall and throw one or more balls into the court.

Number of Players pick up the ball and throw it over the rope with the aim of hitting
Players someone from the opposing team. Not out if they catch the ball, if it bounces
first or if the ball is thrown under the rope.

With more than one ball tactics can be used - throw one ball across, wait for
From 8 to 30 someone to pick it up and hit them while they're not watching.
Played As
Harder balls make a more satisfying thud on the opposite wall but have a habit
of breaking windows (and boy do they hurt!).

A TEAM Up to you if they can touch the rope.

Suitable Worth attaching hooks to the side of the hall just to play this game.
Patrol Leaders and Sixers should be instructed to ensure everyone gets their
share of throws.

Game submitted by Michael Nolan, Assistant Cub Scout Leader, Venture Scout, 5th Ormskirk, West
Beaver Cub
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts

Owls and Crows

Playing Time Equipment
 None

Game Description

Team A stands in a line side-by-side in the centre of the play area. Team B
From 05 to 15 stands facing team A, about 1m / 3ft away.
Each team has a "safe base" 4 - 5m / 10 - 15ft behind them. Opposing walls in a
Number of large room work well, or make a boundary line if outside. One team is named
Players the "Owls", the other the "Crows". The leader makes a statement.

If the statement is true, the owls chase the crows. If the statement is false, the
crows chase the owls. Anyone caught before reaching their safe base must join
From 10 to 40 the other team.
Played As




Game submitted by Steve Kimball, Den Leader, Cub Scout Pack 415, California, USA
Beaver Cub Venture
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts Scouts

Pass The Message

Playing Time Equipment
 None

Game Description

Everyone sits in a circle except one person who sits in the centre with his/her
From 05 to 15 eyes closed.
Everyone links their little pinky fingers
Number of
Players After one person is chosen to start the game, the person in the middle can open
his/her eyes.

The person chosen begins by squeezing the little finger of the person next to
From 5 to 50 them without being seen by the person in the middle. The squeeze must be
passed on from person to person without the person in the middle spotting the
Played As

As the message gets around the circle, the person next to the starter says "
A TEAM message received" and game ends

Suitable Note: Hands must be in full view all of the time.


Send the message by touching:

1. Elbows

2. Shoulders.

3. Knees.

4. Heads.

Game submitted by Barry Clark ( Bazza ), Scout Leader, Ardtornish. South Australia
Beaver Cub
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts

Pointing Circle
Playing Time Equipment
 None

Game Description
From 05 to 20
The members stand in a circle with the leader in the centre. The leader points
Number of
directly at one person, who must then raise both arms above their head. The
Players people on either side raise whichever of their arms is nearest to the person
who has both arms raised.

The last person to raise the correct arm sits down and is "out".
From 10 to 36
When some one is "out" the person who is then standing up next to the person
Played As who has both arms raised must react by raising their nearest arm. The game
continues with the leader pointing at random around the circle at different



Game submitted by Carol Newsome, Deputy DC and Cub Scout Leader, 23rd Huddersfield Shepley,
Huddersfield SE District, West York
Cub Venture
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts

Playing Equipment
Time  Football (sponge with very young players)
 Whistle (not essential)
 20 plastic/wooden chairs common or garden - Scout HQ variety in safe condition. i.e. not the
vicars best polished ones!
 A Ball proof Scout H.Q.

Game Description
From 15 to + A quarter circles of chairs are placed in diametric opposite corners of the hall (about 10m apart).
30 Minutes These are the prisons.
+ The hall should be divided into two areas by a chalk line or other more permanent means.
Number of +The group is divided into two teams, each with a captain and each team stands in one of the areas.
Players + A leader moves to the centre of the room and throws the ball up into the air. The two captains must
try to deflect the ball back to their team.
+The object thereafter is to get all the opposing team in to the prison behind you.
+ Fouls/contraventions are identified by the leader in charge and whistle blown to stop the game.
+ A team member is sent to prison if for any reason the ball touches his/her legs below the knee or
From 18 to he/she contravenes a rule. The referee's decision is of course completely biased but final.
36 + The ball can be thrown from the teams' home area or by an imprisoned player (standing on chairs
etc), in the prison behind the opposing team.
must therefore be thrown to other team members nearer the centre line so that the shot can be more
+ A player is only allowed to defend him/herself by using straightened arms with balled fists to
deflect the ball being thrown at them (French Cricket style).
A TEAM + Be mindful of the more sensitive youngsters and be vigorous in the control of the game until the
rules are well known.
Suitable + Over aggressive play should be controlled by use of the 'SIN BIN' or just send them to 'prison'.
Location + To keep playing time to a minimum then the game is won by all the opposing team being in your
+However with older players a certain strategic emphasis can be introduced by allowing a further
INDOORS + Players can therefore, in this longer version get out of prison by making a 'clean catch' of the ball.
+ They may at this point choose to throw the ball at the enemy or pass it back to their own side.
+ Once they have made the catch, however there is no free passage home and they must ensure that
their legs are not hit by the ball, on the way back to their home area.

