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The Science of Stress: The Good and the Bad

What is Stress?

According to Good Thinking (2020), the physical response of the body to a real or imagined threat,
demand, or danger is known as stress. When threatened, your body produces stress chemicals that
prepare you to react. The "fight or flight" response is what it's termed.

What are the types of Stress (Good Thinking, 2020)

Acute Stress

It is the body's reaction to a recent or upcoming difficulty or an unexpected incident. In small doses,
acute stress can be beneficial.

Episodic Acute Stress

When a person suffers acute stress on a regular basis, this is known as episodic acute stress. You may
feel under constant strain or as if things are constantly going wrong which can be physically and
mentally tiring.

Chronic Stress

Chronic stress is a type of stress that develops over time as a result of prolonged psychological strain.
When you have chronic stress, your body goes through the fight-or-flight reaction far too often for you
to recover between episodes that are harmful to your health.

How does the body function when we are under stress? (Paget, 2018)

Appearance of Threat

A stressful event might occur, causing the stimuli to be perceived by the brain.

Brain Processes Signals

The hypothalamus area of the brain then communicates with the autonomic nervous system to release
stress response chemicals.

Adrenaline & Cortisol Released

Adrenaline and cortisol are released by the adrenal glands, which provide chemical messages to the
body informing it how to respond.

Physiological Manifestation
Respiration, heart rate, and short-term energy will increase and the non-vital organs will be turned
down. The central vision of the human eye will also be enhanced. These factors contribute to the
sensation a human feels when they are stressed alongside shaking and sweating.

Mas maganda if naka cycle form siya and may mga graphics/images, nasa sa inyo na po kung lalagyan ng
description or hindi. Pakidiskartehan nalang po sa pagkasya.

Does stress have benefits? (Entertainment Times, 2017)

Despite the notion that stress is often unhealthy and disastrous, small amounts of stress also have
benefits that can enhance a person’s body and mind.

It boosts brainpower.

Low levels of stress aid in the creation of neurotrophins, which aid in the enhancement of productivity
and concentration.

It can increase short-term immunity.

When your body responds to stress, it is preparing itself for what may come next. Our bodies do this by
manufacturing more interleukins, a substance that aids in immune system regulation.

It can make you stronger.

When your body is repeatedly exposed to stressful experiences, it develops a physical and psychological
sense of control.

Makes you creative.

Stress makes you change, fight, evolve, and adapt, which is why stress often accompanies a
breakthrough in creativity.

It motivates you to succeed.

Stress pushes you to manage the issue more effectively and productively, which is why pressure-driven
success can be attained in the workplace, sports, or artistic endeavors.

It can enhance child development.

Children of mothers who had mild to moderate stress during pregnancy had a better motor and
developmental skills by the age of two than children of moms who were not stressed.

Same rin dito, maganda na may images tas kung tingnan nalang din kung kakasya yung description.

What are the bad effects of stress? (Pietrangelo, 2018)

Mental Health Issue




Tense Muscles

High blood pressure


Weakened Immune System

Missed periods

Pounding heart
Risk of heart attack

Hindi na ako nagsali ng description dito kasi sobrang dami, kaya graphics and images will do na siguro sa
part nayan.

What are some tips in managing stress? (Scott, 2019)

Cultivate supportive relationships

A strong support system is an important coping tool when dealing with stressful events.

Maintain a healthy diet

Properly fueling your body can help with overall stress levels as your entire system will function better.

Let music aid you

Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that increases sensations of enjoyment and excitement, is released when
you listen to music.

Write in a journal

There are several journaling strategies to try, all of which have advantages in keeping yourself in check.

Indulge in hobbies

Don't put off engaging in your hobbies until your life settles down.

Take some time off

A short break from the stresses of everyday life can make you feel revitalized and strongly equipped to
deal with stress.
Talk to a mental health professional

A mental health professional can assist you in determining the source of your emotional stress as well as
which strategies and techniques may be most effective in dealing with it.

Kahit wala ng images dito importante kasi yung description, pero pag kasya go lang.

Who can we call if we experience overwhelming amounts of stress? (Department of Health, 2021)



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Paki include po ng logo ng fb and twitter gaya neto

Final Message

Many more people are likely to be stressed during this difficult time when most of us are experiencing a
period of uncertainty. Stress used to be beneficial to humans because it provided the adrenaline spike
needed to power the fight or flight response, which kept us safe when we were in danger. It might be
advantageous in today's world, for example, if we suffer an accident or find ourselves in an emergency
scenario, stress can help us react more quickly and take action. However, many people are unable to
identify the type of stress they are experiencing, which worsens the situation. Others may be aware, but
they refuse to recognize the necessity to act. Right now, feeling under stress is almost seen as the norm,
accepted as an inevitable part of a busy life. Stress, after all, is just as valid a problem as any other type
of mental health issue. It's critical to recognize when we're suffering stress – or when it's harming
someone else – since it's the first step toward feeling better. It's critical to take a break, reach out to our
support systems, and seek professional help when necessary. Remember that we are always deserving
and loved, regardless of our circumstances.

Singit niyo nalang po ito sa dulo ng infographic, pang conclusion lang naten

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