Thanks to Robert Eyre, Peter Birch et al, 30th Rotherham Scout Group, who taught me this game as a
Scout circa 1971.

Game submitted by Trevor Lund, Cub Scout Leader, 1st Huntington Scout Group, Huntington York, Minster
District, North Yorkshire
Game is suitable for:- Scouts

Playing Equipment
Time  A long rope or four shorter pieces
 A large area clears of breakable items, but with some obstacles if available.
 Whistle
 Referee/timer.

Game Description
From 10 to
20 Minutes The room/enclosed area is divided into four equal quadrants by the rope. The
players are divided into equal teams & each team takes a quadrant.
Number of
Players The ball is thrown in and passed around. The Whistle is blown every 30 seconds
and whoever has the ball in their quadrant loses a point. Loser is first to lose all
allocated points.
From 8 to
Aim of the game is to get the ball out of your area and into some else's as fast as
Played As
AKA: Four Court Dodge ball, Thirds, Fifths




Game submitted by Debbie Spinks, Assistant Scout Leader, 1st Sunningdale Scouts, South East Berkshire
Game is suitable for:- Scouts

Playing Time Equipment
 None (well maybe a piece of chalk to draw a line down the centre of the

Game Description

From 05 to 20 Split the Scouts into 2 equal teams. Split your hall in half by a chalk line down
Minutes the middle or split your playing area into two. Each team has a half to defend.

Number of Choose a team to raid first. One player from that team crosses the line and,
Players whilst holding his/her breath, attempts to tag as many of the opposing team as
possible and then return to their own half. If he/she makes it back then all the
scouts which have been tagged are out and must sit out the rest of the game.
From 6 to 30 If, however the defending team manage to stop the "raiding" scout from crossing
back into his own half then the raiding scout is out and all those who have been
Played As
tagged stay in. Teams take it in turns to raid. The winning team is the first to
knock out all the opposing teams players

A TEAM We usually play best of three rounds and find the smaller faster Scouts tend to
stay in longer.


Game submitted by Gareth Jones, Assistant Scout Leader, 62nd (Birchgrove) Cardiff, Wenallt District
Beaver Cub
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts

Playing Equipment
Time  2 Shinty sticks - rolled up newspapers or stuffed football socks.
 1 beanbag.
 2 chairs.

Game Description

From 10 to Divide the players into two teams facing each other along the sidelines of the area.
30 Minutes Put the beanbag and shinty sticks on the centre spot.

Number of Number the teams from opposite ends, so that the highest number in one team is
Players facing the lowest in the other. Allocate a goal (chair) to each team, usually the one
nearest the highest number.

When you call a number the Beaver/Cub picks up the stick and tries to score a goal
From 4 to
by getting the beanbag through the chair legs. The team who scores the most goals
Played As




Game submitted by Cheryl Phillips, Beaver Leader, 2nd Newmarket Scout Group, Newmarket,
Cub Venture
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts

Skipper Lee's Bean Bag

Playing Equipment
Time  1 Chair per Patrol,
 About 10 bean bags

Game Description

Place the chairs equally spaced around the perimeter of the hall with enough space
From 10 to for a patrol/team to stand behind.
20 Minutes
Put the beanbags in the middle of the hall.
Number of
Players Each Patrol lines up behind their chair and number themselves 1 through n.

When a number is called the Patrol member runs forward, picks up a beanbag and
From 10 to tries to throw a beanbag through the oppositions' chair legs from the centre of the
50 room; it must go straight through the middle. When a beanbag goes through a
chair, that Patrol is out of that round. The game continues until only one
Played As patrol/team are left in.




Game submitted by Steve Johnson, Assistant Scout Leader, 2nd Bishop Auckland, Bishop Auckland District
Game is suitable for:- Scouts

Skittle Football
Playing Time Equipment
 A football
 2 Skittles or Water Containers
 2 Mats (or chalked boxes

Game Description
From 05 to 20
Minutes This is a variation on football.

Number of A mat is placed at each end of the hall with a skittle stood in the centre, these
Players are the goals. No player can stand on the mats and a goal is scored by knocking
over the skittle with the football.

From 10 to 20

Played As




Game submitted by Steve Johnson, Assistant Scout Leader, 2nd Bishop Auckland, Bishop Auckland District
Beaver Cub
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts

Skittle Knockout
Playing Time Equipment
 A skittle
 2 Chairs
 2 Tennis Balls
From 05 to 20
Game Description
Number of
Players Two teams sit either side of the hall and everyone is given a number.

A skittle is placed in the middle of the floor with a chair at each end of the
hall and a tennis ball on each one. When a number is called the two players
From 10 to 36 with that number run to their designated chair, sit down and throw the tennis
ball at the skittle, each gets two chances and the one who knocks the skittle
Played As down first gets a point.




Game submitted by Ben Davidson, Cub Scout Leader, Henlow/Clifton Tiger Cub Pack, Biggleswade District,
Bedfordshire, England
Game is suitable for:- Scouts

Slam Dunk
Playing Time Equipment
 2 Large Cones (buckets will do)
 15 soft balls

Game Description

From 10 to 15 When the game starts the leader of the game throws half of the balls in to the
Minutes pitch then blows the whistle. All the players run to pick up the balls (one per
person) and then run to the opponents’ cone and drop them into it. At the end of
Number of the game, the leader lifts the cone and counts all the balls. The one with the
Players most in the cone looses.

From 10 to 20

Played As




Game submitted by Stephen Clarke, Scout, 2nd Bishop Auckland Scout Group, Bishop Auckland District,
Co. Durham
Beaver Cub
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts

Sleeping Pirate
Playing Time Equipment
 A Blindfold (Scarf)
 A Bell

From 10 to 20
Game Description

Number of
The object of the game is to ring the ship's bell without being caught by the
Players "sleeping pirate".

One player is volunteered to be blindfolded, and is sat cross-legged in the

centre of the room or playing area. A bell (or other suitable alarm-raising
From 6 to 30 object such as a whistle, rattle etc) is placed on the floor in front of the
blindfolded player, and the other players form a seated circle around him or
Played As her.

The Leader stands outside of the circle and points to a player, who must then
creep forward and ring the bell without being detected by the blindfolded
pirate. The pirate listens for attackers and points at them to eliminate them
Suitable from the game. The Leader states whether the point is a hit or miss. "Ghost"
Location noises from players not actually attacking should be discouraged.

If an attacking player is caught, they return to the circle and a new player is
chosen. If an attacking player successfully rings the bell, they become the
INDOORS or pirate, and their predecessor joins the circle.
WHEN DRY An alternative version is for the Pirate to be sat on a chair at one end of the
hall with a set of keys beneath the chair. The players have to get the keys and
return them to the start. This can be played with multiple pirates.

Game submitted by David Archer, Scout Leader, 6th Harrow Scout Group, Harrow and Wealdstone District,
Greater London Middlesex
Game is suitable for:- Scouts

Playing Time Equipment
 50 - 100m stretch of dense woodland
 A can or anything to smuggle - a length of rope / chair / fire extinguisher

Game Description
From 10 to 30
Minutes In two teams, one team are smugglers, the other are customs, inland revenue or
Number of
Players Best played in thick woods, the smugglers must try to sneak a single item such
as can of plutonium or a bag of diamonds, etc through a particular area of woods
where the other team lie in wait, to a finishing line. Tactics include sending off
decoys, guarding the courier, having 'scouts' going up ahead of the cargo,
From 10 to 20 caches, etc.
Played As
The game finishes when the cargo is captured or successfully smuggled, then
swap team roles and start again.

A TEAM Points to note:

Suitable -Clearly define the bounds for the game

-It's better to have a finishing line - e.g. edge of the wood, than a finishing point
as the customs team will just 'goal hang' at the end otherwise.
-No torches
-Don't run in dense woodland at night because of the dangers - holes, branches
and 'bogeymen' - leaders

Game submitted by Mark Randall, Assistant Scout Leader, 1st Stockton Scouts, Leamington, Warwickshire
Beaver Cub Venture
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts Scouts

Playing Time Equipment
 40 paper balls (approx)
 chalk
 whistle

Game Description
From 20 to 30
Minutes Divide the scout hut into quarters with the chalk, and split the group into four
even teams.
Number of
Players Hand out the pre-prepared snowballs evenly around the teams.

On the leaders whistle the teams scatter the snowballs they have and then try to
keep their own area clear of 'snow' by throwing any snowballs into another
From 10 to 36 team’s area.
Played As
The winning team is the one with the least amount of snow in their area when
the leader blows the whistle.

A TEAM (The snowballs do take a long time to make, by screwing sheets of newspaper
into a ball and wrapping them with adhesive tape, but they do last an awfully
Suitable long time, so are worth the effort!)
Due to the throwing nature of this game the snowballs should only be replaced
with similar soft objects, e.g. Sponge Balls.

Game submitted by Paul Jennings, Assistant Cub Scout leader, Addingham Cub Scouts, Wharfedale district,
Cub Venture
Game is suitable for:- Scouts
Scouts Scouts

Playing Time Equipment
 None

Game Description

Divide the Scouts into equally numbered teams (or patrols) with one extra player
From 05 to 15 to start as 'the runner'.
The team leaders (or the patrol leaders) stand in the middle of the hall, all facing
Number of in towards the centre and bending over. Their teams line up behind their leader
Players and they all sit down, except for the spare player (the runner).

The teams should now radiate out from the centre like the spokes of a wheel
From 17 to 50 The spare scout now runs around the outside of the scouts who are now sat in a
star or spoke formation. The spare scout triggers a patrol to run round by
Played As
cocking his leg over one of the team leaders, and this sets the patrol running
around the outside. The last one back becomes the spare scout.

A TEAM The game continues for as long as you wish.



Game submitted by Steve Johnson, Assistant Scout Leader, 2nd Bishop Auckland, Bishop Auckland District

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